09-30-1991 (Planning & Zoning) Agenda Packet Posted: September 25, 19. 4:00 PM AGENDA REGULAR MEETING - PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 30 , 1991 7 :00 PM - COUNCIL CHAMBERS WYLIE MUNICIPAL COMPLEX 2000 HIGHWAY 78 NORTH CALL TO ORDER ORDER OF PAGE BUSINESS REFERENCE BUSINESS 1 1-3 Consider approval of minutes of the August 19, 1991 meeting . 2 4-15 Conduct Public Hearing on proposed changes to the accessory building regulations of the City of Wylie Zoning Ordinance 85-23 A. 3 Consider recommendation to the City Council of the proposed changes to the accessory building regulations of the City of Wylie Zoning Ordinance 85-23 A. 4 Recess the regular business meeting to review the City of Wylie ' s Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance . 5 Convene for workshop to review the City of Wylie 's Zoning Ordinance, in relation to the permitted district use regulations as well as specific section regulations . 6 Reconvene to regular business meeting. 7 Citizen Participation. In accordance with the Open Meetings Acts , any Board Commission of the City of Wylie will hear comments of Public interest from residents and pertaining to items within the jurisdiction of the seated Board. Remarks will be limited, to placing the item on a future agenda for consider - action. Remarks must be limited to not more than five (5) minutes . 8 Adjourn. MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION CITY OF WYLIE MONDAY , AUGUST 19 ,1991 The City of Wylie Planning and Zoning Commission met in regular session at 7 : 00 pm on Monday, August 19 , 1991 in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex. A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted in the time and manner required by law. Those present were Chairman . Robert Flint ; Vice Chairman, Gilbert Welch, Marvin Blakey . Billy Mills , Mike Hawkins , Cleo Adams and Jerry Ault . Staff members were Building Official ,Rick Herzberger; City Engineer ; Paul Beaver and Secretary , Nita Sims . IT 'M NO. 1 -CONSIDER APPROVAL OF MINUTES FROM MONDAY, AUGUST 9 1991 : Chairman Flint asked for additions or rrections . Cleo Adams noted that in item number 1 , Marvin Blakey 's name had been left out . and that he was present at the meeting . Motion made by Mike Hawkins , Seconded by Gilbert Welch to approve as submitted and corrected. Motion carried , all in favor . (7 VOTES) ITEM NO. 2 - CONDUCT PUBLIC HEARING ON THE PROPOSED ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENT ALLOWING A CAR WASH AS AN ALLOWABLE USE IN THE RETAIL ZONING DISTRICT: Chairman Flint opened the Public Hearing ; No response by the Public . Chairman Flint closed the Public Hearing. Motion carried , all in favor. (7 VOTES) ITEM NO. 3 - CONSIDER RECOMMENDATION TO CITY COUNCIL ON • PROPOSED ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENT ALLOWING CAR WASH AS AN ALLOWABLE USE IN THE RETAIL ZONING DISTRICT` Rick spoke briefly on the proposed car wash use reclassification and pointed out on the new zoning map where the two existing non- confirming car washes are located, and that the use change would chance these to conforming uses ; consideration was also directed at the Retail use definition, and how other cities address car washes . After consideration by the members a Motion was made by Mike Hawkins , Seconded by Cleo Adams to recommend to City Council to put the car wash use in the Retail district . Motion carried, all in favor. (7 VOTES) ITEM NO. 4 - CONSIDER RECOMMENDATION TO CITY COUNCIL OF THE PRELIMINARY PLAT FOR OAKRIDGE SUBDIVISION: The Planning and Zoning members discussed all aspects of dual access to this subdivision including Mr. Dwight Scott 's ( Investors Network) comments that Westgate and Fleming Street would eventually be completed , based on anticipated investments and growth in both tracts of land adiacent to and South of this (I project . Mr . Scott stated that the development would not be feasible , if dual access was required per the Final Plat . The Planning and Zoning Members continued the lengthy discussion on fire and safety access , comparative analysis to Point North and Carriage Homes subdivisions , future guarantees of Westgate Way and Fleming Street construction; and existing provisions by the developer relating to the traffic flow in the proposed subdivision. Rick also pointed out the proposed setback differences on corner lots and Fleming Street as compared to the SF-3 zoning setback , but stated that these setbacks are still within the visibility requirements and can be approved on the Plat ; since this is a Planned Development Zoning district Mike Hawkins suggested that possibly the developer could " bond " the construction in two phases , with the second phase not developed until dual access was provided. Marvin Blakey commented that past decisions in both Planning and Zoning and City COuncil meetings concerning subdivisions and " promises " of future development , led to the " holding tanks " scenario that cost the City a considerable amount of expense . Gilbert Welch also had concerns on emergency access as well as the drainage easements on the East side of the subdivision in association with the sanitary sewer easement . Tim Bennet ( Oakridge Engineer ) explained the drainage contours and Paul Beaver assured the Commission that the drainage easements above the Sanitary sewer easement would be installed and inspected for proper drainage , and that all discharge water would be drained in an annrorriate manner without impacting the surrounding owners . Discussion on zone screening resulted in not having this requirements on the Developmental Plan, as this is a mandatory zoning requirement . Rick Herzberger pointed out that the lot lay-out did show a neighbor to neighbor easement for overhangs and that this was a positive addition in any zero - lot line subdivision_. In conclusion all members agreed that the developer provided a very acceptable preliminary plat , but that the developer should definitely reconsider dual access to this subdivision. Gilbert Welch made a Motion, Seconded by Cleo Adams to recommend to the City Council the Preliminary Plat with the addition of " approval of setbacks as shown " on the Developmental Plan and to also provide some type fof ual access guarantee on the Preliminary Plat . C Jp'n5 Word Item No. 5 - CONSIDER RECOMMENDATION TO CITY COUNCIL FOR REPLAT OF LOTS 3 AND 2B OF THE MOUSSA-SWITZER ADDITION (KFC) : Rick Herzberger and Robert Howman of Ayres Associates talked briefly about the Moussa-Switzer and Kentucky Fried Chicken replat . The main reason for replat was to provide signage on Highway 78 , for lot 2 B. Paul Beaver commented that all these properties on Highway 78 , are subject to easement change per the States future requirements on Highway 78 , and that Kentucky Fried Chicken should be aware of this possible change . Jerry Ault made a Motion and Seconded by Billy Mills to recommend to the City Council the approval of the Replat of Lots 3 and 2B of the Moussa Switzer addition. 1J6 CL' Item No. 6 - CONSIDER FURTHER ACTION ON THE LANDSCAPE ORDINANCE PER CITY COUNCIL: Chairman Flint explained the City Council 's concern for the landscape Ordinance which was directed at the absence of the enforcement provisions within the Ordinance . Rick Herzberger stated that the Landscape Ordinance was oriainally intended to be presented to the City Council in full enforcement Ordinance Form after the Ordinance main context was approved by the City Council . The Planning and Zonina members discussed the types of enforcement , but felt that the City Attorney should review this Ordinance and add the appropriate enforcement provisions . Gilbert Welch made a Motion and Seconded by Billy Mills to submit the Landscape Ordinance to the City Attorney for enforcement provisions , additions and then resubmit the final Ordinance to the City Council on September 10 , 1991 . yOrfs Item No. 7 - CITIZEN PARTICIPATION: None. Item No. 8 - ADJOURNMENT: Motion was made and Seconded for Adjournment , meeting Adjourned by Chairman Flint . C3) MEMORANDUM TO : PLANNING AND ZONING MEMBERS FROM: RICK HERZBERGER, BUILDING OFFICIAL DATE : SEPTEMBER 30 , 1991 SUBJECT: ACCESSORY BUILDING REGULATIONS - WORKSHOP . The attached memorandum dated August 5 , 1991 was previously used in our workshop , with the exception of Section III , of which I changed the staff proposed recommendations for the accessory building regulations . I am also including Section 9 , 10 , 11 , 12 and 25 of our Zoning Ordinance with explanation of proposed changes . These proposed changes will lessen the strict requirements of accessory building setbacks and yet still accommodate the intent of allowing accessory buildings in rear yards . As you recall , the enforcement dilemma of the current regulations , evolved around the 25 feet setback minimum for the main building which most builders "setback" to this 25 feet instead of allowing more rear yard. (Largest