09-19-2000 (Planning & Zoning) Agenda Packet 4erv / :1 /e Planning & Zoning Commission MK IF, JP AIM 111111111111111111111111 City oBY{ape September 19, 2000 Regular Business Meeting AGENDA PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION WYLIE MUNICIPAL COMPLEX 2000 Highway 78 North, Wylie, Texas 75098 September 19, 2000 7:00 p.m. CALL TO ORDER CITIZEN PARTICIPATION CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS 1. Consider and Act Upon Approval of the Minutes from the August 29, 2000 Special Called Meeting, and the September 5, 20000, Regular Business Meeting. PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS 1. ZC No. 2000-08: Hold a public hearing and consider a recommendation to the City Council regarding a request from Richard Parker for approval of a zone change from A (Agriculture) to I (Industrial) for development of an industrial business complex for property generally located at the southwest corner of FM 544 and Sanden Boulevard, and being all of a certain 34.412 acre tract out of the I. Clifton Survey, Abstract No. 193, City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas. 2. ZC No. 2000-10 : Hold a public hearing and consider a recommendation to the City Council regarding a request from the Franklin Ovid Birmingham Memorial Land Trust for approval of a zone change from A (Agriculture) to I (Industrial) for development of an industrial business complex for property generally located at the northeast corner of Hooper Road and Hensley Lane, and being all of a certain 49.508 acre tract out of the L.K. Pegues Survey, Abstract No. 703, City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas. 3. Hold a Public Hearing and consider a recommendation to the City Council regarding a Replat for the Fountain Plaza Addition proposed by Carroll Land Surveyors, Inc., for the property generally located at the southwest corner of Stone Road and Ballard Avenue, and being all of Lot 31A, Block 1 of the Meadows of Wylie Addition, City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas. WORKSESSION 1. Worksession with Mr. Raymond E. Stanland of Stanland & Associates — Re-write of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance (New Commercial Development Standards). ADJOURNMENT Posted Friday, September 15, 2000, at 5:00 p.m. THE WYLIE MUNICIPAL COMPLEX IS WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE. SIGN INTERPRETATION OR OTHER SPECIAL ASSISTANCE FOR DISABLED ATTENDEES MUST BE REQUESTED 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE BY CONTACTING THE CITY SECRETARY'S OFFICE AT 442-8100 OR TDD AT 442-8170. • City of Wylie Consent Agenda Item No. 1 Planning and Zoning Commission Regular Business Meeting: September 19, 2000 Consent Item No. 1 Re: Consider and Act Upon Approval of the Minutes from the August 29, 2000 Special Called Meeting and the September 5, 2000 Regular Business meeting. 1. Consider and Act Upon Approval of the Minutes from the August 29, 2000 Special Called Meeting and the September 5, 2000 Regular Business Meeting. Please note any changes or additions that are needed. MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION WYLIE MUNICIPAL COMPLEX 2000 Highway 78 North, Wylie, Texas 75098 Special Called Meeting August 29, 2000 7:00pm A quorum was present and notice was posted in the time and manner required by law. Commission Members Present: Staff Members Present: Michael George, Chairman Mindy Manson, Assistant City Manager Carter Porter, Vice-Chairman Fern Casteel, Secretary Tony Snider Phillip Tramell Steve Ahrens William Chapman CALL TO ORDER Chairman Michael George called the Meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. CITIZEN PARTICIPATION No participation. ACTION ITEMS 1. Consider and Act upon approval of a Site Plan for the Proposed Retail and Restaurant Building, located at S. H. 78 and Third Street and being Lot 2, Block A, Dollar General Addition, City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas. Staff: With the construction of S.H. 78 Third Street will not be connecting to the highway. Parking spaces will be determined later once seating capacity for the restaurant is determined. The East Side of parking lot will have wheel stops to handle drainage. There will not be a curb in this area because of the drainage problem. There will be three (3) retail shops as well as a restaurant of approximately 3,400 square feet. Applicant: Buck Thomason creening of the Dumpster will be brick to match the Main building brick with a gate for ccess and will be located on the back of the lot on the Oak Street side. The building will have a metal roof sloping to the rear of the building. The heating and cooling units on top will be to the rear of the building. The units will probably be 3-ton capacity for each shop and restaurant. The grease trap will be in the rear parking area. There will be signage on the front of the building, but no signage along S. H. 78 is proposed at this time. The area near the four- (4) parking spaces on West Side of the Dollar General Store and the entrance to this project (triangle area) will be a greenbelt area. Trees, shrubs; etc. will be planted here. 4 f f. Motion to approve was made by Steve Ahrens, with Staff recommendation of brickVse j, the Dumpster. Carter Porter seconded the motion. A vote taken and approvedJ � on p 5-0. No other items to discuss. Motion was made by Steve Ahrens to adjourn. William Chapman seconded the motion. A vote was taken and passed 5-0. Meeting was adjourned. Michael George, Chairman Fern Casteel, Secretary MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION WYLIE MUNICIPAL COMPLEX 2000 Highway 78 North, Wylie, Texas 75098 Regular Business Meeting September 5, 2000 7:00 p.m. A quorum was present and notice was posted in the time and manner required by law. Commission Members Present: Staff Members Present: Michael George, Chairman Mindy Manson, Assistant City Manager Carter Porter, Vice-Chairman Fern Casteel, Secretary Tony Snider Phillip Tramell Steve Ahrens William Chapman CALL TO ORDER Chairman Michael George called the Meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. CITIZEN PARTICIPATION No participation. CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS 1. Consider and Act Upon approval of the Minutes from the August 15, 2000 Regular Business. Motion to approve was made by Carter Porter and Tony Snider seconded the motion. A vote was taken and passed 6-0. ACTION ITEMS 1. Discuss and Consider a recommendation to the City Council regarding a Revised Final Plat for the Riverchase Addition (formerly Eastfork by the Lake), generally located along the west side of FM 1378 across from the Newport Harbor subdivision, and being all of a certain 55.689 acre tract situated in the William Patterson Survey, Abstract No. 716, City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas. Staff: Developer is requesting to make the area with the smaller lots to be on private Streets. Stonecrest Trail and Schooner Bay will have card access entry. There will be a 25-foot, hard surface emergency access easement between Stone Glen Drive and Country Walk Lane. DR Horton representative Tony Krausta, Kurtz-Bedford and Associates, 4222 Rosehill Road, Garland, Texas 75043. HOA will maintain the streets in this gated community. This is a card access gated community. The gates will be open from 6am to 6pm each day for postal service, bus service etc. In case of a power failure gates will automatically open. Homeowners' automobiles will have a toll tag and there will be a keyed telephone device for visitor access controlled by the homeowner. Access at the gate will hold two cars one behind the other. Access will be 25 feet of concrete on each side two lanes in and out. Riverchase Phase II will be a gated community as well. Designation of the park as to public or private has not yet been resolved by the City Council. DR Horton will review these plans with the Park board if required. Privacy fences on each property will limit access at the north and west sides of the community. No chain link will be allowed. Motion to approve made by Steve Ahrens and William Chapman seconded the motion. A vote taken and approved 6-1. No other items to discuss. Motion was made by Steve Ahrens to adjourn. Carter Porter seconded the motion. A vote was taken and passed 6-0. Meeting was adjourned. Michael George, Chairman Fern Casteel, Secretary City of Wylie Public Hearing Item No. 1 2000-08 Rezoning Planning and Zoning Commission Public Hearing: September 19, 2000 Owner/Applicant: Richard Parker Location: Generally located at the southwest corner of FM 544 and Sanden Blvd. Existing Zoning: A (Agriculture) Requested Zoning: I(Industrial) Summary: The applicant is requesting rezoning on 34.412 acres in order to develop their property with industrial uses. The property to the north is zoned A(Agriculture) and is vacant. The property to the east is I (Industrial) and is developed accordingly with Sanden International. The property to the south is zoned A (Agriculture) and owned by WISD and houses the Ag Barn, and the property to the west is zoned A (Agriculture) and owned by WISD and houses the Wylie High School and related ball fields. Public Comment Forms were mailed to eleven (11) property owners within 200 feet of this request. No comment forms have been returned. Issues: The Comprehensive Plan recommends business center uses for the area, which consist of office, professional office and clean manufacturing/assembly. The proposed zoning and land use are not consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, and is not compatible with the surrounding development and zoning. • 2000-08 • If the requested zoning change is approved, the applicant will be required to submit preliminary and final plats and site plan for approval before development can begin on the property. • The subject property immediately adjacent to and at the intersection of the S.H. 78 west and FM 544 corridors, and its development will establish the precedent and influence the character of future development at these entryways to Wylie, as well as throughout the corridors and the community as a whole. Financial Considerations: Rezoning application fee in the amount of$250.00- Paid Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends denial without prejudice. This proposed zone change complies with the newly adopted Comprehensive Master Plan, however,the current Industrial zoning classification allows potential uses and development character which may not be compatible with existing or recommended development. The requested change in zoning is premature prior to a proposal for specific use(s) or Planned Development District with specific conditions or adoption of new non- residential development standards within the Zoning Ordinance. The Department's of Public Works, Fire, and Community Development concur with this recommendation. Attachments: Location Map Area Zoning Map Property Owner Notification Map Property Owner Notification Report Public Hearing Notice Zoning Change Application Returned Public Comment Forms j L� I i__--1 West drown Street — I • IF. M, I 1414 I / F Li I ! 