12-18-2000 (Planning & Zoning) Agenda Packet Planning & Zoning
11. 111 Cr t Y1 0411 e
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December 18, 2000
Special Called Meeting
of the
2000 Highway 78 North, Wylie, Texas 75098
December 18, 2000
7:00 p.m.
1. Hold a Public Hearing and consider a recommendation to the City Council regarding a change
in zoning from SF-1 (Single-Family Residential—1), SF-2 (Single-Family Residential— 2), SF-
3 (Single-Family Residential — 3), 2F (Two-Family Residential), SF-A (Single-Family
Attached), MF (Multi-Family Residential), R(Retail), B-1 (Business— 1), B-2 (Business — 2),
and FP (Floodplain)Districts to PD (Planned Development) District for Residential and Retail
Uses, proposed by Birmingham Land, Ltd., being all of a certain 615.7 acre tract generally
located east of Country Club Road (F.M. 1378) and north of West Brown Street (F.M. 3412),
situated in the D. W. Williams Survey, Abstract No. 1021, the Charles Atterbury Survey,
Abstract No. 22, the J. C. McUlmurray Survey, Abstract No. 629, and the Mercer Phelan
Survey, Abstract No. 695, in the City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas.
Posted Friday, December 15, 2000, at 5:00 p.m.
City of Wylie
Public Hearing Item No. 1
Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting: December 18, 2000
City Council Meeting: December 18, 2000
Owner/Applicant: Birmingham Land, Ltd.
Location: Northeast Corner of FM 1378 (Country Club Road) and
FM 3412 (Brown Street)
Existing Zoning: SF-1, SF-2 & SF-3 (Single-Family Residential), 2F (Two-
Family Residential), SF-A (Single-Family Attached), MF
(Multifamily Residential), R (Retail), and B-1 & B-2
(Business) Districts
Requested Zoning: PD (Planned Development) District for SF-5.5, SF-7.2, SF-
9.0 (Single Family Residential for 5,500, 7,200 and 9,000
square foot lots), MF (Multifamily Residential), R(Retail),
Institutional, and Park
The applicant is requesting rezoning of the subject 615.7 acres in order to replace the existing
unorganized zoning pattern with a Planned Development District. The applicant is proposing the
change in zoning to permit a master planned community comprising single-family residential
neighborhoods of varied densities, multifamily residential apartments, retail uses, institutional
uses, and public parks and open spaces as well as floodplain.
Public Comment Forms were mailed to seventy-seven (77) property owners within 200 feet of
this request. One Comment Form in favor and three in opposition have been received.
00-13, Birmingham Park PD
The current zoning on the subject property was initially established by a Planned Development
District (PD 86-1) under the project name of Birmingham Farms. PD 86-1 was under
consideration by the City when the current Zoning Ordinance was adopted in May of 1985, and
the distribution of zoning districts reflected on the current Official Zoning Map reflects the pattern
of that PD. The current zoning includes nine separate districts which allow a variety of potential
uses, including several residential densities and building types as well as retail and business uses as
well as recreational open space and floodplain. No development has resulted from PD-86-1.
Rezoning of the property to a Planned Development District was requested in 1995 as the
Birmingham Park project. The 1995 request included single-family residential lots of 5,000,
6,000 and 7,500 square feet, multi-family residential and business uses as well as public park land
and thoroughfare corridors. This request was considered by the Planning and Zoning Commission
and City Council in several meetings during August and was ultimately withdrawn.
Rezoning was again requested in 1998 as the Birmingham Farms project. The 1998 request was
for a broadly mixed-use Planned Development District, included single-family residential lots of
6,000 to 7,200 square feet, multi-family residential and retail uses as well public park land and
thoroughfare corridors. On July 20, 1998, the Planning and Zoning Commission recommended
unanimously that that request be denied. The City Council tabled that request on August 11,
1998 in order to allow the applicant to formulated a more acceptable land use plan and
development conditions. Major concerns to be addressed included residential lots smaller than
those recommended by the Comprehensive Plan, floodplain limitations on the park land
dedication, and conflicts with recommendations of the Thoroughfare Plan. No later version of
that request has been considered since that request was tabled.
Three Preliminary Plats have been approved to initiate development of the subject property.
