08-05-1991 (Planning & Zoning) Agenda Packet DATE POSTED 8-2-91 TIME POSTED 8 : 00 A.M. AGENDA REGULAR MEETING - PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MONDAY, AUGUST 5 , 1991 7 :00 PM - COUNCIL CHAMBERS WYLIE MUNICIPAL COMPLEX 2000 HIGHWAY 78 NORTH CALL TO ORDER ORD£'R OF PAGE BUSINESS REFERENCE BUSINESS 1 1 Consider approval of minutes of the July 15 , 1991 meeting. 2 2-4 Conduct Public Hearing on the Landscape Ordinance . 3 --- Consider recommendation to City Council on proposed Landscape Ordinance. 4 --- Recess Regular Business meeting. 5 --- Convene for workshop to review the following items : Oakridge subdivision, Texas National Guard Armory and Accessory building requirements of the Zoning Ordinance . 6 --- Reconvene to Regular Business meeting. 7 --- Citizen Participation. In accordance with the Open Meetings Act , any Board Commission of the City of Wylie will hear comments of Public interest from residents and the pertaining to items within the jurisdiction of the seated Board. Remarks will be limited to placing the item on a future agenda for consider - action. Remarks must be limited to not more than five (5) minutes . 8 --- ADJOURN MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION CITY OF WYLIE MONDAY, JULY 15, 1991 The City of Wylie Planning and Zoning Commission met in regular session at 7 :00 P .M. on Monday, July 15 , 1991 in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex. A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted in the time and manner required by law. Those present were Chairman, Robert Flint ; Vice Chairman, Gilbert Welch ; Cleo Adams , Billy Mills , Jerry Ault and Mike Hawkins . Staff members were Building Official , Rick Herzberger ; City Engineer , Paul D. Beaver and Secretary , Nita Sims . Those Absent : ( excused) Marvin Blakey . ITEM NO. 1 - CONSIDER APPROVAL OF MINUTES FROM MONDAY, JULY 1, 1991 : Chairman Flint asked for additions or corrections . Chairman Flint noted that in item NO. 2 there were six (6) votes not seven (7) . Motion made by Cleo Adams , Seconded by Mike Hawkins to approve minutes as submitted and corrected. Motion carried, all in favor. ( 6 votes ) ITEM NO. 2 - CONSIDER ACTION OF ZONE CHANGE REQUEST ON LOT 31 OF THE MEADOWS ADDITION FROM RETAIL TO BUSINESS 1, PER CITY COUNCIL REQUEST THAT PLANNING AND ZONING FURTHER REVIEW THIS ZONE CHANGE REQUEST: Brief discussion by Rick Herzberger regarding the City Council Public Hearing on this zone change with additional comments relating to staff intentions in either allowing the zone change or changing the car wash use to the Retail district . Rick Herzberger asked the Commission to consider the "use" change issue in light of the City Manager' s Memorandum to Council , as well as the three referenced conditions that he listed in his memorandum to the Commission. Mike Hawkins questioned the use change procedure, Rick Herzberger responded that the City Attorney is currently reviewing this process . Gilbert Welch questioned Mr . Mulder' s continued interest if the use change took another 45 days to complete and Mr . Mulder responded with confidence that he still would build the car wash, as well as look at other future Retail Development projects for this tract . Billy Mills and Robert Flint both had questions concerning whether this use change would initiate other Public Businesses in requesting use change to accommodate their interest . Rick Herzberger responded that City Staff ' s intent in this proposed use change is to eliminate two ( 2 ) other non-conforming uses , allow Commercial - Retail development in an area that has experienced a substantial change in physical conditions in the last 10 years , that the car wash fits the zoning ordinance definition of Retail and that Public opposition to this Retail use was very minimal . Rick Herzberger stated that if other use changes would be proposed, City Staff would evaluate these in light of the Wylie Comprehensive Plan, just as this change was evaluated. A brief discussion followed, concerning future use changes , and when these districts uses could be completely reviewed. Rick Herzberger responded that his intent is to schedule future planning workshops and eventually prepare a much needed zoning ordinance revision, since the last comprehensive revision was in 1985 . A motion was made by Gilbert Welch, seconded by Jerry Ault to have a Public Hearing on an amendment to the Zoning Ordinance changing the car wash use from the Business-1(B-1) district to the Retail district . Motion carried all in favor . ( 6 Votes) ITEM NO. 3 - RECESS REGULAR BUSINESS MEETING: Chairman Flint recessed the Regular Business Meeting and stated that a workshop would be held and would be open to the Public . ITEM NO. 4 - WORKSHOP: Rick Herzberger presented the following items for Planning and Zoning benefit in future consideration of agenda items : (1) Capital Improvement Advisory Committee ; (2) Wylie Comprehensive Plan; (3) Zoning Ordinance problems and future update; (4) 1991 Zoning Map; (5) Sign Ordinance review for future amendments; ( 6) Landscape Ordinance-History