1 � I III ILI I I r'V i I, r I - J I I I ! 1 I i , i I SUBJECT I �_ ___ 1 PROPERTY 1 I t 1 I (` .' 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I 1 , ZONING AREA MAP ZONING CASE #2000-08 1 i I 1 _ — 1' - 400' j ..< _ Rariwy.. _ • • • • 44 i j / i '' 1 F.Wells ! i Wylie I.S.D ` F.W- R-6563-000-• ! �.R-6563-000- ! R-6563-000-0030-1 \. 0020-1 0020-1 ! _.._.._.._.._ ° W.I.S.D tcH �1 R-6193-000- _ y �� . 0160-1 Sanden international Q®�� rx R-2447-00A-0010-1 W.I.S.D ` x �yti Birmingham I 4 Trust -01 R-6193-000- ?ti _ x � a 0160-1 R-6841-000- . �.' 0130-1 O W.I.S.D `" �4,, :. J R-6841 000- +4 0 -.—.—.—.—.---_— —! 0140-1 m i I j r C ! ! I j k..... c I j > Q / I ! 1 j 1 j i• 1 j 1 j i • PROPERTY OWNER NOTIFICATION MAP ZONING CASE #2000-08 NOTIFICATION REPORT APPLICANT: Richard Parker APPLICATION FILE #2000-08 P.O. Box 307 Wylie, Texas 75098 # BLK/ABST LOT/TRACT TAX I.D. # PROPERTY OWNER NAME ADDRESS Applicant P.O. Box 307 1 Abst 841 Tract 1 R-6841-000-0010-1 Richard Parker Wylie, Texas 75098 P.O. Box 1042 2 Abst 841 Tract 1 R-6841-000-0010-1 Ida Pearl Sholz Wylie, Texas 75098 P.O. Box 546 3 Abst 841 Tract 13 R-6841-000-0130-1 F.O. Birmingham Trust Wylie, Texas 75098 1001 S. Ballard Avenue 4 Abst 841 Tract 14 R-6841-000-0140-1 Wylie I.S.D. Wylie, Texas 75098 6800 Coit Road 5 Abst 563 Tract 2 R-6563-000-0020-1 Frances Bates Wells Plano, Texas 75023-1003 1001 S. Ballard Avenue 6 Abst 563 Tract 3 R-6563-000-0030-1 Wylie I.S.D. Wylie, Texas 75098 P.O. Box 1042 7 Abst 193 Tract 1 R-6193-000-0010-1 Ida Pearl Sholz Wylie, Texas 75098 1001 S. Ballard Avenue 8 Abst 193 Tract 2 R-6193-000-0020-1 Wylie I.S.D. Wylie, Texas 75098 1001 S. Ballard Avenue 9 Abst 193 Tract 16 R-6193-000-0160-1 Wylie I.S.D. Wylie, Texas 75098 Sanden Addn 601 Sanden Blvd. 10 Blk A Lot 1 R-2447-00A-0010-1 Sanden International Wylie, Texas 75098 Collin County 210 S. McDonald Street 11 FM 544 Commissioner's Court Mcllnney, Texas 75069 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION AND CITY COUNCIL An application has been received by the City of Wylie for a: PROPOSED ZONING CHANGE Zoning Case Number: 2000-08 Applicant: Richard Parker Location: Generally located at the southwest corner of FM 544 and Sanden Blvd. Property Description: (See the attached Exhibit"A" for full legal description) Present Zoning: A(Agriculture) Requested Zoning: I(Industrial) Proposed Industrial uses This public hearing is held to consider the application as an amendment to the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City of Wylie,Texas and the Official Zoning Map. The request will be considered as follows: Planning and Zoning Commission: Tuesday,September 19,2000,7:00 PM City Council: Tuesday,October 10,2000,7:00 PM Each public hearing will be held at the following location: City Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex 2000 Highway 78 North,Wylie,Texas This notice has been sent to all owners of real property within 200 feet of the request,as such ownership appears on the last approved city tax roll. Action by the Planning and Zoning Commission serves as a recommendation to the City Council and is not a final action on the request. If the Commission recommends denial,a three-fourths majority vote by the City Council shall be required for approval. Zoning districts,amendments and conditions recommended by the Commission for approval by the City Council may be more restrictive than those described in this notice. All interested persons are encouraged to attend the public hearing and express their opinions on the zoning change request. If you are unable to attend,but wish to have your opinions made a part of the public record,please complete the enclosed form and return it prior to the public hearing. Please print your name, address of the property you own and the tax account number(if applicable)on the enclosed form and return it to the following address: City of Wylie Department of Planning 2000 Highway 78 North Wylie,TX 75098 If the property owners of 20%or more of the land within the 200 foot notification area file a written protest prior to the public hearing, state law provides that approval of the zoning change request shall require an affirmative vote of 3/4 of the members of the City Council. The application is on file for public examination in the Planning Department at 2000 Highway 78 North, Wylie,Texas. For additional information,please contact the Planning Department at 972/442-8150. Please reference the zoning case number when requesting information. This facility is wheelchair accessible and handicapped parking spaces are available. Requests for interpretation services or assistive hearing devices must be made 48 hours prior to the meeting. Contact the Office of the City Secretary at(972)442-8103,or(TDD) (972)442-8170 for assistance. RECEIVED our Mission.. ...to he responsible stewards of the public trust. J U L 1 8 2000 to strive for excellence in public service,and to enhance the quality of life for all. CITY OF WYI IF City w,ila APPLICATION FOR A CHANGE IN ZONING Zoning Case No. eTvU, — 4 tY (PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT) The Following Information To Be Supplied By The Applicant: Name: 4,4,e.v et/eR., Contact Person: Address: Po 410X 3 o 7 City: (VI /l e State: l' Zip: 7J 0 9,7 Telephone:(Q7t� (14 Z 5//V Fax:. 