07-01-1991 (Planning & Zoning) Agenda Packet Posted: Friday, June 28, 1991 2:00 PM AGENDA REGULAR MEETING - PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION MONDAY , JULY 1 , 1991 7 : 00 PM - COUNCIL CHAMBERS WYLIE MUNICIPAL COMPLEX 2000 SII 78 N CALL TO ORDER ORDER OF PAGE BUSINESS REFERENCE BUSINESS 1 ---- Oath of Office , administered to newly appointed members , by City Secretary . 2 ---- Election of Chairman of the Planning & Zoning Commission for the 1991-92 year . 3. ---- Election of Vice-Chairman for P&Z for the 1991-92 year . 4 . 1 - 2 Consider approval of minutes for meeting held on June 17 , 1991 . 5 . Brief outline from Rick Herzberger of 1991 -92 Planning & Zoning Work. 6 . 3 - 10 Conduct PUBLIC HEARING on request for re-zoning from Single Family 3 ( SF3 ) to Business 2 ( B2 ) of Tracts 20, 16 , 14 , 21 and 36 out of the E . C . Davidson Survey, Abstract 267 (Martinez Addition) . 7 . Consider recommendation to City Council on the request for re- zoning from SF3 to B2 of Tracts 20 , 16 , 14 , 21 and 36 out of the E . C . Davidson Survey, Abstract 267 . 8 11 Conduct PUBLIC HEARING on the request for rezoning from Retail (R) to Business 1 ( B1 ) on lot 31 , Meadows Addition , Allan Atterbury Survey , Abstract 23 . 9. ---- Consider recommendation to the City Council on the request for re- zoning from R to B1 of lot 31 , Meadows Addition , Allan Atterbury Survey, Abstract 23 . 10 ---- Citizen Participation In accordance with the Open Meetings Act , any Board or Commission of the City of Wylie will hear comments of Public interest from residents and pertaining to items within the jurisdiction of the seated Board . Remarks will be limited to placing the item on a future agenda for consider-ation. Remarks must be limited to not more than five ( 5 ) ff minutes . 11 ADJOURN MINUTES PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION CITY OF WYLIE MONDAY, JUNE 17 , 1991 The City of Wylie Planning & Zoning Commission met in regular session at 7 : 00 PM on Monday, June 17 , 1991 in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex . A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted in the time and manner required by law. Those present were Chairman Bart Peddicord , Richard Eckman , Bobby Jennings , Cleo Adams , and Robert Flint . Absent were Cecelia Wood and George Fournier . This is the third consecutive , unexcused absence for member George Fournier . This matter is to be reported to the City Council . From the City Staff were Paul Beaver , City Engineer ; Rick Herzberger , Building Official , Nita Sims , Secretary and Barbara LeCocq , Secretary. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Bart Peddicord . ITEM NO. 1 - CONSIDER APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF MEETING HELD ON MONDAY, MAY 6 , 1991 : The Chairman asked for additions or corrections . There being none , a motion was made by Cleo Adams , seconded by Bobby Jennings to approve the minutes as submitted . Motion carried , all in favor . ITEM NO. 2 - DISCUSS AND CONSIDER FURTHER ADDITIONS TO THE LANDSCAPE ORDINANCE : Bobby Jennings directed attention to Section II , paragraph A of the proposed ordinance - "single dwellings" should read " family dwellings" . Rick Herzberger noted that this ordinance needs to include definite parameters in order to make application. Robert Flint and John Tobin suggested the deletion of the introductory paragraph under "Landscaping Requirements" . Comments : Section III , Paragraph A, sub-paragraph ( 1 ) , "drive-thru windows" should be deleted . Screening is primarily for storage and refuse areas . The requirements as set out in the Landscape Ordinance can only be applied to new construction . However , there may be instances where there is some kind of change in existing property and the City would like to have some control and to have some effect on preservation of architectural significance . Section III , Paragraph A, sub-paragraph 5 - is this intended to include the recycling bins the City has downtown? Cleo Adams noted that these bins are intended to be temporary and Bart Peddicord noted that they are refuse bins and therefore do not fall under this ordinance . Bobby Jennings said , that he would like to see the City keep the area around these recycling bins cleaned up and also that he hoped that someday , the entire downtown district could be designated an historic district . / A motion was made to make the changes that were discussed and return as an agenda item. Changes : Section II , A, change "single dwellings" to "family dwellings" ; Section III A, ( 1 ) delete "drive thru windows" ; B — "Landscaping Requirements" , remove the introductory paragraph . Motion seconded . Motion carried , all in favor . ITEM NO. 3 — CITIZEN PARTICIPATION: None ITEM NO. 4 — ADJOURNMENT: Chairman Peddicord asked for a motion to adjourn . Bobby Jennings said that before adjournment he would like to make a statement . He stated that it had been a pleasure to serve on the P&Z and that he learned a lot . He said that the appreciated the support he had received and that he hoped he had been able to contribute in a positive manner . He also noted that he was disappointed that personal political views could not be set aside to work in harmony for the City. Bart Peddicord stated that he agreed . Richard Eckman said that he also felt he had a lot of support and that he hoped the City staff would remain stable . A motion was made by Richard Eckman , seconded by Bobby Jennings . Meeting adjourned . Chairman , Planning & Zoning Respectfully submitted : Barbara LeCocq , Secretary Np12 lite CITY OF WYLIE 2000 HWY 78 N - P.O. BOX 428 WYLIE, TEXAS 75098 214.442.2236 TO: PLANNING AND ZONING MEMBERS FROM: RICK HERZBERGER , BUILDING AND ZONING OFFICIAL DATE: JUNE 28 , 1991 SUBJECT: COMMENTS ON ZONE CHANGE PROPOSALS I . MEADOWS : RETAIL TO BUSINESS-1 A. Retail purpose - neighborhood shopping facilities which provide limited business service and office facilities predominantly for the convenience of residents of the community . B . B-1 purpose - intended predominantly for commercial activities of service nature which typically have operating characteristics ( limited outside or open storage ) or traffic service requirements of greater intensity than retail shopping and residential environments . C. Use regulations allowed in B-1 and not Retail . 