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03-21-2000 (Planning & Zoning) Agenda Packet
Planning & Zoning Commission —/i/itc,Hy,otwslie March 21 , 2000 Regular Business Meeting AGENDA PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION WYLIE MUNICIPAL COMPLEX 2000 Highway 78 North, Wylie, Texas 75098 March 21, 2000 7:00 p.m. CALL TO ORDER INTRODUCTIONS 1. Introduce Rebecca Brewer-City Attorney ELECTION OF VICE-CHAIRPERSON CITIZEN PARTICIPATION CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS 1. Consider and Act Upon Approval of the Minutes from the February 7, 2000, Regular Business Meeting. PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS 1. ZC. No. 2000-01: Hold a public hearing and consider a recommendation to the City Council regarding a request from Laurence DeBerry, for approval of a zone change from SF-3 (Single Family Residential)to 2F (Two Family Duplex)for the property generally located at the northeast corner of Birmingham Street and Kirby and being all of lots 24 & 25A,Block 0, of Southside Addition, City of Wylie, Collin County,Texas. ACTION ITEMS 1. Discuss and Consider a motion to remove the Development Plan/Preliminary Plat for Phase III of the Lakeside Estates Addition from the table. 2. Discuss and Consider a recommendation to the City Council regarding a Development Plan/Preliminary Plat for Phase III of the Lakeside Estates Addition, proposed by Carter& Burgess for the property generally located at the northeast corner of FM 544 and Springwell Parkway along the north side of the railroad, and being all of a certain 37.090 acre tract out of the Moses Sparks Survey, Abstract No. 849, and the G.W. Gunnell Survey, Abstract No. 351, City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas. WORKSESSION 1. Worksession with Mr. Raymond E. Stanland of Stanland& Associates- Re-write of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance(New Residential Development Standards). ADJOURNMENT Posted Friday, March 17, 2000, at 5:00 p.m. THE WYLIE MUNICIPAL COMPLEX IS WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE SIGN LYIERPRETATION OR OTHER SPECIAL ASSISTANCE FOR DISABLED ATTENDEES MUST BE REQUESTED 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE BY CONTACTING THE CITY SECRETARY'S OFFICE AT 442-8100 OR TDD AT 442-8170 • of Wylie Consent Agenda Item No. 1 Planning and Zoning Commission Regular Business Meeting: March 21, 2000 Consent Item No. 1 RE: Consider and Act Upon Approval of the Minutes from the March 7, 2000, Regular Business Meetings. 1. Consider and Act Upon Approval of the Minutes from the March 7, 2000, Regular Business Meetings. Please note any changes or additions which need to be made. t. ycptz._ yell l2Ce,'-e 3 — / 2-0 MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING COMNIISSION WYLIE MUNICIPAL COMPLEX 2000 Highway 78 North,Wylie, Texas 75098 Regular Business Meeting March 7, 2000 7:00 p.m. A quorum was present and notice was posted in the time and manner required by law. Commission Members Present: Staff Members Present: Steve Ahrens, Chairman Tobin E. Maples, Director of Planning Sharon Dowdy Aimee Nemer, Deputy City Secretary Eric Hogue, Vice Chairman Carter Porter Julie Schmader Cecilia Wood Michael George CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Chairman Steve Ahrens. CITIZEN PARTICIPATION No participation. CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS 1. Consider and Act upon approval of the Minutes from the February 1,2000,Regular Business Meeting. Ms. Schmader noted that the minutes should reflect that she removed herself as a Commissioner for Zoning Case No. 99-14 and abstained from voting. Mr. Hogue made a motion to approve the Minutes with the noted corrections. Ms. Dowdy seconded the motion. A vote was taken and passed, 7-0. PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS 1. Hold a Public Hearing and consider a recommendation to the City Council regarding a Final Plat for the Eastridge Addition, 1st Revision,proposed by Jackson & Associates Land Surveyors, Incorporated for the property generally located along the west side of W.A.Allen Boulevard between Carriage and Surrey Circle, and being all of Lots 13 and 14, Block E, of the Eastridge Addition, City of Wylie, Coffin County,Texas. Mr. Maples explained to the Commission that the applicant is replatting two lots into one in order to develop the lot with a single family home in the existing Eastridge Addition. He stated that Planning and Zoning Meeting Minutes March 7,2000 Page 2 Staff has reviewed the proposed plat and found it to be in compliance with the Subdivision Regulations and other pertinent ordinances of the City of Wylie. Mr. Maples stated that a public hearing was required by state law before taking action. Mr. Maples stated that Public Comment Forms were mailed to thirteen property owners within 200' in the original subdivision in accordance with state law. He stated that no Public Comment Forms have been returned. Mr. Maples stated that the applicant was aware that all impact fees must be paid prior to filing this plat with the county. Mr. Maples stated that he would answer any questions that Commissioner's may have. Mr. Don Jackson, 2600 FM 544,Wylie, stated that the applicants intentions are to build a nice home on a larger lot. He stated that the current lot was too small to build a nice home. Mr. Ahrens opened the floor for questions. Ms. Schmader expressed concerns on the requirement of the Public Notice appearing in the newspaper and asked for the specific date that the notice appeared. Mr. Maples stated that the notice did appear in the paper within the required time frame. Ms. Schmader requested a copy of the clipping indicating the date of publication. Mr. Maples stated that he would provide her with a copy of the clipping. Ms. Dowdy made a motion to approve the Final Plat for the Eastridge Addition, 1st Revision, replat of lots 13 and 14, Block E. Mr. Porter seconded the motion. A vote was taken and passed, 7-0. ACTION ITEMS 1. Discuss and Consider a recommendation to the City Council regarding a Site Plan for Provident Bank,proposed by TGS Architects for the property generally located along the northwest side of SH 78 between Birmingham Avenue and Jackson Street, and being all of lot 1A-R of the Provident Bank Addition, City of Wylie, Collin County,Texas. Mr. Maples stated that the site plan under consideration is for the Provident Bank property located along the northwest side of SH 78 between Birmingham and Jackson,to develop a bank facility. Mr. Maples stated that the plan complies with all Zoning regulations with the exception of private improvements within the public right-of-way. He stated that the applicant has proposed a median divided approach off of Birmingham Avenue,which is partially located within the Birmingham Avenue right-of-way. Mr. Maples stated that this improvement would provide better traffic circulation to the subject property. He also stated that this plan was in line with current traffic studies and the possible realignment of Birmingham Avenue. Mr. Maples stated that the City's Traffic Consultant has reviewed the proposal and is recommending approvaL He explained that the applicant is aware that building permits must be approved prior to construction, and that all signs require separate permits. Mr. Maples stated that staff is recommending approval and he opened the floor for any questions from the Commission. Mr. Ahrens asked the applicant if he wished to speak, and the applicant replied that he was available to answer any questions. Ms. Schmader stated that she has heard of plans to construct a cul-de-sac on Birmingham or Jackson. She asked if that was the realignment to which Mr. Maples was referring. Mr. Maples Planning and Zoning Meeting Minutes March 7,2000 Page 3 responded that there are many things being looked at in the traffic plan,but that he has not seen the specific plan. He explained that potentially, Industrial could be realigned to run parallel with SH 78 where the railroad tracks are currently located. Ms. Schmader expressed safety and traffic concerns with the current location of roads and entrances to the subject property in proximity to the current adjacent daycare facility. Mr. Maples stated that her concern was legitimate. Ms. Schmader requested footage on the temporary drive-thru lane. Mr. Maples clarified the question to reflect the stacking distance for cars in the drive-thru lane. Mr. Jim Gahl, TGS Architects, stated that the stacking distance would be two or three cars. He stated that there are four lanes. Mr. Hogue inquired to the time period for the temporary building. Mr. Gahl stated that it would be considered`phase 1" of the construction of the site and would be removed as soon as the building was constructed. Mr. Gahl estimated that construction time would be seven months. Ms. Schmader inquired about the future entry per City Master Traffic Plan. Mr. Maples stated that the fire lane which is shown on the plat could become a new road if the City Council approves the Master Traffic Plan. Ms. Schmader inquired if this would effect parking on the subject property. Mr. Maples stated that the subject property has supplied sufficient parking. Ms. Schmader requested the distance between these entries. Mr. Maples and Mr. Gahl concurred that the distance was at least 50' and in compliance with City ordinances. Mr. Maples also stated that this would be a road and not a specific ingress/egress to the subject property. Ms. Schmader inquired about sidewalks on the subject property. Mr. Maples stated that sidewalks are typically reviewed during the building permit. He stated that the applicant would need to build sidewalks along Birmingham and Jackson. Ms. Schmader asked if there would be sidewalks in front of the bank. Mr. Maples stated that sidewalks are not required because there is not a public road in front of the building site. Ms. Schmader stated that there would be a future road. Mr. Maples stated that the Development Services Office can not require the applicant to build or escrow money for sidewalks during the site plan phase. He stated that this item was not a zoning case. Mr. Gahl stated that there is an existing sidewalk on Birmingham. Mr. Maples stated that the existing sidewalk may have to be increased to meet the 4'requirement for commercial property. Mr. Gahl stated that the applicant would incorporate this into the design of their property. Ms. Wood inquired about screening on the back of the property. Mr. Maples stated that screening was not required because the property to the north is zoned industrial. The applicant stated that live screening would be used. Ms. Wood asked for clarification on the temporary drive-thru. The applicant stated that this would only be operational during the construction phase and would be removed as soon as the bank opened for business. Mr. Dennis Lorch, Inwood National Bank stated that the temporary site was only put in the plan in the case that the existing lease expired. He stated that this was