house possible , without exceeding the 45% lot cover rule) This made it impossible to place an accessory building in several subdivisions . As you review this material , please keep in mind the accessory building definition as well as the intent of any Zoning Ordinance - to encourage the most appropriate use of the land. I have also included a brief workshop on the agenda concerning the review of the Zoning Ordinance . Please remember that by law, in a workshop we can only discuss , and not deliberate or decide . As you recall my 1991-1992 plan is to update the Zoning Ordinance ( 1985) , the subdivision Ordinance (1985 ) , and the Uniform Building Codes (1988- 1991) . These Ordinance changes will provide the City of Wylie with the much needed "updated" ingredients for the development of a Comprehensive Plan (MASTER PLAN) in 1992- 1993 , as listed below: ( 1 ) Future land use map - completed in June 1990 . ( 2 ) Capital Improvements Program - completed in June 1990 . ( 3 ) Zoning map - completed in August 1991 . ( 4) Zoning Ordinance - to he updated by May 1992 . ( 5) Subdivision Ordinance - to be updated by May 1992 . ( 6) Building construction regulations- to he updated by May 1992 . C�) 14- E M O R A N- TO: PL,ANN1-NG---AFC ZONING MEMBERS FROM: RICK HERZBERQER, BUILDING OFFICIAL DATE : AUGUST-.5 199 ¢-,; SUBJECT : RESIDENTIAL ACCESSORY BUILDING REGULATIONS I . Area cities setbacks regu ations : A. Rowlett max size = 600 square feet . ( 1 ) Side = 5 feet in all districts showing main building setbacks of 6 , 7 , and 8 feet : (based on 10% of lot width) 3 feet setback if 90 feet from front line . (2 ) Corner lot = same for dwelling setback on side yard. ( 20 feet ) (3 ) Rear = 3 feet or 18 inches if alley exists . ( 4) House separation = must meet Uniform Building Code requirements . ( 5) Garage and carports = same as accessory buildings . B . Plano and Garland - size based on percent of area covered . (1) Side = 3 feet in all districts showing main buildina setbacks of 6 through 10 feet . Setback of accessory building is from lotline , alley line or easement . ( 2 ) Corner lot - 15 feet side yard. ( 3 ) Rear - 3 feet from lotline , alley line , or easement , unless no alley exists , then 10 feet rear set back (8 feet height maximum on building if less than 10 feet from rear) . ( 4) House separation = on 3 feet side setback , 15 feet distance from house , and if accessory building meets dwelling setback requirements , then house separation is 3 feet . Cs) ( 5) Carports entered form side are to meet main building setback . Garages entered from side are to meet 20 foot setback . Carports and garages behind main building and closer than 15 feet to main building shall have a rear yard equivalent to main building rear yard. Carports can be 3 feet from rear line , if alley exists , Garage entrance from alley . then 20 feet rear setback to alley or easement line. (NOTE: Garages mentioned above are all detached! ) C . Richardson - max size = 600 square feet . ( 1 ) Side - 3 feet in all districts (main setbacks on percent of lot width) . ( 2 ) Corner lot - 20 feet in all districts . (3) Rear - 3 feet to 18 inches if alley exists . ( 4) House separation = meet Code requirements . ( 5) Detached garage and carports - 600 square feet maximum size . can not be in side yard , 10 feet from main building , rear = 3 feet or 18 inches if alley exists . ( 6) Attached garage and carport in rear must meet Code requirements as well as main building set backs . II . Wylie ' s existing setbacks regulations - Zoning Ordinance 85-23A. A. Section 9 , 10 , 11 , and 12 concerning single family accessory building : ( 1) Side = 5 feet from side yard. ( 2 ) Corner lot = Vague mention of 25 feet in SF- 1 , and 20 feet in SF-2 , SF-3 and 2F. ( 3 ) Rear. = 10 feet . ( 4 ) House separation = Not stated in these sections . (t ) ( 5 ) Detached and attached garage and carport - not stated . ( 6) Size = 400 square feet maximum. B . Section 25 - Accessory Building Regulations , ( 1) Side - 6 feet from lot line , alley line, or easement line . 60, F(, c-r ,,-, ( 2 ) Corner = 20 feet setback . ( 3 ) Rear = 10 feet from lot line , alley line , or easement line . ( 4) House separation = No direct mention, only vague , but applicable statement in 25 . 4 (c) which requires 15 feet setback from house . ( 5) Garage and carports = 15 feet from house , 6 feet from side , 20 feet form street or alley line . ( 6) Attached accessory building in front ( carports ) must have 25 feet front yard , detached accessory buildings must be located in rear yard. III . Staff suggestion based on one years of field contact plus , review of other city regulations . A. Basic changes on accessory building regulations : (1) Proposed changes of the rear yard "setback" regulation_ .. on accessory buildings form 10 feet to y) feet on zoning 7' districts SF-1 . SF-2 , SF-3 AND 2F = Sections 9 . 2 (c) ,. 10 . 3 (c) , 11 . 3 (c) and 12 . 3 ( c) . a` , G S �.re,1-:+ •3(6) ca; a, ) 3 �sr� "In jP,t,o' (1,O (1)0 ) C ^f c ( 2 ) Proposed chancres of the area regulation for accessory ,gcc.ssor-( buildings i • Residential and Apartment. districts , , -o Sc�uoff F? ''1 section 250 are : • q (la) Change this subsection to read " Accessory buildings and carports shall be located in the area defined as the rear yard . " f r , ' (1b) Change side yard requirements from 6 feet to 5 feet in order to coincide with SF-1 , SF-2 , SF-3 and 2F requirement of 5 feet side yard. ' ! ( lc) Change rear yard requirement from 10 feet t 5 � t feet in order to coincide with the proposed rear In 3 yard changes to zone districts SF-1 , SF-2 SF-3 and 2F . Also , remove last paragraph of this subsection. gL5,q (1d) Chance this subsection to read \„Attached rear yard garage and carports shall meet all code requirements for fire resistance separations from main building as well as required rear yard setbacks . Detached rear yard garages and carports shall be no closer than 5 feet to the main building . Detached garage shall have a 20 feet rear setback . Detached carport shall have a 15 feet rear setback . All accessory buildings shall be a minimumJ of 5 feet from the main building . " �` � � .Kc tf 5��19Sei- _ °' O f, irr e�19� C co< r ! C-th C.CCtS50e 60. Eck j s ?JO© si,cAF"#" NOTE: THE WYLhE ZONING ORDINANCE - SECTION 32 DEFINES AN ACCESSORY BUILDING (RESIDENTIAL) AS FOLLOWS: 32 . 1 Accessor_y_._ buildinq - ( residential ) - A subordinate building detached from the main building and used for purposes customarily incidental to the residential occupancy of the main building and not involving the conduct of a business of the sale of a service . Accessory buildings include but are not limited to an automobile storage garage , laundry room, garden shelter , hobby room and mechanical. room. ` ) r SECTION 9 buildings,including a private garage "SF-1" — SINGLE FAMILY and bonafide servants quarters, not RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT for rent but for the use of servants REGULATIONS employed on the premises, when located not less than sixty feet(60) from the front lot line, nor less than § 9.0 Permitted Uses: A building or premise REMAINS five feet (5) from either side line, THE shall be used only for the following uses: SAME provided said accessory building shall not occupy more than fifty (1) Single-family dwellings. percent (50%) of the minimum required rear yard in the case of a (2) Farms, nurseries, greenhouses or truck one-story building. When the gardens, limited to the propagation and accessory building is directly cultivation of plants, provided no retail to the main building it shall or wholesale business is conducted on be considered an integral part of the the premises main buildings. When the accessory building is attached to the main (3) Church or rectory. building by a breezeway, the breezeway is considered a .,, . (4) Parks, playgrounds, communityG 2 r 9 access •o - buildings, museums and other public 14tci.ss "4 �� , metal building less four recreational facilities, owned and/or ► hundred(400)square feet which are operated by the municipality or other t- . used for tool and supply storage( public agency; and privately owned and f "` maintained recreation areas. (11) Telephone exchange provided no public business and no repair or outside storage (5) Public buildings, including libraries, facilities are maintained, gas lines and museums, police and fire stations and regulating stations, electrical lines and similar public uses or facilities. local utility lines. (6) Real estate sales offices in model homes (12) Sewage treatment plant(public operated). during the development of residential subdivisions, but not to exceed two (2) (13) Swimming pool (private) constructed for years use of residents and located in required rear or side yard. A pool shall not be (7) Public schools or denominational closer than five feet (5) to any property (kindergarten through high school). line. (8) Temporary buildings