'tit Z - 3 z 5— ay igna ure of Applicant The Following Information To Be Supplied By The Owner: Name: Address: City: State: Zip: Telephone: Fax:: E-Mail I Am The Owner Of The Herein Described Property, And Is Authorized To File This Application On My Behalf. Signature of Owner Location of Request: S YK e SilAi E� Existing Zoning: A4 Acreage japaienialb 3c*.q., Z *Requested Zoning: SNO.'5 T2, Explanation: * All requests shall be advertised for the requested district and/or any other district which is more restrictive by area requirements, land use and height. A legal description of the property for which the zoning change is requested must be completed as"EXHIBIT A"and attached hereto. The description shall include the distance and bearing of the point of beginning from the nearest intersection of streets or roads. Use a TYPEWRITER and sign where indicated. _._.. .._.._._......._..�...�__,....._..._..__.. _ Aivo rddocs�lannmapptiatiortNuaePl.does „ Date Filed: /� l Receipt No.: a - _ $ o Pending Plat: _.. City of Wylie,Development Services Department 2000 Highway 78 North+ Wylie.Texas 75098+ 972-442-8150♦ 972-442-8154 Fax • PROPERTY DESCRIPTION . TRACT I • Being n tract of land situated in the Duke Strickland, Survey, Abstract 841 and' the I. Clifton "" Furvev. Abstract No.' 193, City of Wylie. Collin County, Texas and being part of a 94.9 acre tract of land conveyed to Ida Scholz and Cecilia Wood by deed recorded in,Volume 3367, Page 230. ?..ed Records, Collin County, Texas and being more particularly described as follows: ;ie,tinning at a 1.2" iron rod found on the west line of a 2 387 acre tract of land (Tract E) ,,:;veved to F 0 Birmingham Memorial Land Trust by deed recorded in County Clerk's File \;t:tuber 92-0091825, Land Records, Collin County. Texas for the northeast corner of a 15 296 ,ic re tract of land (Tract B) conveyed to F 0. Birmingham Memorial Land Trust by deed recorded in County Clerk's File Number 92-0091825, Land Records, Collin County, Texas; • Thence. South 86'33'57"• West, (Basis of Bearings) along the north line of said 15.296 acre tract. a distance of 570.17 feet to a 60d nail found in the base of a Bois d'arc tree for the northwest corner of said 15.296 acre tract; ' • • Thence. South 00'00'00" West, along the,west line of said 15.296' acre tract, al a distance of 696,7$.feet a 5/8" .capped .iron rod set in fence for reference and in all a distance of 788 59 feet to a point for corner in the center 'of Muddy Creek and on the north line of a •••••••• :17 247 acre tract of land (Tract A) conveyed to The Wylie Independent School District by deed recorded 'under County Clerk's File Number 92-0092602. Land Records, Collin County. Texas:, Thence. Northwesterly.'along the centerline of said Muddy Creek• and the northerly lines of ' said 37.247 acre tract as follows: -• •• • North 22'06'04" West, a distance of 50.98 feet to a point for corner; North 45'55'34' West, • a distance of 248.50 feet to a point for corner; North 69'32'04.: West, a distance of 366.50 feet to a point for the north corner of said 37.247 acre tract and an east corner of an 8 8866 acre, tract of land conveyed to The Wylie Independent School District Board of Trustees by 'deed recorded under County Clerk's File Number.95-0042768. Land Records, Collin County, Texas. said point being North 17'31'38" East, a distance of 176.56 feet from the southeast • corner of said 8.8866 acre tract; Thence. Northwesterly and Southwesterly. along the northerly lines of said 8.8866 acre tract and , the centerline of said Muddy Creek as follows: North 20'49'44" West. a distance of 90.00 feet to a point for corner; North 21'14'21" East, • a distance of 110.00 feet to a point for corner; North 58'52'34" West, a distance of 121.60 feet to a point for corner; South 14'56'26" West. a distance of 121.00 feet to a point for corner: North 75'06'24" West, a distance of 117,90 feet to a point for corner; North 19'28'09" West. a distance of 70.00 feet to a point for corner: South 76'27'26" West, a distance of 181.80 feet to a point for corner: North 10'43'41" East, a distance of 114.80 feet to a point for corner; North 56'54'59" West, a distance of 208.30 feet to a • for cornet; North 17'36'33" East. a distance of 173.70 feet to a point for corner; orth 44'5004" West. a distance of 73.00 feet to a point for corner; South 45'51'51" West, a distance of 76 81 feet to a point for corner; South 42'49'41" West. a distance of 93.10 feet to a point for corner; South 72-55'58" West, a distance of 108.18 feet to a point for corner on the east line of a 33.8983 acre tract of land (Tract 1) conveyed to Wylie Independent. School District by deed recorded under County Clerk's File Number 95-0012336,,Land Records, Collin County`Texas for the northwest corner of said 8.8866 acre tract; . Thence, North 04'15'46" East, along the east line of said 33.8983 acre tract, al a distance of 28.99 feet a 5/8" capped iron rod set in fence for reference and in all a distance of 600.71 feet to a 5/8" capped iron 'rod set on the south line of a 9.9031 acre tract of land (Tract II) conveyed to Wylie Independent School District by deed recorded under County Clerk's File Number y5-0012337. Land Records, Collin County, Texas for the northeast corner said 33.6983 acre tract: Thence, South 87'43'49" East, along the north line of aforesaid 94.9 acre tract, the south line of said 9.9031 acre tract and a south line of a tract of land conveyed to Frances B. Wells by deed recorded in Volume 90, Page 136, Deed Records, Collin County. Texas, a distance of 1435 05 feet to n 5/8" capped iron rod set for corner on the southerly right-of-way line of F.M 544 (120' R.O.W.) a being in' a curve to the left having a central angle of 