01-18-2000 (Planning & Zoning) Agenda Packet Planning & Zoning Commission CitM.nr�pe JANUARY 18 , 2000 Regular Business Meeting AGENDA PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION WYLIE MUNICIPAL COMPLEX 2000 Highway 78 North, Wylie, Texas 75098 January 18, 2000 7:00 p.m. CALL TO ORDER CITIZEN PARTICIPATION CONSENT AGENDA 1. Consider and Act Upon Approval of the Minutes from the December 7, and 21, 1999, Regular Business Meetings. PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS 1. ZC. No. 99-10: Hold a public hearing and consider a recommendation to the City Council regarding a request from Tipton Enginering, Inc., for approval of a zone change from A (Agricultural) to PD (Planned Development) for a master planned single family neighborhood for the property generally located along the south side of McMillen road and east of the Southfork Mobil Home Development and being all of a certain 50.7752 acre tract out of the John W. Mitchell Survey, Abstract No. 589, City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas. 2. ZC. No. 99-14: Hold a public hearing and consider a recommendation to the City Council regarding a request from Cascade Compaines. L.L.C., for approval of a zone change from MF (Multi-Family); and B-1 (Business) to PD (Planned Development) for a master planned single family neighborhood for the property generally located along the east side of FM 1378 just north of the Newport Harbor Development and being all of a certain 50.576 acre tract out of the James McUlmury Survey, Abstract No. 629, and the WM. Burnett Survey, Abstract No. 56, City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas. ACTION ITEMS 1. Discuss and Consider a recommendation to the City Council regarding a Preliminary Plat/Site Plan for Phase III of the Martinez Addition, proposed by Jackson&Associates Land Surveyors for the property generally located along the southeast corner of SH 78 and Kirby between the Exxon station and Mardi Gras Lane, and being all of a certain 2.6419 acre tract out of the E.C. Davidson Survey, Abstract No. 267, City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas. 2. Discuss and Consider a recommendation to the City Council regarding a Final Plat for Phase III of the Martinez Addition, proposed by Jackson& Associates Land Surveyors for the property generally located along the southeast corner of SH 78 and Kirby between the Exxon station and Mardi Gras Lane, and being all of a certain 2.6419 acre tract out of the E.C. Davidson Survey, Abstract No. 267, City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas. WORKSESSION/DISCUSSION ITEMS 1. Birmingham.Park Estates -Presentation by Goodwin&Marshall. STAFF REPORTS ADJOURNMENT CaNNQ-9-1- Posted Friday, January 14, 2000, at 5:00 p.m. THE WYLIE MUNICIPAL COMPLEX IS WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE.SIGN INTERPRETATION OR OTHER SPECIAL ASSISTANCE FOR DISABLED ATTENDEES MUST BE REQUESTED 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE BY CONTACTING THE CITY SECRETARY'S OFFICE AT 442-8100 OR TDD AT 442-8170. City of Wylie Consent Agenda Item No. 1 Planning and Zoning Commission Regular Business Meeting: January 18, 2000 Consent Item No. 1 RE: Consider and Act Upon Approval of the Minutes from the December 7, and 21, 2000, Regular Business Meetings. 1. Consider and Act Upon Approval of the Minutes from the December 7, and 21, 2000, Regular Business Meetings. Please note any changes or additions which need to be made. MINITI'ES PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION WYLIE MUNICIPAL COMPLEX 2000 Highway 78 North, Wylie, Texas 75098 Joint Business Meeting with City Council Regular Business Meeting December 7, 1999 7:00 P.M. A quorum was present and a notice was posted in the time and manner required by law. City Council Present: Staff Present: John Mondy, Mayor Mike Collins, City Manager J. C. Worley, Mayor Pro-tem- ABSENT Mindy Manson, Assistance City Manager Joel Scott Reta Allen Jim Swartz- ABSENT Merrill Young Chris Trout Commissioner's Present: Staff Present: Steve Ahrens, Chairman Tobin E. Maples, Director of Planning Sharon Dowdy-ABSENT Carrie Smith, Secretary Eric Hogue, Vice Chairman Michael George Carter Porter Julie Schmader Cecilia Wood CALL TO ORDER Joint meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by Mayor, John Mondy and Chairman, Steve Ahrens. Invocation by Councilman Scott PRESENTATION Presentation by Mr.Raymond E. Stanland of Stanland&Associates-Re-write of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance. • Mr. Raymond E. Stanland went through Hand out#1 page by page. (See Attached.) • Length of process- 4 months to amend residential. • Public Hearings will be held for the adoption of the new residential ordinances. Minutes-Planning and Zoning Commission December 7, 1999,Regular Business Meeting Page 1 • It is necessary for the public hearing to be advertised 15 days prior. • Only the new submittals will be processed under the new code of ordinances. • Current submittals will be processed under the prior code of ordinances. Joint meeting was adjourned at 7:40 P.M. by Mayor, John Mondy. REGULAR BUSINESS MEETING OF PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION WAS CALLED TO ORDER BY CHAIRMAN, STEVE AHRENS. CITIZEN PARTICIPATION None CONSENT AGENDA 1. Approval of November 2, 1999, Regular Business Meeting Minutes. • Corrections : None 2. Recommendation to the City Council regarding a final plat for the Summit Private School Addition, proposed by Jonvitch,Inc.,for the property generally located at the southwest corner of brown Street and Rustic Trail and being all of a 4.039 acre tract out of the Samuel B. Shelby Survey,Abstract No. 820,City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas. Motion: A motion was made by Eric Hogue, Seconded by Carter Porter to approve the Consent Agenda. Motion Carried - all in favor(6-0). ACTION ITEMS 1. Recommendation to the City Council regarding a Preliminary Plat for the Redwood Mobile Home Estates Phase II addition, proposed by Graphic Engineering for Clayton Homes, Inc., generally located at the southeast corner of FM 544 and Vinson Road and being all of a 23.4775 acre tract and all of a 34.5528 acre tract out of the E.M.Price Survey,Abstract No. 1114,City of Wylie,Dallas,County,Texas. Tobin Maples Update: The preliminary plat under consideration is currently vacant,unplatted,and zoned for MI-I(Mobile Homes) and R(Retail) uses. Staff has reviewed the proposed preliminary plat and found it to be in compliance with the Subdivision Regulations and other pertinent ordinances of the City of Wylie. The plat complies with State Law as it pertains to the subdivision of land. The applicant is proposing a mobile home park, with lots that will be rented versus a mobile home subdivision, in which the lots would be individually owned. The applicant is required to have private streets built to City of Wylie specifications. Minutes-Planning and Zoning Commission December 7, 1999,Regular Business Meeting Page 2 The minimum development standards permitted within an MH (Mobile Home Park) zoning district are 55,00 square foot lots,900 square foot manufactured homes,200 foot front yard building lines 10 foot rear yard building lines,and a minimum of 20 feet of separation between homes. All of the residential lots being proposed meet the minimum standards. The development may be encompassed by the Eastfork Special Utility District. The applicant must secure water services (see note # 6 on plat). A portion of this property was preliminary platted last year as Southfield Estates mobile home subdivision, ownership of the property has changed and is not being developed as Phase II of the existing Redwood Mobile Home Park to the south and southeast. Staff is recommending approval subject to Engineering approval of the final drainage plans and sewer connections. Discussion: The previous plat that was approved has expired. Private streets will be required to install sidewalks. Screening will be determined prior to final platting. The size of the cul-de-sac is an issue. Utility Easement has not been engineered at this time. Site Plan will be required prior to issuing building permits. The Plat does indicate the different types of lots (single wide or double wide). Motion: A motion was made by Carter Porter, Seconded by Michael George to recommend approval to City Council with noted issues by staff. Motion Carried- all in favor (6-0). 2. Recommendation to City Council regarding a final plat for Sage Creek Phase V, proposed by Tipton Engineering for Paramount Land development,for the property generally located at the northwest corner of FM 544 and Spring Creek Parkway just north of the railroad tracks and Lakeside Estates Phase I and being all of a certain 15.3998 acre tract out of the Moses Sparks Survey,Abstract No. 840,City of Wylie, Collin County Texas. Tobin Maples Update: Staff has reviewed the proposed final plat and found it to be in compliance with the Subdivision Regulations and other pertinent ordinances of the City of Wylie except for a zoning label/note. The plat does comply with State Law as it pertains to the subdivision of land. The applicant is aware that all impact and developmental inspection fees must be paid prior to the issuance of building permits. Staff is recommending approval subject to the following note being added to the face of the plat: All development within this subdivision shall comply with the Planned Development standards approved in ordinance number 99-09, Sage Creek Phase V, South Section. Minutes-Planning and Zoning Commission December 7, 1999,Regular Business Meeting Page 3 Applicant: Richard Hovas with Tipton Engineering was present to answer questions. Motion: A motion was made by Carter Porter, Seconded by Cecilia Wood to recommend approval to City Council with noted issues by staff. Motion Carried - all in favor(6-0). PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. ZC. No. 99-08: Recommendation to City Council regarding a request from Orinda Capital Partners L.P., for approval of a zone change form A to PD for a master planned single family residential neighborhood, for the property generally located at the northeast corner of FM 544 and McCreary Road just north of the railroad tracks and being all of a certain 100.5989 acre tract out of the Moses Sparks Survey,Abstract No. 849, City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas. Tobin Maples Update: The conceptual plan under consideration is for McCreary Estates. The request is to rezone 100.5989 acres with a master planned single family residential community. The properties to the north and east are zoned PD (Planned Development) for single family uses, properties to the west are not in the City of Wylie proper, properties to the south is vacant and zoned for B-2 (business). (See Handout # 3 for proposed zoning.) One public comment form in opposition has been returned. The Comprehensive Plan recommends Country Residential(1 acre single family lots)for the property. The proposed use has a gross density of 3.1 dwelling units per acre and a net density of 3.5 dwelling units per acre (lots ranging from 7200 to 10000 square feet). The applicant is proposing 10.6 acres of HOA open space. Staff is of the opinion that the proposed zoning does not meet the intent of the Comprehensive Plan as it relates to density and preservation of open space. Staff is recommending that the applicant provide off street parking for the community center. Staffrecommends that the applicant incorporate a meandering sidewalk within the 50-75 ft landscaped area encompassing a wood screening wall with masonry columns along McCreary Road, which is to be maintained by the HOA. Staff recommends that the applicant incorporate a landscaped berm and sidewalk along the railroad buffer to be consistent with Lakeside Estates to the east. The proposed 25 ft landscape along the Springwell Parkway is to be maintained by the HOA. Staff recommends that the applicant provide clarification regarding the maintenance of the landscaped medians. The traffic studies by TIS have been updated and reviewed by the City's traffic consultant Stanton Foerster. The final plat must be approved prior to the issuance of building permits. Minutes-Planning and Zoning Commission December 7, 1999,Regular Business Meeting Page 4 Staff is recommending denial due to the fact that the proposed density does not meet the intent of the Comprehensive Plan. Applicant: Gary Defrain, Orinda Capital Partner's Inc. Reduced 7,200 lots from 140 to 105. Reduced 10,000 from 100 to 65. Increased 8,500 lots from 85 to 145. The area along the railroad track will be developed as a lot and block for the HOA to maintain. Applicant does not want to incorporate a side walk adjacent to the railroad tract, berm and landscape. Landscape area will be maintained by the HOA. Mr. Defrain wants to use this property as a gateway into Wylie and to his larger Creekside Development. The screening fence height will be seven instead of six feet. Stanton Foerster- City Traffic Analysts (Handout#2). Mr. Foerster briefly went over the attached comments. Public Comments - Tony Wogus, resident on McCreary in Southfork Mobile Home Park. Concerns with the traffic impact from the new Subdivision. - Thomas H. Williams, 6840 Lakeview Cr., Rowlett, TX 75088 Concerns with the route of the proposed sewer line. Discussion: The applicant will be looking at a fence along railroad as going through the Engineering stages. The applicant would be willing to add a chain link fence along the railroad and agrees with the comments from Stanton Foerster. The railroad crossing is the railroad's right-of-way. Motion: A motion was made by Eric Hogue,Seconded by Cecilia Wood to recommend approval to City Council with noted issues by Staff and City Traffic Analysts, Stanton Foerster. Motion Carried- (4-2) Steve Ahrens and Michael George Abstained. 2. ZC. No. 99-09: Recommendation to the City Council regarding a request from Campbell Wylie Partners, for approval of a zone change from A to MI for the property generally located at the northeast corner of McCreary Road and McMillen Road and being all of a certain 4.9455 acre tract out of the John W.Mitchell Survey, Abstract No. 589, Collin County, Texas. Tobin Maples Update: The properties to the west,north,and east are vacant and zoned for PD(Planned Development)uses. The properties to the south are zoned MH (Manufactured Home) and A(Agricultural). Minutes-Planning and Zoning Commission December 7, 1999,Regular Business Meeting Page 5 Forty- seven surrounding property owners were mailed public comment forms. One(1)public comment form in opposition has been returned. The Comprehensive Plan recommends Village Center Residential(multi-family)uses for this property. The proposed land use is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and compatible with the proposed and existing development in the area. This property is scheduled for annexation consideration by the city Council on December 14, 1999. Staff is recommending the be approve subject to City Council approval of the annexation. The applicant is aware that Planning Zoning commission approval of a site plan is required prior to the issuance of building permits for multi-family uses. The applicant is aware that the property must be platted prior to the issuance of building permits. Staff is recommending approval subject to City Council approval of the annexation of this property on December 14, 1999. Public Hearing... No Comments. Applicant: Gary Defrain, Cambell Wylie Partners Motion: A motion was made by Julie Schmader, Seconded by Eric Hogue to recommend approval to City Council with noted issues by Staff. Motion Carried - (6-0). STAFF REPORTS There will be a regular business meeting held, December 21, 1999. ADJOURNMENT Motion: A motion was made by Eric Hogue, Seconded by Carter Porter to adjourn at 9:35 PM. Motion Carried - all in favor(6-0). Steve Ahrens, Chairman Carrie Smith, Secretary Minutes-Planning and Zoning Commission December 7, 1999,Regular Business Meeting Page 6 1-landou.f # I Wylie Zoning Ordinance Rewrite Wylie Zoning Ordinance Rewrite 1.11.11111111.11111111111111111111111111111 PURPOSE PROCESS • Introduce team COMPRZWENOWE 6ORDINANCE "ENeow r100CE°S I rzxrcNn.wae• nen.�Nnoaro.•w I NmnnoN :0CH o TO- oRw1110N NE • Provide overview of process we will be using to PROCEDURES I ORaCRING R+» rewrite the Wylie Zoning Ordinance. • Outline preliminary issues we will be (� Nin,�na+ Qualm ATnw I addressing Rwlw Pr �° '" .�..e l.e.M...1.. .a•e..RJR,... .UM. .OwRY°,�...•e.�u.wn .uw. •Y.R4 LA,eyK•e.e��. •.rams I •aM-en..L.iM.•p.M es..•I.d• • Discuss next steps. •O n.O POUR MONTHS I(4) _ I A6.RaeoEr+n" • Questions and Discussion , - - - - - - ,I .q•abu 0 .u•.. 1 6 I I •.Y.r.R,Les.Spew..1..rWrM TEN-- INTRODUCTION I•Wantae.Mr,en.w. p,.y_en..,... ,pr°e..�.N. .Want ne.wR.. 1 ea MONTHS I.z.•reca.y.• Ii • Stanland and Associates I• IMF°'' I' R<,rOReR°"„°n,cr I I .a.a.t. Ray Stanland I 1I .... I •.Y�4 Lot.e a II I I ""o-"ndoes/`e°`�y 'PROCEDURAL REOUe�AENie i I OUORTA.m E REaunEnorte 1 rouRMor+me � Russell Jones I RnnoRnnoa WOan _ , olmel,waowr Janet Tharp 1, rzANNfON IOUQEe AND e1RAOOIEe ; • WRT TOUR MONnse -CD" le MON** Donal Simpson I ADOPT NSW VINO ORDNANO2,EXT AND iRANNnON IROORNi I Vide 2 Slide I Wylie Zoning Ordinance Rewrite Wylie Zoning Ordinance Rewrite General Structure of a Zoning Ordinance WYLIE ZONING ORDINANCE ISSUES General Provisions •Purpose •Establishment 1. Fit with and implements Comprehensive •Adopt Maps Plan •interpertations — The Regulatory Content 2. Address issues important to the Specifies Community How What What —►Where --► Much —' Qualities 3. Clean up ordinance inconsistencies— Uses Districts Yard,Lot, Landscaping improve format-increase utility S. qStandards Design Standards I T Sign Regulations 4. Simplification -ease of use-fairness- I ' Parking-Loading understandability Buffering The Procedural Content 5. Completeness •P&Z •Subdivision of Land •BOA •Nonconforming Uses 6. Compatibility with State and Federal Law •Site Plan Review •Classification of New Uses •Rezonings •Enforcement , E Definitions • SINS 4 511d• 3 Stanland and Associates Wallace Roberts&Todd Wylie Zoning Ordinance Rewrite Wylie Zoning Ordinance Rewrite 1. Fit with and implements 2. Address issues important to Comprehensive Plan the Community • Village concepts • Adjacency issues between uses and between • New districts districts • Special districts in corridors • Screening and fencing • Quality of residential development • Higher design and landscape standards • Design standards for residential districts • Landscape ordinance • Tree preservation ordinance 511de 5 511de 6 Wylie Zoning Ordinance Rewrite Wylie Zoning Ordinance Rewrite 3. Clean up ordinance inconsistencies — 4. Simplification — ease of use — improve format — increase utility fairness — understandability • Clear, consistent definition of uses • Use simple, plain English • References to outdated or nonexistent • Use charts,tables and graphics sections removed • Reduce number of districts and uses • Use of charts,tables and graphics to separately defined while still accomplishing summarize and communicate requirements goals of Comp Plan and creation of quality development • Integration of other sections of the City Code which deal with land use and development • Use logical structure of ordinance and minimize related issues use of cross references which require flipping to many sections to find out what is required • Correction of spelling, grammar, and awkward sentences • Use categories and logical grouping of topics to organize code 511de 7 511de 8 etanland and Associates Wallace Roberts&Todd Wylie Zoning Ordinance Rewrite Wylie Zoning Ordinance Rewrite 5. Completeness NEXT STEPS • Have ordinance that covers full range of uses and districts that might occur in Wylie • Gather Input from Community Leaders, refine issues and opportunities • Insure process for amending ordinance to accommodate changes can be done with • Define Ordinance Format and Structure minimum impact on basic ordinance structure and intent. • Insure ordinance recognizes current development trends and molds them to QUESTIONS - DISCUSSION Comprehensive Plan goals and objectives. 