1 . all uses in Retail - see attached sheet for Retail uses . 2 . Gas services station or car care . 3 . Mortuary or Funeral Home. 4 . Feed store 5 . Restaurant with drive-in service. 6 . Second hand furniture, clothing store. 7 . Quick service food or beverage shop. 8 . Car wash. 9 . Auto glass muffler and seat cover. 10 . Automobile or motorcycle sales (indoor) . 11 . Building material sales . 12 . Lawn equipment repair. 13 . Radio TV or microwave tower. 14 . LTD warehousing and distribution. 15 . Pest control business . 16 . Additional specific uses when approved: Open storage, Fenced outside plant sale, Retail only / Feed and seed store with outside sales . j CITY OF' WYLIE 2000 HWY 78 N - P.O. BOX 428 WYLIE,TEXAS 75098 214-442-2236 D. Recommended consideration by Planning and Zoning Members : 1 . B-1 uses compatible with area zoning plus land use - see map. 2 . Increase in traffic. 3 . Uses and compatibility with school area . 4 . ALL Retail or Business-1 activity will be required to construct a 6 foot masonry or wood fence separating the Residential area from the Business or Retail use. II . MARTINEZ : SINGLE FAMILY TO BUSINESS-2 TRACTS 20 , 16 , 14 , 21 & 36 A. See attached sheet for B-2 uses B . See attached map for land use . C. Staff recommendation for zone change for following reasons : 1 . Increase the area of Commercial land use, which is compatible with the zoning in surrounding area. 2 . Clarify existing zoning ordinances relating to this area of proposed zone change (new zoning map research) . 3 . With B-2 zoning, remain compatible with existing SF-3 Zoning / Note: Tract 20 use will be required to construct a 6 foot wood or masonry fence . t11,11111,1,1111,1„11111,,,tt111t111,,,111111111,1i111,I„111,11t1111111,,,1„111,,111111111,,,,111$1111111111t111t11,11illtt/1t111 :ORE aaL. 4aott lilt u. t tot tot tot tir u► tot ►taki*l PRINCIPAL : tr. 10111C DESCRIPTION ktigkt S-E-T S-A-C-I;-S tttt widtk dtptk tut foray t tti.11 i :USSE`OF :111,111,111i111111,Ii1,1t,It1,111111,11statusfi1L j.a 1�li111 ,1 811l,1,11Imiaima�1111i11µ1�i1s1e1�11,Iwtl11MAi,lilsl��I su.a111OOUEIOtSTII AIA.itatutat 31 4t. SI 4t. SI it' 1S 4t I WE ISO 4t MO K. 1311 44 11 1 1 for MES/AC :Ft Si.ytt Ftaity Muidtati.tt-I 31 4t. IS 4t. I it. 2S 4t. 11,101 14t. 15 it. 111 K. 1111 44 4S 1 1 CIE HOMES 'I Siaytt Faai.tg Mttidtatia.t-2 31 4t. 2S 4t. 1 4t. 2S it. 1,511 14t 10 4t. III it. 1511 Al 45 1 1 CIE HOMES '7 Si.Aytt Wit! M uide&ttitt-3 31 4t. 23 4t. c 4t. 25 4t. 7,200 Alt ei 1t. 100 4t. 1111 44 IS 1 1 CIE HOMES Two Fatty Mu. IOuptu.) 