for uses incidental (14) Water treatment plant to construction work on the premises, (15) Non-commercial stables as an accessory which said buildings shall be removed use to the housing of animals owned by upon the completion or abandonment of construction work. The building official the resident and set back from adjacent shall determine the appropriate time property lines a minimum distance of period for use on the site. one hundred feet(100'). An area of one- half(1/2)acre shall be required for each • (9) Publicly owned water supply reservoirs, animal• pumping plants and towers. (16) Home occupation (for definition see (10) Accessory buildings and uses, Section 32). - - customarily incident to the above uses--- REMAINS and located on the same lot therewith, (17) Tennis court(private). H E not involving the conduct of a retail business except as provided herein: (18) Batch plant, temporary during construction when permitted by code (a) The term accessory use shall enforcement and limited to the include customary home occupations subdivision for which they are permitted as herein defined. Accessory page 6 r r '� The following specific uses when granted in No side yard for allowable non-residential accordance with Section 22: uses shall be less than twenty-five feet REMAINS (25'). Minimum side yard for accessory (1) Cemetery or mausoleum. THE SAME uses shall be five feet (5'rfrom the property line. (2) Charitable organization. (c) Rear Yard: There shall be a rear (3) University, college or parochial school yard,a depth of not less than twenty-five and related facilities(public or private). J feet (25'). Minimum rear yard for CHANGE accesso, b ' clings shall be not less than (4) Country club or golf course and related To 5' ten feet from the property line. uses such as driving ranges but not including similar forms of commercial (2) Size of Lot: amusement such as miniature golf. nursery, (a) Lot Area: No building shall be Day y day camp or child care constructed on any lot of less than ten center. thousand(10,000)square feet. (6) Electric substation. (b) Lot Width: Seventy-five feet (75) (7) Hospital. (minimum). (8) Museum,library or art gallery. (c) Lot Depth: One hundred twenty feet (120') (minimum). (9) Post office. (3) Minimum Dwelling Size: The (10) Radio,television or microwave tower, minimum floor area of any dwelling shall be one thousand eight hundred (11) Golf course,public. (1,800)square feet,exclusive of garages, breezeways and porches. (12) Private club. (4) Lot Coverage: In no case shall more § 9.1 Height Regulations: No buildings shall than forty-five percent(45%)of the total exceed thirty feet (30') in height. Accessory lot area be covered by the area of the buildings or uses shall be a maximum of fifteen main building. A maximum total of feet(15'). sixty percent (60%) may be covered including accessory buildings,driveways § 9.2 Area Regulations: - and parking. (1) Size of Yards: • § 9.3 Parking Regulations: Two (2) covered, enclosed parking spaces behind the front building (a) Front Yard: There shall be a front line. Off-street parking spaces shall be provided in yard having a depth of not less than accordance with the requirements for specific uses set forth in Section 23. twenty-five feet(25) as measured from the front property line. Where lots have double frontage, running through from SECTION 10 one street to another, the required front "SF-2" — SINGLE FAMILY yard shall be provided on both streets. RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT No required parking shall be allowed within the required front yard. There REGULATIONS REMAINS THE shall be a sixty foot(60')(minimum)for SAME all accessory buildings or uses. - § 10.1 Permitted Uses: A building or premise (b) Side Yard There shall be a side yard shall be used only for the following purposes: on each side of the lot having a width of (1) Any use permitted in the"SF-1"district not less than eight feet(8)in width. A side yard adjacent to a side street shall not be less than twenty-five feet (25'). page 7 { 4 0 The following specific uses when granted in non-residential uses shall be less than accordance with Section 22. twenty-five feet(25). (1) Cemetery or mausoleum. . (c) Rear Yard: There shall-be a rear ,a depth of not less than twenty-five (2) Charitable organization. CHANGE feet (25'). Minimum rear yard for TO 5' accesso a • ' dings shall be not less than (3) University, college or parochial school d ten feet in. and related facilities(public or private). (2) Size of Lot: (4) Country club or golf course and related uses such as driving ranges but not (a) Lot Area: No building shall be including similar forms of commercial constructed on any lot of less than eight amusement such as miniature golf. thousand five hundred(8,500)square feet. (5) Day nursery, day camp or child care (b) Lot Width: The width of the lot center• shall be not less than seventy feet(70). (6) .Electric substation. (c) Lot Depth:One hundred twenty feet (7) Museum,library or art gallery. (120'). (8) Post office. (3) Minimum Dwelling Size: The minimum floor area of any dwelling (9) Radio,television or microwave tower, shall be fifteen hundred (1500) square feet, exclusive of garages, breezeways (10) Golf course.public. and porches. (11) Private club. (4) Lot Coverage: In no case shall more than forty-five percent(45%)of the total § 10.2 Height Regulations: No building shall lot area be covered by the area of the exceed thirty feet(30) in height. Accessory uses main buildings. A maximum of sixty of buildings shall be a maximum of fifteen feet percent (60%) of the total lot may be (15) covered by accessory buildings, driveways and parking. § 10.3 Area Regulations: § 10.4 Parking Regulations: Two (2) covered, (1) Size of Yards: enclosed spaces behind the front building line. Off-street parking spaces shall be provided in (a) Front Yard: There shall be a front accordance with the requirements for specific uses set forth in Section 23. yard having a depth of not less than twenty-five feet(25) as measured from the front property line. Where lots have SECTION 11 double frontage, running through from "SF-3" - SINGLE FAMILY one street to another, the required front RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT yard shall be provided on both streets. REGULATIONS No required parking shall be allowed thin the required front yard. A sixty REMAINS foot (is setback, from the property $ 11.1 Use Regulations: A building or premise THE SAME line, is required for all accessory buildings. shall be used only for the following purposes.--_ (b) Sidc_Iani: There shalt be a side yard (1) Any use permitted in district -SF-I"or ,r ;� ,�,. c - ° on each side of the lot having a width of "SF-2." not less than seven feet(7)in width far all buildings. A side yard adjacent to a The following specific uses when granted in side street shall be not less than twenty accordance with Section 22: )1 V t ,'- ' ,e S i feet (20). No side yard for allowable page 8 1 (1) Cemetery or mausoleum. CH 'GE accesso% . 'Wings shall be not less than TO 5 ten feet D. (2) Charitable organization. 3` .� (2) Size of Lot: (3) University, college or parochial school and related facilities(public or private). (a) Lot Area: No building shall be constructed on any lot of less than seven (4) Country club or golf course and related ' thousand two hundred(7,200)square feet. uses such as driving ranges but not including similar forms of commercial (b) Lot Width: The width of the lot amusement such as miniature golf. shall be not less than sixty feet (60') at the front street building line. (5) Day nursery, day camp or child care center. (c) Lot Depth:The average depth of the (6) Electric substation. lot shall be not less than one hundred feet(100'). (7) Museum,library or art gallery. (3) Minimum Dwelling Size: The (8) Post office. minimum floor area of any dwelling shall be eleven hundred (1100) square (9) Radio,television or microwave tower, feet,exclusive of garages and breezeways and porches. (10) Golf courses,public. (4) Lot Coverage: In no case shall more (11) Private club. than forty-five percent(45%)of the total lot area be covered by the main building. § 11.2 Height Regulations: No building shall Not more than sixty percent(60%)of the exceed thirty feet (30) in height. Accessory uses total lot may be covered by the main atructure,accessory buildings,driveways shall be a maximum of fifteen feet(15) in height. and parking. § 11.3 Area Regulations: § 11.4 Parking Regulations: Two (2) covered, (1) Size of Yards: enclosed parking spaces per unit behind the front building line. Off-street parking spaces shall be (a) Front Yard: There shall be a front provided in accordance with the requirements for specific uses set forth in Section 23. yard having a depth of not less than twenty-five feet(25) as measured from the front building line. Where lots have . - SECTION 12 double frontage, running through from "2F" — TWO