Phase 1 of the Birmingham Farms Addition (62.3 acres, including 219 SF-3 residential lots and
7.06 acres of public park) was approved by the City Council on June 22, 1999. Phase 2 of the
Birmingham Farms Addition (88.9 acres, 227 SF-3 residential lots, 64 2F/Duplex residential lots,
5.3 acres of public park land and a drainage channel) was approved by the City Council on July
13, 1999. Phase 3 of the Birmingham Farms Addition(112.8 acres, including 54 SF-1 residential
lots, 304 SF-2 residential lots and 3.23 acres of public park land) was approved by the City
Council on July 13, 1999. An additional 180-day extension of the 180-day time limit between
Preliminary Plat approval and submittal of a Final Plat (as required by Section 4.05 G. of the
Subdivision Regulations) was requested and allowed for Phase 1. No Final Plats have been
submitted on any of the subject property.
00-13, Birmingham Park PD
The property to the north is vacant and zoned for SF-2 (Single Family) uses and is developing as
the Quail Meadow Addition. The properties to the southeast are zoned and developed as SF-2
and SF-3 (Single-Family Residential) uses and an Birmingham Elementary school. The property
to the south is zoned A(Agricultural) and partially developed with a nursery. The property to the
southwest is zoned A (Agricultural) and is undeveloped, and B-2 (Business) which is developed
with an existing business. The property to the west is partially zoned and developed as SF-1
(Single-Family Residential) uses. The property to the northeast is within the City of St. Paul.
1. The current request proposes a mix of land uses, including Single-Family Residential lots of
5,500, 7,200 and 9,000 square feet, as well as Multi-Family Residential, Retail/Institutional
uses and park/open space with amenity centers. The proposal restricts single-family
residential uses to a maximum of 1,661 total residential units (exclusive of residential uses
within the Institutional District) and proposes an overall average residential lot size of 7,200
square feet with a minimum of 100 lots to be 10,000 square feet or larger. The request
further proposes that house sizes for the 5,500 square feet lots range in size from 1,400 to
1,700 square feet, houses for the 7,200 square feet lots range from 1,600 to 1,900 square feet
and houses for the 9,000 square feet lots be a minimum of 1,800 square feet. Multi-Family
Residential uses would allow a maximum density of 18 units per acre. See the Zoning Exhibit
and Planned Development Standards.
2. The current Comprehensive Plan recommends that the subject property accommodate a
variety of uses within the Village Center concept. This concept focuses residential uses
around a central commercial/institutional core. Higher-density residences, including smaller-
lot single-family detached dwellings and attached or multi-family dwellings, are to be located
nearest to the nonresidential Village Center to encourage pedestrian access. Lower-density
residential uses are to radiate outward from this central core, decreasing in density as distance
from the Village Center increases. The Comprehensive Plan recommends a nonresidential
Village Center on the northwest of the subject tract to the east side of Country Club Road
(F.M. 1378) at the intersection of McMillen Road, which is to be surrounded by limited
Village Center Residential uses (small-lot single-family homes, attached dwellings and
apartments). Beyond this central cluster are to be Suburban Residential uses (single-family
lots ranging in size from 8,500 square feet to one acre). A second Village Center is
recommended just off the southeast corner of the subject tract at the existing school, with the
higher-density Village Residential uses surrounding the school site within the tract and
Suburban Residential uses recommended for the eastern portion of the subject tract. Low-
density Country Residential uses, single-family lots of one acre minimum size on rural streets
with no curbs or gutters, are recommended for the central area of the tract surrounding the
floodplain corridors.
00-13, Birmingham Park PD
3. The Comprehensive Plan under which the original PD 86-1 zoning was approved was adopted
in June of 1980, and that Plan recommended that the subject property be developed for Low-
Density Residential uses served by the historic downtown area as the principal retail center.
The Comprehensive Plan under which the 1995 PD application was considered and withdrawn
was adopted in April of 1995 and recommended Single-Family Residential uses for the tract,
served by a retail center at Country Club and McMillen Roads.
4. The Major Thoroughfare Plan recommends the future extension of McMillen Road (C.R. 298)
eastward through the subject property to connect with Ballard Avenue (F.M. 2514). Sanden
Boulevard is recommended to be extended northward across Brown Street to intersect with
this McMillen extension. Westgate Way is recommended to be extended northward to
intersect with this McMillen extension. Dedication and construction of these thoroughfares
will be the responsibility of the adjoining properties as each develops.