provided as an option to use if necessary to keep the bank operational during construction. Mr. Lorch stated that the temporary site may not be used at all. Ms. Wood expressed concerns that Planning and Zoning Meeting Minutes March 7, 2000 Page 4 the temporary site would become permanent. The applicant stated that this concern would not be an issue. Mr. Hogue expressed concerns about traffic flow issues. Mr. Porter stated that the projected population of Wylie in seven years would be increased to 28-30 thousand. He asked if the facility would be able to handle that kind of traffic. Mr. Lorch stated that the banking industry would be changing over the next five to seven years as far as delivery channels. He stated that more people would be banking on-line, eliminating the traffic flow issues that come with banking on-site. Mr. Lorch also stated that he anticipates Provident Bank to do very well in this community and possibly an additional location would be necessary in the future. Mr. Ahrens invited Mr. Stanton Foerster, Traffic Consultant to the City of Wylie,to come forward and address traffic issues concerning the subject property. Mr. Foerster explained current plans from TxDot concerning the reconstruction of SH 78. He stated that TxDot and the City are reviewing plans to close Jackson on the north side of SH 78. He stated that potential plans are to divert Jackson across the front of the subject property and hooking it in to Birmingham to line it up with Industrial. Mr. Foerster explained the design concept for the downtown area and how the subject property's design was comparable to the "new, old downtown"concept. Mr. Foerster stated that he did not see the stacking issue as a problem. He explained that this piece of property was difficult to develop and that the applicant has conformed the design by relocating the drive-thru away from the parking area, and aligning the driveway with industrial to provide traffic flow. Ms. Schmader inquired if Mr. Foerster considered pick-up and delivery times of the adjacent daycare. Mr. Foerster stated that daycares in general do not have a specific pick-up/delivery time. He explained that daycares usually have two peak activity times,being about 3:15-4:00 p.m. and about 6:00 p.m. Mr. Foerster stated that he did not anticipate any problems with the pick- up/delivery activity of the daycare. Ms. Dowdy asked Mr. Foerster if he had spoken with the specific daycare to inquire their peak times. Mr. Foerster stated that he did not. He explained that he used ITE(Institute of Traffic Engineers)information, which describe the activities of different land uses. He explained that this information matched his experience with other daycares in which he has consulted. Mr. Foerster estimated that the specific daycare in question enrolled approximately 150 children. He stated that the subject property posed no threat to the daycare facility. Ms. Dowdy stated that whether or not there was a safety issue, she felt that staff should confer with businesses that may be impacted by new development. Mr. Foerster stated that the City staff depends on his knowledge of how businesses operate. He stated that personal contact was not always necessary in making decisions concerning certain projects. Ms. Wood asked for clarification on the relocation of Jackson Street with the widening of SH 78. Mr. Foerster stated that Jackson would be located on the south side of the bank. Ms. Wood asked if the current plans for the subject property would be workable if the reconstruction of SH 78 and/or the relocation of Jackson did not take place. Mr. Foerster responded that this site plan would be workable regardless of any changes in traffic flow due to the widening of SH 78. Planning and Zoning Meeting Minutes March 7,2000 Page 5 Ms. Schmader asked for clarification of the width of the road in front of the bank. Mr. Foerster stated that it would be 24'wide. He stated that this width was normal for this type of road. Ms. Schmader stated that Jackson was wider than 24'. Mr. Foerster explained that Jackson was wider because parallel parking was currently permitted on Jackson Street. Ms. Schmader asked if this road would be wide enough for two lanes of traffic, and if parking would be permitted on this road. Mr. Foerster stated that there would be no parallel parking on this street,but there would be `head-in' parking as in the downtown area. Mr. Ahren's opened the floor for motion. Mr. Hogue made a motion to recommend approval of the site plan for Provident Bank. Mr. Porter seconded the motion. A vote was taken and passed, 7-0. Mr. Lorch, Inwood Bank, expressed that they were excited to be here in Wylie and thanked the Commission. 2. Discuss and consider a recommendation to the City Council regarding a Development Plan/Preliminary Plat for Phase III of the Lakeside Estates Addition,proposed by Carter& Burgess for the property generally located at the northeast corner of FM 544 and Springwell Parkway along the north side of the railroad,and being all of a certain 37.090 acre tract out of the Moses Sparks Survey,Abstract No. 849, and the G.W. Gunnell Survey,Abstract No.351,City of Wylie, Collin County,Texas. Mr. Maples explained that this preliminary plat/development plan under consideration is for Lakeside Estates Phase III. He stated that Commission members may recall that this property was zoned back in 1997 when the conceptual plan was approved. Mr. Maples stated that the applicant is filing this preliminary plat/development plan on 37.090 acres in order to develop the property with a master planned single family residential community (175 lots). He stated that the development plan aspect of this case is the final step associated with establishing the PD (Planned Development) zoning requested. Mr. Maples explained that in order to establish a PD (Planned Development), the developer must follow a two-step process, which includes submitting for approval a Conceptual Plan and a Development Plan. Mr. Maples stated that Staff has reviewed the proposed preliminary plat/development plan for Phase III of Lakeside Estates and found it to be in compliance with the approved conceptual plan. He stated that this preliminary plat/development plan also complies with the Subdivision regulations and other pertinent ordinances of the City of Wylie. Mr. Maples said that the applicant is aware that a final plat must be approved prior to the issuance of any building permits. Mr. Maples then stated that he would answer any questions that the Commission may have. Ms. Wood asked for clarification on the location/name of Phase III. Mr. Maples explained that in 1997, a conceptual plan was approved which included all of the development along the railroad tracks and north to the mobile home park. He stated that this was all to be Lakeside Estates. Mr. Maples explained that subsequent to the approval of this conceptual plan, the southern portion was sold to the current developer, Gehan Homes. He stated that the developer has subdivided their own phases starting with the Marshall Creek intersection and heading east, parallel to the railroad tracks. He stated that this plan was still in compliance with the original conceptual plan with a few minor deviations. Clarification was given as to the location of Springwell Parkway. Planning and Zoning Meeting Minutes March 7,2000 Page 6 Mr. Matt Robinson, Carter & Burgess; engineers representing the developer, pointed out the location of Phase III. He then stated that he would answer any questions from the Commission. Ms. Schmader had questions regarding drainage. She stated that Phase I plans do not include a lagoon and that there was offsite drainage in Phase III. Mr. Maples asked for clarification on the question. Mr. Maples and Mr. Robinson explained the location of the pond. Mr. Robinson clarified the location using the site plan map. Ms. Dowdy asked how many homes in Phase I. Mr. Robinson stated there are 146 homes. Ms. Dowdy inquired about the lot size, home size, and projected build out for Phase I. Mr. Robinson responded that the average lot size is 6000 sq. ft., the average home size is 1600 - 2600 sq. ft., and he did not have information on the projected build out. Mr. Maples stated approximately 80 homes would be in Phase I. Ms. Dowdy inquired about Phase II, to which Mr. Robinson responded that specifications would be similar to Phase I. The same was discussed for Phase III. Ms. Wood inquired about the temporary turn-around easements. Mr. Maples stated that the Police and Fire departments recommended turn-arounds until the development was complete to allow for easy and safe access. He stated that the turn-arounds would remain until another developer completes the street. Ms. Schmader inquired about the distance of various streets in the development. Ms. Dowdy asked if Springwell Parkway was the only entrance into this development. Mr. Maples stated that there would be three entrances. There was some discussion about ingress/egress traffic flow in this development. Ms. Dowdy inquired if Mr. Foerster conducted a traffic study of this area. Mr. Maples stated that he did not because this development was previously approved in 1997. Mr. George asked for clarification of tracts A and B. Mr. Maples clarified that this portion of the development was sold to a new developer. There was some discussion on the naming of the streets, specifically the streets that curve around to another street. There was also some discussion of the length of streets. Mr. Maples explained that these items were previously approved in 1997. Ms. Schmader stated that she recalled a road on the southern edge of the development. She stated that she was not satisfied with how the streets were arranged. Ms. Wood stated that she had a problem with Hideaway Court. Ms. Schmader requested a measurement of Hideaway Court. Mr. Robinson complied and stated that the measurements were in compliance. Ms. Schmader asked for clarification on the ability to change the plans that have been previously approved. Mr. Maples explained that the Commission has the right to ask for changes. He also stated that the applicant has the right to respond that no changes will be made due to compliance with applicable ordinances. Planning and Zoning Meeting Minutes March 7,2000 Page 7 Mr. George requested that one-third of the lots be increased in size. Mr. Robinson stated that he understood the concerns,but that he did not have the authority to make any changes. Ms. Schmader asked if the Police and Fire departments approved of this development with the length and mapping of the streets. Mr. Maples stated that the streets were in compliance with no variance. He stated that the plans were previously approved in 1997. Ms. Schmader asked if a particular street could be cut through the neighborhood. Mr. Robinson stated that he understood the concerns and would relay the information to the developer. Ms. Schmader requested that an original conceptual plan be attached on future agenda items in which prior approval was made. Ms. Schmader