6. Compatibility with State and Federal Law • Recognize latest statutory changes and judicial rulings Slide 9 Slide 10 NOTES J Stanland and Associates Wallace Roberts&Todd I1a.ndou.f `2 MEMORANDUM Date: December 7, 1999 To: Tobin Maples, Director of Planning, City of Wylie From: Stanton Foerster, PE, Foerster Engineering, LLC Subject: McCreary Estates Traffic Impact Study Review On December 3, Innovative Transportation Solutions, Inc. submitted a Traffic Impact Study (TIS). I have reviewed the TIS and offer the following comments: A. In phases to match development trip generation, the developer should escrow the following: 2% of the cost of the northbound to eastbound free right at McCreary/McMillen; 5% of the cost of the southbound to eastbound left turn lane at FM544/McCreary; and 5% of the cost of the McCreary/McMillen traffic signal. B. The development should be limited to 80% of the total build out trip generation until the FM544/McCreary intersection in constructed and signalized by TxDOT. bra nd ocvt ## C ¶1 - O8 ?voposedlorn.n3 Proposed SF-A Proposed SF-A Required for SF-3 DR Horton Lot Area 7,200 sq. ft. 7,200 sq. ft. 7,200 sq. ft. Front Yard 25 ft. 25 ft. 20 ft. * Rear Yard 25 ft. 25 ft 25 ft. Side Yard 6 ft. Not less than 6 ft. on each 5 ft. and 15 ft.for side side of the lot and 20 ft. for yards adjacent to a side side yards adjacent to a side street. * street. Minimum Lot Depth 100 ft. 100 ft. 110 ft. Minimum Lot Width 60 ft. 60 ft. 60 ft. Roof pitch 8:12 None required 6:12 House Elevation No house elevation shall be No regulations No house elevation shall be constructed adjacent to each constructed adjacent to each other. other. Landscaping 6 inches(diameter)of None required 2 inch tree(s), eighteen trees, 18 three gallon shrubs, and front yard sod shrubs,and sod from fence to curb Exterior Wall 75%masonry veneer,brick, 75%masonry 75%masonry veneer,brick, Material stone,or stucco stone,or stucco Minimum dwelling 1,600 sq. ft. 1,100 sq. ft. 1,600 sq. ft. size Department of Planning, 12/02/99 IIIIF Proposed SF-B Proposed SF-B Required for SF-2 DR Horton Lot Area 8,500 sq. ft. 8,500 sq. ft. 8,400 sq.ft. *. Front Yard 25 ft. 25 ft. 25 ft. 25 ft. Rear Yard 25 ft. 25 ft Side Yard 7 ft Not less than 7 ft. on each 7 ft. and 17 ft.for side side of the lot and 20 ft. for yards adjacent to a side side yards adjacent to a side street. * street. 100 ft. 100 ft. 115 ft. Minimum Lot Depth70 ft. Minimum Lot Width 60 ft. 60 ft. Roof pitch 8:12 None required 6:12 House Elevation No house elevation shall be No regulations cans ouse constructed adjacentation shall t lle beh constructed adjacent to each other. other. Landscaping 6 inches(diameter)of None required 4 inch tree(s), eighteen trees, 18 two gallon shrubs, shrubs, and front yard sod and sod from fence to curb Exterior Wall 75%masonry veneer,brick, 75%masonry 75%masonry veneer,brick, Material stone,or stucco stone,or stucco Minimum dwelling 1,800 sq. ft. 1,500 sq. ft. 1,800 sq. ft. size Proposed SF-C Proposed SF-C Required for SF-1 DR Horton Lot Area 10,000 sq. ft. 10,000 sq.ft. 20,000 sq. ft. 25 ft. 25 ft. 30 ft. Front Yard 25 ft. Rear Yard 25 ft. 25 ft Side Yard 8 ft. Not less than 8 ft. on each 10 ft. and 20 ft. for side side of the lot and 25 ft. for yards adjacent to a side side yards adjacent to a side street. * street. Minimum Lot Depth 100 ft. 100 ft. 125 ft. 75 ft. Minimum Lot Width 60 ft. 60 ft. Roof pitch 8:12 None required 6:12 House Elevation No house elevation shall be No regulations No constructed house ed adjacentation h lealch e constructed adjacent to each other. other. teen Landscaping 6 inches(diameter)of None required shrubs,and front 6 inch tree(s),eighteeyan sod trees, 18 two gallon shrubs, _and sod from fence to curb ° veneer,brick, ° masonry 75/o masonry Exterior Wall 75%masonry veneer,brick, 75/o stone, or stucco Material stone,or stucco ft. Minimum dwelling 2,000 sq. ft. 1,800 sq. ft. 2,400 sq. size Department of Planning. 12/02/99 MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION WYLIE MUNICIPAL COMPLEX 2000 Highway 78 North, Wylie, Texas 75098 Regular Business Meeting December 21, 1999 7:00 P.M. A quorum was present and a notice was posted in the time and manner required by law. Members Present: Staff Present: Steve Ahrens, Chairman Tobin E. Maples, Director of Planning Sharon Dowdy- ABSENT Carrie Smith, Secretary Eric Hogue, Vice Chairman George Michael Carter Porter- ABSENT Julie Schmader Cecilia Wood CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by Chairman, Steve Ahrens. CITIZEN PARTICIPATION No Comments. WORKSESSION/DISCUSSION ITEMS Presentation by Mr. Raymond E. Stanland&Associates - Re-write of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance. See attached notes taken by Mr. Stanland's Staff. STAFF REPORTS None ADJOURNMENT Motion: A motion was made by Cecilia Wood, Seconded by Julie Schmader to adjourn. Motion Carried- all in favor(4-0). Minutes-Planning and Zoning Commission December 21, 1999,Regular Business Meeting Page 1 Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Wylie, Texas December 21, 1999 Notes I. Critical Issues A. Quality construction of residential and non-residential development 1. Aesthetics and construction 2. Home builders who build low quality products with bland exterior appearance 3. Poorly built structures--ceilings falling in 4. Commercial buildings--metal B. Changes in ordinance 1. Enforceable 2. Simple 3. Usable 4. Minimize discretionary decisions--clear cut regulations--both City and developer able to use 5. More graphics 6. Explore matrix format C. Other concerns 1. Residential standards--lot sizes and setbacks 2. Split industrial districts--light and heavy 3. Screening (total) in all districts a. uses b. streets c. type 4. Lighting standards 5. Sidewalks a. Where required b. Should be required 6. Cul-de-Sacs--small radius safety issue, larger radius needed 7. Accessory buildings--requires a variance now--allow accessory barns on larger parcels 8. Animals--requires a variance now 9. Width of lots in Cul-de-Sacs--review how measured 10. Industry--technology limits--Best requirements not minimum requirements, ensure high quality industrial development 11. More residential districts vs. cleaning up existing districts and adding an "Estate District" 12. Street widths 13. Flood Plain--drainage issues, development allowed in flood plain 14. Lot widths and depth--where measured?currently average, should be at street D. Planned Development Districts 1. More control for city--more predictability for developers 2. Limit PDs to situation where renovation is needed 3. Clear use of regular districts to reduce use of PDs to build marketable products E. Historical District Wylie Zoning Ordinance Rewrite Page 1 -January 13,2000 Stanland and Associates 1. More discretion in design review than other districts 2. More leeway in lot sizes within historic districts 3. Separate district designation 4. Allow tree/site preservation F. Use of Matrix system for design oriented issues 1. Austin Tomorrow example 2. Smart Growth 3. Point system like Deep Ellum II. Administrative Processes A. Shortage of personnel B. Lack of definition--bogged down in interpretations(ex. front yard v. side yard) C. Clear cut procedures--(ex. when map is amended)to avoid potentially illegal procedures D. E III. Enforcement issues A. Industrial 1. Railroad 2. Sandeh--leased by State but need best technology standards 3. Clarify industrial categories/uses 4. Distinguish between heavy and light industry 5. Promote "industrial park" design standards B. Business Park--Legacy Park in Plano C. Corridor overlay 1. Design issue--site layout requirements 2. Making Wylie unique 3. 300-600'zone--increased architectural design 4. Potential Multi-family 5. Scale along corridor 6. Develop Gateways into City 7. Uses a. Big box retail b. Incorporate Multi-Family c. Strip retail d. Sites should be contained area with joint access easements e. Limit parking in front of buildings D. Mixed Uses 1. P&Z prefers the planning definitions--uses mixed within structures or on same parcel 2. Doesn't prefer developers version--ex. a variety of uses in same general area 3. Integrated uses E. Current PD process not effective in all cases, burdensome to developer, staff, and P&Z IV. Miscellaneous A. Wylie's image as a starter home community B. Redevelopment in older areas C. Lot sizes D. Subdivision regulations are being revised by Tobin Wylie Zoning Ordinance Rewrite Page 2-January 13,2000 Stanland and Associates Steve Ahrens, Chairman Carrie Smith, Secretary Minutes-Planning and Zoning Commission October 5, 1999,Regular Business Meeting Page 2 pi" of Wylie Public Hearing Item No. 1 99-10 Rezoning Planning and Zoning Commission Public Hearing: January 18, 2000 Owner: Debra S. Cooper Applicant: Tipton Engineering, Inc. Location: Generally located along the south side of McMillen Road and east of the Southfork Mobil Home Development Existing Zoning: A (Agricultural) Requested Zoning: PD (Planned Development) for master planned single family uses Summary: The conceptual plan under consideration is for the proposed Sage Creek North Addition. The applicant is requesting rezoning on 50.7865 acres in order to develop the property with a master planned single family residential community. The property to the north is vacant and zoned for PD (Planned Development) single family, retail and multi-family uses. The properties to the east and southeast are undeveloped and zoned for A (Agricultural) uses. The property to the southwest is zoned PD (Planned Development) for single family uses. The property to the west is zoned MH Manufactured Home and is developed accordingly. Public Comment Forms were mailed to eighty-three (83) property owners within 200 feet of this request. One (1) Public Comment Form in opposition has been returned. Department of Planning, 01/12/00 99-10 Issues: • The Comprehensive Plan recommends Country Residential (1 acre single family) uses and Suburban Residential (8,500 sq. foot lots) for the property. The proposed land use is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan only in terms of the single family residential aspect. Specifically, the applicant is proposing a density of 3.17 dwelling units per acre. The applicant is also proposing 4.65 acres of dedicated parkland and 4.0 acres of H.O.A. open space. Staff is of the opinion that the proposed zoning does not meet the intent of the Comprehensive Plan as it relates to density and preservation of open space. Specifically, staff cannot support the 6,000 - 7,000 square foot lots. • The applicant is filing this PD in order to ensure a quality development and request an amendment to the Comprehensive Plan. The following tables provide a summary of the development standards being proposed. Proposed Tract A Proposed Tract-A Required for SF-2 Lot Area 8,500 sq. ft.minimum 8,500 sq. ft. (10,000 sq. ft. average) Front Yard 25 ft. 25 ft. Rear Yard 15 f1. 25 ft Side Yard 10 ft. separation between Not less than 6 ft. on each structures& 15 ft. for side side of the lot and 20 ft. for yards adjacent to a side side yards adjacent to a side street. street. Minimum Lot Depth 110 ft. 100 ft. 100 ft. for cul-de-sac Minimum Lot Width 60 ft. 60 ft. Roof pitch 6:12 None required House Elevation No house elevation shall be No regulations constructed adjacent to each other. Landscaping (1)3"diameter tree None required (10)2 gallon shrubs Grass sod front yard ° Exterior Wall 75%brick,tiles,cement, 75%masonry Material concrete,stone or similar materials Minimum dwelling 1,800 sq. ft. 1,500 sq. ft. size Department of Planning, 01/12/00 Proposed Tract - B Proposed Tract-B Required for SF-3 Lot Area 6,000 sq. ft. minimum 7,200 sq. ft. (6,750 sq. ft. average) Front Yard 25 ft. 25 ft. Rear Yard 15 ft. 25 ft Side Yard 10 ft. separation between Not less than 6 ft. on each structures& 15 ft. for side side of the lot and 20 ft. for yards adjacent to a side side yards adjacent to a side street. street. Minimum Lot Depth 100 ft. 100 ft. 90 ft. for cul-de-sac Minimum Lot Width 50 ft. 60 ft. Roof pitch 6:12 None required House Elevation No house elevation shall be No regulations constructed adjacent to each other. Landscaping (1)2 1/2"diameter tree None required (10)2 gallon shrubs Grass sod front yard Exterior Wall 75%brick,tiles, cement, 75%masonry Material concrete,stone or similar materials Minimum dwelling 1,400 sq. ft. 1,100 sq. ft. size • The applicant is incorporating approximately 4.0 acres of HOA open space and 4.65 acres of dedicated public park(public park to include $25,000 of community park equipment, the extension of a hike &bike trail, and the provision of parallel parking on Riverway lane adjacent to the park). The H.O.A. open space includes a pond system to be utilized for flood control and drainage. At the January 10, 2000, Parks Board meeting, the Board recommended approval of this case (see attached memorandum from Mindy Manson, Assistant City Manager). • The applicant is proposing a divided entry way to McMillen Road. • In order to determine the developmental impact on the roadway system and the applicant's responsibility for roadway improvements, staff recommends that the applicant prepare a traffic impact study(TIS) for the proposed development including impacts associate with the Lakeside Estates/Sage Creek and McCreary Estates developments to the south and the proposed Creekside Estates development to the north. Specifically,the applicant may be responsible for a portion of the roadway improvements (signalization, etc.) resulting from their proposed development. Staff recommends said traffic impact study be submitted concurrently with the development plan. Department of Planning, 01/12/00 • The applicant is aware that a development plan, preliminary plat and final plat must be approved prior to the issuance of building permits. Financial Considerations: Rezoning application fee in the amount of$400.00 - Paid Staff Recommendation: Denial due to the fact that the proposed density does not meet the intent of the Comprehensive Plan. Should the Commission approve this case, staff recommends that it be approved subject to city approval of a traffic impact study(applicant's responsibility to prepare and submit). The Departments of Public Works, Fire, and Development Services concur with this recommendation. Attachments: Location Map Area Zoning Map Property Owner Notification Map Property Owner Notification Report Public Comment Forms Public Hearing Notice Zoning Change Application Proposed Land Data Conceptual Plan Department of Planning, 01/12/00 City of Wylie Memo To: Tobin Maples, Director of Development Services From: Mindy Manson, Assistant City Manager M�1 Date: 01/11/00 Re: Sage Creek North Subdivision- Parkland Dedication During the January 10, 2000 Park Board meeting, the Board recommended approval of the parkland dedication proposed for the Sage Creek North Subdivision in lieu of fees. As a part of the motion, the Board specified the improvements of the extension of the hike & bike trail, the $25,000 in community park equipment and the provision of parallel parking on Riverway Lane adjacent to the park, all to be completed by the developer. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to let me know. •Page 1 \ -4 . I I L.) . _ 'NMN 'Zi PARKER CITY LMIT .- i ,*Ai 1111u111�1t�4 0 SUBJECT '1 `"pits`'° PROPERTY "°""i'°c• vo 114 H 1 n maw 111110 m111m1mnnn - wit It co N M 1 2 LL r O ■ril s McMillen Road J LL tramuuu uitm2 El =orriminn:::-----..-N. I .:: .2,',9 . ''' 11 ........j/ Iiiii I =vU3t ez.:...:.iszt...........„„...$sz.ytti ,..::,.:,::zw izz-` -�r�:4 tiumuum 74_,:-.'.=.2 2 ',.:i'A".;,'..,t3 L _ _ �•I11111ut1/ j, i�Cp N E.?Fi(.t.,; iinm l: _r M1C:v M=44yi-IUAIUIUU; ' fhiniiimuN a. II / t ( �' >, �p.��t1 — 11 1_ 111 1111 a i jtr 7s ,, ...Mx.=Alt Iginal 3 1 r I{-1 --1---7/ / 0 1 ri l r MY ue s `--iumuiturdit um?uu� ' --- _ "1u10mm. •= �4. LOCATION MAP ZONING CASE #99- 10 L PD A 111 PD . ... — McMillen Road , , ,..„ • "_", ,..,, 1"-400' MH SUBJECT A PROPERTY j � , `idi R-6589-000-0080-1 IIP! "el% L.._.._..J MN gn�y ■ A 41 7 1IIi frni , , , , - ______________________________ PD A ZONING AREA MAP ZONING CASE #99- 10 I 1 CI; i LIM C Campbeb/Wylle x Partners d m2co L Brewer R-6589-000- R-6589-000-002A11 0010-1 - McMillen Road j9�`10�11 1 1 •' II I I `-„ bl' 16\14 L.._..-..J R.Thurmond,Jr. 0114 '... R-6589-000-0080-1 SUBJECT 0 PROPERTY 1"-400' 4 /-.. lift 7 R-6589-000-0080-1 k3 ,82 lb' ---, woo 4, 78 t'il -/ Ii! i 76lel �Kir 0 I I ) VI 111.111,111112 + )1414111101146 il z' 1ta R.Thurmond.Jr. , © R-6589-OOa�069-I 1i in ay IJ41 ,41 ill 14 I2�4 'a lai= .n 65 AZI I l s '63\62 rl P.Easter9n9 Ashton Custer LLC 1 R-6849-000-0120-1 R-6849-000-0110-1 i i i i i i i PROPERTY OWNER NOTIFICATION MAP ZONING CASE #99- 10 NOTIFICATION REPORT APPLICANT: Paramount Development APPLICATION FILE# 99-10 15851 Dallas N.Tollway,#100 Dallas,Tx 75248 # I BLK/ABST I LOT/TRACT I TAX I.D. # I PROPERTY OWNER NAME l ADDRESS I 8235 Douglas Ave#650 1 Abst 589 Tract 1 R 6589 000 0010 1 Campbell/Wylie Partners Dallas,Texas 75225-6015 1, Box 1538 Richland Springs,Tx 76871-9729 Donna Hinnant 2 Abst 589 Tract 10-9 R 6589 000 0109 1 2300 McMillen Road Wylie,Texas 75098 3 Abst 589 Tract 2 R 6589 000 002A 1 Leonard Brewer 2500 McMillen Road 3 Abst 589 Tract 8 R-6589-000-0080-1 Robert Thurmond,Jr. Wylie,Texas 75098 2500 McMillen Road 4 Abst 589 Tract 6-9 R 6589-000 0069 1 Robert Thurmond,Jr. Wylie,Texas 75098 812 Heatherwood Debra S.Cooper Wylie,Texas 75098 5 Abst 589 Tract 7-9 R 6589 000 0080-1 Applicantp 15851 Dallas N.Tollway, #100 6 Abst 589 Tract 7-9 R 6589-000 0080 1 Dallas,Texas 75248 Paramount Development 6808 Dewitt Road PerryEasterlingGarland,Texas 75048-3006 7 Abst 849 Tract 12 R 6849 000-0120 1 15851 Dallas Parkway#100 Texas 75001 8 Abst 849 Tract 11 R6849-000-0110-1 Ashton Custer LLC Addison,103 Gary Way Southfork MHP Wylie,Texas 75098 9 Lot 103 --- M-5030-000-103D-1 Edgar Buckley Y --- 102 Gary Way SouthforkMHP Stacy liner Wylie,Texas 75098 10 Lot 102 --- M-5030-000-102A-1 101 Gary Way Southfork--- Y MHP Wylie,Texas 75098 11 Lot 101 --- M-5030-000-101 F-1 Karen Morwood l pp Gary Way Southfork MHP W Ile,Texas 75098 12 Lot 100 --- M-5030-000-100D-1 Janet Robinson V 99 Gary Way Southfork MHP Todd Lesinsld Wylie,Texas 75098 13 Lot 99 --- M-5030-000-099F-1 98 Gary Way Southfork MHP ,Texys 75098 ay 14 Lot 98 --- M-5030-000-098C-1 Malcolm Crow WyIle le Gary Way Southfork MHP Wylie,Texas 75098 97 15 Lot 97 --- M-5030-000-097B-1 Harriet Glasenapp 4600 Green Meadow Drive Southfork MHP McKinney,Texas 75070-7764 16 Lot 96 --- M-5030-000-096E-1 Joseph Johnson Y. 440 Ewing Way --- Wylie,Texas 75098 SouthforkMHP Melissa Owens W 17 440 M-5030-000-440D-1 Southfork MHP 441 Ewing Way 18 441 --- M-5030-000-441C-1 Richard Golden Wylie,Texas 75098 Southfork MHP No Listing 19 442 o 443 Ewing Way Southfork MHP W Ile,Texas 75098 20 443 --- M-5030-000-443E-1 Margie Whaley Y Southfork MHP 21 444 --- No Listing Southfork MHP 22 445 --- No Listing Southfork MHP 446 Ewing Way 23 446 --- M-5030-000-446E-1 Darrell Wilkes Wylie,Texas 75098 Southfork MHP 1017 N.Keralum Ave 24 447 --- M-5030-000-447E-1 Michael Hahn Mission,Texas 78572 Southfork MHP 100 N.Carriage House Way 25 448 --- M-5030-000-448F-1 Alma Faircioth Wylie,Texas 75098 Southfork MHP 449 Ewing Way 26 449 --- M-5030-000-449A-1 Bonnie Nakawah Wylie,Texas 75098 Southfork MHP CMH Parks Inc.