5. The current proposal is sufficiently similar to the request which was tabled by the City Council
in 1998, and is, therefore, legally subject to the regulations of the Zoning Ordinance which
were in place at that time (prior to adoption of revised Residential Districts Provisions). The
current application proposes several modifications to regulations of Zoning Ordinance which
were in affect in 1998.
6. The applicant is proposing to develop 172.8 acres of 5,500 square feet single-family
residential lots. The Zoning Ordinance has no provision for 5,500 square feet lots, which
represent 38.9 percent of the proposed single-family residential allocation of the proposed
Planned Development District. The PD request proposes to generally apply the requirements
of the SF-3 single-family district to the 5,500 sq. ft. lots. Specifically proposed modifications
to the SF-3 requirements include the following:
Development Proposed Required for SF-3
Condition Requirement (Current Minimum Size)
Lot Area 5,500 sq. ft. 7,200 sq. ft.
Lot Width 50 ft. 60 ft.
Lot Depth 110 ft. 100 ft.
Front Yard 20 ft. 25 ft.
Rear Yard None 25 ft.
Side Yard 5 ft., 15 ft. if adjacent to a street. 6 ft.,20 ft. if adjacent to a street.
Dwelling Size 1,400 sq. ft.. 1,100 sq. ft.
Exterior Wall Material 80%masonry, incl. Brick,stone 75%masonry,limited to brick or
stucco or hardiplank stone
Height 36 ft. or 3 stories 2 stories
00-13, Birmingham Park PD
7. The PD request proposes 190 acres (or 42.9% of the total single-family residential lots),of
7,200 sq. ft. residential lots. Requirements of the SF-3 single-family district are to generally
apply to the 7,200 sq. ft. lots. Specifically proposed modifications from the SF-3 single-family
requirements include the following:
Development Proposed SF-3 District
Condition Requirement Requirements
Lot Area 7,200 sq. ft. 7,200 sq. ft.
Lot Width 60 ft. 60 ft.
Lot Depth 110 ft. 100 ft.
Front Yard 20 ft. 25 ft.
Rear Yard None 25 ft.
Side Yard 5 ft., 15 ft. if adjacent to a street. 6 ft.,20 ft. if adjacent to a street.
Dwelling Size 1,600 sq. ft.. 1,500 sq. ft.
Exterior Wall Material 80%masonry,incl. Brick,stone 75%masonry,limited to brick ro
stucco or hardiplank stone
Height 36 ft.or 3 stories 2 stories
8. The PD proposes 79.8 acres of 9,000 sq. ft. lots. This represents 18 percent of the total
single-family residential lot request. The 9,000 sq. ft. lots are to comply with the SF-2
regulations of the Zoning Ordinance. Specific modifications to the SF-2 single-family
residential requirements include the following:
Development Proposed SF-2 District
Condition Requirement Requirement
Lot Area 9,000 sq. ft. 8,500 sq. ft.
Lot Width 70 ft. 60 ft.
Lot Depth 115 ft. 100 ft.
Front Yard 25 ft to structure,20 ft.to porch& 25 ft.
swing garage.
Rear Yard None 25 ft.
Side Yard 7 ft., 17 ft. if adjacent to a street. 8 ft.,25 ft. if adjacent to a street.
Dwelling Size 1,800 sq. ft.. 1,500 sq. ft.
Exterior Wall Material 80%masonry,incl.brick,stone 75%masonry,limited to brick ro
stucco or hardiplank stone
Height 36 ft. or 3 stories 2 stories
9. The requested PD proposes that a minimum of 100 lots will be 10,000 sq. ft. or larger. No
specific development standards are proposed for these lots. The locations of these lots have
not been identified.
10. Fences and walls within residential areas shall be constructed of masonry, wood or wrought
iron. Chain link fencing is specifically prohibited within residential areas.
00-13, Birmingham Park PD
11. The applicant is proposing 24.8 acres for multi-family residential uses. The Planned
Development Standards propose to comply with all requirements of the MF district of the
Zoning Ordinance with the exception that the maximum allowed density is proposed to be 18
units per acre rather than 15 units per acre.
12. The applicant is proposing 28.2 acres of retail uses. The Planned Development Standards
propose to comply with all requirements of the Retail district (Section 17) of the Zoning
13. The applicant is proposing 18.6 acres of institutional uses. This district will generally comply
with the development requirements of the Office district (Section 16) of the Zoning
Ordinance, except that only the following uses will be permitted:
• Retirement center with possible medical and food service
• Townhomes(minimum 4,000 sq. ft.)
