07-23-2012 (Parks & Recreation) Minutes rit
Parks and Recreation Board
Meeting Minutes
Monday,July 23,2012-6:30 p.m.
Wylie Municipal Complex-Council Chambers
300 Country Club Road, Building 100
Wylie,Texas 75098
Announcing the presence of a Quorum,Board Chairman Matt Rose,called the meeting to order at 6:32 p.m.
Board Members present: Dan Chesnut,Jim Ward,Jeff Harris,Gloria Smith,Emmett Jones and Jeremy White.
Staff members present: Board Liaison and Superintendent,Robert Diaz,Public Services Director,Mike Sferra,and Park
Board Secretary Interim,Janet Hawkes.
Board Member Harris made a motion,seconded by Board Member Chesnut to nominate Board Member Matt Rose for the
open position of Chairperson. A vote was taken and passed 7-0. Board Member Ward made a motion to nominate himself,
seconded by Dan Chesnut,for the open position of Vice-Chairperson. A vote was taken and passed 7-0.
Board and Staff presented a plaque to outgoing Chairwoman,Anne Hiney,for her 12 years of dedicated service to the Parks
and Recreation Board.
City of Wylie Citizen,Dot Tinnin,requested information on the Trails project timeline. She also inquired about the City of
Wylie Parks and Recreations Department's consideration of putting in a swimming pool. Since her inquiries were not listed
items on the agenda, Superintendent Diaz recommended Ms.Tinnin provide Secretary Hawkes with her contact information
so that he may contact her to give her the information she inquired about.
1. Consider and act upon approving the Minutes from the June 25, 2012 meeting.
Board Action
Board Member Chesnut made a motion,seconded by Board Member Harris to approve the minutes from the June
25,2012 meeting. A vote was taken and passed 7-0.
2. Consider and act upon naming the unnamed pavilion at Community Park as Akin
Board Discussion
Public Services Director,Mike Sferra recommended to the Board to name the unnamed pavilion at Community Park
as Akin Pavilion. He stated that the current Akin Pavilion is used by Wylie Baseball and Softball Association as
storage. Board Member Chesnut advised that the unnamed pavilion was originally intended to be named after
Raymond Cooper because he was one of the chief contributors of the building many years ago. Board Member
Harris made a motion,seconded by Vice Chair Ward to approve removing the name of the current Akin Pavilion
(storage building)and naming the unnamed picnic pavilion at Community Park Akin Pavilion. The Board also
wanted staff to confirm at the next meeting if the plaque on the building located closest to the picnic pavilion has
been dedicated and who it was dedicated too. A vote was taken and passed 7-0.
3. Discuss Parks and Recreation Board Bylaws.
Board Member Chestnut suggested adding a chain of command clause to the bylaws so that Board members could
contact staff regarding their issues or concerns. It was suggested to add the clause to Article V of the bylaws.
Superintendent Diaz advised that the City Council will ultimately need to approve the proposed amendment and it
may need to be reviewed by the City Attorney. Board Member White asked if this Article includes a means to put
discussion items on the agenda. Public Services Director,Mike Sferra stated that the bylaws include provisions for
placing items on the agenda. Superintendent Diaz stated that he will confer with the City Secretary about amending
the bylaws regarding the adding of wording regarding placing items on the agenda at the meeting. Superintendent
Diaz also stated that he would bring an option for the bylaws for Board review at the next meeting regarding a chain
of command.
4. Discuss Recreation Fee Options.
Superintendent Diaz reviewed a breakdown of Recreation Center fees and reminded the Board that October 1,2011
thru September 31,2012 represents the City of Wylie's current fiscal year,which is the second budget year for the
Recreation Center since its grand opening. The Recreation Center funds are derived from recreation center revenues
and 4B half cent sales tax. Vice Chairman Ward asked how many more years were left to pay on the Municipal
Complex land,and Public Services Director,Mike Sferra confirmed it is 13 years. Superintendent Diaz stated that
the Recreation Center budget was refined for the upcoming fiscal year primarily by taking a portion of the
Superintendent salary out of the budget as well as a reducing electric utility expense. Board Chairman Rose asked if
the funds will balance,and Superintendent Diaz explained that any excess revenue will be put back into next year's
budget. He also noted that the Finance Department stated there must be a percentage of money remaining in the 4B
fund balance at the fiscal year end. At this time there is not a set amount of money required to be left in the
Recreation Center's fund but an amount could be set up for determination in the future.