04'05'57", a radius of 5789.58 feet and a chord which bears South 74'08 24" East, a distance of 414.13 feel; Thence, Southeasterly along the southerly right-of-way line of F.M. 544 (120' R.O.W.) and said curve to the left, an arc distance of 414.21 feet to a concrete right-of-way monument found for corner. Thence. South 39'45'49" East, along the southerly right-of-way line of F.M. 544 (120'. R.O.W.), a distance of 31.91 feet to a 5/8" capped iron rod set. for the northwest corner of,said 2 387 acre tract: " Thence. South 03'58'29" East, along the west line of• said 2.387 acre tract., a distance of 407.60 feet to the Point of Beginning and. containing 1,498:960 square-feet or,_34.412 acres of-land. City of Wylie Public Hearing Item No.2 2000-10 Rezoning Planning and Zoning Commission Public Hearing: September 19, 2000 Owner/Applicant: Franklin Ovid Birmingham Memorial Land Trust Location: Generally located at the northeast corner of Hooper Road and Hensley Lane. Existing Zoning: A (Agriculture) Requested Zoning: I (Industrial) Summary: The applicant is requesting rezoning on 49.508 acres in order to develop their property with industrial uses. The property to the north is zoned A (Agriculture) and is vacant. The property to the east is A (Agriculture) and is vacant. The property to the south is zoned A (Agriculture) and SF-1 (Single Family residential) and is developed with residential homes, and the property to the west is zoned A(Agriculture) and I (Industrial) and developed with one residential home, and the remainder is vacant. Public Comment Forms were mailed to twenty-one (21) property owners within 200 feet of this request. Three forms have been returned, one in favor and two against the zone change request. Issues: • The Comprehensive Plan recommends country residential uses for the area, which consist of single family detached houses, one acre minimum. The proposed zoning and land use are not consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, and is not compatible with the surrounding development and zoning. • 2000-10 • If the requested zoning change is approved, the applicant will be required to submit preliminary and final plats and site plan for approval before development can begin on the property. Financial Considerations: Rezoning application fee in the amount of$250.00 -Paid Staff Recommendation: Staff does not recommend approval. This proposed zone change does not comply with low- density residential recommendation of the newly adopted Comprehensive Master Plan and existing neighboring development. The Department's of Public Works, Fire, and Community Development concur with this recommendation. Attachments: Location Map Area Zoning Map Property Owner Notification Map Property Owner Notification Report Public Hearing Notice Zoning Change Application Returned Public Comment Forms Subject I Property --+ ICI ram..p LI i - m -�_wa �I —0. _11` il �' Li � ______________ __1--I +a 1 A7,14? IIII L amil gil 1 1 .. ;MT' • .Wit 1 / ri o l u1° I i / I— 1111111161111111111111 —tL LIIiiinniminir- / 1 a.i.l(• �i�i Li • ' 1 •fv MIN 1 h 1 ' 7MilliMilli `ti:ti,.wn. -. :(TiT1r Hr ' t' --i 1 1 ,tki LOCATION MAP ZONING CASE #2000-10 / . . ... . . ,-...._.." ../ /. . / . 1 /.. /.. a 1 • 1 / --) .. .. A ... c ..„ : , • A _ _ , , • . • , • ,• , A 0 A ,' , .., ,.., , 1 I , , „ • . , ,• ',/ , A • - .__ . , ,.. _.._.._ , EM _ _ _ _ , . 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ZONING AREA MAp _ _ ._ ._. _.._. -' - '-"--.- - - ZONING CASE #2000-10 0 CC • . /•. • _ ___ • i +, I ,. , C i i i , • r. 16QI 1 • / • , I J. ._._._/\"n � ' R-6835-000- I _.._ ._ ._. _. _. _wi ISchoz i T. Silsbee c° , • •' !0160-1 R-6703-000- iooi R-6703-000- i ' • -IDiN! 0070-1 i,• , i ._._._._ --1 1 TXU TXU TXU _. 1R-6835-000-0410-1 L R-6703-000-0040-1, R-6703-000-0090-1..' �.._.._.._.._.._.._.. , 1 J. Pennington o rk•-� <,°*: ;, .. ` _ i R-6835-000- ° �.�, r t ;.' W'•' _ � 4 k Birmingham ! sr S`�'e 4t 1„.-.6ve i 0390-1 k� �r: Land Trust _.._.._.._.._.._. _.._.._.._.._.._.. r«�,LL �� pia R-6703-000- , � '"z. . ," :, 4 0060-1 ! , BC Wood .** zi,` :ty, .• u .,..fat, ; # i City of Wylie R-6835-000- `�txX 7$ i R-6193-000- 0170-1 ' `-- --- - - ` . , 0050-1 Sdbièct.SU , t�y , � }.�YV;.43�y *i'p I y ' °A ' . � . At , 40 ; g x i M. Hensley .... M T. Johnson �t Z '� 1" �y 0079-1 R-6835-000- , D-;..7 3 © Q-Q O5® R-6193-000- 0189-1 " ;.:ter 0070-1 ",y nr '+to •W,F. K . 'Q, .- >rt, ,„c`�e,:r 1 r.._.._.., 4rq -y� _G� I I b.+C.:-,b 4.0 'xf.74 E,.ya bw "uc. � fil l 7 m .n €' ' L.._.._..J , .. � �. e n s e a r • N.VanCleeve i W.M Speed i R. Miller i W. Rah ! ! R-6193-000- i R-6438-000- i R-6438-000- i R-6438-000-i 0090-1 0010-1 i 0060-1 i 0140-1 L.._•,� ! R-6193-000- 1 ! i 0100-1 1 1 r ' 1 1 i 1 ! i 1 r. _.._.-I i i i i I i 1 i I I • I I i i I PROPERTY OWNER NOTIFICATION MAP - - - ._.._.._ - .