and scheduled Public Hearing; (7 ) Oakridge subdivision History and scheduled Preliminary Plat Review. ITEM NO. 5 - RECONVENE TO REGULAR BUSINESS MEETING: Chairman Flint called Regular Business meeting back to order . ITEM NO. 6/7 - CITIZEN PARTICIPATION: None. ITEM NO. 8 - ADJOURNMENT: Motion was made and seconded for adjournment . Meeting Adjourned by Chairman Flint . vo` vtn. Robert Flint , Chairman Respectfully sub it-ed(4,aj .0,3) Nita Sims , Secretary LANDSCAPING ORDINANCE PROPOSAL I . INTENT The requirements established herein for the installation and maintenance of landscaping and screening are deemed necessary by the City Council to protect and enhance the communities environmental , economic and asthetic quality, thereby contributing to the overall objective of promoting the public health, safety and general welfare. II . APPLICATION A. This ordinance applies to all buildings and use of land except single family dwellings and agricultural buildings when an application for a building permit is made for the following construction: ( 1) New Construction ( 2 ) Business renovations on an existing structure , valued at over S5 ,000 . 00 or additions of 800 square feet or more to the structure . B. This ordinance also applies to existing properties that are not subject to building permit requirements , when there is a substantial change in the distinguishing traits or primary features of the use of the building or land ,as evidenced by increased parking requirements or a change in occupancy classification. III . LANDSCAPING AND SCREENING REQUIREMENTS A. Screening Requirements (1) Walls , fences , landscaping or other screening devices , are required for screening of activities including mechanical equipment , refuse areas, adjacent developments , service bays , parking and maneuvering areas and outdoor storage, from adjacent property and public streets . (2) All required screening devices shall be architecturally compatible with the materials and design of the site development . (3) Outdoor storage areas shall be screened from the public street to a height of at least six (6) feet . ( 4) Outside display of merchandise adjacent to the required front yard shall be screened to a height of at least three (3) feet . (5) Primary refuse storage containers (dumpsters) for all non-residential and multi family uses shall be screened on three sides by the construction of masonry walls or decorative chain link fencing. An opening shall be provided on the fourth side for access , with a minimum width of twelve (12) feet and enclosed with a gate. Design specifications for dumpster pads are detailed in ordinance 87-56 (B) LANDSCAPING REQUIREMENTS (1) Every lot shall provide a minimum of 5% of the lot area to be utilized for landscaping . A minimum of one-half of the required landscaping area shall be located in the front yard. Required landscaping area shall not include driveways , paved walks , or right-of-ways or easements for streets or alleys where a fence or wall is required by ordinance. The fence or wall may be located within the required landscaping area. (2 ) Visibility requirements - on any corner lot , all landscaping , whether or not required by this ordinance , shall be designed and maintained so that it shall not obstruct the vision of a motor vehicle driver approaching any street , alley or driveway intersection. When a driveway intersects a public right of way, all landscaping within the triangular area described below shall provide unobstructed cross visibility at a level between thirty (30) inches and nine ( 9) feet above the street grade level . The visibility triangles shall be determined by projecting a line fifteen feet along the street right of way and fifteen feet along the internal driveway and connecting the ends of the two lines . (3) All required landscape areas shall consist of a combination of trees , grass shrubs , ground cover and other live plant material such as those contained in the recommended plant list . The Combination shall consist of at least one (1) tree, ten feet (10 ' ) tall , of two (2) trees not less than two inches (2") in diameter, for each one thousand (1 ,000) square feet of required landscape area. RECOMMENDED PLANT LIST LARGE TREES SMALL TREES PECAN YAUPON HOLLIES RED OAK CREPE MYRTLE BURR OAK WAX MYRTLE WATER OAK CHERRY LAUREL SOUTHERN MAGNOLIA RED BUD LIVE OAK JAPANESE BLACK PINE BALD CYPRESS CEDAR ELM BRADFORD PEAR EVERGREEN SHRUBS GROUND COVER RED TIP PHOTINIA ASIAN JASMINE BURFORD HOLLY HONEYSUCKLE NELLIE R. STEVENS ENGLISH IVY CHINESE HOLLY BOSTON IVY YAUPON HOLLY LIRIOPE CLEARRA MONKEY GRASS NANDINNIA VIRGINIA CREEPER DWARF CREPE MYRTLE VINCA JAPANESE LIGUSTRUM MONDO GRASS WAXLEAF LIGUSTRUM OPHIA POGON ABELIA ELAEAGNUS JUNIPERS PURPLE SAGE BARBERRY PROHIBITED TREES SILVER MAPLE HACKBERRY GREEN ASH ARIZONA ASH MULBERRY COTTONWOOD MIMMOSA SYBERIAN ELM AMERICAN ELM WILLOW SYCAMORE (4) All plants material shall be maintained at all times in a living and growing condition. (5) Adjacent right of way shall be properly maintained, but shall not be included in the required landscape area.