#552 216 Southfork Blvd 27 450 --- M-5030-000-450D-1 •DBA Southfork MH Community Wylie,Texas 75098 Southfork MHP 451 Ewing Way 28 451 --- M-5030-000451A-1 Lazaro Quintana Wylie,Texas 75098 Southfork MHP 1909 Gienwick Lane 29 452 --- M-5030-000-452C-1 Richard Moore Garland,Texas 75040 Southfork MHP 453 Ewing Way 30 453 --- M-5030-000-453A-1 Jack Putteet Wylie,Texas 75098 Southfork MHP CMH Parks Inc.#552 216 Southfork Blvd 31 454 -- M-5030-000-4548-1 DBA Southfork MH Community Wylie,Texas 75098 Southfork MHP 455 Ewing Way 32 455 --- M-5030-000-455A-1 Zane Adams Wylie,Texas 75098 Southfork MHP 456 Ewing Way 33 456 --- M-5030-000-456E-1 Carlos Solis Wylie,Texas 75098 Southfork MHP CMH Parks Inc. #552 216 Southfork Blvd 34 457 --- M-5030-000-457B-1 DBA Southfork MH Community Wylie,Texas 75098 Southfork MHP 458 Ewing Way 35 458 --- M-5030-000-458A-1 Frank Chaput Wylie,Texas 75098 Southfork MHP 36 459 --- No Listing Southfork MHP 37 460 --- No Listing Southfork MHP 461 Ewing Way 38 461 --- M-5030-000-461E-1 Rene Medrano Wylie,Texas 75098 Southfork MHP CMH Parks Inc.#552 216 Southfork Blvd 39 462 --- M-5030-000-462E-1 DBA Southfork MH Community Wylie,Texas 75098 Southfork MHP 463 Ewing Way 40 463 --- M-5030-000-463B-1 David Medlin Wylie,Texas 75098 Southfork MHP 464 Ewing Way 41 464 --- M-5030-000-464C-1 Beverly Ramey Wylie,Texas 75098 480 Miss Ellie Circle Southfork MHP 42 480 -- M-5030-000-480C-1 Heather Nieste Wylie,Texas 75098 Southfork MHP 43 481 --- No Listing Southfork MHP P.O. Box 667 44 482 --- M-5030-000-482A-1 Jackie Bonner Wylie,Texas 75098 Southfork MHP 483 Miss Ellie Circle 45 483 --- M-5030-000-483E-1 Renee Stephens Wylie,Texas 75098 Southfork MHP 484 Miss Ellie Circle 46 484 --- M-5030-000-484A-1 Jerry Prince,Jr. Wylie,Texas 75098 Southfork MHP 1421 DiOrio Drive 47 485 --- M-5030-000-485E-1 Wallace Cox,Jr. Lewisville,Texas 75067 Southfork MHP CMH Parks Inc.#552 216 Southfork Blvd 48 486 --- M-5030-000-486E-1 DBA Southfork MH Community Wylie,Texas 75098 Southfork MHP 487 Miss Ellie Circle 49 487 --- M-5030-000-487E-1 John Stockton Wylie,Texas 75098 Southfork MHP 488 Miss Ellie Circle 50 488 --- M-5030-000-488A-1 Debra Hensley Wylie,Texas 75098 Southfork MHP 51 489 --- No Listing Southfork MHP CMH Parks Inc.#552 216 Southfork Blvd 52 490 --- M-5030-000-490C-1 DBA Southfork MH Community Wylie,Texas 75098 Southfork MHP CMH Parks Inc.#552 216 Southfork Blvd 53 491 --- M-5030-000-491 B-1 DBA Southfork MH Community Wylie,Texas 75098 Southfork MHP 5723 Vista Park Lane 54 492 --- M-5030-000-492A-1 Brian Trial Sachse,Texas 75048 Southfork MHP 493 Miss Ellie Circle 55 493 --- M-5030-000-493D-1 Susan Fry Wylie,Texas 75098 Southfork MHP 494 Miss Ellie Circle 56 494 --- M-5030-000-494C-1 Chloe Johanson Wylie.Texas 75098 Southfork MHP 57 495 --- No Listing Southfork MHP 123 Vine Lane 58 496 --- M-5030-000-496A-1 Gregory Hall Plano,Texas 75074 Southfork MHP 497 Miss Ellie Circle 59 497 --- M-5030-000-4978-1 Gerald Robbins Wylie,Texas 75098 Southfork MHP 700 Miss Ellie Circle 60 700 --- M-5030-000-700A-1 Michelle Ferguson Wylie,Texas 75098 Southfork MHP 11596 W.Sierra Dawn Blvd 61 699 --- M-5030-000-699C-1 Richard Sheppard Surprise,AZ 85374 Southfork MHP 698 Jock Lane 62 698 --- M-5030-000-698B-1 Thomas Smith Wylie,Texas 75098 Southfork MHP 697 Jock Lane 63 697 --- M-5030-000-697G-1 Ruth Kelly Wylie,Texas 75098 Southfork MHP 665 Jock Lane 64 665 --- M-5030-000-6650-1 Joseph Thornburg Wylie,Texas 75098 Southfork MHP 664 Jock Lane 65 664 --- M-5030-000-664D-1 Mary Chavis Wylie,Texas 75098 Southfork MHP CMH Parks Inc. #552 216 Southfork Blvd 66 663 --- M-5030-000-663E-1 DBA Southfork MH Community Wylie,Texas 75098 Southfork MHP CMH Parks Inc.#552 216 Southfork Blvd 67 662 --- M-5030-000-662A-1 DBA Southfork MH Community Wylie,Texas 75098 Southfork MHP 68 741 --- No Listing Southfork MHP 740 Ewing Way 69 740 --- M-5030-000-740C-1 Eleana Worthy Wylie,Texas 75098 Southfork MHP CMH Parks Inc. #552 216 Southfork Blvd 70 739 --- M-5030-000-739D-1 DBA Southfork MH Community Wylie,Texas 75098 Southfork MHP CMH Parks Inc.#552 216 Southfork Blvd 71 738 --- M-5030-000-738E-1 DBA Southfork MH Community Wylie,Texas 75098 Southfork MHP 737 Ewing Way 72 737 --- M-5030-000-737A-1 Maria Hamilton Wylie,Texas 75098 Southfork MHP 736 Ewing Way 73 736 --- M-5030-000-736D-1 Brian Davis Wylie,Texas 75098 Southfork MHP 735 Ewing Way 74 735 --- M-5030-000-735E-1 Richard Baca Wylie,Texas 75098 Southfork MHP 75 734 --- No Listing Southfork MHP CMH Parks Inc.#552 216 Southfork Blvd 76 733 --- M-5030-000-733A-1 DBA Southfork MH Community Wylie,Texas 75098 Southfork MHP P.O. Box 941026 77 732 -- M-5030-000-732A-1 John Todd Plano,Texas 75094 Southfork MHP 731 Ewing Way 78 731 --- M-5030-000-731B-1 Sarah Presas Wylie,Texas 75098 Southfork MHP 730 Ewing Way 79 730 --- M-5030-000-730C-1 Vicki Moore Wylie,Texas 75098 Southfork MHP 623 Pamela 80 623 --- M-5030-000-6230-1 David Hight Wylie,Texas 75098 Southfork MHP 622 Pamela Ave 81 622 --- M-5030-000-622A-1 Ricky Willmon Wylie,Texas 75098 Southfork MHP 621 Ewing Way 82 621 --- M-5030-000-621B-1 Emma Johnson Wylie,Texas 75098 Southfork MHP 620 Ewing Way 83 620 --- M-5030-000-620C-1 Norrene Sanfilipo Wylie,Texas 75098 PUBLIC COMMENT FORM (Please type or use black ink) Department of Planning 2000 Highway 78 North Wylie,Texas 75098 I am FOR the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case#99-10. V I am AGAINST the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case#99-10. Date,Location&Time of Planning&Zoning Commission meeting: Tuesday,January 18,2000,7:00 pm Municipal Complex,2000 Highway 78 North, Wylie,Texas Date,Location&Time of City Council meeting: Tuesday,January 25,2000,7:00 pm Municipal Complex,2000 Highway 78 North, Wylie,Texas Name: RRRY Ul, E AS I -e-V L4 N/ (please print) Address: (0 S vki 5 OtA- ZK,-S-0 `1$ Wylie Tax Account Number , O 0 p 11,0 _ (if shown on enclosed map): `� Signature: Date: 7/b -- O COMMENTS: 7)4 (ic Co ) 1 Doef Nof- ylnoJ ,o a 614 S 1?-z.v of 0 Not --L o a ‘-el p (.sA p rt 61 L,-t- E 1✓ v 7<,t t f`r O ✓ue.,rr���i NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION AND CITY COUNCIL An application has been received by the City of Wylie for a: PROPOSED ZONING CHANGE Zoning Case Number: 99-10 Applicant: Tipton Engineering, Inc. Location: Generally located along the south side of McMillen Road and east of the Southfork Mobil Home Development Property Description: (See the attached Exhibit"A" for full legal description) Present Zoning: A(Agricultural) Requested Zoning: PD(Planned Development)for single family uses Proposed master planned community with density variances. This public hearing is held to consider the application as an amendment to the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City of Wylie,Texas and the Official Zoning Map. The request will be considered as follows: Planning and Zoning Commission: Tuesday,January 18,2000,7:00 PM City Council: Tuesday,January 25,2000,7:00 PM Each public hearing will be held at the following location: City Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex 2000 Highway 78 North,Wylie,Texas This notice has been sent to all owners of real property within 200 feet of the request,as such ownership appears on the last approved city tax roll. Action by the Planning and Zoning Commission serves as a recommendation to the City Council and is not a final action on the request. If the Commission recommends denial, a three-fourths majority vote by the City Council shall be required for approval. Zoning districts, amendments and conditions recommended by the Commission for approval by the City Council may be more restrictive than those described in this notice. All interested persons are encouraged to attend the public hearing and express their opinions on the zoning change request. If you are unable to attend,but wish to have your opinions made a part of the public record,please complete the enclosed form and return it prior to the public hearing. Please print your name, address of the property you own and the tax account number(if applicable) on the enclosed form and return it to the following address: City of Wylie Department of Planning 2000 Highway 78 North Wylie,TX 75098 If the property owners of 20%or more of the land within the 200 foot notification area file a written protest prior to the public hearing, state law provides that approval of the zoning change request shall require an affirmative vote of 3/4 of the members of the City Council. The application is on file for public examination in the Planning Department at 2000 Highway 78 North,Wylie,Texas. For additional information,please contact the Planning Department at 972/442-8150. Please reference the zoning case number when requesting information. This facility is wheelchair accessible and handicapped parking spaces are available. Requests for interpretation services or assistive hearing devices must be made 48 hours prior to the meeting. Contact the Office of the City Secretary at(972)442-8101 or(TDD)(972)442-8170 for assistance. METES AND BOUNDS DESCRIPTION 4476S BEING a tract of land situated in the John W. Mitchell Survey, Abstract No. 589, City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas, the subject tract being a portion of a tract of land conveyed to Debra S. Thurmond according to the deeds recorded in County Clerk No. 95-0090832 and No. 97-0017370 of the Deed Records of Collin County, Texas (DRCCT), the subject tract being more particularly described os follows: BEGINNING at the southwest corner of the subject tract and the southeast corner of a tract of land conveyed to Clayton / Cambridge Joint Venture according to the deed recorded In County Clerk File No. 92-0045237 (DRCCT), sold beginning point further being in the north line of a tract of land conveyed to William E. Campbell, Jr., Trustee, according the deed recorded in Volume 872, Poge 153 (DRCCT), a 1/2' iron pin with a yellow cap found at corner, THENCE. N 01' 11' 37" W, along the common line between said Clayton / Cambridge Joint Venture tract and the subject tract, a distance of 2497.88 feet to a 1/2' iron pin with a red cop stamped DB RPLS 5252 set in ospholt rood at corner; THENCE, N 89' 42' 15" E, with said asphalt road, a distance of 881.07 feet to a 1/2' iron pin with a red cop stamped DB RPLS 5252 set in asphalt rood at corner, from which a 1/2' iron pin found in asphalt rood bears N 89' 42' 15' E, a distance of 12.23 feet; THENCE, S 01' 41' 12' E, a distance of 399.73 feet to a 1/2' iron pin with o red cap stomped DB RPLS 5252 set at comer, THENCE, S 01' 15' 15" E, a distance of 956.15 feet to a 1/2" iron pin with a red cap stamped DB RPLS 5252 set at corner, THENCE, S 01' 21' 41' E, a distance of 852.27 feet to a 1/2' iron pin with a red cap stamped DB RPLS 5252 set of corner, THENCE, S 01' 26' 01' E, a distance of 292.16 feet to a 1/2' iron pin with o red cap stamped DB RPLS 5252 set at corner, from which a 1/2' iron pin found bears S 89' 38' 56' E. a distance of 4.72 feet; THENCE, N 89' 38' 56' W, along the north line of a tract of land conveyed to Perry Easterline according to the deed recorded in Volume 2258. Page 914 (DRCCT), o distance of 329.14 feet to a 1/2" iron pin with o red cop stomped DB RPLS 5252 set at corner, THENCE, S 89' 33' 25' W, along the north line of said William E. Campbell, Jr. Trustee tract, a distance of 560.15 feet to the PLACE OF BEGINNING with the subject tract containing 2,211,769 square feet or 50.7752 acres of land. Page 1 of 2 (5/93) CITY OF WYLIE P.O. BOX 428 WYLIE, TEXAS 75098 APPLICATION FOR ZONING CHANGE Case No. 970 Filing Fee $275 .00 Date 09-01 -99 Applicant TIPTON ENGINEERING, INC. Phone No. 972-226-2967 Mailing Address: Work No. 6330 Broadway , Suite C Garland , Taxac 75(141 LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY SOUGHT TO BE REZONED: (If additional space is needed for description, the description may be put on a.separate sheet and attached hereto).1 JOHN W. MITCHELL SURVEY , ABSTRACT NO. 589 I hereby request that the above described property be changed from its present zoning which is Ag . District Classification to PD-SF District Classification for the following reasons: (attach separate sheet if necessary) There iar (are not) deed restrictions pertaining to the intended use of the property. 2 Status of Applicant Owner Tenant Representative XX Prospective Purchaser I have attached hereto as Exhibit "A" a plat showing the property which is the subject of this requested zoning change and have read the following concerning the importance of my submitting to the City a sufficient legal description. TIPTON ENGINEERING, INC . Signed Richard Hovas , e President Sep 3 '4ASHTCPd WOODS DALLRS Fax:97191494'� 16:41 09/08/1999 09:32 972-442-2233 UTC ASHTON 4JOOAS DALLAS E=ax:9729914949 Sep 3 '99 9:22 P.02 PAGE 01/el September 3, 1999 Mr.Tobin Maples City of Wylie Planning Department 2000 Highway 78 North Wylie,Tx. 75098 Re: 50.7Aare Tract on McMillen Road east of McCreary Road Dear Mr.Maples: As the owner of the referenced trace of land,I hereby acknowledge that Tipton Engineering Is submitting a request for Zoning of said property on behalf of Paramount Land Development, Sincerely, SAGE CREEK NORTH WYLIE, TEXAS PROPOSED LAND USE DATA RESIDENTIAL PLANNED DEVELOPMENT SAGE CREEK NORTH RESIDENTIAL PROPOSED ZONING: TRACT ACRE ZONING NO. OF UNITS DENSITY S.F. A 31.492 Single Family 89 2.8 (4.65 acres open space) B 19.294 Single Family 72 3.7 (3.94 acres open space) TOTAL ACRES: 50.7865 161 3.17 I. SINGLE FAMILY - RESIDENTIAL DESIGN STANDARDS FOR TRACT A 1. PURPOSE This district is intended for low density residential uses. Planning techniques will involve traditional single family detached, residential designs with a minimum lot size of 8,500 SF with a 10,000 SF average. All SF-2 Standards will be met with the following exceptions. 2. FRONT YARDS Minimum front yard building line 25' (Twenty-five Feet). 3. REAR YARDS There shall be a rear yard having a depth being not less than 15' (Fifteen Feet). 4. SIDE YARDS A side yard provided whereas a separation of 10' (Ten Feet) is always maintained between structures. A side yard adjacent to a side street shall not be less than 15' (Fifteen Feet), even when a side yard is across from a front yard, the side yard shall be 15' (Fifteen Feet). 5. MINIMUM LOT DEPTH There shall be a minimum lot depth of 110' (One Hundred Ten Feet) and 100' (One Hundred Feet) at Cul-de-Sac and "Eyebrow". 6. HEIGHT REGULATIONS No building shall exceed 35' (Thirty-five Feet) or two and one-half(2-1/2) stories in height. 7. MINIMUM DWELLING SIZE Minimum dwelling size shall be 1,800 (One Thousand Eight Hundred Feet) . 8. LOT COVERAGE In no case shall more than 60% (Sixty Percent) of the total lot area be covered by the combined area of the main buildings and accessory buildings. 9. BUILDING REGULATIONS All main buildings shall have exterior construction of a minimum of 75% (Seventy-five Percent) brick, tiles, cement, concrete, stone or similar materials. II. SINGLE FAMILY - RESIDENTIAL DESIGN STANDARDS FOR TRACT B 1. PURPOSE This district is intended for low density residential uses. Planning techniques will involve traditional single family detached, residential designs with a minimum lot size of 6,000 SF with an 6,750 SF average. 2. FRONT YARDS Minimum front yard building line 25' (Twenty-five Feet). 3. REAR YARDS There shall be a rear yard having a depth being not less than 15' (Fifteen Feet). 4. SIDE YARDS A side yard provided whereas a separation of 10' (Ten Feet) is always maintained between structures. A side yard adjacent to a side street shall not be less than 15' (Fifteen Feet), even when a side yard is across from a front yard, the side yard shall be 15' (Fifteen Feet). 5. MINIMUM LOT WIDTH There shall be a minimum lot width of 50' (Fifty Feet) measured at the front building line. 6. MINIMUM LOT DEPTH There shall be a minimum lot depth of 100' (One Hundred Feet) and 90' (Ninety Feet) at Cul-de-Sac and "Eyebrow". 7. HEIGHT REGULATIONS No building shall exceed 35' (Thirty-five Feet) or two and one-half(2-1/2) stories in height. 8. MINIMUM DWELLING SIZE Minimum dwelling size shall be 1,400 (One Thousand Four Hundred Feet). 9. LOT COVERAGE In no case shall more than 60% (Sixty Percent) of the total lot area be covered by the combined area of the main buildings and accessory buildings. 10. BUILDING REGULATIONS All main buildings shall have exterior construction of a minimum of 75% (Seventy-five Percent) brick, tiles, cement, concrete, stone or similar materials. III. DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS: 1. Dedication of 4.65 acre public park. All park impact fees are to be waived with the dedication. 2. Provisions for Master Homeowners Association and Deed Restrictions 3. Public Park will include the extension of an 8' Hike and Bike Trail consistent with the City of Wylie's Master Planned Parks. 4. Approximately 4.0 acres open space dedicated to the H.O.A. 5. 6:12 roof pitch with 180 lb. weight shingle 6. Fences may not exceed 8 feet in height 7. Same house elevation can not be constructed adjacent to each other 8. Landscaping Minimum of 1-3" diameter tree - Tract A 1 -2 1/2" diameter tree - Tract B Shrubs - 10-, 2 gallon shrubs across the front Grass sod the front yard 9. $25,000 community park equipment SUBJECT McMILLAN ROAD TRACT '4111 4, ... i'lles : , BROWN STREET WEST FM.. . . 34,2 100 50 0 100 200 P.I. ...... .cg i SCALE: 1"=100' Li SOUTHFORK MOBILE HOME PARK ,,----j C.C.#920045237 — D.A.R.T. R.O.W, 48 7 KIRBY (F.M.544) STREET N #:49• 6 LOCATION MAP 50 5 51 1 4 Y1 ——---—....---—...............--——....,..... ....——......--—..., —........ ....—..---— Ww—:: 3 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 o La 53II ' 2 1 < (I) ' 0 , 4 8 I i — — i I Cr '. Ope.,Space c.n 24 . 3.60 Acres I 7 7 8 23 dl 5 '''''',.,,,,,.... • 5 10 1---— 11111 . 