07-02-2012 (Public Arts Advisory) Minutes Public Art — Downtown Mural-
Public Arts Advisory Board
(Olde City Park)
CITY OF WYLIE Art Selection Panel
Special Called Joint Meeting Minutes
Public Arts Advisory Board - Downtown Mural Selection Panel
July 2, 2012- 1:00 pm
Wylie Municipal Complex
City Council Chambers/Conference Room
300 Country Club Road, Bldg. 100
Wylie, Texas, 75098
Announce the presence of a Quorum.
The meeting was called to order at 1:00 p.m. Downtown Mural Art Selection Panel members present
were: Margaret Robinette, Alexis Tapp, Gaynell Reed, John Pototschnik, and Ann Martin. Kelly
Ramsey was absent. Public Arts Advisory Board members present included Jim Lenox and Anne
Hiney. Also present was PAAB Liaison Carole Ehrlich.
• Presentation and Review of the Finalist's Proposal for the Downtown Mural
located at Olde City Park. (C. Ehrlich, Board Liaison)
Board liaison Ehrlich addressed the panel and board members stating that the Downtown Mural
Selection Panel met with the Public Arts Advisory Board members at the City Council meeting of June
26th. Ehrlich reported that after viewing the final design by Roger Nitz and Karen Nitz for the Downtown
Mural, they addressed council requesting the item be tabled to allow time for the artists to meet with the
panel and board to make further revisions to the final design. She stated that this meeting will begin
that process and Roger and Karen Nitz will sketch the design until both panel and the board members
present until all are satisfied with the final design.
She explained the final design would then go back to the PAAB for the final recommendation to the
Wylie City Council. Artist Roger Nitz listened to feedback from each member present and stated that
he would make the revisions and come back to meet again with the group to further define the final
The board and panel scheduled the next meeting for June 16th at 1:00 p.m. in the council conference
room to view the new revised design.
Panel/Board Action
With no other business before the panel and Public Arts Advisory Board the meeting was adjourned at
2:46 p.m.
Carole Ehrlich Staff Liaison/Secretary
July 2,2012 Wylie Public Arts Advisory Board& Downtown Mural Selection Page 2 of 2
Panel(Olde City Park) Minutes