FAMILY RESIDENTIAL one street to another, the required front DISTRICT REGULATIONS yard shall be provided on both streets. No required parking shall be allowed within the required front yard. A sixty General Purpose and Description — The "2F-l" REMAINS foot (60') setback is required for all THE SAME ac��csory district is intended to provide the opportunity to have development which is two-family(duplex)in Side Yard: There shall be a side yard character, but which encourages individual ownership of all dwelling units. This is rprt,,„,,, C .. rA- on each side of the lot having a width of by dividing the typical duplex lot from fi�o permitted to not less than six feet (6'). A side yard '', I"e `•rb^„° ' i '. adjacent to a side street shall be not less- -- ( back, thus encouraging the sale of each dwelling '" than twenty feet(20'). No side yard for unit and the land upon which it sits, to the allowable non-residential uses shall be occupant. less than twenty-five feet(25'). § 12.1 Use Regulations: A building or premise (c) Rear Yard: There shall be a rear shall be used only for the following purposes: yard,a depth of not less than twenty-five feet (25). Mnimum rear yard for (1) Two-family residence(duplex). page 9 ( ) ;. ) (2) Batch plant, temporary during non-residential uses shall be less than construction when permitted by code twenty-five feet(25'). enforcement and limited to the subdivision for which they are permitted. (c) Rear Yard: There shall be a'rear yard ving a depth of not Iess than twenty- The following specific uses when granted in five feet (25). Minimum rear yard for accordance with Section 22: TOAE accesso • dings shall be not less than ten feet .10'). (1) Cemetery or mausoleum. (2) Size of Lot: (2) Charitable organization. (a) Lot Area: No building shall be (3) University, college or parochial school constructed on any lot of less than eight and related facilities(public or private). thousand five hundred(8,500)square feet or four thousand two hundred fifty (4) Country club or golf course and related (4,250)square feet per unit. uses such as driving ranges but not including similar forms of commercial (b) Lots in the "2F" district must be amusement such as miniature golf. platted in pairs such that a duplex unit may be placed on each pair of lots. The (5) Day nursery, day camp or child care subdivision plat shall designate the pairs center. of lots and which lot lines are to be outside Iot lines of each pair. There (6) Electric substation. shall be only one (1) dwelling unit per lot,and no dwelling unit shall cross a lot (7) Museum,library or art gallery. line. No single-family detached dwelling may be constructed on one of the (8) Post office. designated pair of lots. (9) Radio,television or microwave tower. (c) Lot Width: The width of the lot (10) Golf course,public. shall be determined by the construction width of individual dwelling units or (11) Private club. dwelling units considering side yards as required above, but in no case shall the § 12.2 Height Regulations: No building shall width of a pair of lots be less than eighty feet(80')(forty feet(40')per unit). exceed thirty feet (30') in height. Accessory buildings shall not exceed fifteen feet (15') in (d) The average depth of the lot shall be height. • not less than one hundred feet(100). § 12.3 Area Regulations: (3) Minimum Dwelling Size: Nine hundred (1) Size of Yards: (900)square feet. (4) Lot Coverage: In no case shall more (a) Front Yard: There shall be a front than forty-five percent(45%)of the total yard having a required depth of not less lot area be covered by the combined area than twenty-five feet (25') as measured of the main building. Calculation of from the front property line. No required forty-five percent (45%) shall be based parking shall be allowed within the on both the complete lot and each half. • d front yard. Accessory buildings Each calculation shall be free-standing -REMAINS. - shall-have a setback of sixty feet-(60)or -- and must conform to the maximum- - THE SAME greater. allowed. Accessory buildings,driveways and parking may account for an ) Side Yazd: There shall be a side yard additional twenty percent(20%). (Y)E"°�^ ' on each side of a structure of not less .., than six feet(6'). A side yard adjacent to . f 12.4 Parking Regulations: One (1) covered a side street shall be not less than twenty and enclosed off-street parking space per unit f (_ w feet (20). No side yard for alloable behind the front building line. Off-street parking page 10 •r space between adjoining building , (2) - . •r n : A swimming pool ma all be fifteen feet (15') betwe n . constructed and operated when: b ilding walls when such walls h• e ... o. rings for windows and access an. n (a) The pool is not located in any fee (10)when no openings exist. requ ed front or side yard abu ng a street; (3) Wh a non-residentially zoned t or tract abuts upon a zoning • strict (b) A • • 1 or fence, not les- than six boun•= line dividing the lot •r tract feet (6) height, with se enclosing from a residentially zoned lot o. tract,a and self-la hing gates at • entrances, minim side yard of ten feet 0)shall completely - closes either e pool area be prov ded for on the non-r sidential or the swroun• g yard • :<- property An opaque wo•• fence or masonry all having a urn height (c) All lightin_ of th- pool is shielded of six feet 6)above the ay.. .ge grade of or directed to fa a •y from adjoining the resid ntial propert shall be residence. If ligh• • e not individually constructed on non-reside, .• property shielded they shal '. so placed, or the adjacent to e common de (or rear) enclosing wall • nce shall be so property line. designed that •''-ct • s from the lights shall not be isible from adjacent § 24.4 Rear Yards: properties;an• (1) The required re yard,.hall be open and (d) No br••dcasting syste ' is used for unobstructed fro• a 'oint thirty inches the purpo• of advertising - operation (30") above the a e -:e elevation of the of the ••of or for the at• :ction of graded rear yard; cept for accessory persons o the premises. This .hall not buildings as perm, ed herein. Eaves, preve a public address system n essary covered porches, d roof extensions or us ful to the supervision of th pool without structur- pport in the rear and • e safety of swimmers. yard may exten. inks the rear yard a distance not to -xce d four feet (4'). (- A swimming pool shall be no do -r Balconies shal not .roject into the • an five feet(5) from any property lin required rear • - § 24.5 wimm'na '-- .1 : It is e purpose of SECTION 25 these provisions to recognize an outdoor ;ACCESSORY BUILDING swimming pool as a ••tential attra•'ve nuisance REGULATIONS • and to promote the safety and e•joyment of property rights b establishing rules and regulations gov-- ing the loc•tion and § 25.1 In a residence or apartment district, an improvement of swimming pool whether accessory building is a subordinate building privately, publicl or commercially t,wned or exceeding one hundred twenty(120)square feet of operated- floor area, attached to or detached from the main building, without separate bath or kitchen (1) -- u • . a • •• •v- : No sw ming facilities, not used for commercial purposes and pool - be constructed or used til a not rented. swi ing pool building permit - •d a care of occupancy have been •ed § 25.2 In other districts, an accessory building then for. No building permit an, no is a subordinate building, the use of which is fi ,i certificate of occupancy s be incidental to and used only in conjunction with the i - ed unless the proposed rani - - -_ -_main building. f• ilities and water supply comply • • •plicable local and state heal § 25.3 No acc • building shall exceed _) •• ent regulations. twenty-five f -li ) height, nor shall it be ►5 greater in height e main structure. page 30 i ` I f 25.4 Area Regulations_ for Accessory the message is displaced or ill . . - Buiidings in Residential and Apartment in the sign. Districts: -- (3) L • , f • • ♦ q , 'AI —The"', . .• (1) Size of Yards: i • e area of a sign"is the entire wi in a single continuous • •.. (a) Front Yard: Attached front - fo ,.ing a rectangle enclosin'- the CHANGE To: ex. me limits of each sign. the ACCESSORY BUILDINGS accessory building shall have a front yard & CARPORTS SHALL not less than the main building or as eves two (2) or more signs a BE LOCATED IN THE ified in the particular district srngl-structure,each sign or •_ may AREA DEFINED AS Detached accessory buildings shall be be co 'tiered separately for square THE REAR YARD.