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08-14-2012 (City Council) Agenda Packet
047," i-AIt Wylie City Council rei.5,,,.4,;-.4,\.-4 ,t f.C9L RA.p1^ NOTICE OF MEETING Regular Meeting Agenda August 14, 2012 — 6:00 p.m. Wylie Municipal Complex — Council Chambers 300 Country Club Road, Building #100 Eric Hogue Mayor Kathy Spillyards Mayor Pro Tern David Goss Place 1 Nathan Scott Place 2 Bennie Jones Place 4 Rick White Place 5 Diane Culver Place 6 Mindy Manson City Manager Richard Abernathy City Attorney Carole Ehrlich City Secretary In accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code, this agenda has been posted at the Wylie Municipal Complex, distributed to the appropriate news media, and posted on the City website: www.wylietexas.gov within the required time frame. As a courtesy, the entire Agenda Packet has also been posted on the City of Wylie website: www.wylietexas.gov. The Mayor and City Council request that all cell phones and pagers be turned off or set to vibrate. Members of the audience are requested to step outside the Council Chambers to respond to a page or to conduct a phone conversation. The Wylie Municipal Complex is wheelchair accessible. Sign interpretation or other special assistance for disabled attendees must be requested 48 hours in advance by contacting the City Secretary's Office at 972.516.6020. Hearing impaired devices are available from the City Secretary prior to each meeting. CALL TO ORDER Announce the presence of a Quorum. INVOCATION & PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE • David Keuss,Woodbridge Bible Church PRESENTATIONS • Proclamation for Clay Little Day CITIZENS COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS Residents may address Council regarding an item that is not listed on the Agenda. Residents must provide their name and address. Council requests that comments be limited to three (3) minutes. In addition, Council is not allowed to converse, deliberate or take action on any matter presented during citizen participation. August 14,2012 Wylie City Council Regular Meeting Agenda Page 2 of 4 CONSENT AGENDA All matters listed under the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine by the City Council and will be enacted by one motion. There will not be separate discussion of these items. If discussion is desired, that item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and will be considered separately. A. Consider, and act upon, approval of the Minutes of the July 24, 2012 Regular Meeting and July 31, 2012 Special Called Work Sessions of the Wylie City Council. (C. Ehrlich, City Secretary) B. Consider, and act upon, Ordinance No. 2012-22 authorizing the annexation of a 2.208 acre tract of land situated in the James Truitt Survey,Abstract No. 920, Collin County, Texas, generally located north of Brown Street and east of Ballard Avenue. (R. 011ie, Planning Director) C. Consider, and act upon, Ordinance No. 2012-23, an ordinance of the City of Wylie, Texas, adopting Article VIII (Planting, Maintaining Trees, Shrubs on Public Property) of Chapter 78 (Parks and Recreation) of the City of Wylie Code of Ordinances; To provide for the care of public trees and shrubs within the City of Wylie; providing for a penalty for the violation of this ordinance; providing for savings and severability clauses; providing for an effective date of this ordinance; and providing for the publication of the caption hereof. (S. Rodgers, Parks Manager) D. Consider, and act upon, approving Resolution No. 2012-24(R) and authorizing the City Manager to execute a Municipal Maintenance Agreement with TxDOT to update the previous Agreement that was executed in 1995. (M. Sferra, Public Services Director) E. Consider, and act upon, Resolution No. 2012-29(R) authorizing the City Manager to execute a Landscape Maintenance Agreement with TxDOT for the installation of landscaping on State Highway 78. (M. Sferra, Public Services Director) F. Consider, and act upon, approval of Resolution No. 2012-25(R) authorizing the City Manager to execute a TxDOT Gateway Monument Agreement for the reinstallation of the Welcome to Wylie monument sign on State Highway 78. (M. Sferra, Public Services Director) G. Consider, and act upon, Resolution No. 2012-26(R) and authorizing the City Manager to execute an interlocal purchasing agreement with the City of Grand Prairie for the purchase of goods and services. (G. Hayes, Purchasing Agent) H. Consider, and act upon, the approval of the purchase of Pavement Resurfacing Services from Reynolds Asphalt and Construction Company in the estimated annual amount of$300,000, through an existing City of Grand Prairie contract, and authorizing the City Manager to execute all necessary documents. (City of Grand Prairie Bid No. 11099). (M. Sferra, Public Services Director) August 14,2012 Wylie City Council Regular Meeting Agenda Page 3 of 4 Consider, and act upon, Ordinance No. 2012-24 amending Section 3 of Ordinance 2007-36 and Article IV, Section 110-133 of the Code of Ordinances, establishing a school zone for certain streets; establishing prima facie maximum speed limits during school hours in such zone; providing for installation of signs and markings; regulating vehicular and pedestrian traffic; providing for a penalty for the violation of this ordinance, providing for repealing, savings and severability clauses; and providing for an effective date of this ordinance. (C. Holsted, City Engineer) J. Consider, and act upon, approval of Ordinance No. 2012-25 establishing speed zones for Country Club between FM 544 and Parker Road. (C. Holsted, City Engineer) REGULAR AGENDA 1. Consider, and act upon, Resolution No. 2012-27(R) of the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas, accepting the proposed property tax rate for fiscal year 2012-2013, accepting the calculation of the effective tax rate, and providing for the publication as provided by the Texas Property Tax Code. (L. Bantz, Finance Director) Executive Summary The proposed budget is based on a tax rate of$0.8889 per$100 valuation. This year's effective tax rate is $0.895086 and the rollback tax rate is$0.943626. Any change in the proposed tax rate will require revision of the proposed budget. Since the proposed tax rate is less than both the effective and rollback tax rate, no public hearings on the tax rate are required. 2. Consider, and act upon, Resolution No. 2012-28(R) to work with ETMC and the Southeast Collin County Emergency Medical Services Coalition to apply for grant funding through the Texas Healthcare Transformation and Quality Improvement Program in accordance with section 1115 of the Social Security Act, known as the 1115 Waiver. (R. Corbin, Fire Chief) Executive Summary The SECCEMS Coalition and ETMC are investigating the possibility of apply for funding through the 1115 Waiver Program offered through the Texas Health and Human Services Department matching public funds to an EMS delivery system. In order to apply for funding, the government requires a resolution be considered through a public meeting. READING OF ORDINANCES EXECUTIVE SESSION Recess into Closed Session in compliance with Section 551.001, et.seq. Texas Government Code, to wit: a. 551.071: Private consultation with the City Attorney when the City seeks the advice of its attorney about: (1)pending or contemplated litigation; (2) a settlement offer; or (2) on a matter in which the duty of the attorney to the governmental body under the Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct of the State Bar of Texas clearly conflicts with this chapter; and August 14,2012 Wylie City Council Regular Meeting Agenda Page 4 of 4 551.074: Deliberation regarding the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of a public officer or employee; or to hear a complaint or charge against an officer or employee. • Proposed Settlement and Release Agreement with Cody Clark RECONVENE INTO OPEN SESSION Take any action as a result from Work Session or Executive Session. WORK SESSION • Presentation of our new Customer Relationship Management Tool (C. Kelly, Public Information Officer) • Discussion regarding the Wylie Wave Program (Council) ADJOURNMENT If during the course of the meeting covered by this notice,the City Council should determine that a closed or executive meeting or session of the City Council or a consultation with the attorney for the City should be held or is required,then such closed or executive meeting or session or consultation with attorney as authorized by the Texas Open Meetings Act,Texas Government Code §551.001 et. seq.,will be held by the City Council at the date,hour and place given in this notice as the City Council may conveniently meet in such closed or executive meeting or session or consult with the attorney for the City concerning any and all subjects and for any and all purposes permitted by the Act,including,but not limited to,the following sanctions and purposes: Texas Government Code Section: §551.071—Private consultation with the attorney for the City. §551.072—Discussing purchase,exchange,lease or value of real property. §551.074—Discussing personnel or to hear complaints against personnel. CERTIFICATION I certify that this Notice of Meeting was posted on this 10th day of August 2012 at 5:00 p.m. as required by law in accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code and that the appropriate news media was contacted. As a courtesy, this agenda is also posted on the City of Wylie website: www.wylietexas.gov. Carole Ehrlich,City Secretary Date Notice Removed ik ‘ CITY OF 0 t(t„ .-- ...4.&-- WYLI „...,,,,,,, E 'Of G - , � . � (am'�C►� FcOF THEMgyRoT���• . I rottamatton Whereas,Eagle Scout Clay Little patriotically organized a dignified Flag Retirement Ceremony on the 4th Day of August 2012,retiring 719 United States flags;and Whereas,Old Glory stands as a symbol of our great country's freedom and unity;and Whereas, The United States Flag Code states that a flag in such condition that it is no longer a fitting emblem of display, should be destroyed in a dignified way, preferably by burning; and Whereas, the Boy Scouts of America publication Our Flag instructs that when the national flag is worn beyond repair to burn it thoroughly and completely on a modest but blazing fire, done in a simple manner with dignity and respect, reducing the flag to ashes, unrecognizable as a former flag; and Whereas, Clay Little is a current and future leader and role model for the community of Wylie and abroad; and Whereas, Clay Little is to be honored for his Eagle Scout Project to retire 719 flags and recognized for his act of duty and honor. Now therefore, I, Eric Hogue,Mayor of the City of Wylie, Texas, on behalf of the Wylie City Council and the citizens of Wylie, am honored to hereby proclaim the 14th Day of August 2012, as, "Clay Little Day" in Wylie, Texas. Eric Hogue, Ma off, City of Wylie State of Texas CURRENT WEST NILE VIRUS RESPONSE ACTIONS • We began fogging on Tuesday, August 7,when we were notified of a possible positive human case of WNV in Wylie. • We have suspended trapping because we are operating under the assumption that WNV mosquitoes are here due to the positive human cases. • Our current information is that there are two positive WNV cases in Wylie, and one just north of the city limits. • We are fogging neighborhoods on weeknights (10 pm—5 am) according to their corresponding trash collection day. • Public education efforts: o We have communicated with citizens through the construction light board signs (the first night), 25 neighborhood signs (moved everyday), NIXLE,the Monument Digital Sign, www.wylietexas.gov,the Wylie News, Streaming Video, Channel 41, and Wylie Living. Newsletter and Facebook. o We have the mosquito fogging schedule information on the City homepage. o On the homepage, we have information from the CDC about steps residents can take to protect themselves. o We fog only within the city limits of Wylie. o We are responding to numerous calls from residents daily. o We do not fog in front of residents' houses when requested. o Similar to our message, over the past few weeks, numerous news outlets (TV stations, radio, newspapers) have discussed what precautions residents can take, i.e., • Wear dark clothing • Use repellent with deet • Wear long sleeves and pants • Don't go outside when mosquitoes are active (dusk through dawn) • Get rid of any standing water around your house o We apply larvacide in areas that have standing, stagnant water. If biological controls are present, i.e.,fish,frogs tadpoles,we do not apply larvacide. o We coordinate with Code Enforcement when they receive calls abandoned pools, standing water, etc. 8/14/2012 3:38 PM , .- .' 7 Wylie City Council CITY OF WY LIE Minutes Wylie City Council Meeting Tuesday July 24, 2012 — 6:00 p.m. Wylie Municipal Complex — Council Chambers 300 Country Club Road, Bldg. 100 Wylie, TX 75098 CALL TO ORDER Announce the presence of a Quorum. Mayor Eric Hogue called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. City Secretary Ehrlich took roll call with the following City Council members present: Mayor Pro Tem Kathy Spillyards, Councilwoman Diane Culver, Councilman Nathan Scott, Councilman Rick White, Councilman David Goss, and Councilman Bennie Jones. Staff present were: City Manager, Mindy Manson; Assistant City Manager, Jeff Butters; Fire Chief, Randy Corbin; City Engineer, Chris Hoisted; Police Chief, John Duscio; Planning Director, Renae 011ie; Library Director, Rachel Orozco; Public Services Director, Mike Sferra; Finance Director, Linda Bantz; WEDC Executive Director, Sam Satterwhite; Public Information Officer, Craig Kelly; City Secretary, Carole Ehrlich, and various support staff. INVOCATION & PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Jeff Johnson representing the Gateway Church gave the invocation and Lieutenant Anthony Hendersen led the Pledge of Allegiance. CITIZENS COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS Residents may address Council regarding an item that is not listed on the Agenda. Residents must provide their name and address. Council requests that comments be limited to three (3) minutes. In addition, Council is not allowed to converse, deliberate or take action on any matter presented during citizen participation. Glenis Dixon, residing at 544 North Ballard, Wylie, addressed council concerned her property would be annexed with the 2.208 acre tract of land north of Brown Street and east of Ballard Avenue. Mayor Hogue told Mrs. Dixon there would be a public hearing during Item #1 on the agenda and she could address council on this agenda item at that time with her concerns. Councilman Scott announced that on August 18, 2012 there will be an event showcased by Jason Castro from American Idol to raise money for the WASA Group for the renovation of the old Smith Public Library to a Senior Center. He invited those present to attend the event in support of WASA. The event will be held at the First Baptist Events Center and begin at 7:00 p.m. CONSENT AGENDA All matters listed under the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine by the City Council and will be enacted by one motion. There will not be separate discussion of these items. If discussion is desired, that item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and will be considered separately. A. Consider, and act upon, approval of the Minutes of the July 10, 2012 Regular Meeting and July 7, 2012 and July 13, 2012 Special Called Work Sessions for the Wylie City Council. (C. Ehrlich, City Secretary) B. Consider, and place on file, the City of Wylie Monthly Revenue and Expense Report for the City of Wylie as of June 30, 2012. (L. Bantz, Finance Director) C. Consider, and place on file, the City of Wylie Monthly Investment Report for the City of Wylie as of June 30 2012. (L. Bantz, Finance Director) D. Consider, and place on file, the Monthly Revenue and Expense Report for the Wylie Economic Development Corporation as of June 30, 2012. (S. Satterwhite, Executive Director WEDC) E. Consider, and act upon, the approval of the final Wylie Trails Master Plan. (M. Sierra, Public Services Director and R. Diaz, Parks Superintendent) F. Consider, and act upon, the award of bid #W2012-43-B for East Brown Street Pump Station and 1.5MG Ground Storage Reservoir Project to AUI Contractors Inc. in the amount of $3,831,968.00, as the lowest responsive, responsible bid; and authorizing the City Manager to execute any and all necessary documents. (C.Holsted, City Engineer) Council Action A motion was made by Councilman White, seconded by Councilman Jones to approve the consent agenda as presented. A vote was taken and the motion passed 7-0. REGULAR AGENDA Public Hearing 1. Conduct the Second Public Hearing for the annexation of a 2.208 acre tract of land situated in the James Truitt Survey, Abstract No. 920, Collin County, Texas, generally located north of Brown Street and east of Ballard Avenue. (R. 011ie, Planning Director) Staff Comments Planning Director 011ie addressed council stating that this annexation is at the request of the property owner, MOST REVEREND KEVIN J. FARRELL, D.D.,(St. Anthony Catholic Church). The subject tract is contiguous to current property the church owns and north of the existing facility. The applicant desires to bring the subject tract into the city and replat to join with existing property to the south for future development and expansion. 011ie explained to council the property being requested for annexation did not include the property owned by Glenis Dixon but only the property owned by St. Anthony's Catholic Church. 011ie showed a map of the location noting the property owned by Dixon was not included. Minutes July 24, 2012 Wylie City Council 21P cgo Public Hearing Mayor Hogue opened the second public hearing on the above annexation at 6:10 p.m. asking anyone present wishing to address council during the public hearing to come forward and limit their comments to three minutes. No one came forward during the public hearing. Mayor Hogue closed the second public hearing at 6:10 p.m. Action on this item will be taken at the August 14, 2012 regular city council meeting. Tabled Item: Motion to remove from table and: Council Action A motion was made by Councilman Goss, seconded by Councilman Jones to remove consideration of the final artist and art design for the Downtown Mural Art Project from the table. A vote was taken and the motion passed 7-0. 2. Consider, and act upon, the final artist and art design for the Downtown Mural Art Project, and authorize the City Manager to execute a contract to commission the art in the amount of$15,000. (C. Ehrlich, City Secretary) Staff Comments City Secretary and Public Arts Advisory Board Liaison Ehrlich addressed council stating that at the June 26, 2012 City Council meeting the Wylie Public Arts Advisory Board recommended Roger and Karen Nitz to commission a mural for the wall located at Olde City Park. Several members of the board and selection panel were present at the meeting and requested time to work with the artist to make some changes to the proposed design. Ehrlich explained that council tabled the item for further review by the Public Arts Advisory Board and the Downtown Mural Selection Panel. Ehrlich reported the artist met with the board and panel twice to finalize the final design which is being presented tonight for the council's final approval. Artist-Council Discussion Artist Roger Nitz explained the process he used to draw the design in pencil and divide the mural in sections to allow for coloring pages to place in a coloring book for children. He then painted the maqueette with the proposed changes. He noted that several things were hidden within the mural significant to Wylie such as onions, cotton, and the nimber 125 designating the 125th anniversary of the city. He explained these items would be fun to use for contests to see if the viewers could locate the hidden items. Mayor Hogue asked artist Roger Nitz if the copyright by the artist would effect reproduction in magazines and other publications for non-commercial purposes. Hogue stated that he wanted to insure that the Chamber of Commerce for instance can use the photo of the mural to promote the city. Roger Nitz replied that when he is hired to produce a mural, once the mural is complete it is owned by the city and would not have issue with businesses such as the Chamer of Commerce and other magazines publishing pictures of the mural; in fact it would be great advertising for the artist. Minutes July 24, 2012 Wylie City Council 3IPage City Secretary Ehrlich noted the contract did allow for non-commercial reproduction of the mural in magazines, newpapers, books, websites, catalogues, calendars and posters. Ehrlich explained the copyright held by the artist was to protect the artist from other aritsts reproducing his work. Ehrlich indicated she would check with the City Attorney to insure all these items were covered in the contract. Council Action A motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem Spillyards, seconded by Councilman Scott to approve Roger and Karen Nitz as the artists and the final design for the Downtown Mural Art Project and to authorize the City Manager to execute a contract to commission the art in the amount of $15,000, after checking Article 4 of the contract with the City Attorney's office. A vote was taken and the motion passed 7-0. 3. Consider, and act upon, Ordinance No. 2012-19 amending Exhibit "A" of Ordinance No. 2010-20 (Consolidated Fee Ordinance) and Section II (Garbage, Trash, and Brush Fees) of appendix C (Wylie Comprehensive Fee Schedule) of the Wylie Code of Ordinances: Providing for a penalty of the violations of this ordinance: Providing for a repealing, and savings and severability clauses; Providing for an effective date of this ordinance: and Providing for the publication of the caption hereof. (J. Butters, Assistant City Manager) Staff Comments Assistant City Manager Butters addressed council stating that in August of 2011 council amended the solid waste contract to provide two events per year in which CWD will collect household hazardous waste (and other items which are difficult to dispose of). The "Extreme Green" events added an additional .15 cents of cost per household per month. The Extreme Green cost will escalate to .30 cents per month in 2013 and .40 cents per month in 2014. In March of 2012 CWD requested, and was granted, a rate increase of .44 cents per household per month. This ordinance amendment increases the solid waste residential rates by .59 cents per household per month. Council Action A motion was made by Councilman White, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Spillyards to adopt Ordinance No. 2012-19 amending Exhibit "A" of Ordinance No. 2010-20 (Consolidated Fee Ordinance) and Section II (Garbage Trash and Brush Fees) of appendix C (Wylie Comprehensive Fee Schedule) of the Wylie Code of Ordinances; Providing for a penalty of the violations of this ordinance; Providing for a repealing, savings and severability clauses; Providing for an effective date of this ordinance, and Providing for the publication of the caption hereof. A vote was taken and the motion passed 6-1 with Mayor Hogue, Mayor Pro Tem Spillyards, Councilwoman Culver, Councilman White, Councilman Jones and Councilman Scott voting for and Councilman Goss voting against. 4. Consider, and act upon, all matters incident and related to the issuance and sale of "City of Wylie, Texas, General Obligation Refunding Bonds, Series 2012", including the adoption Ordinance No. 2012-20 authorizing the issuance of such bonds and providing for the redemption of the obligations being refunded. Staff Comments Finance Director Bantz addressed council stating that the city has negotiated a sale for City of Wylie, Texas, General Obligation Refunding Bonds, Series 2012. The proceeds of this bond sale will be used to refund a portion of the city's outstanding debt and to pay the costs associated with the issuance of the Minutes July 24, 2012 Wylie City Council 4IPage bonds. She noted that David Medanich, the city's financial advisor with First Southwest, was present to answer any questions council may have. David Medanich, representing First Southwest, addressed council stating that First Southwest had completed the ratings for the General Obligation Refunding Bonds and the Public Property Finance Contractual Obligations (PPFCO's) for the Quints which indicated the same "Aa3" rating from Moody's and a "A+" rating from Standard & Poor's. These are very good ratings. Medanich explained the true interest rate for the PPFCO's is 2.62% for a 20 year obligation which is excellent. The refunding bonds obtained a 2.72% interest rate which resulted in a present value savings of$132,814 for the bonds that were refunded which First Southwest is very pleased with. Council Action A motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem Spillyards, seconded by Councilman Scott to adopt Ordinance No. 2012-20 authorizing the issuance of "City of Wylie, Texas, General Obligation Refunding Bonds, Series 2012" and approving and authorizing the execution of a Paying Agent/Registrar Agreement, a Special Escrow Agreement and a Bond Purchase Agreement and approving and authorizing the distribution of a Preliminary Official Statement and an Official Statement in relation to such Bonds. A vote was taken and the motion passed 7-0. 5. Consider all matters incident and related to the issuance of "City of Wylie, Texas, Public Property Finance Contractual Obligations, Series 2012", including the adoption Ordinance No. 2012-21 authorizing the issuance of such obligations. Staff Comments Finance Director Bantz addressed council stating that the city has negotiated a sale for City of Wylie, Texas, Public Property Finance Contractual Obligations, Series 2012. The proceeds from the sale of the Contractual Obligations will be used for the purpose of purchasing two quints (quintuple combination pumper) for the fire department and professional services rendered in connection therewith. Council Action A motion was made by Councilman White, seconded by Councilman Goss to adopt Ordinance No. 2012-21 authorizing the issuance of "City of Wylie, Texas, Public Property Finance Contractual Obligations, Series 2012" and approving and authorizing the execution of a Paying Agent/Registrar Agreement, and a Purchase Agreement and approving and authorizing the distribution of a Preliminary Official Statement and an Official Statement in relation to such Bonds. A vote was taken and the motion passed 7-0. Mayor Hogue announced the Executive Session would be held prior to the work sessions. He convened into Executive Session at 7:18 p.m. reading the caption below. EXECUTIVE SESSION Recess into Closed Session in compliance with Section 551.001, et.seq. Texas Government Code, to wit: Section 551.087 Deliberations Regarding Economic Development Negotiations; CLOSED MEETING. This chapter does not require a governmental body to conduct an open meeting:(1) to discuss or deliberate regarding commercial or financial information that the governmental body has received from a business prospect that the governmental body seeks to have locate, stay, or expand in or near the territory of the governmental body and with which the governmental body is conducting economic development negotiations; or (2) to deliberate the offer of a financial or other incentive to a business prospect described by Subdivision(1). Minutes July 24, 2012 Wylie City Council 5IPage • Project ATR • Project Detroit • Project UT S • Project WICH Mayor Hogue reconvened into Open Session at 7:43 p.m. RECONVENE INTO OPEN SESSION Take any action as a result from Work Session or Executive Session. There was no action taken as a result of Executive Session. WORK SESSION • Conduct a work session with Planning Department and Parks Division regarding the Tree Preservation and Landscape Ordinance. (M. Sierra, Public Services Director and Renae'011ie, Planning Director) Parks Manager Shohn Rodgers explaining after the February 13, 2012 council work session, Parks and Recreation Division staff made several changes to the proposed ordinance per the council's direction, including creating a mechanism for protecting significant trees. This proposed ordinance has been reviewed by the Planning and Zoning department, and does not conflict with any Planning and Zoning ordinances or policies. Rodgers explained the proposed ordinance deals more exclusively, and in greater detail, with trees on public land than does the Planning and Zoning ordinance. Direction from council was to move forward with the proposed ordinance for future consideration by the council. Planning Director 011ie addressed council stating that staff was reviewing the landscape portion of the comprehensive zoning ordinance. Consideration was given to insuring that landscaping is an integral part of development not an afterthought to enhance the beautification of the city and safeguard property values and protecting public and private investments. Other considerations included conservation of energy and water use. 011ie explained the current ordinance does not address requirements for property owners to establish and maintain a certain number of trees on each lot. Currently the ordinance does require developers/builders to install at least two trees of any type in the front yard of each lot within the development. Once the property is sold, there are no further requirements to maintain the trees. 011ie suggested that a list of acceptable locally-adapted trees and shrubs be maintained within the planting requirements; setting the example of Bradford Pear trees which are used largly by developers but have short life spans and sometimes don't do well in this area. 011ie suggested putting these trees on the prohibited list which means they could plant the tree but it would not count toward the two tree requirement. 011ie also suggested that the property owners be required to maintain and/or replace dead trees. Xeriscape vegetation should also be addressed to encourage builders and homeowners to conserve water. Council members had concerns regarding the requirement to require certain types of trees and to maintain and replace the trees by the homeowner. Council direction was to continue researching the requirements for the build/developer to plant trees from a list of acceptable Minutes July 24, 2012 Wylie City Council 61Pgge locally-adapted trees and shrubs but not extend these requirements including maintaining two trees to property owners. • Discussion regarding the FY 2012/2013 Budget (M. Manson, City Manager) City Manager Manson presented figures to questions the council posed during the previous budget work session. Council reviewed the numbers and gave the following additional direction. Direction from council was to: Narcotic Unit — fund in the proposed budget only after the salary raise/compression and market survey have been funded. Branding Position —consider funding at mid-year Animal Control Part-time position —fund part-time position Salary Proposals — Fund the option for percentage and compression totaling $507,163 but remove employees in the market survey. Market Survey Salaries — Fund with some alternate recommendations from council. Council agreed to meet Tuesday July 31, 2012 at 6:00 p.m. in a work session to finalize the proposed budget for consideration at a future council meeting. READING OF ORDINANCES City Secretary Ehrlich read the captions to Ordinance No.'s 2012-19, 2012-20 and 2012-21 into the official record. ADJOURNMENT A motion was made by Councilman Jones, seconded by Councilman White to adjourn the meeting at 9:24 p.m. A vote was taken and the motion passed 7-0. Eric Hogue, Mayor ATTEST: Carole Ehrlich, City Secretary Minutes July 24, 2012 Wylie City Council 7IP ge Wylie City Council CITY OF WY LIE Minutes Special Called Work Session Wylie City Council Meeting July 31, 2012 — 6:00 p.m. Wylie Municipal Complex — Council Conference Room 300 Country Club Road, Bldg. 100 Wylie, TX 75098 CALL TO ORDER Announce the presence of a Quorum. Mayor Eric Hogue called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. with the following Wylie City Council members present: Mayor Pro Tem Kathy Spillyards, Councilwoman Diane Culver, Councilman David Goss, Councilman Nathan Scott, Councilman Bennie Jones and Councilman Rick White. Staff present included: City Manager, Mindy Manson; Finance Director, Linda Bantz; Library Director, Rachel Orozco; Police Chief, John Duscio; Fire Chief, Randy Corbin; Public Information Officer Craig Kelly and City Secretary, Carole Ehrlich. Many support staff were present. INVOCATION & PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Fire Chief Corbin gave the invocation and Shift Commander Parker led the Pledge of Allegiance. CITIZENS COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS Residents may address Council regarding an item that is not listed on the Agenda. Residents must provide their name and address. Council requests that comments be limited to three (3) minutes. In addition, Council is not allowed to converse, deliberate or take action on any matter presented during citizen participation. Lynn Grimes, owner of Wylie Art Gallery addressed council concerning the executive session and comments made regarding pay increases for some of those on the market survey. She commended staff on the market list for the many hours spent and volunteering after hours to support projects for the city. She commented her disappointment in not supporting all staff increases on the list. Minutes July 31, 2012 Wylie City Council Budget Work Session Department Overviews Page 1 Bobby Heath, 205 Arborview Dr. addressed council stating that he supported increases for staff to keep qualified personnel working in the city. WORK SESSION • FY 2012-2013 Budget Discussion City Manager Manson addressed council stating that per council direction the budget salary increases of 2%, 3.5% and 5% recommended at the last work session do not include staff listed on the market survey which brought the cost down from $507,000 to $443,000. This change places the projected revenues over expenditures at $463,460. Manson explained the salary market survey is still reflected in the discussion items as well as the narcotics (sergeant for %2 yr.), animal control employee for full time and part time, and branding expenditures. Also included are the costs to reduce the tax rate by 1 cent and a half cent. Manson reported the total costs to fund the market survey, narcotics sergeant and a full time animal control administrative secretary is $306,883. Mayor Hogue asked about the battalion chiefs who were not on the market survey, noting that he knew they would receive the 2%, 3.5% or 5% salary increase. He asked what their grade and salaries were. Manson replied the positions were created and authorized as shift commander positions due to budget issues at that time. She explained that there was somewhat of a compression issue between the shift commanders but there were no recommendations at this time for salary adjustments. Finance Director Bantz reported the battalion chiefs were noted in the overall salary survey but were not an official position within the city at this time. Bantz explained their current pay was for a fire captain plus assignment pay. Mayor Hogue asked why they were not in the market adjustments as battalion chiefs. Manson reiterated the decision at that time was to assign them as shift commanders. Mayor Hogue commented that he wished the battalion chiefs were in the market survey. Manson explained that the market survey was based on those under the market by at least 15%; she noted that staff did not look at those under the market by 5% because that would have included many more employees. RECONVENE INTO OPEN SESSION Take any action as a result from Work Session. Mayor Hogue convened into Executive Session reading the captions below at 6:42 p.m. EXECUTIVE SESSION Recess into Closed Session in compliance with Section 551.001, et.seq. Texas Government Code, to wit: Sec. 551.074. PERSONNEL MATTERS; CLOSED MEETING. (a) This chapter does not require a governmental body to conduct an open meeting: (1) to deliberate the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of a public officer or employee; or Minutes July 31, 2012 Wylie City Council Budget Work Session Department Overviews Page 2 (2) to hear a complaint or charge against an officer or employee. (b) Subsection (a) does not apply if the officer or employee who is the subject of the deliberation or hearing requests a public hearing. • For the following positions: Emergency Management Coordinator IT Manager Budget Officer Police Sergeant Public Information Officer HR Manager City Secretary Library Director Finance Director Police Chief IT System Administrator Assistant Finance Director Mayor Hogue reconvened into open session at 8:53 p.m. RECONVENE INTO OPEN SESSION Take any action as a result from Work Session or Executive Session. Mayor Hogue reconvened into work session at 8:54 p.m. WORK SESSION • FY 2012-2013 Budget Discussion Mayor Hogue reported there was $463,664 in additional funding for the FY 2012-2013 budget. Based on that number he asked council to give the city manager direction regarding amounts to expend for the market survey, the narcotics unit and the animal control administrative staff. Hogue noted that a portion of the overall funding for the market survey would be to fund the annual salary increase for the city manager. City Manager Manson explained the salary increase for the city manager would be done as a budget amendment at the time the funding was appropriated. Direction from council was to give the recommended market adjustment to the police sergeants and to divide the remainder per the recommendations by council, not to exceed $117,000 overall and to include some of the remainder of market funding for additional salary adjustments for the four battalion chiefs. Further direction was to fund the narcotics unit and a part time administrative secretary for animal control and reduce the tax rate by $.01. Minutes July 31, 2012 Wylie City Council Budget Work Session Department Overviews Page 3 ADJOURNMENT A motion was made by Councilman Goss, seconded by Councilman Jones to adjourn the meeting at 9:32 p.m. A vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously. Eric Hogue, Mayor ATTEST: Carole Ehrlich, City Secretary Minutes July 31, 2012 Wylie City Council Budget Work Session Department Overviews Page 4 Wylie City Council AGENDA REPORT CITY OF VVYr Meeting Date: August 14, 2012 Item Number: B. Department: Planning (City Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: Renae' 011ie Account Code: Date Prepared: July 24, 2012 Budgeted Amount: Exhibits: Four Subject Consider, and act upon, Ordinance No. 2012-22 authorizing the annexation of a 2.208 acre tract of land situated in the James Truitt Survey, Abstract No. 920, Collin County, Texas, and establish permanent zoning category of Single-Family 10/24 (SF-10/24) on the subject tract, generally located north of Brown Street and east of Ballard Avenue. Recommendation Motion to adopt Ordinance No. 2012-22 authorizing the annexation of a 2.208 acre tract of land situated in the James Truitt Survey, Abstract No. 920, Collin County, Texas, and establish permanent zoning category of Single-Family 10/24 (SF-10/24) on the subject tract, generally located north of Brown Street and east of Ballard Avenue. Discussion This annexation is at the request of the property owner, Most Reverend Kevin J. Farrell, D.D., (St. Anthony Catholic Church). The subject tract is contiguous to current property the church owns and north of the existing facility. The applicant desires to bring the subject tract into the city and replat to join with existing property to the south for future development and expansion. By adoption of this ordinance, the property is henceforth zoned SF-10/24. Exhibits attached and made a part of this Ordinance; Exhibit"A" -Legal Description; Exhibit"B — Survey. In compliance with state law, the following schedule has been adhered to: Notice published for Public Hearings June 27, 2012 and July 4, 2012 First Public Hearing July 10, 2012 Second Public Hearing July 24, 2012 Adoption of Ordinance August 14, 2012 Article 1, Section 3 of the Wylie City Charter authorizes the City Council to adjust boundaries. This annexation is being conducted in compliance with Sections 43.052 (h) (2) and 43.063 of the Local Government Code. Approved By Initial Date Department Director RO 07/27/12 City Manager MM August 8, 2012 Page 1 of 2 ORDINANCE NO. 2012-22 AN ORDINANCE ANNEXING A CERTAIN 2.208 ACRE TRACT OF LAND SITUATED IN THE JAMES TRUITT SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 920, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS AND BEING A PART OF A TRACT OF LAND CONVEYED TO EDWIN BOYCE AS RECORDED IN INSTRUMENT FILE NO. 96-0082407 OF THE DEED RECORDS OF COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS, AND TO ESTABLISH PERMANENT ZONING OF SINGLE FAMILY 10/24 (SF- 10/24) DISTRICT; PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY FOR THE VIOLATION OF THIS ORDINANCE; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas ("City Council") under the authority of Section 43.021. Local Government Code and the City of Wylie, Texas' (Wylie) Home Rule Charter, investigated and determined that it would be advantageous and beneficial to Wylie and its inhabitants to annex the below-described property (the "Property")to Wylie; and; WHEREAS, prior to conducting the public hearings required under Section 43.063, Local Government Code, the City Council also investigated and determined that the Property is within the extraterritorial jurisdiction of Wylie and is adjacent and contiguous to the existing city limits of Wylie; and WHEREAS, before the publication of the notice of the first public hearing regarding the annexation of the Property, the City Council directed the appropriate persons to prepare a service plan that provides for the extension of full municipal services to the Property to be annexed; and WHEREAS, the City Council finds that the service plan has been prepared in full compliance with Section 43.056, Local Government Code, and has been made available for public inspection and was available for explanation to the inhabitants of the Property at the public hearings; and WHEREAS, the City Council finds that the field notes close the boundaries of the Property being annexed; and WHEREAS, the City Council has conducted at least two (2) public hearings at which persons interested in the annexation were given an opportunity to be heard regarding the proposed annexation and the proposed service plan; and WHEREAS, the City Council finds that the public hearings were conducted on or after Ordinance No. 2012-22 Annex James Truitt Survey,Abstract No. 920 the fortieth (40th) day but before the twentieth (20th) day before the date of institution of the annexation proceedings; and WHEREAS, the City Council finds it has completed the annexation process within ninety (90) days after the City instituted the annexation proceedings; and WHEREAS, the City Council finds that all legal notices, hearings, procedures and publishing requirements for annexation have been performed and completed in the manner and form set forth by law. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS: SECTION 1: That the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City of Wylie, Texas, be, and the same is hereby, amended by amending the Zoning Map of the City of Wylie, to give the hereinafter described property a new zoning classification of Single Family 10/24 (SF-10/24) District, said property being described in Exhibit "A" (Legal Description), Exhibit "B" (Survey Map) attached hereto and made a part hereof for all purposes. SECTION 2: That all ordinances of the City in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance be, and the same are hereby, repealed and all other ordinances of the City not in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 3: That the above described property shall be used only in the manner and for the purposes provided for in the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City, as amended herein by the granting of this zoning classification. SECTION 4: Any person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions of this ordinance or the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance, as amended hereby, commits an unlawful act and shall be subject to the general penalty provisions of Section 1.5 of the Zoning Ordinance, as the same now exists or is hereafter amended. SECTION 5: Should any paragraph, sentence, subdivision, clause, phrase or section of this ordinance be adjudged or held to be unconstitutional, illegal or invalid, the same shall not affect the validity of this ordinance as a whole or any part or provision thereof, other than the part so declared to be invalid, illegal or unconstitutional, and shall not affect the validity of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance as a whole. SECTION 6: This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption by the City Council and publication of its caption as the law and the City Charter provide in such cases. SECTION 7: The repeal of any ordinance, or parts thereof, by the enactment of this Ordinance, shall not be construed as abandoning any action now pending under or by virtue of such ordinance; nor shall it have the effect of discontinuing, abating, modifying or altering any penalty accruing or to accrue, nor as effecting any rights of the municipality under any section or provisions of any ordinances at the time of passage of this ordinance. Ordinance No. 2012-22 Annex James Truitt Survey,Abstract No. 920 DULY PASSED AND APPROVED by the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas, this 14th day of August, 2012. Eric Hogue, Mayor ATTEST: Carole Ehrlich, City Secretary DATE OF PUBLICATION: The Wylie News,in the August 22,2012. Ordinance No. 2012-22 Annex James Truitt Survey,Abstract No. 920 EXHIBIT "A" PETITION FOR ANNEXATION THE STATE OF TEXAS: COUNTY OF COLLIN: TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE,COLLIN COUNTY,TEXAS: Now comes the Most Reverend Kevin J. Farrell, D.D.,Bishop of Dallas in the County of Dallas and in the State of Texas and represents to the City Council of the said City of Wylie,Texas,that he is the owner of the following described tract of land which is contiguous and adjacent to the City of Wylie, in Collin County,Texas,and in which has less than three (3)qualified voters residing and is not more than one-half mile in width as described as follows: LEGAL DESCRIPTION BEING a tract of land situated in the James Truitt Survey,Abstract No.920,a part of a tract of land conveyed to Edwin Boyce as recorded in Instrument File No.96-0082407 of the Deed Records of Collin County,Texas and being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: BEGINNING at a 34 inch yellow-capped iron rod found for corner in the East line of said Boyce tract recorded in I.F.