made a motion to table the preliminary plat/development plan for Lakeside Estates Phase III until the applicant has had time to address requests from the Commission. Mr. George seconded the motion. A vote was taken and passed, 6-1. Mr. Steve Ahrens opposed. The Commission took a five-minute break and reconvened at 8:10 p.m. 3. Discuss and Consider a recommendation to the City Council regarding a Site Plan/Preliminary Plat for the Parker Addition,proposed by Jackson & Associates Land Surveyors, Incorporated, for the property generally located at the northeast corner of FM 544 an FM 1378 across from the High School, and being all of a certain 4.203 acre tract situated in the J.W. Curtis Survey, Abstract No. 563, City of Wylie, Collin County,Texas. Mr. Maples explained that the applicant is filing this site plan/preliminary plat in order to develop a portion of Lot 2 with business uses. He stated that the applicant is planning to develop the property with mini-warehouse uses/self-storage. Mr. Maples stated that the property is currently vacant and zoned for B-2 (Business) uses. Mr. Maples stated that staff has reviewed the proposed site plan/preliminary plat and found it to be in compliance with the Zoning regulations and other pertinent ordinances of the City of Wylie except for rear yard setbacks. Mr. Maples explained that the applicant is proposing a 0' rear yard setback and has made application to the Zoning Board of Adjustment requesting a variance from the required rear yard setback. Mr. Maples stated that staff is recommending approval of the site plan subject to Zoning Board of Adjustment approval of the rear yard setback variance. Mr. Maples explained to the Commission that the applicant is aware that, if the variance is approved by the Zoning Board of Adjustment, the Building Code will require additional safeguards for structures built to the property line. He also stated that the applicant is aware that the proposed development must comply with the Wylie Fire Department Rules and Regulations, and that all signs require separate permits and that approval of this site plan does not authorize the installation of signs shown on the site plan. Mr. Maples stated that the applicant is aware that the property needs to be final platted prior to the issuance of any building permits and that all applicable impact fees must be paid prior to the issuance of building permits. Mr. Don Jackson, 2600 FM 544 stated that the subject property has an existing metal building, The Party Barn, which will be adjacent to the self-storage warehouses. He stated that the applicant plans to have paved parking on both properties. Mr. Jackson explained the reasoning for Planning and Zoning Meeting Minutes March 7,2000 Page 8 the variance in the setback on the property. He stated that the applicant's intentions are to clean- up the entire property. Ms. Wood asked if the existing building would continue to be the Party Barn. Mr. Jackson stated that it would continue to be the existing facility. Ms. Dowdy had questions about the other existing facilities, specifically the Bluebonnet Nursery. Mr. Jackson stated that the applicant is not platting that property due to the property being in the flood plain. Mr. Hogue asked if the applicant would be bringing the existing building into compliance with current code regulations. Mr. Richard Parker stated that he would be working with the Code Department on these issues. Ms. Dowdy inquired about screening. There was some discussion about the type of screening, parking, and building materials. Mr. Jackson stated that the applicant's intentions are to build and maintain a property/facility that is aesthetically pleasing. Ms. Schmader inquired about the number of units in the storage facility. Mr. Jackson stated there would be approximately 14 units. Ms. Schmader asked what type of screening was required. Mr. Maples stated that none was required. Ms. Schmader asked for clarification on "zone x". Mr. Jackson stated that zone x referred to a flood zone. Ms. Wood asked for clarification on the gated entrance and parking. Ms. Dowdy made a motion to approve the preliminary plat/site plan for the Parker Addition. Mr. Porter seconded the motion. A vote was taken and passed, 5-2. Mr. Ahrens and Ms. Wood were opposed. Mr. Porter made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Ms. Dowdy seconded the motion. The meeting was adjourned at 8:32 p.m. Note -Mr. Steve Ahrens announced to the Commission that he was resigning from the Planning and Zoning Commission effective immediately. , Chairman Aimee Nemer, Deputy City Secretary - • C(1Y Of Wyk Public Hearing Item No. 1 2000-01 Rezoning Planning and Zoning Commission Public Hearing: March 21, 2000 Owner: • Bobby Brininstool& Bonita L. Menard Applicant: Laurence DeBerry(LGD Properties Location: Generally located at the northeast corner of Birmingham Street and Kirby Existing Zoning: SF-3 (Single Family Residential) Requested Zoning: 2F (Two Family Duplex) Summary: The applicant is requesting rezoning in order to develop the property with two family duplex uses. Specifically, the applicant has stated that their desire is to develop the property with a single duplex unit. The properties to the north, east, and south are zoned SF-3 (Single Family Residential) with a few of the lots being developed accordingly with single family uses. The property to the west is developed with an elementary school. Public Comment Forms were mailed to seventeen (17) property owners within 200 feet of this request. No Public Comment Forms have been returned. Department of Planning, 03/02/00 2000-01 Issues: • The Comprehensive Plan recommends single family uses for the property (Suburban Residential). The proposed zoning and land use are not consistent with Comprehensive Plan or compatible with the surrounding residential development. Financial Considerations: Zoning application fee - $225.00 Staff Recommendation: Denial due to the fact that the request does not comply with the intent of the Comprehensive Plan. Specifically, the proposed use (duplex) does not comply with the Comprehensive Plan recommended use (single family). The Departments of Public Works,Fire, and Development Services concur with this recommendation. Attachments: Location Map Area Zoning Map Property Owner Notification Map Property Owner Notification Report Public Hearing Notice Zoning Change Application Department of Planning, 03/02/00 _ ----___,......./......./ o 4---j-- 511e---1-S Eli 1 / I- MI 1 th' . - •moi ---.. ...- ---. mom mom. nom -.-, cn L.. LE iim... 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Bardln 3 5 R-1160-003-004A 1 WISD Citizens Ave R-1160-006-001 0-1 E 6 0 r WISD GG 0 — J 1 1ES R-1160-006-001 al co.N11 rY Is 8 d ^ V 0 ct.7 C N ' O g 23 22 21 2C 19 _c18 17 16 ,_ it r - L. a I. SUBJE . ,t N WISD icc I!R0PET $ r h R-116a006-001al . I ,0:099: 1. 4., rr- ...24 ...;1-,:;3 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 West Kirby Street 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 Kirby Street 9. ; A•. G• 0 NIP-0 38 13 1' skit\• Domtex Equities R-1165-006- - 0130-1 419 -23 43 44 45 46 47 48 4 13 41A 42A PROPERTY OWNER NOTIFICATION MAP ZONING CASE #2000-01 NOTIFICATION REPORT APPLICANT: Laurence DeBerry APPLICATION FILE #2000-001 3117 Angie Drive Sachse, Tx. 75048 I PROPERTY OWNER NAME I ADDRESS 1l TAX I.D. # I # � BLK/ABST I LOT/TRACT 1 alloway Addn P Box 924 P.O.Wylie, Texas 75098 1 Blk 3 Lot 4B R-1160-003-004A-1 Pinkie Bardin P.O. Box 490 Calloway AddnTexas 75098 2 BIk 6 Lot 5 R-1160-006-0010-1 Wylie Independent School District P Wylie, Box 490 Calloway Addn lie, Texas 75098 O. 3 BIk 6 Lot 6 R-1160-006-0010-1 Wylie Independent School District Wy P.O. Box 490 Calloway Addn Wylie, Texas 75098 4 BIk 6 Lot 7 R-1160-006-0010-1 Wylie Independent School District P P.O. Box 490 Calloway Addn Wylie, Texas 75098 5 BIk 6 Lot 8 R-1160-006-0010-1 Wylie Independent School District 3831 Turtle Creek Blvd #1 OG Holiday Terrace #3 9-4413 7521 s,Texa alla s 6 BIk 6 Lot 13 R-1165-006-0130-1 Domtex Equities, Inc. D 300laN. Cos 7521lt Ave Southside Addn Wylie, Texas 75098 7 --- W 1/2 of 18, E 12 of 19 R-1176-000-0190-1 Jose Almedariz 205 Citizens Ave Wylie, Texas 75098 8 --- W 1/2 of 19, E 12 of 20 R-1176-000-0200-1 Diane Cuellar 703 S. Ballard Ave Wylie, Texas 75098 9 --- W 12 of 20, &21 R-1176 000-0210-1 Sharon Cuellar703 S. Ballard Ave Wylie, Texas 75098 10 --- Lots 22 &23 R-1176-000-0220-1 Sharon Cuellar3600 Touchstone Road Wylie, Texas 75098 11 --- Lots 24 &25A R-1176-000-0240-1 Bobby Brininstool208 W. Kirby Wylie, Texas 75098 12 --- Lots 25B &26 R-1176-000-0260-1 Jackie Henderson 206 W. Kirby Wylie, Texas 75098 13 --- Lot 27 &w 1/2 of 28 R-1176-000-0270-1 Louis Cortez P.O. Box 68 Wylie, Texas 75098 14 --- E 1/2 of 28 & 29 R 1176 000 0280 1 _ Edna Henderson RR 1, Box 185C Horace McGuire Alba, Texas 75410-9801 15 --- Lot 35 R-1176-000-0350-1 RR 1, Box 185C Alba, Texas 75410-9801 16 --- Lot 36 &E 1/2 of 37 R-1176-000-0350-1 Horace McGuire801 S. Birmingham 17 --- W 112 of 37 &38 R-1176-000-0400-1 Grace Martin Wylie, Texas 75098 801 S. Birmingham 18 --- Grace Martin Wylie, Texas 75098 Lots 39 &40 R-1176-000-0400-1 Applicant3117 Angle Drive 19 --- Lots 24 &25A R-1176-000-0240-1 Laurence DeBerry Sachse,Texas 75048 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION AND CITY COUNCIL An application has been received by the City of Wylie for a: PROPOSED ZONING CHANGE Zoning Case Number: 2000-01 Applicant: Laurence DeBerry(LGD Properties Location: Generally located at the northeast corner of Birmingham Street and Kirby Property Description: (See the attached Exhibit"A"for full legal description) Present Zoning: SF-3 (Single Family Residential) Requested Zoning: 2F(Two Family Duplex) Proposed duplex complex.. This public hearing is held to consider the application as an amendment to the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City of Wylie,Texas and the Official Zoning Map. The request will be considered as follows: Planning and Zoning Commission: Tuesday,March 21,2000,7:00 PM City Council: Tuesday,April 11,2000,7:00 PM Each public hearing will be held at the following location: City Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex 2000 Highway 78 North,Wylie,Texas This notice has been sent to all owners of real property within 200 feet of the request, as such ownership appears on the last approved city tax roll. Action by the Planning and Zoning Commission serves as a recommendation to the City Council and is not a final action on the request. If the Commission recommends denial,a three-fourths majority vote by the City Council shall be required for approval. Zoning districts,amendments and conditions recommended by the Commission for approval by the City Council may be more restrictive than those described in this notice. All interested persons are encouraged to attend the public hearing and express their opinions on the zoning change request. If you are unable to attend,but wish to have your opinions made a part of the public record,please complete the enclosed form and return it prior to the public hearing. Please print your name,address of the property you own and the tax account number(if applicable) on the enclosed form and return it to the following address: City of Wylie Department of Planning 2000 Highway 78 North Wylie,TX 75098 If the property owners of 20%or more of the land within the 200 foot notification area file a written protest prior to the public hearing,state law provides that approval of the zoning change request shall require an affirmative vote of 3/4 of the members of the City Council. The application is on file for public examination in the Planning Department at 2000 Highway 78 North,Wylie,Texas. For additional information,please contact the Planning Department at 972/442-8150. Please reference the zoning case number when requesting information. This facility is wheelchair accessible and handicapped parking spaces are available. Requests for interpretation services or assistive hearing devices must be made 48 hours prior to the meeting. Contact the Office of the City Secretary at(972)442-8103, or(TDD)(972)442-8170 for assistance. "EXHIBIT A" Legal Description of Area of Request in Zoning Case No. L U a Li 4 5-/7 6! o 0-P .S S , G� /_cGl.