02-18-1991 (Planning & Zoning) Agenda Packet DAte Posted: Friday, Feb. 15, 1991 Time Posted: 4:00 PM AGENDA REGULAR MEETING PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS MONDAY, FEBRUARY 18 , 1991 7 : 30 P. M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS MUNICIPAL COMPLEX 2000 HIGHWAY 78 NORTH CALL TO ORDER ORDER OF PAGE BUSINESS REFERENCE BUSINESS 1 1 - 4 Consider approval of minutes from November 5 , 1990 and January 21, 1991 meetings 2 5 - 6 Discussion of Landscape Ordinance 3 Consider recommendation to City Council of Landscape Ordinance 4 Consider annexation and de-annexation proceedings 5 Adjourn PLANNING AND ZONING MEETING MINUTES NOVEMBER 5, 1990 The City of Wylie Planning and Zoning Commission met in regular session at 7 :00 p.m. on Monday, November 5, 1990 in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex. A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted in the time and manner required by law. Those present were Chairman Bart Peddicord, Vice Chairperson Cecelia Wood, Richard Eckman, Robert Flint and new member George Fournier. Staff members present were Director of Community Development and Planning Ed Richie, City Secretary Carolyn Jones and Secretary Sandy Stevens . City Secretary Carolyn Jones administered Oath of Office to new member George Fournier. CONSIDER APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF THE OCTOBER 1, 1990 MEETING. There being no corrections made to the minutes , Robert Flint made a motion to approve them as they stand. Richard Eckman seconded the motion. Motion carried with all in favor. CONSIDER RECOMMENDATION TO CITY COUNCIL FOR A ZONE CHANGE FROM "A", AGRICULTURAL, TO "PD", PLANNED DEVELOPMENT, OF PART OF A 30 ACRE TRACT OF LAND LOCATED IN THE E. C. DAVIDSON SURVEY, ABST. 266 AS RECORDED IN VOL. 671, PAGE 720 OF THE COLLIN COUNTY DEED RECORDS AS REQUESTED BY MARK KERSTEIN. Present to speak in favor of the zone change was Mark Kerstein of 971 Red Cedar Way in Coppell , Texas . Also present to speak in favor of the zone change was Elliot White who is employed by Senator Bentsen to finish Westgate Way and its thoroughfares . Present to speak against the zone change was Cheryl Edwards of 613 Andersonville Lane. Also present to speak against the zone change were Bob Graf of 615 Andersonville and Jim Schumbeck, a member of Texans United in Dallas which is a statewide environmental group. Vice chairperson Cecelia Wood made a motion to recommend approval to the City Council for a zone change from Agricultural to Planned Development with the recommendation they research the environmental aspects of the area. Robert Flint seconded the motion. Motion carried with Chairman Peddicord and George Fournier voting for and Richard Eckman voting against the change. CONSIDER RECOMMENDATION TO CITY COUNCIL FOR PRELIMINARY PLAT OF OAK RIDGE ADDITION. Robert Flint made a motion to recommend approval to the City Council for the preliminary plat of Oak Ridge Addition. George Fournier seconded the motion. Motion carried with all in favor. RECESS REGULAR BUSINESS MEETING. Chairman Bart Peddicord announced a five minute recess and extended an invitation to the workshop after the recess to anyone interested. @ONV NE FOR WORKSHOP TO DISCUSS DEVELOPMENT ORDINANCES, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ZONING, SUBDIVISION, LANDSCAPE, SIGNAGE AND LAND USE PLANNING, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO MAPPING AND COMPREHENSIVE PLANNING. The members discussed a need for regular work sessions to discuss goals for quality development as Wylie grows . The adoption of a landscape ordinance and updating the sign and specific use ordinances were also discussed. Developing subcommittees within the Planning and Zoning Commission to study particular facets of ordinances or items was suggested. The development of a matrix system for the zoning ordinances was discussed. Not accepting written material presented during the meetings by speakers , due to the members lack of time to review it properly, was also covered. Setting a deadline for such material to be received by the Community Development and Planning office was discussed. ADJOURN. Vice chairperson Wood made a motion to adjourn. George Fournier seconded the motion. Motion carried with all in favor. Bart Peddicord, Chairman Respectfully submitted, Sandy Stevens, Secretary PLANNING