- ZONING CASE #2000-10 NOTIFICATION REPORT APPLICANT: F.O. Birmingham Memorial Land Trust APPLICATION FILE #2000-10 301 N. Ballard, P.O. Box 546 Wylie, Tx. 75098 # BLK/ABST LOT/TRACT TAX I.D. # PROPERTY OWNER NAME ADDRESS Applicant P.O. Box 546 1 Abst 703 Tract 5 R-6703-000-0050-1 _ Birmingham Trust-c/o Bill Lewis Wylie, Texas 75098 Applicant P.O. Box 546 2 Abst 703 Tract 6 R-6703-000-0060-1 Birmingham Trust-c/o Bill Lewis Wylie, Texas 75098 1197 PSC 76 • 3 Abst 703 Tract 2 R-6703-000-0020-1 Tomi Silsbee APO, AE 0972-1101 TXU P.O. Box 219071 4 Abst 703 Tract 4 R-6703-000-0040-1 State & Local Tax Dept. Dallas, Texas 75221-9071 TXU P.O. Box 219071 5 Abst 703 Tract 9 R-6703-000-0090-1 State & Local Tax Dept. Dallas, Texas 75221-9071 P.O. Box 1042 i 6 Abst 703 Tract 7 R-6703-000-0070-1 Ida Pearl Scholz Wylie, Texas 75098 Birmingham Land Trust P.O. Box 546 7 Abst 703 Tract 6 R-6703-000-0060-1 c/o Bill Lewis Wylie, Texas 75098 2000 Hwy. 78 North 8 Abst 193 Tract 5 R-6193-000-0050-1 City of Wylie Wylie, Texas 75098 331 Hensley Lane 9 Abst 193 Tract 7-9 R-6193-000-0079-1 Mae Belle Hensley Wylie, Texas 75098 331 Hensley Lane 10 Abst 193 Tract 7 R-6193-000-0070-1 Mae Belle Hensley Wylie, Texas 75098 334 Hensley Lane 11 Abst 193 Tract 9 R-6193-000-0090-1 Ronald Miller Wylie, Texas 75098 200 Hensley 12 Abst 193 Tract 10 R-6193-000-0100-1 Worth M. Speed Wylie, Texas 75098 200 Hensley 13 Abst 438 Tract 14 R-6438-000-0140-1 Worth M. Speed Wylie, Texas 75098 108 Hensley Lane 14 Abst 438 Tract 6 R-6438-000-0060-1 Norlan Van Cleeve Wylie, Texas 75098 102 Hensley Lane 15 Abst 438 Tract 11-9 R-6438-000-0119-1 Wayne Rich Wylie, Texas 75098 932 Hooper Road 16 Abst 835 Tract 18-9 R-6835-000-0189-1 Timothy Johnson Wylie, Texas 75098 B.C.Wood Estate P.O. Box 1042 17 Abst 835 Tract 17 R-6835-000-0170-1 c/o Ida Pearl Scholz Wylie, Texas 75098 P.O. Box 51676 Amarilo, Texas 79159-1676 John Pennington 18 Abst 835 Tract 39 R-6835-000-0390-1 g TXU P.O. Box 219071 -9071 Texas 7 19 Abst 835 Tract 41 R-6835-000-0410-1 State &Local Tax Dept. Dallas, 5221 P.O. Box 5221 1676 20 Abst 835 Tract 16 R-6835-000-0160-1 John Pennington Amarilo, Texas 79159-1676 2902 Carlisle #200 Hooper Business Park Dallas, Texas 75204-4078 21 Bik A Lot 10 R-2589-00A-0100-1 Lyons Equities, Inc. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION AND CITY COUNCIL An application has been received by the City of Wylie for a: PROPOSED ZONING CHANGE Zoning Case Number: 2000-10 Applicant: Franklin Ovid Birmingham Memorial Land Trust Location: Generally located at the northeast corner of Hooper Road and Hensley Lane. Property Description: (See the attached Exhibit"A"for full legal description) Present Zoning: A(Agriculture) Requested Zoning: I(Industrial) Proposed Industrial uses This public hearing is held to consider the application as an amendment to the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City of Wylie,Texas and the Official Zoning Map. The request will be considered as follows: Planning and Zoning Commission: Tuesday,September 19,2000,7:00 PM City Council: Tuesday,October 10,2000,7:00 PM Each public hearing will be held at the following location: City Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex 2000 Highway 78 North,Wylie,Texas This notice has been sent to all owners of real property within 200 feet of the request,as such ownership appears on the last approved city tax roll. Action by the Planning and Zoning Commission serves as a recommendation to the City Council and is not a final action on the request. If the Commission recommends denial,a three-fourths majority vote by the City Council shall be required for approval. Zoning districts,amendments and conditions recommended by the Commission for approval by the City Council may be more restrictive than those described in this notice. All interested persons are encouraged to attend the public hearing and express their opinions on the zoning change request. If you are unable to attend,but wish to have your opinions made a part of the public record,please complete the enclosed form and return it prior to the public hearing. Please print your name, address of the property you own and the tax account number(if applicable)on the enclosed fotm and return it to the following address: City of Wylie Department of Planning 2000 Highway 78 North Wylie,TX 75098 If the property owners of 20%or more of the land within the 200 foot notification area file a written protest prior to the public hearing,state law provides that approval of the zoning change request shall require an affirmative vote of 3/4 of the members of the City Council. The application is on file for public examination in the Planning Department at 2000 Highway 78 North, Wylie,Texas. For additional information,please contact the Planning Department at 972/442-8150. Please reference the zoning case number when requesting information. This facility is wheelchair accessible and handicapped parking spaces are available. Requests for interpretation services or assistive hearing devices must be made 48 hours prior to the meeting. Contact the Office of the City Secretary at(972)442-8103,or(TDD) (972)442-8170 for assistance. FIELD NOTES BEING situated in the L. K. Pegues Survey, Abstract No. 703, Collin County, Texas and being a part of the land conveyed to Birmingham Land Trust by deed recorded in Volume 4194, page 1852, Deed Records,Collin County,Texas and being more particularly described as follows; BEGINNING at the northwest corner of said tract,a U2" iron rod set for corner,being the intersection of the east line of Hooper Road and the south line of the TXU Electric Tract recorded in Volume 577, page 3351; THENCE S 89°50' 30"E along said south line,a distance of 469.0 feet to a U2"iron rod set for corner; THENCE South,a distance of 50.0 feet to a 1/2"iron rod set for corner; THENCE S 89° 50' 30" E along a south line of said TXU Tract passing a 1/2" iron rod at a distance of 170.81 feet and continuing in all,a distance of 175.81 feet to the centerline of Muddy Creek; THENCE along the centerline of said creek the bearnings and dimensions as follows; S 29°52' 11"E 49.28 feet S 21°42'55"E 42.43 feet S 53°53' 16"W 87.20 feet S 39°58'38"W 41.60 feet S 30°47' 50"E 25.50 feet S 82°21'05'E 30.76 feet