`1(ort 5eL Lt ( S it/L/ . • I certify that to the best of my knowledge, this is an accurate description of the property upon which I have requested a change in zoning. I understand that I am fully responsible for the legal description given above. Date: Signature of Applicant: Page 2 of 2 al. our•.twton- filA �.� ---- ...to be responsible stewards of the public trust. �,e/' ,rS to strive for excellence in public service,and /��� :C wyti Q to enhance the quality of life for all. // APPLICATION FOR A CHANGE IN ZONING Zoning Case No. CPO OD O I (PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT) The Following Information To Be Supplied By The Applicant: / Name: I r, t, .r•e-AcP n��,? l rrr ) �� v p r- `c S cl y L(� Contact Person:_ - -v,\_..c'_ Address: "3//- A '� r .s City: $>AYEsc, State: (i& Zip s �,:,-- Tele hone: ‘J7-,L-/%3 (.20(K6 Fax:: 52-)-- e —1 3 E-Mail Co" ` v a. ,(41 Signature of Applicant V The Following Information To Be Supplied By The Owner: Name: Qoeey 8 iit lip/S7-0oL --A- ,6vn/i7`AY./n ,t/,7,,0 Address: City: h/'YL, State: ?1--) . Zip: 75? 4P Fax:: E-Mail Telephone: y� � I Am The Owner Of The Herein Described Property, And p� � Is Authorized To File This Application On My Behalf. hic g /� 20,;,‘„,. / (71-,--e---- Ya„.,........-/-- `t Signature of Owner / vTi � ' y l0� 0SC �1 445/� ' b- Location of Request: c p� 1 / ` Existing Zoning: fc_e S'i`,Ce /r /� I r°s (ô4,O :4% ,f -/- ���/ {J Requested Zoning: �� , ,z (OA ./ /� Explanation: 3 ;�i • �-•z; / r) J 1 I Y" * All requests shall be advertised for the requested distric and/or any othe district which is more restrictive by area requirements,land use and height. IT and eto. A legal description of the property for which the and beari ng g change is of the point of beginning from the nearest must be completed sintzrs�eeBon of'streets or roads.The description shall include the distanceg a TYPEWRITER and sign where indicated. A.,worddo ptu daleagp<iQt°"_` psiLloi,` F Receipt No.: o`Z/e)l/0 ;Date Filed: _ t��/1�O p 1Pending_Plat: City of Wylie,Development Services Department 2000 Highway 78 North y Wylie,Texas 75098y 972-442-31507 972-442-8154 Fax "EXHIBIT A" Legal Description of Area of Request in Zoning Case No. Lv � ( l 5/7 W o L 05( v-f C c 7'�t S � See-- S iVey . • I certify that to the best of my knowledge, this is an accurate description of the property upon which I have requested a change in zoning. I understand that I am fully responsible for the legal description given above. Date: Signature of Applicant: Page 2 of 2 __.-4_�_t._.r._ _ • - ::City Of Wylie Action Item No. 1 Planning and Zoning Commission Regular Business Meeting: March 21, 2000 Action Item No. 1 RE: Discuss and Consider a motion to remove the Development Plan/Preliminary Plat for Phase III of the Lakeside Estates Addition from the table. Background: Discuss and Consider a motion to remove the Development Plan/Preliminary Plat for Phase III of the Lakeside Estates Addition from the table. Specifically, this item was tabled at the March 7, 2000, Planning and Zoning Commission meeting in order to allow the applicant an opportunity to reconsider the lot and traffic configuration. Subsequent to the March 7th meeting, the applicant requested the item be scheduled for the next available Planning and Zoning Commission meeting and stated that their desire was to seek approval of the original submittal as it complies with the approved Conceptual plan. City of Wylie Action Item No. 2 Preliminary Plat/Development Plan Lakeside Estates Phase III Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting: March 7, 2000 Planning and Zoning Commission Recommendation: Tabled Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting: March 21, 2000 Owner: G. Development Pulte Homes of Texas, L.P. Gehan Homes, LTD Surveyor/Engineer: Carter & Burgess, Inc. Location: Generally located along the north side of the railroad at the northwest corner of FM 544 and Springwell Parkway (Marshall Lane). Existing Zoning: PD (Planned Development) for single family uses. Summary: The preliminary plat/development plan under consideration is for Lakeside Estates Phase III. The applicant is filing this preliminary plat/development plan on 37.090 acres in order to develop the property with a master planned single family residential community (175 lots). The development plan aspect of this case is the final step associated with establishing the PD (Planned Development) zoning requested. In order to establish a PD (Planned Development), the developer must follow a two-step process which includes submitting for approval a Conceptual Plan and a Development Plan. The developer must first submit for approval a Conceptual Plan. The Conceptual Plan must show the applicant's intent for the use of the land within the proposed development in a graphic manner as required by Staff, and be supported by written documentation of proposals and standards for development. The Conceptual Plan must also show thoroughfares, preliminary lotting arrangements and other pertinent development data deemed necessary. Department of Planning, 03/02/00 Once Staff has determined that the applicant has provided sufficient information, a Public Hearing must be held at which the Conceptual Plan will be submitted to the Planning and Zoning Commission to consider recommending approval or denial of the Conceptual Plan to the City Council. Once the Planning and Zoning Commission has taken action, the City Council will call a Public Hearing at which the Conceptual Plan will be submitted for approval. The Second phase of establishing a PD District is submitting for approval a Development Plan. The Development Plan shall set forth the final plans for the PD District and shall conform to the data presented and approved on the Conceptual Plan. The Development Plan is a complete site inventory analysis of what is to be developed. The ordinance establishing the PD District will not be approved until a Development Plan has been approved. Issues: • Staff has reviewed the proposed preliminary plat/development plan for Phase III of Lakeside Estates and found it to be in compliance with the approved conceptual plan. This preliminary plat/development plan also complies with the Subdivision regulations and other pertinent ordinances of the City of Wylie. • The applicant is aware that a final plat must be approved prior to the issuance of any building permits. Financial Considerations: Plat application fees - Paid Staff Recommendation: At the March 7, 2000, Planning and Zoning Commission meeting, the Commission voted to table this case as requested that the applicant reconsider the proposed lot and traffic configuration. Staff Recommendation: Approval The Department's of Public Works, Fire, and Development Services concur with this recommendation. Attachments: Development Standards Plat Application Plat Department of Planning, 03/02/00 O:3/U1/UU %Et) 15:05 FAX 12146385632 CARTER & FILRCEss JuU CILE No. 258 10/29 '97 16:21 ID:TIPTON ENGvEERINu 972 226 1946 PAGE ,? LAKESIDE ESTATES WYLIE, TEXAS PROPOSED LAND USE DATA LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL PLANNED DEVELOPMENT LAKESIDE ESTATES RESIDENTIAL PROPOSED ZONING: TRACT ACRE ZONING NO. OF UNITS DENSITY S.F. A • 133.90Single Family 656 4.90 (4.47 acres open space and 6.5 acres community park) l3 94.10Single Family 330 3.50 (10.3 acres open space _ and 3.00 acres cornraunity center) TOTAL ACRES: 228.102 986 4.30 I. SINGLE FAMILY - LOW DENSITY'RESIDENTIAL DESIGN STANDARDS FOR TRACT A 1. PURPOSE This district is intended for low density residential uses. Planning techniques will involve traditional single family detached, residential designs with a minimum lot size of 6,000 SF. 2. FRONT YARDS Minimum front yard building tine 201 (Twenty Feet). 03i01i00 WED 15:(16 FAX 12146385632 CARTER & jLRGESS 003 FILE No. 258 10/29 '97 16:22 ID:TIPTON ENGNEERING 972 226 1946 PcGE 3 3. REAR YARDS • There shall be a rear yard having a depth being not less than 15' (Fifteen Feet) with a minimum of 20' (Twenty Feet) for garage setbacks. 4. ISIDE YARDS A side yard provided whereas a separation of 10' (Ten Feet) is always maintained between structures. A side yard adjacent to a side street shall dot be less than 15' (Fifteen Feet), even when a side yard is across from a front yard, the side yard shall be 15' (Fifteen Feet). 5. MINIMUM WIDThj There shall be a minimum lot width of 50' (Fifty Feet) measured at the front building line. • • 6. MINIMUM LOT DEPTH There shall be a minimum lot depth of 100' (One Hundred Feet) and 90' (Ninety Feet) at al-de-Sac. 7, USE REGULATIONS Single family detached units and accessory uses customarily incidental to the use. Churches and church related uses as permitted by specific use permit. 8. HEIGHT REGULATIONS • No building shall exceed 35' (Thirty Five Feet)or two an one-half(2-1/2) stories in height. 9. MINIMUM DWELLING SIZE Minimum dwelling sire shall be 1.400 (One Thousand Fond Hundred Feet) . 10. j,OT COVERAGE In no case shall more than 60% (Sixty Percent) of the total lot area be covered by the combined area of the main buildings and accessory buildings. 63/01/00 WED 15:06 FAX 121403;i5632 CARTER & BURGESS 004 • FILE No. 258 10/29 '97 16:22 ID:TIPTON ENGNEERING 972 226 1946 PAGE 4 • 11. DU1T DING RtGULATIONS All main buildings shalt have exterior construction of a minimum of 75% (Seventy Five Percent) brick, t►ies, cement, concrete, stone or similar materials. II. SINGLE FAMILY - LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL DESIGN STANDARDS FOR TRACT B 1. PURPOSE This district is intended for low density residential uses. Planning techniques will involve traditional single family detached, residential designs with a minimum lot size of 7,200 SF. 2. _FRONT YARDS Minimum front yard building line 25' (Twenty-five Feet). 