#96-0082407, being a point in the West line of a tract of land conveyed to Charles Grahmann as recorded in Volume 5427, Page 1720 of the Deed Records of Collin County, Texas and being the Northeast corner of a tract of land conveyed to Edwin Boyce as recorded in Instrument File No. 97-0001038 of the Deed Records of Collin County,Texas; THENCE South 88 degrees 32 minutes 41 seconds West,a distance of 122.96 feet to a 1 inch iron rod found for corner, being the Southeast corner of a tract of land conveyed to Glenis Dixon as recorded in Volume 2777,Page 565 of the Deed Records of Collin County,Texas: THENCE North 00 degrees 11 minutes 04 seconds West, a distance of 70.42 feet to a 1 inch iron pipe found for corner; THENCE South 88 degrees 12 minutes 18 seconds West, a distance of 114.87 feet to a ''A inch iron rod found for corner in the East Right of Way line of Ballard and being in the West line of said Boyce tract recorded in I.F.#96-0082407; THENCE North (directional control), a distance of 365.72 feet to a 34 inch yellow-capped iron rod set for corner from which a found 5/8 red-capped iron rod bears North 76 degrees 50 minutes 46 seconds East,a distance of 10.70 feet; THENCE North 87 degrees 42 minutes 36 seconds East, a distance of 239.04 feet to a ''A inch yellow- capped iron rod set for corner in the said West line of Grahmann tract and being the Southeast corner of a tract of land conveyed to AA Assured Storage, LTD. As recorded in Volume 5532, Page 3858; THENCE South 00 degrees 06 minutes 58 seconds West, a distance of 438.98 feet to the PLACE OF BEGINNING and containing 96,178 square feet or 2.208 acres of land. Said Most Reverend Kevin J. Farrell, D.D.,Bishop of Dallas represents that he desires for the property to be annexed into and made part of the said City of Wylie,Collin County,Texas,subject to all laws, rules,and regulations of said City. Your petitioner,therefore,respectfully prays that the land above described be annexed to the said City of Wylie,Texas,as provided by Article 974(g)of the REVISED CIVIL STATUTES OF THE STATE OF TEXAS. /A Witness the hand of this petitioner this the day of u hi e. 20 I . l i 1 J - 4-If r?ff PIe 4 s Print Name 72(2 irc r),i 4; Address Gill 'eV,s 75211. City State Zip offrioi ,to, Ass.„,PE.D. SI77,4GL, LTD ) SURVEY PLAT zrs Le•rt voluiwz Eraml. ruoo SCsa IIMFFaqrs,TEtriSETBADW srt-avm LIMITS----- =RFRIDFITACE/FINCES '. ------- BARRY S. RHODES Registered Professional Land Surveyor (972) 475-8940 This is to certify that I hove, this dole, mode a careful and accurate survey on the ground of property _., --239 34 located at No. BALLARD , in the city of WYLIE Texas 1 ttitF S N 7' 2' 38' ,E , • I,. STATE OF TEXAS: /e-,z.,.._ I an COUNTY OF COLLIN: I ' r.711'YC,IRS kc 0.6' T0 WATER beil.., F "'YON' BEING a tract of land situated in the James Truitt Survey,Abstract No.920,a part of a tract of land conveyed to Edwin i5...' Boyce as recorded in Instrument File No.96-0082407 of the Deed Records of Collin County,Texas and being more i: particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: 0, .1 0,2 BEGINNING at a 1/4 inch yellow-capped iron rod found for corner in the East line of said Boyce tract recorded in l.F.# 96-0082407,being a point in the West line of a tract of land conveyed to Charles Grahmann as recorded in Volume 5427, Page 1720 of the Deed Records of Collin County,Texas and being the Northeast corner of a tract of land conveyed to Edwin Boyce as recorded in Instrument File No.97-0001038 of the Deed Records of Collin County,Texas; THENCE South 88 degrees 32 minutes 41 seconds West,a distance of 122.96 feet to a 1 inch iron rod found for corner, l F1 N. ..,..0 being the Southeast corner of a tract of land conveyed to Glenis Dixon as recorded in Volume 2777,Page 565 of the Deed a') c,...5,,S. z Records of Collin County,Texas; to .co z '') JV" Ix' CD <F..' M' THENCE North 00 degrees 11 minutes 04 seconds West,a distance of 70.42 feet Los 1 inch iron pipe found for comer, CO I < CI 0 ,.. THENCE South 88 degrees 12 minutes 18 seconds West,a distance of 114.87 feet to a'A inch iron rod found for corner in Ce Er,1 I ' 1 • .i I 0.)a. the East Right of Way line of Ballard and being in the West line of said Boyce tract recorded in I.F.#96-0082407; 96,178 SO.F. 3 tt.i _i 7ict „ Ic) 8;z 2.208 ACRES - 'co va cc_., THENCE North(directional control),a distance of 365.72 feet to a Yx inch yellow-capped iron rod set for corner from 1 g which a found 5/8 red-capped iron rod bears North 76 degrees 50 minutes 46 seconds East,a distance of 10.70 feet; C.6 ., -1‘131 . co 0 THENCE North 87 degrees 42 minutes 36 seconds East,a distance of 239.04 feet to a V.a inch yellow-capped iron rod set „.." --2.2' 1 ° for corner in the said West line of Grahmann tract and being the Southeast corner of a tract of land conveyed to AA :-) loT 1 b o I") THENCE Storage,LTD.as recorded in Volume 5532,Page 3858; THENCE South 00 degrees 06 minutes 58 seconds West,a distance of 438.98 feet to the PLACE OF BEGINNING and i (A containing 96,178 square feet or 2.208 acres of land. I M I I i o.ti.n t.'7- ?' 1 von EXHIBIT "B" THIS CERTIFICATION DOES NOT 2*801 r .. 5' I TAKE INTO CONSIDERATION PROPERTY SUBJECT TO 4 fi" ..3, ADDiTiONAL FACTS THAT AN EASEMENT TO THE CITY OF WYLIE ACCURATE TITLE SEARCH AND OR VOLUME 859,PAGE 295 EXAMINATION MIGHT DISCLOSE. VEAS S 8.6" '2' ''''8' W ",14 8-1,- GLEN'S E1XON FicucE The plot hereon is true, correct, and accurate representation of the property as determined by survey, the lines and dimensions of sold property being as indicated by the plat,the sire, location A25, 1 "BEGINNING and type of building and improvements ore as shown, all improvements being within the boundaries *of the property, set back from property lines the distance indicoted. ...,-- .. 4;ti - '0,.'0>,,,sLC.re,c,› ,f, __, A 1,72- THERE ARE NO ENCROACHMENTS, CONFLICTS, OR PROTRUSIONS,EXCEPT AS SHOWN. '--•.**‘- - ' .- ., P PP _ / 1,,,EA•5 5 Et1.- 32 41' trl ' • . VI:AS 'ril orr II'I ta4' #i' — 7E)42' 122 q.,,S THIS SURVEY WAS PERFORMED EXCLUSIVELY FOR ''' Scale: 1" = 60' JAR.' .• 1 s :',, DON KEACH NJ ,R,D).V.CE *cm_Boo..DivG,-' Dote: 1-1 4-2008 USE OF THIS SURVEY FOR ANY OTHER PURPOSE V.90 ., ,JF.Ji,.1Ja-COMaDe G. F. No.: OR OTHER PARTIES SHALL BE AT THEIR RISK AND ***1„, •_...-°,'' 4, Job no.: 87255 UNDERSIGNED IS NOT RESPONSIBLE TO OTHERS ' SOX.st..,4, TITLE AND ABSTRACTING WORK FURNISHED BY DON KEACH Drown by: CM FOR ANY LOSS RESULTING THEREFROM. PRITh.1$ ,t0., Ass.„,RiM SI7F7AGE, LTD ) SURVEY PLAT ... LK v.guamix Eraml, ,,,,,,gE ese BITIMFaqrsiTECI .9E-TBACie srraveE LIMITS----- =RPtITYletc/FENCES ,., — BARRY S. RHODES Registered Professional Land Surveyor (972) 475-8940 This is to certify that I hove, this dote, mode a careful and accurate survey on the ground of property ..., located at No. BALLARD , in the city of WYLIE Texas STATE OF TEXAS: -,7239 3:: - , A.- COUNTY OF COLLIN: r.711'XV IRS ec 0.6, riArt-Fe as,2., F, "nRAt'r BEING a tract of land situated in the James Truitt Survey,Abstract No.920,a part of a tract of land conveyed to Edwin i5-.: Boyce as recorded in Instrument File No.96-0082407 of the Deed Records of Collin County,Texas and being more i: particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: 0, .1 0_2' BEGINNING at a'A inch yellow-capped iron rod found for corner in the East line of said Boyce tract recorded in l.F.# el S\ 96-0082407,being a point in the West line of a tract of land conveyed to Charles Grahmann as recorded in Volume 5427, 1'1 Of P Page 1720 of the Deed Records of Collin County,Texas and being the Northeast corner of a tract of land conveyed to d•-i - Edwin Boyce as recorded in Instrument File No.97-0001038 of the Deed Records of Collin County,Texas; • '‘-1 ON\ \-,\O' THENCE South 88 degrees 32 minutes 41 seconds West,a distance of 122.96 feet to a 1 inch iron rod found for corner, 1 c‘l N. ..,..0 being the Southeast corner of a tract of land conveyed to Glenis Dixon as recorded in Volume 2777,Page 565 of the Deed c,...5 S. , a') z Records of Collin County,Texas; . 'co co z 0 '') JV" Ix' CD M- THENCE North 00 degrees 11 minutes 04 seconds West,a distance of 70.42 feet Los 1 inch iron pipe found for comer, .i CO H'I 1 iki .c( 0,.. THENCE South 88 degrees 12 minutes 18 seconds West,a distance of 114.87 feet to a'A iro n rod found for corner in Ce ffil I : 1 the East Right of Way line of Ballard and being in the West line of said Boyce tract recorded in I.F.#96-0082407; _1 z•l_ 96,178 SO.F. _i 7ict 110 „ Ic) 8;z 2.208 ACRES - a THENCE North(directional control),a distance of 365.72 feet to a'A inch yellow-capped iron rod set for corner from 1 g which a found 5/8 red-capped iron rod bears North 76 degrees 50 minutes 46 seconds East,a distance of 10.70 feet; 1131 . c 0 o THENCE North 87 degrees 42 minutes 36 seconds East,a distance of 239.04 feet to a V.:inch yellow-capped iron rod set ...." l 1 ° corner in the said West line of Grahm tract ann and being the Southeast corner of a ct of land tra conveyed to for coAA :-) ,r IM 1 b o ul Assured Storage,LTD.as recorded in Volume 5532,Page 3858; THENCE South 00 degrees 06 minutes 58 seconds West,a distance of 438.98 feet to the PLACE OF BEGINNING and i (A containing 96,178 square feet or 2.208 acres of land. 1 M 1 I i o.m.n Lf i von 7, ,iliTi..P r PF THIS CERTIFICATION DOES NOT T/2*i511 r 5' I TAKE INTO CONSIDERATION PROPERTY SUBJECT TO 4 fi" ..3, ADDITIONAL FACTS THAT AN EASEMENT TO THE CITY OF WYLIE, i TIOZTO ACCURATE TITLE SEARCH AND OR VOLUME 859,PAGE 295 ExAmINATION MIGHT DISCLOSE. AEA'S S Se ,2' '8 W ",14 8-1,- GLEN'S aIXON FiEuGE i ' ToCk.idiE 2-72,MASE 565 ,...--15` The plot hereon is true, correct, and accurate representation of the property as determined by survey, the lines and dimensions of said property being as indicated by the plat:the si2e, location A 25, 1 "-BEGINNING and type of building and improvements ore as shown, all improvements being within the boundaries *-- of the property, set back from property lines the distance indicoted. ..,-- .. -FR` __---11.--_,.2....... " '0.,'0*.e*,,,-'‘4"re,e,› ,p __, -A , 1,72-S Rik- THERE ARE NO ENCROACHMENTS, CONFLICTS, OR PROTRUSIONS,EXCERT AS SHOWN. '--,',0- - ' ;• ., PP.P _ 7,.,- TiTiT_AE 5 Ett.- 32 4:1' tti ' • . Vi.:.A.S. 'T,J1 orr II'I C4' #i' - 7,0 42' 122 q6 THIS SURVEY WAS PERFORMED EXCLUSIVELY FOR :" Scale: 1" = 60' :A.R.' . DON KEACH E"..241,'NJ ,R,D1.`1".CE tans.Buo..51,G,-' Dote: 1-14-2008 USE OF THIS SURVEY FOR ANY OTHER PURPOSE ., ,, G. F. No.: OR OTHER PARTIES SHALL BE AT THEIR RISK AND ***1„,0•_ -°,' 4, Job no.: 87255 UNDERSIGNED IS NOT RESPONSIBLE TO OTHERS ‘" StIPX.st - TITLE AND ABSTRACTING WORK FURNISHED BY DON KEACH Drown by: CM FOR ANY LOSS RESULTING THEREFROM. CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS SERVICE PLAN FOR ANNEXED AREA ST. ANTHONY TRACT ANNEXATION ORDINANCE NO.: DATE OF ANNEXATION ORDINANCE: August 14, 2012 ACREAGE ANNEXED: 2.208 acres SURVEY, ABSTRACT & COUNTY: James Truitt Survey, Abstract No. 920, Collin County, Texas Municipal Services to the acreage described above shall be furnished by or on behalf of the City of Wylie, Texas (the "City"), at the following levels and in accordance with the following schedule: A. POLICE SERVICE 1. Patrolling, responses to calls and other routine police services, within the limits of existing personnel and equipment and in a manner consistent with any of the methods of the City, extends police service to any other area of the municipality, will be provided within sixty (60) days of the effective date of the annexation ordinance. 2. As development and construction commence in this area, sufficient police personnel and equipment will be provided to furnish this area the maximum level of police services consistent with the characteristics of topography, land utilization and population density within the area as determined by the City Council within four and one-half (4-1/2) years from the effective date of the annexation ordinance, or upon commencement of development within the area, whichever occurs later. 3. Upon ultimate development of the area, the same level of police services will be provided to this area as are furnished throughout the City. FIRE SERVICES 1. Fire protection by the present personnel and the present equipment of the Fire Department, within the limitations of available water and distances from existing fire stations, and in a manner consistent with any of the methods of the City, extends fire service to any other area of the municipality, will be provided to this area within sixty (60) days of the effective date of the annexation ordinance. 2. As development and construction commence in this area, sufficient fire and emergency ambulance equipment will be provided to furnish this area the maximum level of fire services consistent with the characteristics of topography, land utilization and population density within the area as determined by the City Council within four and one-half (4-1/2) years from the effective date of the annexation ordinance, or upon commencement of development within the area, whichever occurs later. 3. Upon ultimate development of the area, the same level of fire and emergency ambulance services will be provided to this area as are furnished throughout the City. C. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH AND CODE ENFORCEMENT SERVICES 1. Enforcement of the City's environmental health ordinances and regulations, including but not limited to, weed and brush ordinances, junked and abandoned vehicle ordinances and animal control ordinances, shall be provided within this area sixty (60) days of the effective date of the annexation ordinance. These ordinances and regulations will be enforced through the use of existing personnel. 2. Complaints of ordinance or regulation violations within this area will be answered and investigated within sixty (60) days of the effective date of the annexation ordinance. 3. Inspection services, including the review of building plans, the issuance of permits and the inspection of all buildings, plumbing, mechanical and electrical work to ensure compliance with City codes and ordinances will be provided within sixty (60) days of the effective date of the annexation ordinance. Existing personnel will be used to provide these services. 4, The City's zoning, subdivision, sign and other ordinances shall be enforced in this area beginning within sixty (60) days of the effective date of the annexation ordinance. 5. All inspection services furnished by the City, but not mentioned above, will be provided to this area beginning within sixty (60) days of the effective date of the annexed ordinance. 6. As development and construction commence in this area, sufficient personnel will be provided to furnish this area the same level of Environmental Health and Code Enforcement Services as are furnished throughout the City. D. PLANNING AND ZONING SERVICES The planning and zoning jurisdiction of the City will extend to this area within sixty (60) days of the effective date of the annexation ordinance. City planning will thereafter encompass this property, and it shall be entitled to consideration for zoning in accordance with the City's Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance and Comprehensive Plan. E. PARK AND RECREATION SERVICES 1. Residents of this property may utilize all existing park and recreational services, facilities and sites throughout the City, beginning within sixty (60) days of the effective date of the annexation ordinance. 2. Additional facilities and sites to serve this property and its residents will be acquired, developed and maintained at locations and times provided by applicable plans for providing parks and recreation services to the City. 3. Existing parks, playgrounds, swimming pools and other recreational facilities within this property shall, upon dedication to and acceptance by the City, be maintained and operated by the City of Wylie, but not otherwise. F. SOLID WASTE COLLECTION 1. Solid waste collection shall be provided to the property in accordance with existing City policies, beginning within sixty (60) days of the effective date of the annexation ordinance. Residents of this property utilizing private collection services at the time of annexation shall continue to do so until it becomes feasible because of increased density of population to serve the property municipally. Commercial refuse collection services will be provided to any business located in the annexed area at the same price as presently provided for any business customer within the City, upon request. 2. As development and construction commence in this property and population density increases to the property level, solid waste collection shall be provided to this property in accordance with the current policies of the City as to frequency, changes and so forth. 3. Solid waste collection shall begin within sixty (60) days of the effective date of the annexation ordinance. G. STREETS 1. The City's existing policies with regard to street maintenance, applicable throughout the entire City, shall apply to this property beginning within sixty (60) days of the effective date of the annexation ordinance. Unless a street within this property has been constructed or is improved to the City's standards and specifications, that street will not be maintained by the City. 2. As development, improvement or construction of streets to City standards commences within this property, the policies of the City with regard to participation in the costs thereof, acceptance upon completion and maintenance after completion, shall apply. 3. The same level of maintenance shall be provided to streets within this property which have been accepted by the City as is provided to City streets throughout the City. 4. Street lighting installed on streets improved to City standards shall be maintained in accordance with current City policies. H. WATER SERVICES 1. Connection to existing City water mains for water service for domestic, commercial and industrial use within this property will be provided in accordance with existing City policies. Upon connection to existing mains, water will be provided at rates established by City ordinances for such service throughout the City. 2. As development and construction commence in this property, water mains of the City will be extended in accordance with provisions of the Subdivision Regulations and other applicable ordinances and regulations. City participation in the costs of these extensions shall be in accordance with the applicable City ordinances and regulations. Such extensions will be commenced within two (2) years from the effective date of the annexation ordinance and substantially completed with four and one-half (4 1/2)years after that date. 3. Water mains installed or improved to City standards which are within the annexed area and are within dedicated easements shall be maintained by the City of Wylie beginning within sixty (60) days of the effective date of the annexation ordinance. 4. Private water lines within this property shall be maintained by their owners in accordance with existing policies applicable throughout the City. I. SANITARY SEWER SERVICES 1. Connections to existing City sanitary sewer mains for sanitary sewage service in this area will be provided in accordance with existing City policies. Upon connection, sanitary sewage service will be provided at rates established by City ordinances for such service throughout the City. 2. Sanitary sewage mains and/or lift stations installed or improved to City standards, located in dedicated easements, and which are within the annexed area and are connected to City mains will be maintained by the City of Wylie beginning within sixty (60) days of the effective date of the annexation ordinance. 3. As development and construction commence in this area, sanitary sewer mains of the City will be extended in accordance with provisions of the Subdivision Regulations and other applicable City ordinances and regulations. Such extensions will be commenced within two (2) years from the effective date of the annexation ordinance and substantially completed within four and one-half(4 1/2) years after that date. J. MISCELLANEOUS 1. Any facility or building located within the annexed area and utilized by the City in providing services to the area will be maintained by the City commencing upon the date of use or within sixty (60) days of the effective date of the annexation ordinance, whichever occurs later. 2. General municipal administrative services of the City shall be available to the annexed area beginning within sixty (60) days of the effective date of the annexation ordinance. 3. Notwithstanding, anything set forth above, this Service Plan does not require all municipal services be provided as set forth above if different characteristics of topography, land use and population density are considered a sufficient basis for providing different levels of service. 4. The Service Plan is valid for ten (10) years from the effective date of this Ordinance. Wylie City Council CITY OF WYLIE AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: August 14, 2012 Item Number: C. Division: Parks and Recreation (Board Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: Shohn Rodgers Account Code: Date Prepared: July 26, 2012 Budgeted Amount: $ Exhibits: Proposed Ordinance Subject Consider, and act upon, Ordinance 2012-23, an ordinance of the City of Wylie, Texas, adopting Article VIII (Planting, Maintaining Trees, Shrubs on Public Property) of Chapter 78 (Parks and Recreation) of the City of Wylie Code of Ordinances; To provide for the care of public trees and shrubs within the City of Wylie; providing for a penalty for the violation of this ordinance; providing for savings and severability clauses; providing for an effective date of this ordinance; and providing for the publication of the caption hereof. Recommendation Motion to adopt Ordinance 2012-23, an ordinance of the City of Wylie, Texas, adopting Article VIII (Planting, Maintaining Trees, Shrubs on Public Property) of Chapter 78 (Parks and Recreation) of the City of Wylie Code of Ordinances; To provide for the care of public trees and shrubs within the City of Wylie; providing for a penalty for the violation of this ordinance; providing for savings and severability clauses; providing for an effective date of this ordinance; and providing for the publication of the caption hereof. Discussion Attached is the final version of the proposed Tree Preservation Ordinance as developed by the Parks Division to provide for the protection and maintenance of trees located on public property throughout the City. This ordinance was reviewed in work sessions during the regular City Council meetings of 2-14-2012 and 7-24- 2012. The Parks and Recreation Board has reviewed this proposed ordinance, and recommends it to the City Council. Approved By Initial Date Department Director RD 7/20/2012 City Manager MM August 8, 2012 Page 1 of 1 ORDINANCE NO. 2012-23 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, ADOPTING ARTICLE VIII (PLANTING, MAINTAINING TREES, SHRUBS ON PUBLIC PROPERTY) OF CHAPTER 78 (PARKS AND RECREATION) OF THE CITY OF WYLIE CODE OF ORDINANCES; TO PROVIDE FOR THE CARE OF PUBLIC TREES AND SHRUBS WITHIN THE CITY OF WYLIE; PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY FOR THE VIOLATION OF THIS ORDINANCE; PROVIDING FOR SAVINGS AND SEVERABILITY CLAUSES; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE OF THIS ORDINANCE; AND PROVIDING FOR THE PUBLICATION OF THE CAPTION HEREOF. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas ("City Council") recognizes that trees are necessary for the health and welfare of the City of Wylie, Texas ("City") by cooling the air, restoring oxygen to the atmosphere, reducing glare and noise levels, and reducing air and water pollution; and WHEREAS, the City Council recognizes that trees beautify our City, increase property values, and increase the economic vitality of the City; and WHEREAS, the City maintains trees and shrubs now existing or in the future planted on City owned, controlled or maintained property ("Trees and Shrubs"); and WHEREAS, the City Council has investigated and determined that Trees and Shrubs should be preserved and maintained to provide for the beautification of the City; and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that establishing a Tree Advisory Board with administrative responsibility for tree planting and maintenance will benefit the City's urban forestry practices; and WHEREAS, the City Council has investigated and determined that it is necessary and in the best interest of the City to adopt regulations related to the care and preservation of trees and shrubs on property owned, controlled and/or maintained by the City and adopt a Tree Advisory Board. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS: SECTION 1: Findings Incorporated. The findings set forth above are incorporated into the body of this Ordinance as if fully set forth herein. SECTION 2: Amendment to Chapter 78 (Parks and Recreation) by adopting Article VIII (Planting, Maintaining Trees, Shrubs on Public Property) to Wylie's Code of Ordinances. Article VIII (Planting, Maintaining Trees, Shrubs on Public Property) is hereby adopted and added to Chapter 78 (Parks and Recreation) to read as follows: Ordinance No.2012-23 Tree Preservation Ordinance Page 1 "ARTICLE VIII. PLANTING, MAINTAINING TREES, SHRUBS ON PUBLIC PROPERTY Sec. 78-250. - Purpose The purpose of this ordinance is to provide the City with authority over the care of all trees, plants, and shrubs located within City owned, controlled and/or maintained property, public rights-of-way, parks and other public places, which will aid in the establishment of a municipal landscape program and will enhance the public health, safety, and beauty of the city. Sec. 78-251. - Definitions The following words and phrases shall have the meanings ascribed unless the context clearly indicates otherwise: City means the City of Wylie, Texas. City Managed Property means public streets, alleys, rights-of way, parks, public places and other property owned, controlled and or maintained by the city. City Manager means the city manager of the City of Wylie, Texas or his or her designee. Parkway means the area lying between the street right-of-way line of any public street and/or alley, and the curb line of the street and/or alley; or if there is no curb line, the paved portion of the street and/or alley. Generally, the parkway area is the area between the edge of the road/curb and the farthest edge of the sidewalk, so that the entire sidewalk is contained in the parkway area. Public Property means all streets, alleys, rights-of-way, parks, public places and other property owned, controlled and/or maintained by the City. Top or Topping means the non-standard practice of cutting back of limbs to stubs larger than three (3) inches in diameter within a tree's crown to such a degree so as to remove the normal canopy and disfigure the tree. Sec. 78-252. - Grant of Authority; coordination with public works department a. The Public Services Director and/or his designee, hereinafter referred to as "Director," shall have authority over all trees and woody plants growing in or upon all City owned, controlled or maintained property, rights-of way, city parks, and other public property in the City, save for those trees which have been designated as protected by the Tree Advisory Board or the City Council. b. All City departments will coordinate as necessary with the Director and will provide services as required to assure compliance with this article as it relates to streets, Ordinance No.2012-23 Tree Preservation Ordinance Page 1 alleys, rights-of-way, drainage, easements and other public properties not under the direct jurisdiction of the Director. Sec. 78-253. -Tree Advisory Board a. Board membership. The Tree Advisory Board shall consist of the members of the Parks and Recreation Board. b. Duties. The duties of the Tree Advisory Board shall include: i. To review the tree management plan, tree preservation and mitigation guidelines, and the tree care program as may be necessary; ii. To promote the protection of healthy trees and provide guidelines for the replacement and/or replanting of trees necessarily removed during construction, development, and redevelopment; iii. To uphold rules and regulations governing the protection and preservation of native or established trees within the City, which provide for purification of air and water, provide for shade, windbreaks and the cooling of air, provide for open space and more efficient drainage of land, thus reducing the effects on soil erosion; iv. To study, investigate, counsel and develop and/or update periodically a written plan for the care, preservation, pruning, planting, replanting, removal or disposal of public trees and shrubs on City property; v. To investigate and consult on updates to the City's recommended and prohibited tree lists, as maintained by the Planning and Zoning Department. vi. To review and recommend specific beautification projects and public awareness programs to the parks and recreation department, City Manager and/or City Council as may be appropriate; vii. To establish and maintain a list of protected trees in the City of Wylie, and make decisions regarding the maintenance of those trees when asked to do so by the Director. viii. Coordinating and promoting Arbor Day activities; and ix. Other duties that may be assigned by the City Council. c. Protected Tree List a. The Tree Advisory board may accept nominations from City Council, staff, management, or citizens for individual trees which shall be designated as protected in the City of Wylie b. The Tree Advisory Board shall maintain, or cause to be maintained, a list of all protected trees, and update that list as necessary. c. All trees with a caliper measurement of 16 inches or greater, taken four and one-half feet from the ground, shall immediately be considered protected under the terms of this ordinance. Trees identified as undesirable by the Tree Advisory Board or the Planning and Zoning Department may not be protected. d. The Tree Advisory Board may likewise remove individual trees from the Protected Trees List if those trees are determined to be undesirable specimens. Ordinance No.2012-23 Tree Preservation Ordinance Page 1 Sec. 78-254.—Annual Arbor Day a. It is established that each year, Arbor Day shall be held in the City of Wylie, Texas. b. The Director shall plan and execute such celebrations or ceremonies as he or she deems appropriate each year. Sec. 78-255. - Planting, Preserving, Maintaining, Removing, etc. on Public Property a. The Director shall have the authority to plant, preserve, spray, trim, cable or remove any tree, shrub or plant on any City-managed property, street, alley, public place or easement owned or controlled by the City. The Director is authorized to remove, or order removed and/or sprayed any tree, shrub or plant or any part thereof that is in an unsafe condition, is injurious to the common good or to sewer pipes, public utility lines, drainage facilities, pavements, improvements, or is infested and dangerous to other trees, shrubs or plant, that is located on City-owned or managed property. b. It is an offense for any person to plant or remove, or permit or cause to be planted or removed any tree, shrub or plant on or from, any public street, park or other City- managed property without the prior approval of the Director. The parkway area not managed by the City is the responsibility of the adjacent property owner, as described in Article 7 of the Zoning Ordinance No. 2001-48, as amended. c. No tree, shrub or other landscaping shall interfere with the free passage of vehicles on a public street or alley, or of pedestrians on the sidewalk or obscure the view of motor vehicle operators of any traffic control device or street sign, visibility triangle, or otherwise create a traffic hazard and shall at all times comply with City rules, regulations and ordinances. d. City departments and authorized contractors of the City constructing and/or repairing streets, alleys, or other City utilities or facilities shall be exempt from this chapter upon City approval of construction plans and specifications identifying such construction, and notification of the Director provided that Best Management Practices as promulgated by the International Society of Arboriculture, as amended, are utilized. e. In the case of trees which have been designated as "protected" by the Tree Advisory Board or City Council, the Director must receive consent from the Tree Advisory Board prior to beginning pruning or removal operations. In the case of an emergency, the City Manager may grant permission to remove a protected tree in whole or part, such as in a case where safety or property are threatened. Ordinance No.2012-23 Tree Preservation Ordinance Page 1 f. When the provisions of this ordinance overlap or conflict with the authority of the Planning and Zoning Ordinance, Article 7, the Parks Division and Planning Department shall confer and decide upon the best course of action. The terms of this ordinance are not intended to supersede the authority of the Planning and Zoning Ordinance of the City of Wylie. g. In cases of development or construction which impacts trees on public property, the provisions of the Planning and Zoning Ordinance, Article 7, Section 7.6 shall be followed. Sec. 78-256. - Adjacent Landowner Responsibility a. The owner of land adjacent to any parkway, when acting within the provisions of this ordinance, may plant, remove, prune or spray trees in the parkway area. b. No property owner shall be permitted to allow a tree, or other plant growing on his or her property or within the parkway to: a. obstruct or interfere with the view of drivers of vehicles; b. place pedestrians on the sidewalk at risk for serious injury; or c. create a traffic hazard. Property owners must maintain a clear space of eight (8) feet above the surface of a sidewalk and thirteen (13) feet above the curb line of an adjacent street. In any event, no tree, shrub or other landscaping shall interfere with the free passage of vehicles on the street or of pedestrians on the sidewalk or obscure the view of motor vehicle operators of any traffic-control device or street sign, visibility triangle, or otherwise create a traffic hazard and shall at all times comply with city rules, regulations and ordinances. If an obstruction persists, the Director shall notify the property owner, in writing, to prune or remove the tree, shrub or plant within thirty (30) calendar days. If the owner fails to comply with the notice, the City may issue citations to the property owner for each day that the property owner continues to be in violation, and/or depending on the severity of the obstruction, the City may undertake the necessary work to remove the obstruction, without incurring liability c. Other than property owners described above, it shall be unlawful for any person to plant or set out any trees or woody plants, or cause or authorize any person to plant or set out any trees or woody plants in or on any parkway within the city without first obtaining written permission from the Director. Sec. 78-257. - Breaking, Injuring, etc. Trees and Shrubs on Public Property Ordinance No.2012-23 Tree Preservation Ordinance Page 1 a. Except to remove, prune, trim or maintain trees, shrubs or landscaping as required above or as authorized by the Director in writing, it shall be an offense for any person, firm or corporation to cut or break any branch of any tree or shrub or injure in any way the bark of any tree or shrub on any public street, park or other city-managed property. It shall be an offense for any person, firm or corporation to permit, suffer or allow any injurious substance such as gas, salt, oil or other harmful substance to come in contact with any tree, shrub or plant on any public street, parkway area, park or other city property. b. It shall be an offense for any person, firm or corporation to attach any cable, wire, rope, sign or any other object to any tree, shrub or plant on any public street, park or other city-managed property without the prior written consent from the Director. c. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, or City department to top any street tree, park tree, or other tree on public property. Trees severely damaged by storms or other causes, where best pruning practices are impractical, may be exempted from this requirement at the determination of the Director. d. The City may issue citations to persons, firms or corporations in violation with this subsection in accordance with this ordinance." SECTION 3: Savings/Repealing Clause. All provisions of any ordinance in conflict with this Ordinance are hereby repealed, but such repeal shall not abate any pending prosecution for violation of the repealed ordinance, nor shall the repeal prevent a prosecution from being commenced for any violation if occurring prior to the repeal of the ordinance. Any remaining portions of said ordinance shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 4: Severability. Should any section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance be declared unconstitutional or invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, it is expressly provided that any and all remaining portions of this Ordinance shall remain in full force and effect. Wylie hereby declares that it would have passed this Ordinance, and each section, subsection, clause or phrase thereof irrespective of the fact that any one or more sections, subsections, sentences, clauses and phrases be declared unconstitutional or invalid. SECTION 5: Penalty Provision. Any person, firm, corporation or entity violating this Ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be fined a sum not exceeding Five Hundred and 00/100 Dollars ($500.00). Each continuing day's violation under this Ordinance shall constitute a separate offense. Wylie retains all legal rights and remedies available to it pursuant to local, state and federal law. SECTION 6: Effective Date. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its passage and publication as required by law. PASSED AND APPROVED on the 14th day of August, 2012. Ordinance No.2012-23 Tree Preservation Ordinance Page 1 Eric Hogue, Mayor ATTEST: Carole Ehrlich, City Secretary Date(s) of Publication:August 22 2012, Wylie News 595823 v.1 Ordinance No.2012-23 Tree Preservation Ordinance Page 1 Wylie City Council CITY OF VVYLIE AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: August 14, 2012 Item Number: D. Department: Public Services (City Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: Mike Sferra Account Code: Date Prepared: July 23, 2012 Budgeted Amount: Resolution, TxDOT letter, current and proposed Exhibits: Agreements Subject Consider, and act upon, Resolution No. 2012-24(R) authorizing the City Manager to execute a Municipal Maintenance Agreement with TxDOT to update the previous Agreement that was executed in 1995. Recommendation Motion to approve Resolution No. 2012-24(R) authorizing the City Manager to execute a Municipal Maintenance Agreement with TxDOT to update the previous Agreement that was executed in 1995. Discussion It is customary for TxDOT to enter into an agreement with each incorporated city for authority to construct, reconstruct, maintain, control, supervise, and regulate the designated highways within the city's limits and to establish the responsibilities of TxDOT and the city, in accordance with Minute Order 58588. TxDOT has reviewed the current Municipal Maintenance Agreement executed in 1995 and has determined that changes need to be made to bring it up to date. For instance, whole or partial sections of FM 544, FM 3412 (West Brown) and FM 1378 have been removed from the TxDOT system, and TxDOT is no longer responsible for the associated maintenance. In addition, execution of a Municipal Maintenance Agreement must occur before the City can enter into a Landscape Maintenance Agreement with TxDOT regarding the installation and maintenance of landscaping on SH 78. Approved By Initial Date Department Director MS 7/23/2012 City Manager MM August 8, 2012 Page 1 of 1 RESOLUTION NO. 2012-24(R) A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE AGREEMENT DATED AUGUST 14, 2012, BETWEEN THE STATE OF TEXAS AND THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, FOR THE MAINTENANCE, CONTROL, SUPERVISION, AND REGULATION OF CERTAIN STATE HIGHWAYS AND/OR PORTIONS OF STATE HIGHWAYS IN THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS; AND PROVIDING FOR THE EXECUTION OF SAID AGREEMENT; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS: SECTION 1. That the certain agreement dated August 14, 2012, between the State of Texas and the City of Wylie, Texas for the maintenance, control, supervision, and the regulation of certain State Highways and/or portions of State Highways in the City of Wylie, Texas be, and the same is, hereby approved; and that City Manager, Mindy Manson, is hereby authorized to execute said agreement on behalf of the City of Wylie, Texas and to transmit the same to the State of Texas for appropriate action. DULY PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS on this 14th day of August, 2012. Eric Hogue, Mayor ATTESTED TO AND CORRECTLY RECORDED BY: Carole Ehrlich, City Secretary Resolution No. 2012-24(R) TxDOT Municipal Maintenance Agreement MUNICIPAL MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT Form 1038 (Rev.03/12) Page 1 of 6 $Exam F paftarerrg'daresp©rtabort, STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF TRAVIS § THIS AGREEMENT made this day of 2012 , by and between the State of Texas, hereinafter referred to as the "State," party of the first part, and the City of Wylie, TX (population 41,427 , 2010, latest Federal Census) acting by and through its duly authorized officers, hereinafter called the "City," party of the second part. WITNESSETH WHEREAS, Chapter 311 of the Transportation Code gives the City exclusive dominion, control, and jurisdiction over and under the public streets within its corporate limits and authorizes the City to enter agreements with the State to fix responsibilities for maintenance, control, supervision, and regulation of State highways within and through its corporate limits; and WHEREAS, Section 221.002 of the Transportation Code authorizes the State, at its discretion, to enter agreements with cities to fix responsibilities for maintenance, control, supervision, and regulation of State highways within and through the corporate limits of such cities; and WHEREAS, the Executive Director, acting for and in behalf of the Texas Transportation Commission, has made it known to the City that the State will assist the City in the maintenance and operation of State highways within such City, conditioned that the City will enter into agreements with the State for the purpose of determining the responsibilities of the parties thereto; and WHEREAS, the City has requested the State to assist in the maintenance and operation of State highways within such City: AGREEMENT NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and of the mutual covenants and agreements of the parties hereto to be by them respectively kept and performed, it is agreed as follows: For this agreement, the use of the words "State Highway" shall be construed to mean all numbered highways that are part of the State's Highway System. Form 1038 (Rev.03/12) Page 2 of 6 COVERAGE 1. This agreement is intended to cover and provide for State participation in the maintenance and operation of the following classifications of State Highways within the City: A. Non-Controlled Access highways or portions thereof which are described and/or graphically shown as "State Maintained and Operated" highways in Exhibit"A,"which is attached hereto and made a part hereof. B. All State highways or portions thereof which have been designated by the Texas Transportation Commission or maintained and operated as Controlled Access Highways and which are described and/or graphically shown in Exhibit"B,"which is attached hereto and made a part hereof. 2. In the event that the present system of State highways within the City is changed by cancellation, modified routing, or new routes, the State will terminate maintenance and operation and this agreement will become null and void on those portions of the highways which are no longer on the State Highway System; and the full effect and all conditions of this agreement will apply to the changed highways or new highways on the State Highway System within the City; and they shall be classified as "State Maintained and Operated" under paragraph 1 above, unless the execution of a new agreement on the changed or new portions of the highways is requested by either the City or the State. 3. Exhibits that are a part of this agreement may be changed with both parties' written concurrence. Additional exhibits may also be added with both parties'written concurrence. GENERAL CONDITIONS 1. The City authorizes the State to maintain and operate the State highways covered by this agreement in the manner set out herein. 2. This agreement is between the State and the City only. No person or entity may claim third party beneficiary status under this contract or any of its provisions, nor may any non-party sue for personal injuries or property damage under this contract. 3. This agreement is for the purpose of defining the authority and responsibility of both parties for maintenance and operation of State highways through the City. This agreement shall supplement any special agreements between the State and the City for the maintenance, operation, and/or construction of the State highways covered herein, and this agreement shall supersede any existing Municipal Maintenance Agreements. 4. Traffic regulations, including speed limits, will be established only after traffic and engineering studies have been completed by the State and/or City and approved by the State. 