--ow- located in the area defined as the rear footag• purposes, provided t each Tani- sign or •anel has no relatio ..p to the other, ept that the combin•. footage (b) Side Yard: There shall be a side yard of such .gns cannot , the total cHANE square f••-_e allowed for . sign. TO 5 not less than six feet from any side lot line, alley line, r ement line; (4) jll u mi n a d sign — The term except that adjacent to a side sweet, the side yard shall never be less than twenty "illumina . sign" shall any sign feet(20'). which has .. aracters, le . figures, - designs or •utline • urinated by (c) Rear Yard: There I. be a rear yard electric lights lurnino • tubes or other CHA means. TO not less than ten feet lin from any lot line, alley line, o ement li C (5) Noncombucrib mat rial— The term its, garages, or other acce buil ocated within the portion "noncombustibl- ma rial" shall mean REMOVE THIS of a lot as her re 'bed shall not any material whi not ignite at or b PARAGRAPH be located cl an en feet(15)to below a tern. •• is of twelve hundred the m • lding nor nearer ' feet (1200)degrees F• nheit,and will not to any side lot line. continue to bu • or glow at that temperance. (d) Any garage constructed in a CHANGE residential or apartment district shall be (OrcL 87-2 adopted 1-13-87) PARAGRAPH set back not less than twenty feet (20') from any street or alley line on which it (6) portable sign— •ortab signs are those faces. which are co •Eructed •ff-site and are not rigidly_ . 7 'zed or ttached to the (d) ATTACHED REAR YARD GARAGE & ground or to a penman building or CARPORTS SHALL MEET ALL CODE RE- structure . shall incl de any sign QUIREMENTS FOR FIRE RESISTANCE originally d igned to be • - y moved SEPARATIONS FROM THE MAIN BUILDINGS from plac- to place wh er rigidly AS WELL AS REQUIRED REAR YARD attached - the ground o permanent SETBACKS. DETACHED REAR GARAGES a CARPORTS SHALL BE NO CLOSER structurenot THAN 51 TO THE MAIN BUILDING. DETACHED GARAGE SHALL HAVE A 201 (Ord.88-17 adop -. -26-88,Sec. 1) REAR SETBACK. DETATCHED CARPORT • SHALL HAVE A 151 REAR SETBACK. CO A— i term"sign"shall , -,,, and - - ALL ACCESSORY BUILDINGS SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF 5' FROM THE MAIN inclu• every sign, name, . ..- . _ BUILDING. _ idea • •on, gip • " , ' men, declaration. demo. • . • s� �e.. dcvi �lY• banner.-- „ ��' (��.a,r nn+»1. ! r..d GCC�' n. beacon. light or - an• structure supporting b, . „ or bl ci , s 'o 00 s 1 ),-1,-, , :6,�=-c--2.,_-_, .. •oor structure, or erected or , tained upon a service, p �, -: r. r r I tivity. person. institute• ., • :on or business. Any „ " ;'" - 1 uminated or moving sign or ii page 31 ( 1 C ) MEMORANDUM TO: CAROLYN JONES, CITY SECRETARY FROM: RICK HERZBERGER, BUILDING OFFICIAL DATE: SEPTEMBER 12 , 1991 SUBJECT: ZONING REGULATION CHANGES- ACCESSORY BUILDINGS- PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE. Please schedule a Public Hearing announcement in the local newspaper for the September 30 , 1991 Planning and Zoning Commission meeting and the October 8 , 1991 City Council Meeting. The Public Hearing is for the following proposed regulation amendments to the Wylie Zoning Ordinance 85-23A. (1) Proposed change of the rear yard "setback" regulation on accessory buildings from 10 feet to 5 feet in zoning districts SF-1 , SF-2 , SF-3 and 2F = Sections 9. 2(c) , 10 . 3 (c) , 11 . 3 (c)and 12 . 3 (c) . (2) Proposed changes of the area regulation for accessory buildings in Residential and Apartment districts , section 25 . 4 , are: (la) Change this subsection to read: " Accessory buildings and carports shall be located in the area defined as the rear yard" . (lb) Change side yard requirements from 6 feet to 5 feet in order to coincide with SF-1 , SF-2 , SF-3 and 2F requirement of 5 feet side yard. (lc) Change rear yard requirement from 10 feet to 5 feet in order to coincide with the proposed rear yard changes to zone districts SF-1 , SF-2, SF-3 and 2F. Also, remove last paragraph of this subsection. (1d) Change this subsection to read: " Attached rear yard garage and carports shall meet all code requirements for fire resistance separations from main building as well as required rear yard setbacks . Detached rear yard garages and carports shall be no closer than 5 feet to the main building. Detached garage shall have a 20 feet rear setback. Detached carport shall have a 15 feet rear setback. All accessory buildings shall be a minimum of 5 feet from the main building" . pie itg CITY OF' WYLIE 2000 HWY 78 N - P.O. BOX 428 WYLIE,TEXAS 75098 October 31, 1991 214-442-2236 Dear Planning and Zoning Committee: Planning and Zoning Schedule The Planning and Zoning Commission will not be meeting on November 4, 1991 due to the "delay" of both previously scheduled Plat reviews . The remaining year, schedule of meetings , will be as follows : (This is not the agenda as these will come the Friday before each meeting. ) November 18, 1991 - (1) Preliminary on Oakridge Subdivision - Investors Network is preparing another Preliminary with more detailed dual - access provisions . (2) Final Plat review on the Texas National Guard Armory. December 2 , 1991 - Definite meeting (1) Possible final on Oakridge Subdivision. (2) Workshop on the Impact Fee in preparation for the December 16,1991 , Capital Improvements Advisory Committee meeting. December 16, 1991 - Definite meeting (1) Capital Improvements Advisory Committee meeting. - The Committee will review the Impact fund and status of the Capital Improvements Program (CIP) , for a report to the City Council . Planning and Engineering, Finance and the City Attorney have been working on the CIP for the last three months , so I plan to have a very informative agenda. The accessory building changes recommended by Planning and Zoning were accepted without question, and I again thank your for you help with this Zoning amendment . Unless required by application, our next meeting after December 16th, will be January the 20th, 1992 . Sincerely, Ediz- )7ft4L-t Rick Herzberger Building Official RH/ns cc: Paul D, Beaver, Director of Planning & Engineering MEMORANDUM TO: CAROLYN JONES, CITY MANAGER THE CITY COUNCIL FROM: RICK HERZBERGER, BUILDING OFFICIAL DATE: OCTOBER 2 , 1991 SUBJECT : ACCESSORY BUILDING REGULATIONS - PUBLIC HEARING In an effort to remove conflicting accessory building regulations within the Zoning Ordinance as well as the strict setback regulations , the Planning and Zoning Commission conducted a workshop on July 15 , 1991 and a Public Hearing on September 30 , 1991 , in order to prepare a Zoning Ordinance amendment proposal for you consideration . I am attaching to this memorandum, a five city survey concerning accessory buildings (section I ) The Wylie existing accessory regulations (section II ) and the Planning and Zoning recommendation (section III ) . I have also included related sections of the Zoning Ordinance with proposed changes indicated, as these section will be reflected in the final Zoning Ordinance amendment , to be presented at the next City Council meeting . The enforcement dilemma of the current accessory regulations , evolved around the 25 feet rear setback minimum for the main building in conjunction with various subdivision lots meeting only the required minimum lot depth ( 100 feet - 120 feet ) . The construction of a 60-70 foot length home ( largest house possible , without exceeding the 45% lot cover rule) within the minimum lot depth, left it impractical , to place an accessory building on the lot . Example : 110 feet deep lot with 60 feet deep home, 25 feet front setback , 25 feet rear setback = 25 feet rear yard for placement of accessory building . Current accessory regulations require a 15 feet setback form house , and a 10 feet setback from rear property line = No allowable accessory building . Even with larger rear yard depth, the current regulations place the accessory building in the middle of the yard, as is the case at Pointe North, Rustic Oaks , Eastridge, Westgate and Newport Harbor subdivisions . Accessory buildings are designed to benefit the homeowner with zoning regulations ordained to provide fire protection and to encourage the most appropriate use of the land. RESIDENTIAL ACCESSORY BUILDING REGULATIONS I . Area cities setbacks recfulati on_s : A. Rowlett and Mckinney - max size = 600 square feet . (1) Side = 5 feet in all districts showing main building setbacks of 6 , 7 , and 8 feet : (based on 10% of lot width) 3 feet setback if 90 feet from front line. ( 2 ) Corner lot = same for dwelling setback on side yard. (20 feet) (3 ) Rear = 3 feet or 18 inches if alley exists . ( 4) House separation = must meet Uniform Building Code requirements . (5 ) Garage and carports = same as accessory buildings . B . Plano and Garland - size based on percent of area covered . (1 ) Side = 3 feet in all districts showing main building setbacks of 6 through 10 feet . Setback of accessory building is from lotline , alley line or easement . ( 2 ) Corner lot - 15 feet side yard. ( 3 ) Rear - 3 feet from lotline , alley line, or easement , unless no alley exists , then 10 feet rear set back (8 feet height maximum on building if less than 10 feet from rear) . (4) House separation = on 3 feet side setback, 15 feet distance from house , and if accessory building meets dwelling setback requirements , then house separation is 3 feet . (5) Carports entered form side are to meet main building setback. Garages entered from side are to meet 20 foot setback. Carports and garages behind main building and closer than 15 feet to main building shall have a rear yard equivalent to main building rear yard. Carports can be 3 feet from rear line, if alley exists . Garage entrance from alley , then 20 feet rear setback to alley or easement line . (NOTE: Garages mentioned above are all detached! ) C. Richardson - max size = 600 square feet . (1) Side - 3 feet in all districts (main setbacks on percent of lot width) . (2 ) Corner lot - 20 feet in all districts . (3) Rear - 3 feet to 18 inches if alley exists . (4) House separation = meet Code requirements . ( 5) Detached garage and carports - 600 square feet maximum size , can not be in side yard, 10 feet from main building , rear = 3 feet or 18 inches if alley exists . ( 6) Attached garage and carport in rear must meet Code requirements as well as main building set backs . II . Wylie' s existing setbacks regulations - Zoning Ordinance 85-23A. A. Section 9 , 10 , 11 , and 12 concerning single family accessory building : ( 1) Side = 5 feet from side yard. ( 2 ) Corner lot = 20 feet in SF-1 , and 20 feet in SF-2 , SF-3 and 2F. ( 3) Rear = 10 feet . ( 4) House separation = Not stated in these sections . ( 5) Detached and attached garage and carport - not stated. ( 6) Size = 400 square feet maximum. B . Section 25 - Accessory Building Regulations . (1) Side - 6 feet from lot line , alley line , or easement line - conflict with district regulations (2 ) Corner = 20 feet setback . (3) Rear = 10 feet from lot line, alley line, or easement line . ( 4) House separation = No direct mention, only vague , but applicable statement in 25 . 4 (c) which requires 15 feet setback from house . ( 5) Garage and carports = 15 feet from house, 6 feet from side, 20 feet from street or alley line , on which it faces . ( 6) Attached accessory building in front (carports) must have 25 feet front yard, detached accessory buildings must be located in rear yard. (7 ) Accessory building height manimum is 25 feet - conflict with district regulations . III . Planning and Zoning recommendations A. Basic changes on accessory building regulations : (1) Proposed changes of the rear yard "setback" regulation on accessory buildings form 10 feet to 3 feet on zoning districts SF-1 , SF-2 , SF-3 AND 2F = Sections 9 . 2 (c) , 10 . 3 (c) , 11 . 3 (c) and 12 . 3 (c) . Also add 5 feet minimum side yard regulation to section 10 . 3 (b) , 11 . 3 (b) and 12 . 3 (b) . In section 9 . 0 (10 ) change last sentence to : Accessory building 600 square feet or less . ( 2 ) Proposed changes of the area regulation for accessory buildings in Residential and Apartment districts , section 25 , are : 25 . 3 Change allowed accessory height from 25 feet to 15 feet . 25 . 4 ( la) Change this subsection to read " Accessory buildings and carports shall be located in the area defined as the rear yard. " 25 . 4 (lb) Change side yard requirements from 6 feet to 5 feet in order to coincide with SF-1 , SF-2 , SF-3 and 2F requirement of 5 feet side yard . 25 . 4 c) Change rear yard requirement from 10 feet to fm5,4J_e . t l 5 )feet in order to coincide with the proposed rear yard changes to zone districts SF-1 , SF-2 SF-3 and 2F. Also , remove last paragraph of this subsection. 25 . 4 (id) Change this subsection to read "Attached rear yard garage and carports shall meet all code requirements for fire resistance separations from main building as well as required rear yard setbacks . Detached rear yard garages and carports shall be no closer than 5 feet to the main building . Detached garage shall have a 20 feet rear setback . Detached carport shall have a 15 feet rear setback. All accessory buildings shall be a minimum of 5 feet from the main building . " 25 . 4 ( 2 ) Add this subsection to read "maximum square foot area for an accessory building is 600 square feet . " NOTE: THE WYLIE ZONING ORDINANCE - SECTION 32 DEFINES AN ACCESSORY BUILDING (RESIDENTIAL) AS FOLLOWS: 32 . 1 Accessory building - ( residential ) - A subordinate building detached from the main building and used for purposes customarily incidental to the residential occupancy of the main building and not involving the conduct of a business of the sale of a service . Accessory buildings include but are not limited to an automobile storage garage , laundry room, garden shelter , hobby room and mechanical room. SECTION 9 buildings,including a private garage "SF-1" — SINGLE FAMILY and bonafide servants quarters,not RESTDENTLAL DISTRICT for rent but for the use of servants It EGULATIONS employed on the premises, when located not less than sixty feet(60') from the front lot line,nor less than f 9.0 Permitted Uses: A building or premise REMAINS five feet (5') from either side line, THE shall be used only for the following uses: SAME provided said accessory building shall not occupy more than fifty (1) Single-family dwellings. percent (50%) of the minimum required rear yard in the case of a (2) Farms, nurseries, greenhouses or truck one-story building. When the gardens, limited to the propagation and accessory building is directly cultivation of plants, provided no retail attached to the main building it shall or wholesale business is conducted on be considered an integral part of the the premises. main buildings. When the accessary building is attached to the main (3) Church or rectory. building by a breezeway, the CHANGE TO: eway is considered a part of the (4) Parks, playgrounds, community Accessory accessory building. Temporary buildings metal buildings Iess than four buildings, museums and other public 600 S.F. hundred (400) square feet which are recreational facilities, owned and/or or less operated by the municipality or other used for tool and supply storage. public agency; and privately owned and maintained recreation an.a5. (11) Telephone exchange provided no public business and no repair or outside storage (5) Public buildings, including libraries, facilities are maintained, gas Iines and museums, police and fire stations and regulating stations, electrical lines and similar public uses or facilities. local utility lines. (6) Real estate sales offices in model homes (12) Sewage treatment plant(public operated). during the development of residential subdivisions, but not to exceed two (2) (13) Swimming pool (private) carstzucted for use of residents and located in required vezrs rear or side yard. A pool shall not be (7) Public schools or denominational closer than five feet (5) to any property (kindergarten through high school). line. (8) Temporary buildings for uses incidental (14) Water treatment plant to construction work on the premises, (IS) Non-commercial stables as an accessory which said buildings shall be removed use to the housingof animals owned upon the completion or abandonment of by construction work. The building official the resident and set back from adjacent shall determine the appropriate time property lines a minimum distance of period for use on the site. one hundred feet(100). An area of one- . half(1/2) acre shall be required for each (9) Publicly owned water supply reservoirs, animal. pumping plants and towers. (16) Home occupation (for definition see (10) Accessory buildings and uses, Section 32). .. -. . customarily incident to the above uses-— ------ - --_ --- REMAINS and located on the same lot therewith, _ (17) Tennis court(private). S ME not involving the conduct of a retail business except as provided hereim (18) Batch plant, temporary during construction when permitted by code (a) The term accessory use shall enforcement and limited to the - include customary home occupations subdivision for which they are permitted as herein defined. Accessory page 6 —' � The following specific uses when granted in No side yard for allowable non-residential accordance with Section 22: uses shall be Iess than twenty-five feet REMAINS (25'). Minimum side yard for accessory (1) Cemetery or mausoleum. THE SAME uses shall be five feet (5')-`From the property line. (2) Charitable organization. (c) Rear Yard: There shall be a rear (3) University, college or parochial school yard,a depth of not less than twenty-five and related facilities(public or private). feet (25). Minimum rear yard for CHANGE Jiaesso b ' dings shall be not less than (4) Country club or golf course and related TO 3' ten feet in. from the property line. uses such as driving ranges but not including similar forms of commercial (2) Size of Lot amusement such as miniature golf. (a) Lot Area: No building shall be (5) Day nursery, day camp or child care constructed on any lot of less than ten center. thousand(10.000)square feet. (6) Electric substation. (b) Lot Width: Seventy-five feet(75) (7) Hospital. (minimum). (8) Museum,library or art gallery. (c) Lot Depth: One hundred twenty feet (120') (minimum). (9) Post office. (3) ,Minimum Dwelling Size: The (10) Radio,television or micowave tower. minimum floor area of any dwelling shall be one thousand eight hundred (I 1) Golf course.public. (1,800)square feet,exclusive of garages. breezeways and porches (12) Private club. (2) Lot Coverage: In no case shall more § 9.1 -'eight Regulations: No buildings shall than forty-five percent(45%)of the total exceed thirty feet (30') in height.. Accessory lot area be covered by the area of the buildings or uses shall be a maximum of fifteen main building. A maximum total of feet(15). sixty percent (60%) may be covered including accessory buildings,driveways § 9.2 Area Regulations and parking. (1) Size of Yards: § 9.3 Parking Regulations: Two (2) covered, enclosed parking spaces behind the front building (a) Front ti'�*st• There shall be a front accordance Off-street parking spaces shall be provided in accordance with the requirements for specific usesyard having a depth of not less than twenty-five feet (25') as measured from sec forth in Section 23. the front property line. Where lots have double frontage. rtmning through from SECTION 10 one street to another. the required front "SF-2" — SINGLE FAMILY yard shall be provided on both streets. RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT No required parking shall be allowed within the required front yard. .Throe REGULATIONS - -- -REMAINS THE shall be a sixty foot(60') (mitimmn)for- - - - • -- - — - SAME all accessory bunldiags or uses. - § 10.1 Permitted Uses: A building or premise (b) sick mini: Thee shall be aside yard shall be used only for the following purposes on each side of the lot having a width of (1) Any use permitted in the"SF-I"district not less than eight feet(8') in width. A • side yard adjacent to a side street shall not be less than twenty-five feet(25). page 7 ( 1 0 \ The following specific uses when granted in non-residential uses shall be less than accordance with Section 22. twenty-five feet(25). (1) Cemetery or mausoleum. . (c) Rear Yard: There shall-be a rear ,a depth of not less than twenty-five (2) Charitable organization. CHANGE feet (25'). Minimum rear yard for TO 3' accesso. • dings shall be not less than (3) University, college or parochial school ten feet co. and related facilities(public or private). (2) 5ize of Lot: (4) Country club or golf course and related uses such as driving ranges but not (a) Lot Area: No building shall be including similar forms of commercial constructed on any lot of less than eight amusement such as miniature golf. thousand five hundred(8500)square feet. (5) Day nursery, day camp or child care (b) Lot Width: The width of the lot center• shall be not less than sevent y feet(70). (6) Electric substation. (c) Lot Depth:One hundred twenty feet (7) Museum.library or art gallery. (I201 (8) Post office. (3) Minimum Dwelling Size: The minimum floor area of any dwelling (9) Radio.television or microwave tower. shall be fifteen hundred (1500) square feet, exclusive of garages, breezeways (10) Golf course.public. and porches. (11) Private club. (4) Lot Coverage: In no case shall more than forty-five percent(45%)of the total 10.2 Height Regulations: No building shall lot area be covered by the area of themain buildings. A maximum of sixty exceed thirty feet (30) in height. Accessory uses �, of buildings shall be a maximum of fifteen feet :cent (60.0) of the total lot may be (15) covered by accessory buildings. driveways and parking. § 10.3 Area Regulationa: § 10.4 Parkins Regulations: Two (2) covered. (1) ,Si7•�f_S' c enclosed spaces behind the front building line. ATIe Off-street parking spaces shall be provided in (a) Front Yard: There shall be a front accordance with the requirements for specific uses set forth in Section 23. yard having a depth of not less than twenty-five feet (25) as measured from the front property line. Where Iots have SECTION 11 double frontage. running through from "SF-I" — STNGT.F. FAMTLY one street to another, the required front RF..STD R NTT AT. DiSTRTCT yard chill be provided on both streets. ;GULATTON� No required parking shall be allowed �w'thin the required front yard. A sixty REMAINS foot (60) setback, from the property 11.1 Use Regulations A building or premise THE SAME line, is required for all accessory - - • - buildings - - - — - - —• - -shall be used only for the following purposes._.-_ • (b) ,Surer Yat+i• There shall be a side yard (1) Any use permitted in district•5F r or ADD: l of each on side the lothavinga width of Minimum side yard for accessory not less than seven feet(T)in width for • buildings shall be-5' all buildings. A side yard adjacent 03 a The following specific uses when granted in side street shall be not less than twenty accordance with Section 22 feet (20'). No side yard far allowable • Page � � ) (1) Cemetery or mausoleum. CHANGE accesso• b ldings shall be not Iess than TO 3' ten feet 10I. (2) Charitable organization. (2) Size of Lot: ` (3) University, college or parochial school and related facilities(public or private). (a) Lot Area: No building shall be constructed on any lot of less than seven (4) Country club or golf course and related ' thousand two hundred(7,200)square feet. uses such as driving ranges but not including similar forms of commercial (b) Lot width: The width of the Iot amusement such as miniature golf. shall be not less than sixty feet (60) at the front street building line. (5) Day nursery, day camp or child care center. (c) Loth:The average depth of the (6) Electric substation. lot shall be not Iess than one hundred feet(100). (7) Museum,library or art gallery. (3) Minimum Dwelling Size: The (8) Post office. minimum floor area of any dwelling shall be eleven hundred (1100) square - (9) Radio, reIevision or microwave tower, f et,exclusive of garages and breezeways and perches. (10) Golf courses,public. (4) Lot Coverage: In no case shall more (11) Private club. than forty-five percent(45%)of the total Iot area be covered by the main building. Not more than sixty (60%)of the § 11.2 Height Regulations No building shall percent exceed thirty feet (30') in height Accessory uses total lot may be covered by the main structure.accessory buildings,driveways shall be a maximum of fifteen feet(15) in height. and parking. § 11.3 Area Regulations: § 11.4 Parkins Regulations: Two (2) covered, (1) Size of Yards: enclosed parking spaces per unit behind the front building line. Off-sn-eet parking spaces shall be (a) Front Yard: There shall be a front provided in accordance with the requirements for specific uses set forth in Section 23. yard having a depth of not Iess than twenty-five feet(25) as measured from the front building line. Where lots have " SECTION 12 double frontage, running through-from "2F" — TWO FAMTLY RESIDENTIAL one street to another, the required front DISTRICT REGULATIONS yard shall be provided on both streets. No required parking shall be allowed within the required front yard. A sixty General Purpose and Description — The "2F P REMAINS foot (60') setback is required for all THE SAME accessory uses. district is intended to provide the opportunity to have development which is two-family(duplex)in Side Yank There shall be a side yard character, but which encourages individual . ADD: on each side of the lot having a width of ownership of all dwelling units. This is permitted Minimum side yard for not less than six feet (6). A side yard by dividing the typical duplex lot from front to -Acce3scry Buildings adjacent to a side street shall be not less'- - -baclr., thus encocad the sale of each dwelling__ shall be 5' than.twenty feet(20'). No side yard for - unit and the land upon which it sits, to the allowable non-residential uses shall be occupant. less than twenty-five feet(LS')- $ 12.1 Use Reeulation A building or premise (c) Rear Yard: There shall be a roar shall be used only for the following purpasem yard,a depth of not less than twenty-five feet (25'). Minimum rear yard for (1) Two-family residence(duplex). Page 9 (2) Batch plant. temporary during non-residential uses shall be less than construction when permitted by code 'twenty-five feet(25). enforcement and limited to the subdivision for which they are permitted (c) Rear There shall be a rear yard having a depth of not Iess than twenty- The following specific uses when granted in five feet (25). Minimum rear yard for accordance with Section 22: H 3GE accesso dings shall be not less than ten feet ,10).i (1) Cemetery or mausoleum. (2) Size of LoC (2) Charitable organization. (a) Lot Area: No building shall be (3) University, college or parochial school constructed on any lot of less than eight and related facilities (public or private). thousand five hundred(8.500)square feet or four thousand two hundred fifty (4) Country club or golf course and related (4,250)square feet per unit uses such as driving ranges but not including similar forms,of commercial (b) Lots in the "2F' district mast be amusement such as miniature golf. platted in pairs