30 it. 25 4t. 14t. 2S 4t. t,501Ait/: 10 1t./2 173 K. 111 44 4S 1 I P/U' DUPLEXES -A Siaytt Wily- Attatktd 31 4t. 2S 4t. 10 4t.' 20 It.' 7,101 Alt.' 24 4t' III K. 1211 Al 11 1 1.5 P/U' TOWNHOUSES F Mttti:-Faai,ty lt4idu.tiit 33 4t. 23 it. 14t.' 21 it. 7,111 ,4t.' IO 4t. 111 4t. 131 Al 4S 1 2.5 P/U APARTMENTS H Matt4aett ud/Modata.t H19. 31 4t. IS 4t. II 4t. 11 4t. 1201 44t. IO it. 110 4t. 1111 14 4S 1 1 for MOTILE HOMES Wait 111 4t. IS 4t. 11 4t.' 11 4t. gut boat Am Aott IS I ' RETAIL/OFFICE -I 8mAia uA Diataie,t It 100 4t. 21 it. II 4t.' 10 4t. tort Aott AOAt Aott SO 1 ' HI TMAF.SALES -I 8wiaul 0ut4iet 12 110 4t. 10 4t. IO 4t.' 2S 4t. Aoft Ao't Aoft Lou SO 1 ' OUTSIDE SALES Ixdutxist Didtxi.et 100 4t. 21 4t. 20 4t' /Loft' /Loft loft um' am SO 1 ' MANUFACTURING ' = Attd to fid tkt etatiof ix tkL otdi.A.:Att 4:tcL4itatty 1 t tuts:::st*sssssts:stsststtststss:tsssssstssssstsstststssssstst::sssss*ttss:ssssssstsstttsst:stt*t:*:::tuts::*:t:t:stststststssts SUMMARY OF USES AND OTHER RELATED INFORMATION CONCERNING COMMERCIAL ZONING OF THE CITY OF WYLIE 'tttttftt*t::ttt*t:*t::::t:*tt:*::u*:*tt*:tt*:t:::t**t:tt::t**::ttt*:s ts::**::t**ttt*t::ssss::::::*:t*tttt*ttttutuust 1 R t 81 s ll B1 * I ut t*:ttsst:tts:stts*****:::a ttstststsststtstm Cutts:::::*ta t:::a tptat.* tststuttstmtststttstttstsststtssttsisiststsists RETAIL : BUSINESS 1 : BUSINESS 2 * INDUSTRIAL tint**:::*tt*:::sssss:M MIt:us::its**t::tstttstts:::ssss*:::t*ts:t*ts:Cats:salt:::**sins:::::tttttttt*:*ssss:tuts ut:ist: * ALL USES PERMITTED IN RETAIL* ALL USES PERMITTED IN 81 OR : ALL USES PERMITTED IN R, 81 1 BANKS OR SAVINGS & LOANS ZONING DISTRICT R ZONING DISTRICT & 82 ZONING DISTRICT WINO DRIVE THRUS t t 2 CLINIC, MEDICAL OR DENTAL : : * 3 LABORATORY, MEDICAL OR s t t DENTAL 4 OFFICE, GENERAL * : * $ OPTICAL SHOP : * t 6 STUDIO,ART,MUSIC,DRAMA, * : * SPEECH 7 LETTER & MIMEOGRAPH SHOP $ t s 8 GARDEN SHOP a PLANT SALES, : : * tr— INSIDE 3 VETERINARIAN OFFICE, NO * : * HOSPITAL 10 FLORIST SHOP s * t 11 ANTIQUE SHOP, ENCLOSED : s * 2 BAXERY OR CONFECTION SHOP, * : * L*-.'" RETAIL 3 BARBER OR BEAUTY SHOP : * t :4 BOOK, CAMERA OR CARO SHOP : t s :S CLOTHING & APPAREL STORE : t t :6 CLEANING S LAUNDRY PICK-UP t t * STATION :7 DISCOUNT, VARIETY OR : t : DEPARTMENT STORE :8 DRUG STORE : t * :9 DRAPERY, NEEDLEWORK OR t t t WEAVING SHOP ZO SUPERMARKET : t * :1 FURNITURE AND APPLIANCE s : * :2 HANDICRAFT OR HOBBY SHOP : t * :3 KEY SHOP : t * 14 LAUNDRY OR DRY CLEANING, : * t SELF-SERVICE $ HEALTH STUDIO : : * 6 PAINT,WALLPAPER & HARDWARE s * * '7 PERSONAL SERVICE SHOP ' : * * 1 PHOTOGRAPHY STUDIO * * : • 9.SHOE REPAIR : * • * 0 RESTURANT W/WO DRIVE IN : * * SERVICE 1 TOOL RENTAL,INSIDE ONLY * * * 2 AUTO PARTS AND ACCESSORIES, * * * NEW 3 MEDICAL APPLIANCES,FITTING * * * f L AND SALES 34 BUS PICKUP POINT 3S MOTION PICTURE THEATRE, = t = INDOOR 36 HO L OR MOTEL 37 PUBLIC BUILDINGS INCLUDING = _ _ FIRE STATIONS i LIBRARY 38 PRIVATE OR BUSINESS RADIO = = s TOWER 39 WATER RESERVOIRS, PUMPING s = s PLANTS i WELLS 40 TELEPHONE OR UTILITY s = s BUSINESS OFFICE 41 TELEPHONE EXCHANGE, SWITCH- s = s ING i TRANSMITTING EQUIP 42 SEWAGE PUMPING OR LIFT = = s STATION 43 CHURCH,SYNAGOGUE OR RECTORY = = 44 SCHOOL,PRIVATE OR PUBLIC 45 DAY NURSERY OR CHILD CARE _ CENTER 46 HOSPITAL = _ :: LODGE OR FRATERNAL = • - , ORGANIZATION 48 NURSING HOME OR RESIDEENCE = FOR THE AGED 49 ELECTRICAL TRANSMISSION = LINES 1 SUBSTATION SO HEALTHIFITNESS CENTERS = SI PUBLIC SWIMMING POOL, INDOOR;OUTDOOR 52 RADIO,TV,APPLIANCE SHOP = GASOLINE SERVICE STATION OR = _ CAR CARE CENTER = MORTUARY OR FUNERAL HOME _ _ = FEED STORE _ 2 = SECOND HAND FURNITURE, _ _ CLOTHING STORE = QUICK SERVICE FOOD OR = _ -- BEVERAGE SHOP? = CAR WASH = _ = AUTO GLASS, MUFFLER AND SEAT COVER = AUTOMOBILE OR MOTORCYCLE SALES, INDOOR = BUILDING MATERIALS SALES = _ s LAWN EQUIPMENT REPAIR = RADIO,TV OR MICROWAVE TOWER _ = LTD. WAREHOUSING AND = _ DISTRIBUTION s PEST CONTROL BUSINESS = PUBLIC OR PRIVATE UTILITY 2 s SHOP i MAINTENANCE = PUBLIC i PRIVATE AMUSEMENTS s 7 t t : ANIMAL CLINIC OR HOSPITAL t = WITH OUTSIDE RUNS t i t PLANT NURSERY OR GREENHOUSE * t t KENNELS WITH OUTSIDE RUNS : t t : TOOL & TRAILER RENTAL, t OUTSIDE STORAGE i : t AUTOMOBILE OR MOTORCYCLE : t SALES, NEW OR USED t : t AUTOMOBILE REPAIR GARAGE t t : t AUTO PAINTING OR BODY SHOP : t I t AUTO STORAGE OR SALES LOT' : $ : t MOBILE HOME SALES : s + TRUCK PARKING LOT OR GARAGE t : : • . '!r.MIN4 DOOI , COMMERCIAL : : I T: : : t J;.r CLEANING PLAN OR t : LAUNDRY t : t ENGINE 0? MOTOR REPAIR t t t MACHINERY SALES : : : t MACHINE OR WELDING REPAIR : t SHOP t : t VEHICLE RENTAL BUSINESS t _ : t LUMBER YARD : s : : MAINTENANCE/CONTRACTOR YARD t _ : : TENNIS COURTS,COMMERCIAL : t t PLUMBING,HEAT&AC SHOPS t t : t MINI OR CONVENIENCE t 2 WAREHOUSE : t BOWLING ALLEYS : STABLES,PRIVATE/COMMERCIAL _ : 1 t SWIMMING POOL, COMMERCIAL : OR PRIVATE, OUTSIDE _ t ANIMAL POUND,PUBLIC/PRIVATE : : I + .AREHOUSE AND ENCLOSED STORAGE t t + t LIGHT FABRICATION AND : ASSEMBLY PROCESSES : t t t MANUFACTURING PROCESSES : t - t CABINET SHOP s : : t NEWSPAPER OR COMMERCIAL PRINT SHOP $ : : s BAKERY AND CONFECTIONARY, t WHOLESALE t 2 t * BOTTLING PLANT s = : s MOTOR FREIGHT TERMINAL t t t : i t tititttttttttttttitsttts a: t tttt::tititt:::::t::::::::: : :tt:::::::::::::::::t:::::t : :::::::ss::at:::at::tt:st SPECIFIC USES : SPECIFIC USES : SPECIFIC USES * SPECIFIC USES 1 HELIPORT : HELIPORT t AIRPORT, HELIPORT OR t AIRPORT, HELIPORT OR • 2 BROADCASTING FACILITIES, s CEMETERY ' LANDING FIELD LANDING FIELD RADIOS,TV OR MICROWAVE t COMMERCIAL AMUSEMENTS, : CEMETERY OR MAUSOLEUM t CEMETERY OR MAUSOLEUM TOWER INDOOR OR OUTDOOR t COMMERCIAL AMUSEMENT, : COMMERCIAL AMUSEMENTS, • I TOWER INDOOR OR OUTDOOR t COMMERCIAL AMUSEMENT, t COMMERCIAL AMUSEMENTS, 3 CEMETERY OR MAUSOLEUM s GOLF COURSE, PUBLIC OR INDOOR OR OUTDOOR INDOOR OR OUTDOOR 4 SCHOOL, COMMERCIAL, TRADE PRIVATE I GOLF COURSE, PRIVATE OR t GOLF COURSE, PRIVATE OR OR CRAFT t PRIVATE CLUB, SERVING PUBLIC PUBLIC S GOLF COURSE, PUBLIC OR ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES t PRIVATE CLUB, SERVING