S81°29'31"E62.27feet S43°21°03"E 164.76feet S 17° 15'38"E 49.78 feet .S 66°35'06"E 79.05 feet S 4° 16'39"W 54.22 feet S 27°33'38"W 28.50 feet S 3°09'22"W 30.20 feet S 66°24'54"E 83.19 feet S 29°26'27"E 45.91 feet N 75°29'26"E 13.64 feet S 61°02'05"E 32.54 feet S31°48'50"E 16.62 feet S 55°36'44"E 137.92 feet S 34°52'26"E 43.90 feet S 54°59' 51"E 32.55 feet N 70°02'32"E 25.85 feet S 79°06'04"E 46.12 feet N 79°38'45"E 28.70 feet S 87°45'23"E 52.01 feet S 33° 14' 55"E 84.27 feet S 3°42'31"W 37.28 feet S 46° 15' 18"E 72.74 feet S 3°27'20"E 67.92 feet S 37° 16'58"W 44.04 feet S 6°29'08"W 81.0 feet S 4°38'E 68.53 feet S 35°42' 12"E 84.12 feet to the east line of said tract; THENCE S 1°36'25"W along said east line,a distance of 646.61 feet to the centerline of County Road 297(Hensley Road)a U2"iron rod set for corner; T HENCE N 88° 16' W along said centerline, a distance of 1409.49 feet to the east line of Hooper Road, a U2"iron rod set for corner; THENCE North along said east line, a distance of 1852.94 feet to the point of beginning and containing 49.508 acres of land. I, Roy H. Briscoe, a Registered Professional Land Surveyor of the State of Texas, do hereby certify the above plat was prepared by an actual survey of the land and all monuments,as shown hereon, were set or found under my personal supervision on this the _AO' day of jY 2000 and there are no visual easements,encroachments,protrusions except as shown hereon. / A portion of the above described tract does lie within a designated flood plain. Roy H. riscoe, o. 1027 Ju 9 Lair Mission.. M © E a E - -- to be responsible stewards of the public trust. 110 - -- to strive for excellence in public service.and to enhance the quality of life for all. L 1' .. 5 =ettv of-Wyk APPLICATION ' il� • " - - •1 G Zoning Case No. p?DOc — /0 (PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT) The Following Information To Be Supplied By The Applicant:if Name: 17a 4,4, 1()Ip') 75..f++7t'01 L7 w+ lownof,'0/f ,5r•,,� ��'a S / v Contact Person: • 1/ /� <<✓ 5 Address: .3e/ IY, E.pt 1 Pal LGIY 5 T C City: A -e' State: f Zip: 7 $o5.$ Telephone: 67;) 9t cf) 1F/9/ Fax:: q 1 4 Q ail h Signature of Applicant The Following Information To Be Supplied By The Owner: Name: 67Q.4.4-1 e G 5 a I 'e Address: City: State: Zip: Telephone: Fax:: E-Mail I Am The Owner Of The Herein Described Property, And Is Authorized To File This Application On My Behalf. c_in) it Signature of Owner Location of Request: r,r i oI //top re 4- /leo-, /7 S Existing Zoning: /7r. Acreage 174, ., S 4 '5 *Requested Zoning: ...=r7 o%r 521--,', Explanation: * All requests shall be advertised for the requested district and/or any other district which is more restrictive by area requirements,land use and height. A legal description of the property for which the zoning change is requested must be completed as"EXHIBIT A"and attached hereto. The description shall include the distance and bearing of the point of beginning from the nearest intersection of streets or roads. Use a TYPEWRITER and sign where indicated. Velef/00 __ . kworddoa`eLann_'^tanlictioa\zc3p 1 doc__..._._Date Filed. : .: .' Receipt No.. � _ 02•�7 $ et -03o Pending Plat: City of Wylie.Development Services Department 2000 Highway 78 North + Wylie,Texas 75098+ 972-442-8150+ 972-442-8154 Fax PUBLIC COMMENT FORM (Please type or use black ink) Department of Planning 2000 Highway 78 North Wylie,Texas 75098 I am FOR the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case #2000-10. I am AGAINST the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case#2000-10. Date,Location&Time of Planning&Zoning Commission meeting: Tuesday September 19,2000,7:00 pm Municipal Complex, 2000 Highway 78 North,Wylie.Texas Date,Location&Time of City Council meeting: Tuesday, October 10,2000,7:00 pm Municipal Complex, 2000 Highway 78 North, Wylie,Texas Name: Till ,L , (please print) / Address: 39/ Alf a// c J ©r& 51/t lod,(e) -771, 1701-fe Wylie Tax Account Number —CYO "(�l (if shown on enclosed map): 6707= 7d a • Signature: A&.7,1 / 4P-45 Date: 419, 3/, -011 COMMENTS: —rite /651,, j,, ( .i S �si ,o5/ v.de,) I ha hpvne '4 e svdk(� �a 7kS�'KYS S p@IEOW1 SEPL ±ii r PUBLIC COMMENT FORM (Please type or use black ink) Department of Planning 2000 Highway 78 North Wylie,Texas 75098 I am FOR the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case #2000-10. I am AGAINST the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case#2000-10. Date,Location&Time of Planning&Zoning Commission meeting: Tuesday September 19,2000,7:00 pm • Municipal Complex, 2000 Highway 78 North,Wylie,Texas Date,Location&Time of City Council meeting: Tuesday, October 10,2000,7:00 pm Municipal Complex,2000 Highway 78 North,Wylie,Texas Name: N <A-r,) V :'l k) CtEry e (please print) Address: )1J -R -3 CI LAB f- Li3 `i ( 1 (-I - h. J7 D9. Wylie Tax Account Number _ �� � 0�D , O� ��., (if shown on enclosed map): Signature: 1� Date: 9 — J 0 — OD \ COMMENTS: • PUBLIC COMMENT FORM (Please type or use black ink) Department of Planning 2000 Highway 78 North Wylie,Texas 75098 I am FOR the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case #2000-10. I am AGAINST the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case#2000-10. Date,Location&Time of Planning&Zoning Commission meeting: Tuesday September 19, 2000, 7:00 pm Municipal Complex,2000 Highway 78 North,Wylie,Texas Date,Location&Time of City Council meeting: Tuesday, October 10, 2000,7:00 pm Municipal Complex,2000 Highway 78 North,Wylie,Texas Name: GJ F o /-4 SFr- �_ P (please print) Address: ?_r>(? L& Y' Y t.