25 Mil I ii ir . 10 1 , 6 9 22 .9 1 i 0 21 <3 I 0 Regional Park ',RIC* 11111 TRACT A , XISTING AGgICULTLiRAL20 27 111111111/'A 1/111,0 28 --V-• 1)p;) — i z -;,-_,,' 1 s F'ROPOSED P D — $ F #410111111\MEM. 9 ACRES 12.60-7 -teRES 19 29 11111111 I 43 44 < 1 0 I 6 F5 , II 3 2 12 13 18 30 45 1111111111111111111111111 ui b .i Public Park 17 , 0 3 114W111111 31 Mail 42 41 4.20 Acres 1 14 46 20 I 32 lin 1111111111111111 40 I I I Z 1t6 48 I < I 15 7 8 g 10 11 12 13 14 34 35 36 37 38 3g 49 50 51 52 53 ___1 —---.—— ———. —— ——— ——— -- —.——--.— —.... PERRY EASTERLINE Vol.2258,Pg.914 METES AND BOUNDS DESCRIPTION 4476S BEING a tract of land situated in the John W.Mitchell Survey,Abstract No.589,City of Wylie,Collin County, d ROBT\ THU2M0,D JR. 'eed:thesttJ'ntln?ag2ofO47'cWdtoPte'eThrn°CdO lingtoT T,.iei, )g756 recordloutyekNr009g3rnt97- 37Co Dedrecors roCouny7 Texas(DRCCT),the subject tract being more particularly described as follows: RECEIVED BEGINNING at the southwest comer of the subject tract and the southeast comer of a tract of land conveyed BAR 3 0 2000 to Clayton/Cambridge Joint Venture according to the deed recorded in County Clerk File No.92-0045237 (DRCCT),sold beginning point further being in the north line of a tract of land conveyed to William E.Cornpbell, CITY OF WYLIE Jr.,Trustee,according the deed recorded in Volume 872,Page 153(DRCCT),a 1/2"iron pin with a yellow cap found at comer; THENCE,N Or 11'37"W,along the common line between said Clayton/Cambridge Joint Venture tract andthe subject tract,o distance of 2497.88 feet to a 1/2"iron pin with a red cap stamped DB RPLS 5252 set in CONCEPT PLAN asphalt road at comer; THENCL ND:7;1 51:5"2E,.wtitiho saidh:istphaltd ro<atxl,ma edrist'fax wohfic8h81;07,/f2te=:in1/forunirdori:,painsphtht,rio,:ceidb:m SAGE CREEK NORTH :79F 42'15"E,a distances of 17.23 fere7; aa 50.7865 ACRES TRACT A -, 47 Lots 6, 8,500 S.F. Min. with an TH.X4CtE,,S.01:41'12"E.a distance of 399.73 feet to a 1/2"iron pin with a red cap stamped DB RPLS 5252 JOHN W. MITCHELL SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 589 Average of 9,296 s.f. .T. THENCE,S 01.15'15"E,a distance of 956.15 feet to a 1/2"iron pin with a red cap stamped DB RPLS 5252 CITY OF WYLIE, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS set at corner; TRACT B r- 80 Lots @ 7,200 S.F. Min. with an OWNER THENCE,S 01.21 41 E,a distance of 852.27 feet to a 1/2"iron pin with a red cap stornped DB RPLS 5252 2 Average of 8,450 s.f. set at comer, F'ARAMOUNT DEVELOPMENT i' 15851 Dallas North Tollway-Suite 100-,,Dallas,Texas 75248 slr aCtE,..r.S 00r1::60.„'01w",.E.;,a.diis/t29,7re..of.i2.9L1.6..fe:etatrc.,;i 180"33r,on56?.inE,woithdiastorendceca:;2.1711dtDB RPLS 5252 A.. TRACT C,,, 28 Lots @ 10,000 S.F. Min. with an 7 or f 456 T Average of 11, s.. HENCE an onveye e ,N 89.38'56"W,along the north line of a tract of ld cd to Perry Eastrline accding to the ENGINEER/SURVEYOR deed recorded in Volume 2258,Page 914(DRCCT),a distance of 329.14 feet to a 1/2*iron pin with a red cap . : TIPTON ENGINEERING, INC. stamped DB RPLS 5252 set at comer. 155 Total Lots 6330 Broadway Blvd.-Suite C-Garland,Texas 75043 (972)226-2967 12105E't eSe tt at.R."Aa OF agl,rizthwizho:zig"itcgictE.cocnotzb4", Traziutay.,:etdr c7C7.7152 00000 of land. . .5 LOTS 2,212,259 SF/50.7865 AC 03/29/00 4476F City of Wylie Public Hearing Item No. 2 99-14 Rezoning Planning and Zoning Commission Public Hearing: January 18, 2000 Owner: Baylor Health Care Systems Foundation Applicant: Cascade Companies, L.L.C. Location: Generally located along the east side of FM 1378 just north of the Newport Harbor Development Existing Zoning: MF & B-1 (Multi-Family and Business) Requested Zoning: PD (Planned Development) Summary: The conceptual plan under consideration is for the proposed Cascades Addition. The applicant is requesting rezoning on 50.576 acres in order to develop the property with a master planned single family residential community. The property to the northwest is vacant and zoned for MF (Multi- Family) uses. The property to the north is not within the City of Wylie proper. The property to the south is zoned SF-3 (Single Family Residential) and developed accordingly with single family homes. The property to the west is zoned PD (Planned Development) for a master planned single family development. The property to the east is not within the City of Wylie proper. Public Comment Forms were mailed to sixty-four (64) property owners within 200 feet of this request. One (1) Public Comment Form in opposition and two (2) Public Comment Forms in support have been returned. Please note staff inadvertently notified the wrong block of property owners. As a result, the case will have to be readvertised accordingly before the Commission can make a formal recommendation to the Council. Specifically, staff recommends that the Commission conduct the Public Hearing and inform the audience that the a formal vote cannot be conducted due to the staff error. Staff will readvertise the case for the February 1, 2000, Planning and Zoning Commission meeting. Department of Planning, 01/12/00 99-14 Issues: • The Comprehensive Plan recommends Country Residential (1 acre single family) uses for the property. The proposed land use is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan only in terms of the single family residential aspect. Specifically, the applicant is proposing a density of 2.75 dwelling units per acre (minimum lot size of 8,500 sq. ft.). The applicant is also proposing a cascading pond parkland dedication encompassing 4.4 acres (2.43 acres of useable area outside of the pond). Although the Comprehensive Plan recommends 1 acre lots for this property, staff is of the opinion that the elimination of the multi-family zoning significantly reduces the allowable density of the area. Specifically, the property is currently zoned for multi-family uses and, therefore, could be developed(by right) at a density of fifteen(15) dwelling units per acre. • The applicant is filing this PD in order to ensure a quality development and request an amendment to the Comprehensive Plan. The following tables provide a summary of the development standards being proposed. Proposed Development Standards Proposed Required for SF-2 Lot Area 8,500 sq. ft. minimum 8,500 sq. ft. Front Yard 25 ft. 25 ft. Rear Yard 25 ft. 25 ft Side Yard Not less than 7 ft. on each Not less than 6 ft. on each side of the lot and 20 ft. for side of the lot and 20 ft. for side yards adjacent to a side side yards adjacent to a side street. street. Minimum Lot Depth 100 ft. 100 ft. Minimum Lot Width 60 ft. 60 ft. Roof pitch 6:12 None required House Elevation No house elevation shall be No regulations constructed adjacent to each other,directly opposite a like elevation,or in the same cul-de-sac. Landscaping Min. of 6"total diameter of None required tree(s) (18)3 gallon shrubs Grass sod front yard Exterior Wall 75%masonry veneer, such 75%masonry Material as brick,stone or stucco. Minimum dwelling 1,800 sq. ft. 1,500 sq. ft. size Department of Planning, 01/12/00 • The applicant is incorporating approximately 4.4 acres of dedicated public park(2.43 acres of useable area outside of the ponds). At the January 10, 2000, Parks Board meeting, the Board recommend approval of this case subject to additional access easements being incorporated, that the hike &bike trial around the ponds be built in concrete, and the provision of a playground and picnic area(see attached memorandum form Mindy Manson, Assistant City Manager). • Additional features being proposed are jogging paths and a cascading pond system engineered to City specifications. Specifically, ponds will provide drainage improvements to the area and serve as an aesthetic amenity to the development. • The applicant is proposing a divided and landscaped entry way to FM 1378. • The applicant is aware that a development plan, preliminary plat and final plat must be approved prior to the issuance of building permits. Financial Considerations: Rezoning application fee in the amount of$400.00 - Paid Staff Recommendation: Approval due to the fact that the proposed density and development standards significantly reduce the overall density permitted by right. However, due to the inadvertent notification error previously detailed, the case will have to be readvertised accordingly before the Commission can make a formal recommendation to the Council. As a result, staff recommends that the Commission conduct the Public Hearing and inform the audience that the a formal vote cannot be conducted due to the staff error. Staff will readvertise the case for the February 1, 2000, Planning and Zoning Commission meeting. The applicant is aware of the staff error. The Departments of Public Works, Fire, and Development Services concur with this recommendation. Attachments: Location Map Area Zoning Map Property Owner Notification Map Property Owner Notification Report Public Comment Forms Public Hearing Notice Zoning Change Application Proposed Land Data Conceptual Plan Department of Planning, 01/12/00 ' TYPICAL PAVING CROSS SECTION �� �9 o GRAPHIC SCALE L �F 27 8_8 ' i `9L WQ S) ,ao o so ,00 zoo soo N.T.S. I. Q (IN FEET) ...... ,, .'2: -8: L. �_ l'% 1 inch=100 ft. �yy�- _ r--- -1 Y,,PE.Fr. Ga LAKEWAY DRIVE 4•StDEWA K //it.T !jA 1 d'L 1 , i SITE 10'WALL EASEMENT .lit* F.M. 137$ ��•, LOT t CZ, LOT 4 LOT 3 LOT 2 -- E� ( SAINT ( I 118.3682 AC. WYLIE( Pop 415 ,2j - EXISTING SO'DRAiNAGE EASEMENT VOL.2753,CD HOLT RAG.758 _ BY ENTRY EASEMENT • LEGAL DESCRIPTION ,,,�� Q N.T.s. I _� ES- BEING,A TRACT OF LAND SITUATED IN THE JAMES McULMURRY SURVEY,ABSTRACT NO,629 AND THE WM.BURNETT SURVEY, ��" ' I 843.69' •• ABSTRACT NO.56,CITY OF WYLIE,COLLIN COUNTY,TEXAS,AND CITY OF ST. PAUL l N89'S8 37 E r BEING A PORTION OF THAT TRACT AS CONVEYED TO BAYLOR 99' 114' 73' 73' 98' j 85' 68' 73' 161' o , , UNIVERSITY MEDICAL CENTER FOUNDATION AS RECORDED IN S00'31 05'E VOLUME 3756,PAGE 115,AND BEING ALL OF THAT 6.494 ACRE TRACT ^� -...! 1+-30'DF AINAGE& AS RECORDED IN VOLUME 1169,PAGES 656 AND 660,OF THE DEED I - 'ry f J l ACCESS ESMT. ' RECORDS OF COLLIN COUNTY,TEXAS,AND BEING MORE 36 a 37 Z331.86 4 8.995 AC. `3' SE o "i,,- 30 U 31 2 32 Fi, 33 88 34 L,35 c"n N -�,..� PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED$Y METES AND BOUNDS AS FOLLOWS: I STEPH.9 VAN GEE& �', 29 .L..t S' Q p BEGINNING,AT A 1/2'.IRON ROD FOUND AT A POINT ON THE EASTERLY ,,,7' <',-' C` - -I-----�'-- ,---_,11u7 •-< LINE OF F.M.ROAD N0.1378,SAID POINT BEING THE NORTHWESTERLY BEVERLY VAN GEE t7( ------ 26' s7, -< -� 93 0069286 ,`., �' 3p. 42 24' 73' 73' 98' _, 85' _ 68' 40' CORNER OF NEWPORT HARBOR,PHASE ONE,AN ADDITION TO THE <ry 38 (O Cj CITY OF WYLIE,AS RECORDED IN CABINET G,SLIDE 224 OF THE PLAT a r • a O O RECORDS OF COLLIN COUNTY,TEXAS; <� 50'R.O.W. WATER FALL WAY �.`• -T1•m '�`• If 28 " 121' ¢ THENCE,ALONG THE EASTERLY LINE OF F.M.ROAD NO.1378,THE i`- <1 o '. • o `�z` W r1 123' 68' 94' j I 86' 124' ;' w O FOLLOWING: 125' -`30 DRAINAGE&-fi�25 B.L. .._'11- , Z 1n ii,' ,' Cp• o o _.,,.I L.._ coo LO �` 39 m z I- NORTH 07'13'28"EAST,A DISTANCE OF 75.77 FEET Tb A 1/2" H 1r O O' 2 5 m ACCESS ESMT. �1 9 Q O1 p IRON ROD SET AT THE BEGINNING OF,'CURVE TO THE LEFT HAVING A 5 in I STEPH AN VAN GEE& `,,: (-:,,, N'� 27 t24. U 6 7 j �=j 8 123' 125 Cn R1 CENTRAL ANGLE OF 07'29'15"AND A RADIUS OF 1954.86 FEET; 'N 1 BEVERLY VAN GEE ��`• \ • 125' "�'15' y, °'• W 40 C AROUND SAID CURVE,AN ARC DISTANCE OF 255.46 FEET TO A 1/2" H `�F I, \\ m , ,i IRON ROD SET AT THE END OF SAID CURVE; z VOL.3051,PG.570 O © 10 N88'45 33 E r ; \ \\ O m 4 ro 68' 94' ! 86 - 4,,7 rn \\ \\\\ N89'03'06"E Z 26 m _ �, t25' , 1�9 -a 234 25' • NORTH 00'15'47"WEST,A DISTANCE OF 209.87 FEET TO A 1/2"IRON U t\ \\ 125' �- --- ROD SET; ,,,�GaE \\ 228.56 z5' 51' 61' 123' 36 Oiiii iiii �, o'- 41 THENCE,SOUTH 89.56'021 EAST,LEAVING THE EASTERLY LINE OF rn U 2'\\ 1 5'- 91' 9b . 3 // Oitiiiiiiii! 1,' 11 , `rd, `06 ®v�i F.M.ROAD N0.t378,A DISTANCE OF 142.59 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF 6 CG • o 4•iiiii•0i•PO' w a d \`?O-\\ ••ii❖i•t - 43 44 A NON-TANGENT CURVE TO THE RIGHT HAVING A CENTRAL ANGLE OF '' CITY OF WYLiE '`' 3:41:::::•1 td'ttt' "•`� try� � \\y\\\\ l 125' �! Ot_�••�t '�.,t ? `s. �-'y, 60 � 180'00'00"AND A RADIUS OF 50.00 FEET; '� D O o Q <�i ' \'?\\\ 23 24 ?25 N ' • dd••tOtdd \ 42 00' AROUNQ SAID CURVE,AN ARC DISTANCE OF 157.08 FEET TO A 1 2 h 'ti ddS'O 2 'S- \ „, ( ' 'Qi � \o \ ro ro I; !•�di'�ii•••y� 1 "'' IRON ROD SET FOR CORNER; (D' - ,+� r� 22\`r \\ 725' I, :•ii•OD PONDS•••�� r' '� °j o- r' THENCE,SOUTH 89'S6'02"EAST,A DISTANCE OF 433.63 FEET TO A -+�� `�� a� �6 \T\\68 60' 2' 92' N i .::•t•' t OJ.y`.::.,\� S 1 'C�� s\/ A+� p 45 1/2"IRON ROD SET AT THE BEGINNING OF A CURVE 7o THE RIGHT E-+ a i ry� 12,00/�(J', i�i, O- \ �/�1.067 AC 1', •4 �.�`i•�•� V '$P -�`' , HAVING A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 23'28'08"AND A RADIUS OF 820.00 Q,' W I h\ '! IN ES, 1 '�i!�A•61•:.:%M:i!i!i•✓•• �.. v, 'L 23E m� 'S '�`j�t+S 702' d- FEET; '�' A BAYLOR UNIVERSITY MEDICAL CENTER FOUNDATION 21 �' `� 1'Vg ----�� a O \� 'C 'S°j N AROUND SAID CURVE,AN ARC DISTANCE:FIE F 335.88 FEE'IF TO AT POINT;�.1 VOL.3756,PG.115 94' N- 4.4 ACRE 4 < 1 V „ '3,,, \ ,, ,,,4'` =`. TOTAL COMMON A'_ . \ thy C E,`.. t'i` N \\--" "�-� "�''' t'.i•.dir'. 5 52' THENCE,NORTH 23'02'10"EAST,A DISTANCE OF 585.67 FEET TO A i,y �,_ h iy s •iit•.d••••. •i s ti s �,2 46 o O w nf�+.. R=50.00 �J`." 20 y \2 .�.���•id.:•:: •d•.�itt•.•t.•.�.���\ d. s, o� i/2"IRON ROD SET ON THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF A TRACT AS AS Q C't "`, <'.-' / ^'y \,\\i 20 > 32 rO:.•i:01:t•i i:"Nw y.t: \ \�h 47 2S P RECORDED NO VOLUME 3051N PAGE A570, F SAID EDEED VR CORDS; E,, L=157.OS' ., ", , „ ,�. ';�� , 72S' hh � \`'s.\�O\ 4/4���� cA, 1ti5 s �:1 t�ii.iCASCA01NGfiititi•� ad, 15 \ u3,. � R=820.00 m s ••O�••���dd•PONDS iii•t�•i rn ti5 °-\ 53 71 THENCE,NORTH 89103'06"EAST,ALONG THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF D=180'00 00 :-, 21 \ �\ \ ' k n*ill.. \, B, y THE E, GEE TRACT,A DISTANCE OF THE FEET SOUTHERLY A 3 8"IRON ROD 19 "' �' n \ \/'x-, ',5g 3�, s. 31 }i,.ititit. .❖.dtp• 38 _ 2. / - - L=335.88' A. a ?e, dd�.*.•(.0.5 ac. •Op.•..• a7 N FOUND AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID VAN GEE TRACT,SAME VI Oq 19 +!idtt O❖i•• 16CO C� 7- T=170.33'23'28' 725' �� e\ 6 .Lh sd- `\ �•.•ty( t,.y!.y.'' 4g m BEING THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF 6.494 ACRE TRACT AS yy.�,,, ,,`% J\ \\ �0 �y cA- •d..� .❖.d- \ S- ,�'7,5 �, I , RECORDED iN VOLUME 1169,PAGE 66 AND VOLUME 1169,PAGE 660,OF D=23'28'08"co * , ' 22 i.\\ �' 30 ••iiii♦ \ U SAID DEED RECORDS; Q 18 725, ,• \O. \ `Y _..y..9•.�•. •❖.•.44i• m, w 128' ,, 'q, / `o i'Y6 \ \ 18 ,�'i� \ 00•`i►.•• �•.❖•❖••\\ t c� Z ' „ ,tt./ r rp w/ °` \ \\ s 1ti5 6d-\ Oi♦•.r•i••i00 •D00.4 c,+ 17 O cL THENCE,NORTH 00'02'06"EAST,ALONG THE WESTERLY LINE OF N. ••• '..d••♦p�•�.♦••• u d S89'56 02 E 25' � � '� \ \\ ,y0 \sue "� <p. \�" .••••�• �f.�•••••�.❖•��i •. �`1 cn. cn 49 io U� SAID 6.494 ACRE TRACT,A DISTANCE OF 337.89 FEET TO A POINT AT 13 M "� a n, 9, \ \ 29 ,��••• •••. N j '25' ' !� THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAME; Z 142.59�"' 23 �� �� CASCADING••`•••. H I N \1 17 1,..,/ 725, ,od11 \\ \ \ 7 \ ,Lgm \stti•••PONDS• : cn t25' ��1THENCE,NORTH89'S8'37"EAST,ALONGTHENORTHERLYLINEOFaa50'R.O.W. " ' 2S' 06 o ti � \ O4.41:t .•.•d I -, 18 m !2 J SAID 6.494 ACRE TRACT,A DISTANCE OF 843.. TO A PONT AT THE 0 1 : _ 433.63 et, ",�� ,;; 7' \/-9' \ \ '� ''• ' dt•ift)87 Oc.) 'r : o NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAME; J Yr t 151' `° Q 24 ;G. \ \ 6 „2. S• / �. ♦���•�...�.s��.��.•�.f.•� 125' ,o w a.W x I , 131' 109' 131' 62' 94' "'17�►.�„_ 16 ^ C; J25, �W'l o O. 12\ \\\ 1$ �,\� h/G,��S>\�\.9i��d•ti•�t••ti•••.•�t•' Ali 125' ' THENCE,SOUTH CT,AOS"EAST,ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID Q m F � ^'� 6.49a ACRE TRACT,1 DISTANCE OF 331.86 FEET TO A R.R.SPIKE FOUND q �' N� 5 B.L. .r.. /25, `�f 10 1' \ �\\ \/i / \'CAP Ib \ '••.t•••••idd•O�ddtdi! �11� °0 19 AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAME; Q�o m 7 a ^ � O A 5\ \ \ S. P F,`' \ :•iii•tilt•iiit' m t9 ,fir Y o m 3 t' :r. ro 725, h 25 7- 1 OAS 1`.��.•�.•i..OTi..•�i �� C "�co�I N w °�',n 6 8 �, 7�5, ��a/j'/ 9g- Cti' 1O \\ \\ 15 GF,S 22' \\�'I: d �....0..•t+ �125' 51 m AXLE CFOUND AT THES ORTHEAST CORNERNOF AID BAY50RE TRACT;AN w �" z a" O O F ® z3' 5 / O a U P ti sm, 4d.�ddt p�•O•t.� N 4i' 6 d...d.1Ji. 25' '� ��`+ 150 u ta3 `a'-% ^� ^ +� /x\ •••••dt•O••.•t.•O /' 20 oz THENCE,SOUTH 00'15'04"WEST,ALONG THE EASTERLY LINE OF Z I 737' 8e • C. 9' 13 oQ /ry^ v-\ 0 26 ,••i:0id�•••i• m m 0. ri V . @g' 14 ry 9 N" G' \ \ \ 3a 6 �1 52 SAID BAYLOR TRACT,A DISTANCE OF 962.43 FEET TO A 60D NAIL . t 50, >f i TH ,: 7 y �/ /s 14 \ \\ O \ ry5 �' 125' ao �) 1 I 1 O 727' • �� t ,<� `7� ZS' 7 "C, eb 9- \ \\ FL 68 \ J) ,o 20 FOUND AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAME, W W Z o� �x I ' V 4 cN v r "T:/6g / `� 2p, b� \ \�� 0 2 __ �.// n 1 725' `g' V N J 4 v 'v ov �� 9 _ Jam.` \y\s- 0 s. \_ j 2 THENCE,SOUTH FOUND WEST,A DISTANCE OF 563.72 FEET TO A Si C°' S h � h /'\ \ \\ '\D' "/• �- \ 5 A i 2"IRON ROD FOUND AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF A CALLED 7o�`I_____"� � U L_25'B.L. `Ory , /60 2C' 6 �?27 8 h ;�gy� " 13 v $ \ \ // sd• �5 19' 49' 70'\\ \\ N" 53 1 1692 ACRE TRACT AS CONVEYED TO THE CITY OF WYLIE AS �"� R=1954.86 21 85' �w 4, 55 `7 12 d s" ,ry S S 0 \ \/ O RECORDED IN VOLUME 2,c, PAGE 001, EF SAID DEED RECORDS; O CC 34 11' 150' i 1 0' w 22 <� 5 56 0 725' 0 / 2/ \ 65 ? \ °' lf7 �. L=255.46' _ 28 O m \\ v 24 a s�'\ 5 125' V '�) 7 \ rye 6. „V F THENCE,ALONG THE COMMON LINE OF SAID$AYLOR TRACT WITH = 10 , ss. Sk n `'S 5 a N 22 9S4A\\�1 T=127.91 CASCADE DRIVE 2 /4 ti g5 23 �s9iy\ N O SAID CITY OF WYLIE TRACT,THE FOLLOWING r� 1 3' '1 ,, 29 e` 0 7 ` �, �t'1' \rr�,.\ \_ 64 F,r v�\ �� �, 54 O J D=07•29'15" 85' 11 i. 150' 61' >2��"""�'rn 11 / NQ` / '• 0,\./ 9 - 7 66 \\ \ O S �,_ - T_ \ \ -(n NORTH 36'S2'40"WEST,A DISTANCE OF 212.73 FEET TO A 1/2'.IRON �; `„ `" 33 ` 30 9 /y -, \ 2C.\ ' S• 707• \ No ROD FOUND; 5 o _ \ 29' 179' 1 120' C? ��""�-7 �� S�� 25'B.L.,7.-- 37• 93 67' '\''' ' ?). . • ,2 6 ``� e �. O- 7. 9./' SOUTH 89'S8'35"WEST,A DISTANCE OF 82.60 FEET TO A 1 2 IRON 10'R.O.W. r M Fs o \ 3>' > O. CO �0 s 63 ss, Z im 91 �jR 87 29, Sp'R.0 ` 9 ng't 5 s A v` 5 82 \\ o WATER FALL WAY ^1 Roo FOUND, DEDICATION t� �^a 126, `�`� Sq �l! O y ir,, 10 0'' /0 - " \ ''' SS' z, 55 SOUTH 54'03'30"WEST,A DISTANCE OF 161.79 FEET TO A i 2 IRON 0.113 AC o as 8' fir ? r a 4 o. i•S89'58 3 ��, 53, ( /., 6 IF �_ �. 9 7 e5/�OJ \ 62 20' 48' 68' 68 5 52\ t 143' �� A 6 ;� 0 \ \ --.__ - �� ROD FOUND; W 0, a N 5 85 77' �6. 7p?�'<.5�O ry 3 .v. 49 60/ 68 '1\ O �` ',\ 'n� t:- 42' / `" ro 84 v 63. > > 60' 0 'NC. q',� \\/� \ �� l 2 SOUTH 00'03'07"EAST,A DISTANCE OF 104.89 FEET TO A 1/2"IRON 4\31.' ( 88 m83 g2 65 a9 /� 0 l,S\\•�` \ 61v n, N ro N 'TCC DA,` ,,\/25' ROD FOUND ON THE NORTHERLY LINE OF SAID NEWPORT HARBOR, 90 cNo a 82,A 81 v \ \ fl• (/� Cc Qi) rnu nu Sq7\ DPHASEONE;I °o. N 9 a.6A w a\ 60 59 58 SF�ct7 89 80 a,, _ 6a ,69 �,00 5h 1.1692 AC. C�'- 57 56 S,j Fi o N >9, 8' g3, 4' ,.