5. The State will erect and maintain all traffic signs and associated pavement markings necessary to regulate, warn, and guide traffic on State highways within the State right-of-way except as mentioned in this paragraph and elsewhere in this agreement. At the intersections of off-system approaches to State highways, the City shall install and maintain all stop signs, yield signs, and one-way signs and any necessary stop or yield bars and pedestrian crosswalks outside the main lanes or outside the frontage roads, if such exist. The City shall install and maintain all street name signs except for those mounted on State maintained traffic signal poles or arms or special advance street name signs on State right-of-way. All new signs installed by the City on State right-of-way shall meet or exceed the latest State breakaway standards and be in accordance with the Texas Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices, latest edition and revision. All existing signs shall be upgraded on a maintenance replacement basis to meet these requirements 6. Subject to approval by the State, any State highway lighting system may be installed by the City provided the City shall pay or otherwise provide for all cost of installation, maintenance, and operation except in those installations specifically covered by separate agreements between the City and State. Form 1038 (Rev.03/12) Page 3 of 6 7. The City shall enforce the State laws governing the movement of loads which exceed the legal limits for weight, length, height, or width as prescribed by Chapters 621, 622, and 623 of the Transportation Code for public highways outside corporate limits of cities. The City shall also, by ordinance/resolution and enforcement, prescribe and enforce lower weight limits when mutually agreed by the City and the State that such restrictions are needed to avoid damage to the highway and/or for traffic safety. 8. The City shall prevent future encroachments within the right-of-way of the State highways and assist in removal of any present encroachments when requested by the State except where specifically authorized by separate agreement; and prohibit the planting of trees or shrubbery or the creation or construction of any other obstruction within the right-of-way without prior approval in writing from the State. 9. Traffic control devices such as signs, traffic signals, and pavement markings, with respect to type of device, points of installation and necessity, will be determined by traffic and engineering studies. The City shall not install, maintain, or permit the installation of any type of traffic control device which will affect or influence the use of State highways unless approved in writing by the State. Traffic control devices installed prior to the date of this agreement are hereby made subject to the terms of this agreement and the City agrees to the removal of such devices which affect or influence the use of State highways unless their continued use is approved in writing by the State. It is understood that basic approval for future installations of traffic control signals by the State or as a joint project with the City, will be indicated by the proper City official's signature on the title sheet of the plans. Both parties should retain a copy of the signed title sheet or a letter signed by both parties acknowledging which signalized intersections are covered by this agreement. Any special requirements not covered within this agreement will be covered under a separate agreement. 10. New construction of sidewalks, ramps or other accessibility related items shall comply with current ADA standards. The city is responsible for the maintenance of these items. 11. If the City has a driveway permit process that has been submitted to and approved by the State, the City will issue permits for access driveways on State highway routes and will assure the grantee's conformance, for proper installation and maintenance of access driveway facilities, with either a Local Access Management Plan that the City has adopted by ordinance and submitted to the State or, if the City has not adopted by ordinance and submitted to the State a Local Access Management Plan, the State's "Regulations for Access Driveways to State Highways" and the State's Access Management Manual. If the City does not have an approved city-wide driveway permit process, the State will issue access driveway permits on State highway routes in accordance with the City's Local Access Management Plan, adopted by city ordinance and submitted to the State or, if the City has not adopted by ordinance and submitted a Local Access Management Plan, the State's "Regulations for Access Driveways to State Highways" and the State's Access Management Manual. 12. The use of unused right-of-way and areas beneath structures will be determined by a separate agreement NON-CONTROLLED ACCESS HIGHWAYS The following specific conditions and responsibilities shall be applicable to non-controlled access State highways in addition to the "General Conditions" contained herein above. Non-controlled access State highways or portions thereof covered by this section are those listed and/or graphically shown in Exhibit"A." State's Responsibilities(Non-Controlled Access) 1. Maintain the traveled surface and foundation beneath such traveled surface necessary for the proper support of same under vehicular loads encountered and maintain the shoulders. 2. Assist in mowing and litter pickup to supplement City resources when requested by the City and if State resources are available. 3. Assist in sweeping and otherwise cleaning the pavement to supplement City resources when requested by the City and if State resources are available. Form 1038 (Rev.03/12) Page 4 of 6 4. Assist in snow and ice control to supplement City resources when requested by the City and if State resources are available. 5. Maintain drainage facilities within the limits of the right-of-way and State drainage easements. This does not relieve the City of its responsibility for drainage of the State highway facility within its corporate limits. 6. Install, maintain, and operate, when required, normal regulatory, warning and guide signs and normal markings (except as provided under "General Conditions" in paragraph 5). In cities with less than 50,000 population, this also includes school safety devices, school crosswalks, and crosswalks installed in conjunction with pedestrian signal heads. This does not include other pedestrian crosswalks. Any other traffic striping desired by the City may be placed and maintained by the City subject to written State approval. 7. Install, operate, and maintain traffic signals in cities with less than 50,000 population. 8. In cities equal to or greater than 50,000 population, the State may provide for installation of traffic signals when the installation is financed in whole or in part with federal-aid funds if the City agrees to enter into an agreement setting forth the responsibilities of each party. City's Responsibilities (Non-Controlled Access) 1. Prohibit angle parking, except upon written approval by the State after traffic and engineering studies have been conducted to determine if the State highway is of sufficient width to permit angle parking without interfering with the free and safe movement of traffic. 2. Install and maintain all parking restriction signs, pedestrian crosswalks [except as provided in paragraph 6 under "State's Responsibilities (Non-Controlled Access)"], parking stripes and special guide signs when agreed to in writing by the State. Cities greater than or equal to 50,000 population will also install, operate, and maintain all school safety devices and school crosswalks. 3. Signing and marking of intersecting city streets with State highways will be the full responsibility of the City (except as provided under"General Conditions" in paragraph 5). 4. Require installations, repairs, removals or adjustments of publicly or privately owned utilities or services to be performed in accordance with Texas Department of Transportation specifications and subject to approval of the State in writing. 5. Retain all functions and responsibilities for maintenance and operations which are not specifically described as the responsibility of the State. The assistance by the State in maintenance of drainage facilities does not relieve the City of its responsibility for drainage of the State highway facility within its corporate limits except where participation by the State is specifically covered in a separate agreement between the City and the State. 6. Install, maintain, and operate all traffic signals in cities equal to or greater than 50,000 population. Any variations will be handled by a separate agreement. 7. Perform mowing and litter pickup. 8. Sweep and otherwise clean the pavement. 9. Perform snow and ice control. CONTROLLED ACCESS HIGHWAYS The following specific conditions and responsibilities shall be applicable to controlled access highways in addition to the "General Conditions" contained herein above. Controlled access State highways or portions thereof covered by this section are those listed and/or graphically shown in Exhibit"B." Form 1038 (Rev.03/12) Page 5 of 6 State's Responsibilities(Controlled Access) 1. Maintain the traveled surface of the through lanes, ramps, and frontage roads and foundations beneath such traveled surface necessary for the proper support of same under vehicular loads encountered. 2. Mow and clean up litter within the outermost curbs of the frontage roads or the entire right-of-way width where no frontage roads exist and assist in performing these operations between the right-of-way line and the outermost curb or crown line of the frontage roads in undeveloped areas. 3. Sweep and otherwise clean the through lanes, ramps, separation structures or roadways and frontage roads. 4. Remove snow and control ice on the through lanes and ramps and assist in these operations as the availability of equipment and labor will allow on the frontage roads and grade separation structures or roadways. 5. Except as provided under "General Conditions" in paragraph 5, the State will install and maintain all normal markings and signs, including sign operation if applicable, on the main lanes and frontage roads. This includes school safety devices, school crosswalks and crosswalks installed on frontage roads in conjunction with pedestrian signal heads. It does not include other pedestrian crosswalks. 6. Install, operate and maintain traffic signals at ramps and frontage road intersections unless covered by a separate agreement. 7. Maintain all drainage facilities within the limits of the right-of-way and State drainage easements. This does not relieve the City of its responsibility for drainage of the highway facility within its corporate limits. City's Responsibilities (Controlled Access) 1. Prohibit, by ordinance or resolution and through enforcement, all parking on frontage roads except when parallel parking on one side is approved by the State in writing. Prohibit all parking on main lanes and ramps and at such other places where such restriction is necessary for satisfactory operation of traffic, by passing and enforcing ordinances/resolutions and taking other appropriate action in addition to full compliance with current laws on parking. 2. When considered necessary and desirable by both the City and the State, the City shall pass and enforce an ordinance/resolution providing for one-way traffic on the frontage roads except as may be otherwise agreed to by separate agreements with the State. 3. Secure or cause to be secured the approval of the State before any utility installation, repair, removal or adjustment is undertaken, crossing over or under the highway facility or entering the right-of-way. In the event of an emergency, it being evident that immediate action is necessary for protection of the public and to minimize property damage and loss of investment, the City, without the necessity of approval by the State, may at its own responsibility and risk make necessary emergency utility repairs, notifying the State of this action as soon as practical. 4. Pass necessary ordinances/resolutions and retain its responsibility for enforcing the control of access to the expressway/freeway facility. 5. Install and maintain all parking restriction signs, pedestrian crosswalks (except as mentioned above in paragraph 5 under "State's Responsibilities") and parking stripes when agreed to by the State in writing. Signing and marking of intersecting city streets to State highways shall be the full responsibility of the City (except as discussed under"General Conditions" in paragraph 5). Form 1038 (Rev.03/12) Page 6 of 6 TERMINATION All obligations of the State created herein to maintain and operate the State highways covered by this agreement shall terminate if and when such highways cease to be officially on the State highway system; and further, should either party fail to properly fulfill its obligations as herein outlined, the other party may terminate this agreement upon 30 days written notice. Upon termination, all maintenance and operation duties on non-controlled access State highways shall revert to City responsibilities, in accordance with Chapter 311 of the Texas Transportation Code. The State shall retain all maintenance responsibilities on controlled access State highways in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 203 of the Texas Transportation Code and 23 United States Code Section 116. Said State assumption of maintenance and operations shall be effective the date of execution of this agreement by the Texas Department of Transportation. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have hereunto affixed their signatures, the City of Wylie, TX on the day of , 2012 , and the Texas Department of Transportation, on the day of , 2012 . THE STATE OF TEXAS ATTEST: Executed and approved for the Texas Transportation Commission for the purpose and effect of activating and/or carrying out the orders, and established CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS policies or work programs heretofore approved and BY authorized by the Texas Transportation Commission (Title of Signing Official) BY (District Engineer) Dallas District- DAL- 18 District The Texas Department of Transportation maintains the information collected through this form. With few exceptions, you are entitled on request to be informed about the information that we collect about you. Under Sections 552.021 and 552.023 of the Government Code, you also are entitled to receive and review this information. Under Section 559.004 of the Government Code, you are also entitled to have us correct information about you that is incorrect. For more information, call 512/416-3048. NOTE: To be executed in duplicate and supported by Municipal Maintenance Ordinance/Resolution and City Secretary Certificate. / i 1 r— r g J , \ , /(6/) mr - 546 i/ 111 ' — 2786 � IIl " F?!! ) ---/;; — ( — t I ` raza -` moo= ,_' ^� - I l i "-J lci ( I('a l I ' -,1( e aI 1 L t_±,:r...........„..........i i N l .., ,,, A N.-, i 3286 .` I l ''r (__J! —V-'('`ti Nrh7L I— --L-----,----,. - 1. /778 •I �, 11 Ly 4 ' �_ 1378(' r�\ _ fifiS s _ 1 d 25/4 1 - f- s ii { j I - 1 2514 - CITY OF ` r 1 �I J = WY I E R I, /,� — e \ \ cill ,t di plir lizIlL — r �il7krorlllal .. n) 2755 'N"� _ 7 J 205 [ )� �_ !e4 —78 " _ I-, _ ,g. S , _ _ . . . . . . _ _ COLL I NCOUNTY DALLAS COUNTY �� ROCKWALL COUNTY )7 ®Texas Deportment of r onsaorlalon / ©2012 �'"' 0 �""' 2MI LEGEND: EXHIBIT "A" STATE MAINTAINED & OPERATEDNTROLLED CCESS A HIGHWAYS I SCALE: 1 ' =2""' NONE CITY MAINTAINED & OPERATED „" S"`T'«,',' 0'60 YJP TEXAS DALLAS COLLIN YJP ca�woL ssn�ax ,m EXHIBIT A Non-Controlled Access Highways I. STATE MAINTAINED A. SH 78: From the southwest city limit (creek) to east city limit (creek). B. FM 544: From the west city limit (McCreary Rd.) to SH 78. C. FM 1378: From FM 544 to just N. of the DART RRX. D. FM 2514: From SH 78 to the north city limit (Paul Wilson Rd.). II. CITY MAINTAINED - None = 111 41P • P.O. BOX 133067. DALLAS,TEXAS 75313-3067 • (214)320-6100 August 2, 2012 FM 2514, Control Section 0619-06 City of Wylie Collin County Mr. Mike Sferra Director of Public Services City of Wylie 300 Country Club Road, Bldg. 100 Wylie, TX 75098 Dear Mr. Sferra: As the City and TxDOT will execute a new Municipal Maintenance Agreement (MMA) in the near future, wanted to address your question about the existing angle parking on FM 2514. Paragraph 1, City's Responsibilities (Non-Controlled Access) states. 1. Prohibit angle parking, except upon written approval by the State after traffic sufficient engineering studies have been conducted to determine if the State highway of width to permit angle parking without interfering with the free and safe movement of traffic. The current MMA (dated May 9, 1995) includes this same language, and the angle parking has been in place and functioning without problems for a number of years on the downtown Wylie section of FM 2514. The angle parking in this area may remain until conditions change. At that time, the continued use of angled parking will need to be revisited, and may no longer be acceptable. Feel free to contact me, at 972-542-2345, if needed. Sinc ly, 1H" Barry D. Heard, 4. Collin County Area Engineer THE TEXAS PLAN REDUCE CONGESTION*ENHANCE SAFETY*EXPAND ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITY NIPROVE AIR QUALITY PRESERVE THE VALUE OF TRANSPORTATION ASSETS An Equal Opportunity Employer _ r„, — -— . — • Owerlmeer Form 1038 Rev.3/94 Previous versions are obsolete. OW I 122504 Municipal Maintenance Agreement STATE OF TEXAS* COUNTY OF TRAVIS * THIS AGREEMENT made this 41/ day of /WI Y , 19 ,by and between the State of Texas, hereinafter referred to as the "State", party of the first part, and the City of COLLIN County,Texas(population OVO , 19 90 ,Federal Census)acting by and through its duly authorized officers, hereinafter called the"City",party of the second part. WITNESSETH • WHEREAS,the City has requested the State to assist in the maintenance of State Highway routes within such City;and WHEREAS,the Executive Director,acting for and in behalf of the Texas Transportation Commission,has made it known to the City that the State will assist the City in the maintenance, control, supervision and regulation of State Highway routes within such City,conditioned that the City will enter into agreements with the State for the purpose of determining the responsibilities of the parties thereto: . AGREEMENT • NOW,THEREFORE,in consideration of the premises and of the mutual covenants and agreements of the parties hereto to be by them respectively kept and performed,it is agreed as follows: • Coverage • I. This agreement is intended to cover and provide for State participation in the maintenance of the following classification of State Highway mutes within the City: A. Non-Controlled Access mutes or portions thereof which are described and/or graphically shown • as"State Maintained"mutes in Exhibit"A",which is attached hereto and made a part hereof. B. All State Highway routes or portions thereof which have been designated by the Texas Transportation Commission as Controlled Access Highways and which are described and/or graphically shown in Exhibit"B",which is attached hereto and made a part hereof. 1 of 6 • _ _ _ Form 1038 Rev.3/94 Previous versions are obsolete. • 2. In the event that the present system of State Highway routes within the City is changed by cancellation, modified routing, new routes or change in the City's corporate limits, the State shall terminate maintenance and this agreement shall become null and void on that portion of the routes which are no longer routes of a State Highway;and the full effect and all conditions of this agreement shall apply to the changed routes or new routes of the State Highways within the City.and shall be classified as "State Maintained"under paragraph 1 above,unless the execution of a new agreement on the changed portion of the routes is requested by either the City or the State. General Conditions • 1. The City hereby agrees and does hereby authorize the State to maintain the State Highway routes covered by this agreement in the manner set out herein. 2. The City shall retain full responsibility for all items that affect property rights, life, health, etc., of property owners and dwellers adjacent to the State Highway routes and portions thereof. 3. This agreement shall supplement any special agreements between the State and the City for the maintenance and/or construction of the highways covered herein and this agreement shall supersede any existing Municipal Maintenance Agreements. 4. Traffic regulations, including speed limits, will be established after traffic and engineering surveys have been conducted. 5. The State will erect and maintain all traffic signs necessary to regulate, warn and guide traffic on highway routes in a safe and efficient manner. • 6. It is mutually agreed that,subject to approval by the State,any street lighting system may be installed by the City provided the City shall pay all cost of installation, maintenance and operation except in those installations specifically covered by separate agreements between the City and State. 7. It is understood and agreed that this agreement is for the purpose of defining the authority and responsibility of both parties for maintenance of highway routes through the City and shall in no way be considered to cover any present or past obligation either real or anticipated concerning such State Highway routes through the City. 8. The City shall prohibit the movement of loads over State Maintained streets which exceed the legal limits for either weight,length,height or width,as prescribed by State law for public highways outside corporate limits of cities,except those having proper permits from the State for such movements.The City shall also,by ordinance and enforcement,prescribe and enforce lower weight limits when mutually agreed by the City and the State that such restrictions are needed to avoid damage to the street and/of for traffic safety. 9. The City shall prevent future encroachments within the right of way of the highway mutes and assist in removal of any present encroachments when requested by the State except where specifically authorized by separate agreement; and prohibit the planting of trees or shrubbery or the creation or construction of any other obstruction within the right of way without prior agreement with the State. 2 of 6 • Form Me Rev.3/94 Previous vendors are obsolete. • 10. The City agrees that traffic control devices,such as signs,traffic signals and pavement markings, in respect to type of device, points of installation and necessity will be determined by traffic and engineering surveys.The City agrees that it will not install,maintain or permit the installation of any type of traffic control device which will affect or influence the utility of the State Highway routes unless approved in writing by the State. Traffic control devices installed prior to the date of this Agreement are hereby made subject to the terms of this Agreement and the City agrees to the removal of such devices which affect or influence the utility of the State Highway routes unless their continued use is approved in writing by the State.It is understood that approval for future installations of traffic control signals by the State or as a joint project with the City, will be indicated by signature of the plans. 11. The City agrees to assure the grantee's conformance, for proper construction and maintenance of access driveway facilities,in accordance with"Regulations for Access Driveways to State Highways" adopted by the Texas Department of Transportation or in accordance with other standards and specifications for the design, construction and maintenance details subject to approval by the Texas Department of Transportation. 12. It is understood that the use of unused right of way and areas beneath structures will be as determined by a separate agreement. 13. On those State Highway routes and portions thereof which are listed and/or graphically shown on Exhibit"A"as"City Maintained"routes,the City agrees to provide bridge inspection and inventory data to the State in accordance with National Bridge Inspection Standards. Non-Controlled Access Highways • The following specific conditions and responsibilities shall be applicable to non-controlled access highways in addition to the"General Conditions"contained herein above.Routes of non-controlled access highways or portions thereof covered by this section are those listed and/or graphically shown in Exhibit"A". State's Responsibilities 1. Maintain the traveled surface and foundation beneath such traveled surface necessary for the proper support of same under vehicular loads encountered and maintain the shoulders. 2. Assist in mowing and litter pickup. 3. Assist in sweeping and otherwise cleaning the pavement. 4. Assist in snow and ice control. 5. Maintain drainage facilities within the limits of the right of way. 6. Install and maintain normal regulatory warning and guide signs and normal markings for directing highway traffic in a safe and efficient manner.This includes school safety devices,school crosswalks and crosswalks installed in conjunction with pedestrian signal heads.It does not include other pedestrian crosswalks.Any other traffic striping desired by the City may be placed and maintained by the City subject to the approval of the State. 3 of 6 • • • • Form 1038 Rev.3/04 Previous vezaions are obsolete. 7. Install,operate and maintain traffic signals in cities with less than 50,000 population. 8. Install all Federally-funded,off-system traffic signals and on-system traffic signals in cities greater than 50,000 population. City's Responsibilities 1. Prohibit angle parking,except upon written approval by the State after traffic and engineering surveys have been conducted to determine that the roadway is of sufficient width to permit angle parking without interfering with the free movement of traffic. 2. Install and maintain all parking restriction signs,pedestrian crosswalks, parking stripes and special guide signs when agreed to by the State and traffic signals in cities with over 50,000 population. Signing and marking of intersecting city streets to State Highway routes will be the full responsibility of the City. 3. Require installatiOns,repairs,removals or adjustments of publicly or privately owned utilities or services to be performed in accordance with Texas Department of Transportation specifications and subject to approval of the State. 4. Maintain highway drainage facilities outside the limits of the right of way. 5. Retain all functions and responsibilities for maintenance, control, supervision and regulation which are not specifically described as the responsibility of the State.The assistance by the State in maintenance of roadway ditches does not relieve the City of its responsibility for drainage of the highway facility within its corporate limits except where participation by the State other than above is specifically covered in a separate agreement between the City and the State. 6. Maintenance and operation of all Federally-funded, off-system traffic signals and on-system traffic signals in cities greater than 50,000 population. Controlled Access Highways The following specific conditions and responsibilities shall be applicable to controlled access highways in addition to the"General Conditions"contained herein above.Routes of controlled access highways or portions thereof covered by this section are those listed and/or graphically shown in Exhibit"B". State's Responsibilities 1. Maintain the traveled surface of the through lanes,ramps and frontage roads and foundations beneath such traveled surface necessary for the proper support of same under vehicular loads encountered. 2. Mow and clean up litter within the outermost curbs of the frontage roads or the entire right of way width where no frontage roads exist, and assist in performing these operations between the right of way line and the outermost curb or crown line of the frontage roads in undeveloped areas. 4 of 6 - . Form 1038 'Rev.3/94 Previous versions are obsolete. • 3. Sweep and otherwise clean the through lanes,ramps,separation structures or roadways and frontage roads. 4. Remove snow and control ice on the through lanes and ramps and ass §.k..in.these operations as the availability of equipment and labor will allow on the frontage rO41.4.and separation structures or roadways. I Jr: • ; t '12 5. Install and maintain all normal markings and signs on the main lane‘a:VoiitAke roads necessary for the proper use of the facility and direction of traffic thereon. This 'ncludes scV)1 safety devices, school crosswalks and crosswalks installed on frontage roads in coitunetion-with ptdestrian signal heads.It does not include other pedestrian crosswalks. 6. Install,operate and maintain traffic signals at ramps and frontage road intersections. 7. Maintain all drainage facilities within the limits of the right of way. City's Responsibilities 1. Restrict parking on frontage roads to parallel parking on one side only and prohibit all parking on main lanes and ramps and at such other places where such restriction is necessary for satisfactory operation of traffic,by passing and enforcing ordinances and taldng other appropriate action in addition to full compliance with current laws on parking. 2. When considered necessary and desirable by both the City and the State, the City shall pass and enforce an ordinance providing for one-way traffic on the frontage roads except as may be otherwise agreed to by separate agreements with the State. 3. Secure or cause to be secured the approval of the State before any utility installation,repair,removal or adjustment is undertaken,crossing over or under the highway facility or entering the right of way. In the event of an emergency,it being evident that immediate action is necessary for protection of the public and to minimize property damage and loss of investment, the City, without the necessity of approval by the State,may at its own responsibility and risk make necessary emergency utility repairs, notifying the State of this action as soon as practical. 4. Pass necessary ordinances and retain its responsibility for enforcing the control of access to the freeway facility. Termination ' 1. It is understood and agreed between the parties hereto that all obligations of the State created herein to maintain the State Highway routes covered by this agreement shall terminate if and when they are no longer mutes of State Highways;and further,that should either party fail to properly fulfill its obligations • as herein outlined,the other party may terminate this agreement upon 30 days written notice. Said State assumption of maintenance shall be effective the date of execution of this agreement by the Texas Department of Transportation. 5 of 6 , . (-----) ,.....,..„ . Form 1038 Rev.3/94 Previous versions are obsolete. -i IN WITNESS. WHEREOF, the part'es have hereunto affixed their signAty.res, the City of ' WYLIE:- on the /0" day of ett. , 19 (1,3- , and the Texas Departmenlpf II- ,.,--i.--. 1 .4 ,.nth& day of , 19 r- ic • kr, 1 ,.. ",,;..1 ,,,,_ -iv',, A'ITEST: • ‘0 .44140-c:'%-.4 CITY OF . - • ....... 4 P:._ ............ . -. - / 1, y.' ' -: ,„"t''',"111V4IF:',At,- ' / or ',7.; By • •..... .Zma" -4,........ —it-••,, ,, ,.......i.,, . --'' sift. ' (Tide of Signing Official) 't/E, THE STATE OF TEXAS AP' . OVAL RE .i.4.1 . ED: Certified as being for the purpose and effect of activating and/or carrying out the orders, Aink . established policies,or wcrk programs heretofore Ir.i (.2-,,,,„... ...„ approved and authorized by the Texas / Transportation Commission under the authority ,DALLAS District of Minute Order No. /41=190ea . "".11.Y.''''.***-'.....'..1.--:---ir>ineatistrucli•. .. Mainiensed NOTE: To be executed in triplicate and supported by Municipal Maintenance Ordinance and Certificate of City Secretary. 1 6 6 of 6 EXHIBIT "A" NON CONTROLLED ACCESS HIGHWAY I. STATE MAINTAINED A. STATE HIGHWAY 78: From the East City Limit to the Southwest City Limit(base, surface, assist in sweep- ing, mowing, cleaning litter and in main- tenance of roadway ditches) B. FARM TO MARKET 1378: From the North City Limit to the intersection of F.M. 544 (base, surface, assist in sweeping, mowing, cleaning litter and in maintenance of roadway ditches) C. FARM TO MARKET 2514: From the North City Limit to the intersection of F.M. 3412 (base, surface, assist in sweeping, mowing, cleaning litter and in maintenance of roadway ditches) D. FARM TO MARKET 3412: From the intersection of F.M. 1378 to the beginning of curb and gutter section (base, surface, assist in sweeping, mowing, cleaning litter and in maintenance of roadway ditches) E. FARM TO MARKET 3412: From the beginning of curb and gutter section to junction of SH 78 (base, surface and bridge classification structures only) F. FARM TO MARKET 544: From F.M. 1378 to junction SH 78, from SH 78 junction with F.M. 3412 south to South City Limit (base, surface, assist in sweep- ing, mowing, cleaning litter and in mainte- nance of roadway ditches) II. CITY MAINTAINED None EXHIBIT "B" CONTROLLED ACCESS HIGHWAY I. STATE MAINTAINED None II. CITY MAINTAINED None Wylie City Council CITY OF VVYLIE AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: August 14, 2012 Item Number: E. Department: Public Services (City Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: Mike Sferra Account Code: Date Prepared: July 20, 2012 Budgeted Amount: Resolution Agreement and Exhibits: Plans Subject Consider, and act upon, Resolution No. 2012-29(R) authorizing the City Manager to execute a Landscape Maintenance Agreement with TxDOT for the installation of landscaping on State Highway 78. Recommendation Motion to approve Resolution No. 2012-29(R) authorizing the City Manager to execute a Landscape Maintenance Agreement with TxDOT for the installation of landscaping on State Highway 78. Discussion TxDOT's Green Ribbon Program has funds available this year to install landscaping on the portion of State Highway 78 that was recently expanded to six lanes. TxDOT requires approval of a Landscape Maintenance Agreement which defines the responsibilities of each party regarding the landscaping. Essentially, TxDOT agrees to install the landscaping and irrigation as per their plans, and the City has the responsibility for its maintenance. TxDOT bid the project in April 2012, and the successful bidder was Denali Construction. They have recently completed three TxDOT landscape projects in the Dallas district, and they perform similar work at the District Office. The TxDOT District Landscape Architect is confident that the contractor will perform well. The bid was for $203,919, and work is scheduled to begin in mid-September 2012. On February 14, 2012, staff received comments from Council regarding the landscape plans. Staff relayed those comments to TxDOT, and TxDOT has responded as follows: • The plans show all the trees located in the center of the median. TxDOT will have the contractor stagger the trees on one or two medians north and south of FM 544 to create some diversity of appearance. • TxDOT normally uses two-inch caliper trees in 30 gallon containers; however, for this project, they are using two and a half-inch caliper trees in 45 gallon containers. They advised against using larger diameter trees in addition to the two and a half-inch caliper trees, citing that the smaller-diameter trees catch up to the larger-diameter trees in two to three years because they experience less stress during transportation and planting. Also, there is generally a wider selection of trees at the smaller size, so we can be more selective about the quality of the plant material. • Wildflower seed is not installed under this program. The purchase of that seed must come out of TxDOT's maintenance budget, and due to budget constraints, they have not ordered wildflower seed in several years. Page 1 of 2 Page 2 of 2 • TxDOT will install decomposed granite (DG) in the Vitex beds only where the plants are spaced eight feet apart. All other bed areas are filled with one-gallon grasses spaced 18 inches apart, and the DG would be hidden within a year. • The Green Ribbon Program funding is not applicable to hardscape items. The City can incorporate pavers, colored-textured concrete or concrete stains along the roadway after completion of TxDOT work. Approved By Initial Date Department Director MS 7/20/2012 City Manager MM August 8, 2012 RESOLUTION NO. 2012-29(R) A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, HEREBY AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, TO EXECUTE AN INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT BY AND BETWEEN THE TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION AND THE CITY OF WYLIE FOR THE INSTALLATION OF LANDSCAPING ON STATE HIGHWAY 78. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS: SECTION 1: The City Manager of the City of WYLIE, Texas, is hereby authorized to execute, on behalf of the City Council of the City of WYLIE, Texas, an Interlocal Agreement by and between the Texas Department of Transportation and the City of WYLIE, Texas for the installation of Landscaping on State Highway 78. SECTION 2: This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon its passage. DULY PASSED AND RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas this 14th day of August, 2012. ERIC HOGUE, Mayor ATTEST TO: CAROLE EHRLICH, City Secretary Resolution No.2012-29 Interlocal Agreement—TxDOT Installation of Landscaping Hwy 78 LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT ten.en2 Form 2043 (Rev.04/12) Page 1 of 3 THE STATE OF TEXAS THE COUNTY OF TRAVIS This AGREEMENT made this day of , 2012 , by and between the Texas Department of Transportation, hereinafter referred to as the "State," and the City of Wylie , Collin County, Texas, acting by and through its duly authorized officers, hereinafter called the "City". WITNESSETH WHEREAS, Chapter 311 of the Transportation Code gives the City exclusive dominion, control, and jurisdiction over and under the public streets within its corporate limits and authorizes the City to enter into agreements with the State to fix responsibilities for maintenance, control, supervision, and regulation of State highways within and through its corporate limits; and WHEREAS, Section 221.002 of the Transportation Code authorizes the State, at its discretion, to enter into agreements with cities to fix responsibilities for maintenance, control, supervision, and regulation of State highways within and through the corporate limits of such cities; and WHEREAS, the State and the City have entered into a Municipal Maintenance Agreement dated , the provisions of which are incorporated herein by reference, and wherein the City has agreed to retain all functions and responsibilities for maintenance and operations which are not specifically described as the responsibility of the department; and WHEREAS, the State has existing and proposed landscape improvements, such as, but not limited to, the installation of tree, shrub, and turf plantings, irrigation systems, and other aesthetic elements for areas within the right of way of state highway routes within the City as shown on Attachment "A"; and WHEREAS, the State will provide such landscape improvements, provided that the City agrees to be responsible for all required maintenance of the landscape improvements. Form 2043 (Rev.04/12) Page 2 of 3 AGREEMENT NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and of the mutual covenants and agreements of the parties hereto to be by them respectively kept and performed, it is agreed as follows: Contract Period This Agreement becomes effective upon the date of final execution by the State, and shall remain in effect until terminated or modified as hereinafter provided. Coverage This agreement prescribes the responsibilities of the State and the City relating to the installation and maintenance of landscape elements on non- controlled access state highways, as defined in the Municipal Maintenance Agreement, and described and graphically shown as "State Maintained and Operated" in that agreement. Amendment The parties agree that this agreement may be amended. Such amendments, to be effective, must be in writing and signed by both parties. State's Responsibilities The State shall install landscape elements including but not limited to trees, shrubs, grasses, sidewalks, irrigation systems, and hardscape features through its employees or duly appointed agents. City's Responsibilities The City may install landscape elements including but not limited to trees, shrubs, grasses, sidewalks, irrigation systems, and hardscape features through its employees or duly appointed agents. Any installations shall be performed in accordance with Texas Department of Transportation specifications and standards, and must be approved by the State in writing prior to any work being performed. Form 2043 (Rev.04/12) Page 3 of 3 The City shall maintain all landscape elements within the limits of the right of way including all median and island areas but excluding paved areas intended for vehicular travel. Landscape maintenance shall include but not be limited to plant maintenance, plant replacement, mowing and trimming, hardscape element maintenance, and irrigation system operation and maintenance. All landscape elements must be maintained in a functional and aesthetically pleasing condition. TERMINATION It is understood and agreed between the parties hereto that should either party fail to properly fulfill its obligations as herein outlined, the other party may terminate this agreement upon thirty days written notice. Additionally, this agreement may be terminated by mutual agreement and consent of both parties. Should the City terminate this agreement, as prescribed here above, the City shall, at the option of the State, reimburse any reasonable costs incurred by the State. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have hereunto affixed their signatures, the City of Wylie on the day of , year 2012 , and the Texas Department of Transportation, on the day of , year 2012 . ATTEST: THE STATE OF TEXAS Executed for the Executive Director and approved for the Texas Transportation CITY OF WYLIE Commission for the purpose and effect of activating and/or carrying out the By orders, and the established policies or (Title of Signing Official) work programs heretofore approved and authorized by the Texas Transportation Commission. By District Engineer Dallas District Attachments DESIG p�a N .No. FEDERAL AID or STATE PROJECT NO. HINO Y XXX 6 STP 2012 (446) SH 78 XXX FINAL PLANS STATE OF TEXAS GRAPHICS STATE DISTRICT �.COUNTY SHE I5IECK - TEXAS DALLAS COLLIN XXX NAME OF CONTRACTOR: DEPARTMENT OFF T In ANS[DOI'I TATION CHECK CONTROL SECTION JOB 1 XXX 0281 02 067 DATE OF LETTING: — .j O L — DESIGN SPEEDS =N/A DATE WORK BEGAN: PLANS OF Pl', POSED DATE WORK COMPLETED: STATE HIGHWAY—IMP l',OJE A L-NT DATE WORK ACCEPTED: FEDERAL AID PROJECT SUMMARY OF CHANGE ORDERS: STP 2012 (446) CSJ: 0281-02-067 NOTE: SPECIFICATIONS ADOPTED BY THE TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION, S H 78 JUNE 1, 2004, AND THE CONTRACT PROVISIONS LISTED AND DATED AS VX FOLLOWS SHALL GOVERN ON THIS PROJECT: REQUIRED CONTRACT PROVISIONS FOR ALL FEDERAL-AID CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTS (FORM FHWA 1273, MARCH, 1994) COLLIN COUNTY LIMITS: FROM Spring Creek Parkway TO Maxwel I Creek in Wylie ROADWAY =21041 FT. = 3.985 MI. TOTAL LENGTH OF PROJECT =—BRIDGE =0.00 FT. = 0.000 MI. TOTAL =21041 FT. = 3.985 MI. TYPE OF WORK: LANDSCAPE DEVELOPMENT TO INCLUDE TREE-&.SHRUB PLANTING, AND IRRIGATION EE PAYSON CO_ SE°A-- °iEl' _ II ... MARIL eau IDIf3 EST° N FANNIN CD. w • mL BEGIN PROJECTas A• �® PIKE CSJ 0281-02-067 I Im CELINA III CM RIDGE "D • ° � ogi STA N/A TRM 264+0.774 dl j':: �m 2 imp RHLA ®•s IIIIIII OD 'NC KINNEY ® R1xcEi0x N RNERSYIL.E 1141/1" ® I" TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION END PROJECT .. I ® mr� vcas ®°K° CSJ 0281-02-067 STA N/A UM ® I x suRMITTED 6Fea �, I ' TRM 268+0.713 II ®�, ��'� FOR LETTING 2o<�H LALAWKE EMI RLA COLLIN COUNTY - ®�� LANDSCAPE ARCHI T SCALE° 5 SMILES IEx® ®` }' LAv°�' ucvnoA RECOMMENDED u� -' I - EID - FOR LETTING 20 ELI DALLAS DISTRICT u ® ® 1 —_�__L___.1—- , P.E. DALLAS CO. ROCKWALL CO. AREA ENGINEER IRECOMMENDED APPROVED FOR LETTING 20 FOR LETTING 20 EQUATIONS: NONE EXCEPTIONS: NONE P.E. P.E. WORK WAS COMPLETED ACCORDING RAILROAD CROSSINGS: NONE DIRECTOR OF OPERATIONS DIRECTOR, TRAFFIC OPERATIONS DIVISION TO THE PLANS AND CONTRACT. RECOMMENDED APPROVED FOR LETTING: 20 FOR LETTING 20 , P.E. Signature of Registrant & Dote , P,E. , P.E. © 2012 by Texas Department of Transportation; ol I rights reserved DISTRICT ENGINEER DIRECTOR, DESIGN DIVISION INDEX OF SHEETS SHEET DESCRIPTION SHEET DESCRIPTION SHEET DESCRIPTION I. GENERAL V. DRAINAGE DETAILS VIII. TRAFFIC ITEMS 1 TITLE SHEET NONE NONE 2 INDEX OF SHEETS 3 - 38 GENERAL NOTES 4 ESTIMATE AND QUANTITY SHEET II. TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN VI. UTILITIES IX. ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES + 5 TCP (2-1) 9E1 NONE 19 ENVIRONMENTAL PERMITS, ISSUES AND COMMITMENTS (EPIC) • 6 TCP (2-4) 03 20 STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN (SW3P) • 7 - 18 BC (1-12) 07 - • 21 - 22 EROSION CONTROL LOGS (DAL) III. ROADWAY DETAILS VII. BRIDGES X. MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS NONE NONE 23 - 28 LANDSCAPE PLANTING PLANS 29 PLANTING DETAILS 30 - 35 LANDSCAPE IRRIGATION PLANS 36 IRRIGATION DETAILS 37 IRRIGATION GENERAL NOTES&MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS IV. RETAINING WALL DETAILS S�!".-''F TFkgs as NONE ®¢,`• D `.•°age! T®Texas Department of Transportation d 0 0 © 2012 'HAL THOMAS STANFORD g • 0 • 79792 : a 1 da110F'RFOISTEE�•'��`�:! INDEX O F SHEETS I a555S/OSAL H.NG A. DIH.xO. FEDERAL P10 PROJECT Na. RI NQ Av e THE STANDARD SHEETS SPECIFICALLY IDENTIFIED ABOVE HAVE BEEN GRAPHICS ..I (see title sheet) SH 78 SELECTED BY ME OR UNDER MY RESPONSIBLE SUPERVISION AS BEING SHEET APPLICABLE T�,. P-OJE XXX STATE DISTRICT COUNTY _A / i / l "Ecfl TEXAS DALLAS COLL IN No. /•/ ft:�>S/�/`r , P.E.2/41D(Z. xXx CONTROL SECTION Joo 2 Signature _ Regi'rant & Daff XXX 0281 02 067 LEGEND >,t� III' END • ♦ •. ROADWORK ® Type III Barricade ■■Cnonne nzin9 Devices q Flog ROAD I ROAD 0 .. 