such that a duplex unit may be placed on each pair of lots. The (5) Day nursery, day camp or child care subdivision plat shall designate the pairs center. of lots and which lot lines are to be Electric substation. outside Iot lines of each pair. There (6) shall be only one (1) dwelling unit per Museum.libraryall lot, and no dwelling unit shall cross a lot (7) or art gallery. line. No single-family detached dwelling may be constructed on one of the (8) Post office. designated pair of lots. (9) Radio,television or microwave tower. (c) Lot Width: The width of the lot (10) Golf course,public. shall be determined by the construction width of individual dwelling units or (11) Private club. dwelling units considering side yards as required above, but in no case shall the width of a pair of lots be less than eighty § 12.2 l?eizht Regulations: No building shall feet(80) (forty feet(40)per unit). exceed thirty feet (30' in height. Accessory buildings shall not exceed fifteen feet (15') in (d) The average depth of the Iot shall be height. • not less than one hundred feet(100). • § 12.3 Area Regulations. (3) Minimum Dwelling Size: Nine hundred (1) Size of Yards (900)square feet. (a) (4) Lot Coverage: In no case shall more Front Yard: There shall be a front than forty-five percent(45%)of the total yard having a required depth of not less lot area be covered by the combined area than twenty-five feet (25) as measured of the main building. Calculation of • from the front property line. No required forty-five percent (45%) shall be based parking shall be allowed within the on both the complete lot and each hall quired front yard. Accessory buildings Each calculation shall be free-standing - —— --REMAINS- L al-have a setback of sixty feet-(60)cr -- -- -- and must conform to the tnaximmtr- —- THE SAME ater allowed Accessory buildings,driveways ADO: Side Yard: There shall be a sideand parking may account for an (b) yard additional twenty percent(20%). Minimum side yard for ' on each side of a SZZfexure of not less • accessory buildings than six feet(5). A side yard adjacent to * 12.4 Parking Regulations: One (1) covered `.shall be 5 a side street shall be not less-than twenty and enclosed off-street parking space per unit feet (20). No side yard for allowable behind the front building line. Off-street parking • • page 10 r space between adjoining building . (2) • ' t : A swimming pool ma all be fifteen feet (15) betwe n • constructed and operated when: b ilding walls when such walls b. e — Wings for windows and access - • - (a) The pool is not located in any fee (10) when no openings exist. requ ed front or side yard abu•• .g a street: (3) Wh a non-residentially zoned •t or tract abuts upon a zoning •.strict (b) A - - or fence, not 1 than six boun line dividing the lot •r tract feet (6') • height. with se - nclosing from a residentially zoned lot o- tract,a and self-la hing gates at - entrances, minim side yard of ten feet 0)shall completely - closes either e pool area be prow ded for on the non-r idential or the surroun,. g yard - - property An opaque wo•• fence or masonry all having a - • urn height (c) All lightin: of th. pool is shielded of six feet 6')above the av- -ge grade of or directed to fa a• -y from adjoining the resid ntial prope shall be residence. If ligh• - not individually constructed on non-reside• property shielded they s• - so placed, or the adjacent to a common 'de (or rear) enclosing wall • nce shall be so property line. designed that t - from the lights shall not be isible from adjacent § 24.4 Rear Yards. \ I properties an. (1) The required rear yard shall be open and (d) No bra.dcasting syste . is used for unobsa acted fro a point thirty inches the purpo- of advertising operation (30-) above the aye a elevation of the of the .•of or for the at• =ctioa of graded rear yard;\e cepc for accessory persons o the premises. This - - not buildings as perm ed herein. Eaves. preve a public address system n. covered porches, d roof extensions or us ful to the supervision of th pool without saucturai pport in the rear and 4 e safety of swimmers. yard may extein the rear yard a distance not to k xce d four feet (4'). (. A swimming pool shall be no do r Balconies shale not roject into the • an five feet(5) from any property lin- required rear yard. § 24.5 Swimming Pools: It is a purpose of SECTION 25 these provisions to/ recognize an outdoor ACCFSSORY BUTT.T)ThiC= swimming pool as a tential aura 've nrivnr. BFC*T11 ATTONS • and to promote the safety and a joyment of property rights b7 establishing rules and regulations gov ing the loc tion and § 25.1 In a residence or apartment district, an improvement of swimming pool whether accessory building is a subordinate building privately, public' or commercially caned or exceeding one hundred twenty(120)square feet of operated. floor area, attached to or detached from the main building. without separate bath or kitchen (1) - ., . -•• ,••.•v- : No ming facilities, not used for commercial purposes and pool - be constructed or used .. til a notrtnted. • ' • '•g pool building permit : .• a - :.,care of occupancy have been • -• § 25.2 In other districts, an accessory building th-. for. No building permit an• no is a subordinate building, the use of which is • r certificate of occupancy . . be incidental to and used only in conjunction with the - -- - ' - ed unless the proposed sari - ----main building_ - -`- -- f- ilities and water supply comply • •• - - - - •plicable local and state heal • § 25.3 No accessary building shall exceed -:-. • •ent regulations. twenty-five feet di) in height, nor shall it be CHANG greater in height r, e main structure. TO 15' i page 30 C ► `i ) • § 25.4 Area Rcvulations for Accessory the message is displaced or ill., • - Dm'1dinQs in Residential and Apartment •n the sign. (3) a . , • • e area el l—Thee- (1) Size of Yards: . . area of a sign"is the entire • - wi••in a single continuous •- - - (a) Front Yard: Attached front - fo ..ing a rectangle enclosin • the CHANGE TO: ex• ••a limits of each sign. • the ACCESSORY BUILDINGS building shall have a frcet yard a CARPORTS SHALL not less than the main building or as even two (2) or more signs a BE LOCATED IN THE ified in the particular singl-structure,each sign or • may district. AREA DEFINED AS Detached accessory buildings shall be be co 'tiered separately for square THE REAR YARD.—•-- located in the area defined as the rear footag- purposes, provided . each Yard- sign or •- el has no relatio• •. • to the Other, •t that the comb-H.. footage (b) side Yard: There shall be a side yard of such ;pm cannot • the total CHANGE square f••►: allowed for • sign. TO 5' not less than six feet from any side lot lime. alley line, r ement line: (� •• • , • • - The term except that adjacent to a side street.the • side yard shall never be less than twenty "tllumina • sign-shall . -- ' any sign feet(20). which has - aracters,.I , figures, designs or •utline minuted by CHANGE CO ) Rear Yard There •-I be a rear yard electric lights lumino - tubes or other TO 3' not less than ten feet el from any lot mom' line, alley line. o -.ement line. • garages. or other acres (5) NoncnmbLtctib mar rial—The term rtsbtal ocated within the pion "noncombusnbl• ma -•'- shall mean REMOVE THIS of a lot as h 'bed shall not any material whi• - not ignite at or PARAGRAPH be located cl feet(15)to below a tern•-• - • . of twelve hundred them ' lding nor nearer . fat (1200) degrees F- , nheit.and will not to any side lot line. continue to bu • or glow at that • temperature. F I) Any garage consuucted in a CHANGE sidential or apartment district shall be (Ord.87-2 adopted 1-13.87) PARAGRAPH set back not Iess than twenty feet (20) from any street or alley line on which it (6) Portable sign -oriab signs are chase fx_z which arc co .trotted •ff--site and are not rigidly - : axed or trached to the (d) ATTACHED REAR YARD GARAGE a ground or to a perman-• building or CARPORTS SHALL MEET ALL CODE RE- structure - • shall incl•de any sign QUIREMENTS FOR FIRE RESISTANCE originally d-•geed to be - • y moved SEPARATIONS FROM THE MAIN BUILDINGS from plat- to place wh- er rigidly AS WELL AS REQUIRED REAR YARD attached • the ground o permanent SETBACKS. DETACHED REAR GARAGES a CARPORTS SHALL BE NO CLOSER structure nor_ THAN 5' TO THE MAIN BUILDING. DETACHED GARAGE SHALL HAVE A 20' (Ord.88-17 adop -• -26-88,Sec. 1) REAR SETBACK. DETATCHED CARPORT - SHALL HAVE A 15' REAR SETBACK. - ALL ACCESSORY BUILDINGS SHALL BE (7) 'stun- • teem"sign"shall and - A MINIMUM OF 5' FROM THE MAIN mom. • every sign, name, I"'r• . BUILDING. idea'• - :on. description. ..••• •. -.- men• declaration, demo• • • • __ • Add This (2) MAXIMUM SQUARE FOOT AREA FOR . •• � S •.-• . - ,- Section AN ACCESSORY BUILDING SHALL an• b.. or BE BE 600' OR LESS. �a' outdoor structure. or erected or rained upon a service, p - tivity. person. instituti• • 'on or business. Any •. •- . uminatcd or moving sign or . •• page 31'- 0C )