• Church, synagogue or rectory
• School, public or private
• Clinic, medical or dental
• Veterinarian office with hospital
• Other uses as approved by City Council
The Zoning Ordinance does not currently permit residential uses such as the Townhomes
within the Office district. Specific variances proposed for residential uses within the Office
regulations include the following:
Development Proposed Office District
Conn Requirement Requirement
Lot Area 4,000 sq. ft. None.
Lot Width 30 ft. None
Lot Depth 100 ft. None
Front Yard 15 ft. 25 ft.
Rear Yard None 25 ft.
Side Yard 5 ft., 15 ft. if adjacent to a street. None., 10 ft. if adjacent to a street.
Dwelling Size 1,500 sq. ft.. 1,200 sq. ft.
Exterior Wall Material 90%masonry,incl.brick,stone 75%masonry,limited to brick ro
stucco or hardiplank stone
Lot Coverage 55% 45
Height 36 ft.or 3 stories 50 ft.
14. Screening fencing shall be required for the storage of recreational vehicles, travel trailers,
boats and similar equipment throughout the Planned Development District.
00-13, Birmingham Park PD
15. Screening fencing shall be required for the storage of recreational vehicles, travel trailers,
boats and similar equipment throughout the Planned Development District.
16. Landscaping shall be provided at primary entrances and subdivision entrances, medians and
parkways of thoroughfares and parks/open spaces/common areas as described in Section 5.02
of the Planned Development Standards and illustrated on Exhibits A and B. All landscaping
within common areas and public rights-of-way shall be maintained by the mandatory
Homeowners Association.
17. The proposed Planned Development District includes the dedication of 71.8 acres as public
park land. Several public park spaces are also indicated to be dedicated within the earlier
approved plats. The Planned Development District shall also be provided with a minimum of
three amenity centers, as generally located on the Zoning Exhibit. A swimming pool shall be
provided at each amenity center, and one pool shall be sized to Junior Olympic standards.
18. The applicant is aware that, if the Planned Development District is approved, a Detailed Site
Plan must be approval by the Planning and Zoning Commission and the property must be
platted prior to the issuance of any building permits on any portion of the area within the
proposed Planned Development District.
Staff Recommendation:
Denial of the requested rezoning for the following reasons:
1. The proposed smaller residential lots and subsequent higher densities do not comply with the
recommendations of the current Comprehensive Plan nor of its three predecessors that the
area be developed to lower-density Country Residential or Suburban Residential standards.
2. Much of the proposed park land dedication is occupied by floodplain or electric transmission
lines, rendering it unusable for public recreation functions. Article IV, Section 78-111 of the
Code of Ordinances states that such lands are unsuitable for park dedication.
The Departments of Development Services, Public Works and Fire concur with this
Location Map
Area Zoning Map
Planned Development Standards
Concept Plan(Zoning Exhibit)
1.01 -Purpose
The purpose of this Planned Development District is to provide for flexibility in the combination of
allowed uses while insuring appropriate land use regulations and design standards. Each permitted
use is planned, developed or operated as an integral land use unit within the overall District.
Development quality shall be insured by the implementation of the development standards contained
The Zoning of the Planned Development District and corresponding supporting documentation
represents a Conceptual Plan for the subject property. All development within the District shall
require approval of a Development Plan or Detailed Site Plan as required under City of Wylie
Development Ordinances. For land within a Residential District,a Preliminary Pplat shall constitute
the Development Plan or Detailed Site Plan.
1.03 -Amenity Centers
The area within the boundary of the Planned Development District shall be supplied with a minimum
of three(3) amenity centers. All three amenity centers shall be provided with swimming pools and
cabanas. A minimum of one (1) pool shall be sized according to junior olympic standards.
2.01 - General
The single family residential tracts as indicated in Figure 1 are intended to accommodate a variety
of single family residential lot sizes. A maximum of 1,661 total residential units shall be allowed
within the residential pods as indicated. The average lot size of all lots within the residential acreage
shall be a minimum of 7,200 square feet. Any residential usage within the Institutional District shall
not be counted towards the total 1,661 lot ceiling.
Birmingham Park Estates Planned Development Standards -Page 1 of 12
2.02 - SF-9.0 -Single Family Residential Regulations
This classification shall conform to the City of Wylie SF-2 zoning classification except as noted
2.02.01 - Permitted uses. Uses specifically not permitted in SF-2 above are not allowed in this
2.02.02 -Area regulations.
