02-19-1990 (Planning & Zoning) Agenda Packet AGENDA REGULAR MEETING PLANNING AND maw COMMISSION CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS MOlDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1990 7:00 P. M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS MUNICIPAL FLEX 2000 HIGHWAY 78 NORTH CALL TO ORDER ORDER OF PAGE BUSINESS REFERENCE BUSINESS 1 1 - 8 Discussion of landscape Ordinance 2 Adjourn NOTICE OF REGULAR MEETING Notice is hereby given that a committee of the City of Wylie will meet at 7:00 P. M. on the /9 day of ,1990, in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex at 2000 Hwy. 78 North, in the City of Wylie, Texas, for the purpose of considering the attached agenda. Carolyn s, S cretary POSTED THIS THE /4( DAY OF ,1990, AT `/,/, 3D / M. LANDSCAPE AND SCREENING REGULATIONS 1 Purpose and Applicability: (A) Purpose: The purpose of this Chapter is to '<— provide standards for the installation of landscaping and screening devices. Required landscaping and screening devices are intended to control dust, glare and erosion; to assist in screening objectionable light, views and noises ; to visually soften building masses ; to aid in air quality improvement and effectuate privacy; and to enhance property values. ( 3 ) Applicability: The regulations of this Chapter shall apply to: 1 . All buildings and uses of land except single dwellings and agricultural buildings. Existing properties , when a change in the distinguishing traits or primary features of the use of a building or land as evidenced by increased parking requirements , change in occupancy designation, change in outside • storage , or other features occur after the • effective date of this Ordinance . Use cf a building or land shall refer to the primary or specific purpose for which the building or land is occupied, designed, intended or maintained. 2 Landscaping Regulations : (A) General Provisions : 1 . Landscaped Areas : Landscaped areas may include trees , shrubs , vegetative, organic and inorganic ground cover and other organic and inorganic materials , excluding paving materials for vehicular access , as identified in an approved landscaped plan. 2 . Trees : Trees , where required by this Ordinance shall be a minimum size as specified below: (a) Fifteen ( 15 ) gallon trees shall have a minimum trunk height of six ( 6 ) feet , I J wit: a minimum one ( 1 ) inch caliper measured one foot ( 1 ' ) from the base of the tree. Multi-trunk trees may have smaller average caliper measurements. hie at elializon zrafirkkuibenfa (b) Twenty four ( 24 ) inch box trees are defined as full-bodied trees with a shape characteristic of the species and with a minimum size of ten ( 10) feet in height, six ( 6 ) feet in width with a two ( 2 ) inch single trunk caliper or one ( 1 ) inch average trunk caliper for multiple trunk trees or an eight foot ( 8 ' ) trunk height for palms . Nondeciduous trees shall be used when screening adjacent properties . (d) Required trees shall be a minimum fifteen ( 15 ) gallon size with fifty percent ( 50% ) of the required number to be twenty-four ( 24 ) inch box size or larger . 3 . Shrubs , where required by this Ordinance , shall have a minimum mature growth height of eighteen ( 18 ) inches . At least fifty percent ( 50% ) of the shrubs required under this Section shall be a minimum of five ( 5 ) gallon in size upon installation, but in no case shall any shrub be less than one ( 1 ) gallon in size . 4 . Ground Cover: Ground cover, where required by this Ordinance , may be of two ( 2 ) types : ( a ) Vegetative ( organic ) ground cover consisting of living plant materials characterized by horizontal , as well as vertical growth, which generally does not exceed eighteen ( 18 ) inches in height . (b) Organic or inorganic ground cover which is used to landscape areas not covered with vegetative material consisting of gravel, decomposed granite, crushed rock, bark chips, or other approved materials . 2 . An irrigation system shall be provided to all landscaped areas containing living plant materials, unless otherwise approved. 3 . Lack of maintenance as above described, shall constitute a violation of this Ordinance. The property owner and/or occupant or lessee shall be held jointly and severally liable for any infraction of the requirements set forth in this Chapter. 3 Screening Regulations: (A) General Provisions : 1 . walls , fences , landscaping, or other screening devices , are required for screening of activities including mechanical equipment , refuse areas , adjacent developments , service bays , drive through windows , parking and maneuvering areas , and outdoor storage, from adjacent property and public streets. 2 . The height of screening devices , shall be measured from the highest , finished, adjacent grade of the element to be screened. 3 . Screening devices , required by this Chapter shall be of masonry construction or earthen berm except for screening of roof mounted mechanical equipment; except that a maximum of fifty percent ( 50% ) of the required device may be composed of live vegetation materials equivalent in effect to the required masonry structure along street frontages . 4 . All required screening devices shall be architecturally compatible with the materials and design of the site development. 5 . when adjacent to residential uses the entire perimeter screening device along interior property lines shall be installed in the first phase of development . (B) Screening Design Standards: 1 . Mechanical equipment, electrical meter and service components , and similar utility devices , whether ground level, wall mounted, or roof mounted, shall be screened and l 1 S designed to appear as an integral part of he building. 