20-2a Heavy Work Vehicle ®Truck Mounted Attenuator WORK END WORK a 4B x z4 • 0 (SEE NOTE 2)44, Trailer Maunte0 Portable Changeable• -G20-2a n Flashing Arrow Panel M Message Sign ROAD 46 X 24 r/ I Ilo Flogger 1 Sign Post ram., /� CW20-1E1 (SEE NOTE 21 CW20-1D o W V /_ _\ 48" X 9 NOTE 48" X 4 NOTE WORK __LLJI__ c�-7 Minimum oeslracle svggearea Ma,r,m,n Minl,mrp AHEAD IFLAGS-SEEo \ 11 (FLAGS-SEE 1) v Toper Lengths** spacing of Device Sian saucing \ Pasted 10 II' 12' Ono flea Min: �l Work Vehicles or Other Sceed 7E Formula offset Offset Offset Toper Tgnger, DietonCe CW20-1D 30 150'165' 160' 30' 60'-75' 120' 98" X 4B" A - i the�worktoPera}lon, such 2 c h 35 L= WS 205'225' 245' 35' 70'-90' 160' (FLAGS- os., Shall remain in 40 265' 295' 320' 40' 80'-100' 240' a areas separated from!ones 45 450'495'540' 45' 90'-110' 320' ag u n of traffic by channeliza- - \ 1 n Lion devices at all t10005. 505 500' 550'600' 50' 100'-125' 400' w~ \\11 55 550' 605' 660' 55' 1 10'-1 40' 500' Channelizotion devices LOWS may be ant tied it the 60 600'660'720' 60' 1 20'-1 50' *600' r'tr work area is a l imum 65 650' 715'780' 65' 130'-1 65' *700' n arest414t i of 30'itroveledom the woy. • 1 • 70 700' 770'840' 70' 14O'-175'Oil *800' • n€ P y Conventool Ponds only ,n I 4 (w C **Toper lengths hove Been rounded Off. C , ■ a A. I L=Length of Toper(FT.I W=Width of offset ITT., S•POeted Speed(MPH, 7g1TYPICAL USAGE. 'Ip^ I : E.1. ,®T Inactive SHOAT SNORT TEAM INTEAMEDIATE LONE TERM 1 ® IY N.TE i I ■ o A work MOBILE DURATION STATIONARY TEAM STATIONARY STATIONARY 111 r. n,n1 vehicle I I I I 3 a • wm ■ 4-ii ` j GENERAL NOTES: ■TN;Yj - .n.,:a?Nrc t - - 1.Wlesb athErwise stated in the pions, flags attached to signs are . ■ r`y 3 a i I REQUIRED. - �a _ 10005 '' 2. All traffic control devices illustrated ore REOUIREO, except those ~Y w ■® - - .� denoted with the triangle symbol coy be omitted when Stated elsewhere I ■ A - In the plans. en F - rc I 3. Type III barricades ore required on both sides of work area of In I ■ ® x all times. (See BC Standards for barricade details.) o • 4. Stockpiled material should be placed a minimum 30' from newest troveled way. ■ 5.Oh high speed facilities advance warning signs should be installed approximately 3X from the work area or from the beginning of a lane r shoulder taper. On low speed facilities the advance warning sign i v I w END F e should be placed on the'X"minimum distance. I ROAD WORK I I c2 '� I A 48" %0-1 9" • - Only pre-qualified products shall be used. A list of co plIont y (SEE NOTE 2) products and their sources may be abtolned by writing or faxing: fT I 1111 1 v - • \ olords Engineer ofTra Operations Division-TE ROAD ♦ •. Texas DeplSTransportatio n 125 East WORK N "�' v AHEAD ROADWORK -I- Austin, Texas 78701.2483 ROAD Phone(5121 416-3335 A G20-2a WORK Fax 1512)416.3)6) CW20-1D E X 421 AHEAD ' E-mail TRF-STANDARDY0Iatl5w.dot.state.tz.us 48" %EN (SE I ♦ . (FLAGS-SEE NOTE 7) CW20-ID 98" X 98" I ROAD 111.'Texas Deportment of Tronsportotlon (FLAGS-SEE NOTE II WORK Traffic Operations Dlvlslon AHEAD Cw20-ID I 98" X 413" (FLAGS-SEE NOTE 1) TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN TCP (2-la) TCP (2-lb) TCP (2-1c) TCP(2-1)-98 Work Area Near Shoulder Work Area on Shoulder Work Vehicles on Shoulder ©TAROT December(9a5 Xs MOT Ic.,Txoi!OM T.oar Icx,T.OT 2 94 msvlsl0xs COHT.s-95 0281 SECT 097 x xSH Ti DEW I-9T e,, 9.90 CIS cou S.M.xo. o LL DAL COLLINS I Inl 1 . LEGEND `-�} ♦ the requirement for shadow vehicles ❑ rt€ ROAD will be listed in the project GENERAL NOTES, ® Type III Barricade ■■Channelizing Devices I Flog L . ♦ Item 502, Barricades, Signs antl Traffic Handling. WORK Heavy Work Vehicle ®Truck Mounted Aitenuator cw2o-1D AHEAD °3 0'- • 48" X 48" Trailer Mounted Portable Changeable ROAD END (FLAGS-SEE NOTE II flashing Arrow Panel Message Sign WORK AHEAD cw20-tD ROAD WORK T i 1t1 Flogger 0 Sign Post 1 48" X 48" G2 FORM LEFT u mR IFLALS-SEE NOTE II 3" X 2 ONE aF�s mflt Minimum Desirable Suggested Maxima Minima bb 4a^ X z4" LANE ^ �/ / 9 Pa�ie LINE CLOSED Taper Lengths ble Spacing of Devine sly,spacing RIGHT —T ENO Formula 'D• I r 1z• on a on a Speed* Offset Of{set aft sei Toper Tongeni Distance R20-2R XXX FT ROAD WORK 30 150' 1 65' (80' 30' NO'-75' 120' `sO r r i 40" x 60' " '0 35 L. W52 205'225' 245' 35' 70'-90' 160' umw u ISEE NOTE 41 CW20-5L N G20-2a 60 �o� a 48" X 48 48" X 24" 40 265' 295' 320' 40' 80'-100' 240' LEFT ^ 45 450'495'540' 45' 90'-110' 320' W"g� LANE i 1 (1 50 500' 550'600' 50' 100'-125' 400' ▪w- CLOSED j ♦I (/J 55 550' 605' 660' 55' 110'-140' 500' :Rv. x x 4 SCWx 48„ 60 L=WS 600' 660'720' 60' 120'-150' *600' 't o • %XX FT • I SCW13-1 65 650' 715'780' 65' 130'-1 65' *700' • ■ 24" x 24" .s 70 700' 770'840' 70' 140'-175' *800' -: 5 4BW20-46 • J- �'$E P L TT1© *convent tonal Roods only rounded ■Tytw% ■ , **Toper lengths have been off. ' • ♦ L•Lengih of Toper(FT, WWIOtM1 of offset CST./ s•Poeted speed IMPHI ■'FW Y a o ■is` s a / •�♦ TYPICAL USAGES ■ SHORT SHORT TERM INTERMEDIATE LONG TERM ■_,N.Ili ill . ■ ..... 111111 ••, ' m MOBILE DURATION STATIONARY TERM STATIONARY STATIONARY z Type I I i barricade, ■ Y channelizing devices,or ECWI-6a ■ shadow vehicle with orange 36" X 36" ■ a GENERAL NOTES: `o E • ■Ill�� flags or war ing lights. ■ I. Unless otherwise stated in the plans, flags attached to signs ore When shadow vehicle 51.`- c dquipped (SEE NOTE 6)h Tko - 2. TCP f24b1donly on projects 0 3thk ShouldW1-6a kgp I2 36' X 36" two weeks in duration. • • RIGHT • • 4. The FORM ONE LINE LEFT (or RIGHT)sign may be used fallowing the o ♦ LANE • • \\ RIGHT or LEFT) LANE CLOSED XXX FT sign. Spacing distance between x CLOSED • r u SCW1-4L signs should be the minimum distance indicated. • • 48" X 48" • Ad L:i7 SCW13-I 5. lengthreorn taper is optional. When used, it should be 100•minimum '■" 1 XXX FT I • I NO 24" x 24" per lane. END CW20-5R I :yyTf 6.For intermediate term situations, when it is not feosible to remove 48" X 48" 41.L ill' cod restore pavement markings,the channel izotian must be mode ROAD WORK x T dominant by using a very close spacing. This is especially important locations of conflicting information, such as where traffic is G20-2a .I. • directed aver a double yellow centerline. In such locations a maximum 48" X 24" % RIGHT • Shoulder Taper•1/3 L channelizing device spacing of 10 feet Is recommended. The 10 Foot LANE FORM • channelizing device spacing re omnendobian is intended for the area CLOSED ONE • of conflicting information end not the entire work zone. • LINE • -I- LEFT LEFT RIGHT %XX FT I LANE R20-2L cw20-5R 48" X 60" ♦ RIGHT CLOSED w 48" X 48" ISEE NOTE 4143 • LANE I -- END 'o 1. >< CLOSED haul.] FT ae?z4e♦ ♦ ROAD WORK 00 c20-2a `%%X FT " ROAD 48" x 24° ,' 48W20 48' Texas Deportment of Transportation WORK xFOAM Traffic Operations Division AHEAD i . . ONE R20-2L LINE 48" x fio" C W20-1D T (SEE NOTE RI 48" x 48" ROAD LEFT TCP (2-4a) (FLAGS-SEE NOTE II TCP (2-4b) AHEAD WORK TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN Cw20-ID 48" X 48" One Lane Closed Two Lanes Closed IFLALS-SEE NOTE I7 TCP(2-41 -03 Less Than Two Weeks Less Than Two Weeks ©TxaoT December 1965 ex,,seer Ivx:raper[0W.reeve I so:TOOT 8-95 REAISioxs cox, sec r ape x Icxwnr 1-9T 0281 02 067 SH 78 9-98 DIST co xrr sxss xi,o at: 3-03 DAL COLL IN 6* Only pre-Qualified pCoducts shall be used.The'Compliant in Barricade and Construction (BC) Standard Sheets GeneralNotes: _Work Zone Traffic Control Devices List' (CWZTCDI describes preguolified products and their sources and may be found on-line at the web address given below or by contacting: 1. The Barricade and Construction Standard Sheets (BC sheets) are intended to show typical examples for placement of temporary traffic control devices, construction pavement markings, Texas Department of Transportation ill and typical ca l work zone signs. The information contained i n these sheets meet or exceed the Traffic Operations Division- TE YP 9 Phone 3121 416-3134 requirements shown in the "Texas Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices" (TMUTCD), 2. The development and design of the Traffic Control Plan (TCP) is the responsibility of cjav the Engineer. WEB ADDRESSES FOR REFERENCED DOCUMENTS 3. The Contractor may propose changes to the TCP that are signed and sealed by a licensed Contliont Work Zone Traffic Control Devices List ICWZTCD) professional engineer for approval. The Engineer may develop, sign and sealContractor http://www.txdot.gov/publications/traffic.htm proposed changes. Texas Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (TMUTCDI 4. The Contractor is responsible for i nsta l I i ng and maintaining the traffic control devices http://www.ixdot.gov/p,alicatians/troffic.htm as shown in the plans. The Contractor may not move or change the approximate location of Standord Highway Sign Designs for Texas 1SHSD) any device without the approval of the Engineer, http://www.txdot.gov/publications/troffic.htm 5, Geometric design of l ane shifts and detours shou l d, when meet the a l i cab l e *raffia Engineering Standard Sheets possible, P P http://www.txdot.gov/business/discloisshtm Engineering him design criteria contained in manuals such as the American Association of State Highway Material Producer List and Transportation Officials (AASHTO), "A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and nttp://www.txdot.gov/business/prodocer•list.ntm IS Streets", the TxDOT "Roadway Design Manual " or engineering judgment. Departmental Material Specifications IDus) cc 6. When projects abut, the Engineer(s) may omit the END ROAD WORK, TRAFFIC FINES DOUBLE, http://www.ixdon.gov/services/construction/material•specif ications/ and other advance warning signs if the signing would be redundant and the work areas „rodwoy Design Manualservices/peneral.services/ma xwls.ntm Di appear continuous to the motorists. If the adjacent project is completed first, the Contractor shall erect the necessary warning signs as shown on these sheets, the TCP 2A sheets or as directed by the Engineer. The BEGIN ROAD WORK NEXT X MILES sign shall be og revised to show appropriate work zone distance. gora 7. The Engineer may require duplicate warning signs on the median side of divided highways - where median width will permit and traffic volumes justify the signing. " 8. All signs shall be constructed in accordance with the details found in the "Standard Highway Sign Designs for Texas, " latest edition. Sign details not. shown in this manual shall be shown in the plans or the Engineer shall provide a detail to the Contractor before the sign is manufactured, 9. The temporary traffic control devices shown in the illustrations of the BC sheets are examples. As necessary, the Engineer will determine the most appropriate traffic control devices to be used, 10. As shown on BC(2), the OBEY WARNING SIGNS STATE LAW sign and the WORK ZONE TRAFFIC FINES DOUBLE sign with plaque shall be erected in advance of the CSJ limits. The BEGIN ROAD WORK NEXT X MILES, CONTRACTOR and END ROAD WORK signs shall be erected at or near the CSJ limits. 11 . Except for devices required by Note 10, traffic control devices should be in place only while work is actually in progress or a definite need exists. 12. The Engineer has the final decision on the location of all traffic control devices. 13. Inactive equipment and work vehicles, including workers' private vehicles must be parked away from travel lanes. They should be as close to the right-of-way line as possible, or located behind a barrier or guardrail, or as approved by the Engineer, Worker Safety Apparel Notes: ,ATexas Department of Transportation Traffic opsrotrons ONrslon 1. Workers on foot who are exposed to traffic or to construction equipment within the BARRICADE AND CONSTRUCTION right-of-way shall wear high-visibility safety apparel meeting the requirements of ISEA "American National Standard for High-Visibility Apparel " labeled as ANSI 107-2004 GENERAL NOTES standard performance for Class 2 or 3 risk exposure. Class 3 garments should be considered AND REQUIREMENTS for high traffic volume work areas or night time work. 1 of 12 BC(1)-07 ©TxDOT 11.4-02 •+TxDOT ICK.MOT ID.root, Ito rotor 4-03 OE.IslaxsCOW SECT x:rxnr 9-07 0281 02 067 511 78 Wui r T SHEET. o:,. 18 COLLIN TYPICAL LOCATION OF CROSSROAD SIGNS T-INTERSECTION TYPICAL CONSTRUCTION WARNING SIGN SIZE AND SPACING I.6,6 tiVi - ROAD WORK ROAD - - Cs %MILES WORK 'CW20-ID ROAD WORK ROAD WORK SPACING Tr END c2o-I tiL Cs NEXT zua6s SIZE 5� G20-2a Q \ NEXT%MILES b AHEAD NEXT%MILES b ROAD WORN (Optional G20-I bfl d �-0 see Nate 620-10 / Sign Canven- Posted Sign b°c t and 41 - Expressway/ _ ,,pA �� "_�9 INTERSECTED I Block-City 1000'-I500' -Hwy X Number tiDnal FreewaySpeed Spacing 'y / ` 'tl i or Series Road ROADWAY % 1000'-ISOO' -Hwy 1 Block-City F X X 4. X N CROSSROAD p p CW20 4 MPH Fee+ % X % / CSJ WORK CW21 30 IAp120-I 4 F 4 / n80' G20-9 c 'N / G20-9 ZONE 0e. Limit 20NECW22 48" z 46" 48" z 48"BEGIN iAAFFIC CW2335 160 TRAFFIC c2o-5T RDAD WORNR20-5 FINES CW25 40 290 FINES NEXT%MILES C + ROAD ROAD WORK \ P20-5 DOUBLE WORK a NEXT X MILES DOUBLE NAME w R20_S 45 320 - AHEAD NEXT%MILES b R20-5 G20-6 / a R\ ,.py„, CWl, CW2, CW20-10 G20-2a END Q PLAQUE '"`""""' [� as a \ PLAQUE iH CW7, CWB, 36" x 36" 48" x 48" 50 900 G20-lo (Opt tonal ROAD WORK0°111 55 5002 see Nate CW9, CW11, 7 and 91 [mnx[nn / ENO CW14 60 6002 ROAD WORK 61 G20-2a CW3, CW4, 65 700 2 - . May be mounted on bock of CW20-ID sign with approval of engineer. (See note 2 below) 70 800 2 CW5, CW6, 48" x 48" 48" x 48" I. The typical min,m[ml signing on o crossroad approach should be a CW20-1D ROAD WORK AHEAD sign and a C5J LIMITS AT T-INTERSECTION CW8-3, 75 900 2 G20-2a END ROAD WORK sign,unless noted otherwise in plans. CWI O, CYO 80 1000 2 0 2. The Engineer may use the reduced size 36"x 36'ROAD WORK AHEAD ICW20-lD) sign mounted book to back I. The Engineer will determine the types and location of any additional traffic control devices, such as a 3 m with the reduced Size 36'x 18"END ROAD WORK 1020-2a)sign on law volume crossroads(see Note 4 under flogger and accompanying signs, or other signs, that should be used when work is being performed of or * * c8 i 'Typical Construction Warning Sign Size and Spacing"). See the"Standard Highway Sign Designs far near an intersection. Texas"manual for sign details. The Engineer may omit the advance warning signs on low volume 2. If Construction Closes the road at a T-intersect tall the Contractor shall place the G20-fi"Contractor Name" �� croeeraode. The Engineer will determine whether a road is low volume. This information shall be shown sign behind the Type III Barricades far the road closure Isee BCIIO)also). The G20-1bL and G20-IbR * Far}yp loal sign spacings an divided highways,expressways and freeways,see Par}fi of the in the plops. signs shall be replaced by the detour signing palled for in the plans. "Texas Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices'(TMUTCOI typtool applim}ion diagrams _ 3. Based on existing field conditions,the Engineer/Inspector may require additional signs such as FLAGGER or TCP Standard Sheets. AHEAD, LOOSE GRAVEL,or other appropriate signs. When additional Signs ore required, these signs will a Miniem distance from work area to first Advonee Warning sign nearest the work area and/or be considered port of the minimum requirements. The Engineer/Inspector will determine the proper distance between each additional sign. location and spocing of any sign not shown on the BC sheets, Traffic Control Plan Sheets or the Work General Notes: Zone Standard Sheets. 4. The G20-la sign shall be required at high volume crossroads to advise motorists of the length of I.Special or larger size signs may be used os necessary. !kV anstruction in either direction from the intersection. The Engineer will determine whether o roadwoy 2.Distance between signs should be increosed os required to hove 1500 feet advance warning. is considered high volume. 3.Distance between signs should he increased as required to hove Vs mile or more advance warning- . `a c. 5.Additional traffic control devices may be shown elsewhere in the plans far higher volume crossroads. 4.36"x 36'ROAD WORK AHEAD ICW20-131 signs coy be used on low volume crossroads at the discretion 6.When work occurs in the intersection area appropriate traffic control devices, os shown elsewhere in - of the Engineer.See Note 2 under'Typical Location of Crossroad Signs". 1'2'5 the plans or as determined by the Engineer/Inspector, shall be in place. - 5.Only diamond shooed warning sign sizes are indicated. 6.See sign size listing in'TMUTCD',Sign Appendix or the'Standard Highway Sign Designs for Texas" •u-se WORK AREAS IN MULTIPLE LOCATIONS WITHIN CSJ LIMITS manual fer complete list of available sign design sizes. SAMPLE LAYOUT OF SIGNING FOR WORK BEGINNING AT THE CSJ LIMITS j _ * DO O BEGIN G20-at 3E XBEGIN ys NOT ROAD WORK OBEr *x 620-5T ROAD WORK \\ PASS WORK ZONE WARNING ' 3.R 48 NEXT%MILES ll R4-1 (as AHEAD TRAFFIC SIGNS r /J\� R20-5** `/ o CW20-ID ROAD [f OI-4L aDDr oDYiate) FINES STATE LAW 5.5' ROADWORK WORK WORK CW7-46 ** G20-6 TT SUM ?,5x DOUBLE RZO S'K"K' o AREA AHEAD x [oxmacros . oh 3-1 CW20-10 R20 3** O 1 EM B.B AHEAD I PLAQUE (/ p u W 3z -I� CW20-10 CW13-1 Type III Barricade or \ F X e\ I, % (I, % \ l % �I % \�I 3•• channelizing devices y \�1' \\1' »11 . - - . 4 • 4 4 -0 4 4 4 MA RN NCB -5q wFir, . . - c> WORK \ \^ �nn 4" p e AREA Beginning of NO-PASSING line should p END O $n n n E _A Vu r A Channelizin coordinate with sign location WORK ZONE c20-2b** AA A 6"C JX devices a CSJ Limit p END When extended distances occur between minimal work areas, the Engineer/Inspector should ensure additional ROAD taiK 5.5" Rood Work Ahead(CW20-IDI signs are placed in advance of these work areas to remind drivers they orestill G20-2a** `\ �- within the project limits. See the applicable TCP sheets for exact location and spacing of signs and channelizing devices- R20-3 Legend/Border -Black NOTES Background-White SAMPLE LAYOUT OF SIGNING FOR WORK BEGINNING DOWNSTREAM OF THE CSJ LIMITS k N **G20-9 WORK The Contractor shall determine the ZONE appropriate distance to be plowed on the Department*❑ BEGIN OBEY G20-I series signs and G20-51 sign for ' , Texas Department of Transportation ROAD ROAD x*G20-5T ROAD WORK TRAFFIC WARNING each specific project. This distance shall /�\` ROAD NEXT%MILES **R20-5 FINES SIGNS replace the"X"and shot l be rounded to LEGEND 7rafflc OAx3rorlWu Division CLOSED Rll-2 1L WORK WORK NOE DOABLE CWI-4L AHEAD /z MILE **R20-5 STATE LAW the nearest whole mile with the approval CM"' Type III G20-6 cn su ox r,usm of the Engineer.No decimals Shall be BARRICADE AND CONSTRUCTION Barricade or x x CWI3-I CW20-1D CW20-IE **. CITY PLAQUE "� R2q-3** usetl. Sign channel izing PROJECT LIMIT devices / The G20-9i and C20-2b shall be used / h % �I- % l< X \ X .l % ` O when advance signs are required outside O O channelizing Devices _ \\\al I( 4 d \ad 4 1 a-0 the CSJ Limits. They inform the motorist STANDARD I of entering or leaving o work zone where T Type III Barricade // traffic fines may double if workers are 1 ox.rxoor 'MOOT rxoor rxoor /f// d I �} Present. 2 of 12 BC(2) 07 ** Required CSJ Limit signing. See See typical Construction Cnwnelizi ng CSJ Limit X Warning Sign Size d .% evices Note 10 on BC11). ©ixDOi II-4-02 cx: o.low: Icx: (� Spacing chart or the b Area for placement of"ROAD WORK TMUTCD for sign 9-07 se.lmars caxr [<r ace xlaxwnv WORK s_ ENO G20-2a X* AHEAD"sign and other signs or devices Spacing requirements. 0281 s02 067 SH 78 AREA ROAD WORK x 05 called for on the Traffic Control Plan, o s ALLI [r oaL I8r COLLIN s[8 I in,1 TYPICAL APPLICATION OF WORK -ZONE SPEED LIMIT SIGNS '2g Work zone speed limits shall be regulatory, established in accordance with the "Procedures for Establishing Speed Zones," and approved by the Texas Transportation Commission, or by City Ordinonce when within Incorporated City Limits. Reduced speeds should only be posted in the vicinity signing shown for C5J of work activity and not throughout the entire project. cSJ direction only. Signing shown for one direction only. LIMITS See Bc e21 for LIMITS 'aE additional advance Regulatory work zone speed signs (R2 1) sho I I be removed See eclzl for Signing. L/ or covered during periods when they are not needed. a0tlits oniing al °°n0° „.„, „Ur I Jcg b lj[10 b p b b b b b I° b \eennero ///%%%���////// See Generalti. f750' -I500') Nate 4 / G See General Nate 41\ �(750' -7500'1 Note 4 aE / ��.,°. WORK WORK WORK G20-9 G20-9 G20-9 SPEED ZONE ZONE SPEED ZONE SPEED LIMIT EM0 SPEED SPEED LIMIT icc SPEED LIMIT • 60 LIMIT LIMIT LIMIT 7 0 Rz 1 6 0 R21 6 0 R2 7 7 0 R2-1 CW3-5 NIGHT NIGHT Ce3-5 NICHT 6 5 R2-3 6 5 R2-3 6 5 R2-3 pt ;IN GUIDANCE FOR USE: Trt GENERAL NOTES: LONG/INTERMEDIATE TERM WORK ZONE SPEED LIMITS Eli This type of work zone speed limit should be included on the design of 1. Regulatory work zone speed limits should be used only for sections of construction the traffic control plans when restricted geometrics with a lower design _ projects where speed control is of major importance. f speed ore present in the work zone and modification of the geometrics to 2. Regulatory work zone speed limit signs shall be placed on supports at a 7 foot minimum a higher design speed is not feasible. mounting height. 0 3. Speed zone signs are illustrated for one direction of travel and are normally posted for each direction of travel. Long/Intermediate Term Work Zone Speed Limit signs, when approved as described 4. Frequency of work zone speed limit signs should be: above, should be posted and visible to the motorist when work activity is present. 40 mph and greater 0.2 to 2 miles Work activity may also be defined as a change in the roadway that requires 35 mph and less 0.2 to 1 mile a reduced speed for motorists to safely negotiate the work area, including: 5. Regulatory speed limit signs shall have black legend and border on a white reflective al rough road or damaged pavement surface background (See "Reflective Sheeting" on BC(41). bl substantial alteration of roadway geometrics (diversions) 6. Fabrication, errection and maintenance of the CW3-5 sign, G20-9 plaque and the c) construction detours R2-1 and R2-3 signs shall not be paid for directly, but shall be considered dl grade subsidiary to Item 502. el width 7. Turning signs from view, laying signs over or down will not be allowed, unless other- fl other conditions readily apparent to the driver wise noted. As long as any of these conditions exist, the work zone speed limit signs B. Techniques that may help reduce traffic speeds include but are not limited to: should remain in place. A. Law enforcement. B. Flogger stationed next to sign. C. Portable changeable message sign (PCMS). SHORT TERM WORK ZONE SPEED LIMITS D. Low-power (drone) radar transmitter. k Texas Departmentof Transportation This type of work zone speed limit should be included on the design of E. Speed monitor trailers or signs. 7 Traffic operations Division the traffic control plans when workers or equipment are not behind concrete 9. Speeds shown on details above are for illustration only. barrier, when work activity is within 15 feet of pavement edge or actually Work Zone Speed Limits should only be posted as approved for each project. BARRICADE AND CONSTRUCTION ' on the pavement. WORK ZONE SPEED LIMIT Short Term Work Zone Speed Limit signs should be posted and visible to the STANDARD motorists only when work activity is present. When work activity is not present, signs shall be removed or covered. (See Removing or Covering on BC(41). 3 of 12 BC(3)-07 ©7.o°r 11-a-a2 cc,,.ao, 1ac,.0a,1ax,,.°a, H...aa. z 02B1 02 067 SHx 78 r r oLL 18 COLLIN sxe x°, insI TYPICAL MINIMUM CLEARANCES FOR LONG TERM AND INTERMEDIATE TERM SIGNS GENERAL NOTES FOR WORK ZONE SIGNS I. Contractor shall nsioll and maintain signs in a straight and plumb condition and/or as directed by the Engineer. 2. Wooden sign posts shell be painted white. rt - ' - _ " 3. Barricades Shall NOT be used' as sign supports. ' 12'min. 4. Nails shall NOT be used to attach signs to any support. +I Irk®(1,® 5. All signs shall be installed in accordance with the plans or os directed by the Engineer. Signs shall be used to regulate, worn, and Og [r�®A® ROAD`- , ,um ®� guide the traveling public safely through the work Zone. ®W� • ®�� corral ®�� 6. The Contractor may furnish either the Sign design shown in the plans Or in the"Siondord Highway Sign Designs for Texas' ISHSD1. the - gyp ® ����® �Neij ® Engineer/Inspector nay rewire the Contractor to furnish other work Zone Signs that are Shawn in the TMUTCD but cony have been omitted curb I` �b�® from the plans. Any variation in the pions Shall be documented by written agreement between the Engineer and the Contractor's v 6 'I � Responsible Person- All changes must be documented in writing before being implemented. This can include documenting the changes in the Inspector's TOOT diary and having both the Inspector and Contractor initial antl dote the agreed upon changes. - "----f _ 6• min. p •� ..8(..x.M pH 7. The Contractor shall furnish sign accordance listed in the"Compliant Work Zone Traffic Control Device List" (CWZTCD(. The Contractor _ 7.0'm _ or shall install the sign support in cordance with the m copy o rer's recommendations. If there is a question regarding installation 9.0'max. j 9re0ier 7.0'mprocedures, the Contractor Shall furnish the Engineer a copy of the manufacturer's installation recommendations so the Engineer can 7.0' min verify the correct procedures are being followed- - `h 9.0'max. k X 9.0' max. 4, X 6,0'min. 8. The Contractor is responsible for installing signs on approved supports and replacing signs with damaged ar cracked substrates and/or a - 0'-6' X damaged or marred reflective sheeting as directed by the Engineer/Inspector. e ,, �, a i 9. Identification markings may be shown only on the bock of the sign substrate. The maximum height of letters and/or company logos used ss, sq for identification shall be 1 inch, Povetl oG/�%//a,f',r Paved �/�///�r�//\\ * DURATION COF+NORK(as roctor hdefined byall e£ood'Texas Manual wood +cn Unifors. New orm Traft coged wControl Deviceaood sign posts snPortall n6)be spliced. shoulder ' shoulder /vqj//\��/ 1. The types of sign supports, sign mounting height,the size of signs, one the type of sign substrates can vary based an the type of �/% work being performed. The Engineer is responsible for selecting the appropriate size sign for the type of work being performed. The *When placing skid supports on unlevel ground, the leg post lengths must be adjusted so the sign appears straight and plkmb. Contractor is responsible for ensuring the sign support, sign mounting height and substrate meets manufacturer's recommendotions in Objects shall NOT be placed under skids as o means of leveling. regard to rasnworininess and durotionoccupies cu work requirements. a. Long-term stationery-w rk that c pies o location more than 3 cloys, b. Intermediote-term sioti onory-work that occupies a location more than one daylight period up to 3 days, or nighiime work lasting ** When plaques are placed on dual-leg supports, they should be attached to the upright nearest the trove) lane. more than one hour. Supplemental plaques(advisory or distance)should not cover the surface of the parent sign. c Short-term stationary-daytime work that occupies a location for more than 1 hour in o single daylight period. - d. Short, duration-work that occupies a location up to I hour. e. Mobile-work that moves continuously or intermittently (stopping for up to approximately 15 minutes.) ii! _L Support ATTACHMENT FOR SIGN SUPPORTS Attachment to wooden supports SIGN MOUNTING HEIGHT shall not will De by bolts and nuts I. The bottom of Long-term/Intermeaiote-term signs shall be at least 7 feet, but not more than 9 feet, above the paved surface, except ypm } protrude or screws. Use TxDOT's or os shown far supplemental plaques mounted below other signs.2. The bottom of Short-term/Short Duration signs shall be a minimum of 1 foot above the pavement surface but no more than 2 feet above above sign manufacturer's recommended the ground. 2,212 SON procedures for attaching sign Signs maysigning. •Q 4, Long-term/Intermediate-term be used in lieu in SdaylightmandoshelI Duration I substrates to other types of q, Short-term/Short Duration signs shall be used only during daylight and shall be removed at the end of the workday. or raised to sign supports appropriate Long-term/Intermediate sign height. �63Gi�'G�DC� Support I� Na I I s WI I I NOT 5, Regulatory signs shall be mounted at least 7 feet, but not more then 9 feet, obove the paved surface regardless of work duration. LtA ROAD SIZE OF SIGNS n0125 protrude o ° be a I I owed. 1- The Engineer may allow the use of smaller size construction warning signs on secondary roods or city streets where speeds are low if • - M pp FF�� above sign r n�j r the Sign Size is listed as an option on the"Typical Construction Warning Sign Size and Spacing"chart Shown an BC121.... DOT�L�LS • O 2, The Contractor shall furnish the sign sizes shown in plans, the BC Sheets, the TCP sheets or os directed by the Engineer. 1 1 1�O�S W OR Each sign gn SIGN SUBSTRATES _ - „5,�➢1 S n II \ shall be attached 1. The Contractor shall ensure the sign substrate is installed in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations for the type of sign ,-r w E I /n\M /s\D - \ support that Ts being used. ThenCWZTCD lists each substrate that can be used on the different types and models of sign supports. ;iglu WS 1 U Insq \\\"`��� direct I to the sign 2. "Mesh"type materials are NOT a approved sign substrate, regardless of the tightness of the weave. ARE RRESENT I / y 9 3, All wooden individual sign panels fabricated from 2 or more pieces sholl have one or more plywood cleat, 1/2"thick by 6"wide, Sign supports shall support. Multiple fastened to the bock of the sign and extending fully across the sign. The cleat shall be attached to the bock of the sign using wood extend more than ppscrews that da not penetrate the face of the sign pone!. The screws shall be placed on both sides of the splice and spaced of 6" 1/2 won up the book of the - signs sha I I not be centers. The Engineer may approve other methods of splicing the sign face. _ sign REFLECTIVE SHEETING substrate. - joined or spliced by i. All signs shall be reiroreflective and constructed of sheeting meeting the color and retro-reflectivity requirements of DOS-8300 E FRONT ELEVATION for rigid signs or DM5-8310 for roll-up signs. The web address for DOS specifications is shown on BCC). Wood,metal or any means. Wood 2. White sheeting,meeting the requirements of DOS-8300 Type C (High Specific Intensity), shall be used for signs with a white back- Fiber Reinforced Plastic supports shall not be ground. 3. Orange sheeting, meeting the requirements of DMS-8300 Type E (Fluorescent Prismatic), shall be used for rigid signs with orange Splicing embedded perforated square metal tubing in order to extend post extended or repaired backgrounds. height will only be allowed when the splice is made using four bolts, two p SIGN LETTERS above and two below the spice point. Splice must be located entire) behind SIDE ELEVATIONI. All sign letters and numbers Shall be clear, and open d rounded type uppercase alphabet letters as approved by the Federal Highway o r by splicing or Administration (FHWA)one the sign substrate, not near the bole f the support- Splice insert lengths Wood as published in the"Standard Highway Sign Design for texas"manual. Signs, letters and numbers shall be of should be at least 5 times nominal post size, centered on the splice antl other means. first class workmanship in accordance with Department Standards and Specifications. of at least the some gunge material. REMOVING OR COVERING I. When sign messages may be confusing or do not apply, the signs shall be removed or completely covered. 2. Long-term stationary or intermediate siotionory signs installed on square metal tubing may be turned away from traffic 90 degrees when CONTRACTOR REQUIREMENTS FOR MAINTAINING PERMANENT SIGNS the sign message is not applicable. This type of sign support meets the crasnwortniness standards regardless of the direction of STOP/SLOW PADDLES impact. This technique may not be used for signs installed in the median of divided highways or near any intersections where the sign I. STOP/SLOW paddles ore the primary method to control trot{Ic WITHIN THE PROJECT LIMITS moy be seen from approaching traffic. by floggers. The STOP/SLOW paddle size should be 24"x 24" 3. Signs installed on wooden skids shall not be turned at 90 degree angles to the roadway. These signs should be removed or completely covas detailed below. I. PermanentWhen when o not required. signs are used to give notice of traffic lows or regulations, call 4, entn signs are a codetl, the material used shall be opaque, such as heavy mil block plastic,or other materials which will cover the 2. When e of night, the STOP/SLOW paddle Shall be attention to conditions that one ,potentially hazardous die to traffic operations,oin, entire sign face and seintoin cover opaque properties under automobile headlights at night,without damaging the sign sheeting. retroreflectorized. show route Designations, destinations, directions,distances, s rvices, points 5. Burlap shall NOT be used to cover signs. 3. STOP/SLOW paddles may be attached to o staff with a minimum of interest,and other geographical, recreational,or cultural information. 6. Duct tape or other adhesive material shall NOT be offixed to a sign face. These materials can damage the reirarefleciivity of sheeting. length of 6' to the bottom of the sign. Drivers proceeding through a work Zone need the same if not better route 7. Signs and anchor stubs shall be removed and holes backfil led upon completion of work. 4. Any lights incorporated into the STOP or SLOW paddle faces - guidance as normally inetol led on a roadway without construction. SIGN SUPPORT WEIGHTS shall only be as specifically described in Section 6E.03 2. When permanent regulatory or warning signs conflict with work zone conditions, 1. Where sign supports require the use of weights to keep from turning over, Hand Signaling Devices in the TMUTCD. remove or cover the permanent signs until the permanent sign message matches the use of sandbags with dry, cohesionless sand is recommended. Texas Deportment of Transportation the roadway condition. 2. The sandbags will be tied shut to keep the send from spilling Ond to 7ra((Ic Operations Alololon l 3. When existing permanent signs ore moved and rebooted due to construction maintainna constant weight. purposes, they shall be visible to motorists at all times. 3. Rock, concrete, iron, steel or other solid objects shall not be permitted q. If existing Signs are to be relocated an their original supports, they Shall be far use a5 Sign support weights. BARRICADE AND CONSTRUCTION ferihN insto!!ed on croshxorthy DOS.as shown on the SW Standard sheets. The signs 4- Sandbags should weigh a minimum of 35 Ibs and a maximum of 50 lbs.shall meetthe required mounting heights shown on the BC Sheets or the SMD 5. Sandbags shall be made of a durable moterial that tears upon vehicularTEMPORARY 5IGN NOTE5 Stontlards. This work should be paid for under the appropriate pay item far t' Is 6. Rubber (such as tire inner tubes) shall MOT be used for sandbags. STANDARD Zq^ O 8"C 2q" I'^'f g"B relacoting existing signs. 7- Rubber ballasts designed for cnannelizing devices should not be used for L� IL1/1L11 5. If permanent signs are to be removed and relocated using temporary supports, ballast an portable Sign Supports. Sign Supports designed and manufactured the Contractor Shall use meet the hworthy supports as shown on the BC sheets or the with rubber bases may be used when shown on the CWZTCD list- ( CWZTCD. The Signs shall meet the required mounting heights shown on the 4 of 1 2 BC(4 1-0 7 B. Sandbags shall only De placed along Or laid over the base supports Of the 3" BC Sneers or the SOD iatepay during construction. This work nsOultl be Doid traffic control device and shall not be suspended above ground level or y .I/ far under the appropriate pay item for relocating existing signs. hung with rope, wit chains or other fasteners. Sandbags shall be placed ox rxooT Tx TxooT Txom 6. Any Sign or traffic control device that is Struck or damaged by the Contractor along the length of theskids to weigh down the sign support. ©Tx00T 11-4-02 Icx: oorlow: la: .I� 24„ k 24„ )1 I or his/her construction equipment sha!l be replaced as soon as possible by the 9. Sandbags shall NOT be placed under the skid and shall not be used to level 9-01 eLvis ax c_ECT goo x�c war I� -sea Aocxoraena-ormpe ' Conirocior to ensure proper guidance for the motorists.-This will be subsidiary sign supports placed on slopes. 0201 s02 067 SHx 70 LegmE 6 Border•,Mite Legend 6 earder-Bieck to Item 502. DIST cowry SHEET T au 18 COLLIN 10 1 Ina 1 SKID MOUNTED WOOD SIGN SUPPORTS GROUND MOUNTED SIGN SUPPORTS • - • Refer to the CWZTCD and the manufacturer's ins—Foliation procedure for each type sign support. • - :cp LONG/INTERMEDIATE TERM STATIONARY - PORTABLE SKID MOUNTED SIGN SUPPORTS❑ Top The maximum sign square footage shall adhere to the manufacturer's recommendation. Two post installations can be used for larger signs. Front Side Top Front Maximum Sled I4'' 24"�I 2x6 - Maximum 4x4 12 sq• ft. OfQ I' -I✓skid PERFORATED SQUARE METAL TUBING 21 sq. ft.of wood - sign fore 2x6 /sign face 0 �Pos+ II 2x6 n n i 1I' Sign 1. Sign lt" Sign m 2xfi 27' 11 d Post d Post d Past d n E I > I II a 11 60" 4x4 A °v` C postl .. block s Ao°e 5J<A�e A J<4000 .� 4x4 c?0_,6m �I 72 block 6<°�a ' p( o A.4 g< a5 1 iflLength of skids may A T� 9 1 _ 4x4 be Increased for I tlesirable tlesirab e :ele_ae(4) 7a`o+tladditional stability.5,,,,F< =MIMI] '� 78"ar sign 2x4 x 4D" 34.min. In Optional height 24" / X See BC(4) 48• trong soils, reinforcing quirement / 2x6 far sign minimm 55"min. in sleeve ,n24" 2x4 brace 34"height weak sails. 11/2" larger / mln'/ 3/8"bolts w/nuts Anchor Stub strand soils, requirement \r or 7/8"x 3 1/2" (1/4' largerphut s%gn55"mI,Ii,i �. Imin.) lag than sign posh 18" weak soils^ «" I I IC"�mc:L i screws P°snl EEOEH @v�. Anchor Stub 40 g6 4x4 block 4x4 block / / f1/4" larger Y ..------'-'2"-- than slam past) SKID MOUNTED PERFORATED SQUARE STEEL TUBING SIGN SUPPORTS 6-5/16"bolt x 2 1/4"grade 5 bolts, 46 x 48"-loran OPTION I OPTION 2 (Anchor Stub) OPTION 3 extruded 2.5' 36 x 36"-IOmn (Direct Embedment) (Anchor Stub and Reinforcing Sleeve)) 6- I/2"plastic washer, thinwa plastic < 4l2lg3 xtud2- c washers, SinSINGLE LEG BASE 4B2I12 urinisII footga.. up 9a Post < ^ 1 3/4"x 1 3/4"x 11 foot / / MO NOT SPLICE) 2 T post L� y L/ er IDO NOT SPLICE) • untl 1 3/4"gal v. with 5/16"holeros - • 48" DUAL LEG BASE or 1 3/4"x 13/4' g • o.=>.."."".=.o Front View Upright must [ square tubing Base Upright trust prig '. telescope to 3/8"x 4/14" 34" >` telescope to See the CWZTCD Post above 7'height grade t bolt provide T' height • L:_4• for embedment. above pavement. nesters and 2" above pavement washer GENERAL NOTES 48" 48" i'�/ Weld bolt+hru I. Nails may be used In the assembly of wooden Sign tubing at I"off supports, but 3/8. bolts with nuts or 3/8.x 3 1/2' �•mi top of skid Welds to start an �:� ! lag screws mast be used on every joint for final /� N� m connection. / Gtl9� yl opposite sides going b61 `/W 18' in opposite directions. •-- g• 2.More details of approved Long/Intermediate and 13/4"x 1 3/4.x 14 go ma weld Minimum weld, do not V Short Term supports can be found on the CWZTCD cross brace _ 5, ..� back fill puddle. _ list. See Belli for website location. O weld starts here weld starts here 2i•- pin at angle aannanalrow!2 x 2"x weld < > match sideslape 3. No more than2 g posts shall be placed within o needed 7 ft. circle, except for specific materials noted on the • 12 go. skids 36" CWZTCD List Texas Department of Transportation 4.When project is completed, all sign supports and Traffic Oparagons Division foundations shall be removed from the project site. 11/2" WOOD POST SYSTEM This wi l I be considered subsidiary to Item 502. BARRICADE AND CONSTRUCTION �/� Dic.ltyp) FOR GROUND MOUNTED SIGN SUPPORTS WEDGE ANCHORS I TYPICAL SIGN SUPPORT Both steel and plastic Wedge Anchor Systems as shown on the SMD Standard Sheets Nominal Maximum Mlnlmum DrilledSTANDARD may be used as temporary sign supports for signs up to 10 square feet of sign 0 See BC(4) for definition of"Work Duration." Past No. of Sq. feet of Soil Hole(sl face. They may be set in concrete or in sturdy soils if approved by the Engineer. 18" r (See web address for'Traffic Engineering Standard Sheets"on BC11)). Size Pasts Sign Foce Embedment Required *Woad Sign pasts MUST be one piece. Splicing will C �1 rT BC(5) —0 7 NOT be allowed. Pasts shall be pointed white. J L 4 x 4 1 12 36" NO mx.rxmr rx rxoor rxoar i2�1 'Y 4 x 4 2 21 36. NO L See the CWZTCD for the type of sign substrate 00110T II-4-02 I.. wr le. Icx, - 4 x 6 1 21 36" YES that con be used for each approved sign support. 0-D7 wmsmxz [Or SECT JOB MIDWAY a Direction 4 x 6 2 36 36" YES 0281 02 06x7 SH 78 f Troff is WV ca r er I o,� 18 COLLIN SHEET 1xo. I Ins I PORTABLE CHANGEABLE MESSAGE SIGNS RECOMMENDED PHASES AND FORMATS FOR PCMS MESSAGES DURING ROADWORK ACTIVITIES t 1- The Engineer/Inspector shall approve all messages used on portable, • (The Engineer may approve other messages not specifically covered here.) in changeable message signs . 2. Messages on PCMS should contain no more than 8 words Wbout four to eight characters per word),not including "TO," "FOR,""AT,"etc. nc ng simple words such as Phase 1: Condition Lists Phase Z: Possible Component Lists 3. Messages should consist of a single phase, or two phases that -- alternate. Three-phase messoges are not Al lowed. Each phase of the Action to Take/Effect on Travel Location Warning NH Advance mssage should convey a single thought, and must be understood by Road/Lane/Ramp Closure List Other Condition List List List List Notice List tself. 4. Use the ward"EXIT'to refer to an exit rang on o freeway; i.e., FREEWAY FRONTAGE ROADWORK ROAD MERGE FORM AT SPEED TUE-FRI EXIT CLOSED."Do not use the term RAMP." 5. Always use the route or Interstate designation IIH, US, SH, FM) CLOSED ROAD XXX FT REPAIRS RIGHT X LINES FM XXXX LIMIT XX AM- referre °long with the number when referring to a roadway. X MILE CLOSED XXXX FT RIGHT XX MPH X PM When in use the bottom of a stationary PCMS message panel should be cc`c 6. a minimum 7 feet above the roadway,where possible. ROAD SHOULDER FLAGGER LANE DETOUR USE BEFORE MAXIMUM APR XX- c_E� 7. The message term"WEEKEND"should be used only if the work is to CLOSED CLOSED XXXX FT NARROWS NEXT XXXX% RAILROAD SPEED XX start an Saturday morning and end by Sunday evening at midnight. AT OH XXX XXX FT XXXX FT X EXITS RD EXIT CROSSING XX MPH X PM-% AM Actual days and hours of work should be displayed on the PCMS if work is to begin on Friday evening ond/or continue Into Monday morning. ROAD RIGHT LN RIGHT LN TWO-WAY USE USE EXIT NEXT MINIMUM BEGINS 8. The Engineer/Inspector may select one of too options which are avail- CLSD AT CLOSED NARROWS TRAFFIC EXIT XXX I-XX X SPEED MONDAY able for displaying a two-phase message on a PCMS. Each phase may be FM XXXX XXX FT XXXX FT XX MILE NORTH MILES XX MPH displayed for either four seconds each or for three seconds each. 9. Do not"flash"messages or words included in a message- The message should be steady burn or continuous while displayed. RIGHT X RIGHT X MERGING CONST STAY ON USE PAST ADVISORY BEGINS • 10. Do not present redundant information on o two-phase message; i.e., LANES LANES TRAFFIC TRAFFIC US XXX I-XX E US XXX SPEED MAY XX keeping two lines of the message the some and changing the third line. CLOSED OPEN XXXX FT XXX FT SOUTH TO I-XX N EXIT XX MPH 11. Do not use the word"Danger" in message. NJ 12. Do not display the message"LANES SHIFT LEFT"or"LANES SHIFT RIGHT" CENTER DAYTIME LOOSE UNEVEN TRUCKS WATCH XXXXXXX RIGHT MAY X-X Hy° on o PCMS. Drivers do not understand the message. LANE LANE GRAVEL LANES USE FOR TO LANE XX PM - 13. Do not display messages that scroll horizontally or vertically across CLOSED CLOSURES XXXX FT XXXX FT US XXX N TRUCKS XXXXXXX EXIT XX AM the face of the sign. 14. The following table lists abbreviated words and two-word phrases that NIGHT I-GA SOUTH DETOUR ROUGH WATCH EXPECT US XXX USE NEXT are acceptable for use on a PCMS. Both words in a phrase must be displayed together. Words or phrases not on this list should not be LANE EXIT X MILE ROAD FOR DELAYS TO CAUT ION FRI-SUN abbreviated. CLOSURES CLOSED XXXX FT TRUCKS FM XXXX 15. PEMS character height should be at least 18 inches for troi ler mounted units. They should be visible from at least 1/2 (.51 mile and the text VARIOUS EXIT XXX ROADWORK ROADWORK EXPECT PREPARE DRIVE XX AM " should be legible from at least 720 feet. Truck mounted units must have LANES CLOSED PAST NEXT DELAYS TO SAFELY TO a character height of IO inches and must be legible tram at least 400 CLOSED X MILE SH XXXX FRI-SUN STOP XX PM feet. oEG• 16. Each I ine of text should be centered on the message board rather than EXIT RIGHT LN BUMP US XXX REDUCE END • DRIVE NEXT left or right justified. 17. If disabled, the PCMS should default to an illegible display that will CLOSED TO BE - XXXX FT EXIT SPEED SHOULDER WITH TUE not alarm motorists and will only be used to alert workers that the CLOSED - X MILES XXX FT USE CARE AUG XX iE'-- PCMS has malfunctioned. A pattern such as a series of horizontal solid ' bars is appropriate. MALL X LANES TRAFFIC LANES USE WATCH TONIGHT DRIVEWAY CLOSED SIGNAL SHIFT * OTHER FOR XX PM- E Word or Phrase Abb. Word or Phrase. Abb. CLOSED TUE - FRI XXXX FT ROUTES WORKERS XX AM Access Road ACCS RD Major MAJ XXXXXXXX STAY iii Air Quality AIR()LTV Miles MI m Alternate ALT Miles Per Hour MPH BLVD 3E LANES SHIFT in Phase 1 must be used with STAY IN LANE in Phase 2. IN * DF*See Application Guidelines Nate 6. Avenue AVE Minor MNR CLOSED LANE Best Route BEST RTE Monday MON Boulevard BLVD Normal NORM Bridge BRDG North N Application Guidelines Wording Alternatives Connot CANT Northbound (route)N ' Center CNTR Parking PKING I. Only I or 2 phases ore to be used an a PCMS. 1. The words RIGHT,LEFT and ALL can be interchanged as appropriate. Construction 2. The 1st phase tar both)should be selected from the 2. Roadway designations IH, US, SH, FM and LP con be interchanged as Ahead CONST AHEAD Parking Lot PRK LOT "Rood/Lane/Romp Closure List"and the"Other Condition List% appropriate. Detour Route DETOUR RTE Road RD 3. A 2nd phase con be selected from the'Action to Take/Effect 3. EAST, WEST, NORTH and SOUTH (or abbreviations E, W, N and S)can Do Not DONT Right Lane ROT LN an Travel, Locution, General Warning, or Advance Notice be interchanged as appropriate. East E Saturday SAT Phase Lists". 4, Highway names and numbers replaced as appropriate. Eastbound (route) E Service Road SERV RD 4.A Location Phase is necessary only if a distonoe or location 5. ROAD, HIGHWAY and FREEWAY con be interchanged as needed. ' Emergency EMER Shoulder SHLGR is not included in the first phase selected. 