(1) Size of yards
(b) Front yard. There shall be a front yard having a depth of not less than 25 feet as
measured from the front property line. All units containing an attached porch shall
have a depth of not less than 20 feet to the front line of the porch. No part of the
house structure (not including the porch) shall be within the 25 foot building line
setback. Any unit containing a swing garage shall have a front yard setback of 20
feet, including the garage structure.
(c) Side yard. There shall be a side yard on each side of the lot having a width of not less
than 7 feet in width.A side yard adjacent to a side street shall not be less than 17 feet.
(2) Size of lot.
(a) Lot area. No building shall be constructed on any lot of less than 9000 square feet.
(b) Lot width. The minimum width as measured at the front building line of the lot shall
not be less than 70 feet.
(c) Lot depth. The minimum depth of the lot shall be not less than 115 feet.
(3) Minimum dwelling size. The minimum floor area of any dwelling shall be 1,800 square feet
exclusive of garages, breeze ways and porches.
Additional Guidelines
A.1 Exterior Wall Materials - A minimum of 80% of the dwelling's total exterior area, minus
windows and doors, must be masonry veneer, such as brick, stone, stucco, hardiplank or
A.2 Roofs - Roofs must be covered with composition material of at least 180 lb weight shingle
and have a minimum pitch of 6:12. All shingles shall have a minimum 20 year
manufacturer's warranty.
A.3 Fences and Walls - Fences may not exceed 8 feet in height. Fences must be made of
masonry, wood or wrought iron. The use of chain link fencing is prohibited. All retaining
walls shall be constructed of stone or equivalent.
A.4 Screening-The owner of a lot must screen the following items from the view of the public
Birmingham Park Estates Planned Development Standards -Page 2 of 12
and neighboring lots and dwellings, if any of these items exist on the lot:
a. Yard maintenance equipment
b. Wood piles and compost piles
c. Accessory structures such as dog houses, gazebos, metal storage sheds and
greenhouses. All accessory structures shall be no higher than corresponding fence
Plant material such as trees and bushes may be used for screening.
The following items are prohibited:
d. Clotheslines
e. Drying racks
f. Hanging clothes, linens, rugs and textiles of any kind
A.5 House Elevation -No identical house elevation shall be constructed adjacent to each other
nor across the street from each other
A.6 Landscaping - The following minimum landscape features shall be installed prior to the
initial occupancy:
(a) Trees - a minimum of 4 inches in total diameter shall be installed. This may be
accomplished by one 4 inch tree or multiple trees whose diameters add up to at least
4 inches.
(b) Shrubs - eighteen(18) 2 gallon shrubs across the front of the house
(c) Grass - solid sod from the rear corner of dwelling unit to the front curb
A.7 House Height - A maximum main structure and accessory structure of 36 feet shall be
2.03 -SF-7.2 -Single Family Residential Regulations
This classification shall conform to the City of Wylie SF-3 zoning classification except as noted
2.03.01 - Permitted uses. Uses specifically not permitted in SF-3 above are not allowed in this
2.03.02 - Area regulations.
(1) Size of yards
(b) Front yard. There shall be a front yard having a depth of not less than 20 feet as
Birmingham Park Estates Planned Development Standards -Page 3 of 12
measured from the front property line.
(c) Side yard.There shall be a side yard on each side of the lot having a width of not less
than 5 feet in width.A side yard adjacent to a side street shall not be less than 15 feet.
(2) Size of lot.
(a) Lot area. No building shall be constructed on any lot of less than 7,200
square feet.
(b) Lot width. The minimum width as measured at the front building line of the
lot shall not be less than 60 feet.
(c) Lot depth. The minimum depth of the lot shall be not less than 110 feet.
(3) Minimum dwelling size. The minimum floor area of any dwelling shall be 1,600 square feet
exclusive of garages,breeze ways and porches.
Additional Guidelines
A.1 Exterior Wall Materials - A minimum of 80% of the dwelling's total exterior area, minus
windows and doors, must be masonry veneer, such as brick, stone, stucco, hardiplank or
A.2 Roofs - Roofs must be covered with composition material of at least 180 lb weight shingle
and have a minimum pitch of 6:12. All shingles shall have a minimum 20 year
manufacturer's warranty.