�' 2 . CITY OF WYLIE O�,\ T���-v, THENCE,ALONG THE SAID NORTHERLY LINE OF NEWPORT HARBOR, (�Imo, 79,�, 6,.10 N 00 VOL.2471,PG.001 .,,. _�r r 192' PHASE ONE THE FOLLOWING. i/25/00 REVISED I ry 8I' W as 75' 93' 6' 6�' a..6.8 1 O 144 f35' 95' 60' 60' 60' 60' 61' S4' u ,.-- 0 7t o , „ , 2 t „ t 52 78 A' 8 0 72 0' 89, 56 588'26 37 W 563.72 HE BEGINNING OF A CURVE TO THE LEFT HAV NG A CENTRAL ANGLE BOUNDARY&LEGAL N89'56 02 W--... ,..686.41. -. - s>, h \,' . OF 12'24'44"AND A RADIUS OF 1721.18 FEET; .. ^ �' 43 /- 0 73 g7 ,„ REVISION REF.BEARING S), 77 \1' 3A:''''''--- y 74 0- 83 - m J - AROUND SAID CURVE,AN ARC DISTANCE OF 37.87 FEET TO A 1/2" / o . IRON ROD SET AT THE BEGINNING OF A COMPbUND CURVE TO THE D`i- o- 5 w LEFT HAVING A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 09'06'46"AND A RADIUS OF ,. .. , 0 1750.35 FEET; W.L.D. zz oM CHECKED g7 a� a AROUND SAID CURVE,AN ARC DISTANCE OF 278.39 FEET TO A 1/, POINT OF p� IRON ROD SET AT THE BEGINNING OF A REVERSE CURVE TO THE r 7 -" s' ` - a RIGHT HAVING A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 80.59'20"AND A RADIUS OF KE,B. BEGINNING ( 1 ,J�8.t ,1 i �'P ,. eA ''f''I��[`� w 40 0o FEET; DRAWN L`-23�30.00 * -- t't` .?.'Y ROD USET ND SAID AT THEBEGINNING CURVE,AN R OFDA TREVER ANCE�F CURVE 0 THE 56.54 FEET O LEFT/2"IRON L_327.93�\ ,,.t r,f i"7. HAVING A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 56'S6'09"AND A RADIUS OF 330.00FEET i/7/00 ' r; T=178.94' DATE r » I AROUND SAID URV,AN ARC DISTANCE OF 327.93 FEET TO A NEWPORT HARBOR,PHASE ONE D=56'56 09 OWNER/DEVELOPER RON ROD FOUND AT THE END OF SAID CURVE CAB.G,SLIDE'224 ' 7 ' R=1721.1$' 9914 PPf_T ..... R=1750.35 Z" 8 CASCADE T COMPANIES, ITT S NORTH 89'S6'02"WEST,A DISTANCE OF 686.41 FEET TO THE POINT R=40.00 L,372.87' CASCADE COMPANIES, LLC OF BEGINNING AND CONTAINING 50.880 ACRES OF LAND. L=56.54' -=278.39' 1=187.17', 5949 SHERRY LN., #1225 TYP. LOT -8,500 S.F. (MIN) T=34.16' - 49' D=12'24r44`� **REFERENCE B ARING BASED ON PLAT OF 15 1 TC 139.. E ' " NEWPORT HARBOR,PHASE ONE,RECORDED DALLAS, TEXAS 75225 '3 LOTS D=80'59'2p" D-09`06 46 N CAB.G,SLIDE 224,PLAT RECORDS 1(214) 739-2733 50.880 AC. RFCFIUFn JAN 2 5 2000 City of Wylie Memo To: Tobin Maples, Director of Development Services From: Mindy Manson, Assistant City Manager MO Date: 01/11/00 Re: The Cascades Subdivision—Parkland Dedication During the January 10, 2000 Park Board meeting, the Board recommended approval of the parkland dedication proposed for The Cascades Subdivision in lieu of fees. As a part of the motion, the Board specified the improvements of additional access easements on the east, south and west side of the pond area, the hike & bike trail around the ponds to be built in concrete, and the provision of a playground and picnic area by the ponds, all to be completed by the developer If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to let me know. •Page 2 1 LTl ,__ u d I f.Y 14 • =R CITY LIMITS< A '-,6-- ---._ v ° ° ■ SUBJECT ..iunaum►��i� e�a4; PROPERTY ""UIIU-$ � R1 1 11111* imuluiiU1 '��% !U ��i 111umfilunv o*Wvounkigut mIIMIUMl ♦ p4!m!!l" "nnnmuna 0 #v °m" l l ill lIk t I V1n IIf11 1 t}ll `,a 11111.1 Ili inT11 11111111 m r \T _., I ._____ i- I _...._ , , .. , ___ ___ r , , I _ __ I IIl IIII11 -1 I _ ( t { 1 r 1i_1 I I LOCATION MAP %vatrj 1 1 1 1 , , , , r --.—IF_Y ZONING CASE #99- 14 : I I ,1.i _.._.._.._.._.._.._.._.._..J 1"-400' ! j i ! !L j I i :I A 'La kewa ! j I j i I I j i .' Outside ! i ! City Limits dimatimi A ... SUBJECT PROPERTY MF R-6629-000-0050 ! j Outside City Limits is . i 1 r. nc .r Ct.abliailyarmai .ow: ilk . sisivell • rive 111 . oalissumumul ., ritts . 1111iiillik -4 nc or r Aaiun...ell � �, , .Wilill**:, - ZONING AREA MAP nne ...„-1 , 7nniini( ( ASP *99- 1 a ,N , i i 1 •! 1"-4 0 0' Lakeway i ! •! ZIIIIJIIIIIIIIIIIIIII ........... ._ i• i .! ! ! i i •! .. ! ! ! 1 1 t.-• ._._.._.._.._.._.._.._.._.._.._.. ! i . L i BaVior Unity Medical SUBJECT PROPERTY 1 ---. ---------------- R-6629-00,3-0050-1 ' R 6629-000-0050-1 "--i 63 ! F.VenInga R-6716-002-0280-1 ! 00 ! r •• i V.) 1 ! 5 9 10" 1213 Fr& . : tortatini a in 34 56 fAlighoract. 6 VIATAIMi -allill:^ 4401001111 4 • AiiialiiIIIIIIL O riv 36 38 40 „42 " AA • 35 37 39 4 1 43 -- 4 • inc or D riv 4 6, 11*iiiiirraming11111111.11.11*°, 11 Ill 111111111V 1-1_ • **1 11 1 ilh PROPERTY OWNER NOTIFICATION MAP 7nnuinurz it'ACP AQQ-1 A NOTIFICATION REPORT ApPLICAl10N FILE # 99-14 APPLICANT: Cascade Companies, LLC 5949 Sherry Lane #1225 Dallas, Tx 75225 # I BLK/ABST I LOT/TRACT I TAX I.D. # I PROPERTY OWNER NAME I ADDRESS I Baylor University Medical 2625 Elm Street #110 R-6629-000-0050-1 Center Foundation Dallas, Texas 75226-1453 1 Abst 629 Tract 5 _ 2000 Hwy. 78 North Wylie, Texas 75098 2 Abst 629 Tract 10 R-6629-000-0100-1 City of Wylie 5531 Ursula Lane 75229-6427 s, Texas 3 Abst 716-2 Tract 28 R-6716-002-0280-1 Dr. Frederick Veninga l Dallas, Schooner Drive 526 Newport Harbor Paul Holser Wylie, Texas 75098 4 Lot 1 Blk 15 R-2273-015-0010-1 Newport Harbor 1524 Schooner Bay Drive Wylie, 98 5 Lot 2 Blk 15 R-2273-015-0020-1 Thomas Madden, Jr. 24 Blue Cypress Texas 750 98Drive Newport Harbor David MilliganRichardson, Texas 75082-3351 6 Lot 3 Blk 15 R-2273-015-0030-1 g 1520 Schooner Bay Drive Newport Harbor Gene Marshall Wylie, Texas 75098 7 Lot 4 Blk 15 R-2273-015-0040-1 1518 Schooner Bay Drive Newport Harbor Gary Peters Wylie, Texas 75098 8 Lot 5 Blk 15 R-2273-015-0050-11516 Schooner Bay Drive Newport Harbor Buffy Parker Wylie, Texas 75098 9 Lot 6 Blk 15 R-2273-015-0060-1 1514 Schooner Bay Drive Newport Harbor Glen Meeks Wylie, Texas 75098 10 Lot 7 Blk 15 R-2273-015-0070-1 1512 Schooner Bay Drive Newport Harbor Ronald Ward Wylie, Texas 75098 11 Lot 8 Blk 15 R-2273-015-0080-1 Newport Harbor Wylie, Texas 75098 1510 Schooner Bay Drive 12 Lot 9 Blk 15 R-2273-015-0090-1 Michael Batten 1508 Schooner Bay Drive Newport Harbor 13 Lot 10 Blk 15 R-2273-015-0100-1 Curtis McConnell Wylie, Texas 75098 1506 Schooner Bay Drive Newport Harbor Judith Cole Wylie, Texas 75098 14 Lot 11 Blk 15 R-2273-015-0110-1 Newport Harbor 1504 Schooner Bay Drive 15 Lot 12 Blk 15 R-2273-015-0120-1 Randy LaJaunie Wylie, Texas 75098 1502 Schooner Bay Drive Newport Harbor Floyd Cowart Wylie, Texas 75098 16 Lot 13 Blk 15 R-2273-015-0130-1 1500 Schooner Bay Drive Newport Harbor William Stokes Wylie, Texas 75098 17 Lot 14 Blk 15 R-2273-015-0140-1 _ -Newport Harbor 1416 Anchor Drive 18 Lot 15 Blk 15 R-2273-015-0150-1 Munawar Soomro Wylie, Anchor Drive lie, Texas 75098 Newport Harbor Wylie, Texas 75098 19 Lot 16 Blk 15 R-2273-015-0160-1 William Love 1412 Anchor Drive Newport Harbor Texas 75098 20 Lot 17 BIk 15 R-2273-015-0170-1 Patricia Askew Wylie,10 Anchor Drive Newport Harbor Wylie, Texas 75098 21 Lot 18 BIk 15 R-2273-015-0180-1 Carsten Schmidt 408 TexasAnch Drive Newport Harbor Wylie, Texas 75098 22 Lot 19 BIk 15 R-2273-015-0190-1 William Howard 1406 Anchor Drive Newport Harbor Scott Ames Wylie, Texas 75098 23 Lot 20 BIk 15 R-2273-015-0200-1 Newport Harbor Travis Potter & 1404 Anchor Drive 24 Lot 21 BIk 15 R-2273-015-0210-1 Rosa Goodwin Wylie, Texas 75098 1402 Anchor Drive Newport Harbor lie, Texas 75098 25 Lot 22 BIk 15 R-2273-015-0220-1 Leonard Abraham Charles Osborne & v1400 Anchor Drive Newport Harbor Wylie, Texas 75098 26 Lot 23 BIk 15 R-2273-015-0230-1 Tracy 1-ippin Newport Harbor 1312 Anchor Drive 27 Lot 24 Blk 15 R-2273-015-0240-1 Kenneth Laughlin Wylie, Texas 75098 1310 Anchor Drive Newport Harbor Texas 75098 28 Lot 25 BIk 15 R-2273-015-0250-1 Mildred Crawley Wylie,Anchor Drive Newport Harbor Texas 75098 1308 29 Lot 26 Blk 15 R-2273-015-0260-1 Patrick Schmader Wylie, 1306 Anchor Drive Newport Harbor lie, Texas 75098 30 Lot 27 BIk 15 R-2273-015-0270-1 Dean Winchester Wylie, ie04 Anchor Drive Newport Harbor lie, Texas 75098 31 Lot 28 Blk 15 R-2273-015-0280-1 Lance Winger Wylie, ie02 Anchor Drive Newport Harbor lie, Texas 75098 32 Lot 29 BIk 15 R-2273-015-0290-1 Harold Isom 1300 Anchor Drive Newport Harbor 33 Lot 30 BIk 15 R-2273-015-0300-1 Bonnie Hall Wylie, Texas 75098 Newport Harbor 1222 Anchor Drive 34 Lot 31 BIk 15 R-2273-015-0310-1 Todd Hauth Wylie, Texas 75098 Newport Harbor 1521 Schooner Bay Wylie, Lot 1 BIk 14 R-2273-014-0010-1 Jerry Throgmorton Texas 75098 Schooner Bay Newport Harbor Wylie, Texas 75098 1519 36 Lot 2 Blk 14 R-2273-014-0020-1 Patrick Cooper 1517 Schooner Bay Newport Harbor 37 Lot 3 Blk 14 R-2273-014-0030-1 Billy Shouse Wylie, Texas 75098 1515 Schooner Bay Newport Harbor lie, Texas 75098 38 Lot 4 BIk 14 R-2273-014-0040-1 Melissa Jensen Newport Harbor 1513 Schooner Bay Ronald Rustad Wylie, Texas 75098 39 Lot 5 BIk 14 R-2273-014-0050-1 1511 Schooner Bay Newport Harbor 40 Lot 6 BIk 14 R-2273-014-0060-1 Phillip Mcllnney Wylie, Texas 75098 1509 Schooner Bay Newport Harbor 41 Lot 7 Blk 14 R-2273-014-0070-1 B.L. Smith Wylie, Texas 75098 1507 Schooner Bay Newport Harbor 42 Lot 8 Blk 14 R-2273-014-0080-1 Johnnie Seeley Wylie, Texas 75098 1505 Schooner Bay Newport Harbor 43 Lot 9 BR 14 R-2273-014-0090-1 Stephen Phillips Wylie,Texas 75098 1503 Schooner Bay Newport Harbor Lance Rust Wylie, Texas 75098 44 Lot 10 BIk 14 R-2273-014-0100-1 Newport Harbor 1501 Schooner Bay 45 Lot 11 Blk 14 R-2273-014-0110-1 Bruce Currin Wylie, Texas 75098 Newport Harbor 1500 Anchor Drive 46 Lot 12 Blk 14 R-2273-014-0120-1 Michael Miller Wylie, Texas 75098 Newport Harbor 1527 Anchor Drive 47 Lot 3 BIk 13 R-2273-013-0030-1 Michael Carter Wylie, Texas 75098 1525 Anchor Drive Newport Harbor lie, Texas 75098 48 Lot 4 BIk 13 R-2273-013-0040-1 Keith Spurgin W Y 1523 Anchor Drive Newport Harbor Brent Hays Wylie, Texas 75098 49 Lot 5 Blk 13 R-2273-013-0050-1 Newport Harbor 1521 Anchor Drive 50 Lot 6 BIk 13 R-2273-013-0060-1 Charles Russell Wylie, Texas 75098 1519 Anchor Drive Newport Harbor 51 Lot 7 BIk 13 R-2273-013-0070-1 Michael Hosea Wylie, Texas 75098 1517 Anchor Drive Newport Harbor 52 Lot 8 Blk 13 R-2273-013-0080-1 Cynthia Wilson Wylie, Texas 75098 Newport Harbor 1515 Anchor Drive 53 Lot 9 BIk 13 R-2273-013-0090-1 Samuel Satterwhite Wylie, Texas 75098 1513 Anchor Drive Newport Harbor Stephen Mosier Wylie, Texas 75098 54 Lot 10 BIk 13 R-2273-013-0100-1 1511 Anchor Drive Newport Harbor Britt Volker Wylie, Texas 75098 55 Lot 11 BIk 13 R-2273-013-0110-1 1220 Anchor Drive Newport Harbor Wylie, Texas 75098 56 Lot 1 BIk 10 R-3830-010-0010-1 Jose Marichalar Newport Harbor 1218 Anchor Drive 57 Lot 2 BIk 10 R-3830-010-0020-1 Chet Hodges Wylie, Texas 75098 Sue Masterson & 1216 Anchor Drive Newport Harbor Robert Ulbik Wylie, Texas 75098 58 Lot 3 BIk 10 R-3830-010-0030-1 1214 Anchor Drive Newport Harbor lie, Texas 75098 59 Lot 4 BIk 10 R-3830-010-0040-1 John Cornelison W Newport Harbor 1212 Anchor Drive 60 Lot 5 BIk 10 R-3830-010-0050-1 Charles Chubb Wylie, Texas 75098 Newport Harbor 1210 Anchor Drive 61 Lot 6 BIk 10 R-3830-010-0060-1 David Plumlee Wylie, Texas 75098 Newport Harbor 1208Anchor Drive 62 Lot 7 BIk 10 R-3830-010-0070-1 Jack Gates Wylie, Texas 75098 Collin County 210 S. McDonald Street 63 FM 1378 Commissioners Court McKinney, Texas 75069 Applicant 5949 Sherry Lane #1225 64 Abst 629 Tract 5 R-6629-000-0050-1 Cascade Companies, LLC Dallas, Texas 75225 PUBLIC COMMENT FORM (Please type or use black ink) Department of Planning 2000 Highway 78 North Wylie,Texas 75098 I am FOR the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case#99-14. I am AGAINST the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case#99-14. Date,Location&Time of Planning&Zoning Commission meeting: Tuesday,January 18,2000,7:00 pm Municipal Complex,2000 Highway 78 North,Wylie,Texas Date,Location&Time of City Council meeting: Tuesday,January 25,2000,7:00 pm Municipal Complex,2000 Highway 78 North,Wylie,Texas Name: �C� C i l 4,kes \ C� (please print) ( ,,� C Address: `a\� 1 �' `C ` �.+ co Wylie Tar Account Number 3�3 ��2� (if shown on enclosed map): Signature: Date: , — COMMENTS: \Nu PUBLIC COMMENT FORM (Please type or use black ink) Department of Planning 2000 Highway 78 North Wylie,Texas 75098 I am FOR the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case#99-14. I am AGAINST the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case#99-14. Date,Location&Time of Planning&Zoning Commission meeting: Tuesday, January 18,2000,7:00 pm Municipal Complex,2000 Highway 78 North,Wylie,Texas Date,Location&Time of City Council meeting: Tuesday,January 25,2000,7:00 pm Municipal Complex,2000 Highway 78 North,Wylie,Texas Name: At /4 0 k P 6 /)-G+/ji F (please print) Address: J 3 /0 2 kl CG l4 v 6� d c Wylie Tax Account Number (if shown on enclosed map): /q- 2 L 2 3 — /S o :- sd— I Signature: �1 j�G � Date: / —/!I -'$'O COMMENTS: PUBLIC COMMENT FORM (Please type or use black ink) Department of Planning 2000 Highway 78 North Wylie.Texas 75098 I am FOR the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case#99-14. I am AGAINST the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case#99-14. Date,Location&Time of Planning&Zoning Commission meeting: Tuesday,January 18,2000,7:00 pm Municipal Complex,2000 Highway 78 North,Wylie,Texas Date,Location&Time of City Council meeting: Tuesday,January 25,2000,7:00 pm Municipal Complex.2000 Highway 78 North.Wylie,Texas Name: T J (please print) Address: /J 0 1 EriA2i s-c Wylie Tax Account Number L/ (if shown on enclosed map): g' Z Z 2 w 3 —0/12 �� — • r Signature: it& c //k2 Date: /—/0 2 00 COMMENTS: NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION AND CITY COUNCIL An application has been received by the City of Wylie for a: PROPOSED ZONING CHANGE Zoning Case Number: 99-14 Applicant: Cascade Compaines,L.L.C. Attn: Randy Nolan Location: Generally located along the east side of FM 1378 just north of the Newport Harbor Development Property Description: (See the attached Exhibit"A" for full legal description) Present Zoning: MF&B-1 (Multi-Family and Buisness) Requested Zoning: PD(Planned Development) Proposed master planned community with density variance. This public hearing is held to consider the application as an amendment to the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City of Wylie,Texas and the Official Zoning Map. The request will be considered as follows: Planning and Zoning Commission: Tuesday,January 18,2000,7:00 PM City Council: Tuesday,January 25,2000,7:00 PM Each public hearing will be held at the following location: City Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex 2000 Highway 78 North,Wylie,Texas This notice has been sent to all owners of real property within 200 feet of the request, as such ownership appears on the last approved city tax roll. Action by the Planning and Zoning Commission serves as a recommendation to the City Council and is not a final action on the request. If the Commission recommends denial. a three-fourths majority vote by the City Council shall be required for approval. Zoning districts,amendments and conditions recommended by the Commission for approval by the City Council may be more restrictive than those described in this notice. All interested persons are encouraged to attend the public hearing and express their opinions on the zoning change request. If you are unable to attend,but wish to have your opinions made a part of the public record,please complete the enclosed form and return it prior to the public hearing. Please print your name, address of the property you own and the tax account number(if applicable) on the enclosed form and return it to the following address: City of Wylie Department of Planning 2000 Highway 78 North Wylie,TX 75098 If the property owners of 20%or more of the land within the 200 foot notification area file a written protest prior to the public hearing, state law provides that approval of the zoning change request shall require an affirmative vote of 3/4 of the members of the City Council. The application is on file for public examination in the Planning Department at 2000 Highway 78 North,Wylie,Texas. For additional information,please contact the Planning Department at 972/442-8150. Please reference the zoning case number when requesting information. This facility is wheelchair accessible and handicapped parking spaces are available. Requests for interpretation services or assistive hearing devices must be made 48 hours prior to the meeting. Contact the Office of the City Secretary at(972)442-8103. or(TDD) (972)442-8170 for assistance. PUBLIC COMMENT FORM (Please type or use black ink) Department of Planning 2000 Highway 78 North Wylie,Texas 75098 I am FOR the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case#99-14. I am AGAINST the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case#99-14. Date,Location&Time of Planning&Zoning Commission meeting: Tuesday, January 18.2000,7:00 pm Municipal Complex, 2000 Highway 78 North,Wylie,Texas Date,Location&Time of City Council meeting: Tuesday,January 25,2000,7:00 pm Municipal Complex.2000 Highway 78 North. Wylie,Texas Name: (please print) Address: Wylie Tax Account Number (if shown on enclosed map): Signature: Date: COMMENTS: EXHIBIT "A" LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF AREA OF REQUEST IN ZONING CASE NO. BEING, A TRACT OF LAND SITUATED IN THE JAMES McULMURRY SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 629 AND THE WM. BURNETT SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 56, CITY OF WYLIE, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS, AND BEING A PORTION OF THAT TRACT AS CONVEYED TO BAYLOR UNIVERSITY MEDICAL CENTER FOUNDATION AS RECORDED IN VOLUME 3756, PAGE 115, AND BEING ALL OF THAT 6.494 ACRE TRACT AS RECORDED IN VOLUME 1169, PAGES 656 AND 660, OF THE DEED RECORDS OF COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS, AND BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED BY METES AND BOUNDS AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING, AT A 1/2" IRON ROD FOUND AT A POINT ON THE EASTERLY LINE OF F.M. ROAD NO. 1378, SAID POINT BEING THE NORTHWESTERLY CORNER OF NEWPORT HARBOR, PHASE ONE, AN ADDITION TO THE CITY OF WYLIE, AS RECORDED IN CABINET G, SLIDE 224 OF THE PLAT RECORDS OF COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS; THENCE, ALONG THE EASTERLY LINE OF F.M. ROAD NO. 1378, THE FOLLOWING: NORTH 07°13'28" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 75.77 FEET TO A 1/2" IRON ROD SET AT THE BEGINNING OF A CURVE TO THE LEFT HAVING A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 07°29'15" AND A RADIUS OF 1954.86 FEET; AROUND SAID CURVE, AN ARC DISTANCE OF 255.46 FEET TO A 1/2" IRON ROD SET AT THE END OF SAID CURVE; NORTH 00°15'47" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 159.86 FEET TO A 1/2" IRON ROD SET; THENCE, SOUTH 89°56'02" EAST, LEAVING THE EASTERLY LINE OF F.M. ROAD NO. 1378, A DISTANCE OF 662.80 FEET TO A 1/2" IRON ROD SET AT THE BEGINNING OF A CURVE TO THE RIGHT HAVING A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 23°28'08" AND A RADIUS OF 820.00 FEET; AROUND SAID CURVE, AN ARC DISTANCE OF 335.88 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE, NORTH 23 02 l0 EAST, A DISTANCE OF 585.67 FEET TO A 1/2" IRON ROD SET ON THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF A TRACT AS CONVEYED TO STEPHAN VAN GEE AND WIFE, BEVERLY VAN GEE AS RECORDED IN VOLUME 3051, PAGE 570, OF SAID DEED RECORDS; THENCE,NORTH 