AND ZONING MEETING MINUTES JANUARY 21, 1991 The City of Wylie Planning and Zoning Commission met in regular session at 7 :00 p.m. on Monday, January 21 , 1991 in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex. A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted in the time and manner required by law. Those present were Chairman Bart Peddicord, Vice Chairperson Cecelia Wood, Robert Flint , Cleo Adams , George Fournier, Bobby Jennings and Robert Eckman. Staff member present was Director of Community Development Ed Richie. DISCUSS LANDSCAPE ORDINANCE. Director of Community Development Ed Richie asked for any suggestions or comments on a Landscape Ordinance . Mr. George Fournier replied that Plano has a short ordinance which makes it easier to enforce. Mr . Bobby Jennings said that the types of trees need to be specified to prevent those that are a nuisance. Mr. Richie said that a landscape ordinance is wanted to improve the urban image, but not be so restrictive that everyone has the same thing. Members of the Commission agreed that a landscape ordinance is needed, but to keep it simple and include a guideline and a list of recommended trees . Vice Chairperson Cecelia Wood made a motion to table the item. Mr. Jennings seconded the motion. Motion carried with all in favor. DISCUSS ZONING CLASSIFICATIONS. Mr. Richie explained that many zoning classifications need to be reviewed and updated. Mr . Richie said that he has completed a preliminary Matrix for use designation in the zoning classifications for the Commission's review. Vice Chairperson Wood made a motion to table the item. Mr. Jennings seconded the motion. Motion carried with all in favor . ADJOURN. Motion carried with all in favor to adjourn Bart Peddicord, Chairman Respectfully submitted, Sandy Stevens , Secretary LANDSCAPING REQUIREMENTS In non-residential districts, excluding the existing downtown area, the following landscaping requirements shall apply: 1 . Every lot shall provide a minimum of 5% of the lot area to be utilized for landscaping. A minimum of one-half of the required landscaping area shall be located in the front yard . Required landscaping area shall not include driveways , paved walks , or right-of-way or easements for streets or alleys where a fence or wall is required by ordinance, the fence or wall may be located within the required landscaping area . 2 . Visibility requirements - on any corner lot , all landscaping, whether or not required by this ordinance, shall be designed and maintained so that it shall not obstruct the vision of a motor vehicle driver approaching any street, alley or driveway intersection. When a driveway intersects a public right-of-way, all landscape within the triangular areas described below shall provide unobstructed cross visibility at a level between thirty (30) inches and nine ( 9) feet above the street grade level . The visibility triangle shall be determined by projecting a line fifteen (15) feet along the street right- of-way and fifteen feet along the internal driveway and connecting the ends of the two lines . 3 . All required landscape areas shall consist of a combination of trees , grass , shrubs , ground cover and other live plant material contained in the recommended plant list . The combination shall consist of at least one (1) tree, ten feet (10 ' ) tall , or two ( 2 ) trees not less than two inches ( 2") in diameter, for each one thousand ( 1 ,000 ) square feet of required landscape area . RECOMMENDED PLANT LIST LARGE TREES SMALL TREES Pecan Yaupon Hollies Red Oak Crepe Myrtle Burr Oak Wax Myrtle Water Oak Cherry Laurel Southern Magnolia Red Bud Live Oak Japanese Black Pine Bald Cypress Cedar Elm EVERGREEN SHRUBS GROUND COVER Red Tip Photinia Asian Jasmine Burford Holly Honeysuckle Nellie R. Stevens English Ivy Chinese Holly Boston Ivy Yaupon Holly Liriope Clearra Monkey Grass Nandinnia Virginia Creeper Dwarf Crepe Myrtle Vinca Japanese Ligustrum Mondo Grass Waxleaf Ligustrum Ophia Pogon Abelia Elaeagnus Junipers Purple Sage Barberry PROHIBITED TREES Silver Maple Hackberry Green Ash Arizona Ash Mulberry Cottonwood Mimmosa Syberian Elm American Elm Willow Sycamore 4 . All plant material shall be maintained at all times in a living and growing condition. 5 . Adjacent right-of-way shall be properly maintained, but shall not be included in the required landscape area.