A.3 Fences and Walls - Fences may not exceed 8 feet in height. Fences must be made of
masonry, wood or wrought iron. The use of chain link fencing is prohibited. All retaining
walls shall be constructed of stone or equivalent.
A.4 Screening-The owner of a lot must screen the following items from the view of the public
and neighboring lots and dwellings, if any of these items exist on the lot:
a. Yard maintenance equipment
b. Wood piles and compost piles
c. Accessory structures such as dog houses, gazebos, metal storage sheds and
greenhouses. All accessory structures shall be no higher than corresponding fence
Plant material such as trees and bushes may be used for screening.
The following items are prohibited:
d. Clotheslines
e. Drying racks
f. Hanging clothes, linens, rugs and textiles of any kind
Birmingham Park Estates Planned Development Standards -Page 4 of 12
A.5 House Elevation - No identical house elevation shall be constructed adjacent to each other
nor across the street from each other
A.6 Landscaping - The following minimum landscape features shall be installed prior to the
initial occupancy:
(a) Trees - a minimum of 4 inches in total diameter shall be installed. This may be
accomplished by one 4 inch tree or multiple trees whose diameters add up to at least
4 inches.
(b) Shrubs - eighteen (18) 2 gallon shrubs across the front of the house
(c) Grass - solid sod from the rear corner of dwelling unit to the front curb
A.7 House Height - A maximum main structure and accessory structure of 36 feet shall be
2.04-SF-5.5-Single Family Residential Regulations
This classification shall conform to the City of Wylie SF-3 zoning classification except as noted
2.04.01-1 Permitted uses. Uses specifically not permitted in SF-3 above are not allowed in this
2.04.02- Area regulations.
(1) Size of yards
(a) Front yard. There shall be a front yard having a depth of not less than 20 feet as
measured from the front property line.
(b) Side yard.There shall be a side yard on each side of the lot having a width of not less
than 5 feet in width.A side yard adjacent to a side street shall not be less than 15 feet.
(c) Size of lot.
(a) Lot area. No building shall be constructed on any lot of less than 5,500
square feet.
(b) Lot width. The minimum width as measured at the front building line of the
lot shall not be less than 50 feet.
(c) Lot depth. The minimum depth of the lot shall be not less than 110 feet.
(d) Minimum dwelling size. The minimum floor area of any dwelling shall be 1,400 square feet
exclusive of garages, breeze ways and porches.
Additional Guidelines
Birmingham Park Estates Planned Development Standards -Page 5 of 12
A.1 Exterior Wall Materials - A minimum of 80% of the dwelling's total exterior area, minus
windows and doors, must be masonry veneer, such as brick, stone, stucco, hardiplank or
A.2 Roofs - Roofs must be covered with composition material of at least 180 lb weight shingle
and have a minimum pitch of 6:12. All shingles shall have a minimum 20 year
manufacturer's warranty.
A.3 Fences and Walls - Fences may not exceed 8 feet in height. Fences must be made of
masonry, wood or wrought iron. The use of chain link fencing is prohibited. All retaining
walls shall be constructed of stone or equivalent.
A.4 Screening-The owner of a lot must screen the following items from the view of the public
and neighboring lots and dwellings, if any of these items exist on the lot:
a. Yard maintenance equipment
b. Wood piles and compost piles
c. Accessory structures such as dog houses, gazebos, metal storage sheds and
greenhouses. All accessory structures shall be no higher than corresponding fence
Plant material such as trees and bushes may be used for screening.
The following items are prohibited:
d. Clotheslines
e. Drying racks
f. Hanging clothes, linens, rugs and textiles of any kind
A.5 House Elevation -No identical house elevation shall be constructed adjacent to each other
or across the street from each other
A.6 Landscaping - The following minimum landscape features shall be installed prior to the
initial occupancy:
(a) Trees - a minimum of 4 inches in total diameter shall be installed. This may be
accomplished by one 4 inch tree or multiple trees whose diameters add up to at least
4 inches.
(b) Shrubs - Eighteen (18) 2 gallon shrubs across the front of the house
(c) Grass - solid sod from the rear corner of dwelling unit to the front curb
A.7 House Height - A maximum main structure and accessory structure of 36 feet shall be
Birmingham Park Estates Planned Development Standards -Page 6 of 12
A.8 Lot Coverage- In no case shall more than 55 percent of the total lot area be covered by the
main building. Nor more than 70 percent of the total lot may be covered by the main
structure, accessory buildings, driveways and parking.