6. AHEAD may be used instead of distances if necessary. Emergency Vehicle EMER VEH Slippery SLIP 5. If two PCMS ore used in sequence, they must be separated by 7. FT and MI, MILE and MILES interchanged as appropriate. Entrance, Enter ENT South S a minimum of 1000 ft. Each PCMS shall be Iimted to two phases, B. AT, BEFORE and PAST interchanged as needed. Express Lanes EXP LANE Southbound (route) S and should be understandable by themselves. 9, Distances or AHEAD can be eliminated from the message if a Expressway EXPWY Speed SPD G. For advance notice, when the current date is within seven days location phase is used. XXXXFeet XXXX FT Street ST of the actual work date, calendar Boys should be replaced with Fog Ahead FOG AHD Sunday SUN days of the week. Advance notification should typically be for Freeway FRWY, FWY Telephone PHONE no more than one week prior to the work Freeway Blocked FWY BLKD Temporary TEMP Friday FRI Thursday THURS Hazardous Driving HAZ DRIVING To Downtown TO DWNTN Hazardous Material HAZMAT Traffic NOTBXaS Department of Transportation High-Occupancy PCMS SIGNS WITHIN THE R.O.W. SHALL BE BEHIND GUARDRAIL OR Alr Traffic Operations Division Vehicle Highway HOV HWY Travelers Tuesday TRVLRS TOES CONCRETE BARRIER OR SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM OF FOUR (4) Hours HR Time Minutes TIME MIN PLASTIC DRUMS PLACED PERPENDICULAR TO TRAFFIC ON THE BARRICADE AND CONSTRUCTION , Information INFO Upper Level UPPR LVL UPSTREAM SIDE OF THE PCMS. PORTABLE CHANGEABLE .It Is ITS Vehicle VEH Junction JCT Warning WARN Left LFT Wednesdoy WED FULL MATRIX PCMS SIGNS MESSAGE SIGN (PCMS) Left Lane LFT Lane Closed LN CLOD West T LIMIT tht Limit W I. When Full Matrix PCMS signs are used, the character height and legibility/visibility requirements shall be maintained as listed in Note 15 under"PORTABLE STANDARD //� Lower Level LOWR LVL Westbound (route)W CHANGEABLE MESSAGE SIGNS"above. B C(0)-O 1 7 Maintenance MOIST Wet Pavement WET PVMT 2. When symbol signs, such as the CW20-Ta Flogger Symbol, are represented graphically on the Full Matrix PCMS sign and, With the approval of the Engineer, it 6 of 12 Will Not WONT _ shol I maintain the legibility/visibility requirement listed above. RoedWay 3. When symbol signs are represented grephicoi ly on the Full Matrix PCMS, they shall only supplement the use of the static sign represented, and shall not substitute ©soot I1-4.02 m xr Ice:twat le.:TxmT imoismr designation a IM-number, US-number, SH-number, FM-number for, or replace thot sign. 9 07 mv,sia,s cc., SECT ace meemY - 4. A full matrix PCMS maybe used to simulate a flashing arrow panel provided it meets the visibility, flash rote and dimming requirements an BC(71, for the WHEN NOT IN USEii3L , REMOVE THE PCMS FROM THE RIGHT-OF-WAY OR PLACE THE PCMS some size arrow. 0281 02 067 SH 78 BEHIND BARRIER OR GUARDRAIL WITH SIGN PANEL TURNED PARALLEL TO TRAFFIC COunir o▪LL 18r SHEET o. COLLIN lIS ins 1 BARRIER REFLECTORS FOR CONCRETE TRAFFIC BARRIER AND ATTENUATORS TYPICAL FLASHING ARROW PANEL illI. Barrier Reflectors Shall be prequolified, and conform to the color and LOW PROFILE CONCRETE BARRIER (LPCB) reflectivity requirements of DMS-8600.A list of prequolified Barrier Arrow Panels may be located pero chonneliZing devices in place for a • o 0 Reflectors(Type C Delineators)can be found at the Materiol Producer Surface Mount 3"x 3"min. Shoulder taper or merging taper, otherwise they shall be tlelineatetl with • 0 0 List web address shown on BCII1. four (41 chonneliZing devices placed perpendicular to traffic on the • O O Sequential Chevron Flexible Delineators / reflective upstream side of traffic. O O ' 2. Color of Barrier Reflectors shall be as specified in the TMDT00. The / Sheeting •• 0 0 cost of the reflectors shall be considered subsidiary to Item 502. I 1. The Flashing Arrow Panel should be used for all lone closures on Multi-lane roadways, or slow raving maintenance or construction -t+ CONCRETE TRAFFIC BARRIER (CTB) ril. 16" activities on the travel lanes. • • o a 2. Flashing Arrow Panels should not be used an two-lane, two-way •• • O Ni roadways, detours, diversions or work on Shoulders unless the • • • O "CAUTION"display (tee detail below) is used. • O ° / Mod. spacing of surface mount flexible delineators 3 The Engineer/Inspector shall choose all appropriate signs, is 20 feet. Attach the delineators as per barricades and/or other traffic control devices that should be used c''12 w(0 ' manufacturer's recommendations. in conjunction with the Flashing Arrow Panel. • • • 4. The Flashing Arrow Panel should be able to display the following •1 Sorrier symbols: • •• •• Reflectors 400 • • • irti DELINEATION OF END TREATMENTS Flashing RIGHT (LEFT)ARROW 0 • • • • • • 0 • REQUIREMENTS _ 3.Where traffic is on one side of the CTB, two(2)Sorrier Reflectors 0 • MINIMUM shall be mounted approximately the midsection of each section of CTB. 0 • MINIMUM MINIMUM NUMBER VISIBILITY An alternate mounting locution is uniformly spocetl at one end of each OM-1 or ® , TYPE SIZE OF PANEL LAMPS DISTANCE CTB. This will allow for attachment of a barrier grapple without OM-3 . o damaging the reflector. The Barrier Reflector mounted on the side of 4-'-'-'-',-,'-'-'- • • B 30 x 60 13 3/4 mile nH the CTB shall be located tlirectly below the reflector mauntetl on top of �� Flashing DOUBLE ARROW • • C 48 x 96 15 1 mile fthe barrier, as shown in the detail above. • O • • • O • o Eq, Where CTB separates two way traffic, three barrier reflectors shall be �,� • • • • ATTENTION: Flashing Arrow Panels mounted on each section of CTB. The reflector unit an top shall hove Shall be equipped Iwo yellow reflective faces (BI-Directionallwhile the reflectors on each q aped with Install a minimum of 3 Barrier Reflectors 714 side of the barrier shall hove one yellow reflective face, as shown n automatic dimming devices. -,o the detail above. as per manufacturer's recommendations. 5. When CTB separates traffic traveling in the some direction, no barrier •• • '� reflectors will be required on top of the CTB. Fleshing CAUTION 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 WHEN NOT IN USE, REMOVE THE ARROW APPROACHING TRAFFIC oS 0 6. Barrier Reflector Units shall be yellow or white in color to match p O PANEL FROM THE RIGHT-OF-WAY OR the etlgelInc being supplemented. Yellow Barrier Reflectors shall be mode BOTH SIDES ONE SIDE END TREATMENTS FOR • • PLACE THE ARROW PANEL BEHIND 17, 2 with Type E Fluorescent Prismatic Yellow Retrareflective Sheeting. 0M-3 CONCRETE TRAFFIC BARRIER OR GUARDRAIL. E''' White reflectors shall be mode with Type D White Prismatic sheeting. or CTB'S USED m y 7.Maximum spacing of terrier Reflectors is forty 140)feet. DELINEATION OM-I Vertical IN WORK ZONES 5. The"CAUTION"display consists of four corner IanDs flashing 8. Pavement markers or temporory flexible-reflective roadway marker tabs Panel simultaneously. 11. The Flashing Arrow Panel shall be mounted on - o E+ End treatments used on CTB's in work Shall NOT be used as CTB delineation. 6. The straight.line caution display is NOT ALLOWED, a vehicle, trailer or other suitable support. 9. Attachment of Sorrier Reflectors to CTB shall be per manufacturer's • zones shall meet crashworthy standards 7. The Flashing Arrow Panel shall be capable of minimum 50 percent 12. A Flashing Arrow Panel SHALL NOT BE USED to av c recommendations. - as defined in the National Cooperative dimming from rated lamp voltage. The flashing rate of the lamps laterally shift traffic. 10.Missing or damaged Barrier Reflectors shall be replaced as directed Highway Research Report 350. Refer to shall not be less than 25 nor More-Mon 40 flashes per minute. 13. A full motrix PCMS moy be used to simulate a rY m by the Engineer. the CWZTCD List for approved end B. Minimum lamp"on time"shall be approximately 50 percent for the Flashing Arrow Panel provided it meets 11.Single slope barriers shall be delineated as shown on the Above detail. treatments and manufacturers. flashing arrow and equal intervals of 25 percent for each visibility, flash rate and dimming requirements ' sequential phase of the flashing chevron. on this sheet for the some size arraw. ! 9. The sequential arrow display is NOT ALLOWED. 14.Minim:.mounting height of trailer mounted arrow 10. The flashing arrow display Is the Tx00i standard; however, the panels should be 7 feet from roadway to bottom WARNING LIGHTS sequential Chevron display may be used during daylight operations. of panel. 0 I. Warning lights shall meet the requirements of the TMUTCD. 2. Warning lights shall NOT be Installed on barricades. 3. Type A-Low Intensity Flashing Warning Lights ore commonly used with drums. They ore intended to warn of or Mork o potentially hazardous TRUCK-MOUNTED ATTENUATORS area. Their use shall be as indicated on this sheet and/or other sheets of the plans by the designation"FL". The Type A warning Lights shall not be used with signs manufactured with Type E Sheeting(Fluorescent Prismatic)meeting the requirements of Departmental Material u O Specification DMS-8300. 1. Truck-mounted ottenuotors (TMA)used on TxDOT facilities must meet the requirements outlined in the Notional _ 4. Type-C and Type D 360 degree Steady Burn Lights ore intended to be used in a series for delineation to supplement other traffic control Cooperative Highway Research Report No. 350 INCHAP 3501. devices. Their use shall be as indicoted on this sheet and/or other sheets of the plans by the designation"SB'. 2. Refer to the CWZTCD for the requirements of Level 2 or Level 3 TMAs. I( 111 5. The Engineer/Inspector or the plans shall specify the location and type of warning lights to be installed on the trofflc control devices. the TMA meets the age requirements and the crashworthiness 6.When required by the Engineer, the Contractor Shall furnish a copy of the warning lights certification. The warning light manufacturer will criteria established by the Federal Highway sure strotion (FNMA) for TMAs. certify the warning lights meet the requirements of the latest ITE Purchase Specifications far Flashing and Steady-Burn Warning Lights. 3. Refer to the dotes shown in the CWZTCD to ensure that4, Refer to the CWZTCD for a list of approved TMAs. 7.When used to delineate curves, Type-C and Type C Steady Burn Lights should only be placed on the outside of the curve,not the inside. 5. TMAs are required on freeways unless otherwise noted in the plans. WARNING LIGHTS MOUNTED ON PLASTIC DRUMS6. A TMA should be used anytime thot it can be positioned approximately 30 to 100 feet in advance of the area of Type C Corning Light or crewexposure without adversely affecting the work performance. approved substitute mounted I. Type A flashing warning lights are intended to warn drivers that they are appraachin o ea. 7. The only reason a TMA should not be required is when o work area is spread down the roadway and the work crew is adjacent to the travel o r are a potentially hazardous ar on extended distance from the TMA. ""ay. 2.Type A random flashing warning lights ore not intended for delineation and shell not be used in o series. 3. A series of sequentiol flashing warning lights placed on channelizing devices to form a merging toper may be used for delineation. If used, the successive flashing of the sequential warning lights should occur from the beginning of the taper to the end of the merging taper in order to identify the desired vehicle path. The rote of flashing far each light shall be 65 flashes per minute, plus or minus 10 flashes. r _1 4. Type C and I steady-burn warning lights are intended to be used in a series to delineate the edge of the travel lane on detours,on lane I 1 changes, on lane closures, and on other similar conditions. I I 5. Type A, Type C and Type 0 warning lights shall be installed at locations as detailed on other sheets in the plans. l I 6. Corning lights shall not be Installed on a drum that has a sign, chevron or vertical panel. .Texas Department of Transportation I I ( 0 7. The moxigum spacing for warning lights on drums should be identical to the chonneliZing device spacing. IV Traffic OAesotlons Olvfsfal WARNING REFLECTORS MOUNTED ON PLASTIC DRUMS AS A SUBSTITUTE FOR TYPE C (STEADY BURNT WARNING LIGHTS BARRICADE AND CONSTRUCTION I. A warning reflector or approved substitute may be mounted on o plastic drum as a substitute for a Type C, steady burn warning light at the ARROW PANEL, REFLECTORS, discretion of the Contractor unless otherwise noted in the plans. 2. The warning reflector shall be yellow in color and shall be manufactured using a sign substrate approved for use with plastic drums listed on the CWZTCD. WARNING LIGHTS & A T T E NUA TOR Warning reflector may be round 3. The warning reflector shall hove a minimum retroreflective surface area(one-side)of 30 square Inches. STANDARD or square.Must have a 4. Round reflectors shall be fully reflectoriZed, including the area where attached to the drum. reflective surface area of at leost 5. Square substrates must hove a minimum of 30 square inches of reflectoriZed sheeting. They do not have to be reflectoriZed where it p r 30 square inches attaches to the drum. 7 of 12 BC -O 6. The Side of the warning reflector facing approaching traffic Shall hove Sheeting meeting the color and retrorefleotivity requirements for IMS 8300-Type 0 )Non-fluorescent Prismoticl. CQTxDOT II-1-02 0.MOT In0 rxoc'Io.,xoc. I CIO MOT 7.When used near two-way troffio, both sides of the warning reflector shall be reflectarizetl. 9 07 ecv,sma,e mxr soar .me mrn mor A. The warning reflector should be mounted on the side of the handle nearest approaching traffic. 0281 02 067 SH ie 5. The maximum spacing for warning reflectors should be identical to the channe lining device Spacing requirements. r r x. SHEETRD. aLL 18 COLLIN 13 AS Handle I8"min 9/16".die. Ityp) 9. Orion body shall have o minimum unballosted weight of 7.7 lbs. and I } f0Y mounting maxim.unballasted weight of 11 lbs. The wall of the drum body shall • 'r Top should not signs and be a minimum of 0.07 inch in thickness.Weight of any drum supplied allow collection warning lights shall not vary more than 0.5 lb. from that of the prequel ified sample. of water or IS.Drum and base shall be marked with manufacturer's name and model number. oµ c debris I:zsmommon ° RETROREFLECTIVE SHEETING 4"max I. The stripes used on drums shall be constructed of sheeting meeting the ono color and retroreflectivity requirements of Departmental Materials e a§ 4'min 11. 10.1.01 �Each drum shall have Specification DMS-8300, 'Flat Surface Reflective Sheeting."High r o n E moo a minimum of 2 orange specific Intensity (Type Cl retrarefiective sheeting shall be supplied +io° 8'moo ) ' - -- ------- --- ----- -- -- antl 2 white stripes unless otherwise specified in the plans. 18'z 24"Sign 12"x fit yp using 2. The Sheeting shall be suitable for use on antl shall adhere to the drum o a ing type C retYg- upon (Maximum Sign Dimension) Vertical Panel g surface such that, vehicular impact, the sheeting shall remain Opposing mount with diagonals 'ow a 2"max reflective sheeting Chevron CW1-8, 0 Traffic Lane am+ with the to adhered in-place and exhibit no teloSe cluing, cracking, or loss of p stripe retroreflectivity other then that lose due to abrasion of the sheeting Divider, Driveway Sign D70o, Keep Right sloping vel towards Fjw (iyp.) I being orange. surface. R4 series or other signs as approved trove)way by Engineer iq BALLAST Plywood, Aluminum or Metal sign .E Esubstrates shall NOT be used on L°�, o I. Thisi use,when shell it large enoughll to eri0, to 50 lbs. of sand. This base,wfien filled with the ballast material, should weigh between plastic drums -0.07"max 35 lbs (minimum)and 50 lbs (maximum). The ballast may be sand in one to three sandbags separate from the base, sand in a sand-filled plastic SIGNS, CHEVRONS, AND VERTICAL PANELS MOUNTED Toper to allow base, or other ballasting devices as approved by the Engineer. Stacking f-for stocking a of sandbags will be allowed, however height of sandbags above Dovement ON PLASTIC DRUMS minimum of 5 surface may not exceed 12 inches. "oE v� drums 2. Bases with built-in ballast shall weigh between 40 lbs. end 50 lbs. ° • Built-in ballast con be constructed of an integral crumb rubber base or I. Signs used on plastic drums shall be manufactured using i Base (3fi" substrates listed on the CWZTCD. a bol rubber base. dia. max) 0 2. Chevrons and other work Zone signs with an orange background aq 3. The ballast shall not be heavy objects, water, or any workers that Shall be m nufaciured with Type E (Fluorescent Prismatic) would became hazardous ve to motorists, pedestrians, or workers when the sheeting meeting the color and retroreflectivity require- drum is struck by a vehicle. GENERAL NOTES 4. When used inmenus of DMS-8300, "Sign Face Material,"unless otherwise regions susceptible to freezing, drums shall have drainage specified in The plans. 0o b I. For Ieng term stationary work Zones on freeways, drums shall be used as hales in the bottoms so that water will not collect and freeze becoming 3. Vertical Panels shall be manufactured with orange and white the primary Channelizing device. a hazard when struck by a vehicle.. sheeting meeting the requirements of DM5-8300 Type C (High 5. Ballast shall not be placed on top of tlrums. Specific Intensity). Diagonal sari 2. For intermediate term stationary work zones on freeways,drums should be peal y go Des on Vertical Panels fk8primary g may r p tangent6. Adhesives may be used to secure base of drums to pavement. shall to down toward the intended traveled lane. used as the channelizin device butbe a laced in slope _ sections by vertical panels, or 42"two-piece cones. In tangent sections 4. other sign messages(text or symbolic)may be usedas tSf one-piece cones may be used with the opproval of the Engineer but only - -approved by the Engineer.Sign dimensions shall not exceed • if personnel are present on the project of all times to maintain the 10 inches in width or 24.inches in height. n proper position and location. 3.Far 5.Signs shall be installed using a 1/2 inch bolt(nominal) cones short term stationary work zones on freeways, drums are the preferred .and nut, two washers,and one locking washer for each rs m channelizing device but may be replaced in tapers, transitions and tangent connection. sections by vertical panels, two-piece cones or one-piece cones as 24" 6.'Mounting bolts and nuts Shall be fully engaged and approved by the Engineer. adequately torqued. Bolts should not extend more than I/O 4. Drums and all related items shall comply with the requirements of the inch beyond nuts. current version of the"Texas Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices" CR1-6 7. Chevrons may be placed on drums on the outside of curves, ITMUTCOI and the"Compliant Work Zone Troffic Control Devices List" on merging topers or on shifting tapers. When used In these ICWZTCDI locations they may be placed on every drum or spaced not a C= 12" more than on every third drum. A minimum of 5. Drums, bases, and related materials shall exhibit good workmanship and nhree(3) shall be free from objectionable marks or defects that would adversely should be used at ea location Called for i the plots. affect their appearance o serviceability. B. R9-9,R9-10, R9-11 d R9-17a Sidewalk Closed signs which r 6. The Contractor shall haves maximum of 24 hours to replace any plastic ore 24 inches wide may be mounted on plastic drums,with drums identified for replacement by the Engineer/Inspector. The replace- ment device must be an approved device. 36.. 8" GENERAL DESIGN REQUIREMENTS Prequalifled plastic drums shall meet the following requirements: 45°W1,�� I. Plastic drums shall be a two-piece design) the"body"of the drum shall be the top portion and the"base"shall be the bottom. 4"Orange 2. The body and base shall look together in such a manner that the body separates from the base when impacted de a vehicle traveling at a speed / 4"White \ of 20 MPH or greater but prevents accidental separation due to normal handling and/or air turbulence created by passing vehicles. 3. Plastic drums shall be Constructed of lightweight flexible, and deformable materials. The Contractor shall NOT use metal drums or . . single piece plastic drums as thane licotion devices or sign supports. I 4. Drums shall present a profile that is o minimum of 18 inches in width at the 36 inch height when viewed from any direction. The height of 1 drum unit (body instolled on base) shall be o minimum of 36 inches and Texas Department of TronsportoNon o moximum of 42 inches. DIRECTION INDICATOR BARRICADE Traffic Operations D/vlslon 5. The top of the drum shall hove o built-in handle for easy pickup and shall be designed to drain water and not collect debris. The handle 1. The Direction Indicator Barricade may be used in tapers, transitions, antl sholl hove o minimum of two widely spaced 9/16 inch diameter holes to other areas where specific directional guidance to drivers is necessory. allow attochmenS of a warning light, warning reflector unit or approved 2. If used, the Direction Indicator Barricade should be used in seriesto direct BARRICADE AND CONSTRUCTION compliant sign. the driver through the transition and into the intended travel lone. 6. The exterior of the drum body shall have a minimum of four alternating 3. The Direction Indicator Barricade shell consist ist of one-Direction Large CHANNEL I Z I N G DEVICES orange and White retroref loci ive circumferential Stripes not less than Arrow ICW1-6) sign in the size shown with ablack arrow en a background 4r inches nar greater than 8 inches in width. Any non-reflectarized of Type E Fluaprescent Prismatic Orange above in a roil with Type C High STANDARD Space between any two adjacent stripes Shall not exceed 2 inches in s Specific Intensity retrareflective sheetingalternation 4"white and orange tripes sloping dowroord of on oriole of 45 degrees in the direction width. road a rs are t0 pass. 7.Bases shall have a maximum width of 36 inches, a maxi min height of 4 4. Doublesarrows on the Direction Imitator Barricoae will not be ollowed. 8 of 12 BC(8) -07 inches, and a minimum of two footholds of sufficient size to allow base 5. Approved manufacturers ore shown on the Cw2TCD List- Ballast shall be to be held down while separating the drum body from the base. as approved by the manufacturers instructions. 0Tx00i II-4-o2 om tsar ILE,recur Ion:'MOT Ia,,T.oaT B.Plastic drums shall be constructed of ultra-violet stobililed, orange, ,o, ee I smxs COXT sr J00 x xw r high-density polyethylene(HOPEI or other approved material. 9-07 0281 02 067 SH 78 aLL 18r COLLIN COVITY sxsslIt I nno 1 CHANNELIZING DEVICES GENERAL NOTES: o- I. Work Zone chonnelizing devices illustrated on this sheet may be installed VERTICAL PANELS (VPs) in close proximity to traffic and are s uitable for use on high or low r i B'to 12" 8"to 12" CHEVRONS 1. The chevron shall be a vertical rectangle with a speed roadways. The Engineer/Inspector ensure that sooting and 8"to 12" 8"to 12" � � -{ minimum size of 12 by lB inches. placement is uniform and in accordance with the"Texas Manual on Uniform - -'I 1--.1 1--18.-mi 2. Chevrons are intended to Give notice of a sharp Traffic Control Devices" (TMUTC0). ;1 Tchange of alignment with the direction of trove) 2. Chameliz ing devices Shown On this Sheet may have a tlriveobl e, fixed or and provide additional emphasis and guidance far portable base. The requirement for self-righting channeliiing devices must vehicle operators with regard to changes in be specified in the General Notes or other plan sheets. 1/1E4"• - horizontal alignment of the raadwoy. 3. channeliiing devices on Self-righting supports should be used in work zone 4" _ 24" 3. Chevrons,when used, shall be erected en the out- areas where charnel izing devices ore frequently impacted by errant vehicles o. 24" 45, q•� side of a sharp curve or turn, or n the for side or vehicle related wind gusts making alignment of the channeliiing devices a� 45L 4" ,n of on intersection. They shall be in line with difficult to maintain. Locations of these devices shall be detailed else- where at right angles to npprOachinq traffic. wthere in the plans. These devices shall conform to the TMUTCD and the Spacing should be such that the motorist always "Compliant Work Zone Traffic Control Devices List" (CWZTC01. q^ has three in view, until the change in alignment 4. The Contractor shall maintain devices in a clean condition and replace c r« -- eliminates its need. damaged,nonreflective, faded, or broken devices and bases as required by - 'Ll VP-1L VP-1R y-- m 4. To be effective, the chevron should be visible the Engineer/Inspector. The Contractor shall be required to maintain proper far at least 500 feet. device spacing and alignment. _ Fixed Base Surface R 5. Chevrons shall be orange with a black nonreflec- 5. Portable bases shall be fabricated from virgin and/or recycled rubber. The w/Approved Mount Roodway \// 36" tive legend. Sheeting for the chevron shall be table bases shall weigh pprove Base,/,SurfaceE par we g approximately 35 lbs. Adhesive - / __ retroreflective Type E (Fluorescent Prismatic) G. Pavement surfaces Shall be prepared in a manner that ensures proper bonding y[ Rigid shall be to Departmental Material Specification between the facesishal the fixed mount bases and pavement surface. �f Support DM5-8300, unless noted otherwise. The legend Adhesives shall be preperetl end applied accordinglee(the manufacturer's 12"minimum Shall be block vinyl non-reflective decal sheet- omiendations. Self-righting requirements 7. The installation and removal of channel izing devices shall not cause FIXED 18" �,- Support embedment - ing meetingthe is of DMs-8300. depth . 6. For Long Term Stotionory use on tapers or detrimental effects to the final povement surfaces, including pavement (Rigid ar self-righting) transitions en freeways and divided highways surface discoloration or surface integrity. Driveable bases shall not be DRIVEABLE Fixed Bose w/Approved Adhesive self-righting chevrons may be used to supplement permitted en final pavement surfaces. The Engineer/Inspector shall approve (Driveable Base, or Flexible plastic drums but not to replace plastic drums. all application end removal procedures of fixed bases. c no Support con be used) 8. Examples on this sheet ore commonly used ohannelizing devices in work zones. 1. Vertical Panels (VP's)ore normally used to channelize For other devices, refer to the CWZTCD. 8"to 12" traffic or divide opposing lanes of traffic. I1-'1� 2. VP's may be used in daytime ar nighttime situations. They may be used at the edge of shoulder drop-offs and OPPOSING TRAFFIC LANE I. Opposing Traffic Lane Dividers IOTLDI are .°o other areas such as lane transitions where positive delineation devices designed to convert a Minimum Desirable suggested maximum spacing daytime and nighttime delineation is required. The DIVIDERS (OTLD) normal one-way roadway section etoe two-way Taper Lengths 3E# g oh nner zing oevlces Di o Engineer/Inspector shall refer to the Roadway Design operation. OTLD's ore used on temporary posted Formula lo' It' 12' on a on a Manual Appendix B"Treatment of Pavement Drop-offs in centerlines. The upward and downward arrows Speed offset offset offset TaperTangent Work Zones"for additional guidelines on the use ofF. 12" CW6-4 on the sig n's-Ign's fore indicate the direction of 30 z 150' 165' 180' 30' 60'-75' am 36" VP's for drop-offs. traffic on either side of the divider. The 35 Le 6p 205'225' 245' 35' 70'-90' 43.12 q• 3. VP's should be mounted bock to back if used at the edge Panels base is secured to the pavement with en Ad- oN min. of cuts adjacent to two-way two lane roadways. Stripes -I mounted hesive or rubbek weight to minimize movement 40 265' 295' 320' 40' 80'-100' ore to be reflective orange and reflective white and bock to bock caused by a vehicle impact or wind gust. 45 450' 995'540' 45' 90'-110' = 4" ` should always slope downward toward the travel lane. 1A„ 2. The OTLD may be Used in cosbinotion with simple' 50 500' 550'600' 50' 100'-125' 4. VP's used on expressways end freeways or other Tiigh. tubular markers ar VPs. - 55 550' cot' 660' 55' 110'-1 40' Speed roodwaye,sha II have a minimum of 270 square inches 3. Spacing between the OTLO she l-1 mat exceed 500 60 L-WS 600' 660'720' 60' 120'-150' �Y m of retroreflective area{acing traffic. Portahie, Feet. tubular markers ar VPs placetl between 5. Self-righting supports ore ovaiI SI with portable base. Fixetl or. 65 650' 715'780' 65' 130'-165' See°Can lion[Work Zone tram(is Control Devices List" 36" the OTLD's shaultl not exceed 100 foot spacing. (.1 i \ D Driveable Base70 700' 770'840' 70' 190'-175' 4. The Shall be orange with O black non- _ (CWZTCD). V maybe used, reflective legend. Sheeting for the OTLD shot I 75 750' 825'900' 75' 150'-185' 6. Sheeting for the VP's shal be retroreflective Type C or may be be retroreflective Type E(Fluorescent Prismatic) 80 800',880':960' 80' 160'-195' (High Specific Intensity) conforming to Departmental mounted (Rigid or self-righting) Material Specification OMS-8300, unless noted otherwise. on drums, conforming to Departmental Moteriol Specification 7. Where the height of reflective material an the vertical = DMS-8300,unless noted otherwise. The legend 4(*Taper lengths hove been rounded Off. panel is greater than 36 inches, a panel stripe of MI IIIshall be black vinyl non-reflective decal , e-Width of offset(FT., PORTABLE 6 inches shall be used. sheeting meeting the requirements of DMS-8300. s•eosre4 Speed 10011 1 VERTICAL PANELS & OPPOSING TRAFFIC LANE DIVIDERS SEPARATING TWO-WAY TRAFFIC Refer to BC and/or TCP_� a HOLLOW OR WATER BALLASTED SYSTEMS USED AS � e sheets far approach °°°f3- LONGITUDINAL CHANNELIZING DEVICES OR BARRIERS 8 (Typical application) 1? equirements. ° s;} 4l Centerline ° Ill LONGITUDINAL CHANNELIZING DEVICES _� g e ® K s 1. Longitudinal thanelizing devices are crashworthy, lightweight, deformable devices that are highly visible, have good .D. l=> c> target volue and can be corrected together. They are not designed to caltoin or redirect a vehicle on levoct. - 2. Longitudinal channeliiing devices may be Used instead of a line of cones or drums. 3.Longitudinal channelizing devices shall be placed in accordance to application and instal lotion requirements specific c A no Q no Q >c A -no- A -> g c -0 >: A ,o A no A X A -' to the device, and used only when shown on the CWZTCD list. - 4.Longitudinal charnelizing devices should not be used to provide positive protection for obstacles, pedestrians or q 500' > workers. .d�Texas Department of Transportation 5.Longitudinal charneliZing devices Shall be retroreflective,or Supplemented with retroreflective delineation );1D os required for tenporor barriers en BC(71-OT. , Traffic O roflons ONislon [11i; S i'li; S S IS I. Water BALLASTED llas edSsysS USED AS BARRIERS �� �� y I. Water ballasted systems used as barriers Shall net be used solely to channelize road users, but also to protect the BARRICADE AND CONSTRUCTION work space per the appropriate NCHRP 350 croshworthiness requirements based on roadway speed and barrier application. 2. Water ballasted systems used to channelize vehicular traffic shall be supplemented with retroreflective delineation VP or CHANNELIZING DEVICES or channeliiing devices to improve daytime/nighttime visibility. They may also be supplemented with pavement markings. Opposing Opposing Opposing VP or 3. Water ballasted systems used as barriers shall be placed in accordance to application and installation requirements Lane Tubular Lane Lone Tubular Marker specific to the device, and used only when shown on the CWZTCD list. Divider Marker Divider Divider STANDARD 4. Water ballasted systems used as barriers should not be used for a merging taper except in low speed (less than 45 MPH) urban areas. When used on o taper in a low speed urban area, the taper shall be delineated and the taper length 9 of 1 2 BC(9)-0 7 should be designed to optimize road user operations considering the cool loble geometric conditions. A Spacing between the VP's or fibular markers shall not ex eed 100 feet. On roadways with speeds less than 45 MPH, 5.When other ballasted systems used es barriers have blunt ends exposed to traffic, they should be attenuated spacing between the tubular markers or VP's shall be as sheen on the channel izing spacing table shown en this es per manufacturer recommendations or flared to point outside the clear zone. page. If the[Obis shows spacing greater than 100 feet based on the roadway speed, then use a maximum of 100 feet ©Tx00i II-4-02 VP'seer rxg TOOTDWI'If used to channelize pedestrians, longitudinal channeliZinq devices or water ballasted systems must have a Continuous spacing between the tubular markers or VP's. Every fifth ohannelizing device shall be on OTLD, except when the 9-07 xeneeos peer s ECT .met xibsw>Y detectable bottom for users of Iona ewes Ond the top of the unit shall be not less than 32 inches in height. °LTD must be spaced closer to accomodate on intersection. Spacing between the OTLO shall not exceed 500 feet. o281 o2 067 5 aw 78 OE 18 COLLIN EE OE15 1nn 1 TYPE III BARRICADES TYPE III BARRICADE (POST AND SKID) TYPICAL APPLICATION CULVERT WIDENING OR OTHER ISOLATED WORK WITHIN THE PROJECT LIMITS I. Refer to the Caryliant Work Zone Traffic Control Devices List ICWZTCD) «c l for details of the Type Ill Barricades and a list of all materials Each roadway of a �� - c used in the construction of Type ill Baricades. 1. Where positive retlirect tonal 2. Type III Barricades shall De used at each end of construction divided highway shall be ROADPUME \ �- capability is provided, drums }+°.- projects closed exte to all traffic. borricadetl in the some manner. R11-2 CLOSED 411, 620-6 \ may be omitted. - 3. Barricades extending across a roadway should hove Stripes that Slope coxr- '" 2. Plastic construction fencing - Oownwortl in the direction toward which troffic must turn in detouring. M4-IOL [�(T917 may be used with drums for - When both right and left turns are provided, the chevron striping may u slope downward in both directions from the center of the barricade. �� sofety as required in the pions. a - \ 3. Vertical Panels on flexible support "a Where no turns ore provided at a closed road striping should slope }A may be substituted for drums when the °' downward in both directions toward the center of roadway. Typical shoulder width is less than 4 feet. _al 4. Striping of rails, far the right site of the roadway, should slope +-�!A .!n 7.I, s. Plastic Dries 4. When the shoulder width is greater downward to the left. For the left side of the roadway, striping y� // - - should slope downward to the right. l --r ^? wit '� _ than 12 feet, sieotly-burn lights iii5, Itlentif/cation markings nay be shown only on the back of the ^r - _barricade roils. The maximum height of letters and/or company logos -s` �- ` PERSPECTIVE VIEW may be omitted if drams are asee. used for identification shall be I". / These atoms 5. Bruns must extend the length 6. Barricades shall rest be placed parallel to traffic unless on adequate .✓ S/ 30 feet are not required of the culvert widening. _ clear zone is provided. ". `y .o� / on One-way roadway / y 7. Warning lights shall NOT be installed on barricades. '' 8, Where barricades require the use of weights to keep from turning over, Increase number of plastic drums on the the use of sandbags with dry, cohestanless sons is recommended. The PERSPECTIVE VIEW Detour rno sandbags will be tied Shut to keep The Sono from spilling and t0 Roadway \ �� I side of approaching traffic if the cr m intein a constant weight. Sand bogs shall net be stocked in a manner 1I C.c- width mokes it necessary. (minimum of 2 thot covers any portion of o barricade roils reflective Sheeting. n rr and maximum of 4 drumsl Rook,concrete, iron, steel or other solid objects will NOT be If' o minimumpermitted. Sandbags should weigh a minim of 35 lbs and a maximum of The three rails on Type III barricades 7 m 50 lbs. Sandbags shall be mode of a durable material that tears upon shall be reflectarized orange and 10' OD vehicular impact. Rubber(such as tire inner tubes) shall not be used reflective white stripes on one side °iOs`o �•for sandbags. Sandbags shall only be placed along or upon the base facing one-way troffic and both sides Legend supports of the device and shall not be suspended above ground level for two-way traffic. -* �I(5) (5) (5) (I) ® Plastic Brun or hung with rope,wire,chains or other fasteners. Barricade striping should slant 9. Sheeting for barricades shall be retrarefl ective Type C (High downward in the direction of detour, 10'max. 10'max 10'max. Specific Intensity)conforming to Departmental Material Specfication PLAN VIEW k minimum ® Plastic drum with steady burn light DM5-8300 unless otherwise noted. IF.m Or yellow warning reflector 1. Signs should be mounted on independent supports at a 7 foot A m um of two drums Shall 8'max. length Type III Barricades be used ocross the work a mounting height in center of roadway. The signs should be a reo. 58Steady burn warning light 1774 Barrieodes shot I NOT minimum of 10 feet behind Type III Barricades. I or yellow warning reflector be used as a sign support. 2.Adoonce signing shall be as specified elsewhere in the pions. PLAN VIEW :1; TYPICAL STRIPING DETAILFOR BARRICADE RAIL • =xr- nominal 45 R7 Sheeting CONES 3�. q�� • - ,moo z,to e 3��_4 2. min. • 1'4'm'n. orange 6 min. �za 9 2'min. 2 min. Z�m wh'teq. min. _3" m . 1 4 q2„ EDGELINE 4"min. orange- .PANEL DETAIL 6 min. >' 2" min. 28" 28" CHANNELIZER FOR SKID OR POST TYPE BARRICADES I2" m 4-min. white min. 4'min., 8'm 14�.min. 1min. o max. 42" 1 iYJJ - 28" One-Piece cones Tubular Marker v min. 1. This device is intended only for use in place of a vertical panel to I2B" Cones shall hove a minimum weight of 9 1/2 lbs. channeliZe traffic by indicating the edge of the travel lane. It is not intended to be used in transitions or tapers. si ironer J _ 0 42" 2-piece cones shall hove a min illll.11ll Weight of 2. This otherwise) not be used io separate lanes of traffic)opposing ar otherwse) or warn of objects, R, Flat roil _ 30 lbs. Including base. 3. This device is based on a 42 inch, two-piece cone with an alternate Two-piece cones striping pattern: four 4 inch retroreflective bands, with on Stiffner may be inside or outside of support, but no more then 2 stiffeners shall be allowed on one barricade. orreslonde 2 inch goo between bands. The color of the bond should _. 7. Traffic cones and tubular markers shall be o minimum of 28 inches in height when correspond to the color of the etlgeline )yellow for left edge)ine, used either on freeways or at nighttime. white for right etlgeline)for which the device Is substituted or for iI TRAFFIC CONTROL FOR MATERIAL STOCKPILES Alternate 2.Cones or tubui11 markers shall be predominantly orange, fluorescent red-orange, or which it supplements. The reflectorized bands silo) be retrareflect ive Al I, 5 fluorescent yellow-orange. They should be kept clean and bright for maximum Type C encapsulated bead(High Specific Intensity) conforming to visibility. Departmental Material Specification DM5-8300, unless otherwise noted. 3.Cones used only for daytime operations do not require the reflectarized bands. 4. The base oust weigh a minimum of 30 lbs. Drums, vertical Is or 42'c 4.Cones and tubular markers used for nighttime operations shall be refleatorized. 11111 ApProx. pane ones Approx• Reflectorized material shall rove a smooth, sealed outer surface that displays Pc 50' !� at 50'maximum spacing 50' the same approximate color during the day and night. The ref lectorized bands shall be retroreflective Type C (High Specific Intensity)conforming to Departmental Material Specification DM5-8300, unless otherwise noted. Min. 2 drums Min. 2 drums 5.When used dt night, appropriate personnel shall ensure that cones and tubular Texas Department of Transportation or 1 Type III or I Type III markers remain in their proper location and in an upright position. , Traffic Operations Division barricade barricade 6. Reflectorization of 28'cones shall consist of a minimum 6 inch band placed Ot STOCKPILE\y ) least 3 inches but not more than 4 inches from the top, supplemented by a minimum 4 inch band spaced a minimum of 2 inches below the 6 inch band. BARRICADE AND CONSTRUCTION ® 7. Reflectorization of 42'cones shall be provided by alternating 4 to 6"orange and white stripes with orange on top. CHANNEL I Z I NG DEVICES o 0 ❑ ❑ 0 8. Reflectorization of tubular markers shall be a min mm of two 3 inch bands placed I On one-way roads Desirable a maximum of 2 inches from the top with a maximm of 6 inches between bonds. STANDARD downstream drums stockpile location 9. One-piece cones or tubular markers are generally suitable for temporary usage(up or barricade may be s outside Channelizing devices parallel to traffic to 8 hours) with other channelization devices such as vertical panels, drums or r clear zone. should be used when stockpile is two- es for Ion term Care should be taken to ensure the remain in O Of ey B`` O _O 7 omitted here a two-piece ern q usage. y L v within 30' from travel lane. their proper location and in an upright position. 10.Cones or tubular markers used on each project shall be of the some s/ze and shape. a 11.The handle may be designed as a hook or other shape, fabricated from ©TOOT II-4-02 Ms TxooT la.rxoor tom Tmor lai rxoor materials similar to the cone material, and may extend up to a maximum of 8 inches 9-07 BEVIB19m co,r SECT JOB HIGHWAY .t, - above the top of cone. Length of the handle shall not be considered with regard to 0281 02 067 SH 78 the overall height of the cone. SHEET COOTY oLL 18 16 COLLIN 6 'noel WORK ZONE PAVEMENT MARKINGS Temporary Flexible-Reflective Roadway Marker Tabs DEPARTMENTAL MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS rL TOP VIEW FRONT VIEW SIDE VIEW PAVEMENT MARKERS IREFLECTORIZEDI DMS-4200 GENERAL REMOVAL OF PAVEMENT MARKINGS /�/�/�/�,� ,, TRAFFIC BUTTONS DM5-4300 N o'F 1. The Contractor shall be responsible for maintaining work zone end I. Pavement markings that a a longer applicable, could create eonfu- fi ryO/✓� 2N ] EPDXY AND ADHESIVES DM5-6100 existingpovement markings, in oecordanae with the standard r nportion of the 2" BITUMINOUS ADHESIVE FOR PAVEMENT MARKERS DM5-WINO gspecif i- stun or direct o motorist toward or into the closed PREFABRICATED PAVEMENT MARKINGS-PERMANENT DM5-8240 cations and special provisions, on all roadways open to traffic roadway, shall be removed or obliterated before the roadway is open- / • PREFABRICATED PAVEMENT MARKINGS-REMOVABLE DM5-B247 within the CSJ limits unless otherwise stated in the plans. ed to truffle. 1 TEMPORARY FLEXIBLE-REFLECTIVE ROADWAY MARKER TABS DM5-8242 2. Color, patterns and dimensions Shall be in conformance with the 2. The above shall not apply to detours in place for less than two 1.--4',i'i -si f "Texas Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices" ITMUTCDI. weeks,where flaggers and/or sufficient channelizing devices ore used - Aoiesive pod A list of prequalified reflective raised pavement markers, 3. Additional supplemental pavement marking details may be found in the in lieu of markings to outline the detour route. Height of sheeting non-reflective traffic buttons, roadway marker tabs and other plans or specifications. 3. Pavement markings shall be removed to the fullest extent possible, is usually more than pavement markings con be found at the Material Producer List 4. Pavement markings shall be installed in occordonce with the TMUTCD so as not to leave a discernable marking. This shall be by any method 1/4"and less than V. web address shown on BC(1). c and as shown on the plans. opproved by TXDOT Specification Item 677 for'Eliminating Existing c l i 5. When short term markings are required en the plans, short term Pavement Markings and Markers". markings shall conform with the TMUTCD, the OlanO Ontl det0lIA as 4. The removal of pavement markings may require resurfacing ar seal °� shown on the Standard Plan Sheet WZ(STPM). coating portions of the roadway. STAPLES OR NAILS SHALL NOT BE USED TO SECURE o v R.When standard pavement markings are not in place and the roadway 5. Subject to the approval of the Engineer, any method that proves to be is opened to traffic, DO NOT PASS signs shall be erected to mark successful on a particular type pavement may be used. TEMPORARY FLEXIBLE-REFLECTIVE ROADWAY MARKER the beginning of the sections where passing is prohibited and 6. Blast cleaning may be used but wi l l not be required unless specifical- TABS TO THE PAVEMENT SURFACE PASS WITH CARE signs at the beginning of Sections Where passing ly shown in the plans. • - is permitted. 7. Over-painting of the markings SHALL NOT BE permitted. 7. All work zone pavement markings shall be installed in accordance B. Removal of raised movement markers shall be as directed by the with Item 662, 'Work Zone Pavement Markings." Engineer. 9. Removal of existing pavement markings and mockers will be poid for I. Temporary flexible-reflective roadway marker fobs used os guidemarks RAISED PAVEMENT MARKERS directly in accordance with Item 677, "ELIMINATING EXISTING PAVEMENT shall meet the requirements of DMS-8242. >.o MARKINGS AND MARKERS,"unless usedtise stated in the plans. 2. Tabs detailed on this sheet ore to be inspected and accepted by the I. Raised pavement markers ore to be placed according to the patterns 10.Block-out marking tape may be to cover conflicting existing Engineer or designated representative. Sompling and testing is not on BC(12). markings for periods less than two weeks when approved by the Engineer. normally required, however at the option of the Engineer, either'A" 2. All raised pavement markers used for work zone markings shell meet or below may be imposed to assure quality before placement on the the requirements of Item 672, 'RAISED PAVEMENT MARKERS"and Deport- roadway. mental Material Specification DM5-4200 or DM5-4300. A. Select five (5)or more fobs at random from each lot or ship- ment and submit to the Construction Division,Materials and PREFABRICATED PAVEMENT MARKINGS Pavement Section to determine specification compliance. B. Select five (5)tabs and perform the fallowing test. Affix five 1. Removable prefabricated pavement markings shell meet the requirements (5) tabs at 24 inch intervals on on asphaltic pavement in a of DM5-8241. stroight line. Using a medium size passenger vehicle or pickup, 2. Non-removable prefabricated pavement markings (fail back) shall meet run over the markers with the front end rear tires of a speed the requirements of DM5-B240. of 35 to 40 miles per hour, four 141 times in each direction. No `oi?