2 . Refuse areas shall be screened with a six ( 6 ) foot masonry wall. 3 . A screening device at least six ( 6) feet in height shall be provided along interior property lines separating individual development sites , except around pads in group commercial developments or adjacent development sites displaying common driveways, shared parking or vehicular cross access easements . Within the required front yard the screening device shall not exceed a height of three ( 3 ) feet. 4 . Loading, delivery and service bays which face toward a public street and which are not separated from the public street by intervening buildings , or by a distance of at least one hundred ( 100 ) feet shall be screened to a height of at least six ( 6 ) feet. 5 . Vehicle lanes for drive through windows shall be screened from a public street to a height of at least three ( 3 ) feet. 6 . Parking areas and driving lanes adjacent to the required front yard shall be screened to a height of at least three ( 3 ) feet. 7 . Outdoor storage areas shall be screened from the public street to a height of at least six ( 6 ) feet. 8 . Outdoor display of merchandise adjacent to the required front yard shall be screened to a height of at least three ( 3 ) feet. I (C) Standards for Landscape Design and Development: 1 . Landscaping adjacent to public rights-of-way: ( a ) Non-arterial Street: A twenty ( 20 ) foot wide landscaped strip shall be established adjacent and parallel to the frontage of a non-arterial street measured from the future right-of-way. (b) Arterial Street: A ten ( 10 ) foot wide landscaped strip shall be established adjacent and parallel to the frontage of an arterial street measured from the future width line, except that a fifteen ( 15 ) foot wide landscaped strip shall he established adjacent to intersections of arterial streets as shown in the diagram below: ( L A t l I l I A l t T I I t t 1♦ S Wi r r S 1 r r, rl a. [IgYI.01•1411 U6- ^'3� LANot(A►INI, 14D 41 WILDING WSW. LINE 263 6S'LOw - r ID' .I �• I - coo' sees' I 1.3� I 1U(sNT•or•WAY N►NS•r et LIL.4 DS CAPt D I' •• (c ) One tree and three ( 3 ) shrubs shall be planted in this landscaped strip for every twenty-five ( 25 ' ) of street frontage. Clustering of such trees an..: shrubs is permitted, provided no tree shall be within five ( 5 ) feet of another. A portion of the required crees and shrubs may be placed in the right-of-way adjacent to the property. (d) The slope of any earth berm shall not exceed a vertical to horizontal ratio of one to two ( 1 : 2 ) and shall be treated with a suitable ground cover to prevent soil erosion. (e ) That portion of the required landscaped strip not landscaped with trees, shrubs or organic ground cover shall be landscaped with inorganic ground cover or other approved landscape treatment. 2 . Landscaping adjacent to interior property _ lines : 4: J7 ( a ) A ten ( 10 ) foot wide landscaped strip minimum shall be maintained along all interior property lines , except around pads in Group Commercial Developments , or adjacent development sites displaying common driveways , shared parking or vehicular cross access easements , or between two adjacent industrial uses . (b) A minimum of one tree and one shrub shall be planted in this landscaped strip for each fifteen ( 15 ) feet of adjacent property line. Required trees shall be planted at fifteen ( 15 ) feet on center . Existing mature trees to be retained may be accepted in lieu of this requirement , if such landscaping substantially complies with the above requirement . Spacing must be maintained to provide required screening. Grouping of trees may be accomplished by providing additional trees . (c ) That portion of the required landscaped strip not landscaped with trees, shrubs or organic ground cover, shall be landscaped with inorganic ground cover or other approved landscape treatment. 3 . Additional landscaping within interior of parking: (a) For every ten ( 10 ) required parking l 6 spaces, or portion thereof, a minimum` of one tree and two ( 2) shrubs shall be provided within the interior of the parking area. Trees located in the interior of the parking area shall have a clear trunk of at least five ( 5) feet to afford adequate visibility. Shrubs located in the interior of the parking areas shall not exceed three ( 3 ) feet in height. (b) Landscaped areas shall contain a minimum of fifty ( 50 ) square feet and shall have a minimum average width of at least five ( 5 ) feet. (c ) That portion of the required landscaping in the interior of parking areas not landscaped with trees, shrubs , or organic ground cover, shall be landscaped with inorganic ground cover or other approved landscape treatment . 4 . landscaping of multiple-residence open space areas : Multiple-residence developments shall provide a minimum cf one tree and two ( 2 ) shrubs in the common or open space areas for each dwelling unit. 5 . Foundation Landscaping: (a ) Landscaping to a minimum height of eighteen ( 18 ) inches is required immediately adjacent to, or provided in planter areas adjacent to , buildings which have frontage on a public street . (b) A minimum of fifty percent ( 50% ) of the building frontage facing the public street shall be landscaped. (c) The minimum width of this landscaped area shall be three ( 3 ) feet and shall be designed to avoid vehicle overhang into this area. (D) Maintenance of Landscaping: 1 . The property owner and/or lessee shall maintain all landscape materials and landscaped areas in accordance with the approved landscape plan. 7 5. Irrigation Systems: Irrigation systems required by this Ordinance shall be underground, automatic watering systems , unless otherwise approved. 6. Perimeter landscaping: Required landscaped areas adjacent to the property lines of the site shall be installed with the first phase of construction when adjacent to residence districts. 7 . Landscaped areas, where required, shall be maintained free from encroachment by any use, structure or feature not a part of the landscaping design. (3) Landscaping Design Plan: 1 . When Plan Review is required by this Code as specified in Chapter 17 , the following information shall be shown cn the development plans to determine compliance with this Section. ( a ) Materials to be utilized. (b) Location and spacing of existing and proposed plant materials . (c ) Size and height of all plant materials at time of installation. (d) Proposed treatment of all ground surfaces . ( e ) Irrigation or watering plans . ( f ) Other such data as may assist in determining the effects of the development on surrounding properties . • 2 . All development plans or landscape plans submitted shall be reviewed and approved in accordance with the Plan Review procedures set forth in Chapter 17 prior to the issuance of a Building Permit. 3 . Landscaping shall be installed with adequate 1 precautions to insure survival , as shown on the approved development plan or landscape plan, prior to issue of a Certificate of Occupancy for the building or use. 1