2.05-Multi-Family District
2.05.01 -Permitted Use-High density residential development limited to three(3)stories in height.
Dwellings may be placed in one or more buildings and multiple buildings may be developed
on the same lot.
2.05.02- Area regulations.
(1) Size of yards
(a) Front yard. There shall be a front yard having a depth of not less than 30 feet from
any street frontage.
(b) Side yard. There shall be a side yard of 20 feet from any interior lot line.
(b) Size of lot.
(a) Lot area. No building shall be constructed on any lot of less than 43,560
square feet.
(b) Lot width. The minimum width as measured at the front building line of the
lot shall not be less than 100 feet at street.
(c) Lot depth. The minimum depth of the lot shall be not less than 150 feet.
(c) Minimum dwelling size. The minimum floor area of any dwelling shall be as
(a) EF - 600 sf
(b) 1 BR- 750 sf
(c) 2 BR- 900 sf
(d) 3 BR- 1000 sf
(d) Maximum Density- The maximum allowable density is 18 units per gross acre.
Birmingham Park Estates Planned Development Standards -Page 7 of 12
3.01 - General
The purpose of the Retail Districts as indicated in Figure 1 are to encourage and accommodate the
development of office, retail and commercial service centers.
3.02-R-Retail Regulations
All retail regulations as outlined in Section 17 of the City of Wylie Zoning Ordinance shall apply.
4.01 - General
The Institutional District as indicated on Figure 1 is designed to allow for a variety of residential and
other uses. The intent of the District is to allow for specific uses as described herein, while
maintaining the ability of the City of Wylie to insure the overall quality of development is consistent
with the intent of the Planned Development Ordinance.
4.02-Allowable Uses (Non Residential)
The following are acceptable non-residential uses within the Institutional District:
a. Church, synagogue or rectory
b. School, public or private
c. Clinic, medical or dental
d. Veterinarian office with hospital
e. Other Uses as approved by City Council
4.02.01 -Area, Height and Parking Regulations
All area, height and parking regulations shall be as stipulated in Section 16 of the City of Wylie
Zoning Ordinances
4.03 -Allowable Uses (Residential)
Birmingham Park Estates Planned Development Standards -Page 8 of 12
The following are acceptable residential uses within the Institutional District:
f. Retirement Center(with possible medical and food service facilities)
g. Townhome (Minimum 4,000 square foot lot)
4.02.01 -Area Regulations
(1) Size of yards
(a) Front yard. There shall be a front yard having a depth of not less than 15 feet as
measured from the front property line.
(b) Side yard.There shall be a side yard on each side of the lot having a width of not less
than 5 feet in width on one side yard. A side yard adjacent to a side street shall not
be less than 15 feet. One side yard may be placed on the lot line (0' side setback).
(A) Size of lot.
(a) Lot area. No building shall be constructed on any lot of less than 4,000 square feet.
(b) Lot width. The minimum width as measured at the front building line of the lot shall
not be less than 30 feet.
(c) Lot depth. The minimum depth of the lot shall be not less than 100 feet.
(d) Minimum dwelling size. The minimum floor area of any dwelling shall be 1,500 square feet
exclusive of garages, breeze ways and porches.
Additional Guidelines
A.1 Exterior Wall Materials - A minimum of 90% of the dwelling's total exterior area, minus
windows and doors, must be masonry veneer, such as brick, stone, stucco, hardiplank or
A.2 Roofs - Roofs must be covered with composition material of at least 180 lb weight shingle
and have a minimum pitch of 6:12. All shingles shall have a minimum 20 year
manufacturer's warranty.
A.3 Fences and Walls - Fences may not exceed 8 feet in height. Fences must be made of
masonry, wood or wrought iron. The use of chain link fencing is prohibited. All retaining
walls shall be constructed of stone or equivalent.
A.4 Screening- The owner of a lot must screen the following items from the view of the public
and neighboring lots and dwellings, if any of these items exist on the lot:
Birmingham Park Estates Planned Development Standards -Page 9 of 12
a. Yard maintenance equipment
b. Wood piles and compost piles
c. Accessory structures such as dog houses,gazebos,metal storage sheds and greenhouses. All
accessory structures shall be no higher than corresponding fence height
Plant material such as trees and bushes may be used for screening.