+ more than one (I)out of the five(5) reflective surfaces shall MAINTAINING WORK ZONE PAVEMENT MARKINGS be lost or displaced as a result of this test. -o ' - 3. Small design variances may be noted between tub manufacturers. • y 5 1. The Contractor will be responsible far maintaining work Zone movement 4. See Standard Sheet WZISTPMI for tab placement on new pavements. See Sx m markings within the work limits. Standard Sheet TCP17 I)for tab placement an seal coot work. 2. Work zone pavement markings shall be inspected in accordance with - • the frequency and reporting requirements of work zone traffic control z device inspections as required by Farm 599. ▪ 3. The markings should provide a visible reference for o minimum • distance of 300 feet during normal daylight hours and 160 feet when Raised Pavement, Markers LI illuminated by automobile low-beam headlights of night, unless sight distance is restricted by roadway geometries. used as Guidemarks 4.Markings failing to meet this criteria within the first 30 days after placement shall be replaced at the expense of the Contractor as per Specification Item 662. I. Raised pavement markers used as guidemarks Shall be from the approved product list, and meet the requirements of DM5-4200. 2. All temporary construction raised pavement maskers provided on a pro- ject shall be of the some manufacturer. 3. Adhesive for guidemarks shall be bituminous material hot applied or butyl rubber pod for oil Surfaces, or thermoplastic for concrete surfaces. Guidemarks Shall be designated ow, YELLOW- (two amber reflective surfaces with yellow body). WHITE- (one silver reflective surface with mite body). Texas Deportment of Transportation Traffic Operations ONlslon BARRICADE AND CONSTRUCTION PAVEMENT MARKINGS STANDARD 11 of 12 BC(11)-07 OTx00T February 1990 0".rxoor Ica:moor lox:rmm Ica:M.T 2-9e " s COW SECT ao ...AT 1-02 0281 02 067 SH 78 II-02 DISoLL 9-07 18r COLLIN xulr xo. 11nnRl sN PAVEMENT MARKING PATTERNS STANDARD WORK ZONE PAVEMENT MARKINGS DETAILS PP60" t 3" Type 11-A-A Type Y buttons Og DOUBLE RA100 r 4 to 12" L.❑0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0/0 ❑ 0 CENTER LINE & NO-PASSING ZONE BARRIER LINES FOR TWO-LANE, TWO-WAY HIGHWAYS RevEMEN ..E. To 0 0 00 0 0 00 0 0 00 0 -.=1 NO-PASSING n0w Rf CrEEo y Type v buttons l0 To Iz^ TyaeII-A-A q�: I ¢<a 10 to 12" LINE P` 4 to 12' A \ 000000 MARKINGS �ud a o0 0 o000 o 0000 Yellow 0 ° " \ 000000000000000 To 540000000000a c> Yellow } Yelo co Type II-A-A Type Y buttons RAISEo Type I-C, I-A or II-A-A / C EType W or Y buttons "; RAISED PAVEMENT MARKERS - PATTERN A REFLECTORIZED PAVEMENT MARKINGS- PATTERN A EDGE LINE ! S O L I D ❑ 0 0 O ❑ 0 0 O ❑ 0 0 00 0 0 HARMERS - OR SINGLE 60" 3" ?a` L I NES NO-PASSING LINE ER;eucxlr ED d' - - . Type II-A-A Type Y buttons a MARKINGS o o a, o 0 0'�o e 0 0 / 4" White or Yellow !Pt o 0 0 0 0 0 0 o Y m 0 a o 0 0 0 0 -�Yellow ® o o 0 0 0 0 0000 R 0 00 0 000o Type I-C b0„ + 3„ Type W buttons E> 4 to 8" C>Type Y buttons 6 to 8" a\ Type II-A-A WIDE , Al 0 0❑ 0 0 0 0 010 0 0 o REFLECTORIZED PAVEMENT MARKINGS - PATTERN B RAISED PAVEMENT MARKERS - PATTERN B LINE MARKERS PAVEMENT 1 2 fO 0 0 0 ❑ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o I B' m Pattern A is the T%DOT Standard, however Pattern B may be used if opproved by the Engineer. WOE DNANNELISINO LINE W TPAVEMENT 1 o Prefabricated morkings may be substituted for ref lectarloed pavement markings. roueeeELl ZING LINE ORES Is MARKINGS DISCOURAGE LANE CHANGING, x 1 White 74 EDGE & LANE LINES FOR DIVIDED HIGHWAY Type I-C -40 w I '1 40. + 3" / RAISED 0000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.�I 0 0E 0mumr MARKERS 10' 30' Type I-C or I I-A-A /000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 TYpe btn Type I-C or I I-C-R BROKEN / Di ®White o 0000 o 0000 0 0000 o�Dooa o 0000 Type W 0 Y buttons .®Yellow -a '� a Type t-ox Type Y buttons', a L I NE '- 40' . 1' I o = _ aaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa PORLENTE"ME., MARKINP.EMEGS ❑ ❑ a� um�. - --- -------- - 000000000000000000000000000000.000000000000 ~F 10 { 30 White o. low -� Yellow Yellow - TYPe I-A ' Type Y buttons" - Type I-C or II-A-A -- white °° 000 0 0000 (when required) al ® o00 Type W buttons<00 0,,0 0. Type I-C or 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0°0 0 0 00 0°0 0 0°0 0 0°0 0°0 0 0 0 0 • REMOVABLE MARKINGS + 6" _ RE ELECTOR IZED PAVEMENT MARKINGS • 0 RAISED PAVEMENT MARKERS \ Y WITH RAISED ® I®I Prefabricated markings may be substituted for ref lectoriwetl pavement markings. Type I-C PAVEMENT MARKERS l.-10' 3D' If raised pavement markers ore used Roised Pavement Markers to supplement REMOVABLE markings, LANE & CENTER LINES FOR MULTILANE UNDIVIDED HIGHWAYS the markers sholl be applied to the top of the tape at the approximate mid length of tape used for broken ^ I0 0 ^ ----- A Type W buttons Type I-C lines or at 20 foot spocinq for solid lines. This allows on eosier 20' + I' ® ® ® removal of raised pavement markers White lr® 0 0 0'o,Type II-A-A 0 °O Typey Y buttons 0 0 0°00 and tape. Centerline only-not to be used on edge lines p000poo 000 ® ®Yellow ® �0000 0 0 000000 0 0 0 00000 ❑0000 o000000 000000000 ,� White ® ° Raised pavement markers used as standard `✓ Type W buttons Type I-C pavement markings shall be Fran the approved REFLECTORIZED PAVEMENT MARKINGS RAISED PAVEMENT MARKERS products list and meet the requirements of Item 672"RAISED PAVEMENT MARKERS." Prefabricated markings may be substituted for refleCtoriZed pavement markings. TWO-WAY LEFT TURN LANE Texas Deportment of Transportation Jr Traffic Operations DNlslon I a <0 lammm '"White''® ®a a ao Ty a °O°° a °°°° a� °°°° 0 °°°° a BARRICADE AND CONSTRUCTION pe t W butons oType I-C PAVEMENT MARKING PATTERNS 0000 Yellow^ n°°°E°o TO°°°o°°°0°°0a°°° Pe Y btans 00 Type 0a00 0aa0aaaooA STANDARD L› 12 of 12 BC(12) -07 0 0000 0 0000 0R 0000 0 0000 0 ®',Whited C> aoa op\Type W buttons \Type I-C ©TxDOT February 1998 w-MOT ice:TOEOT'Du:nose lc,T,00T L I-97 141 s seer SECT .100 HIGHWAY REFLECTORIZED PAVEMENT MARKINGS RAISED PAVEMENT MARKERS 2-98 0281 02 067 SH 78 Prefabricated markings may be Substituted for refleCtoriZed pavement markings. II-a2 SONS Danu_ 90T 18 COLLIN 18 1lnarl During the planning phase of project development the following environmental permits.Issues and commitments have been developed during coordination with resource agencies,kcal governmental entities and the general III. Cultural Resources VI.Hazardous Materials or'Contamination Issues Comply with the Hazardous Communication Act for personnel who will be working with hazardous public. Any change orders and/or deviations from the flnaldes/gn must be reported to the Engineer prior materials by conducting safety meetings prior to beginning construction and making workers°ware of to the commencement of construction activities,os additional environmental clearances may be required. Upon discovery of orchealogicaf artifoats!bones,burnt rock.flint,pottery,etc.)cease work In the theptotiol hozgr s inrtheyworkplace.mEnsuiel that all workers are provided with personal protective immediate area and contact the Engineer Immediately. equipment Obtain and keep on-site Material Safety Data Sheets IM5051 for all hazardous products used on the project which may include, but ore not limited to the following categories: Paints, acids, solvents, I. Clean Water Act, Section 402 Texas Pollutant Discharge Elimination System asphalt products,chemica additives, fuels d concrete rim pounds r additives. Provide ( Addresses MS4 requirements for project I protected storage,off bare ground and covered, ar products which may be hazardous. Maintain Na Action Required ❑ Required Action product labeling as required by the Act. f proem tie event Nat tie Contractor Implements a 1'SL on or within one mile of the ® Maintain an adequate supply of -site spill response materials, as indicated in the MSOS. In the protect,o Site Notice and/or NOI wlf�ppiy.J event of spill, take actions to mitigate the pill,os indicated n the MSDS accordance with safe Station a work practices, and contact the District Spill Coordinator immediately. The Contractor shall be ❑ No Action Required ® Required Action Action Na. R/L of Centerline Commitment responsible for the proper containment and Cleanup of all product spills. Contractor will follow all applicable storagpe and manahennent requirements for liquid oil products, Waters of the US/Station W T[t0 Copiructlon EpdoductsPermitifor ohamiowotergm dsgaseper 40 CFR 112 lo.k.o SPCCI and/or Action Na. R/L of Centerline Commitment G Contact the Engineer if any of the following ore detected: C 1. All areas of See SW3P Sheet, Dead or distressed vegetation (not identified as normal) e browns:les, drums, canisters,barrels, etc. project disturb BMPs, and detain ls. Undesirable smells/odors b C o less than n acme. Underground storage tanks Evidence of leaching or seepage of substances o dal Any other evidence indicating possible hazardous materials or contamination discovered on-site Q`yam afinwa,+,,.1..w....1wnxww,xw„nx nx, xwxwwx = , h C j C Does the project involve any bridge class structure rehabilitation or replacements (bridge class Cc".->_ structures mat including box cu lverts77 to t h ❑ Yes E No If"Yes then no further action required. ,C ub ^ If"Yes, then Tx00T is responsible for campletinq an asbestos assessment/inspection. a 1�5, Are the results of the asbestos inspection positive his asbestos present)? oQ IV. Vegetarian Resources ❑ Yes E No a i If°Yes°, then TxDOT must retain a Texas Department of State Health Services(QSHS) licensed a; asbestos consultant to assist with the notification, develop abatement/mitigation procedures, and r h No Action Required ❑ Required Action perform management activities as necessary. The noification formic OSHS must be postmarked at a Eleast 15 working days prior to scheduled abatement activities and/or demolition. p U o U If"No",then TxDOT is still required to notify DSHS 15 working days prior to any scheduled C�N II. Clean Water Act, Section 401 and 404 COmplianC@ tlemalit)on. E,� C SYotion a Action so. R/L f Centerline Commitment !neither case,the Contractor is responsible for providing the date(s) for abatement activities t o o' Filling,dredging or excavating In any water bodies,rivers,creeks.streams,wetlands or wet area is nd/or demolition with careful coordination between the Engineer and asbestos consultant in order c pra'db7ed unless specified In the USAGE permit and approved by the Engineer. to minimize construction delays one subsequent claims. 3 aoi�` Wien temporary fill is Implemented,only stated District standards will be used unless written authorization ` b ma far on alternative Is obtained from the Engineer. No equipment Is allowed In any stream channel below the _ - o b.l n, Ordinary Nigh Water Mork except on temporary stream crossings or drill pads. • tin O E No Permit Required • ❑ 404 Permit and 401 Certification Required • ,C N j Permit Required Action Waters of the US Applicable Plan VII. Other Environmental Issues y L Sheet Number o u2 E No Action Required ❑ Required Action O a ma o O- y Station x N C Os Action No. R/L of Centerline Commitment O °� • to G�b-8 U d n $p Q C V. Federal Listed, ontl Proposed Threatened and Endangered Species, Critical Habitat, o b C'\ State Listed Species, Candidate Species and Migratory Birds Treaty Act NISTAI • pp4'' p q�y2 ei O b�y o a Best Management Practices for applicable 401 General Conditions: ® No Action Required Required O'i^ c qui ❑ Action C b0 G oQ General Condition lz-Categories I and II BM°a required Special Note: ga1 a Category 1 (Erosion Control) O~, teal vegetation Blankets,Matting Species Potentially within Measures to control fugitive dust would be considered and incarporoted into the final design V Q a] § ❑ Temporary ❑ Project Area w/Description Habitat Description antl construction pecifictions. y ❑ Mulch ❑ Sad -N fr.; C ❑ Interceptor Swale 0 Diversion Dike 1 ❑ Erosion Control Compost 0 Mulch Filter Berms and Sacks • ❑ Compost Filter Berms end Socks 0 Compost Blankets List of Abbreviations BMP:Best Management Practice a,uu a Category II(Sedimentation Control) ActionConstruction - Texas De rtment of Trans rtdllon CGP: General Permit Send cog Berm flock Berm FEMA:Federal Emergency Management Agency , Do t I Os District (DAL) ❑ ❑ FHWA:Federal Highway Administration o ❑ Silt Fence 0 Hay Bale Dike MOO:Mennrgndun of Agreement ❑ Triangular Filter Dike 0 Brush Berms MOU:Memorandum of Understanding oo ❑ Stone Outlet Sediment Traps ❑ Sediment Basins MS4:Municipal Separate Stanmrater Sewer System NOD Notice of Intent ENV I RONME N T A L PERM I T S O ❑ Erosion Control Compost ❑ Mulch Filter Berms and Sacks NOT:Notice of Termination >' of ❑ Compost Filter Berms and Sacks NWP:Nationwide Permit ISSUES AND COMMITMENTS _ PCN:Pre-Construction Notification s General Condition 21-Cotegary III BCCs required SW3P:Storm toter Pollution Prevention Plan (EPIC) rv^ Category III(Post-Construction MSS Control( ICED:Texas Commission on Environmental Quality Special Notes TPDES:Texas Pollutant Discharge El tminotion System •❑ Betent tan/Irr igot tan ❑ wet Wei lolls TPWD:Texas Parks ontl Wildlife Department FEa.Ra. FEDERAL Am encuvct No. air. 8a Extended Detention Basinwet Basins The Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918 states that It is unlawful to kill,capture,collect,possess, TxCOT:Texas Department of Transportation pl v.ova. ❑ 0 buy,sell,trade,or transport any migratory bird,rest,young,feather,or egg in,parlor In whale, USE:Threatened and Endangered Species 6 (see title sheet) UU>, 0 Vegetative Filter Strips ❑ vegetarian-Linea Ditches without a federal permit Issued In accordance within the Atus policies and regulations. The contractor SH 78 OG USAGE:U.S.Army Carp of Engineers STATE arsTRtcr Poway ❑ Grassy sCo Control ❑ sand Filter Systems wouldFe remove i all old ddglllso. bird nests from wo dry be prepared where worktwould ato be done from lnr I va 0 Erosion Filter etasCompost 0 Mach Filter Berms and Socks to ween 1u. In addition,the I.In would tprepared to prevent are encountered birds from buildingpo nests USIA: U.S.Fish rd Tiecty a service TEXAS DALLAB COLLIN m, Compost Filter Berms ontl Socks Sedimentation Climbers between FebruaryIS and October I.In the event fh0i migratory are encountered on-site during f PSG, Mi gro+dry Bird Treaty Act SHEET ,_$ 0 ❑ construction,efforts to avoid adverse impacts on protected birds,active nests,eggs,and/or young would PSI:Project Specific Location caNTRaL SECTION dos No. 1°. be observed. SPCC:Spill Prevention Central end Countermeasure 0281 02 067 19- ca A. GENERAL SITE DATA B. EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROLS C. OTHER REQUIREMENTS & PRACTICES I,PROJECT LIMITS: SH 78,from Spring Creek Parkway to Maxwell Creek In Wylie 1. SOIL STABILIZATION PRACTICES:(Select T = Temporary or P • Permanent, as applicable) 1. MAINTENANCE: Project Coordlates:33.01029 N r-96.59I 55 W Maintain ail erosion and sediment centrals In good working order. Perform any necessary repolrs - TEMPORARY SEEDING T/P PRESERVATION OF NATURAL RESOURCES at the earliest date possible but na later than 7 calendar days after the surrounding exposed ground -MULCHING (Hay or Straw) _ FLEXIBLE CHANNEL LINER BUFFER ZONES _ RIGID CHANNEL L INER has dried sufficiently to prevent further damage from Leavy equipment. Stabilize disturbed areas P PLANTING SOIL RETENTION BLANKET on which construction activities hove ceased.temporarily or permanently,within 14 calendar days 2.PROJECT SITE MAPS: SEEDING P COMPOST MANUFACTURED TOPSOIL unless they are scheduled to and do resume within 21 calendar days. The areas adjacent to creeks - SODDING VERTICAL TRACKING and drolnogeways hove priority followed by devices protecting storm sewer inlets. •Project Location Map: The Title Sheet OTHER: !Specify Practice) •Drolnoge Patterns:Drainage Area Mops (Sheet23-28) 2. STRUCTURAL PRACTICES: (Select T = Temporary or P = Permanent, as applicable) 2. INSPECTION: •Slopes Anticipated After Major Grod/ngs or Areas of Sall Disturbance:Typical Sections (No Changes) A TxDOT Inspector will perform a regularly scheduled SW3P Inspection every 7 calendar days. SILT FENCES An inspection and Maintenance Report,signed by the TxDOT Inspector and the Contractor,will be •Location of Erosion and Sediment Controls:SW3P Site Maps (S 23-28) T EROS ION CONTROL COMPOST LOGS filed for each Inspection. Revise and/ar repolr each BMP control device In accordance with the Surface Waters and Discharge Locations: Drainage and Culvert Layouts(Sheet 23-281 - EROS ION CONTROL COMPOST BERMS (Low Velocity) current Inspection and Maintenance Report and Item(1.1 above. •Project Specific Locations:To be specified by the Project Field Office during construction and -ROCK FILTER DAMS looted In the Project SW3P File. Reference Item •IO below. -DIVERSION, INTERCEPTOR, OR PERIMETER DIKES - DIVERSION, INTERCEPTOR, OR PERIMETER SWALES 3. WASTE MATERIALS: 3.PROJECT DESCRIPTION: -DIVERSION DIKE AND SWALE COMBINATIONS On a daily basis,or as maybe directed,collect all waste materials,trash and debris from the -PIPE SLOPE DRAINS construction site and deposit into a metal dumpster having a secure cover and which meets all state Landscape Development -PAVED FLUMES and local city solid waste management requirements. Empty the dumpster as required by regulation. ROCK BEDDING AT CONSTRUCTION EXIT or as may be directed.at a local approved landfill site. Do not bury construction waste on the -TIMBER MATTING AT CONSTRUCTION EXIT construction project site. -CHANNEL LINERS _SEDIMENT TRAPS 4. HAZARDOUS WASTE& SPILL REPORTING: A.MAJOR SOIL DISTURBING ACTIVITIES: -SEDIMENT BASINS Bed Preparation.Tree Punting.&Irrigation System Installation _STORM INLET SEDIMENT TRAP As 0 minimum,any products!n the fallowing categories ore considered to be hazardous: _STONE OUTLET STRUCTURES Paints,Acids,Solvents,Fuels,Asphalt Products,Chemlool Additives for SohStabilization.and -CURBS AND CUTTERS Concrete Curing Compounds or Add/Nives. When storing hazardous material an the project site, STORM SEWERS or eta Project Specific Location,take all practicable precaution to prevent and/or contain any -VELOCITY CONTROL DEVICES spillage of these materials. In the event of a spill,contact the split coordinator Immediately. 5.EXISTING CONDITION OF SOIL&VEGETATIVE -OTHER:(Specify Practice) 5. SANITARY WASTE: COVER AND%OF EXISTING VEGETATIVE COVER: NOTE: TOP OF BMP'S SHOULD NOT BE HIGHER THAN ROADWAY ELEVATION AS Usea licensed sanitary waste management contrador to collect all sanitary waste from portable Black.wary,cloy covered by roadside grasses covering 80%of project area. NOT TO FLOOD ROADWAY UNLESS PRIOR APPROVAL FROM ENGINNER IS OBTAINED. units as may be required by local regulation.or as directed. 3.STORM WATER MANAGEMENT: (Example Below -May be used as applicable,or revised) 6. CONSTRUCTION VEHICLE TRACKING: A. Storm wafer drainage will be provided by ditches.Inlets.and storm water systems which On a regular basis,or as may be directed,dampen 1au1 roads for dust control and stabilize • carry drainage within the R.O.W.to the lows within the roadway and project site which drains construction entrances/exits. Provide for a motorized broom or vacuum type sweeper to be 6.TOTAL PROJECT AREA: fo natural facilities. available on a daily basis,or as may be directed,to remove sediment from paved roadways 32.6 Acres - B. Other permanent eros/on controls Include lydraulic design to limit structure outlet velocities abutting or troncoersing the project site. and grading design generally consisting of 4:l or flatter slopes with permanent vegetative cover. 7, MANAGEMENT PRACTICES: 9. STORM WATER MANAGEMENT ACTIVITIES: (Sequence of Construction) A.Construct disposal areas,stockplles,laul roads and P$L's In a manner that will minimize and 7.TOTAL AREA TO BE DISTURBED: 0.71 Acres(2.2%1 control the amount of sediment that may enter receiving waters. Do not locate disposal areas In oily 1.As needed,place erosion control logs approximately 5 feet downhill from wetland.waterbody ar streambed. disturbances and around drain Inlets as shown In details.Ensure at least 3 feet B.Locate construction staging areas-vehicle molntenance and PSL's areas In a manner to minimize clearance from drainage swafes near bottom of slopes. the runoff of pollutants. C.When working In or near a wetland,Install and maintain operating soil erasion and sediment 2.When planting Is complete.clean compost may be dispersed In turf areas at controls at all times during construction and Isolate the work from the wetland. 8.WEIGHTED RUNOFF COEFFICIENT depth not to exceed%=Inch. D.Clear all waterways as soon as practicable of temporary embankment,temporary bridges, BEFORE CONSTRUCTION: 0.40 matting,foisework,piling,debris or otter obstructions placed during construction operations W AFTER CONSTRUCTION: 0.40 that ore not a port of the finished work. bE.Procedures and/or practices should be taken to control dust. 9.NAME OF RECEIVING WATERS: F.Sediment to be removed from roadways dolly or when work begins after weather events If ti construction activities have ceased due to weather event. Storm sewers leading to Muddy Creek(0620C) I 10.PROJECT SW3P FILE: A.For projects disturbing one to flue acres,TxDOT will maintain SW3P file at tie project field office which contains the follavvowing:lndex Sheet,TCEG Signature pF��.2 k Texas Department of Transportation it,' Authority, TCEG Small Construction Site Notice,SW3P Inspector Oual/flcation Statements, ';Xp'(E. TE-Y4 ll , © 2011 Inspection and Maintenance Reports,EPIC Sheet,SW3P Sleet.Site Location Maps, la•.' .J` Stared Material Lists specifying associated control measures.and the Appendix which /*;' �'/ •*1l DALLAS DISTRICT ENVIRONMENTAL contains the TPDES Construction General Permit and the Construction PSL Permits *: �\ •*Ih per all applicable requirements. I STORM WATER POLLUTION J HAL THOMAS STANFORD r PREVENTION PLAN (SW3P) B.For projects disturbing 5 acres or more, 7zDOT will fallow the actions listed In - 11 (lO.A.)above with the addition of the fahceving:Notice Of Intent(N.0.L1 and FeePayment Farm, 79792 i and TPDES Permit Large erage Notice.Non Site Notice(to be used Instead of Small Site Notice). +11�ar�;R5c/STt9.2..-. c / DESIGN TEEOLRAOTE REVISION DATE: 10/23/09 HIGHWAY 5. NON-STORM WATER DISCHARGES: 11 Sg` NG,-, olv.No. FEDERAL AIa PROJECT No. No. C.For projects disturbing less than one acre,actions described In(10.A.1 and R0.B.1 Filter non-storm water discharges,or laid In retention basins,before being allowed �S������� GRAPHICS 6 )Bee t i t le sheet) SH 78 above are not required. to mix with storm water. These discharges consist of ran-polluted ground water. c XXX STATE 0/STRICT COUNTY SHEET spring water,foundation and/or footing drain water:and water used for dust control. "E" TEXAS DALLAS COLLIN No. povement washing and vehicle waste ater containing no detergents. Z. XXX CHECK CONTROL SECTION vas 'z O Signature a trentEA Dot XXX 0281 02 067 _.. __ .... ec 1061.don 29" _ OVERLAP ENDS TIGHTLY 24" MINIMUM , / 1/ 18" TEMP. EROSION STAKE LOG ON DOWNHILL f 1 ' CONTROL LOG SIDE AT THE CENTER, AT ,<•.a^ `,,.,�. ;., 1 I 18" TEMP. EROSION EACH END, AND AT SECURE END �: ;,':',':.... COMPLETELY SURROUND �1 FLOW'I CONTROL LOG ADDITIONAL POINTS AS OF LOG TO Y,,' .gt: . • '"�"":,. DRAINAGE ACCESS TO I1 i) NEEDED TO SECURE LOG ?' � AREA DRAIN INLETS /� STAKE AS `- ;.�..",' !/ (9' MAX. SPACING), OR AS DIRECTED WITH EROSION CONTROL �� LOG C /I C 1' (TYP,1 z DIRECTED. '., -i, .. COMPOST CRADLE 18" TEMP. EROSION ', M , I r UNDER EROSION CONTROL LOG .� . , . CONTROL LOG DITCHe ��, SECURE END ) N AFLOW sts; DITCH FLOW OF LOG TO / riii NV/Q— STAKE LOO ,1\.\VyI^I�SIDE AT N �A��Yy///�T�/AV//A s EACH END, AND AT a J I . I ADDITIONAL POINTS AS Inc _ NEEDED TO SECURE LOG, '� STAKE ON DOWNHILL SIDE OR AS DIRECTED. IN 411111111.401111.'`Sskya CF LOG AS NEEDED TO _ � HOLD IN PLACE cTYP1 PLAN VIEW SECTION C-C r»8 EROSION CONTROL LOG CHECK DAM o g� NTS LOGS PLACED AT AREA DRAIN INLETS GENERAL NOTES: °CO NTS I. LENGTHS OF EROSION CONTROL LOGS SHALL a2II BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDATIONS AND AS REQUIRED FOR THE PURPOSE INTENDED. MAXIMUM LENGTH OF LOGS SHALL BE 60' FOR 18" DIAMETER OR a ar° 1 STARE ON DOWNHILL SIDE OF 30'FOR 12" DIAMETER LOGS. STAKE ON DOWNHILL SIDE OF ITYP.I} LOG AT 8' C C MAX. AS 12" TEMP. EROSION 2. UNLESS OTHERWISE DIRECTED, USE LOG AT 8' C - C MAX. AS SECURE END NEEDED TO SECURE LOG, OR CONTROL LOG BIODEGRADABLE OR.PHOTODHERAOABLE NEEDED TO SECURE LOG, OR OF LOG TO AS DIRECTED. - CONTAINMENT MESH ONLY WHERE LOG WILL AS DIRECTED. STAKE AS - REMAIN IN PLACE AS PART OF A VEGETATIVE D DIRECTED SYSTEM. FOR TEMPORARY INSTALLATIONS, ` OFCURE LOG TOD R.O.W. A ___—__— R p W B—^� 6::, . USE RECYCLABLE CONTAINMENT MESH. STAKE AS E. - - -=t=e - F.'� - 3. STUFF LOGS WITH SUFFICIENT FILTER MATERIAL + DIRECTED , 1 I FLOW DISTURBED AREA 0 - tt3 BAR TO ACHIEVE DENSITY THAT WILL HOLD SHAPE f WITHOUT EXCESSIVE DEFORMATION. AS FLOW �2�DISTURBED AREA B ." ,`"' y ai'' y 0 4. STAKES SHALL BE 2 % 2 WOOD OR .a:»»�,.;�,,,;::.;„,,,y„ �,.,_. _ tt3 REBAR, 9' LONG, EMBEDDED SUCH THAT 2" PROTRUDES ABOVE LOG, OR AS DIRECTED. \ 0 5. DO NOT PLACE STAKES THROUGH CONTAINMENT BACK OF CURB BACK OF CURB —� VA T MESH. A—,— \ LIP OF GUTTER R 12" TEMP. EROSION LIP OF GUTTER REBAR STAKE DETAIL CONTROL LOG NTS PLAN VIEW PLAN VIEW R.O.W.--\ CON TEMP. EROSION SECURE ENDS OF 12" TEMP. EROSION CONTROL LOG STAKES AS DIRECTED CONTROL LOG DIRECTION 2' DIRECTION R.O.H.— STAKE COMPOST CRADLE OF FLOW./ OF FLOW 1l UNDER EROSION I ,. + CONTROL LOG , COMPOST CRADLE STAKE I b• :;r-.;..:_;. UNDER EROSION '' .:4lir :"' ? \ \ CONTROL LOG , 1' 2' ;1N AVA ���, N I \y\` N�� �'®Texas Deportment of Transportation a .,"�VA\�V N Ma, AAV\� AMA;�I/�VA AV \N A�, LAP DETAIL , yI�Y/�\Y/>\\` AV \/n,MV / 1A AYAV A\/DAVYMAVAV\ . "' NTS DALLAS DISTRICT SECTION A-A SECTION B-B EROSION :III CONTROL LOGS - SCALE:NOT TO SCALE g!" T. LOG PLACED AT BACK OF CURB LOG PLACED AT EDGE OF RIGHT-OF-WAY DESIGN OfO:NQ: DERAL alB FR°JECT N°. NINo^Y e F NTS NTS GRAPH(IX __6 (See Title Sheet) SH 78 STATE DISTRICT COUNTY 5-EET N0. TRECK TEXAS DALLAS COLLIN REVISED ON 9/1 0/08 C.. 2 _ 0281 02 067 001002.don Disturbed area I DIRECTIOWN !Sm ^ :K,':_ OF FLO ' '" SECURE ENDS OF • STAKES AS DIRECTED 24, ffit w b g; / — F\°� ,.m::b ate ` / / / / s / a pw LAP DETAIL r h - - - SPg' SECURE END NTS 5££• ° OF LOG TO i It- -' i/ / B'• STAKE AS PpM DISTURBED URBED AREA a : DIRECTED £ c r o ,e .,.. :.. STAKE ON DOWNHILL SIDE OF LOU AT B• C- C MAX, AS aw LOGS PLACED ON EXPOSED SLOPES NSEDID CO DECURE LOG, OR END SECTION RAP DETAIL AS DIRECTED. NTS Nrs STAKE DETAIL o agoS� NTS SPACING LOG SLOPE DIAMETER BETWEEN LOGS v - - 3:1 6" 75' 9:1 6 20' E 6:1 6 25,. -p . CONTINUE SPACING V '-OlSTURB PRE a S 6^ SLOPE. ,,:,w.., LON.I tpU£SPACING TOE OF SLOPE COMPLETED INLETS DETAIL • '' WITH NO TRAFFIC NTS 20' y ^olSTURB£O::Dsk"' SP PO`NG } $ s' 4 51-0P cDaStiau£ GENERAL NOTES: TOE OF SLOPE I. LENGTHS OF EROSION CONTROL LOGS SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH MANUFACTURER'S ,k Texas Department of Transportation RECOMMENDATIONS AND AS DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER. y���\���V�\` 2. UNLESS OTHERWISE DIRECTED, USE 15' BIODEGRADABLE OR PHOTODEGRADABLE DALLAS DISTRICT CONTAINMENT MESH ONLY WHERE LOG WILL DO OPE ,,Ep.�AREP^ REMAIN IN PLACE AS PART OF A VEGETATIVE EROSION „ SL.:•:-,'"UR8 SYSTEM. FOR TEMPORARY INSTALLATIONS, (� a`°� H' -�a1 _�"'plST USE RECYCLABLE CONTAINMENT MESH. CONTROL LOGS N'io.°, 3. STUFF LOGS WITH SUFF ICIENTFILTER MATERIAL -,'"I", " TOE OF SLOPE TO ACHIEVE DENSITY THAT WILL HOLD SHAPE SCALE:NOT TO SCALE SHEET 2 WITHOUT EXCESSIVE DEFORMATION. DESIcry cx.NO. xT Nxo Ar _"PC 0 4. STAKES SHALL BE 2" X 2" WOOD OR o:v.ND. FEDExAL AID aNOJECT NO. N n yAW)diK,y�UYYM\\, #3 REBAR, 9' LONG, EMBEDDED SUCH THAT NOCTOICB 6 (See T t e Sheet) FM 546 2" PROTRUDES ABOVE LOG, OR AS DIRECTED. STATE DISTRICT COUNTY SHr gym - 5. DO NOT PLACE STAKES THROUGH CONTAINMENT COLON TEXAS DALLAS COLLIN .m MESH. CONTROL SECTION JOB 2 2 -_1 REVISED ON 9/10/08 `OCOR 0281 02 067 -o � ZD / 0 _ . _ . . -400-40°0- ° - ° - _ . _ . _ . _ .4 5q- 410+0'0- . _ . _ . _ . _ I I I I I 1 • I 1 e R 1 4" R 1 _- 0 1 r 4_,.:201 `r N City of Wylie Sign by Others . ^ti / 4_ i `0 95' 10' '41'+/- N 84.5'+/- P C TYPICAL BED LAYOUT OOP Scale 1" = 40' _fi5�00 ° m'crex rhea ar 1 rY�\Y�\Y�drry„- I ill I I � . i . —_—_ —_— —_— -- —_� / y�- , '�.���y 1. .a, �yk '�` / ny�w i`Y�� : 16111P1 40 0 WOW' race' a _ _ a Z D ESTIMATED SHEET QUANTITIES z 4--..•........•t.",•q't-`' —�'"Texas Department of Transportation 1‹,.. � DESCRIPTION STY. UNIT OUR OAK 25 EA. - $4 v<k\ 6:7•. , , © 2012 I/'� i.� 6NUMARO OAK 23 EA. i W Q' ,A...._G,C n v GEOAR EWM 20 EA. 1 ... • J . LANDSCAPE —0ESERt WILL-OW 19 EA. *•. /� :*: ® V1fOX 12 EA. \\1„ • ,49ay� PLANTING PLAN GUL'r MUNLY 250 EA. -1-, 'tr r WEEPING LOVE GRASS - EA. \\..1)..'..••••• 1 i NAMELY( GRASS 501 EA. \\�F OF 'r SCALE:1'=100'-0" SHEET 1 OF 6 O iii GON0RE16 MOW 919I P 2.4 Cl. ��� • DESIGN FED.RD. FEDERAL AID PROJECT NO. 10*00* DEO PREPARAt ION 243.4 5Y. XXX /^�Ej GRAPHICS 6 (See Title Sheet) SH 78 / /� XXX STATE DISTRICT COUNTY SHEET r I//�/ ^j .//y '''' TEXAS DALLAS DALLAS < LA J?(..4.� X'XX CONTROL SECTION JOB 23 Signature of Registr t & Dote CHECK r ___w._ XXX 0281 02 067 eap o 3r coa Z - ° - ° - ° - ° -430-+0°0- ° - ° - ° - ° - ° - ° - ° - ° - ° - ° - °43-5 0-0 _ ° - ° - ° - ° - - . - / "• /;-;-______-....t. ____......._. I no >� •wl `� 5/::: wi_ s 0 4 fi5�Ob ° - - - - - 4�50�0°0 S S M / /' / / .. • ESTIMATED SHEET QUANTITIES _••...•• . DESCRIPTION OCT. UNIT `, ®Texas Department of Transportation /'� y 6UR OAK 10 EA. °° °°° 111 1- J SNUMARO OAK 9 EA. j• =t= C,d.J.Ott O © 2012 3)GEOAR ELM a EA. I° / �•I-DESERT WILLOW 29 EA. t em a°F J`��°°° / ® VITEX 6 EA. $ LANDSCAPE r GULP. MUNLY - EA. II 7 e� ,^` S° WEEPING LOVE GRA55 061 EA. 1 8 % PLANTING PLAN e�� NAMELN GRASS EA. 115°° & 0?ID i GONGREfE MOW STRIP 1.1 GY. °,°, ° 0E0 PREPARATION 246.0 6Y. 11,��e°CP°Q�= SCALE:I"=1 oD'-D" SHEET 2 of 6 ••••••••d• DES IX EO.AT. FEDERAL AID PROJECT NO. HIGHWAY XX oro.ND. GRAPHICS 6 (See Title Sheet) OH 78 o XXX STATE DISTRICT COUNTY SHEET 0. w C'CR TEXAS DALLAS DALLAS a RLA 3�DojaGf.( CONTROL SECTION JOB 24 w Signature of Regi St nt & Dote XXX 0281 02 067 P ° —460—f010— ° .465+ 0. z , •9 Ff _ B � T S U n �� H.116WY�� V�P� Z Ylpiv�i��Lll 'T"1 ,rY \Q S R° • • 1 „A._ J . ,• z .4,5,_0-0 _ _ . _ ° _ ° -480�0°0- . _ _ . _ _ . _ `4�5�0-0 ` _ . _ . _ °` _ . I I I p 1 _ I / r---- .....,,,,\ y ESTIMATED SHEET QUANTITIES DESCRIPTION CITY. UNIT l :�Gr OUR OAK 29 EA. 'a... . •p.`,, Texas Department of Transportation SHUMARO OAK 29 EA. . W . © 2012 • GUOAR ELM 29 EA. �. .'4� 1 �� OE5ERt WILLOW 74 EA. %e.,E.K J, , �* ® v11EX - EA. . Lys.y-`14 LANDSCAPE WULP MUNLY - EA. • :a�' is • y WEEPING LOVE GRA55 - EA. ► /`` PLANTING PLAN NAMELN GRASS - EA. 1 7E''. _ - GONGRETE MOW STRIP - GY. 1 0E9 PREPARATION - SY. 11°J.'• i498 . y/ �,I).• •''' SCALE:1"=1 00'-0" SHEET 3 OF 6 r. DESIGN FED.RD. FEDERAL AID PROJECT N0. HIGHWAY AV ��,`F OF C� XXX GRAPHICS 6 (See Title Sheet) SH 78 E HXX STATE DISTRICT COUNTY SHEET 0. '' TEXAS DALLAS DALLAS < ' . LA.7/Gpu32* XXY'CHECK CONTROL SECTION JOB 25 w ignoture of Regi str n & Dote XXX 0281 02 067 _____________ . ) kc,::::c..o?„ N, 0°0— ° — ° — ° — ° — ° — ° — ° — ° — ° — ° — '49-5 0-0 ° vim 1 _. — — — — — — I I f I I f� Imo¢ — s E -) 1 r �, ` 2 -) ) c4" ) m ,7'/ 30' 1 L25.5' 1L5'4 32' 4 1 S TYPICAL BED LAYOUT 1-7 Stations 520+00 & 560+00 Scale 1" = 40' p 6/ - - --—-"woo_._ . __ ____ ) N _______. • �Y0�00 fit + �20�00_ ° _ `z --) /______ ESTIMATED SHEET QUANTITIES 5; NDSC....4,le ,© 2012 Deportment of Transportation DESCRIPTION QTY. UNIT ' 4.' ``Y" �t LANDSCAPE 1 ° OUR OKA 10 EA.NUMARO OAK 20 EA. :CI-•'•Q�J`9�=:n,. e0 OESERTGEOAR EWILLOW 12 EA. ,*EA. n ,^� :*; PLANTING PLAN _ 0 V1TEX 12 EA. GULF MUNLY 76 EA. ��,� .'. F498 �% WEEPING LOVE GRA55 117 EA. /,II... ..... •''' SCALES"=100'-0" SHEET 4 OF 6 NAMELN CRASS 271 EA. `,, OF 'Cc."' DESIGN D1V.NO. HIGHWAY CONCRETE MOW STRIP 0.1 9 GY. �*` - .0 XXX FEDERAL AID PROJECT e 5E0 PREPARATION 190.7 5Y. GRAPHICS 6 (See Title Sheet) SH 78 _ XXX STATE DISTRICT COUNTY SHEET 2 �f/�/� '"' TEXAS DALLAS DALLAS RLA2 C.QV E� XXX CONTROL SECTION JOB 26 Signature of� & Date CHECK XXX 0281 02 067 S 525+ U _ _ . _ _ ° _ . _ ° _ ° _ • �30�00_ . N.,I I �� I I IF I<.'%� I I ti v . v — v — v — v — v — v I o s --------------------- - ° — . — _ — ° — ° — —540-+D ° — ° — ° — • — - 54-5°+00° _ ° — ° _ °__ ° — ° 0-+00— ° — z t:,�.. I I mo..%. 1 __ • 3F3,5- "-,.'/ 1 i`r t' I I t fir, . 3 1�-- I I j� r:s r r:- �".�s' • s 1!' y4_--._,'L • fa . 10- — 'in 5 F ),4 4 Nv7o w�',.s ..d W `! • ESTIMATED SHEET QUANTITIES - "w• �,�n \ —i'Texas Deportment of Transportation DESCRIPTION STY. UNIT S�QPF \\ , © 2012 OUR OAK 21 EA. 4��.' "•''.. \\ i�4 SNUMARO OAK 16 EA. �' \�K V' ti y0 LANDSCAPE . OESNSY WMLLOW 16 EA. ��JLQ=.�•�� PLANTING PLAN n W:a c n ® VItEX - EA. `" 7n� GULF MUNLY - EA. 1 o "' /1YITd, WEEPING LOVE GRASS - EA. '1 0.. /Qyg CO HAMELN GRA55 - EA. \;T.9�;• •'•'�i SOALET"=100'-0" SHEET 5 OF 6 GONGREtE MOW STE I P - Ut. \\ F` °(F. DeslOry HE o. FEDERAL AID PROJECT NO. HIGHWAY 6E0 PREPARATION - 5Y. \max`OF XXX GRAPHICS 6 (See Title Sheet) SH 78 ��77 /1 XXX STATE DISTRICT COUNTY IF a y�//� cHEce TEXAS DALLAS DALLAS r a,�,�q(/ LA 3 H K DrvTROL SECTION JOB 2Z Signature of Registr & Dote XXX 0281 02 067 _ 650'. _._S'e — i �,.�° ° 8° 43' 25' / ° _'° i / / _ _ Scale. l" = 40' ��� j •ram / g........ lp 1, ---- °TexTexas Deportment of Transportation ESTIMATED SHEET QUANTITIES (. �APF� }\,- DESCRIPTION ITV. UNIT OUR OAK II EA. t•!�y ••..J. ••••"r 414 , , © 2012 I/''�� '?l'1 ONUMARO OAK 12 EA. *C9 V!•��\C yyl•:��o LANDSCAPE v GEOAR ELM J EA. 0 z:"I �� 2'n o �5 OE5ER1 WILLav, - EA. )t( * PLANT ING PLAN ® VIfEX 26 EA. °O7I'°.° GULF HUNLY 76 EA. • N•. .y ii j WEEPING LOVE GRASS 502 EA. J.••• /49a f 1 EAMELN GRASS 209 EA. I,q� •'' SCALE:1"-100'-0" SHEET 6 OF 6 GONCE005 MOW STRIP 0.19 GY. ��,F OF '(�' "sr" ED.ao. R� war 0E0 PREPARATION 902.0 6Y. .......... XXX oiv.No. FEDERAL AID Peo�Sh No. ND. GRAPHICS 6 (See Title Sheet) SH 78 XXX STATE DESTROY COUNTY SNEDi S - (/ �II��L ' f/ 3F 2D12 c"cc" TEXAS DALLAS DALLAS I R/(M{ � _` +'fy`a�n rGO+ G XXX coxrnoc sEer lary eo0 U w Si gna+ure of Reg str & Dote XXX - XXX 0281 02 067 PLANT SPECIFICATIONS :.namll,ul l s ol oo � �1< neo.s I color I4"n01To Root Condition (Caliper 1HI0 IsR.aa. ,Rourke S I.TEMS STAKE BEYOND ROOT BALL LARGE ouercuss M..'...',.soRs Bur oak 114 45 Gallon Min. 2 1/2" Min. 14' Min. 9' TYPical ly NOTE:STAKES SHALL BE USED ONLY WHEN _` ouercua snumardii 5nunard oak 109 45 canon Min. 2 1/2" Min, 14' Min. 3' 5a0aed TREES CAN NOT BE MAINTAINED PLUMB 2 OR 3-2" DIA UNTREATED PINE POLES mmus crassifoli ceacr Elm 9e 45 Gollon Min. 2 1/2. Min. 14' Min. 4' 20•o.c. WITHOUT STAKING THEY SHALL ONLY BE 3 POSTS ARE REQUIRED WHEN THERE IS LONG ENOUGH TO REACH APPROK 15'• 0. 4'OR MORE FROM THE TOP OF ROOT 1 BALL TO THE BOTTOM MOST BRANCHES. ABOVE THE TOP OF THE ROOTBALL SMALL TREES/LARGE SHRUBS (ITEMS 192-2004 IS 192-2005/ Chi!oasis Iinearis Desert Willow 94 15 Gollon Min, 1 1/2" Min.6' 3'-4' Spaced 12' o Viiex Angus-castus Shoal Creek Vrtex 56 5 Gallon Min.3' 2' Spaced e'o c I2 I8" UV-TREATED POLYPROPYLENE STRAPS AROUND TRUNK SET PLUMB AND IN CENTER OF PIT. SHOULDERS -- OF BALL TO BE APPROX.I"ABOVE GRADE SHRUBS/ORNAMENTAL GRASS (ITEM 192-20021 CUT WIRE BASKET AND REMOVE BURLAP I TREE SHOULD BE TIGHT IN BALL. Eragrosiis curvula weeping Love Gross 4Oe 1 Gallon N/A Min.8 in Min. 5 in Spaced 18.o. . AND ALL TIES FROM TOP OF ROOTBALL u1 + Muhlenberg in capillaris Gulf Muhly 1480 1 Gallon N/A Min.8 in Min. 5 in Spaced 18.p.c. I" 4"LAYER OF HARDWOOD BARK MULCH OVER I Gallon N/A Mtn.8 In Min. 5 in spaced IB^o AFTER PLACING TREE IN PIT. I Remiseta4 aloaeca-ofaes'Nurel n•Hameln Grass 9)6 .n. / ENTIRE BED PREP AREA(SUBSIDIARY TO ITEM 192). REMOVE ALL NYLON AND/OR —_ - ..�% _ _ -EDGE OF BED PREPARATION AREA POLYPROPYLENE LINE BEFORE _ AS SHOWN IN DETAIL 3 THIS SHEET. PLACING TREE IN PIT. / ' . \// I PREPARED BACKFILL MIX TONE // /�\/�\/// :.,I "I '/\///\/ SCARIFY SIDES OF HOLE TO BREAK GLAZE. ^ pion*materielw I be nur cry-grmm in containers PART ORGANIC COMPOST, TWO �_ "' / / HOLE TO BE CIRCULAR WITH VERTICAL SIDES. ��.E� \\ GENERAL NOTES PARTS EXISTING SOIL ISO ROCKSII //�//� / // // /////// PUDDLE IN ID LAYERS. \\\//O //\//\/\�/\ �\\\/\\\ Contractor will forbonst Construction Highways, Item 192 of Streets and Bridges 20042004 Standard /x\%�Y/ \\T\/\ P9 Y 9 DRIVE STAKES MIN.OF 12"INTO \ COMPACTED SOIL MIX TO LEVEL TREE specifications,dimensions,volumes and measurements that have been modified UNDISTURBED SOIL or not shown. 2. All plants will be nursery-grown in containers unless otherwise shown on plans. O TREE PLANTING - BBB, BOXg CAN 3. Rejection of plants will be in accordance with Item I92.2(b). - 4. Locations of trees,shrubs,and beds will be stoked in the field by the Contractor (LESS THAN 3"CALIPER) N.T.S. • in accordance with Item 192.3(c). 5. The Contractor will be responsible.f or the safe transportation of plants to . . - • • the project site and their condition upon arrival 6. Plant materials will not be stored on hard surface or left exposed to the sun. • UV-TREATED POLYPROPYLENE STRAPS leg. • LOCATE STRAP ABOVE • • COBRA TREE STRAPS by DEWITT CO.) ..•• - 7. Protect the root balls.and water regularly until planting, FIRST MAJOR BRANCH / AROUND TRUNK - • 8. If plants are left in storage over the weekend or holiday,a means of periodically . watering and-inspection container moisture will be provided. SEE DETAIL 1, • v—SINGLE STRAND OF 12 GA GALV.WIRE OR APPROVED EQUAL 9. All plants.will be hardy,symmetrical,tight knit,and so trained or favored in development and appearance as to be superior in form,number of branches,and TREE PLANTING, FOR SET WIRE AT APPROX.45 ANGLE PLANTING SPECS. USE 3 GUY WIRES SPACED(120 DEG.) compactness.Plants will be sound,healthy and vigorous,well branched,densely TRIANGULARLY AROUND TREE. foliated when in leaf,and w411 have healthy,well developed root systems. 10. All shrub and tree plantings will be mulched after planting to the depth indicated in the details.Mulch will be shredded hardwood with a minimum 3/8 inch(not ATTACH GUY WIRES TO over 25%by volume)of fine particles and dust.Mulch will be free of any 2 X 4 X 24"UNTREATED plastic,glass,metals,and other contaminants(sticks,stones,clay,or other foreign / // // // // // // // // ., WOODEN STAKE IOR matter). �, ����c\���������`�`\„ `\/ EQUAL(.NO METAL POSTS. TREE I. PLANTING BED PREPARATION: © TREE GUYING Once bed locations have been approved in the field,apply a glyphosate herbicide within the bed areas to kill existing grosses and weeds.Wait F-10 days to ensure (REQUIRED ON TREES GREATER THAN 3"CALIPER) N.T.S. complete vegetation control.Reapply as necessary before applying compost. Apply Three inches(3")of General Use Compost to all planting areas and thoroughly till to a depth of six inches(61 Specification Item 161 Compost-General Use 3" COMPOST HALF THE DISTANCE OF THE Compost and Herbicide Applications will not be paid for separately but will be TILLED TO AVERAGE PLANT SPACING considered subsidiary to Item 192,planting bed preparation. DEPTH OF 6". 2" ABOVE FINISHED GRADE PLACE EXPANSION JOINTS l P 100 FT oc, CONTROL •`� '�f®Texas Department of Transportation ( JOINTS e 20 FT oc =\.)NDSCgpF IN / © 2012 1 LAYOUT NOTES: ''��O••C J. •�14 LANDSCAPE _ I.Dimensions are sholm for general layout guidance;mow strip ��.•Q-\K yy •C��•1,, I T T� N Q B bed edges shall be smooth flawing. A y�..Q Gs. PLANT 1 N/•, 2.C Traci r shall mock maw sirs a bed edge locations in field / a. `�_ =T El• V /\\•/\• •/ \ \ \/ with paint for oppr vat by Landscape Architect before excav0fing 1 /�� DETAILS 2 r<3 or applying herbicide for bed preporofion �*T. :*' /,////; \ \/i� • /i REBAR 3.Conlroctor Shall have tarn work placement approved by Landscape 0 f fib Architect prior to pouring concrete J.•. 1Q 98 i SCALE:As Shown CA I1•9 • •. DESIGN FED.RO. vlvvnvY 1 'I% . OF•`� - �.,XX OI V.NO. FEDERAL AID PROJECT NO. ‘� ` _ GRAPHICS 6 (See Title Sheet) I SH 78 XXX STATE DISTRICT I COUNTY SNOT O MOW STRIP AT PLANTING BED �) / / 3 =HG=k TEXAS DALLASI DOLLIN a •�' :LA XXX CONTROL SECTION JOB 29 N.T.S. Signature of Regist t & Date CHECk _ XXX 0281 02 067 ,yham YE .m 41 0+0'0- ° _ ° _ ° _ ° ' o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o I 'o-o-o-o-o -- m r , ' a R I e --' I}� zD 5.�06RGPMRIN(c`,�A�1 lr A�� © --- I 2" Main 12" Main Do not use Existing DCVA s, WHEN MAIN LINE. ANO VALVES ARE SHOWN IN ROADWAY, If 15 FOR CLARITY PURPOSES ONLY. LOCATE VALVES c0- MINIMUM OF 5 FEET OEHINO GUR01 ANO WITHIN 2 FEET OF MOW 5fRIP WHEN PRESENT. OS oyc 0 096 LF OR 0 5.48 GPM .§ _ - °41-5i-0-0 ° - — - ° 7s 20-+Ct0- _ _ S _ *42-5�Ofl , - 7 S- "..e ar°� I —o-o—o- 1 i71— I ------M_liw�1�� _ v v- o o o = -- x 5 d�a APPROX. APPROX. APPROX APPROX. a.5y�.��d/o� .75 1sz�r ova %156 La ov p 1+o nIE 25 51.66Vfi�j —___—_—___—_ r� Iri VI I-i�J-�-1 E�?6`\E -� 5_ O ,�q pSiEVV :p p O O O _2_ __6V6 .0_0 12" Main ---12"Main -------- '59 TREE RING �2 5. TREE KINGS,(:) r 8.58 GPM 5.5 GPM D Z r_ mrn � S�Ap.\\, z %•0,A,.�cK•f••.A if I, ,# Texas Deportment of Transportation N I © 2012 NEW 3/4" WATER METER == SLEEVE FOR IRRIGATION PIPE/WIRES 0 me: P ' j LANDSCAPE '*`• 7^� `*' IRRIGATION PLAN NEw I^ 'I'MK5 ow r N. h �� PREVENTION DEVICE �� ).•. lq g8 �p DA GONf ROLLER LOCAf ION -}-• O VALVE LAOEL ZONE TYPE �,'N,e '(�G" FLOW RATE \ OF SCALE:)''100'-0" SHEET 1 OF 6 OU I01( COUPLING VALVE \\AL �� oESlcry Eo.HH PEG.,Ala PROJECT rvo. HIGHWAY I° ELECTR G VALVE XXX olv,rvo NO. -- I I/2" MAINLINE GRAPHICS 6 (See Title Sheet) SH 78 _ LATERAL LINE 0 OR I P LINE TREE RING �� XXX STATE 0I5TAiC: COUNTY SHEET w 51 ZE A5 LA0ELE0 � crvccK r TEXAS DALLAS DALLAS a 1/2" LATERAL LINE tK pE OR IP LINE IN 0E05 ALA ,„.Xcft corvrm. sun. roe 30 w F - r- Signature of Registr 6 Date XXX 0281 02 067 .vp////AT. �° ��y 0 ---------------- —2h33LGPMRIP G I---- G2 B958RGPMEE RINGS-------------------------------- N3 ---G�64I LPP ORIP M --- z — ° — ° — ° — ° —4 3 0�0°0— ° — ° — ° — ° — ° °5 — ° — ° — ° — ° — °4 3-5,-0-0 ° — ° — -i P '6� _56 _ .SGJ.F gF- - -�_ 1 AGGROX AGGRO%. 9' SLEEVE II 56 LG OP/ I" LF Ov yy © -a ¢o-c 7` /_ -� 11 — — _ —' — _ — ____1=SSE EVfi _14_SLEEVE, 76v,of I I _—_—� 4��_/ . z —_"/ _—_—_—_— _ ++��LL p�SLEEVE_ _ I/ _ 12" Main ul� 12" Main w \ '- '�� >1 • s WHEN MAIN LINE ANO VALVES ARE SHOWN IN ROAOWAY� IT 15 FOR CLARITY PURPOSES ONLY. LOCATE VALVES MINIMUM or 5 FEET 6EHINO CURS) ANO WITHIN 2 FEET OF MOW STRIP WHEN PRESENT. G 4 pTREEM RIN/5. "6 GP o — — °4 5 0 0 ° ° ' Ijto}� 100 nimitco}to °ol°Cotir.o 0 0 0 0 0°0°I o d 0 0-0-0 0 °a°o°o° hpµ 12' Main 7/ / .. Efl NEW 3/4" WATER METER == SLEEVE FOR IRRIGATION PIPE/WIRES =fa.�pN,pNUSCgpF���, Jf®Texos Department of Transportation -NJ- NEW I" BAGKFLOVI ; 73 °( �. ,S;•;i i Ar © 2012 PREVENTION DEVICE O CONTROLLER 1.0GATION W iQ&J`9=•;n' LANDSCAPE ���VALVE LABEL PLOW A E r I" ELECTRIC VALVE SOILSIF COUPLING VALVE t* IRRIGATION PLAN N O_ 1 I I/2" MAINLINE �N�*' 149a ` ° _ LATERAL LINE 0 ORIP LINE TREE RING '4/i` � SIZE A5 LABELED ��`F OF v SCAL E:1"=700'-0" SHEET 2 OF 6 I/O1,1 " LATERAL LINE = GRIP LINE IN SODS �..����..� DESIcx ED.RD. HIGHWAY AY �..�I DIV.NO. FEDERAL AID PROJECT NO. XXX _ 6 (See Title Sheet) SH 78 GRAPHICS XXX STATE DISTRICT COUNTY SHEET 0_ a Tai<gliii,L A 3 2iYz ERCNECN Ecn TEXAS DALLAS DALLAS CONTROL SECTION J00 31 e. Signature of Reg istra & Date XXX 0281 02 067 iodra., J APPR x. O p p �p� +iP°oP O�• '(jo- .42 \ 2' V O O e yv-os5:9— 2• E 460O17 ,U r U H WHEN MAIN LINE ANO VALVES ARE SHOWN IN ROAOWAY, I1 15 FOR GLARITY PURPOSES ONLY. LOGATE VALVES MINIMUM OF 5 FEE1 SEHINO CURS, ANO WITHIN 2 FEET OF MOW STRIP WHEN PRESENT. 4qq TREE RINGSCi) o �9 1REE RING TREE RIN65 ` �, 2��p� z 0.78 GPM © ��O 8.58 GPM .4. 26 GPM 03 n Pam. a _ _ 8"_Main_ _ l _ _ %0 �QO m� z w—cTl /, O O p�1 I.0 -—- -—-—- 4PP�.0OP _—_—_— _ — n. V O l'J 0 ,}VPS�EfiVfi a°SVff BVB° _ °4fi5�Ob � T /,, 8" Main -� \ ` • ❑M---_NEW-.3L4"-WATER-MELER_-___----___5LEEVE--FOR..1-RR-I-GA-T-60N--P-IRE/-W-I-RES------ ----- — ----------- ----- ---- ----- •� ��� , --- ®Texas-Department of Transportation olD -NI- NEWPRE I' OANKOEOWCE � �O S�pFQ ,,1 Ar- © 2012 '�(( O CONTROLLER LOGAIION 14•••�-` J y9'.....-% LANDSCAPE O VALVE LAOEL WA F�q�E /W;C _ n I" ELEGfRIG VALVE IF OUIGK GOUPLING VALVE % n ��` � I RR I GAT ION PLAN —— 11/2' MAINLINE _ LATERAL LINE 0 ORIP LINE TREE RING .1�j.•••. 149a �y' • 51 ZE A5 LA0ELE0 NI 9j;••..... rj SCALE:1"=100'-0" SHEET 3 OF 6 I/2" LATERAL LINE OR I P LINE I N 0E05 4‘ 4. OF l'- DXXXN oil.8: FEDERAL AID PROJECT No. HI NO Ar __ = . GRAPH¢s 6 (See Title Sheet) SH 78 /� ,r� XXX STATE DISTFICT COON, SHEET (/ , �'/.(J 'Ah cuecx TEXAS DALLAS DALLAS C ( `istroSN,y�RL, 'yG••-nL7C.[•SL XXX CONTROL SECTION JOB 32 WSignature of Reglstro & Date XXX F 0287 02 067 ------------------------- - -------- ------or — — _ _ y/ 56 Lf OP—2' 4Lfi EU£ _ I t>? I' I �, T I 1 4" I & S s F( / ' -.)/./ iac Q WHEN MAIN LINE ANO VALVES ARE SHOWN IN rOAOWAY, If IS FOR GL-ARIIY PURPOSES ONLY. LOCATE VALVES MINIMUM OF 5 FEET 6EHINO CUKS, ANO W11HIN 2 FEE1 OF MOW S1RIP WHEN PRESENT. "O 0, 6 • O3IN LF ORIP 35 1REF. RIN( E2 \ 35 YRNE R INA. E3 �544 LF ORIP E I 57 GPM 7.70 GPM 7.70 GPM E4 2 GPM • --------------- -- ---------------- ' ��__ — - i: �-- -- --------- - ---_----- ------------ - -- --------- �.S-—^75 75 , APPROX. ♦ E © - --—--—--—- IH -OYO 7 0 0 ^ Q.0 a 75 Lf Of ---- w* 1 ?' 4' SLEEVE 40 LF OfJJ {y 0-4 ('q — — II�e III='na-�)..I�-F.SJ.LI� �LV �O— Z 0.4---) (7-- / ---7 /-------7 fl NEW 3/4" RATES METES =: SLEEVE ACE IRRIGATION PIPE/WIRES %.%% —*5Texos Departmentof Transportation _� NEW I" WAGOFLOW .,p,NDSCgpF. �, PREVENTION OEV GggE O CONTROLLEE LOCATION re.,,CK /,-------- if'0 0 © zo1 z 0 VALVE LA6EL F�OW 2p�E W LANDSCAPE I" ELECTRIC VALVE 01, CLICK COUPLING VALVE '•��� "�� _ —'� I RR I GAT ION PLAN _ -- 1 I/2' MAINLINE I • LATERAL LINE 0 ORIR LINE TREE RING .1‘5.'•. /4q8 •y/ SIZE AS LASELEO �,.q,;••......•'•• i SCALEO"=100'-0" SHEET 4 OF 6 /2" LATERAL LINE � --- _= MP LINE IN SNOW ,1� �F ��• aXXR OI°.Na. FEDERAL AID PROJECT No. HIGHWAY .........♦ GRAPHICS 6 (See Title Sheet) SH 78 - XXX STATE DALLAT COUNTY SHEET cNEcx TEXAS DALLAS DALLAS o LA-3 ��. XXX CONTROL SECTION JOB 33 W Signature of Registra b Date XXX 0281 02 067 • 525+ - ° _ ° _ ° _ ° _ ° _ ° - ° _ ° _ . _ . -530�-00- ° _ ° _ ° _ ° _ . _ . _ ° _ ° _ ° _ ° _ °55•5+0-0° _ . _ z ( o 0 0 o d o 0 o-o o o . 