t PRIVATE CLUB, SERVING PRIVATE * OPEN STORAGE,FENCED ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES 6 PRIVATE CLUB, SERVING * RODEO OR OTHER SPORTS ARENA t RODEO OR OTHER SPORTS ARENA t JUNK OR SALVAGE YARDS ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES t OUTSIDE PLANT SALES,RETAIL t THEATRE,DRIVE IN * OTHER MANUFACTURING AND 71 RODEO OR OTHER SPORTS ARENA i t ANIMAL POUND, PUBLIC OR INDUSTRIAL USES 8 COMMERCIAL AMUSEMENTS, t PRIVATE t INDOOR OR OUTDOOR s t i s t i t t f t s I t t i Itti22iftz2f222222iitztttitttt t ttittttii*itit2tztizttttttt t slttttisslttttittttitssittt t Iti222tt222f222t22t22222222 GENERAL PROVISIONS t GENERAL PROVISIONS t GENERAL PROVISIONS i GENERAL PROVISIONS 1 RETAIL SALES OF SIMILAR t COMMERCIAL ACTIVITIES OF t OPERATIONS SIMILAR TO THOSE s USES, COMMERCIAL AND NATURE SERVICE NATURE SPECIFIED MANUFACTURING 2 CONDUCTED WITHIN ENCLOSED t MORE TRAFFIC THAN RETAIL OR t USES NOT CARRIED ON i BUILDING RESIDENTIAL COMPLETELY WITHIN t 3 YARDS NOT USED FOR DISPLAY, i LIMITED OUTSIDE OR OPEN BUILDING t SALE OR STORAGE STORAGE I t 4 MERCHANDISE SOLD AT RETAIL t I t S USE NOT BE OBJECTIONABLE t I t DUE TO ODOR,IIGHT,SMOKE t I i I t I t 2 I I t t I t t t I I t ttitt22ttztt*ttt22tts222iifttt t 2IIt22222t*t22ittltittitttt t 22iislitttitittttitttIttitt t tttit12ittttttitttitIttts22 OTHER REGULATIONS t OTHER REGULATIONS t OTHER REGULATIONS I OTHER REGULATIONS 1 MAXIMUM HEIGHT-100 FEET t MAXIMUM HEIGHT -100 FEET t MAXIMUM HEIGHT-100 FEET t MAXIMUM HEIGHT-t00 FEET 2 FRONT YARD SET BACK-25 FEET * FRONT YARD SET BACK-20 FEET t FRONT YARD SET BACK-20 FEET t FRONT YARD SET BACK-20 FEET 3 SIDE YARD TO STREET OR s SIDE YARD TO STREET OR t SIDE YARD TO STREET OR s SIDE YD.TO ST,PROP.IINE-20' PROPERTY LINE-10 FEET PROPERTY LINE-10 FEET PROPERTY LINE-10 FEET i REAR YD.SET BACK-20'WHEN 4 REAR YARD SET BACK-20 FEET i REAR YARD SET BACK-20 FEET t REAR YARD SET BACK-20 FEET NEXT TO RESIDENTIAL S FENCE REQUIRED WHEN NO ALLEY t FENCE REQUIRED WHEN ABUTS t FENCE REQUIRED WHEN ABUTS * FNCE REO.WHEN ABUTS RESIDEN PRESENT RESIDENTIAL RESIDENTIAL t NO MIN.LOT AREA,WIDTH,DEPTH 6 NO MINMUM LOT AREA, WIDTH OR t NO MINIMUM LOT AREA, WIDTH t NO MINIMUM LOT AREA, WIDTH t MAXIMUM LOT COVERAGE-50t DEPTH DEPTH DEPTH i 7 MAXIMUM LOT COVERAGE-45% : MAXIMUM LOT COVERAGE-50% t MAXIMUM LOT COVERAGE-50% t t t I t t I I t t s I I 2 t t i ittittitittttttttttttttUtitttittittittttitsiitittu ttittitIitt m ttttttIttttittittIttttitltttitttstttttttn ittttttttt2 t NOTE * THIS SCHEDULE OF USES AND COMMENTS ON COMMERCIAL TONING IN THE CITY OF WYLIE IS INTENDED TO BE USED AS A • SUMMARY, THE ACTUAL ZONING ORDINANCE SHALL BE USED AS THE SPECIFIC FINAL AUTHORITY ssus22222tsstttisittststitlttsttttf22ssttitmtu tttttstiit2ttttit22tttitttttittitttttitsittitstststtitsittiststitttsss 1 • 2 l ,, 24 4 / GoIliNS 1 OPT P � ti t° i 1Z .AF 4111)P { A P io6rA P .. — TX- VI I 21 l Ii \ I \ lAi kd,. • \ \ 141 1 \ W 5 \ Q (�0,. k c� . 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