89°03'06" EAST, ALONG THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF SAID VAN GEE TRACT, A DISTANCE OF 228.56 FEET TO A 3/8" IRON ROD FOUND AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID VAN GEE TRACT, SAME BEING THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF A 6.494 ACRE TRACT AS RECORDED IN VOLUME 1169, PAGE 656 AND VOLUME 1169, PAGE 660, OF SAID DEED RECORDS; Page 1 of 3 THENCE, NORTH 00°02'06" EAST, ALONG THE WESTERLY LINE OF SAID 6.494 ACRE TRACT, A DISTANCE OF 337.89 FEET TO A POINT AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAME; THENCE, NORTH 89°58'37" EAST, ALONG THE NORTHERLY LINE OF SAID 6.494 ACRE TRACT, A DISTANCE OF 843.69 TO A POINT AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAME; THENCE, SOUTH 00°31'05" EAST, ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID 6.494 ACRE TRACT, A DISTANCE OF 331.86 FEET TO A R.R. SPIKE FOUND AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAME; THENCE, NORTH 88°45'33" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 234.25 FEET TO AN AXLE FOUND AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID BAYLOR TRACT; THENCE, SOUTH 00°15'04" WEST, ALONG THE EASTERLY LINE OF SAID BAYLOR TRACT, A DISTANCE OF 962.43 FEET TO A 60D NAIL FOUND AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAME; THENCE, SOUTH 88°26'37" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 563.72 FEET TO A 1/2" IRON ROD FOUND AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF A CALLED 1.1692 ACRE TRACT AS CONVEYED TO THE CITY OF WYLIE AS RECORDED IN VOLUME 2471, PAGE 001, OF SAID DEED RECORDS; THENCE, ALONG THE COMMON LINE OF SAID BAYLOR TRACT WITH SAID CITY OF WYLIE TRACT, THE FOLLOWING: NORTH 36°52'40" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 212.73 FEET TO A 1/2" IRON ROD FOUND; SOUTH 89°58'35" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 82.60 FEET TO A 1/2" IRON ROD FOUND; SOUTH 54°03'30" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 161.79 FEET TO A 1/2" IRON ROD FOUND; SOUTH 00°03'07" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 104.89 FEET TO A 1/2" IRON ROD FOUND ON THE NORTHERLY LINE OF SAID NEWPORT HARBOR, PHASE ONE; THENCE, ALONG THE SAID NORTHERLY LINE OF NEWPORT HARBOR, PHASE ONE, THE FOLLOWING: THE BEGINNING OF A CURVE TO THE LEFT HAVING A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 12°24'44" AND A RADIUS OF 1721.18 FEET; AROUND SAID CURVE, AN ARC DISTANCE OF 372.87 FEET TO A 1/2" IRON ROD SET AT THE BEGINNING OF A COMPOUND CURVE TO THE LEFT HAVING A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 09°06'46" AND A RADIUS OF 1750.35 FEET; AROUND SAID CURVE, AN ARC DISTANCE OF 278.39 FEET TO A 1/2" IRON ROD SET AT THE BEGINNING OF A REVERSE CURVE TO THE RIGHT HAVING A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 80°59'20" Page 2 of 3 AND A RADIUS OF 40.00 FEET; AROUND SAID CURVE, AN ARC DISTANCE OF 56.54 FEET TO A I/2" IRON ROD SET AT THE BEGINNING OF A REVERSE CURVE TO THE LEFT HAVING A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 56°56'09" AND A RADIUS OF 330.00 FEET; AROUND SAID CURVE, AN ARC DISTANCE OF 327.93 FEET TO A 1/2" IRON ROD FOUND AT THE END OF SAID CURVE; NORTH 89°56'02" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 686.41 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING AND CONTAINING 50.576 ACRES OF LAND. Page 3 of 3 1; 11 arlst orpards of partk trust 'r so strive for azeilaics Pt palm'trysail,cod . Plffa to enhance the cagily of t 4for all. APPLICATION FORA CHANGE IN ZONING Zoning Case No. (PLEASE TYPE OR PRIM) By. /lean The Following Information To Be Supplied Name: •CASCADE COMPANIES, L L C Contact Person: C T Beckhaiu or Address: 5949 Sherry In #1225 City: D llas State: TX Zip: 75225 214-3 Telephone: 68-2223 Fax:: 214-368-8375 E- / • (/CltBeuzis:.ham, "htha.ifnan The Following Information To Be Supplied By The Owner: Name: BBAYLOR REALM CARE • Address: 3600 Gaston Ave 100 Barnett TotNer City: Dallas / State: 11% Zip: 75246 214-820-3136 Fax 214-820-7092 i E-Mail Telephone: Cascade Companies, L L C I Am The Owner Of The Herein Described Property, And Is Authorized To File This Application On My Behalf • I, rQIW4K4 s. N Signature of Owner M' Pre''t- �'4s rS7Ff ' Location of Request: Janes McUlmurry Suzy' A-629; Collin •Cc inty; Texas Existing Zovine: Multi—Family 'Requested Zoning: Planned Unit Development (POD) • _ . To develop single family residential and provide drainage facilities Explanation: . i�y of� �ylie ' All requests shall be advartzred or the regd nce)d district and/or any other district which Is more restrictive by area requirements,land use and height. A legal description of tbe property for which the zoning change is requested must be completed as"EXHIBIT e4"and attached hereto. • Jrfat ieva ds. Use The description shall include the distance and bearing of the point of beginning from the nearest• Ir„� �/ C.V a TYPEWRITER and sign where indicated. C A. r L L'worddoca lks tee `D Filed: • � .` : . ate Receipt No. • �,, ,;•�,�,. 1Pending Plat: City of Wylie,Development Services Department CITY OF WYLIE 2000 Hlghwry 78 North Y Wylie,Texas 75098'972-442-8150?972-442-8154 Fax 01-05-00 04:44PM FROM-WILLS BEILUE BECKHAM REGENT 2143588375 T-707 P 01/01 F-741 VENKLIFEMICI dCo,o",» . i� 1 ETA BAYLOR HEALTH CARE SYSTEM Fa" q ZiLf 2 4.! -Fa:I FOUNDATION ICesthJI R.Bulbs' Vice Pszkleot Owioabk Gift S Fst ee 11.rnwe DW4tan July 21, 1999 • Mr. Tobin E. Maples, Director of Planning City of Wylie 2000 Highway 78 North Wylie, TX 75098 Dear Mr. Maples: • We are the current owners of 53.6 acres out of the James McUlmurray Survey, Abstract No. 629, in the City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas. The land is under contract to Cascade Companies, L.L.C., 5949 Sherry Lane #1225, Dallas, TX 75225. We are aware of the planning and engineering presently underway by Douphrate 8 Associates of Rockwall, Texas, engineers for Cascade Companies. L.L.C. This letter is to verify our authorization for Cascade Companies, L.L.C. to proceed with the subdivision of the above tract. Yours very truly, BUM FOUNDATI dell R. Holden ice President Charitable and Gift Estate Planning Division KRH:dv liavo:sou rcmanb:ooJ B.irl•u Medd,U.te System m your will 1G00 C,..a,r,Mcn..c.Sum 100.Ddfas.T. ..*75246 1214)n20•3.1d0 F.v.12141 1120.1092 TO:39dd SL£889£0TR:0i 260L-028-012 NOI1WNf10i do1Ati8:W0dA 22:9t 66 T2-- City of Wylie Action Item No. 1 Site Plan/Preliminary Plat Martinez Addition, Phase III Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting: January 18, 2000 Owner: Charles & Micha Harrison and Henry Martinez Surveyor/Engineer: Jackson and Associates Land Surveyors, Inc. Location: Generally located at the southeast corner of Kirby Street and SH 78 Existing Zoning: B-2 (Business) Summary: The preliminary plat/site plan under consideration is for Phase III of the Martinez Addition. The applicant is filing this site plan/preliminary plat in order to develop the Lot 6 of the property with a business use. Specifically, Section 29A.2 of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance Number 85- 23A states that site plan review and approval by the Planning and Zoning Commission shall be required for any business development not located within an approved commercial subdivision. The property is currently vacant and zoned for B-2 (Business) uses. Site plans shall contain sufficient information relative to site design considerations and shall conform to data presented within the building permit application. The purpose of the site plan is to ensure efficient and safe land development, harmonious use of land, compliance with appropriate design standards, safe and efficient vehicular and pedestrian circulation, and other utilities and services. Department of Planning, 01/12/00 Issues: • Staff has reviewed the proposed site plan/preliminary plat and found it to be in compliance with the Zoning regulations and other pertinent ordinances of the City of Wylie. Specifically, the proposed development complies with all applicable zoning, landscaping, parking screening, sidewalk, lighting, and access codes. Also, the City's traffic consultant has reviewed approved the ingress/egress as it relates to the future design of Kirby. • In order to obtain the necessary right-of-way to expand Kirby, staff did not require that the applicant build their portion of the alley located along the eastern property line. Said alley was never improved and is no longer needed. The fire department has reviewed this element as it relates to public safety and is recommending approval. • The applicant is aware that the property needs to be final platted prior to the issuance of any building permits. • The applicant is aware that all signs require separate permits. • The applicant is aware that all impact fees must be paid prior to the issuance of building permits. • The applicant is aware that approval of a site plan for Lot 4 will be required prior to the issuance of building permits on said lot. Financial Considerations: All application fees have been paid in full. Staff Recommendation: Approval The Departments of Public Works, Fire, and Community Development concur with this recommendation. Attachments: Applications Site Plan/Preliminary Plat Department of Planning, 01/12/00 OWNERS CERTIFICATE SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF COLUN WHEAS,Carles E.Harrison and wife Micha Harrison and Henry Martinez,are the owners KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENT's . THAT,1,Donald J.Jackson,do hereby certify that I have prepared this plat from an actual and accurate 'pert-MY-lairs tuhperivTidoirr 2:Orrancce'rwW1c rhrPirl=g ti'i'l:rs''irlieclreRerguTaTonrofteltre Pt.YedoruiVydIVe.,nTlecas. ..,-"''''. LOCATION MAP , of ME a ER tract ohf land situated in the E.0 Davidson Survey,Abstract-No.267,City of Wylie,Collin NTS e 2 County,Texas,and being all of a 0.4229 acre tract of land conveyed to Charles E.Harrison and c's'el .2- wife Micha Harrison by deed recorded under County Clerk's File Number 99-0032791 et.seq., Deed Records,Collin County,Texas and being the same 0.202 acre tract of land as conveyed to Donald J.Jackson Registered Professional Land Surveyor No.3949 gCharles E.Harrison and wife Micha Harrison by deed recorded under County Clerk's File Number 99-0032790,Deed Records,Collin County,Texas and being more particularly described STATE OF TEXAS I1 i STATE HIGHWAY NO 544 W.KIRBY STREET -1Z as follows: Beginning at a 1 inch iron rod found in the existing south right-of-way line of West Kirby Street COUNTY OF COLLIN II BEFORE ME,the undersigned authority,a Notary Public in and for said County and State,on this date 4- )-- f LOCATION MAP .,6 STONE ROAD (20 foot from center line)for the northeast corner of said 0.423 acre tract and being on the west line of an alley(10'wide at this point)as recorded by plat of Holiday Terrace First Installment, an Addition to the City of Wylie,according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 3,Page 96, Map Records,Collin County,Texas; Thence,S 00°02'00"E,along the west line of said alley and the east line of said 0_423 acre tract,a distance of 654.31 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod found for the southeast corner of said Martinez Addition and being the northeast corner of a 5.232 acre tract of land conveyed to Wylie Shopping LTD by deed recorded in Volume 2463,Page 53,Map Records,Collin County,Tex.; personally appeared Donald J.Jacks°,known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the purpose and consideration therein expressed and under oath stated that the statements in the foregoing certificate are true. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE this day of Notary Public for the State of Texas 1999 , w My commission expires., Thence,N 88°28'00/W,along the south line of said Martinez Addition and the north line of said 5.232 acre tract,a distance of 1.88.90 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod found for an easterly corner of Brookshires Addition as recorded in Volume G,Page 542,Map Records,Collin County, POINT OF Texas; EGINNING ,,, Thence,N:32°32'08"W,along t.easterly line of said Brookshires Addition and the ''--- ' NOTICE „ -----'-°,_-_! a -limi$P7: — •.0',--7-•"„),,„, southwest line of Lot.4.a distance of 219.09 feet to an"X”in concrete for the south corner of Lot 5,Block A and the west.corner of Lot 4 Block A of said Martinez Addition; I•C,'oil L.' 1; = 5(-) ft 7',5 r.-- ...7 ..kit-i------ •,, ---,--R 0 I Thence,N 57°27'52"E,along the common line of said Lot 5 and Lot 4,a distance of 165.24 feet to an"X"in concrete for the beginning of a curve to the left having a central angle ' .,/,,T7 ''',, , ...0,, / • l ,,,,''',IOV/ I,LLL.,.' / 1 I Then..along the common line of Lot 3 and Lot.4 and with said curve to the left,an arc distance Itecommended for Approval' LOT 2,BLOCK A ..,, 1, , /,--, , 1,, of 91.46 feet to an"x'in concrete for the end of curve; PHASE TWO 1 z Es'ill-' 'Il- I I'%' , Thenco,N GO"02'ou ill,along the east line of Lot 3 and Lot 2,and the west line of Lot VOL H.PG 39 I ,,__,I',,, ril, . I, /_JI, ,,'' ' 1.Block A of said Martinez Addition,a distance of 293.99 feet to an"X"cut in concrete for the Chairman,Planning&'Zoning Commission I. w . , --:--i`ii '' 1 northwe,st corner of Lot 4 and the northeast corner of Lot 2,Block A of said Martinez Addition LILLL--/L\ .7 it,-, -'-',1, -------l'i o'L I and being in the south right-of-way line of West Kirby Street(25'from centerline); Thence.S 87°3,00,,along the south right-of-way line of said West Kirby Street,and the ”Approved for Preparation of Final Plat' ... G ._ north line of said Lot 4,a distanc.e of 44.68 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod found in the west line of /1 F'-' ki5 r'....____1 \\' 1-1.`t said 0.423 acre tract for the northeast corner of said Lot 4: Date, _ .• ---- a -3 ,,_ ----- ---7"1 Thence,N 02°36'26"E,along the west line of said 0.423 acre tract,a distance of 10.00 feet Mayor,City of Wylie,Texas,,,,te/Ls.-- :-,,,I ' ',..., ,E ir'''''' to a 1/2 inch iron rod set for the northwest corner of said 0.423 acre tract being in the existing //Lot-I'll/ '..., It° I', cco%TtAZI•7si ,,,,"E south right-of-way line of West Kirby Street 'Msl (o2f0'satoid c0e.n4t2e3r liancer)e; tract and the existing south right-of-way line of said West Kirby Street,a distance of 80.00 feet to the Point of Beginning and ,-• ., Z '',1 •,l, I' .._____-'... containing 115,082 square feet or 2.6415 acres of land. ,„. „• I ,---/- i 1 'rii, 89°5 woolw 15.03 NOW,THEREFORE KNOW ALL,MEN BY THESE PRESENTS LOT'3,BLOCK A l'I - ,rAfffsENT/ _____1 ill 4 That,Charles E.Harrison and wife Micha Harrison and Henry Martinez,acting herein by and through its duly authorized officer,do hereby adopt this Replat designated therein above described property MART,EAEA1,1).irmnoTION ,,,j i?_,,,I \LH,„...,,,,,/:,---/- e as Martinez Addition,Phase III,being a replat of Lot 4 of Martinez Addition,Phase II and the Creation of Lot 6,an addition of the City of Wylie,Texas,and does hereby dedicate to the public use VOL.H,PG.3, forever the easements and right-of-ways shown hereon.The easements shown hereon are hereby r''' '1 1 L,11-4 4,BLEC,1 A I reserved for the purposes as indicated. No buildings,fences,trees,shrubs,or other improvements MARTINEZ ADDITION NIARTINEZ ADIATIEN, r or growths shall be constructed or placed upon,over,or across the easements and right-of-ways ''gi 5 as shown. Said utility easement being hereby reserved for the mutual use and accommodation of all public utilities desiring to use or using same All and any public utility shall have the full \ LOT 1.BLOCK A ''I'''l ' ' co.--. o right to remove and keep removed all or parts of any buildings,fences,trees,shrubs,or other \ 1 improvements or growth which may in any way endanger or interfere with the construction, , \ i „ inaintenance,of efficiency of its respective system on the utility easement and all public utilities '/ / / / /i 1 -Ig t, '';'''s, shall at all times have the full right of ingress and egress to or from and upon the said utility easement for the construction,reconstruction,inspecting,patrolling,maintaining,and adding to / .. ..., . / or removing all or part of its respective systems without the necessity at any time of procuring the \ •' /C",./ / \ l',123, 6 'I,4'-EII9c, permission of anyone ' WITNESS MY HAND AT WYLIE,TEXAS,this day of ,1999. \ e',N'V'/' , ,/ / 0) . Charles E.Harrison ". ,N /./7 z/ •Le Micha Harrison '\.7-A., rc/c-',.7/, •-- \ '','•,/,,,,\O.7 v '8 I P,' Hen,Martinez COUNTY OF COLLIN 0 BEFORE ME,the undersign.authority,a Notary Public in and for said County and RECEIVED State,on this personally appeared Charles E Harrison,known to me to be the person 4.\ whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that DEC 1 6 1999 he executed the.same for purpose and considerations therein expressed. 't.t. 9 GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE,THIS day of 1999 CITY OF WYLIE voriZTHP'PR‘GY 542 (?\ 9 n—---- Notary Public for the State of Texas SITE PLAN/PRELIMINARY PLAT I My Commission expires MARTINEZ ADDITION, PHASE III I ,0 STATE OF TEXAS 0 COUNTY FOOLLIN II BEFORE ME,the undersigned authority,a Notary Public in and for said County and State,on this personally appeared Micha Harrison,known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the forego,instrument and acknowledged to me that BEING A REPLAT OF LOT 4 OF MARTINEZ ADDITION, PHASE II AND THE CREATION OF LOT 6 N 8828 T she executed the same for purpose and considerations therein expressed E.C.DAVIDSON SURVEY,ABSTRACT NO.267 . '00"W 18Escir GI CITY OF WYLIE,COLLIN COUNTY,TEXAS YEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE,THIS day of ,1999. PREPARED:OCTOBER 20,1999 ,--------.. Notary Public for the State of Texas My Commission expires Job No.582-99-0110 October 20,1999 Scale,I"to.' i NUMBER DIRECTION I/DISTANCE1 5 232 ACRES 12 SURVEYOR. L,ACKSON&ASSOCIATES LAND SURVEYORS OWNER: CHARLES E./AND MICH*HARRISON L LI stl 87.37',00.:,E i_44.68: _i WYLIE SHOPPING LT.D. , STATE OF TEXAS () inE7ITEX),iS"127574Y N'I."4 ;VI.Zg's''''7)5A098 L L2 LLN 02,6. E 1 10,00 1 VOLUME 2463,PAGE 53 COUNTY OF COLLIN 0 PHONE:072)442-4045 owNER. HENRY MARTINE,BEFORE ME,the undersigned authority,a Notary Public in and for said County and RECORDED 2121 QUAIL RUN State,on this personally appeared Henry Martinez,known to me to be the person VOLUME PAGE 'AT'41.4T56777"' 13 whose narne is subscribed to the foregoing Instrument and acknowledged to me that NUMBER lc 4',,,, ,256"F 9,4 rT1.46 187,67 J1-"c't he executed the same for purpose and considerations therein expressed. ,, iN 2 GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE,THIS day of ,1999, "PRELIMINARY PLAT FOR REVIEW PURPOSES ONLY" SITE PLAN FOR LOT 6, BLOCK A, Notary Public for the State of Texas OF MARTINEZ ADDITION, PHASE III My Commission expires Page 1 of# City of Wylie (5/93) SITE PLAN APPLICATION Date REC'D MAY 2 5 1999 Name of Proposed Development Gof 4 l GC j e MA414:1Gz 4 /�74;.,,,, Axe. V- Name of Property Owner/Developer c44 444.4„ Address 9 o 7 C S/a,,, GU/f< TK Phone 9 7 Z VV1- s---4 77 Name of Land Planner/Engineer �, Z<J Address ZG o ° co. %CM S�c/ Phone 9 7 z t,/y2 - Total Acreage t7 -ti Zy 7 o y Current Zoning .er-Z Number of Lots/Units Signed 4„,...c---2L.