Superintendent Diaz stated that Recreation Center Manager Carmen Powlen informed him there has been an
increase in attendance at the Recreation Center mainly due to the summer months and that we should wait until
summer is over to evaluate. Recreation Manager Powlen believes we are close to capacity with attendance as well
as memberships. Superintendent Diaz advised he would be submitting more concrete numbers on member usage to
review validation for an increase in Recreation Center fees. The current data would suggest only a slight increase in
fees is possibly necessary;however,another option to approach the budget would be to refine operation costs.
Programming and classes have also helped improve the budgeted revenues and are anticipated to continue climbing
in the future.
Board Member Jones asked what our revenue expectations are and if there was another way to refine operational
costs,particularly because classes are improving as the memberships flatten out. Board member Jones also asked
why,if we are looking at having a Rec Center fund balance,did we need to increase the Rec Center membership
fees. Superintendent Diaz answered that our current goal is to reduce the amount of subsidy. Vice Chair Ward
added that it was also our goal to reduce the amount that the Recreation Center receives from 4B so that more 4B
funding could be used to fund projects within the Parks Division. Superintendent Diaz stated that before the
Recreation Center opened,it was recommended by a consultant to review the fees and implement rate increases and
budget evaluation as necessary every two years.
Superintendent Diaz clarified that the peak usage capacity is probably occurring between 5:00 pm and 8:00 pm,
Monday through Friday at the Recreation Center. Superintendent Diaz advised he would confirm the data to support
this question and present them at the August meeting.
Board Member Chesnut added,along with Board Member Jones in agreement,that if an increase in fees was
implemented,everything will need to be ready for Council to approve very quickly and therefore suggested that we
not rush into a decision on implementing a rate increase until all numbers and data are fully evaluated. Board
Member Chesnut added that we will likely need to finish this fiscal year prior to pursuing a rate increase.
Superintendent Diaz advised,with Chairman Rose in agreement,that a recommendation be implemented to bring
this item back in September and thereafter have work sessions with City Council.
Board Chairman Rose asked if we could look at the family memberships and see how many families purchased
additional passes for other family members. Superintendent Diaz stated that he would get with Recreation Manager
Carmen Powlen on that data and also with the Finance Department to if a recreation fund balance policy was going
Minutes July 23, 2012
Wylie Parks and Recreation Board Meeting
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to be implemented and bring these items to the August Parks Board meeting.
5. Discuss Collin County Grant proposals.
Director Sferra stated that 2.2 million dollars has been released by Collin County for grant applications. The first
grant Wylie received was in 2004/2005 for playgrounds at Friendship Park and Community Park as well as land
improvement and acquisitions for Olde City Park. He stated that Wylie also received money for Joel Scott Park
landscaping and trail,Founders Park improvements and Community Park improvements. In regards to the Master
Trails project at the Municipal Complex,Director Sferra indicated the goal to have a trail going from Brown Street
to FM 544 on both sides of the creek behind the Municipal Complex. We will know in October whether the City's
two current grant applications are approved. In the past Wylie's track record has been good in regards to the
completion of grants awarded by Collin County. Director Sferra responded that both grant proposals were submitted
on time along with requested modifications and are currently awaiting County approval which will be sometime in
Vice Chair Ward inquired on installing lighting for the Sage Creek trail on Riverway. Director Sferra suggested
possible sidewalk bond money is available to cover repair costs for the trail;however,no discussion has begun in
regards to installation of lighting. He also stated that two separate grants were requested,$100,000 for the Pheasant
Creek Park playground and$450,000 for the municipal trails;however,cities don't always get the exact amount of
funds that they request on grants because the Collin County Open Space Board typically spreads their funds
amongst many cities in the county. Vice Chair Ward asked if there was a maximum amount of grants a city can
submit,to which Director Sferra responded that there was no limit. Board Member White asked if the City was
pursuing any other forms of grants. Director Sferra responded no in that there are some grants offered which
necessitate the hiring of an outside consultant to prepare the applications.
There being no further business a motion to adjourn was made by Vice Chairman Ward and seconded by Board Member
Chesnut. The meeting was adjourned at 7:43 p.m.by unanimous consent.
Ja 'et Hawkes, Park Board Secretary Matt Rose, Park Board Chairman
Minutes July 23, 2012
Wylie Parks and Recreation Board Meeting
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