3. REAR'YARDS There shall be a rear yard having a depth being not less than 20' (Twenty Feet) with a minimum of 20' (Twenty Feet) for garage setbacks. 4. SIDE YARDS A side yard provided wheteas a separation of 10' (lea Feet) is always maintained between structures. A side yard adjacent to a side street shall not be less than 15' (Fifteen Feet), even when a side yard is across from a front yard, the side yard shall be 15' (Fifteen Feet): 5. MINIM JM LOT WIDTH There shall be a minimum lot width of 60' (Sixty Feet) measured at the front building line. 6. TvAI lri►IVIVJ 'J..JT,jAriza There shall be a minimum lot depth of 100' (One Hundred Feet) and 90' (Ninety Feet) at Cul-de-Sac. 7. I,TSE REGULATIONS • Single family detached units and accessory uses customarily incidental to the use. Churches and church related uses as permitted by specific use permit. 03/O1/00 WED 15:0ti FAX 12146385632 CARTER & isi.RCESS CCUU5 F l LrE No. 258 10/29 '97 16.22 I D:t l?TON ENO,rFEK i NG 972 226 1946 PAGE 5 8. HEIGHT REGULATIONS No building shall exceed 35' (Thirty Five Feet) or two an one-half(2-112) stories in height. 9. Mi IMUM PWELLJNQ SIZE Minimum dwelling s1ze shall be 1,600 (One Thousand Six Hundred Feet). 10. LOT COVERAGE In no case shall more than 60% (Sixty Percent) of the total lot area be covered by the combined area of the main buildings and accessory buildings. 11. BUILDING REGULATIONS • All main buildings shall have exterior construction of a minimum of 75% (Severity Five Percent) brick, tiles, cement, concrete, stone or similar materials. IL1. DEVELOP ENT STANDARDS: 1. Dedication of 24.27 acres of open space for a Linear Park System, Commtinity Center, Community Park and landscape buffer adjacent to the existing railroad, to be maintained by the Master Homeowners Association. 2. Provisions for a divided entry into F.M. 544 to allow for additional access along with landscape identify features for the Master Planned Subdivision. 3. Open space will include the extension of an 8' Hike and Bike Trail consistent with the City of Wylie`s Master Planned Parks. 4. Provisions for the Master Thoroughfare Plan for the Collector Systems, 5. Provisions for Master Homeowners Association and Deed Restrictions 1 ,.. K_OILIAA.:_ /I ‘ i ---ii SAVUT-A i . 5' CRC'''N 2.5 F0,127E1'000)r 44'F-F 4'WIDE SIDEWALK I TYPICAL BOTH SIDES r. & alS,A L,712ED SUB PAVEMENT-3500PSI GRADE siolimpACtui":\g sigAAT.V; •TYP 5 .. 1? l •'—__Ti ,. SIDEWALK(TYPICAL BOTH SCES -1, i * 020,,' N rgTarff ccE(PRT.EsRs ii:,STily;MOTIsiCall-DIOATN.9 5%• 6.THICK ' ' . .,,/ 2CONCR.AzrETGEaREPERCEsERDs111 '1'11111'4/.3- ,- -1 YPICAL PAVEMENT SECTION J.L.JL BRAND.ET UX SECONDARY THOROUGHFARE NTS 'c',' TO PAVEMENT SECTION i___LOCATION VOL.645,PG.470 PAUL P.TAYLOR,ET UX NTS / PROJECT ',,,,,,,,,,- v4,, :-' 7BY S.GREEN 6R.AN.BRAND E GRADY E.GUNTER,ET UX D.R.C.C.T. &VOLvD 00 LRJ.L.10;13 .I '.•.'' 0 100...1 200 I TO CALVIN E.LEMMON,ET UX DATED 12-23-64 FLED 12-28-64 if/-'' D.R.D.C.PTG..94 ZONED AG ,. VOL 864.PG 279 SOO°01'47"E R. „ .,,g 59.57' 1 VICINITY MAP _1 S89°57'29"E -712.5_,...„,.....4' LAKEFELD DRIVE, -- S89 55'39"E -722.53'-------.--...„_ -..., L '--- S896°05.265.1'2"E SCALE -I"=2000' _-__.?,9._ i. 7- IL,— -, NO 5'50"W 589 )5426°5:9.5T TEM)SE?fi 9 1999 ,,E g °2' g 2 0' g'''' 174' 'LI' g 1 220' '''' ,i, 1... I 120' 'cr,- 134-.--, L,„.1.9,43,_169'.._ -., . b i I 1 120' I ,,- .....,a b b 35 bi ,?, 1";" -2,"F, 55 :51, g 4 g▪ 120' 1 l• ':bT555''b .71 ' - 120' ''.'' 120' Ln. la, 123' 1 120' b 3, g ol , . '.•:,;---. 5 '1 ,c BL.c"22. ts __.' _ -,,, 6 t b g 1. g g 120' ' 120' 122' 120' 0i„ b g f.A., sTRE t4‘t,t,P,,,r4 COOH ,,.„_.....--, IA "..'' 1. in isl 7 g g 3,20, ..t 60' i ,F, I.___,_ 120' I - , ,..._ , ;1017.,,. „ . 21 0' g1321' °_,' , ' 120' u'i„i 33 g I . . , F,1&.-, 60. 60 60 60 141' In 18' . SIDE ESEAsES - ', s'. b I 12' g 32 P, _:*)Q' g inv -' 120' b.5 s,•• ,5 ,5,.§. 32 , fil- 10 b 120' I 60' 55' 55' 55' 55' 55' 55' 65' 1 1\ - AD ' :5,, .3 11 2 te. , .1' \- : I''' ' (.7);-.•,e. 1 1 b 1 2: k")'''' : :: II''''' il:-"I 2°'' :: i I ':''1 41.1' 12-21: g: ,3;°21,, .."'_3 Al- ----62'.g2* 1-- 707:2°1-5:S'TREET'F. 5751.'- -- I V). • b ' in 13 g S89°5854\W -221.8' g FOR REVIEW PURPOSES ONLY" 6 ili i'40, b g; ,0, 0. ;g I BLOCK C -1 120' g 1120' g g II; g g 12; g g 29 b / i§ i ig 11220' g ' 12°. 120' 120' 60' BLT G 50' 63' I Z.0 / DEVELOPMENT PLAN/PRELIMINARY PLAT ,.b 26 51 ii, • 1.1•°.. . ,70. Si 1111 il. 1.. ii7. 1 120 , „ , 2 . 21 120' I,.: , 12 -- 120' J 7 i'..g "PRELIMINARY PLAT FOR REVIEW PURPOSES ONLY" OF ,pg .13..' ,i 7, .i 0' 2 LAKESIDE ESTATES ''ili• ' 'l -':".'5- 7' 6'.-- 5 i. "RECOMMENDED FOR APPROVAL" `,! I 'S. . .,..• 120' ff4*. PHASE 3 - -I'S :1:: (r.-"' 'P - ------1 " L" , ---1-"-IL?'"D S C A PE:/ORA'RA1'2'4'110:3'E'' \): '------*'"---r--' 12 S:T R:r:-'‘Wre01 21'. '''' '26/\ ':IT'''':'11:215.-:' ''61.if'''. 0'''') It DATE , it m - • CHAIRMAN, AND ZONING COMMISSION MOSES SPARKS LAND SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO.849 - j_765, 1 "APPROVAL FOR PREPARATION OF FINAL PLAT" 15, '' ' '''l -,,,,:, -....1-J2-IL- ,, .. _ MAYOR DATE IN THE CITY OF WYLIE CITY OF WYLIE,TEXAS 17 .... a 4,101,EASEMENT i COLLIN COUNTY,TEXAS CURTIS B.WATTS 4 ()B25"W - 716.16'."""""."571;277Ar".°IrAiNED'"") TO VOL 3424,PG 126 MILDRED A.WATTS 1100 RIGHT OF WAY) A N8".47117.7"'''""""'"" 15 W -530.94' 37.078 ACRES / 175 LOTS RESIDENTIAL / ZONED PD VOL.1724.PG.666 _ IDA SHOLZ,MONICA JO WOOD AND ROY J.WOOD - ______- DATED 8-25-83 VOL.2957,PG 575 ---__________- OWNER/DEVELOPER, ----- so. Pi 4U3Li TE GREENWAYHOMES OFDR I TEXAS,V E L.P. GI 1 Ea HI ANNO RHTOHM EL 1 SIOENT bBi 107:E;9 1ROAD999 SUITE 700 SUITE 160 IRVING, TEXAS 75038 IRVING, TEXAS 75061 PHONE: (972)518-0177 PHONE:(972)579-5066 Berieight../.3. -1, ,/IT- ENGINEER/SURVEYOR: C-i-li Carter::Burgess ,,:'3,9 Consultants in Planning,Engineering,Architecture, 1 1.,.. Construction Management,and Related Services CARTER&BURGESS,INC. LANDSCAPE/DRAINAGE/UTILITY EASEMENT 7950 ELMBROOK DRIVE,SUITE 250 ,-,-.-- DALLAS,TX 75247,51 RECEIVED .-. CROSS SECTION PHONE3,214)638-0145 FAX1,214)638-044T NTS NOTE:LAND...TALL CONSIST OF RED TIP PHOTTAAS OR APPROVED Ute.3 0 1999 EODAL.AND TREES AT 5005 CENTER. CITY or WYLIE cs:T,'EmT IB:RA T 2 7R.'17: PAGE I OF 3 , -—1 (ME co,r,r, III! i —1 PROJECT -- r LOCATION ,.' '!. 0 100 200 I .imilla I EXISTING 12"WATER LINE --.,,:--H------T,—------:-_---.-..---__--_-_-_------""'-"----------::--1——_-_--_--_----—,:--::-:---"----.--0 - 12”w_ SCAVLIEC IN-ITIY"=M A20P 00 _ 3!E,,, 0 11 2 '-'3 " 1.--------4--1-- 1- \ , KOCK D 8 LEGEND , , 5 33 PROPOSED WATER LWE —.SS— /I PROPOSED FRE HYDRANT ,._ VI ——0——PRoPosED mANHoLE ___ _--,PROPOSED CLEANOUT r, tot r'Ir" 1 tnN Li . ' Ni 9 - i , I ) -9 PROPOSED VALVE EXISTING WATER LINE I LAKES,I,DHEAsEES2TATE ' ,0 1 i / -(- EXISTING FIRE HYDRANT , r,r it, 3, 20 I —EXISTING SANITARY SEWER — lo -WI 3172 _12 jr' 6 EXISTING MANHOLE I 30 NOTE: ' ( , : ------ .--) I 'I 'a.—8 SS- STREET F — 12 3° 1 - --il- 12- -- N - - ' 13 n I , - I— — — t t ALL WATER IS 8"UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED ,3 i," ' 1 1 FOR REVIEW PURPOSES ONLY -,,,,,'T4 _ : A OCK C I ,5 q 1, , . , .1- - - _ 8Lc?''cl it PRELIMINARY WATER AND SANITARY SEWER OF -- ,... , 17 , l i° 1 a 7 „ LAKESIDE ESTATES .', 1 1 1 — fllsONIEr T TO EXISTING AN PHASE 3 IIARY SEwER LAE, • „t ,. MOSES SPARKS LAND SURVEY, ABSTRACT N .849 , . COLLIN COUNTY,TEXAS --1'),, '±,--='(-----'7(7-7-T----;---2-----,---,7------,--------------- 37.078 ACRES / 175 LOTS RESIDENTIAL / ZONED PO _ -- i,,,-----, - L OWNER/DEVELOPER: -- -. PULTE HOMES OF TEXAS,L.P. GEHAN HOMES,LTD. "RECOMMENDED FOR APPROVAL" 1101 NORTH UNION BOWER ROAD '_J --_-- 1\- --- __ ____ 1431 GREENWAY DRIVE SUITE 700 SUITE 160 IRVING, TEXAS 75038 IRVING, TEXAS 75061 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION PHONE: (972)518-0177 PHONE:(972)579-5066 "APPROVAL FOR PREPARATION OF FINAL PLAT" CHAIRMAN, DATE ENGINEER/SURVEYOR: n i C-i-As." Carter.:Burgess ;It MAYOROF WYLIE,TEXAS DATE Construction Management,and Related ServIces CITY CARTER&BURGESS,INC. 7950 ELMBROOK DRIVE,SUITE 250 DALLAS,TX 75247,951 PHONE:‘214,638-0145 FAX:(214)638-044T CONTACT:MATT ROBINSON SEPTEMBER 27,1999 „.. , 11 "RECOMMENDED FOR APPROVAL" AIRMAN NOTE: AT ALL LOW POINT INLETS. -----1 1 CH1 , - 11, PLANNING. RUNOFF DETERMINED BY NOTE AND ZONING COMMISSION RATIONAL METHOD ALL INLETS ID'UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED WM ALL LATERALS IN RCP UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED "APPROVAL FOR PREPARATION OF FINAL PLAT" VI a =C x I x A ,--- C =0.6 W(RHEESRIEDENTIAL) DATE MAYOR YOROF WYLIE,TEXAS I =7.50 IN./HR. --, PROJECTT ) A ., ,LOCATION A =AREA IN ACRES 15 MIN. ---"',----'..,----F Tc -............. E. 0 100 200 li 'olg mil i 1 II 1 mmimimaimaimmismillimimmimmummimmulatimliwww, ,0 ,,,, ------ „„"„"1,,H~H.H.H.rionHem444,4w4.,"Kum DRNE im.,17...............ijawmiivit„, _ -- VICINITY MAP SCALE - I"=2000' -.-, IN s. , • . , 11111,11111, , , ia I L. .= --...- .... I F. '4/0, 1 EI 0 III IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII I .4.4.4.I.- 4.4i IS E. '• , ...: ... I ILIT1 MI = , : ' MEI 'Si I at.ocil D R 25 1 r. „-__:i 7 - - ,' . . ?"'"iiii-1111111 111111111111 1$,,,,ntos.- s DRAINAGE DIVIDE gi ti:c2 I 8 3+ I LEGEND 0 s I ..... *"..... PROPOSED STORM SEWER W/INLET . i, 10 9 13 .uu..„ 7 6 , EXISTING STORM SEWER W/INLET 1 LAKES,I,D,EAsEES,TATES , , s si:. , n .' v, , ak--AREAtACRES, 32 It tial io 3, 81,00,F i. 0 i = I I 5.82 .' =27 30 3.12- ---0.- g 26.2 = 2,3 • 14.0 sTREET F I --....- ----- - - ,, ..r. Mik _ r.:. . " W 1 I BLOCK 8 ii 28 Bock 27 I' = "FOR REVIEW PURPOSES ONLY" immummi mE A Z E. mock c Ei 7.89 IWW111111 i milimplin itT 22 3,5 I= PRELIMINARY DRAINAGE AREA MAP ,, :11111111111 Illilli mmirmi 7... -:I _ 2, = 25 I' 9. = 17 = OF 17 I C'" I = =8 7 6 = LAKESIDE ESTATES .7: 1 le 23 I = a 2 PHASE 3 ,, " 23 al IA NV .5 .IIIIIVIIII .6., ..,7...!, ',.'•.:".,L4-_. E . _________ . . = ____ MOSES SPARKS LAND SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO.849 1-, I mi ,. ___..R 3....,mii 20 1 11111110 1 , •1.11116111 . :5', STREET G---------- T.!T. - ,,,w, ......... 2. ,1... - 1111111!111 11111 1+1 AS1D1 IN THE CITY OF WYLIE *47-41•4'----'... ... 1,,Hr H 33"RCP TREE:. ,t.-EXIST1NG 2-4'x4'RBC . M.... j e_. 1 111141......'*" '• •• __ COLLIN COUNTY,TEXAS -- A C4Y'-i:F1H-r iis.,-".1.1---:La: .- - Ni41,, - 37.078 ACRES / 175 LOTS RESIDENTIAL/ ZONED PD - - I. 1,EBSTICULN - OWNER/DEVELOPER: - -. .... PULTE HOMES OF TEXAS,L.P. GEHAN HOMES,LTD. 1431 GREENWAY DRIVE 1101 NORTH UNION BOWER ROAD SUITE 7008 SUITE 160 ,,,.. r ..VARIES WITH DEPTH . IPRHVOI NNGE;T(9E 7X2A)S 5 1 87.5001 73 7 IPRHVOINNG,E.