„. Following is a checklist of items that may be required as a part of the site plan. In addition, other information may be required if it is necessary for an adequate review of a specific development proposal. All information should be provided on a scaled drawing generally not exceeding 18" x 24". Provided or Shown Not On Site Plan Applicable 1. Total lot or site area - if the site is part of a larger tract include a key map showing entire tract and location of site being planned. 2. Location, dimensions, and size of all existing and planned structures on the subject property and approximate locations of structures adjoining property within 100 ft. 3. Location and type of landscaping, lighting, fencing and/or screening of yards and setback areas. 4. Calculation of landscaped area provided. 5. Location and dimensions of ingress and egress. • City of Wylie Action Item No. 2 Final Plat Martinez Addition, Phase III Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting: January 18, 2000 Owner: Charles&Micha Harrison and Henry Martinez Surveyor/Engineer: Jackson and Associates Land Surveyors, Inc. Location: Generally located at the southeast corner of Kirby Street and SH78 Existing Zoning: B-2 (Business) Summary: The final plat under consideration is for Phase III of the Martinez Addition. The applicant is filing plat in order to develop the Lot 6 of the property with a business use. The property is currently vacant and zoned for B-2 (Business) uses. Issues: • Staff has reviewed the final plat and found it to be in compliance with the Zoning regulations and other pertinent ordinances of the City of Wylie. Specifically, the proposed development complies with all applicable zoning, landscaping, parking screening, sidewalk, lighting, and access codes. Also, the City's traffic consultant has reviewed approved the ingress/egress as it relates to the future design of Kirby. • In order to obtain the necessary right-of-way to expand Kirby, staff did not require that the applicant build their portion of the alley located along the eastern property line. Said alley was never improved and is no longer needed. The fire department has reviewed this element as it relates to public safety and is recommending approval. Department of Planning, 01/12/00 • The applicant is aware that all impact fees must be paid prior to the issuance of building permits. • The applicant is aware that approval of a site plan for Lot 4 will be required prior to the issuance of building permits on said lot. Financial Considerations: All application fees have been paid in full. Staff Recommendation: Approval The Departments of Public Works, Fire, and Community Development concur with this recommendation. Attachments: Applications Final Plat Department of Planning, 01/12/00 OWNERS CERTIFICATE SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE 1- a' 4). E c , STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF COLLIN WHEREAS,Charles E.Harrison and wife Micha Harrison and Henry Martinez,are the ovrners KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: THAT,I,Donald J Jackson,do hereby certify that I have prepared this plat from an actual and accurate sperrys:IYI&V sitireriveirsiicol narill'i'ctiictrCIFIencee=l'i rtil'irPirl=nsg'4'1'1'17 jrledr'RerguTi:tr.ieonrorrtjhe tterlof ult7yre,n-TILas. LOCATION MAP ,.... 7 of a tract of land situated in the E.C.Davidson Survey,Abstract No.267,City of Wylie,Collin NTS !' County,Texas,and being all of a 0.4229 acre tract of land conveyed to Charles E.Harrison and 2 wife Micha Harrison by deed recorded under County Clerk's File Number 99-0032791 et.seq., Deed Records,Collin County,Texas and being the same 0.202 acre tract of land as conveyed to Donald J.Jackson Registered Professional Land Surveyor No.3949 1 c-,'''''''' el Charles E.Harrison and wife Micha Harrison by deed recorded under County Clerk's File `I STATE HIGHW,AY NO 544 W.KIRBY STREET .,r, /, SITE LOCATION MAP '4' ti -c- STONE ROAD Number 99-0032790,Deed Records,Collin County,Texas and being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a 1 inch iron rod found in the existing south right-of-way line of West Kirby Street (20 foot from center line)for the northeast corner of said 0.423 acre tract and being on the west line of an alley(10'wide at this point)as recorded by plat of Holiday Terrace First Installment, an Addition to the City of Wylie,according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 3,Page 96, Map Records,Collin County,Texas; Thence,S 00°02'00"E,along the west line of said alley and the east line of said 0.423 acre tract,a distance of 654.31 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod found for the southeast corner of said Martinez Addition a.being the northeast corner of a 5.232 acre tract of land conveyed to Wylie Shopping LTD by deecl recorded in Volume 2463,Page 53,Map Records,Collin County,Texas; STATE OF TEXAS 0 COUNTY OF COLLIN 0 BEFORE ME,the undersigned authority,a Notary Public in and for said County and State,on this date personally appeared Donald J.Jackson,known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the purpose and consideration therein expressed and under oath stated that the statements in the foregoing certificate are true GIVEN UNDER MY BAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE this day of Notary Public for the State of Texas ,1999. ..,' My commission expires a. Thence,N 88°28'00"W,along the south line of said Martinez Addition and the north line s, of said 5.232 acre tract,a distance of 188.90 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod found for an easterly_ corner of Brookshires Addition as recorded in Volume G,Page 542,Map Records,Collin County, Texas; EGINNING o Thence,N 32°32'oa"W,along the easterly line of said Brookshires Addition and the southwest line of Lot 4,a distance of 219.09 feet to an"X"in concrete for the south corner of Lot C a 1 e 1 = 50 ft: _._ R.o.w.PEDICATION,,,,,'"'''''' 5,Block A and the west.corner of Lot 4 Block A of said Martinez Addition; 25'ACCESS EASEMENT .—.-- 2. le.:),1"1:1'inVnrnij SVe trZrild'I'S Tueiert`01 If),`.),`I'd:nter:J-Vol`rn",Z_,_,,,..Ji.F,, _ I Thence,N 57°27'52,,along the common line,said Lot 5 and I,4,a distance of utilities and'building permits. -il----, 7 '20 BUILDING LINE i 165.24 feet to an"X"in concrete for the beginning of a curve to the left having a central angle of 57°29'5,and a radius of 91.14 feet; "Recommended for Approver' LOT 2,BLOCK A I, Tol-fi7i,ce4,6 afIxitg ttoheanconximicnaielci,rnieczfe It 3thaendenLdotof4 eau,nrcvlevrith said curve to the left.an arc distance MARTINEZ ADDITION I`ci,'I y i., PHASE TWO ' ' 'I Them,.N OW. 00'W,along the east line of Lot 3 and Lot 2,and the west line of Lot Date- 4,Block A of said Martinez Addition,a distance of 293.99 feet to an',C"cut in concrete for the Chairman,Planning Sr Zoning Cornmission .4 I !' ' : northwest corner of Lot 4 and the northeast corner of Lot 2,Block A of said Martinez Addition City of Wylie,Texas '-Ki- '21' and being in the sou.right-of-way line of West Kirby Street(25'from centerline); 7,'.2 I LOT 6, BLOCK A g? 2 Thence,S 87°37'00''E.along the south right-of-way line of said West Kirby Street and the ”Approved for Construction.' ao':,,, .2 I, i 24,709 SQ.FT. c7,1,,,, north line of said Lot 4,a distance of 44.68 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod found in the west line of Y ,t., .-. said 0.423 acre tract for the northeast corner of said Lot 4; Date ..-----' 1!!,','i',.,I l , Thence,N 0,36'26"E,along the west.line of said 0.423 acre tract,a distance of 10.00 feet Mayor,City of Wylie,Texas to a 1/2 inch iron rod set,for the northwest corner of said 0.423 acre tract being in the existing ---- south right-of-way line of West Kirby Street.(20'to centerline); CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION b-,,‘, , Thence,S 87°37'00"E,along the north line of said 0.423 acre tract and the existing south : Ss s right-of-way line of said West Kirby Street,a distance of 80.00 feet to the Point of Beginning and ,.--- containing 115,082 square feet or 2.6419 acres of land.i-. , Wylie,Texas I ',89.5800i W 125.07 NOW,THEREFORE KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: Mayor City of LOT 3,13LOCE A F.ii ACCEZ,SE j 4 That,Charles E.Harvison and wife Micha Harrison and Henry Martinez,acting herein by and through its duly authorized officer,do hereby adopt this Replat designated therein above described property The undersigned,the City Secretary of the City of Wylie,Texas,hereby certifies that the MARTINEZ ADDITION '''',,,,,-,c,1\LEA-7____— as Martinez Addition,Phase III,being a replat of Lot 4 of Martinez Addition,Phase Il and the creation foregoing final Plat.the Martinez Addition,Phase III,being a replat of Lot 4.Martinez PHASE TWO of Lot,6,an addition of the City of Wylie,Texas,and does hereby dedicate to the public use Addition,Phase II and the Creation of Lot 6 subdivision or addition to the City o,,1 Wylie VOL.H,PG.39 ,,,, 2, I"- -----—----- forever the easements and right-of-ways shown hereon.The easements shown hereon are hereby 7::=7,1i'it,e`ti,yttZa,C.Zti,r%'L.ILTet.,;°,-„-accepted cTe lea-i-,..,-,--2,----,--, eit'sna;1;' ,KOCK A reserved for the purposes as indicated. No buildings,fences,trees,shrubs,or other improvements parks,easements,public places,and water and sewer lines as shown and set forth in and , APTI D ILION I, ' 1 HL.TU PI ' - or growths shall be constructed or placed upon,over,or across the easements and right-of-ways upon said plat and said Council further authorized the Mayor to note the acceptance \ LOT 1.BLOCK A 1,ott.' .x.-INCONC. ) I 1 E 14 ,S as shown. Said utility easement being hereby reserved for the mutual use and accommodation of all public utilities desiring to use or using same. All and any public utility shall have the full thereof by signing his name as hereinabove subscribed Witness my hand this day of ,A.D.,1999 right to remove and keep removed all or parts of any buildings,fences,trees,shrubs,or other MARTINEZ ADDITION / P. N .',7,1 '6 `,,,'' improvements or growth which may in any way endanger or interfere with the construction, / // / / °---—Q Ei. maintenance,of efficiency of its respective system on the utility easement and all public utilities shall at all times have the full right of ingress and egress to or from and upon the said utility 8 t ,,,,, easement for the construction;reconstruction,inspecting,patrolling,maintaining,and adding to City Secretary ,,,/ ,,,C,'/,/ // -.4 i?:,c.,2 tj d.. or removing all or part of its respective systems without the necessity at any time of procuring the City of Wylie,Texas .1,,e1'. ., , =,318m 6 E4,' permission of anyone. //, ,/ I'----- r-' WITNESS MY HAND AT WYLIE,TEXAS,this day of ,1999. tEii c,) 5 OPC,e°7 1.b%'',,' ,T -c. Charles E.Harrison ,,, ':)X\'''' 0<, .•,,;7-.ca.-.7,5„,-,--,s,-;,.. ,,s.,,, , 8 Henry Martinez 83,927 SQ.FT. COUNTY OF COLLIN 0 BEFORE ME,the undersigned authority,a Notary Public in and for said County and State,on this persona Ily appeared Charles E.Harrison,known to me to be the person 2\ whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument.and acknowledged to me that 'x.,1 he executed the same for purpose and considerations therein expressed. 9 GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE,THIS day of 1999, RECEIVED ,,,gkl.NLY 542 Notary Public for the State of Texas DEL 1 6 1999 My Commission expires CITY OF WYLIE STATE OF TEXAS 0 FINAL PLAT COUNTY OF COLLIN I l BEFORE ME,the undersigned authority,a Notary Public in and for said County and MARTINEZ ADDITION, PHASE III State,on this personally appeared Micha Harrison,known to me to be the person 178.90' whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that BEING A REPLAT OF LOT 4 OF she executed the sam her e for purpose and considerations therein expressed. N 6828 00"W 188,9, ,,-Li,END 1, MARTINEZ ADDITION, PHASE II AND GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE,THIS day of ,1999 THE CREATION OF LOT 6 Notary Public for the State of Texas E.C.DAVIDSON SURVEY,ABSTRACT NO.267 My Commission expires CITY OF WYLIE,COLLIN COUNTY,TEXAS FrruMBEqDIRECTION DISTANCE 5.232 ACRES 12 PREPARED,OCTOBER 20,1999 iiril- S 87.37100",,E 44.68: WYLIE SHOPPING L.T.D. STATE OF TEXAS () , 11,_1 0276,26,,E 10.00, VOLUME 2463.PAGE 53 COUNTY OF COLLIN 0 Job No.582-99-0110 October 20,1999 Scale:1"=50' i_l_ ,i,87 37 00 E 80.00 BEFORE ME,the undersigned authority,a Notary Public in and for said County and State,on this personally appeared Henry Martinez,known to me to be the person SURVEYOR: JACKSON&ASSOCIATES LAND SURVEYORS OWNER' CHARLES E.AND MIGH,HARRISON 13 whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that ry0,0,EN.T F M,HT,HOW4Y NO 544 rY71-1:,.l'EUE Ng& he executed the same for purpose and considerations therein expressed. FNUMBER_ly; ITCD iiiR ' I-,-'; L C ' I PHONE.(972,442-4045 1 CI L57.29'52" _iN 28°42.56 E _1_:_14 591.46 87.67_1 GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE,THIS day of ,1999. RECORDED: ="QUITZT VOLUME ,PAGE 77r 472'2'5877" Notary Public for the State of Texas My Commission expires Page 1 of 3 City of Wylie (1/95) APPLICATION AND FINAL PLAT CHECKLIST Date: 5-24-99 Name of Proposed Development Lot 4R and Lot 6, Block A, Being a Replat of Lot 4 and the Creation of Lot 6 of Martinez Addition, Phase II Name of Property Owner/Developer Charles E. and Micha Harrison Address 907 E. Stone Road, Wylie, TX 75098 Phone Name of Property Owner Henry Martinez Address 2121 Quail Run, Wylie, TX 75098 Phone (972) 442-5677 Owner of Record Charles E. and Micha Harrison Address 907 E. Stone Road, Wylie, TX 75098 Phone Owner of Record Henry Martinez Address 2121 Quail Run, Wylie, TX 75098 Phone (972) 442-5677 Name of Land Planner Jackson and Associates Land Surveyors, Inc. Don Jackson Surveyor/Engineer Address 2600 W. F.M. Highway Wylie, Texas 75098 Phone (972)-442-4045 Total Acreage 2.6419 acres Current Zoning B-2 Retail Use Numbers of Lots/Units 2 lots ()I Signed ' RED MAY 2 5 1999 -City of Wylie Discussion Item No. 1 Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting: January 18, 1999 Discussion Item No. 1 RE: Proposed Planned Development for the Birmingham Park Estates generally located along the east side of FM 1378 and the north side of Brown Street between the Newport Harbor Development and the Pointe North Development. • Background Presentation by Goodwin&Marshall-Proposed Planned Development for the Birmingham Park Estates generally located along the east side of FM 1378 and the north side of Brown Street between the Newport Harbor Development and the Pointe North Development. This case was heard by the Parks Board at their January 10, 2000, meeting (see attached memorandum from Mindy Manson, Assistant City Manager). Memo To: Tobin Maples, Director of Development Services From: Mindy Manson, Assistant City Manager 11111'ic Date: 1/13/99 Re Birmingham Park Estates—Parkland Dedication Discussion During the January 10 Park Board meeting, the Board heard a presentation on the conceptual park layout for the Birmingham Park Estates. The developer has revised the layout for the entire acreage in light of discussions with the various entities which have jurisdiction over the pond and soil conservation dam located on the property. The new focal point of the subdivision would be the park and open space oriented around the existing pond area. Preliminary engineering work indicates the potential of 27.8 acres of active park area and 30.3 acres of passive park area. Additional areas throughout the subdivision bring the total park and open space to 85.7 acres, with approximately 25,200 linear feet of hike & bike trail. Because a formal Conceptual Plan for the Planned Development District has not yet been submitted, the Park Board did not take action on this proposal. The item will be brought back to the Board after the application has been submitted. The Park Board did indicate support for the current proposal, stating that the concept is greatly improved from previous submittals. The Board also indicated that if the formal Conceptual Plan remains consistent with the conceptual park layout, approval would be likely be granted. s Page 3 PATTILLO, BROWN & HILL, L.L.P. CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS ■ BUSINESS CONSULTANTS January 11,2000 Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Wylie,Texas Gentlemen: In planning and performing our audit of the general purpose financial statements of the City of Wylie, Texas for the year ended September 30, 1999, we considered the City's internal control structure to determine our auditing procedures for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the general purpose financial statements and not to provide assurance on the internal control structure. However, during our audit we became aware of several matters that, are opportunities for strengthening internal controls and operating efficiency. The memorandum that accompanies this letter summarizes our comments and suggestions regarding those matters. This letter does not affect our report dated January 11, 2000, on the general purpose financial statements of the City of Wylie,Texas. We will review the status of these comments during our next audit engagement. We have already discussed many of these comments and suggestions with various City personnel, and we will be pleased to discuss them in further detail at your convenience, to perform any additional study of these matters,or to assist you in implementing the recommendations. Yours truly, PATTILLO,BROWN&HILL, L.L.P. /71, 4,01_ James C. Curry, CPA, CGFM JCC/cj Attachment AMERICAN PLAZA■200 WEST HWY.6•SUITE 300•P.O.BOX 20725•WACO,TX 76702-0725■(254)772-4901■FAX:(254)772-4920■ AFFILIATE OFFICES:BROWNSVILLE,TX(956)544-7778•HILLSBORO,TX(254)582-2583•ALBUQUERQUE,NM(505)266-5904 • CITY OF WYLIE,TEXAS COMMENTS AND SUGGESTIONS FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30,1999 GASB STATEMENT NO. 34 In June 1999, the Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) issued GASB Statement No. 34,Basic Financial Statements—and Management's Discussion and Analysis—for State and Local Governments. This statement was issued in order to create a new financial reporting model for governmental entities. The effective date for implementing the new standards varies depending on the size of the governmental entity. The City will be required to implement the new standards for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2003. Some of the new model's key elements are as follows: • Presentation of a management's discussion and analysis (MD & A) as required supplementary information; • Reporting on infrastructure assets (such as roads and bridges)and • Budgetary comparison schedules showing the original budget, the final budget and actual amounts on the budgetary basis. We recommend the City develop a plan for implementation that includes training for appropriate accounting personnel, developing the accrual information needed to report government activities in the