77 ) r ! -_ ,,i�ti 11/ WHEN MAIN LINE ANO VALVES ARE SHOWN IN ROADWAY, IT IS FOR CLARITY PURPOSES ONLY. LOCATE VALVES MINIMUM OF 5 FEET EENINO CURD, AND WITHIN 2 FEET OF MOW STRIP WHEN PRESENT. _36 TREEMR I NGS F� LOCATED ONO SHEET _______ _ __ i. O O O 0 0 0•' 0 0 0 0 Od q 50/bO 0 0 0 0 0 0 J,, O d O O O' o ' 01--o—o- -e 0-Od-0 0 0 0' ' o S ` / SN 70 _ __________ ________________________________ _____________________________ ____________________ ❑M NEW 3/4" WATER METER == SLEEVE FOR IRRIGATION PIPE/WIRE-5 -NE NEW I'PREVENTION OEOIIGE 's. ® CONTROLLER LOCATION ' SC ,�, TEXAS Deportment of Transportation OZONE TYPE .f10 ••AFF,4�441 , © 2012 VALVE LAOEL FL W RATE y, ^ , • I' ELECTRIC VALVE IF QUICK COUPLING VALVE i C,-7r:',��(,K 1:-„.`y�11 LANDSCAPE LATERAL LINEIRRIGATION PLAN MAINLINE 0 ORIP LINE TREE RING ;�::> ,-` - SIZE AS LASELEO $,�.: /\\ - _I 1/2° LATERAL LINE - GRIP LINE IN SEOS '0 LP.••. /498 t, �1.9T '•• SCALE:1"=100'-0" SHEET S OF 6 DCAL 00.- xlcxwav OR ND. FEDERAL AID PROJECT NO. HIT ,`�-�.OF �� GRAPHICS XXX 6 [See Title Sheet) SH 78 XXX STATE DISTRICT COUNTY SNOT v � cxwe TEXAS DALLAS DALLAS 34 A�/G�J��[G HE D CONTROL SECTION JOB 5 Signature of Regibtro & Dote XXX 0281 02 067 av M r 30 ebb'. ` ° _ ° ...'_ _ '.65+�0 _ �- -v0 o K w Y ° ° - ° p_b_O J ° - ° ° 1 5�y 4sic-1. '°I�l l e e pNG M �i"� / / ° /�J` ..--b° ° 4 TREE RINGS - a_ i - '° 'aY -�1.10 GPM tk ,5 -- --- 'SO TREE RING FI /;i- ° - 7.92 GPM /„ . -- ° ° �_- WHEN MAIN LINE ANO VALVES ARE SHOWN IN ROAOWAY> //' `;',.. , ° ° AI`* -- IT 15 FOR OLAR I TY PURPOSES ONLY. LOGATE VALVES MINIMUM OF 5 FEET OEHINO GURO> ANO WITHIN /=j/ _l 1, 0 0 / 2 FEET OF MOW STRIP WHEN PRESENT. ��gj: o O 567 LW ORIP i ... ii / ° % �_ F3 2.94 GPM /ii - / � ° `Z 4 TREE WINGS /i' °o / ° /'" .46 ATM / e /j— / o °x� o e // o / o / ° ° /' • i / o / _ FrJ 222 LF ORIP /" / _ ,>j" o / .' r s 6.I I GPM ° / q' 51.EEVE �r / ° — CE6Vg ° ° _° ° — ° _ T-�O,�+Ofl o ° ° o ° ° -57°5+-00 —" fb: _,v SCgpF9� , O Texas Department of Transportation M NEW 3/4" WATER METER SLEEVE FOR IRRIGATION PIPE/WIRES i• - ,�� C 2012 -NI- PREVNT00NKOE°/WGE O GONTROLLER L00AT ION d.1 e. O VALVE LAOEL FLOW RATE �*: ) x *• � IRRIGATION PLAN 70NE iVPE OUIGK COUPLING VALVE 1 •Cl I" ELEGTRIG VALVE i j.•., 149$ �p•dr —— I 1/2" MAINLINE ,'.9�•F••••••••;��T�• SCALE:1"=100'-O" SHEET 6 OF 6 — LAIERAL LINE 0 OFIP LINE TREE RING • OF uescn HIGHWAYNO. SIZE AS LAMELE0 ....-...•��I XXX oiv°.no. FEDERAL No FFOJSh Nao. aPnms 6 (See Title Sheet) SH 78 I/2" LAIERAL LINE = OR LINE IN SASS oXXX srnrE o�sra¢* murvry SHEET ^� cxca TEXAS DALLAS DALLAS LA 7 .XXX CONTROL SECTION Jog 35 w >Q Signature of Reg istr t & Date XXX 0281 02 057 FINISHED GRADE VALVE BOX SET VALVE BOXES FLUSH WITH FINISHED GRADE.BOX CONCRETE Va SHALL ALLOW FOR EASY REMOVAL OF VALVE ASSEMBLY. r E BOXES—, FINISHED GRADE TAP PER SPECIFICATIONS OF - III-1 0000 SU ADaPTEBS / I- - - REMOTE _ _ THE CONTROLLING UTILITY II- =] —===1-,rOSES Ass(N.E ITS =E-�-III CVALVEL III II AUTHORITY. 3T�-I WE STRAINER- 1— III—II— —�-�= VA T=M- CITY WATER MAIN Z I=L AS REQUIRED III-III 111-111—III =I I I-11 r 1 — IEEEIII—III BALE 11E111F COPPER PIPE FROM METER TO BACKFLOW PREVENTOR BY ICES -II —III—I =III=I I— \(/^ =I II=II •w FUTER w1.n h III a)__ =EI — V �TO SECTION VALVES - 41E1 PRESSURE REGULATOR III—= L plit 111- zi INSTALL WEED BARRIER UND 1=111 X.TAPE ALL gE PIAN WATER FOR SIZE / MASTER 4`X 8"X 16"SOLID CMU INSTALL SO BOX CAN DRATOPORTS z� DM000 1 1 .' �I.1 �1'll'T''ll ISOLATION VALVE VALVE BLOCKS STACKED 2 HIGH 6"OF PEA GRAVEL BELOW = ``\!1 AROUND ENTIRE BOX VALVE BOX EXTENSION MAY PRESSURE 11 :•� •- 1���p•� •ram•+ ' y�•� al BACKFLOW PREVENTER. `. SEE GEN NOTES. BE REQUIRED TO MEET REGULATOR��•Iil•.•*Iv��i'•i l� 7+,� �� �•• ��I CLEARANCE al M BOTTOM OF VALVE BOX MUST EXTEND - O TYPICAL TAP B METER ASSEMBLY 6"PEA GRAVEL BELOW VALVE D•BELOW BOTTOM OF VALVE. DOUBLE CHECK VALVE ASSEMBLY pgauNpLWFED BpAAIEP BOX. E ALL SaL�OEE[OMPU HLGOHItS SPACE VALVES 18"(MINI TO 36"(MAXI APART N.T.S. O O CONTROL VALVE EACH ZONE Nss. TRIPLE SWING JOINT SOIL BENEATH MAINLINE TIE TO HEAD ie / (SCH 80 PVC) WITH NYLON WIRE TIES AS SHOWN , USE DRIPLINE INSERT FINISHED GRADE �. 90(TYP) TEE(TYP) COLLARSSIw.eI T82IFT-050, 'Mg FE-050, &FC-0501 1—I ITr11T VALVE BOX TO AI a — +e I __ESKEEESSESa coNTRoER w/ PLANTER PERIMETER GYP) g 'III— = p1 ACCOMODATE SOLAR PANEL -_ �1 QUICK-COUPLING POLE MOUNTED BOTH VALVES z N I�111T-�111 . 1 VALVE IN PARKWAY 4"ITYP) - -W- — _ LATERAL WN DRIP MABIERICLS CHART)SPACED ro 11-�1 K 1` 1 BALL VALVERAIN SENSOR-INSTALL ON , I._ ekeryg ��_` NTTO POLE PANG HROUGFWIRES I IX SCHOU4015TEELNG ePIPE INSTALL AIR ATTHE COVERED 2"BELOW TOP MULCHIAI..NAYER,SOIL - UM 70 •A • •• Z ���c + RELIEF VALVE 1� •w J� i1 • CENTER UP TO CONTROLLER 1-1I � I■� MMATINLINE CENSOR UP TO HIGH POINT OF LINE FLUSHING VALVE-INSTALL I •= 9 ,� BLdim OOC S STACKED 2 HIGH VALVE BOX THE ZONE ' ONE NEAR ZONE EACHDCRC �i ' 2"GALV.SCH.40 STEEL PIPE W/CAP GALVANIZED BOLT / IL. iiiiimine FLANGE RAIN SENSOR ^-• _ • • 4 X 8 X 16 SOLID CMU DRILL IA"HOLE FOR WIRES W1 III rT - Witl—,1� 111- WIRE [ONCflETE FOOT INC START WIRES I I"IIIII III 1CIII1 AROUND ENTIRE BOX CONNECTORS - %Iii 10' NOTES: -I - - CONNECTION �� I.LOCATE SENSOR ON POLE NEXT TO GI iti 1 11' I 1 111=1 Op' a a pp°p Op A III-III_ IMP) /. NODE 200 AS APPROVED BY ENGINEER I � °v o N a p , -III- 2.CONNECT SENSOR TO CONTROLLER QUICK-COUPLING VALVE L ° - v � PVC SUPPLY PER MANUFACTURERS SPECS 3.TOP OF CONCRETE FOOTING I" B -II= HEADER(TYP) q'ITyp) ABOVE FINISH GRADE N.T.S. �' -III A P G N A D-P =I (ZONE MAY REQUIRE I� 4,PAINT POLE W/ONE COAT OF PRIMER'S •1 -�� - =1 MORE THAN ONE) PVC TO REMOT PVC EXHAUST TWO COATS OF BLACK ENAMEL PAINT ,� - III,111=1i1--- CONTROL VALVE WITH FILTER AND PRV 4 PMINIMUM 1 AS APPROVED BY OWNER'S REP. CONDUIT EXTEND TOOL WIRES FINISH GRADE FIRST VALVE BOX. ODRIP TUBING LAYOUT (TYP) 5 SOLAR POWERED CONTROLLER 0 IRREGULAR N.05. Y"PVC PIPE TO CONTROLLER 'V N.T.E. SEAL 6"OF PIPE WITH SWCONE FINISHED GRADE OF BACK-FILLED MULCH LAYER "PVC MALE ADAPTER PLANTING SOIL COMPRESSION REDUCTION STAKE FOR TUBING GALV.TEE 2"X 2"X ` COUPLING (DURABLE PLASTIC) JI,I Q CONCRETE BASE TO BE 18" FETE= ILENGTHI%R 12"MOTH).C. X 18"(DEPTH) 1 ,,I1=,I11- INSIDE EDGE OF TRUE UNION �` W/b3 REBAR 12"QC. y"Pvc PANTINGPIT� JOINTS EACH RAIN SENSOR MOUNT NG �- .I ROOTBALL OF PLANT SIDE OF VALVE VALVE BOX(10"DIAM.MIN.) 1, FINISHED GRADE • . 1111-1 111 / \ - - FOR NODE 200(CONTROLLER Al ONLY 111=111 6"ffyRl 'DIAMETER(mini II I11 AR=I) • 1=11E1 ? �1 _i it '0Ti II' III-III- ,/ DRIPPER LINE LOOP DRIPPER 2 III III I R: —1— /'' LINE AROUND TREE AT THE EDGE N - -�j • -III—III OF THE TREE-WELL TO ENSURE 2"PEA - L=EF II_ _ 'I-�111 MINIMUM OF EIGHTEEN EMITTERS 3-4" DOUBLE ROW OF GRAVEL -I• ......... ` �� Texas Department of Transportation III III- 1 _ BOTTOM OF BOX 1Tf=ll ARE LOCATED INSIDE TREE-WELL (IYP.I DRIPPER LINE BELOW - -r r,��S� 1L '� MUST EXTEND 2" V....., ..c It , C 2012 EMITTERS SPACED VALVE BELOW BOTTOM �� q.�, III - 12"O.C.AROUND HT - OF VALVE ^��'��CK J. H9 �1�=111= INSIDE EDGE OF TREE-WELL ft2"O.C.A q"X 8"X 16' - .� 111=11 f SUPPLY FROM LATERAL SOLID CMU /(�;• —II(—III—ll1— — 1=11I—L III—III—III—III=III—IIIF BLOCKS ..,:Q J� n 11 Ii1=m- it=m- f=-=.7-=1 1-III PLAN VIEW STACKED 2 ,^` x: IRRIGATION DETAILS -III- HIGH AROUND I O ENTIRE BOX r,�* *1 TREE RINGS IN TREE WELL © MASTER VALVE ASSEMBLY '�,;/,... •.:gg8•G - bl (J�� DESIGN EO.RO. FEDERAL AID PROJECT NO. HIGHWAY O TWO SEPARATE LINES OF DRIPPER TUBING: N.T.S. LJ N.T.S. ,��� OF•�� XXX olv.rva. No. 0.4 GPH EMITTERS SPACED I2'O.C. .......� GRAPHICS B (See Title Sheet) SH 78 XXX STATE Di STR ICi COUNTY SHEET TORTS NO r�_''/^�'' XXX TEXAS DALLAS COLLIN 6 3 DNS 2 Z CxECK CONTROL SECTION JOB 3 we of A eoLr�eN Dote XXX 0281 02 067 GENERAL IRRIGATION NOTES: IRRIGATION MATERIALS SPECIFICATIONS I.Contractor shall be responsible for relerencirg Ilem 170 Ol the Texos DESCRIPTION I a EXAMPLE OR EQUAL I SIZE APPROXIMATE QUANTITIES FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSE ONLY Standard specificolions for Construction of Hlghwos,Streets sd Bridges 2004 for specificolions.dimensions.volumes and measurements that hove been modified or nal shown. WATER METER PER LOCAL CODE 'inch 6 IRRIGATION ZONES DESIGNED BASED ON MINIMUM 50 PSI The contactor shall be res tale for obtainin II 1 licenses, STATIC PRESSURE. NOTIFY LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PRIOR TO 2, ponsi ga permits, INSTALLING SYSTEM IN THE EVENT STATIC PRESSURE IS LESS tests,ontl/or approvals,paying any fees(including impact tees)and deposits THAN 50 PSI. a and installing or arranging for all water meters ontl taps for installation and operohon as applicable. Deposits will oaf be refunded. Water meters shop be placed LANDSCAPE DRIP TUBING (FOR PLANTING BED AREAS) NETAF Ind TLDL 0624XXX; 0.6 GAL./HR 9,870 LF (SPACE DRIPLINE 24"O.C.WITHIN PLANTING BED) in e Ilhe contractor,as provided by engineer. The contractor will pay RAINBIRD DRIPLINE LD 0624XXX 24 inch DRIi'PER SPACING for monthly water charges durng the project.Water meters shall remain operational and turned on through all phases of the contract to ensure plants receive required TREE RINGS (for TREES in TURF AREAS) NETAFIM TLDL 0612XXX; Double Ring Of tubing ound trees; 435 Tree rings watering.Transfer meter Io the City of eylie al the end o1 project. RAINBIRD DRIPLINE LD 0612XXX opproX. 20-22 emitter s/tree. 3.Backflaw prevenlers shall be placed In the name of the City of Wyee,as DRIP CONTROL ZONE KIT I inch 20 (INCLUDE D/C LATCHING SOLENOIDS FOR EACH VALVE) goaded by engager.The contractor shall be responsible for all charges,lees,tests, HUNTER ICZ-101-DC d coordination required by local for eny bockllovv ltraugh all reoentsrses testincaof Kslallalbn or annual inspection, the act. MASTER VALVE HUNTER ICY-151-DC I /a(OCX 6 (INCLUDE D/C LATCHING SOLENOIDS FOR EACH VALVE) ns s BALL VALVE SPEARS OR EQUAL 1 inch 354,Tbetheredwndgsduor totliwgrryainmgalcicenadlilita woorek todirbeectprformeed.eCgheres may BACKFLOW PREVENTER FEBCO 850 (OR PER LOCAL CODE) I inch 6 5,Contraclor shall verify localtm o1 any uderground ulililies with eppreprtale agendes Untlergroun0 ulililies lif stwen)en the plans are approximate. QUICK COUPLING VALVE HUNTER HQ-33DRC N" inch 15, PROVIDE 3 QUICK COUPLING KEYS TO ENGINEER. 6.See IRRIGATION DETAILS AND MATERIALS CHART for materials IRRIGATION CONTROLLERS HUNTER NODE 1 - NODE200& 6 TOTAL, MOUNT XC HYBRID CONTROLLERS ON POLE spedlicallans,sizes,and regdrements, HUNTER XC HYBRID 5 - %CH-600-55 w/ SPXCH CONSTRUCTION METHODS: I.The contractor shall investigate the Ale conditions ellecting the work and shall furnish offsets,ftft'egs,and sleeves as may be requred to meet site conditions. a be roat'aln forlvpapmaiilibysih kkgcoepleprvol fo'inetellolionlc'shall 3.Devielons in the piping m shown on the plans stall be permitted with approval,In wrifing,from the engineer. COPPER PIPE TYPE "K" 4.Core shall be exercised when excavating trees.Na mechanical Extend from meter to inlet I I/1 inch INSTALL BETWEEN METER AND BACKFLOW PREVENTOR g nearde of Master Valve. trenching shall be',entitled below the conopy of existing trees. Conlreclor shall adjust trench path and/or excavate by handto mad damage to existing tree root system. PVC SCH AO CONDUIT Paid for under Item 618, See note 8, CONSTRUCTION METHODS 5.Contractor shall caordndle ontl verity locolton of signal wrong,traffic Pressure rated with slip type solvent welded joints 2 inch& 9 inch on this sheet, loop detector vamp.and CTMS wiring prior to unq any work.Damage to PVC CLASS 200 MAINLINE sgnal wiring loop detector icing.CTMSw rig any any utilities not listed. Pressure rated with twin gasketcoup!Tags and and structres shall be repaired of contractors expense.Contact TxDOT signal fittings or slip type solvent welded joints I I/2 i nch 6550 LF TOTAL section 8 214-320-6683 ten ToDOT Locates. PVC CLASS 200 LATERALS AND HEADERS As indicated on the plans MEASURE FROM PLAN 6.Any underground utilities,high most wiring.and CTMS wiring shown en plans are appr ximote locations only and shall not relieve contraclors ABOVE GROUND PIPE INCLUDING BURIED RISERS AND responsibility f coordinating with appropriate authorities to locale SWING-JOINT COMPONENTS shall be PVC SCH 80 pipe AS NEEDED underground utilities,wring and any structure. rated for d i rest sun I i ght exposure 7.Dig Trenches straight and support pipe continuously ell bottom of trench FITTINGS Install pipe to en even grade.Trenc bottom shall be clean and smooth All fittings incorporated into system shall be of AS NEEDED with all organic debris and sharp objects removed.Pipe shod be snaked the some type, s i ze and c I ass muter i a I as the p i pe in trench,to (low far expansiontraction F public safety,plastic construction fencing,mnmum 4 feet high,shall be used around open excavations. CONTROL WIRE 14 GA. PROVIDE WIRE COIL EVERY 100 FEET TO ALLOW FOR EXPANSION. All low voltage control wire shall be calor coded. 8.Boring and sleeve requirements.Baring and sleeve locations shall be slaked Wire i zes sha I I conform to the controller manufacturer DO NOT EXCEED FOLLOWING WIRE RUN LENGTHS: fwegs and approval lbe depth sshall beal 24"below pwemmt.All spec if loot-ions form ximum distances for specific wire NODE 200 - 100 FEET pbaaennen asleR[s eel be sideu thsantl wingholl and ehevsusll all bof the Sizes. All wire shall be specifically m nufactured XC HYBRID - 1300 FEET andan 1 d5lcor continuous 618..Bwitioald a ollberase measured for direct burial. All wire connections andsplices ten l far in feel accordance with Item 61 B.etA beonal p exceptments for e s ha I I be made in ground boxes. The sp 1 ice shall on greater than 5 feel beyondm p ppe must will not l made except bring.already shown on plans Bore encasement must be installed some day as boring. be comp!etel y waterproof and ghB I I be complete y en capsul ater with in a Torn King Black Splice Connector 9.PVC e i mg(d for boss d slms,a shall consist of SCH. sine wall enclosure or an approved equal. pipe with l owl a coed and seams,and shall be continuous. The size of bore shall not exceed the diameter of casing(s)required by the pions SOLVENT CEMENT by more than Inch Solvent cement shot I be the type recommended by the DO NOT USE BLUE CEMENT. USE A COLORED PRIMER. 10.Pipe shall not be installed when air temperature is below 40 degrees Pipe manufacturer fahrenheit.Plastic pipe shall be cut in a manner that will insure o square cut.Burrs o1 cut ends shall be removed prior to installation so thot a VALVE BOXES BOX SIZE SHALL BE MIN. 10" AND QUANTITY AS REQUIRED FOR SECTION VALVES, BELOW GROUND BACKFLOW I smooth unobstructed flow will be obtained. Boxes far section valves, below-ground bockf low ALLOY!FOR EASY REMOVAL OF PREVENTORS QUICK COUPLING VALVES AND ANY ACCESSORIES. PROVIDE i I.Al walx lines,valves,endsrinkler bodies shall be thoroughly Hushed before prevenaaars, and quick coupling wolves shall be es VALVE, ETC. WEED TAPE BARRIERC INR PLACEER AROUNDIC ENTRY POINTS. TO REDUCE SILTATION, inI iro rig drip,,. ar sprinklers ozzlm. g y shown deco i I sheet 12,Control ware and wire connections shall as described on IRRIGATION VALVE BOX RISERS CONCRETE MASONRY UNIT (CPU) BLOCKS 4" X B" X 16" QUANTITY AS REQUIRED FOR SECTION VALVES, BELOW GROUND BACKFLOW MATERIALS rid wire conIeNS CHART.be as de coned on IR and splices STACKED 2 HIGH AS SHOWN IN DETAILS. PREVENTORS, QUICK COUPLING VALVES AND ANY ACCESSORIES shall be made n ground boxes. x REFERENCE TO MANUFACTURER'S TRADE NAME OR CATALOG NUMBER IS FOR THE PURPOSE OF IDENTIFICATION ONLY, CONTRACTOR SHALL BE PERMITTED TO FURNISH LIKE MATERIALS OF OTHER MANUFACTURERS PROVIDED THEY 13.Conpaaction of the p e trenches must be sufficient to Iimil short term ARE OF EQUAL QUALITY AND COMPLY WITH SPECIFICATIONS FOR THIS PROJECT AND ARE APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER. settcorrect al li ea lo no more then 1 inch The then this without additional compensation.actor hall settling greater GUARANTEE AND ACCEPTANCE: ,\ I.Mainference period.The ingalion yy lean shall be inspected concurrentlyri �'Q �SCAPF\\\1 ®Texas Deportment of Transportation with ontl sublecl to the some establishment/mantenance requirement t p od 3.Operating d maintenance data The contractor hall Tootle instructions e .•"........ 4 underItems 192 and 193 Iif used).0 the installation,establishment,andve p. % J. , © 2012 ainlen contractor shall perform then following cavitis os a covering lull operation,care d maintenance of the equipment.Including ..4.4; ,.(,K 6. q.% • minimum andto the satisfaction of the engineer: shed showing length of line each valve is to be open to provide /'\ •Cl- 9 i�, g determined amount of waiter,and Instruct the stale's designated personnel 0 't /C"Rt Al Install d maintain the canfmller program Io insure the proper m proper operation of the system. W•Q IRRIGATION GENERAL ro aistnbuti of ter(includes replacement f o y batteries). oe J� BI Inspect, and/or replace any equipment that Is found defective 4.Test,Testing of the system far leakage shall be n accordance with may herda og d by other maintenance. Hem 170.The c ntractor shall Iso test and ass r the proper electrical ,*'• 7^� *, NOTES & MA T E R I AL Clm or• M ke any adjustments that moy become necessary to ensure the proper working order of the system la the satisfaction of the engineer. delivery of water to the plant material. 1 tP 1499 h i SPECIFICATION S 2. As-built drawing Upon completion of the required maintenance period, r d,the ',11 ....•••••t om engineerwill make sot 01 ion al the project.The contractor hall %%TF 1 V i furnish the engineer o set of as-built drawings on reproducible I Ix17 film \\ Or aosrae FED.RD. oiaAwar base sheets.lh¢ g'ee will heck hose sheets to be surethey re o ......•.. 0IV.NO. FEDERAL alp PROJECT NO. True record of the project conditions e d will direct the oe allclor la XXX correct any errors m c re iaund.The drawingsshall snow an valve locations RAPx lcs 6 (See Title Sheet) SH 78 co bmomi rwulation Iran a fixed Object and any hange to sprinkler head location StatE onSTR ICi noAsre SHEET I m o Ira tl objectand any change la sprinkler head location and reroufmg o XXX 0, a en mein argil laterl lines[changes r this nature shall be approved by the aecx TEXAS DALLAS COLLIN r engineer prior to instellolied. . — 3F $2A2 XXX CONTROL SECTION JOB 3 7 wSlcaatare ar Registrants note XXX 0281 02 067 Wylie City Council CITY OF WYLIE AGENDA REPORT q Meeting Date: August 14, 2012 Item Number: F. Department: Public Services (City Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: Mike Sferra Account Code: Date Prepared: July 20, 2012 Budgeted Amount: Exhibits: Agreement and Resolution Subject Consider, and act upon, approval of Resolution No. 2012-25(R) authorizing the City Manager to execute a TxDOT Gateway Monument Agreement for the reinstallation of the Welcome to Wylie monument sign on State Highway 78. Recommendation Motion to approve Resolution 2012-25(R) authorizing the City Manager to execute a TxDOT Gateway Monument Agreement for the reinstallation of the Welcome to Wylie monument sign on State Highway 78. Discussion Before the city can reinstall the Welcome to Wylie monument sign on State Highway 78, TxDOT requires a resolution and the execution of a Gateway Monument Agreement. The agreement defines the responsibilities of both parties in regards to the sign. The sign was removed for the widening of the highway several years ago. TxDOT advised the city that they intended to install landscaping in the median at some point, and that project is scheduled to start in September 2012. The sign was not reinstalled earlier so it would not interfere with landscaping plans that had yet to be developed by TxDOT. Approved By Initial Date Department Director MS July 20 2012 City Manager MM August 8, 2012 Page 1 of 1 RESOLUTION NO. 2012-25(R) A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, HEREBY AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, TO EXECUTE AN INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT BY AND BETWEEN THE TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION AND THE CITY OF WYLIE FOR THE REINSTALLATION AND CONSTRUCTION OF THE GATEWAY MONUMENT SIGN ON STATE HIGHWAY 78. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS: SECTION 1: The City Manager of the City of WYLIE, Texas, is hereby authorized to execute, on behalf of the City Council of the City of WYLIE, Texas, an Interlocal Agreement by and between the Texas Department of Transportation and the City of WYLIE, Texas for the installation the Gateway Monument(Welcome to Wylie) sign on State Highway 78. SECTION 2: This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon its passage. DULY PASSED AND RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas this 14th day of August, 2012. ERIC HOGUE, Mayor ATTEST TO: CAROLE EHRLICH, City Secretary Resolution No.2012-25(R) Interlocal Agreement—TxDOT Installation of Gateway Monument Sign EXHIBIT "A" Interlocal Agreement and Project Map Resolution No.2012-25(R) Interlocal Agreement—TxDOT Installation of Gateway Monument Sign Contract No. 18-2XXI L002 GATEWAY MONUMENT AGREEMENT THE STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF TRAVIS § THIS AGREEMENT is made by and between the State of Texas, acting by and through the Texas Department of Transportation, hereinafter called the "State", and the City of Wylie, TX, acting through its duly authorized officials, as evidenced by Resolution or Ordinance Number , dated , hereinafter called the "Local Entity". BACKGROUND The State owns and maintains a system of highways, including SH 78 in Collin County, Texas, for public use and benefit. The State agrees to allow for the construction of a Gateway Monument within the State's right of way and the Local Entity agrees to construct the Monument and to conduct the long term maintenance for this structure located at SH 78 from Sanden Road to Century Way, referred to as the "Gateway Monument," more specifically described in Attachment "A," Project Map, which is attached hereto. The Local Entity will conduct the Monument's long term maintenance activities through the use of Local Entity forces, contractors, or other means satisfactory to the Local Entity and the State. THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises contained in this Agreement, the parties agree to the following. AGREEMENT SECTION 1. PERIOD OF THE AGREEMENT This Agreement becomes effective when finally executed by the State and shall continue unless or until otherwise terminated as provided by this agreement. SECTION 2. FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITIES All costs covered by this agreement including design, engineering, testing, construction, installation, access for maintenance, maintenance, labor, materials, supplies, traffic control, additional improvements, and if required, removal of the Gateway Monument, shall be the responsibility of the Local Entity. Any administrative costs associated with the Gateway Monument that are incurred by the State, such as those related to proposal review, as well as developing, issuing, and monitoring the Agreement for approved the Gateway Monument project shall be the responsibility of the State. Interlocal-Interlocal_Gateway_Mon 1 01/24/2011 Contract No. 18-2XXI L002 SECTION 3. RESPONSIBILITY OF THE PARTIES A. The Local Entity agrees to: 1 . Provide Gateway Monument design plans to the State before execution of this agreement according to TxDOT policy and, upon final approval, furnish and construct the Gateway Monument according to plans approved by the State, which are set out more specifically in Attachment "B," Local Entity's Final Gateway Monument Proposal, which is attached to this Agreement, and include any other related installation items that may be required; and 2. Furnish, erect, and maintain any barricades, signs and traffic handling devices, in accordance with the latest Texas Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) and to the satisfaction of the State related to this project, as may be required to protect the safety of the public; and 3. Conduct periodic inspections of the Gateway Monument as deemed necessary; and 4. Provide for the construction and maintenance of all associated appurtenances that are considered by the State to be a part of the project. The Local Entity further agrees to remove such items from the project's location and restore the area to the satisfaction of the State upon termination of this Agreement in accordance with Section 9. B. The State agrees to: 1 . Review and evaluate the Gateway Monument proposal submitted by the Local Entity with due consideration to safety (location, potential for motorist distraction, accessibility for maintenance, etc.), aesthetics, community support and maintainability; and 2. Coordinate with other TxDOT Divisions, as appropriate, as well as interact with the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) for input, review and approval; and 3. Cooperate with the Local Entity to determine the requirements for barricades, signs, and traffic handling devices to be used by the Local Entity during the construction and maintenance of the Gateway Monument; and Interlocal-Interlocal_Gateway_Mon 2 01/24/2011 Contract No. 18-2XXI L002 4. Provide maintenance access to the project location for the Local Entity or for its Contractor or group, and if possible, from outside the highway right of way; and 5. Conduct periodic inspections of the Gateway Monument as deemed necessary. C. The Local Entity and State further agree that nothing contained in this Agreement will be construed to: 1 . Give either party the power to direct and control the day-to-day activities of the other; or 2. Constitute the parties as partners, joint venturers, co-owners, or otherwise as participants in a joint or common undertaking; or 3. Allow either party to create or assume any obligation on behalf of the other party for any purpose whatsoever. SECTION 4. DESIGN AND PLACEMENT OF GATEWAY MONUMENTS A. Gateway Monuments shall be designed and placed so as to: 1 . Be freestanding. 2. Feature only the letters of the community name and/or officially adopted seal. 3. Include, if required by TxDOT, approved protective graffiti coatings. 4. Be appropriate to its proposed setting and community context. 5. Be in proper size and scale with its surroundings. 6. Be composed of materials that are durable for the projected life span of the project. 7. Be located beyond the clear zone, for both main lane traffic and frontage road traffic. 8. Be located where maintenance can be safely performed, as specified in the Gateway Monument Agreement, and in conformance with TxDOT procedures. 9. Be subject to the review and approval of TxDOT in consideration of design, size, and scale for appropriate integration on urban or rural highway features. Interlocal-Interlocal_Gateway_Mon 3 01/24/2011 Contract No. 18-2XXI L002 B. Gateway Monuments shall not: 1 . Be allowed within the center median areas of interstate highway rights-of-way. 2. Contain religious, political, special interest, private, or commercial messages of any sort, including, but not limited to, symbols, logos, business names, trade names, jingles, or slogans. 3. Contain any displays of any sort, advertising, decorative banners, flags, or flag poles. 4. Display telephone numbers, street addresses, or Internet addresses. 5. Interfere with airspace above the roadway. 6. Create a distraction to the motoring public; for example, the Gateway Monument shall be large enough to interpret at highway speed, but not be so large that it demands attention from the motorist. 7. Include reflective or glaring surface finishes. 8. Include illumination that impairs or distracts the vision of transportation system users. Other lighting may be permitted. 9. Display blinking or intermittent or moving lights, including Changeable message signs or digital displays. 10. Include moving elements (kinetic art) or simulate movement. 11 . Include water features of any sort. 12. Interfere with official traffic control devices, nor interfere with the operational right-of-way above the roadway. 13. Be placed within State right-of-way upon trees, or painted or drawn upon rocks or other existing natural features. 14. Make use of or simulate colors or combinations of colors usually reserved for official traffic control devices described in the Texas Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices. Interlocal-Interlocal_Gateway_Mon 4 01/24/2011 Contract No. 18-2XXI L002 15. Require the removal of trees or other vegetation for visibility, or harm trees during construction. Pruning of tree branches or roots, and removal of shrubs should be avoided. 16. Negatively impact existing highway features, including existing signs, irrigation systems, necessary drainage patterns, and facilities. SECTION 5. MAINTENANCE The Local Entity shall provide regularly scheduled maintenance, as described in Attachment "B," the Local Entity's Final Gateway Monument Proposal, for its projected lifespan. Maintenance shall include, but not be limited to, restoration work to maintain the integrity of the approved Gateway Monument, maintenance of any associated landscaping or lighting, and graffiti removal. Gateway Monuments shall be kept clean, free of graffiti, and in good repair. Graffiti removal shall conform to the most current TxDOT policies and guidelines, which require prompt removal of offensive messages and timely removal of all other graffiti. Maintenance practices of the Local Entity or its agent shall protect air and water quality as required by federal and state law. SECTION 6. MONUMENT REMOVAL The Local Entity shall remove the Gateway Monument covered by this agreement, if in the opinion of TxDOT, it creates safety or operational concerns due to deterioration or inadequate maintenance or upon termination of the main Gateway Monument Agreement. TxDOT will notify the Local Entity when it has determined that the Gateway Monument requires special attention. In the event the Local Entity fails to maintain, repair, rehabilitate, or remove the Gateway Monument in a timely manner, TxDOT may choose to remove the Gateway Monument after thirty (30) days following notification to the Local Entity, and bill the Local Entity for all costs of removal and restoration of the area. TxDOT reserves the right to remove the Gateway Monument due to construction, rehabilitation, violation of the terms of this agreement, or other necessary activities affecting the transportation facilities without any obligation, compensation to, or approval of the Local Entity. TxDOT will strive to notify the Local Entity of its intent to remove the Gateway Monument to allow for timely removal and salvage by the Local Entity, if possible. TxDOT reserves the right to remove or alter any Gateway Monument that presents an immediate safety hazard to the public without delay or advanced notification to the Local Entity. SECTION 7. USE OF CONTRACTOR OR GROUP The Local Entity shall have the right to engage any responsible Contractor or group to perform or provide any portion of the Local Entity's Gateway Monument activities specified in this Agreement. However, notwithstanding this provision, Interlocal-Interlocal_Gateway_Mon 5 01/24/2011 Contract No. 18-2XXI L002 the Local Entity shall continue to remain responsible to the State to ensure performance of all its duties and responsibilities specified in this Agreement. The Local Entity shall ensure that any Contractor or group complies with all provisions of this agreement, and federal, state, and local laws, and regulations as may be applicable. In the event the Local Entity engages a Contractor to perform Gateway Monument construction or maintenance activities under this Agreement, the Local Entity shall ensure that said Contractor shall indemnify the State for any and all damages and claims for damages by said Contractor, its employees, agents, or representatives, including any claims resulting from bodily injury or death to others, or, for loss of or damage to property of others, arising out of, incident to, or in any manner connected to Gateway Monument construction or maintenance activities, and, for any or all liability arising from the negligent acts of said Contractor, its employees, agents, or representatives. In the event the Local Entity engages and approves a responsible group to perform Gateway Monument construction or maintenance activities under this Agreement, the Local Entity shall require and ensure that said Contractor or group follow all the terms of this Agreement as well as all Attachments. SECTION 8. INDEMNIFICATION A. The Local Entity and the State each acknowledge responsibility for the acts, deeds, errors and omissions of its own employees. The parties agree that the Texas Tort Claims Act pertaining to governmental liability for tortious conduct and/or property damage shall apply to this Agreement. B. The Local Entity shall also indemnify and save harmless the State from any and all expense, including, but not limited to, attorney fees, which may be incurred by the State in litigation or otherwise resisting a claim or liabilities that may be imposed on the State as a result of error, omission, or act of the Local Entity, its agents, or its employees. SECTION 9. TERMINATION This Agreement may be terminated under any of the following conditions: A. By mutual written agreement and consent of both parties; or B. By either party upon giving the other party thirty (30) days prior written notice; or C. By the State, in the event the State determines that the Gateway Monument is not in the best interest of the traveling public. Interlocal-Interlocal_Gateway_Mon 6 01/24/2011 Contract No. 18-2XXI L002 If either party terminates this Agreement, as provided herein, the Local Entity will be responsible for repair or removal of the Gateway Monument. In the event that the Local Entity does not provide the repair or removal services, the State may remove or repair the Gateway Monument and shall be entitled to reimbursement from the Local Entity for any reasonable costs incurred by the State to restore the State's right of way to its original condition. SECTION 10. AMENDMENTS Amendments to this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be executed by both parties. SECTION 11. AUDIT The state auditor may conduct an audit or investigation of any entity receiving funds from the state directly under the contract or indirectly through a subcontract under the contract. Acceptance of funds directly under the contract or indirectly through a subcontract under this contract acts as acceptance of the authority of the state auditor, under the direction of the legislative audit committee, to conduct an audit or investigation in connection with those funds. An entity that is the subject of an audit or investigation must provide the state auditor with access to any information the state auditor considers relevant to the investigation or audit. SECTION 12. SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS Subject to the provisions of Section 7, the Local Entity shall not assign or otherwise transfer its rights and obligations under this Agreement except with prior written consent of the State, and any prohibited assignment or transfer shall be null and void. SECTION 13. REMEDIES This Agreement shall not be considered as specifying the exclusive remedy for any default. All legal remedies may be pursued by either party and shall be cumulative. SECTION 14. INSURANCE If this agreement authorizes the Local Entity or its contractor to perform any work on State right of way, before beginning work, the entity performing the work shall provide the State with a fully executed copy of the State's Form 1560 Certificate of Insurance verifying the existence of coverage in the amounts and types specified on the Certificate of Insurance for all persons and entities working on the State right of way. This coverage shall be maintained until all work on the State right of way is complete. If coverage is not maintained, all work on State right of way shall cease immediately, and the State may recover damages and all costs of completing the work. Interlocal-Interlocal_Gateway_Mon 7 01/24/201 1 Contract No. 18-2XXI L002 SECTION 15. NOTICES All notices to either party by the other under this Agreement shall be delivered personally or sent by U.S. mail, postage prepaid, addressed to such party at the following addresses: STATE : LOCAL ENTITY: Texas Department of Transportation City of Wylie William L. Hale, P.E. Attn: Robert Diaz, Superintendent District Engineer Parks & Recreation Department P. O. Box 133067 300 Country Club Road #100 Dallas, Texas 75313-3067 Wylie, TX 75098 SECTION 16. GRATUITIES Texas Transportation Commission policy mandates that employees of the State shall not accept any benefits, gifts, or favors from any person doing business or who reasonably speaking may do business with the State under this Agreement. The only exceptions allowed are ordinary business lunches and items that have received advanced written approval of the Texas Department of Transportation Executive Director. Any person doing business with or who may reasonably speaking do business with the State under this Agreement may not make any offer of benefits, gifts or favors to State employees, except as mentioned here above. Failure on the part of the Local Entity to adhere to this policy may result in the termination of this Agreement. SECTION 17. SIGNATORY WARRANTY Each signatory warrants that the signatory has necessary authority to execute this agreement on behalf of the entity represented. SECTION 18. INCORPORATION OF PROVISIONS Attachments "A" and "B" are made part of this contract. The parties shall comply with the provisions of Attachments "A" and "B" as if they were set forth in full within the body of this contract. Interlocal-Interlocal_Gateway_Mon 8 01/24/2011 Contract No. 18-2XXI L002 THEREFORE, the Parties have executed this Agreement in duplicate originals. THE CITY OF WYLIE THE STATE OF TEXAS Certified as being executed for the By: purpose and effect of activating and/or carrying out the orders, Title: City Manager established policies or work programs heretofore approved and Date: authorized by The Texas Transportation Commission Attest: By: City Clerk William L. Hale, P.E. District Engineer Dallas District Date: Approved as to form: City Attorney List of Attachments: "A" — Project Map for Gateway Monument "B" - Local Entity's Final Gateway Monument Proposal Interlocal-Interlocal_Gateway_Mon 9 01/24/2011 J ' L 410+0'0- ° _ , _ ° _ ° _ , `5H 7d o` 1 of I IS 0 uri✓ inr onI. tUn t elni.1- -- ml--mum J , I 1' R 1 L� W I :201 s A City of Wylie Sign by Others, 5 o o, < — 95 90' 41't/- 84.5'+/- kl y C TYPICAL BED LAYOUT (South End) ��� Sea le I" = 40' o s z a z 4fi5�CJ0 ° - °5N�60 _ ��O�CtO - ° - - ua �4•v4�4 v4.r I \_ Alwv",.: a� 4 r� D Z D Fri r ESTIMATED SHEET QUANTITIES z :111104.61:".11' l'®TDpartment of Transportation DESCRIPTION OTv. UNIT H EESEKf EE9EEOW 29AK 23 EA. LANDSCAPE VIfEk 12 EA. PLANTING PLAN GULF MUNLY 250 EA. WEEPING LOVE &PASS - EA. NAMELN GRASS 501 EA. SCALE:1"=100'-0" SHEET 1 OF 6 GONGREfE MOW STRIP 2.4 GY. DESIGN pro:Na: reoeaA�Ago Pao.�ea No. H]HWAY 6Eo PKEPARArION 243.4 5Y. XXX GRAPHICS 6 (See Title Sheet) SH 78 HEET XXX STATE mseIcT GOENT, No. TEXAS DALLAS DALLAS XXX RLA �HE�H GONTPOL SECTION JOB 23 S Signature of Registrant & Date XXX 0281 02 067 DATE Attachment A I Rock Face Pattern Bars""C"No. 5 4--Reed. each column • o 5'x2' Sign Area I Bars"C No..5 -I I---7 1�� .---�✓-4 Regd. each column r"� III t0 r• F ' I I i I I I I I ri': — `I ,1 No. 4 Bars 0 12" a, -� �. ..—I�_ _L_.. J/ �/ 4._C. top and bottom. r- ` BOrRegd. No..5 c B 2'"No. B—B 11'.-0" _ _ APPROVED CITY OF ��w. No.-4 Bars 0 12" � Y L I E Ctrs- each way - -OI,DING INSPECTIONS top and bottom. ELEVATION „subject to Field Approval 1/2"-1 i-0" ,,::tc_ NOTE: THIS SIGN DESIGN TO BE USED ON THE FOLLOWING 1---1 SIGN PROJECTS WITH THE ONLY VARIATION BEING THE LETTERING: -1. FOUNDERS PARK — 2. VALENTINE PARK I . 3. RIVERWAY PARK - I I . 4. KIRBY PARK I I L 5. FRIENDSHIP PARK I I 12" I r 6. EUREKA PARK _ -7. SOUTH 78 MEDIAN BAR „L,. .BAR "S" f 1-6"* 1 Bars"5"No.5 -•--8. WEST 544 MEDIAN r 10 Regd. 9. DOWNTOWN BALLARD STREET MEDIAN I CI 1No.-4 Bars 0 t2" GENFRAL NOTES: .��G N Ctrs.-each.way 1. MINIMUM COMPRESSIVE`STRENGTH OF CONCRETE SHALL ZgOFTfi 1� I -4,_D" top and bottom.. BE 3,000 PSI AT 28 DAYS. yip'' gs�lt .2. ALL EXPOSED EDGES SHALL HAVE A 3/4" CHAMFER. :: °;. 16 FOUNDATION PLAN 3. .ALL DIMENSIONS RELATING TO REINFORCING STEEL AREirii "' C'—C TO CENTER OF BARS. -0 GRANT M.WOODFIN'/ PARK SIGN - 4. MINIMUM GRADE OF REINFORCING STEEL IS TO BE ASTM �0 90361 �i an aF 1YYLIE 117fA5 Ei, -MINI M SURFE ACE . . - �ilik.t5cENS.? � i :C•P..EIaaxNEE IO.:LTD. .5. MINIMUM SURFACE FINISH FOR ALL EXPOSED SURFACES t6FSS E ��►f(//J////f a-•�•�+.•�++ IFTONAL I% m WILL BE A RUBBED FINISH PRODUCED BY.RUBBING WITH A se!ON Tamura •m CARBORUNDUM STONE.. 1011O0Mra.�.:..., .. / pole pa +rg n - aer a Poe 0/633 '1 re 1 o� � - -.Attachment:B Wylie City Council CITY OF WYLIE AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: August 14, 2012 Item Number: G. Department: Finance (City Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: Purchasing Account Code: Date Prepared: July 31, 2012 Budgeted Amount: Exhibits: Resolution, Contract Subject Consider, and act upon, Resolution No. 2012-26(R) to enter into an Interlocal Cooperative Purchasing Agreement between the City of Grand Prairie and the City of Wylie to permit the City to utilize Grand Prairie supplier contracts for goods and services, and authorizing the City Manager to execute any and all necessary documents. Recommendation Approval of Resolution No. 2012-26(R) to enter into an Interlocal Cooperative Purchasing Agreement between the City of Grand Prairie and the City of Wylie to permit the City to utilize Grand Prairie supplier contracts for goods and services. Discussion As allowed by Texas Government Code Chapter 791 and Texas Local Government Code 271, the City is authorized to utilize contracts for goods and services that have been competitively bid by various cooperative purchasing groups and/or other government entities. Due to the purchasing volumes from large cooperative groups and government entities, the City is able to achieve cost savings that may not be available as a stand- alone entity through the competitive bid process. The attached resolution and Interlocal Agreement are presented for adoption, and will permit the City to utilize the City of Grand Prairie's contracts. Approved By Initial Date Department Director LB 6/2/11 City Manager MM August 8, 2012 Page 1 of 1 RESOLUTION NO. 2012-26(R) A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, HEREBY AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, TO ENTER INTO AN INTERLOCAL COOPERATIVE PURCHASING AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF GRAND PRAIRIE AND THE CITY OF WYLIE FOR THE USE OF THE CITY OF GRAND PRAIRIE'S CONTRACTS. WHEREAS, Section 791.025 of the Texas Government Code AND Chapter 271.102 of the Texas Local Government Code does permit Interlocal Agreements between local governments for the purchase of goods and services and does satisfy the requirement of local governments to seek competitive bids for the purchase of goods and services through supplier contracts; and WHEREAS, the City of Wylie is of the opinion that an Interlocal cooperative purchasing Agreement between the City of Wylie and the City of Grand Prairie will be highly beneficial to the taxpayers as a result of the anticipated savings to be realized; NOW THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS: SECTION 1: That the City of Wylie, Texas requests that the City of Grand Prairie allow the City to enter into an Interlocal Agreement to permit the City to utilize and/or be incorporated into one or more City of Grand Prairie supplier contracts as previously solicited by the City of Grand Prairie and awarded to vendors in accordance with State purchasing laws. SECTION 2: The City manager of the City of Wylie, Texas is hereby authorized to execute, on behalf of the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas, the Interlocal Agreement between the City of Grand Prairie and the City of Wylie. SECTION 3: A representative of the City of Wylie, Texas named as Glenna Hayes, Purchasing Agent, is authorized to sign and deliver any and all necessary requests and documents in connection therewith for and on behalf of the City of Wylie, Texas. SECTION 4: This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon its passage. DULY PASSED AND APPROVED by the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas on this 14th day of August, 2012. ERIC HOGUE, Mayor ATTEST TO: CAROLE EHRLICH, City Secretary Resolution No. 2012-26(R) ILA Purchasing Agreement—City of Grand Prairie EXHIBIT "A" Master Interlocal Cooperative Purchasing Agreement Between the City of Grand Prairie and the City of Wylie Resolution No. 2012-26(R) ILA Purchasing Agreement—City of Grand Prairie MASTER INTERLOCAL COOPERATIVE PURCHASING AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF GRAND PRAIRIE AND THE CITY OF WYLIE WHEREAS, Chapter 791 of the Texas Government Code, also known as the Interlocal Cooperation Act, and Chapter 271.102 of the Texas Local Government Code authorize all local governments to contract with each other to perform governmental functions or services including administrative functions normally associated with the operation of government such as purchasing of necessary equipment, supplies and services; WHEREAS, The City of Grand Prairie and The City of Wylie desire to enter into this Agreement for the purpose of fulfilling and implementing their respective public and governmental purposes, needs, objectives, programs and services; WHEREAS, The City of Grand Prairie and The City of Wylie represent that each are independently authorized to perform the functions or services contemplated by this Agreement; WHEREAS, it is deemed in the best interest of all participating governments that said governments do enter into a mutually satisfactory agreement for the purchase of necessary equipment, supplies, and services; WHEREAS, the participating governments are of the opinion that cooperation in the purchasing of equipment, supplies, services and auctions will be beneficial to the taxpayers of the governments through the efficiencies and potential savings to be realized; and WHEREAS, each party has sufficient resources to perform the functions contemplated by this Agreement; NOW THEREFORE, the parties hereto, in consideration of the mutual covenants and conditions contained herein, promise and agree as to each of the other as follows: 1. The City of Grand Prairie and The City of Wylie are authorized to participate in each other's current and/or future contracts for goods and services. Said contracts shall have been established in accordance with all appropriate procedures governing competitive bids and competitive proposals, if required. 