(T9E7X2)AS5 797_55006616 Pa . I FREEBOARD ENGINEER/SURVEYOR: Ill'i HI% GRASS . -3/ ci=.VARIES WITH FLOW LINED C-iiiii Carter.Burgess . iti 5 ...I Consultants in Planning,Engineering,Architecture, Construction Management,and Related Services ,E2 CARTER&BURGESS,INC. SECTION A-A 7950 ELMEiROOK DRIVE,SUITE 250 (EXISTING CHANNEL) DALLAS,TX.75247,951 PHONEs(21,0 638-0145 tl i FAXs(214)638-0447 I CONTACT:MATT ROBINSON SEPTEMBER 27,1999 PAGE 3 OF 3 Po e' 1 of 3 City of Wylie (1/95) • APPLICATION AND PRELIMINARY PLAT CHECKLIST Date September 29, 1999 Name of Proposed Development Lakeside Estates, Phase 3 Name of Property Owner/Developer G. Development Address 1431 Greenway Drive, Suite 710, Irvinq,TX75038Phone (972) 751-1499 Pulte Homes of Texas, L.P. Owner of Record Gehan Homes, LTD. 1431 Greenway Drive, Suite 710, Irving, TX 75038 (972) 490-3255 Address 1101 North Union Bower Rd., Suite 160 Phone (972) 579-5066 Irving, TX 75061 Name of Land Planner Carter & Rurgess, Inc_ • Surveyor/Engineer Address 7950 Elmbrook, Suite 250, Dallas, TX 75247 Phone (214) 638-0145 Total Acreage 37.07R Acres Current Zoning pp Number of Lots/Units 176 I mots Signed Wee.2`a The Preliminary Plat shall be drawn legibly in ink on a Mylar sheet not exceeding 24" x 36", showing all data on a scale not to exceed 1" = 100'with a graphic scale provided. Three sets of blueline prints shall be submitted along with a copy of the boundary traverse calculations of the subdivision. Plats prepared using AutoCad or other computer aided design techniques shall also provide a copy of all drawings on diskette to the City. The following Preliminary Plat Checklist is used to check compliance with the Wylie Subdivision Regulations. The following checklist is intended only as a reminder and a guide for those requirements. Provided or Not Shown on Plat Applicable x 1 . The boundary line (accurate in scale and orientation) of the tract to be subdivided. REC'D SEP 29 1999 City of Wylie Worksession Item No. 1 Planning and Zoning Commission Regular Business Meeting: March 21, 2000 Worksession Item No. 1 RE: Worksession with Mr. Raymond E. Stanland of Stanland & Associates. Background: Worksession with Mr. Raymond E. Stanland of Stanland&Associates- re-write of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance. WYLIE ZONING ORDINANCE TABLE OF RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS m o — m = N_ o 3- ro D O U) N N T c 3 la CO o oc 0� ola 3 CO c m a m w e '" m Q a O B w3 o m - 3 � m m m 3 3 3 0 ZIT Q T N T.,� •if T , Tcn '� D 14, n 0 fJ O N O Co n w D 111111111111111111 13122/311.1111111111111111111111111— 100® 6 0 30 560 Length to width ratio 1:2 Lot Area (in square feel) 87 200 87 120 30 000 200® 20 000 10 000 8 0006 4 000 43 or less Lot Width 230 140® 90® Min. width of corner lot 2300 150 100 100 100 120 300 300 175 Lot Depth 170— 120 120 Min. Depth of Double Front Lot 300 300 Dwelling Regulations --- —_ 6— 750,2 950,2- Minimum Dwelling Size 1000 breezewa of garages, 2600 —_— breezeways and porches) 2800 =— 2000 150 0 WiLIIIIIIIIIIIII 30 30®®® 30 from any street frontage Side 50 50 10 10 0 or 5 20 from any interior lot line FrontYard 20 20 15 15 Yardard30 30® 25®® Side Yard of corner lot 50 50 Side Yard for allowable 30 30 na IP. 30 30 30 30®®�© nonresidential use 50 50 30 Rear Yard 501.111133111111111331111133na Rear yard for double front lot ���— _— Not 1 na Front Yard Note 1 Note 110 Note 11 f) No© No© Note ore 5 na 10® ®® Side Yard ® 1 p 10 Rear Yard 50®® Rear and for double front lot 50 50 30 3011111101111111111111111111113111 Side Yard of corner lot 50 _ _— 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 40 36 Accesso Buildin•s in feet ® 36 36 36 36 36 36 Note 1 Behind Rear Building Line of Main Structure 3/15/00 , 200" , 50' Front and Rear Yards ' i 1 20' Side Yards 1 , I I 1 i __ .. 4 1 1 160'x 335' 1 290.5' 1 1 I 1 1 i • i 1 .250'x 200' 435.5' 1 300' . • Buildable area 50,000 sot' -, ;-- Buildable area 53,600 sq' 1 1 I -1 1 1 1 1 , 1 1 , 1 1 Min. Depth Lot 1 t ' 1 Two Acre Lots Min Width Lot 1 I ' 30' Front and Rear Yards 1 15' Side Yards - 1 1 ' 1 1 1 95'x180' 1 1 1 - 141ki15' 240' '' Buildable area 176 16,250 sq' Buildable are I 1 17,100 act' 1 , 1 , 1 1 I 1 I , - , 1 1 I 1 1 , 1 , 1 , , 171'it 125' Min. Depth Lot Min Width Lot I 1 30,000 Square Foot Lots , , ri 150' I 1 1 -.' Front and Rear Yards ' 1 1 I 1 2• -ide Yards ' I 1 ` r 1 , 1 I 110'x191' ' , I I I 1 I , ' ' I Buildable area 1 I 1 I _-t-_ - 20,972 sq' 1017x180' . i 290.4' 1 ' Buildable area 1 200 ' 18,000 act' ' 1 ' I 1 -1 I I I 1 1 1 I ' ' I 1 Min Width •t 1 Min. Depth Lot 1 1 I 1 , - I 1 217.8' One Acre Lots 1 r 25' Front and Rear Yards 10' Side Yards T r II ' 60'x50' ' Buildable 1 area 100 Buildable 133.4' 3,000 sq' area -i .333 I I 80' Min.Depth Lot 60' Min Width Lot 8,000 Square Foot Lots 25' Front and Rear Yards 10' Side Yards I _ I 80'x50' ' 55'x 84 Buildable Buildable area 100' area 133.4' 4.000 sq' 4,577 act' I - ,- - 100' 75' Min.Depth Lot Min Width Lot 10,000 Square Foot Lots r ' 30' Front and Rear Yards 15' Side Yards - -- 70'x140' Buildable area 90'x103' 9.800 sq' 200' Buildable area 150' 9,315 sq' - 133.5' 100' Min. Depth Lot Min Width Lot 20,000 Square Foot Lots __ Draft- For Discussion Purposes Only TABLE XX LAND USE TABLES Permitted Uses Rural Residential '+ Suburban Residential Village Center • RURAL 84 ANIMAL- 'r AG SF-2A SF-30 SF-20 SF-10 SF-8 TH MF NS NMU RELATED Animal Boarding/Kennel S S with Outside Pens Animal Boarding/Kennel S S without Outside Pens Animal Production C Commercial Greenhouse C or Nursery Crop Production P P Stable(Commercial) S/C • Permitted Uses Rural Residential Suburban Residential Village Center • RESIDENTIAL& AG SF-2A SF-30 SF-20 SF-10 SF-8 TH MF NS NMU LODGING • Assisted Living Apartment p P Bed&Breakfast Inn S S S S Boarding or Rooming p P House Hotel or Motel C Manufactured Home C C C C C C C C C C Mobile Home Park S Multiple Dwelling P P Single Family Dwelling, P P P Attached Single Family Dwelling, p P P P P P p C C Detached Two-family Dwelling C P P Vacation Camp Ground P=Permitted C=Permitted with Conditions S=SUP March 15,2000 Wylie Use Charts Page 1 Draft- For Discussion Purposes Only Permitted Uses l Rural Residential Suburban Residential Village Center - INSTITUTIONAL& AG SF-2A SF-30 SF-20 SF-10 SF-8 TH MF NS NMU COMMUNITY SERVICE Cemetery or Mausoleum S S S S S S S S S S Church/House of Worship p P P P P P P P P P College or University S S S S S Cultural Arts Facility p P Day Care Facility S S S S S S S P P P Group Home P P P P P P P P P P Hospital or Sanitarium Library p P Mortuary or Funeral Home Nursing,Convalescent C C P Home or Hospice School(Public or Private) p P P P P P P P P P School,Business C C School,Technical or Trade Permitted Uses Rural Residential Suburban Residential Village Center OFFICE AG SF-2A SF-30 SF-20 SF-10 ` SF-8 TH MF. NS NMU Financial Institution (with drive-through) Financial Institution P P (without drive-through) General Office C C Medical Clinic C C P=Permitted C=Permitted with Conditions S=SUP March 15,2000 Wylie Use Charts Page 2 Draft - For Discussion Purposes Only Permitted Uses Rural Residential • Suburban Residential Village Center RECREATIONAL: • AG SF-2A SF-30 SF-20 SF-10 SF-8 TN MF NS NMU ENTERTAINMENT 84 • AMUSEMENT Commercial Amusement S S or Recreation(Inside) Commercial Amusement or Recreation(Outside) Community Park, P P P P P P P P P P Recreation Center,or Golf Course(Public) Country Club or Golf P P P P P P P P Course(Private) Golf Driving Range S S S S S S S S P P Health Club C P P Neighborhood Park or p p p p p P P P P P Playground Sexually-Oriented Business Permitted Uses Rural Residential Suburban Residential Village Center RETAIL, PERSONAL AG SF-2A SF-30 SF-20 SF-10 SF-8 TH MF • NS NMU SERVICE& COMMERCIAL Animal Clinic or Hospital S Auto Service Center C C Automobile Rental C C Car Wash C C Club or Lodge(Non-profit) S S Contractor's Maintenance Yard Dry Cleaning or Laundry, C C Drop-Off or Self Service Cleaners(Commercial) Equipment Rental Garage for Repair& Rebuilding of Personal Vehicles P=Permitted C=Permitted with Conditions S=SUP March 15, 2000 Wylie Use Charts Page 3 Draft- For Discussion Purposes Only Permitted Uses Rural Residential Suburban Residential Village Center RETAIL, PERSONAL AG SF-2A ` ",SF-30 .SF-20 SF 10 x, SF-8 ' TH MF NS NMU SERVICE& COMMERCIAL, CONT. • General Merchandise or C C Food Store 3,500 s.f.or less General Merchandise or Food Store greater than 3,500 s.f. Home Improvement Center,Lumber,Brick,or Building Materials Household Equipment& C C Appliance Repair Motor Vehicle Fueling C C Station Outdoor Sale of Merchandise Pawn Shop Personal Service Use P P Restaurant with Drive-in or S S Drive-through Service Restaurant without Drive- P P in or Drive-through Service Shooting Range(Indoor) Shooting Range(Outdoor) Theater Truck, Machinery&Heavy Equipment Sales,Service or Repair Vehicle Display,Sales or Service Food Processing P=Permitted C=Permitted with Conditions S=SUP March 15,2000 Wylie Use Charts Page 4 Draft - For Discussion Purposes Only Permitted Uses Rural Residential Suburban Residential Village Center UTILITY AG SF-2A SF-30 SF-20 SF-t0 SF-8 TH MF NS NMU TRANSPORTATION& PUBLIC SERVICE Airport,Heliport or Landing Field Animal Shelter Commercial Bus Station, Terminal or Service Facility Commercial Radio or TV Transmitting Station Electric Substation or Gas Regulator Station Helipad S Local Utilities p p p p p p p p P p Mounted Antenna P p P Police or Fire Station p p p P P p p p p p Post Office S S S S S S P P P • Prison or Custodial Institution Radio,Television or S S S Microwave Tower Railroad Yard Sewage Treatment Plant Telephone Exchange p p without Shops or Offices Transit Passenger Shelter p p p p p p p p p p Utility or Government S P p P Installation other than listed Water Treatment Plant, Reservoir or Water Storage Wireless Communication S S S S S S S C C C Tower,Monopole P=Permitted C=Permitted with Conditions S=SUP March 15, 2000 Wylie Use Charts Page 5 Draft- For Discussion Purposes Only Permitted Uses Rural Residential Suburban Residential • ' Village Center INDUSTRIAL& AG SF-2A SF-30 SF-20 SF-10 SF-8 TH MF NS NMU MANUFACTURING Industrial(Inside) Industrial(Outside) Mining S Salvage or Reclamation of Products(Inside) Salvage or Reclamation of Products(Outside) Asphalt or Concrete Batch Plant Light Assembly& Fabrication Printing&Publishing Permitted Uses Rural Residential Suburban Residential Village Center WHOLESALE, AG SF-2A SF-30 SF40 SF-10 SF-8 TH MF . NS NMU DISTRIBUTION Ss STORAGE Auto Action Contractor's Maintenance Yard Freight Terminal Livestock Auction Pens or Sheds Mini-warehouse(Self- storage) Office Showroom/Warehouse Outside Storage Recycling Collection Center Warehouse/Distribution Center Landfill P=Permitted C=Permitted with Conditions S=SUP March 15,2000 Wylie Use Charts Page 6 Draft- For Discussion Purposes Only Permitted Uses Rural Residential Suburban Residential Village Center • ACCESSORY USES AG SF-2A SF-30 SF-20 ' SF-10 SF-8 TH MF " NS NMU '" Accessory Agricultural C Buildings Accessory Community p p P p p P p p p p Center(Private) Accessory Game Court P P p P P p P P P p (Private) Accessory Outside Display of Merchandise Accessory Outside Sales Accessory Outside Storage Amateur Communication C C C C C C C C C C Tower Caretakers P P p Quarters/Domestic or Security Unit Home Occupation p p P P P P p P p Occasional Sale/Garage C C C C C C C C C C Sale Private Stable p p Swimming Pool(Private) P P P P p p P p P P Permitted Uses Rural Residential Suburban Residential " Village Center'.;,•' TEMPORARY USES AG SF-2A SF-30 SF-20 SF-10 SF-8 TH MF '€:NS, NMU., Temporary Concrete or C S C C C C C C C c Asphalt Batch Plant Traveling Show,Carnival or Circus Temporary Construction Yard.or Construction or Sales Office Christmas Tree Sales p p Temporary Grazing P P Temporary Living Quarters P p Seasonal Sales Stand p P=Permitted C=Permitted with Conditions S=SUP March 15, 2000 Wylie Use Charts Page 7 Summary of Council Actions at the March 14, 2000 Meeting No planning related items on the agenda • ■■■■■■■■■■■a ■■■■■■■■■■■r .' ■■■■■■■■■■■•.