government-wide financial statements and compiling the capital asset records that enable the calculation of depreciation for government-wide reporting of general government capital assets. PRIOR YEAR COMMENTS CANCELLATION OF INVOICES Prior Year Comments: During our testing of disbursements of the City, we noted an instance in which an invoice, supporting a disbursement, was not properly canceled. While in recent periods, the City has implemented the use of a "paid" stamp, careful review should be made to ensure all invoices are canceled. -2- Current Status: No exceptions noted. OPENING AND CLOSING OF BANK ACCOUNTS Prior Year Comments: During the year, the City closed bank accounts that were not being used. Per the depository contract, the City Manager and Finance Director have authority to open and close accounts for the City. However, we suggest that the City Council also be made aware of opening and closings of accounts of the City and that this notification be noted in the minutes of the City Council. By notifying Council, prior to opening and closing accounts, questions can be answered regarding proper disposition of City assets. Current Status: This item has been resolved. ACCOUNTS PAYABLE AND ACCRUED EXPENSES Prior Year Comments: During our audit, we noted several miscellaneous accounts that had unknown balances. The majority of these accounts and balances have been derived through the City's payroll system. We recommend that all accounts be reconciled on a timely basis to ensure that errors are detected and corrections are made. Current Status: The Finance Department continues to work to reconcile these accounts. STREET CIP PROJECTS Prior Year Comments: During our audit, we noted that the City is involved with several new street construction projects within the City. The City has adopted a policy to capitalize these infrastructures in the General Fixed Asset Account Group. Some of these projects include replacing prior constructed streets. Because the City capitalizes these assets, whenever a project involves the reconstruction of a previously built road, the value, if any,of the road being replaced should be deleted from the general fixed assets of the City. -3- We suggest that a standardized cost plan be developed to value these assets and the value of assets being replaced be deleted on further projects of the City. Current Status: Unchanged INTEREST ON DEPOSITS Prior Year Comments: The City maintains deposits received by customers for services provided by the City. The City accounts for these deposits as a liability to its customers. Total deposits are approximately $240,356 at fiscal year-end. The City purchased a new software package subsequent to year-end, one of the packages includes utility deposits. The package is a database to account for deposits received and held. The database increases accountability over deposits. We suggest also that the City utilize this database to account for interest in the future should the City adopt a policy to accrue interest on deposits held by the City. Current Status: The City has not adopted a policy to address this item. DATA BACKUP AND STORAGE Prior Year Comments: The Finance Department and Library back up data on a daily basis. The data is backed up in the event that the computer system fails and data is lost. However, the data backup is not securely located because the data backup is located at the same site in which the data is located. By keeping data at the same location, a risk exists that events would occur at the location, such as a fire, and the system and backup could both be destroyed. Since both the Library and City Hall back up data, we suggest that the two locations "swap" data backups. By doing so, an event would unlikely destroy both the system and its backup. Current Status: This item has been resolved. -4- ETHICS POLICIES Prior Year Comment: Internal control plays an important role in fraud prevention. Although a system of weak internal controls does not mean that fraud exists, it does, however, foster an environment where fraud can succeed. Conversely, having strong internal controls does not preclude fraud from occurring. It is for these reasons that the City should understand the effect internal control has on an organization. Common internal control weaknesses which might lead to fraud are: • Lack of segregation of duties • Lack of physical safeguards • Lack of independent checks • Lack of proper authorization on documents, and records • Overriding existing controls • An inadequate accounting system Pro-active audit policies are generated from the top of the operation involved. A pro-active policy simply means that the City will aggressively seek out inappropriate conduct, instead of waiting for instances to come to their attention. A written ethics policy is an excellent method by which management can objectively communicate its philosophy toward fraud. The policy should be disseminated among employees, new and old. Additionally, some entities have found it effective to share the ethics policy with their vendors. Another important element of an overall fraud prevention program is a written fraud policy that specifically spells out who in an organization handles varying fraud matters under differing circumstances. The components of a fraud policy will differ from city to city. Many fraud policies have some of the following elements. • Background • Scope • Policy • Actions constituting fraud • Other improprieties • Investigation responsibilities • Confidentiality • Authorization for investigation . • Reporting procedures • Termination • Administration • Approval -5- It obviously does little good to have a fraud or ethics policy if it is not communicated to the employees. This communication can be accomplished in several ways. Again, the communication of the policy should be presented in a positive, nonaccusatory manner. Conduct criminal background checks of all employees as well as vendors. While a fraud may still occur even if a background check is satisfactory, knowing who you are working with puts you on a better playing field. For example, an employee who has a prior conviction for embezzling cash, may not be suitable for employment in the cashiers department. We would be happy to assist the City in developing an ethics policy for the City. Current Status: Unchanged ELECTRONIC COMMUNICATIONS Prior Year Comments: At the present time, the legal system is struggling with questions regarding the privacy of e- mail and other electronic communications. Unfortunately, this issue has not been definitively ruled upon by the courts. If something is placed on a City-wide network, the employee has a lower expectation of privacy. However, there would possibly be a higher expectation of privacy concerning files on the hard drive of a PC that is not normally accessible by others. The single most effective method of eliminating potential problems regarding workplace searches, including the monitoring or reading of electronic communications, is for a City to adopt a written policy which provides that in order to maintain the security of its operations, the City may gain access to and search all work areas and personal belongings, including desks, file drawers, lockers, briefcases, handbags, pockets, and personal effects. The policy should also notify employees that computer systems (including the Internet, e-mail communications, hardware, and files) are solely for business use and that the company reserves the absolute right to review, audit, and disclose all matters sent over the system or placed in storage. Include in the policy that workplace areas are subject to surveillance and that business phone calls may be monitored. In cases in which such a policy is in place, the courts have held that an employee has no (or a very low) expectation of privacy. Therefore, communicating such a policy to employees can substantially reduce the risk of an invasion of privacy claim. Current Status: Unchanged -6- • CASH (GENERAL) Prior Year Comment: It was also noted that currently the City allows the cashing of employees' personal checks out of City receipts. By allowing this practice, an environment can be created in which the holding of checks could occur. We suggest this practice be prohibited in order to strengthen controls and to protect employees of the City. Current Status: A policy has been adopted for cashing checks up to $20.00. SEGREGATION OF DUTIES Prior Year Comment: We noted incoming mail is handled and receipt of funds are performed by persons having access to accounts receivable records. While the City has other safeguards in place to detect errors on a timely basis, we suggest that whenever possible or feasible,that these duties be segregated. Current Status: Unchanged FIXED ASSETS Prior Year Comment: Fixed assets include land, buildings, machinery, furniture, equipment and improvements. Generally, this includes all tangible assets with a service period of more than one year. As of year-end, fixed assets of the City's governmental funds and enterprise funds were approximately $15,689,636 and $11,779,168, respectively. Of this amount, $26,548,590 is included in land, buildings and building improvements. Historically, minimal effort has been expended by the City in updating its fixed asset inventory or conducting audits of physical existence. Obviously, some assets are much easier to "control" than others. For example, there is minimal risk that buildings or land could be disposed of without the City's knowledge. However, other items such as computers, typewriters, and furniture can be sold, stolen or lost without knowledge outside of a particular department. These assets can also be transferred between departments without knowledge. Accordingly, the City's fixed asset subledger can become inaccurate over time. The losses that inevitably arise can often be greater than the risks of fraud in cash handling. We suggest that fixed asset inventory be taken by all departments and inventory be used to update the asset listing of the City. -7- • • Current Status: Unchanged. We appreciate this opportunity to be of service to the City of Wylie, Texas. Should you have any questions or require further information,please do not hesitate to call. -8- The Cascades A Planned Unit Development Proposal For the City of Wylie, Texas January 10, 2000 1. General Concept The Cascades will be developed around a series of cascading constant level ponds providing a 4.4 acre park The detention area for holding water before it is released downstream will be above the constant level ponds and is determined by volume,not square footage. The area outside of the ponds is 2.43 acres. It is the developer's desire to dedicate this entire area as a park to the City of Wylie. The ponds will be engineered to the City of Wylie's specifications. The ponds and offske drainage improvements are expected to provide the detention and release necessary to resolve the drainage problem that has occurred for the existing subdivision adjacent to the south. Normally, the water in each pond will cascade into the next lower pond, and then be pumped up to the highest pond and recirculated. This plan provides additional capacity to accommodate the 100 year flood. The additional water will be released slowly and diverted to the east to avoid inundation of the subdivision"downstream". A jogging trail will be developed which will lead to and around the pond park. Both the park and the jogging trail will be landscaped and provide an attractive and pleasing amenity to the home owners in the neighborhood. 2.Property Overview The Cascades is planned as a 154 lot single family subdivision on approximately 56 acres of land fronting the east side of FM 1378 (Country Club Rd.),in Wylie, Texas. The site borders the north boundary of the Newport Harbor addition. The site topography is level with FM 1378 for the western portion of the property but begins a gentle slope in a south easterly direction approximately 1,000 feet east of FM 1378. There are continuing problems during heavy rain run off for the Newport Harbor addition to the south of this property. This sensitive environmental area within the project site will be enriched and maintained and will become part of the native landscape of the project while at the same time mitigate the drainage problem occurring during high water levels. The site is currently zoned Multi-Family by the City of Wylie with a density of 15 units per acre. The proposed development is designed to accommodate 154 lots on 56 acres with a density of 2.75 single family lots per acre. No lot is less than 8,500 square feet. Due to the curvature of the streets and the cul de sacs,the lots vary in width and depth,however, minimum standards will be developed. 3. General Development Guidelines 1.Front wall- All wall construction materials facing FM 1378 shall be natural stone,brick, wrought iron or a combination of each. Added screening may be accomplished by plant material and landscaping. No wood fencing shall be used facing FM 1378 by the development,however, homeowners will be allowed to use wood fencing along FM 1378 on their lots. 2. Entry feature- The entry feature shall be of the same construction materials as the front wall, and shall be lighted. The entry shall have a split double lane on either side of a plant median approximately twelve feet wide at the widest point, and heavily landscaped. 3. Jogging/1Vature Path - The jogging path will be five feet wide within a fifteen foot landscaped area between some of the lots. (See Jogging Trail Detail). The surface material for the path will be crushed rock built up between metal grass guards. The areas on either side of the five foot path will be landscaped with a 3"caliper live oak or equivalent tree planted every 40 feet along the trail. The running path will have the effect of winding in and out of the trees. Various stations along the path will be established for stretching, exercising or resting. The path to the ponds will provide an interesting and natural area for both joggers and strollers to make their way to the ponds and will be lighted with low level lights no higher than 4 feet. The path will open up at the pond area, and circle around the ponds to form a loop. Maintenance will be provided by the Home Owners Association. 4. Ponds- The cascading ponds will be the central focus of the development. This 4.4 acre area will not only be the main theme of the development around which the marketing will be based, but provides a most needed solution to an area drainage problem which has existed for years. Rather,than an open detention pit,this area will be engineered to not only provide for detention and release of water run oft but also become a scenic park. This area will have a series of constant level ponds, stepped to provide a cascading effect from one pond to the next. The water will be recirculated via a pumping system from the lowest point back to the highest point to begin its cycle over. The pond area will be extensively landscaped with a minimum of 3"caliper live oak or equivalent tree planted every 40 feet. along the perimeter of the pond area. 5. Waiver of City Assessed Park Fees- The developers respectfully request the City grant a waiver of all park fees and accept the dedication of the 4.4 acre pond as a public park maintained by the City of Wylie. The land surface area not included in the ponds is 2.43 acres which satisfies the donation requirement of 1.5 acres per 100 dwelling units(Ord.99-6). 6.Maintenance- Streets,park, and utilities will be publicly maintained. Jogging path will be privately maintained by a home owners association. 4. Single Family Residential Regulations The lots shall generally conform to the City of Wylie SF-2 zoning classification except as noted below: 11.3 Area regulations. (1). Size of yards 1. Front yard. There shall be a front yard having a depth of not less than 25 feet as measured from the front property line. 2. Side yarrL There shall be a side yard on each side of the lot having a width of not less than 7 feet in width. A side yard adjacent to a side street shall not be less than 20 feet. 3. Rear yard. There shall be a rear yard, a depth of not less than 25 feet. (2). Size of Lot: 1. Lot area. No building shall be constructed on any lot of less than 8,500 square feet. 2. Lot width. The minimum width as measured at the front building line of the lot shall not be less than 60 feet. 3. Lot depth. The minimum depth of the lot shall be no less than 100 feet. C. Minimum dwelling size. The minimum floor area of any dwelling shall be 1,800 square feet exclusive of garages,breezeways and porches. 5. Additional Guidelines A.1. Exterior Wall Materials -A minimum of 75% of the dwelling's total exterior area, minus windows and doors, must be masonry veneer, such as brick, stone or stucco. A.2. Roofs- Roofs must be covered with composition material of at least 180 LB weight shingle and have a minimum pitch of 6:12. A.3. Fences and Walls - All lots in block C which open onto the pond area excepting lots 4,5,9 and 10 will use a wrought iron fence not to exceed 5 feet in height will be standard for all backyard fencing in this area and designated by the developer. Living screening hedges may be planted. All other lots may use wood,masonry or wrought iron but may not exceed 7 feet in height. The use of chain link fencing is prohibited. Railroad ties may not be used anywhere in block C or for a retaining wall visible from the street on any other lot. Any retaining walls in Block C will be of a uniform stone designated by the developer. A.4. Screening- The owner of a lot must screen the following items from the view of the public and neighboring lots and dwellings,if any of these items exist on the lot: 1. Clotheslines 2. Drying racks 3. Hanging clothes, linens,rugs and textiles of any kind 4. Yard maintenance equipment 5. Wood piles and compost piles 6. Accessory structures such as dog houses, gazebos, metal storage sheds and greenhouses 7. Garbage can and refuse containers except on City pickup days. 8. Roof mounted antenna and satellite dishes of more than 18" 9. Motor homes, campers, and large recreational vehicles. Plant material such as trees and bushes may be used for screening,however,they must be of sufficient size to provide the necessary screening when they are planted. A.5. House Elevation -No like house elevation shall be constructed adjacent to each other, directly opposite a like elevation, or in the same cul de sac. A.6. Landscaping- The following minimum landscape features shall be installed prior to the initial occupancy: 1. Trees - a minimum of 6 inches in total diameter shall be planted. This may be accomplished by one 6 inch tree or multiple trees whose diameters add up to at least 6 inches. Credit will be given to any lot having at least 6 inches of native trees in the front yard. 2. Shrubs - eighteen(18) 3 gallon shrubs across the front of the house. 3. Grass - solid sod from fence to front curb. a c? 6 96 IN JOGGING TRAIL DETAIL 15' ROW v.- Landscape Lighting (max. 4' ht.) S' JOGGING z T u 0 ►; 15' ROW I 0 `. / r U 0 3' TREE EVERY 40' 1 W/ LANDSCAPE LIGHTING 0 O