^ l E 7 Wylie Tax Account Number r\(if shown on enclosed map): L/ if - i b 9 o b _1 �� / Signature: A4 ___„I, ,7 , 2(2, t _i, Date: `)/j`3/ r', 6-5 COMMENTS: COLONEL & MRS. WORTH M. SPEED 200 HENSLEY LANE WYLIE, TEXAS 75098 4 Sept 2000 References : a. Zoning Case #2000-10 b. The Wylie News, Wednesday, August 30 , 2000 To: City of Wylie, Department of Planning 2000 Highway 78 North Wylie, Tx. 75098 In reference b. above it was noted that two cases for Zoning case #2000-10 was issued. Comments in this letter pertains to reference a. above and the letter received from the City of Wylie Department of Planning. We are against the requested zoning as explained on the public notice for zoning Case #2000-10 . Location: At the northeast corner of Hooper Rd and Hensley Lane. Zoning Request change from A (Agriculture) to I ( Industrial ) for the following reasons. a. This general request gives full discretionary power all inclusive for any use permitted in the B-2 , business district, B-1 , business district and R, Retail district except child care facilities, hospitals, nursing homes , schools (other than trade) . Such extensive wide range could mean anything is allowable which is objectional because of the close proximity (across the street) from our recently new residential home. The type of structures and associated vehicle traffic would be unacceptable. b. It is noted that schools could not be built in an Industrial zone and the WISD High School is already existing. An Industrial zoning should not be allowed in close proximity to the school. Respectfully yours , OL WORTH M PEED (USAF Ret) & Mrs. Worth M. Speed vip City of Wylie Public Hearing Item No. 3 Replat Fountain Plaza Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting: September 19, 2000 Owner: Ted and Shelly Jorgensen Surveyor/Engineer: Carroll Land Surveyor's, Inc. Location: Generally located at the southwest corner of Stone Road and Ballard Avenue. Existing Zoning: R(Retail)for office uses Summary: The Final Plat under consideration is a Replat for Fountain Plaza. The applicant is final platting 0.961 acres of land in order to develop the property with office uses. Specifically, the applicant is proposing to develop the property with an office building. The property is currently vacant, platted as Lot 31-A, Block 1 of the Meadows Addition, and zoned R for Retail uses. Issues: • Staff has reviewed the proposed replat for the Fountain Plaza Addition and found it to be in compliance with the Subdivision regulations and other pertinent ordinances of the City of Wylie. This plat also complies with all applicable state subdivision laws. • The applicant is aware that all impact and developmental inspection fees must be paid prior to filing this plat with the County. • Replat Fountain Plaza Financial Considerations: Plat application fee - Paid Staff Recommendation: Approval. The Department's of Public Works, Fire, Police, and Development Services concur with this recommendation. Attachments: Final Plat Final Plat Application • Our Mission.. ...to be responsible stewards of the public trust. to strive for excellence in public service.and to enhance the quality of life for all. Ctty of WytJ Application For ❑Preliminary Plat 0 Final Plat XReplat ❑Vacation of Existing Addition All rules and regulations established by the Subdivision Ordinance,City of Wylie,Texas,and Texas Local Government Code,:Title 7,Chapter 212,Subchapter A. Engineer/ ` �� ` ' . (,.Phone: 072/54o•I GGO(p Surveyor: CA f,'ALAF.t1 EUQV eyi s W. Fax: Address: Dog ��[wVA�.. 1,� 1 City:` &AEL 1) State: Zip: '7So43 )(Owner: led c�-Or en 1 Phone:9U - �4 --)2R5 Y.-Address: e Y I ciL"ICJ l21 (LLe_ Fax: ' -`.�v / /�O City: bv� � le State: ' k Zip: 5092 Other: Phone: Address: Fax: City: State: Zip: Location of Property(Address if Applicable) 0'p GJ . Gerflex' wttia.r_et rye. Proposed Subdivision Name: RAJ IJTA t PLAZASurvey Name: ALl.r.-.l QTTeQeIZAZ y Abstract No.: Z5 Acreage 40• lq 6:11 Existing Zoning: `` ge Pending Zoning: *Please provide a building improvement survey,if the property has existing improvements. Is this a replat of an existing recorded subdivision? ✓ Yes No If yes,give name and date when the original subdivision was filed for record ateattls County Deed Records: Subdivision Name: 1 M A9QW 5 or IA'(Ue Date Filed: Volume: Page: Number of lots within original subdivision: Proposed lots: If applicable,complete°Exhibit A°as evidence that all owners of property within the subdivision join in this application to vacate. • Was this subdivision restricted by zoning or deed rest ic ' ns to single family or two family residential dwelling use within the last five(5)years? Yes No I am authorized to make application for a subdivision on behalf of the owner of this property. Agent The above person is my representative,authorized to make application for a subdivision on my behalf and I am the owner of the property for which this application is made. qt,, .. Owner For Office Use Only. Date Filed: Receipt No.: ArnamtS Pending Zoning Case(If Applicableyt A:lworddocs`plarvtineapp I iention`platap.doc City of Wylie, Development Services Department 2000 Highway 78 North+ Wylie.Texas 75098+ 972-442-8150+ Fax 972-442-8154 "EXHIBIT A" Legal Description of Area Proposed for Subdivison. Loi Si A , PLacV J • • I certify that to the best of my knowledge, this is an accurate description of the property upon • which I have requested a change in zoning. I understand that I am fully responsible for the legal description given above. Date: Signature of Applicant: Page 2 of 2