■L ■■■■■■■rg■► �■■ ME' 1V lP A■■■ ■■ D, /'it J A7■■■ ■■■r lir i■■■■ ■■■1.*IN A■■■■ ■■■ 1r.■■I..1■■■■■ ■■I ' J■■■■■■■■■ ■■r a■■■■■■■■■ AGENDA PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION BRIEFING WYLIE, TEXAS 1. Overview of Residential District Structure Ray Stanland 2. Use Charts for Residential Districts Janet Tharp 3. Residential District Development Standards Ray Stanland 4. Residential District Design Standards Donal Simpson 5. Discussion of Next Steps Ray Stanland Stanland and Associates March 21, 2000 VILLAGE CENTER DISTRICTS • SF-8 (Single Family- 8,000 sq.ft.) VILLAGE •TH (Townhouse) CENTER • MF (Multifamily) DISTRICTS INDUSTRIAL DISTRICTS • MHD(Manufactured Home) • NS (Neighborhood Service) . • NMU (Neighborhood Mixed Use) --- - - SUBURBAN RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS / ' \ •5F-10 (Single Family- 10,000 sgft.) ',� �‘ t, '\ • SF 20 Single Family 20,000 sq.ft.) , , , - R • SF-30 (Single Family- 30,000 s .ft. \\ A ` \ \ • • COUNTRY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS ,- --\ _ -• i'J 1� '/ ' \ •SF-2A (Single Family-2 Acre ,' 1 , `� 1 • AG (Agricultural) Y ) ,. \\\ �� `` �,,-,- \, - , BUSINESS DISTRICTS -- -' ` • BP(Business Park • CC (Commercial Corridor) ,\ ���V ; i •CMU (Community Mixed Use) ,i ii INDUSTRIAL DISTRICTS - `. ,' - - `. ,' • IP (Industrial Park) '--- ' ' • HI (Heavy Industrial) ` SPECIAL PURPOSE DISTRICTS 1 i • Downtown Historic District BUSINESS '1 SUBURBAN DISTRICTS ‘ ,' RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS RESIDENTIAL _ _ _ DISTRICTS CONCEPTUAL DRAWING OF PROPOSED DISTRICT STRUCTURE FOR WYLIE ZONING ORDINANCE Wylie, Texas Zoning Ordinance Rewrite Stanland and Associates March 21, 2000 Draft-For Discussion Purposes Only TABLE XX LAND USE TABLES #errmmrtted t#aes Country Res. Suburban Re ide»#i l Vl#loge C rater AG Sl" A SFr3t1 - SF- t1 SF 10 S -8 i 1GtF MH Nor Wli l .. . Animal Boarding/Kennel S S with Outside Pens Animal Boarding/Kennel S S without Outside Pens Animal Production C Commercial C Greenhouse or Nursery Crop Production P P Stable(Commercial) S/C Perm ted Uses Cowl ry Res Suburl+art Residential Villas Center kESW NT11� 8a Ali SF 2A SF-3il i 0 SF40 S -8 111 MF Mil l i NINE! LO GINPs " Assisted Living P C P Apartment Bed&Breakfast Inn S S S S Boarding or Rooming P P P House Hotel or Motel C Manufactured Home C C C C C C C C C C C Manufactured Home C Park Multiple Dwelling P P P Single Family Dwelling, p P P P Attached Single Family Dwelling, p P P P P P P C C C Detached Two-family Dwelling C P P P Vacation Camp Ground P=Permitted C=Permitted with Conditions S=SUP March 21, 2000 Wylie Use Charts Page 1 Draft-For Discussion Purposes Only Pertlm,t ed Use Country Res Suburban Re�stdential 'Village C, nter w •NsT 1' 11 1bsAI & AG SP 21 ' SF 3tt t" Tf Mi~ MCA MS IU COM 1NIT` ': E + Cemetery or Mausoleum S S S S S S S S S S S Church/House of P p p P P P P P P P P Worship College or University S S S S S S Cultural Arts Facility P P Day Care Facility S S S S S S S p p p P Group Home P P P P P P P P P P P Hospital or Sanitarium Library P P Mortuary or Funeral Home Nursing,Convalescent C C C P Home or Hospice School(Public or P P P p p P P P P P P Private)Elementary School(Public or C C C C C C C C C C C Private)Secondary School,Business C C School,Technical or Trade Permitted UsesCotrrttry Res Stub,trban Residenttial Village Center i 1� j SP 2A SF b SF 2t1• 5Ft£1 SF B TlIM NIP. itlH NS NMU Financial Institution(with drive-through) Financial Institution P P (without drive-through) General Office C C Medical Clinic C C P=Permitted C=Permitted with Conditions S=SUP March 21, 2000 Wylie Use Charts Page 2 Draft-For Discussion Purposes Only • 1"attrt ted s Coyrltry! Sub rb t Ressidenti l• I�1f r C !# ffffgE • lily t H NS 1 i11i Commercial S S Amusement or Recreation(Inside) Commercial Amusement or Recreation(Outside) Community Park, P P P P P P P P P P P Recreation Center,or Golf Course(Public) Country Club or Golf P P P P P P P P P Course(Private) Golf Driving Range S S S S S S S S P P P Health Club C C P P Neighborhood Park or p p P P P P P P P P P Playground Sexually-Oriented Business Permitted Uses Coua r lies 'uf urban R sidentlal• Village Center • TAIC�;1�1E1l L SF A SF-31 SF 0 SF4O SF4 TH MF Aii l NS l t ! Se ICcr 8c g11N1111 •, Animal Clinic or Hospital S Auto Service Center C C Automobile Rental C C Car Wash C C Club or Lodge(Non- S S profit) Contractor's Maintenance Yard Dry Cleaning or C C Laundry, Drop-Off or Self Service Cleaners(Commercial) Equipment Rental P=Permitted C=Permitted with Conditions S=SUP March 21,2000 Wylie Use Charts Page 3 Draft-For Discussion Purposes Only Permitted t#'ses Country Res Suburb »R sidential t#!# nt r 11:RgiAl4iittoilitoitiood mgpvEllEigg400 tImmfogiriolimmg1.11,13NS NMU SIll4CS 8 Food Processing Garage for Repair& Rebuilding of Personal Vehicles General Merchandise or C C Food Store 3,500 s.f.or less General Merchandise or Food Store greater than 3,500 s.f. Home Improvement Center,Lumber,Brick, or Building Materials Household Equipment& C C Appliance Repair Motor Vehicle Fueling C C Station Outdoor Sale of Merchandise Pawn Shop Personal Service Use P P Restaurant with Drive-in S S or Drive-through Service Restaurant without P P Drive-in or Drive-through Service Shooting Range(Indoor) Shooting Range (Outdoor) Theater Truck, Machinery& Heavy Equipment Sales, Service or Repair Vehicle Display,Sales or Service P=Permitted C=Permitted with Conditions S=SUP March 21,2000 Wylie Use Charts Page 4 Draft-For Discussion Purposes Only Permittedtlses l uitrttry Res. Suburbar fessItietttisl Village Center .y thiii ifs AG S;F"42p. SF=30 Stw 20 SF 10 •S1~'t# T • MtM ..MHI NHS NIMU ■�Sll . *T*ON PUBLIC'�11ER �"..,,1lF Airport,Heliport or Landing Field Animal Shelter Commercial Bus Station,Terminal or Service Facility Commercial Radio or TV Transmitting Station Electric Substation or Gas Regulator Station Helipad S S Local Utilities P P P P P P P P P P P Mounted Antenna S S S S S S S P P P P Police or Fire Station P P P P P P P P P P P Post Office S S S S S S P P P P Prison or Custodial Institution Radio,Television or S S S Microwave Tower Railroad Yard Sewage Treatment Plant Telephone Exchange P P without Shops or Offices Transit Passenger p P P P P P P P P P P Shelter Utility or Government S P P P P Installation other than listed Water Treatment Plant, Reservoir or Water Storage Wireless S S S S S S S C C C C Communication Tower, Monopole P=Permitted C=Permitted with Conditions S=SUP March 21, 2000 Wylie Use Charts Page 5 Draft-For Discussion Purposes Only Permitted Uses Country Res. uburban`Residential Village Center I rnu l �. sl= sF40ImsfjOggsl: 0 ( s iIF MN N3- NMr . MANU Asphalt or Concrete Batch Plant Industrial(Inside) Industrial(Outside) Light Assembly& Fabrication Mining S Printing&Publishing Salvage or Reclamation of Products(Inside) Salvage or Reclamation of Products(Outside) Perm lsesiititliA9yooxpw • Suburban l es tentlal firlllag Winter WHo ,e$AI , SiF,2A SF40 Sf 2a i0. SF 8 'Tl MF t M NS NMU Auto Auction Contractor's Maintenance Yard Freight Terminal Livestock Auction Pens or Sheds Mini-warehouse(Self- storage) Office Showroom/Warehouse Outside Storage Recycling Collection Center Warehouse/Distribution Center Landfill P=Permitted C=Permitted with Conditions S=SUP March 21, 2000 Wylie Use Charts Page 6 Draft-For Discussion Purposes Only Peermitt+ d Ube Country ees. ! S burban Residential !Nolte Center r , 5 •� r 1 s ttt IC U Si"' S - Q SEF20 F 0 SF B TH i F MH N U Accessory Agricultural C Buildings Accessory Community P P P P P P P P P P P Center(Private) Accessory Game Court p P P P P P P P P P P (Private) Accessory Outside Display of Merchandise Accessory Outside Sales Accessory Outside Storage Amateur C C C C C C C C C C C Communication Tower Caretakers P P P P Quarters/Domestic or Security Unit Home Occupation P P P P P P P P P Occasional Sale/Garage C C C C C C C C C C C Sale Private Stable P P Swimming Pool(Private) P P P P P P P P P P P Permitted Uses Countryr ;tes. Suburbs»Residential tilllage Ceniter i�0 0 it ZA Sl-= 6s:0 20 's - F- l 44 Nlli i- Christmas Tree Sales P P p Seasonal Sales Stand p Temporary Concrete or C S C C C C C C C C c Asphalt Batch Plant Temporary Construction Yard,or Construction or Sales Office Temporary Grazing P P Temporary Living P p Quarters Traveling Show, Carnival or Circus P=Permitted C=Permitted with Conditions S=SUP March 21, 2000 Wylie Use Charts Page 7 WYLIE ZONING ORDINANCE TABLE OF RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS Country Residential Suburban Residential Villige Center Residential . co. -1 o c N r0 g ir m Cr CO N °I IV® o a p a ai D. G r Gr vs cc �. E. » m e w Lo W G >n � p a s D. d 4 Pi ir3 w 3 a3 co F. D. fn N 0)za NK Cl) • 0 .2. a IN 'A' ru 0 w71 N 71 -+71 7' E -' = 3 3 � w na 08 00 30 °: » - ® Size of Lot 7,200 87,120 87,120 or 2 Lot Area (in square feet) (2Acres) (2Acres) 30,000 20,000 10,000 8,000 4,000 acres 43,560 Pad Site within Mobile Home Park 5,500 Lot Width 200 200 125 100 75 60 30 60 100 Length to width ratio 1:2 Min. width of corner lot 230 230 140 115 90 75 45 70 or less Lot Depth 300 300 175 150 100 100 100 100 120 Min. Depth of Double Front Lot 300 300 195 170 120 120 120 120 Dwelling Regulations E F600,1- Minimum Dwelling Size(exclusive 750,2- of garages, breezeways and 900,3- porches) 2800 2800 2600 2500 2200 2000 1500 1000 1000 Yards Requirements Front Yard 50 50 30 30 25 25 15 25 30 from any street frontage Side Yard 20 20 15 15 10 10 0 or 5 10 20 from any interior lot line Side Yard of corner lot 50 50 30 30 25 25 15 25 na Side Yard for allowable nonresidential use 30 30 30 30 30 30 na na na Rear Yard 50 50 30 30 25 25 25 25 na Rear yard for double front lot 50 50 50 50 45 45 45 40 na Accesory Structures Front Yard Note 1 Note 1 Note 1 Note 1 Note 1 Note 1 Note 1 Note 1 na Side Yard 10 10 10 5 5 5 0 or 5 5 na Rear Yard 25 25 10 10 10 10 10 10 na Rear yard for double front lot 50 50 25 25 25 25 25 10 na Side Yard of corner lot 50 50 30 30 25 25 15 25 na Height Regulations Main Structure 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 40 Accessory Buildings (in feet) 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 Note 1 Behind Rear Building Line of Main Structure Note 2 7,200 sf for Subdivision, 2 acres for Mobile Home Parks Stanland and Associates 3/21/00 I ' I I ' 25' Front and Rear Yards I ' 25' Front and Rear