2. The City of Grand Prairie and The City of Wylie agree that the ordering of goods and services is the responsibility of the local government seeking to obtain such goods and services under the established contract, and that participating government shall deal directly with the vendor in obtaining the goods and services and payment therefore. The participating government shall be liable to the vendor only for goods and services ordered and received by it, and shall not, by the execution of this Agreement, assume any additional liability. Neither the City of Grand Cooperative Purchasing Agreement—{Entity} and the City of Grand Prairie - 1 - Prairie nor The City of Wylie warrant, or is responsible for, the quality or delivery of goods or services from the vendor under contract. Should a dispute arise between a participating government and a vendor, the same shall be handled by and between that participating government and the vendor. 3. Each government shall pay invoices directly to the providers of goods and services that are invoiced and delivered directly to each respective government. 4. Participation of either government in any cooperative purchasing activity is strictly voluntary. Nothing in this Agreement shall prevent either governments from purchasing and/or accepting and awarding bids, proposals and contracts subject to this Agreement on its own behalf. 5. Each government shall ensure that all applicable laws and ordinances have been satisfied. 6. Effective Date and Term. This Agreement shall be effective when signed by the last party who's signing makes the Agreement fully executed and will remain in full force and effect indefinitely. Any party may modify or terminate this Agreement as provided in Paragraph(s) 7 or 8. 7. Modification. The terms and conditions of this Agreement may be modified upon the mutual consent of all parties. Mutual consent will be demonstrated by approval of the governing body of each party hereto. No modification to this Agreement shall be effective and binding unless and until it is reduced to writing and signed by duly authorized representatives of all parties. 8. Termination. This Agreement may be terminated at any time by the City of Grand Prairie or The City of Wylie, with or without cause, upon thirty (30) days written notice to the other party in accordance with Paragraph 11 herein. 9. Hold Harmless. To the extent allowed by law, the City of Grand Prairie and The City of Wylie agree to hold each other harmless from and against any and all claims, losses, damages, causes of action, suits and liabilities of every kind, including all expenses of litigation, court costs and attorney's fees, for injury or death of any person, for damage to any property, or for any breach of contract, arising out of or in connection with the work done under this Agreement. 10. Invalidity. If any provision of this Agreement shall be held to be invalid, illegal, or unenforceable by a court or other tribunal of competent Cooperative Purchasing Agreement—{Entity} and the City of Grand Prairie -2- jurisdiction, the validity, legality and enforceability of the remaining provisions shall not in any way be affected or impaired thereby. The parties shall use their best efforts to replace the respective provision or provisions of this Agreement with legal terms and conditions approximating the original intent of the parties. 11. Written Notice. Unless otherwise specified, written notice shall be deemed to have been duly served if delivered in person, sent by email, by fax with successful send confirmation, or by certified mail to the last business address as listed herein. City of Grand Prairie: Purchasing Division Attn: Purchasing Manager City of Grand Prairie 318 W. Main St. Grand Prairie, TX 75050 972/237-8269 ph — 972/237-8265 fax purchasingfax@,gptx.org City of Wylie: Purchasing Division Attn: Glenna Hayes, Purchasing Agent City of Wylie 300 Country Club Road, Bldg 100 Wylie, TX 75098 972-516-6140 ph— 972-516-6142 fax glenna.hayes@,wylietexas.gov 12. Entire Agreement. It is understood that this Agreement contains the entire agreement between the parties and supercedes any and all prior agreements, arrangements, or understandings between the parties relating to the subject matter. No oral understandings, statements, promises, or inducements contrary to the terms of this Agreement exist. This Agreement cannot be changed or terminated orally. No verbal agreement or conversation with any officer, agent, or employee of any party before or after the execution of this Agreement shall affect or modify any of the terms or obligations hereunder. 13. Amendment. No Amendment to this Agreement shall be effective and binding unless and until it is reduced to writing and signed by duly authorized representatives of both parties. 14. Texas Law. This Agreement has been made under and shall be governed by the laws of the State of Texas. 15. Place of Performance. Performance and all matters related thereto shall be in the County of the government originating the bid. This shall be Collin County, Texas, United States of America for The City of Wylie and Cooperative Purchasing Agreement—{Entity} and the City of Grand Prairie -3 - shall be Dallas County, Texas, United States of America for the City of Grand Prairie. 16. Authority to Enter Contract. Each party has the full power and authority to enter into and perform this Agreement and the person signing this Agreement on behalf of each party has been properly authorized and empowered to enter into this Agreement. The persons executing this Agreement hereby represent that they have authorization to sign on behalf of their respective Government. 17. Waiver. Failure of any party, at any time, to enforce a provision of this Agreement, shall in no way constitute a waiver of that provision, nor in anyway affect the validity of this Agreement, any part hereof, or the right of either party thereafter to enforce each and every provision hereof. No term of this Agreement shall be deemed waived or breach excused unless the waiver shall be in writing and signed by the party claimed to have waived. Furthermore, any consent to or waiver of a breach will not constitute consent to or waiver of or excuse of any other different or subsequent breach. 18. Agreement Read. The parties acknowledge that they understand and intend to be bound by the terms and conditions of this Agreement. 19. Multiple Originals. It is understood and agreed that this Agreement may be executed in a number of identical copies, each of which shall be deemed an original for all purposes. CITY OF GRAND PRAIRIE CITY OF WYLIE BY: BY: Tom Cox, Deputy City Manager Mindy Manson, City Manager DATE: DATE: ATTEST: ATTEST: Cathy DiMaggio, City Secretary Carole Ehrlich, City Secretary APPROVED AS TO FORM: Donald R. Postell, City Attorney Cooperative Purchasing Agreement—{Entity} and the City of Grand Prairie -4- Wylie City Council CITY OF WYLIE AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: August 14, 2012 Item Number: H. Department: Public Works (City Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: Purchasing Account Code: Date Prepared: August 1, 2012 Budgeted Amount: Exhibits: 1 Subject Consider, and act upon, the approval of the purchase of Pavement Resurfacing Services from Reynolds Asphalt and Construction Company in the estimated annual amount of $300,000, through an existing City of Grand Prairie contract, and authorizing the City Manager to execute all necessary documents. (City of Grand Prairie Bid No. 11099). Recommendation A motion to approve the purchase of pavement resurfacing services from Reynolds Asphalt and Construction Company in the estimated annual amount of$300,000, through an existing City of Grand Prairie contract, and to authorize the City Manager to execute any necessary documents. (City of Grand Prairie Bid No. 11099) Discussion Staff recommends the purchase of pavement resurfacing services from Reynolds Asphalt and Construction Company through the use of an interlocal purchasing agreement with the City of Grand Prairie thereby establishing a City of Wylie annual contract with renewals (W2012-54-A Asphalt Paving Services). The City of Grand Prairie Bid No. 11099 was awarded by the City Council on September 6, 2011 for an initial term of one year (10/1/11 — 9/30/12) with four (4) annual renewals. This contract provides turn-key services for hot mix asphalt paving, milling, hauling, recycling and various other paving services. The City is authorized to purchase from this existing contract pursuant to Section 271 Subchapter F of the Local Government Code; and by doing so satisfies any State Law requiring local governments to seek competitive bids for items. Department recommendation memo attached. Approved By Initial Date Department Director MS 8/1/12 City Manager MM August 8, 2012 Page 1 of 1 CITY OF WYLIE PUBLIC SERVICES Memo To: Glenna Hayes, Purchasing Agent From: Michael Sferra, Public Services Director Date: August 1, 2012 Re: City of Grand Prairie— Pavement Resurfacing Service Contract and Wylie Asphalt Overlay Program The Public Services Department has identified streets which are candidates for receiving asphalt overlays. On August 14, 2012 the City Council has an opportunity to approve a Resolution to enter into an Interlocal Cooperative Purchasing Agreement between the City of Grand Prairie and the City of Wylie to permit the City to utilize Grand Prairie supplier contracts for goods and services. The City benefits from utilization of the City of Grand Prairie contract for pavement resurfacing services by virtue of the volume of asphalt and subsequent pricing contracted between Grand Prairie and the supplier, and the inclusion of labor for installation and various other services. Approval of the use of this contract will establish a City of Wylie annual contract (W2012-54-A Pavement Resurfacing Services)with four (4) annual renewals under the same terms and conditions. On April 24, 2012, the City Council approved mid-year amendments to the FY11-12 budget. The mid-year amendments included $203,700 to the Street Division operating budget, line item 1 00-541 1-5821 0, and the Street Division now requests a portion of those funds be utilize for asphalt overlays. Future purchases made against this contract are estimated at $300,000 per year, and will be subject to approval of annual budgets. As allowed by Texas Government Code Chapter 791 and Texas Local Government Code 271, the City is authorized to utilize contracts for goods and services that have been competitively bid by various cooperative purchasing groups and/or other government entities. Wylie City Council CITY OF VVYLIE AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: August 14, 2012 Item Number: I. Department: Engineering (City Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: Chris Hoisted Account Code: N/A Date Prepared: July 6, 2012 Budgeted Amount: Exhibits: Ordinance Subject Consider, and act upon, Ordinance No. 2012-24 amending Section 3 of Ordinance 2007-36 and Article IV, Section 110-133 of the Code of Ordinances, establishing a school zone for certain streets; establishing prima facie maximum speed limits during school hours in such zone; providing for installation of signs and markings; regulating vehicular and pedestrian traffic; providing for a penalty for the violation of this ordinance, providing for repealing, savings and severability clauses; and providing for an effective date of this ordinance. Recommendation A motion to approve Ordinance No. 2012-24 amending Section 3 of Ordinance 2007-36 and Article IV, Section 110-133 of the Code of Ordinances, establishing a school zone for certain streets; establishing prima facie maximum speed limits during school hours in such zone; providing for installation of signs and markings; regulating vehicular and pedestrian traffic; providing for a penalty for the violation of this ordinance, providing for repealing, savings and severability clauses; and providing for an effective date of this ordinance. Discussion The proposed Ordinance establishes 30 mph school zones on FM 1378 for Smith Elementary if the speed limit is raised to 45 mph. According to the Texas Department of Transportation's Procedures for Establishing School Zones, if the 85t percentile speed is under 50 mph, the reduced school speed limit should not be more than 15 mph below the 85th percentile speed. Approved By Initial Date Department Director CH 7/6/12 City Manager MM August 8, 2012 Page 1 of 1 ORDINANCE NO. 2012-24 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, AMENDING ORDINANCE NO.2007-36 AND ARTICLE IV(SPEED), SECTION 110-133 (SCHOOL ZONES), OF THE WYLIE CODE OF ORDINANCES, ESTABLISHING A SCHOOL ZONE FOR CERTAIN STREETS; ESTABLISHING PRIMA FACIE MAXIMUM SPEED LIMITS DURING SCHOOL HOURS IN SUCH ZONE;PROVIDING FOR INSTALLATION OF SIGNS AND MARKINGS; REGULATING VEHICULAR AND PEDESTRIAN TRAFFIC; PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY FOR THE VIOLATION OF THIS ORDINANCE; PROVIDING FOR REPEALING, SAVINGS AND SEVERABILITY CLAUSES; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE OF THIS ORDINANCE. WHEREAS, §545.356 of the Texas Transportation Code provides that whenever the governing body of the municipality shall determine upon the basis of an engineering and traffic investigation that any prima facie speed therein set forth is greater or less than is reasonable or prudent under the conditions found to exist at any intersection or other place or upon any part of a street or highway within the City of Wylie, Texas ("Wylie" or"City"), taking into consideration, among other things, whether the highway is a two-lane, undivided highway, as well as the usual traffic thereon, said governing body may determine and declare reasonable and prudent maximum prima facie speed limits thereon by the passage of an ordinance, which shall be effective when appropriate signs giving notice thereof are erected at such intersection or other place or part of the street or highway; and WHEREAS, §541.302 of the Texas Transportation Code defines a"school crossing zone"as a reduced speed zone designated on a street by a local authority to facilitate safe crossing of the street by children going to or leaving a public or private elementary or secondary school during the time the reduced speed limit applies; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas ("City Council") finds it necessary to amend Ordinance No. 2007-36 and Article IV (Speed), Section 110-133 (School Zones), of the Wylie Code of Ordinances to coordinate with the change in school attendance times and to establish maximum speed limits within the areas and at the locations named and designated in the body of this Ordinance, all within the corporate limits of the City of Wylie, and in the immediate vicinity of school areas, during periods of time,which shall be set by the City's Engineer,when the schools are in session and school children are going to and from schools and playgrounds; and WHEREAS, the City Council finds that it is necessary for the protection and safety of pedestrians crossing streets in school areas to establish maximum speed limits and to prohibit the overtaking and passing of motor vehicles within the school zone; and Ordinance No.2012-24 2012-2013 School Speed Zones Page 1 WHEREAS, the City Council has investigated and determined that it would be advantageous and beneficial to the citizens of the City to amend Ordinance No.2007-36 and Article IV(Speed), Section 110-133 (School Zones) of the Wylie Code of Ordinances as set forth below. NOW THEREFORE,BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS: SECTION 1: Findings Incorporated. The findings set forth above are incorporated into the body of this Ordinance as if fully set forth herein. SECTION 2: Amendment to Ordinance No. 2007-36 and Article IV(Speed), Section 110- 133(School Zones), of the Wylie Code of Ordinances. Ordinance No. 2007-36and Article IV (Speed), Section 110-133 (School Zones) of the Wylie Code of Ordinances are hereby amended to read as follows: "School Zones" a) Vehicle speed and operation generally: It shall be unlawful for any person to operate or drive any vehicle at a speed greater than the speed designated or posted,or to overtake or pass any other vehicle in any school zone as may be marked or designated within the City during the hours indicated upon signs erected in such zone, or whenever children are present in such zones, or when such zones have an alternating flashing light in operation. b) Speed limits: The following prima facie maximum speed limits hereinafter indicated for motor vehicles are hereby determined and declared to be reasonable and safe. Such maximum speed limits are hereby fixed at the rate of speed indicated for motor vehicles traveling upon the main street or highway, or parts of the main street or highway, and no motor vehicle shall be operated along or upon such portions of the named streets or highways within the corporate limits of the City in excess of the speeds set forth as follows: 1) Twenty (20) miles per hour on school days, on the following streets: a. On Brown Street from a point one hundred fifty feet(150') west of the point of its intersection with Rustic Trail to a point three hundred sixty feet (360') east of the point of its intersection with Westgate Way. b. On Birmingham Street from the point of its intersection with Williams Street, one hundred fifty feet(150')south to the point of its intersection with West Stone Road. c. On Park Boulevard from the intersection of Westgate Way, west to the intersection of Country Club (FM 1378). Ordinance No.2012-24 2012-2013 School Speed Zones Page 2 d. On Westgate Way from the intersection of Park Boulevard, south one hundred fifty feet(150'). e. On Westgate Way from a point(1260') north of its intersection with Brown St., to a point(1170') south of-its intersection-with Brown St. 2) Twenty (20) miles per hour on school days, on the following streets: a. On Kirby Street from a point two hundred feet(200')east of the point of its intersection with Memorial Drive to the point of its intersection with Birmingham Street. b. On Springwood Lane from the point of its intersection with Lanwood Drive to the point of its intersection with W.A. Allen Boulevard. c. On Lanwood Drive from a point five hundred twenty five feet(525') north of its intersection with Springwood Lane, south to the point of its intersection with Heatherwood Lane. d. On Heatherwood Lane from its intersection with Lanwood Drive to two hundred fifty feet (250') west of intersection with Castlewood Drive. e. On W.A. Allen Boulevard from a point one thousand feet (1000) north of the point of its intersection with Springwood Lane to a point two-tenths (2/10) of a mile south to the intersection of Stone Road. f On Stone Road from a point four hundred feet (400') west of the point of its intersection with Allen Road to a point east of the point of its intersection to Stonehedge Drive. g. On Lanwood Drive west to Castlewood Drive. h. On Heatherwood Drive from W.A. Allen to the intersection of Lanwood Drive. i. On Heatherwood Drive from its intersection with Brentwood Drive to a point, (250') north of the intersection. j. On Park Boulevard from the intersection of Country Club Road,west one hundred fifty feet(150'). k. On Cheyenne Road from Park Boulevard, north to one hundred fifty feet(150') north of the intersection of Tuscalosa Drive. 1. On Tuscalosa Drive from the intersection of Cheyenne Road,east five hundred feet(500'). m. On McCreary Road from the intersection of Riverway Lane, south one thousand feet(1000'). n. On McCreary Road from the intersection of Riverway Lane, north one thousand feet(1000'). o. On Riverway Lane from McCreary Road, east two-tenths (2/10) of a mile to one hundred feet (100') west of the intersection of Meandering Drive. Ordinance No.2012-24 2012-2013 School Speed Zones Page 3 p. On Appalachian Drive from the intersection of Riverway Lane, south one hundred fifty feet(150'). q. On Springtide Drive from the intersection of Riverway Lane, north one hundred fifty feet(150'). 3) Thirty (30) miles per hour on school days, on the following streets: a. On Country Club Road from the intersection of Park Boulevard, south five hundred feet(500'). b. On Country Club Road from the intersection of Park Boulevard, north five hundred feet(500'). 4) Twenty (20) miles per hour on school days, on the following streets: a. On Pirate Drive from the point of its intersection with Hilltop Street to a point of its intersection with Ballard Street. b. On Hilltop Street from the point of its intersection with Pirate Drive to a point of its intersection with Stone Road. c. On Kirby Street from the intersection of Birmingham, east to Ballard Street. d. On Ballard Street from the intersection of Stone Road, south to two hundred feet(200') north of the intersection of Stoneybrook Drive. e. On Stone Road from the point of its intersection with 2nd Street to the point of its intersection with Dogwood Dr. 5) Twenty (20) miles per hour on school days, on the following streets: a. On Wylie East Drive from a point (1000') north of its intersection with Brown St. to a point(100') south of the Brown St intersection. b. On Brown St. from its intersection with Wylie Drive East to a point (100') west of the intersection. 6) Twenty (20) miles per hour on school days, on the following streets: a. On Hooper Road from its intersection with New Hensley Ln. south to its intersection with Old Hensley Ln. b. On the southbound lanes Woodbridge Pkwy from 500 feet north of its intersection with New Hensley Ln. to its intersection with New Hensley Ln. c. On the northbound lanes of Woodbridge Pkwy from its intersection with New Hensley Ln to the north property line of the Broad Stone Apartments. d. On New Hensley Ln. from its intersection with Woodbridge Pkwy east to a point 400 feet east of the east property line of the Raymond Cooper Jr High School. Ordinance No.2012-24 2012-2013 School Speed Zones Page 4 7) Twenty (20) miles per hour on school days, on the following streets: a. On Elm Rd. from its intersection with FM 544 west to a point 400 feet west of its intersection with Timber Falls Dr. b. On Timber Falls Dr from its intersection with Elm Rd to a point 200 feet south of the intersection. 8) Thirty (30) miles per hour on school days, on the following streets: a. On Country Club Dr. (FM 1378)from a point 200 ft south of its intersection with Lakeway Dr. to a point 200 ft south of its intersection with Boxwood Lane. As a result of the frequent changes to elementary and secondary public and private school start and end times, the appropriate hours of enforcement for school zone maximum speed limits shall be set by the City's Engineer. The maximum speed limits in a school zone shall be set in accordance with the Texas Department of Transportation recommendations,unless set forth and posted otherwise as determined by the City's Engineer. The speed limits contained in this section shall not be effective until signs giving notice of such regulations are posted upon or at the entrances to those portions of the street or highway affected as may be most appropriate in accordance with the Uniform Manual on Traffic Control Devices, as amended, promulgated by the state department of transportation. The city manager or his duly authorized representative is authorized and directed to cause to be erected such appropriate signs." SECTION 4: Penalty Provision. Any person, firm, corporation or entity violating this Ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be fined a sum not exceeding Five Hundred Dollars($500.00). Each continuing day's violation or separate act under this Ordinance shall constitute a separate offense. The penal provisions imposed under this Ordinance shall not preclude Wylie from filing suit to enjoin the violation. Wylie retains all legal rights and remedies available to it pursuant to local, state and federal law. SECTION 5: Savings/Repealing Clause. All provisions of any ordinance in conflict with this Ordinance are hereby repealed to the extent they are in conflict; but such repeal shall not abate any pending prosecution for violation of the repealed ordinance, nor shall the repeal prevent a prosecution from being commenced for any violation if occurring prior to the repeal of the ordinance. Any remaining portions of said ordinances shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 6: Severability. Should any section, subsection, sentence,clause or phrase of this Ordinance be declared unconstitutional or invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction,it is expressly provided that any and all remaining portions of this Ordinance shall remain in full force and effect. Wylie hereby declares that it would have passed this Ordinance,and each section, subsection,clause or phrase hereof irrespective of the fact that any one or more sections, subsections, sentences, clauses, and phrases be declared unconstitutional or invalid. Ordinance No.2012-24 2012-2013 School Speed Zones Page 5 SECTION 7: Effective Date. This Ordinance shall become effective from and after its adoption and publication as required by the Wylie City Charter and by law. DULY PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS on this 14th day of August, 2012. Eric Hogue, Mayor ATTESTED TO AND CORRECTLY RECORDED BY: Carole Ehrlich, City Secretary Date of publication in The Wylie News— Ordinance No.2012-24 2012-2013 School Speed Zones Page 6 Wylie City Council CITY OF VVYLIE AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: August 14, 2012 Item Number: J. Department: Engineering (City Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: Chris Hoisted Account Code: N/A Date Prepared: July 5, 2012 Budgeted Amount: $N/A Exhibits: Ordinance & Speed Study Subject Consider, and act upon, Ordinance No. 2012-25 establishing speed zones for Country Club between FM 544 and Parker Road. Recommendation Motion to approve Ordinance No. 2012-25 establishing speed zones for Country Club between FM 544 and Parker Road. Discussion Country Club from FM 544 to Parker Road is currently posted at 40 mph. A speed zone study was completed following the Texas Department of Transportation's Procedures for Establishing Speed Zones and it is recommended that the posted speed from FM 544 to Parker Road be set at 45 mph. Twenty seven signs will be replaced and the old signs will be used as needed at other locations throughout the City. Approved By Initial Date Department Director CH 7/5/12 City Manager Page 1 of 1 ORDINANCE NO. 2012-25 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS ESTABLISHING THE MAXIMUM SPEED LIMITS ON COUNTRY CLUB ROAD (FM 1378) PROCEEDING FROM FM 544 TO PARKER ROAD, WITH SUCH STREET BEING LOCATED IN THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS; PROVIDING FOR NOTIFICATION OF THE MAXIMUM SPEED LIMIT BY THE INSTALLATION OF SIGNS AND MARKERS TO REGULATE VEHICULAR SPEED ON THE DESIGNATED STREET; PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY FOR THE VIOLATION OF THIS ORDINANCE; PROVIDING FOR REPEALING, SAVINGS AND SEVERABILITY CLAUSES; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE OF THIS ORDINANCE; AND PROVIDING FOR THE PUBLICATION OF THE CAPTION HEREOF. WHEREAS, Section 545.356 of the Texas Transportation Code provides that whenever the governing body of the municipality shall determine upon the basis of an engineering and traffic investigation that any prima facie speed therein set forth is greater or less than is reasonable or prudent under the conditions found to exist at any intersection or other place or upon any part of a street or highway within the City of Wylie, Texas, taking into consideration the width and condition of the pavement and other circumstances on such portion of said street or highway, as well as the usual traffic thereon, said governing body may determine and declare a reasonable and prudent prima facie speed limit thereon by the passage of an ordinance, which shall be effective when appropriate signs giving notice thereof are erected at such intersection or other place or part of the street or highway; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas ("Wylie") finds it is necessary for the protection and safety for the citizens of Wylie to declare a reasonable and prudent speed for Country Club Road (FM 1378)proceeding from FM 544 to Parker Road. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS: SECTION 1: Findings Incorporated. The findings set forth above are incorporated into the body of this Ordinance as if fully set forth herein. SECTION 2: Establishment of Prima Facie Speed. Upon basis of an engineering and traffic investigation heretofore made, and as authorized by the provisions of §545.356 of the Texas Transportation Code, the prima facie speed limit(s) for Country Club Road (FM 1378) proceeding from FM 544 to Parker Road is hereby set at a maximum of 45 miles per hour as shown on the attached speed study. Page 1 Ordinance No. 2012-25 Consent J-Ordinance No 2012-25 SECTION 3: Placement of Signs. The City Manager or his/her designated representative is hereby authorized and directed to cause the placement of signs on Country Club Road (FM 1378) proceeding from FM 544 to Parker Road indicating the maximum speed allowed. The signs shall be placed at the most advantageous points to be conspicuous to approaching vehicular traffic. The sign shall be permanently affixed to a stationery post or installed on permanent buildings or walls or as approved by the City Manager or his/her designated representative. The sign shall in no way be obstructed from view, and shall comply with applicable state laws. SECTION 4: Savings/Repealing Clause. All provisions of any ordinance in conflict with this Ordinance are hereby repealed to the extent they are in conflict; but such repeal shall not abate any pending prosecution for violation of the repealed ordinance, nor shall the repeal prevent a prosecution from being commenced for any violation if occurring prior to the repeal of the ordinance. Any remaining portions of said ordinances shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 5: Severability. Should any section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance be declared unconstitutional or invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, it is expressly provided that any and all remaining portions of this Ordinance shall remain in full force and effect. Wylie hereby declares that it would have passed this Ordinance, and each section, subsection, clause or phrase thereof irrespective of the fact that any one or more sections, subsections, sentences, clauses and phrases be declared unconstitutional or invalid. SECTION 6: Penalty Provision. Any person violating this Ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be fined a sum of not less than One Dollar ($1.00) nor more than Two Hundred Dollars ($200.00). Wylie retains all legal rights and remedies available to it pursuant to local, state and federal law. SECTION 7: Effective Date. This Ordinance shall be effective upon its passage and publication as required by law. DULY PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, on this 14th day of August, 2012. ERIC HOGUE, Mayor ATTESTED AND CORRECTLY RECORDED: Carole Ehrlich, City Secretary Date of Publication: Page 2 Ordinance No. 2012-25 Consent J-Ordinance No 2012-25 3030 LBJ FREEWAY SUITE 1660 DALLAS,TEXAS 75234 972/248-3006 FAX 972/248-3855 TOLL FREE 888/298-3006 January 6, 2012 Mr. Chris Hoisted, P.E. City of Wylie 300 Country CIub Road Wylie, Texas 75098 Re: Speed Zoning Study along Country Club Road between FM 544 and Parker Road Mr. Hoisted: Lee Engineering has conducted an analysis of vehicular speeds along Country Club Road within the City of Wylie. This letter report presents the results of our study. Country Club Road is designated as a major arterial based on the City of Wylie thoroughfare map dated July 2004. The posted speed limit on Country Club Road is 40 miles per hour. The total study area is approximately 2.5 miles in length. SPEED DATA A spot speed study was performed along Country Club Road within the existing posted 40 mph speed zone. Lee Engineering operated four (4) spot speed check stations for each travel direction. The date, time, and location of spot speed check stations presented in Table 1. Table 1: Spot Speed Check Locations—Country Club Road Date Start Stop Existing Location Site# Time Time Limit 12/13111 8:30 am 9:45 am 40 at City Hall 1,2 12/13/I 1 10:00 am 11:15 am 40 at Kennedy Dr 3,4 12+13t 11 12:00 pm 1:05 pm 40 at Talladega Dr 5,6 12/13/11 1:15 pm 2:30 pm 40 at Anchor Dr 7,8 Spot speeds for Country Club Road were measured using a handheld LIDAR speed measurement device and speed data were recorded at each location until two hours of data collection was performed or the sample size exceeded 125 vehicles. Only free-flowing vehicle speeds were measured, and all measurements were performed during daylight and good weather. Table 2 presents the spot speed results for each check station. Data sheets for each study site are attached to this letter TxDOT Procedures for Establishing Speed Zones indicate that the speed limit for a section of roadway is typically set based upon the 85th percentile spot speed rounded to the nearest 5 mph increment. For instance, a speed limit established based on Site 3's 85th percentile speed would likely be 45 mph. Other factors such as geometric constraints, driveway density, development density and crash history can be used to establish a speed zone at a speed lower than the rounded 85th percentile value. Table 2: Spot Speed Study Results Total th Mean Mode Direction Country Club Rd Location Site Vehicles Percentile NB at City Hall 1 129 46 43 45 SB at City Hall 2 137 50 45 48 NB at Kennedy Dr 3 132 46 42 42 SB at Kennedy Dr 4 133 47 43 44 NB at Talladega Dr 5 128 46 41 41 SB at Talladega Dr 6 134 48 43 41 NB at Anchor Dr 7 127 45 41 41 SB at Anchor Dr 8 132 45 41 40 CRASH ANALYSIS Crash data were provided by the Wylie Police Department for crashes that occurred during the previous eighteen (18) months. During that time, the subject roadway was under construction and expanded from a two lane undivided roadway to a six lane divided roadway. Construction was completed and the roadway fully opened in August 2011. Therefore, crash data were used for this analysis from August 2011 — December 2011. According to the police reports, five (5) crashes occurred along Country Club Road within the study area. None of the crashes Iisted speed as a possible contributing factor in the crashes. The crash rate shown in Table 3 was calculated based on the daily volume of 15,090 vehicles collected on March 22, 2011 Table 3: Crash Data Summary Segment TWo Crashes Crash Rate Segment Way (Aug 2011— (crashes per hundred Length Volume Dec 2011) million vehicle miles) Country Club Road between FM 2.5 miles 15,090 5 70 544 and Parker Road The 2010 statewide average crash rate for divided roadways with four (4) or more lanes was 43.02 for rural roads and 112.96 for urban roads. Because Country Club Road is located within an incorporated city it is considered an urban roadway. The study segment has a crash rate below the statewide average crash rate for urban divided roadways with four (4) or more lanes. CONCLUSION The spot speed data collected indicates that the 856 percentile speed is between 45 and 50 mph for this study area roadway with six of the eight sites being closer to the 45 mph increment. Based on these data, it is recommended that the posted speed limit along Country Club Road between FM 544 and Parker Road be set at 45 mph. If you have any questions about this letter, please feel free to call me at your convenience at 972.248.3006. Sincerely, hristophe Pierce, P.E., PTOE Project Engineer Lee Engineering, L.L.C., Firm Registration No. F-450 Attachments -/ RADAR MOTOR VEHICLE SPEED FiWOflIOfl Form 1882(rev. 10/27/2003) Field Tally Sheet /p (� _ Date:j ,` 'l f County:, ?�‘W , Hwy:CPt31b ,,, �' 6 C Location: +-Li 3C.8 1 at Time:(from) r; QM- to) A�I•54 - Weather: GtD Surface Type: 4, krSurface Condition:❑Wet or.:!•nx /�mooth or❑Rough AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES I TRUCKS&BUSSES Direction: Cumu- Direction: Cumu-• Direction: Direction: lative lative • M.P.H. NJD-°'- a4. • _Total J ttyaJt1,4 Total _M.P.H.. . >75:.,, �, >75E2 74 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 111111111111111111, 74 73 73 72 71 r, :: , 72 70 ,s,„ , w: s 70, .,,..,,, 68 ... ..... 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Time:(from) J ._± ,__to) 1 L:1 a, Weather E Surface Type:._ tsat, Surface Condition:['Wet or I y 1 1Smooth or❑Rough AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES TRUCKS&BUSSES Direction: Cumu- Direction: Cumu . Direction: Direction: lative !alive M P HH 1.3p*' sn..A.. Total ,,s-. e.i&ba Total ' M P H..r 5 73 ; 73-;— ,, 72 72 71 1 71 70 69 ,o M�.6g . _.� , 68 68_ —. 87 q_, 57 w 66 # 66 � 65 o r, 64a . 133 64 a.� 63 63 62,____ 62 61 ��61 59 58 I 58 .. 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Department: Finance (City Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: Linda Bantz Account Code: Date Prepared: August 1, 2012 Budgeted Amount: Resolution, Property Tax Exhibits: Distribution Calculations Subject Consider, and act upon, Resolution No. 2012-27(R) of the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas, accepting the proposed property tax rate for fiscal year 2012-2013, accepting the calculation of the effective tax rate, and providing for the publication as provided by the Texas Property Tax Code. Recommendation Motion approving Resolution No. 2012-27(R) of the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas, accepting the proposed property tax rate for fiscal year 2012-2013, accepting the calculation of the effective tax rate, and providing for the publication as provided by the Texas Property Tax Code. Discussion In accordance with the "Truth in Taxation" laws of the State of Texas, the effective and rollback tax rates and other statements and schedules must be published. The proposed budget is based on a tax rate of $0.8889 per $100 valuation. This year's effective tax rate is $0.895086 and the rollback tax rate is $0.943626. Any change in the proposed tax rate will require revision of the proposed budget. Since the proposed tax rate is less than both the effective and rollback tax rate, no public hearings on the tax rate are required. The official detailed effective tax rate calculation is available in the office of the Collin County Tax Assessor/Collector (Kenneth L. Maun) in McKinney. A copy is also maintained in the Finance Department for the Council and public to view. Approved By Initial Date Department Director LB 8/1/12 City Manager MM August 8, 2012 Page 1 of 1 RESOLUTION NO. 2012-27(R) A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, ACCEPTING THE PROPOSED PROPERTY TAX RATE FOR FISCAL YEAR 2012-2013; ACCEPTING THE CALCULATION OF THE EFFECTIVE TAX RATE; AND PROVIDING FOR THE PUBLICATION AS PROVIDED BY THE TEXAS PROPERTY TAX CODE. WHEREAS, the City of Wylie has received the calculated effective tax rate as presented by the Collin County Tax Assessor/Collector's Office; and WHEREAS, the Texas Property Tax Code Chapter 26, as heretofore amended, provides the specific procedures in which to consider the proposed tax rate; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS: SECTION 1. The City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas, does hereby accept the rate of $0.8889 per $100 valuation as the proposed property tax rate for fiscal year 2012-2013. SECTION 2. The City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas, met in a public meeting on August 14, 2012, and accepted this resolution with a majority vote as follows: Mayor Eric Hogue YEA NAY ABSTAIN ABSENT Mayor Pro Tem Kathy Spillyards YEA NAY ABSTAIN ABSENT Councilmember Nathan Scott YEA NAY ABSTAIN ABSENT Councilmember Richard White YEA NAY ABSTAIN ABSENT Councilmember Bennie Jones YEA NAY ABSTAIN ABSENT Councilmember David Goss YEA NAY ABSTAIN ABSENT Councilmember Diane Culver YEA NAY ABSTAIN ABSENT SECTION 3. The content and vote taken on this resolution shall be published in the official newspaper of the City as provided by the Texas Property Tax Code. DULY PASSED AND APPROVED by the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas, on this the 14th day of August 2012. Eric Hogue, Mayor ATTEST: Carole Ehrlich, City Secretary Resolution No. 2012-27(R) Proposed Property Tax Rate FY2012-13 PROPERTY TAX DISTRIBUTION CALCULATIONS FY2012-13 FY2011-12 Tax Year 2012 Tax Year 2011 TAX ROLL: Assessed Valuation (100%) $2,270,465,600 $2,235,696,487 Rate per $100 0.888900 0.898900 Tax Levy Freeze Adjusted 20,182,169 20,096,676 Tax Levy -Frozen (Disabled/over 65)* 918,992 802,935 Total Tax Levy 21,101,161 20,899,611 Percent of Collection 100% 100% Estimated Current Tax Collections $ 21,101,161 $ 20,899,611 SUMMARY OF TAX COLLECTIONS: Current Tax $ 20,182,169 $ 20,096,676 Revenue From Tax Freeze Property 918,992 802,935 Delinquent Tax 135,000 90,000 Penalty and Interest TOTAL TAX COLLECTIONS $ 21,236,161 $ 20,989,611 FY2012-13 PERCENT FY2012-13 OF FY2012-13 FY2011-12 TAX RATE TOTAL AMOUNT AMOUNT GENERAL FUND: Current Tax $ 0.590620 $ 13,409,788 $ 13,417,600 Revenue From Tax Freeze Property 610,614 536,120 Delinquent Tax 90,000 60,093 Penalty and Interest Total General Fund $ 0.590620 66.44% $ 14,110,402 $ 14,013,813 DEBT SERVICE FUND: Current Tax $ 0.298280 $ 6,772,381 $ 6,679,076 Revenues From Tax Freeze Property 308,378 266,815 Delinquent Tax 45,000 29,907 Penalty and Interest Total Debt Service $ 0.298280 33.56% $ 7,125,759 $ 6,975,798 DISTRIBUTION $ 0.888900 100.00% $ 21,236,161 $ 20,989,611 Wylie City Council CITY OF WYLIE AGENDA REPORT q Meeting Date: August 14, 2012 Item Number: 2. Department: Fire (City Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: Randy Corbin Account Code: Date Prepared: July 27, 2012 Budgeted Amount: $ Exhibits: Resolution Subject Consider, and act upon, Resolution No. 2012-28(R) to work with ETMC and the Southeast Collin County Emergency Medical Services Coalition to apply for grant funding through the Texas Healthcare Transformation and Quality Improvement Program in accordance with section 1115 of the Social Security Act, known as the 1115 Waiver. Recommendation Motion to approve Resolution No. 2012-28(R) to work with ETMC and the Southeast Collin County Emergency Medical Services Coalition to apply for grant funding through the Texas Healthcare Transformation and Quality Improvement Program in accordance with section 1115 of the Social Security Act, known as the 1115 Waiver. Discussion The SECCEMS Coalition and ETMC are investigating the possibility of apply for funding through the 1115 Waiver Program offered through the Texas Health and Human Services Department matching public funds to an EMS delivery system. In order to apply for funding, the government requires a resolution be considered through a public meeting. The program offers funding which matches, for instance, every dollar the Coalition pays ETMC for ambulance service, and could match over 100% of the funds currently expended. The additional funds acquired from the program could initially go towards funding a second ETMC Coalition ambulance for approximately eight hours a day five days a week, during peak hours, if this joint public-private submittal is successful. The funding offered is for a four year time. This resolution is required before August 31st for Wylie to jointly submit with East Texas Medical Center, but is non-binding at this point. There is no additional monetary commitment with this grant, and it could add more needed EMS resources for the same expenditure we are currently making. Approved By Initial Date Department Director RC 7/27/2012 City Manager MM August 8, 2012 Page 1 of 1 RESOLUTION NO. 2012-28 (R) A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, HEREBY AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT BY AND BETWEEN THE CITY OF PLANO, TEXAS, THE CITY OF ALLEN, TEXAS, THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, THE CITY OF MURPHY, TEXAS AND ALCATEL-LUCENT USA, INC. FOR THE PURCHASE OF PRODUCTS AND SERVICES RELATED TO A MICROWAVE RADIO SYSTEM FOR A JOINT RADIO COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEM. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS: WHEREAS on December 12, 2011, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services approved the Texas request for a new Medicaid demonstration waiver entitled "Texas Healthcare Transformation and Quality Improvement Program" in accordance with section 1115 of the Social Security Act. Known as the 1115 Waiver, this new program was approved through September 30, 2016. WHEREAS, this program replaces the Medicaid Upper Payment Limit (UPL) supplemental payment program with two new supplemental payment programs called the Delivery System Reform Incentive Payment (DSR1P) program and the Uncompensated Care (DC) program. WHEREAS, The City of Wylie, Texas desires to be able to consider making an intergovernmental transfer (IGT) of funds to the Texas Health and Human Services Commission for either DSRIP or UC participation purposes with one or more performing providers who have met the qualifications established by the 1115 Waiver, during the period October 1,2012 to September 30,2016. BE IT RESOLVED that The City of Wylie, may provide IGT's under the terms of the 1115 Waiver during the period October 1,2012 to September 30, 2016 for DSRIP or DC purposes for the performing providers and DSR1P projects listed below. Resolution No. 2012-28(R) Alcatel-Lucent USA Agreement East Texas Medical Center Athens East Texas Medical Center Carthage East Texas Medical Center Clarksville East Texas Medical Center Crockett East Texas Medical Center Fairfield East Texas Medical Center Gilmer East Texas Medical Center Henderson East Texas Medical Center Jacksonville East Texas Medical Center Mt. Vernon East Texas Medical Center Pittsburg East Texas Medical Center Quitman East Texas Medical Center Trinity East Texas Medical Center Tyler DSR1P projects: 1. Expand primary care access (physician recruitment). 2. Expand primary care access (extend clinic operating hours). 3. Reduce inappropriate emergency department use (develop & implement triage protocol). 4. Reduce readmissions (provide post discharge support for congestive heart failure patients). DULY PASSED AND APRPOVED by the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas on this the 14th day of August, 2012. Eric Hogue, Mayor ATTEST TO: Carole Ehrlich, City Secretary Resolution No. 2012-28(R) Alcatel-Lucent USA Agreement