The following items are prohibited:
d. Clotheslines
e. Drying racks
f. Hanging clothes, linens, rugs and textiles of any kind
A.5 House Elevation - No house elevation shall be constructed adjacent to each other
A.6 Landscaping - The following minimum landscape features shall be installed prior to the
initial occupancy:
(a) Trees-a minimum of4 inches in total diameter shall be installed.This may be accomplished
by one 4 inch tree or multiple trees whose diameters add up to at least 4 inches.
(b) Shrubs - fourteen (14) 2 gallon shrubs across the front of the house
(c) Grass - solid sod from the rear corner of dwelling unit to the front curb
A.7 House Height - A maximum main structure and accessory structure of 36 feet shall be
A.8 Lot Coverage- In no case shall more than 55 percent of the total lot area be covered by the
main building. Nor more than 70 percent of the total lot may be covered by the main
structure, accessory buildings, driveways and parking.
5.01 -Screening Walls
(a) Unless otherwise approved by the City Council of their designee, screening walls shall be
provided along the side or rear lot lines adjacent to major thoroughfares and secondary
thoroughfares. The screening wall shall be constructed of stone, stucco, brick, concrete
block, concrete,wrought iron or similar materials or any combination thereof. Walls shall
be a minimum of 80% opaque. The design shall be submitted for approval with the
Development Plan or Preliminary Plat. Construction plans are to be included as part of the
public works civil engineering plan at the time of Final Plat approval.
(b) A screening fence shall be required for the storage of a recreational vehicle, travel trailer,
boat or similar equipment. The screening fence shall be constructed of wood or masonry and
Birmingham Park Estates Planned Development Standards -Page 10 of 12
shall be a minimum of six (6) feet in height.
5.02-Landscaping Requirements
Primary Entrances-Primary entrances as indicated on Exhibit A shall be landscaped in accordance
with Exhibit A and contain a minimum of the following landscape elements:
(a) Project identification sign constructed of Stone, Brick or other masonry materials.
(b) Entry crosswalk constructed of colored or textured concrete a minimum of twenty(20) feet
(c) Low plantings (less than three (3) feet) in beds within site triangles
(d) A minimum of five(5)shade trees and twelve(12)accent trees no less than 3" and 2"caliper
(e) Hard surface of either brick, stone or textured concrete at nosing of all medians.
Subdivision Entrances - Subdivision entrances as indicated on Exhibit B shall be landscaped in
accordance with Exhibit B and shall contain a minimum of the following elements:
(a) Entry crosswalk constructed of colored or textured concrete a minimum of twenty(20) feet
(b) Low plantings (less than three (3) feet) in beds within site triangles
(c) A minimum of five(5)shade trees and twelve(12)accent trees no less than 3"and 2" caliper
(d) Hard surface of either brick, stone or textured concrete at nosing of all medians.
Major Thoroughfare — Median and Parkway tree plantings, with the exception of formal
arrangements at end of medians,shall be informally placed a minimum of three feet behind the back
of curb. A minimum of one shade tree (no less than 3"caliper), and one ornamental tree (no less
than 2" caliper), per every forty (40) feet and thirty (30) feet respectively of right-of-way, except
where parks/open space/common areas front on the thoroughfare. Planting design shall include no
less than three nor more than five of either shade or ornamental tree species.
Secondary Streets —Parkway tree plantings shall be informally placed a minimum of three feet
behind the back of curb. A minimum of one shade tree(no less than 3"caliper), and one ornamental
tree (no less than 2" caliper), per every forty (40) feet and thirty (30) feet respectively of right-of-
way,except where lots face the street. Planting design shall include no less than three nor more than
Birmingham Park Estates Planned Development Standards -Page 11 of 12
five of either shade or ornamental tree species.
Parks/Open Space!Common Areas — Parks, Open Space, and Common areas shall include a
minimum of one shade tree and one ornamental tree(no less than 3"and 2"in caliper respectively),
per twenty feet of right-of-way. Trees shall be planted within twenty (20) feet of the right-of-way.
Existing Trees— Any existing trees greater than 3" caliper preserved in the stated planting areas
during construction shall be credited against the stated requirements at equivalent size designations.
Deviation —Any deviation from the above stated requirements in Section 5 shall require approval
from City Council.
5.03 -Maintenance Requirements
All landscaping within common areas and public right of ways shall be maintained by the mandatory
Home Owners Association (HOA) for the development.
Birmingham Park Estates Planned Development Standards -Page 12 of 12
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