Yards I 10' Side Yards I 10' Side Yards I i I I I I i I I I I I I - _ I I t ' 60'x50' I 40'x8'J' , i - Buildable 100' I ' 80'x50' 1_ 55'x 84' area buildable 133.4' ' I Buildable Buildable _ 3,000 ' _ area i i area Ns ' 1 I 3.333 sq' ; i 4.000 we 100 4.577 area 133.4 I I I -I I - 80' I I _ ' I I I I _ Min.Depth Lot 60' I i 100' Min Width Lot , I 75' I Min.Depth Lot Min Width Lot 8,000 Square Foot Lots 10,000 Square Foot Lots VILLAGE RESIDENTIAL SUBURBAN RESIDENTIAL r -. r 30' Front and Rear Yards i 1 30' Front and Rear Yards , 15' Side Yards i 1 1 i 15' Side Yards I 1 I - -- I I - - I I I 701x1401I I 1 F.J " 1 I 95'x180' ' - -- Buildable area ' ' -- , - 90'x103' 9,800 sq' 200' i i 141'x115' ' Buildable area ; ; 240' 9,315 sq' 150 Buildable area 175 Buildable area I ' ' 16,250 sq' 17,100 sq' 1 I I I 1 I I II I I 1 I 1 1 I I , - I , 133.5' 100' i i , I I Min. Depth Lot Min Width Lot i i 171' ' ' Min. Depth Lot 125' 20,000 Square Foot Lots I Min Width Lot I I L 30,000 Square Foot Lots SUBURBAN RESIDENTIAL SUBURBAN RESIDENTIAL LOT SIZE COMPARISONS Wylie,Texas Zoning Ordinance Rewrite Stanland and Associates March 21,2000 I ' 200" 50' Front and Rear Yards II 20' Side Yards 1 1 ' I I ' -- _L I I 1 I , 290.5' 160'x 335' I 1 I 1 I I I I I 1 1 I I 1 1 I I I 1 I -1 (- I 1 1 250'x 200' 1 435.5' 1 1 I , I I I , I 1 300' I ' 1 I 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 1 I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I 1 Buildable area I 1 1 1 50,000 act' I 1 I 1 `I Buildable area ; 1 I I ' 53,600 sq' 1 1 I I I I I I I ,-- I I I I I I 1 I I 1 I 1 Min. Depth Lot I I ; 1 I I I 1 I Two Acre Lots Min Width Lot COUNTRY RESIDENTIAL LOT SIZE COMPARISONS Wylie,Texas Zoning Ordinance Rewrite Stanland and Associates March 21, 2000 r 1 30' Front and Rear Yards I 1 15' Side Yards I 1 1 - I I , 1 I I I I 95'x180' 141k115' 1 240' 1 1 Buildable area 175' 16,250 sq' Buildable area 17,100 sq' 1 1 1 1 - 1 1 1 1 1 I - , - 1 1 I • ! I 1 1 171' 1 1 I Min. Depth Lot 125' Min Width Lot 30,000 Square Foot Lots 1 150' I i 1 I 1 5 ont and Rear Yards 'I 1 1 20' Si ards 1 - 1 1 1 I I II 110x191' --I 1 I ' I I I I I I I , I Buildable area --r I - I 20,972 sq' ' 100'x I 180' I 1 290.4' Buildable area I 200' 1 1 18,000 sq' I I 1 1 1 I I 1 1 1 I I 1 1 1 I.-_ 1 , I Min Width Lot i 1 I 1 Min. Depth Lot 1 1 1 -I -- I I 217.8' 1 One Acre Lots COMPARISON OF 30,000 SQ. FT. LOT TO A ONE ACRE LOT Wylie,Texas Zoning Ordinance Rewrite Stanland and Associates March 21, 2000 WR Wylie Zoning Ordinance Design Standards for Residential Districts March 21,2000 Standards and Elements to be Included Standard Element Land Design Standards Provision of Public Pathways Public Access to Open Space Village Residential Walkways Suburban Residential Walkways Street and Sidewalk Standards Street Treatments Pedestrian Sidewalks Alleyways Adjacent to Public Streets Residential Units Backing on to Public Streets Architectural Standards Exterior Façade Roofing Repetition Garage Access Village Residential Note: • The following standard and elements will be addressed in the Landscape Ordinance: Landscape and Screening Standards Residential uses adjacent to different districts Non-Residential or Multi-Family uses adjacent to Residential Uses Utility Elements Screening Front Yard Tree Planting WR Wylie Zoning Ordinance Design Standards for Residential Districts March 21,2000. Land Design Standards Element Base Standard Desirable Design Attributes Points Provision of 10 ft.wide public open space easement adjacent to a 100 year Public flood plain 20 feet Pathways public pathway system to connect to public parks and open space through easement 10 ft.public open space easement adjacent to an Electric or Water Line right-of-way 20 feet 10 ft.wide public open space easement adjacent to public property adjoining Lake Lavon or Lake Ray Hubbard 20 feet 4 ft.wide concrete walkway required along front of development 8 ft.walkway 10 ft.landscape buffer required along perimeter of development 15 ft.landscape buffer along perimeter of development Public Access Connect development open space and pedestrian systems to Single loaded streets along open space,with houses to Open Space Town open space,as defined by Comprehensive Plan and Parks fronting toware open space amenity Plan Pedestrian trail system separate from sidewalk system,in Public access to open space amenities addition to required trail Village Must provide direct pedestrian connection to village center Separate hike and bike trail connection to village center Residential commercial Walkways 1,200 ft.max radius Clearly defined pedestrian linkages to village center 1,200 ft.max actual walking distance 1,300 ft.maximum radius from village center commercial to any village center residence Suburban Must provide pedestrian connection to village center commercial Separate hike and bike trail connection to village center Residential Walkways Clearly defined pedestrian linkages to village center 2,500,000 ft.max radius 3,000 ft.maximum radius from village center commercial to any 2,500 ft.max actual walking distance suburban residential residence WR Direct, clearly defined pedestrian linkages to village center Base Standard Residential units in a Village Residential District shall have clearly defined, direct pedestrian linkages to the Village Center. No residential unit in a Village Residential District shall be located more than 1,300 feet from the edge of a Village Center District. • '�, . 4 ' 1., lir 1 10. . .„... nllllh.;_ dati illfiek �w \.. 1 �t s®..sr ate,► w 4 moo to ot c4t.:;;. �`/ Example:Direct, clearly defined pedestrian linkage This sketch shows the relationship between a residential neighborhood and a retail center. An access easement with a sidewalk was located between these two lots in order to gain pedestrian movement to the adjacent retail/office complex. The easement is well illuminated and a crosswalk provided in the retail parking lot. The important idea is to eliminate as many trips in a car as possible. The homeowners are not forced to get into their cars, drive out of their neighborhood, onto a busy collector street, and then into the retail area to drop off the movie rental. Desirable Design Attributes No residential unit in a Village Residential District will be located more than 1,200 feet from the edge of a Village Center District. No residential unit in a Village Residential District will be located more than 1,200 feet actual walking distance along a pedestrian sidewalk from the edge of a Village Center District. A hike and bike concrete trail system within the development will provide access to the Village Residential District for 50% or more of the residential units in the development. Wylie Zoning Ordinance Design Standards for Residential Districts March 21,2000. Streets and Sidewalks 'Element 'Base Standard 'Desirable Design Attributes (Points Street Masonry entry features required at the main entrance,flanking the entry roadway Landscaped medians on internal collector streets Treatments Monument walls,with or without signage,may be located in a median in addition to Landscaped traffic calming elements on internal residential streets the flanking walls Masonry entry walls at all entries to the development,flanking the entry ti signage is used at entries,it must be incorporated within the monument wall roadway Crosswalks to be striped with white reflective paint Main entrance road with a minimum right-of-way of 100'for a distance of 200' into the development,including a landscaped median All crosswalks must attach to a sidewalk circulation system throughout the neighborhood Decorative lighting throughout the neighborhhod in lieu of tall street lighting Traffic information and street name signage on decorative lighting poles Architectural treatment of bridges Decorative concrete paver,brick or stone paving adjacent to crosswalk striping Patterned,colored concrete in lieu of white striping at crosswalks Specialty paving in lieu of white striping at crosswalks Pedestrian 4 ft.concrete sidewalks specialty paving for a minimum of 20%of the sidewalk area Sidewalks Locate sidewalks on both sides of the street,in the right-of-way of every internal specialty paving for a minimum of 50%of the sidewalk area residential street 5 ft.sidewalk width 8 ft.sidewalk width Decorative lighting along pedestrian only linkages Alleyways adjacent Screen alley ways adjacent to public streets,whether perpendicular or parallel to the No alley ways visible from arterial or collector streets to public streets street • Residential Units Screen residential units backing on to arterial or collector streets No residential units backing onto arterial or collector streets Backing on to Public Streets WR Wylie Zoning Ordinance Design Standards for Residential Districts March 21,2000. Architectural Standards (Element 'Base Standard 'Desirable Design Attributes 'Points Exterior Facade Exterior facade to be 50%masonry,excluding fenestration 75%masonry Glazing not to exceed 50%of front elevation 100%masonry Maximum height 2-1/2 stories Open front porch with minimum 2'-6"roof overhang Minimum 2'-6"deep roof overhang at front door Covered front porch Roofing Roof pitch to be minimum 5:12 Architectural grade design and overlap pattern shingles Material to be asphalt shingles(wood shingles not allowed) Plumbing and attic vents painted to match roof color Sattelite dishes,TV/radio antennae,etc.not visible from street 6:12 or greater roof pitch Dormers,or combination of hip and gable roofing Repetition A minimum of 7 lots must be skipped on the same or opposite side of the street before A minimum of 9 lots skipped on the same side of the street before rebuilding the same plan with an identical elevation rebuilding the same plan with an identical elevation A minimum of 7 lots must be skipped on the same side of the same street before No Identical Plan with Identical Elevation within a radius of 1200 ft. rebuilding the same plan having a different elevation A minimum of 9 lots skipped on the same side of the same street A minimum of 4 lots must be skipped on the opposite side of the same street before before rebuilding the same plan having a different elevation rebuilding the same plan having a different elevation A minimum of 6 lots skipped on the opposite side of the same street before rebuilding the same plan having a different elevation No Identical Plan with different Elevation within a radius of 1200 ft. Garage Access Garage doorway and framing offset from remainder of front facade Garage door not facing front yard and/or street(alley or side entrance) Garage doorway and framing not larger than 50%of front elevation Village Covered front porches required Coordinated street tree planting Residential: single family Mail boxes paired,spaced maximum of 6"apart at lot line,relate to the architectural Themed mail boxes,using one style throughout the development. detached lots less style and materials of the house than 8.500 sf Others? Garage door not facing street(alley or side entrance) 6:12 or greater roof pitch Others?