10-02-1989 (Planning & Zoning) Agenda Packet DATE POSTED 9-29-89 TIME POSTED 9:01 A.M. AGENDA PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING, CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS MONDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1989 7 :00 P. M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS MUNICIPAL COMPLEX 2000 HIGHWAY 78 NORTH CALL TO ORDER ORDER OF PAGE BUSINESS REFERENCE BUSINESS 1 1 - 3 Consider approval of the minutes of the September 11, 1989 meeting 2 4 - 5 Conduct PUBLIC HEARING on the request for a Special Use Permit from Henry Doyle Duncan for use of a portable sales office to sell fire wood and landscape materials and plants on 1. 34 acres out of the E. C. Davidson Survey, (located on FM 544 east of Hardcast) 3 Consider approval of recommendation to City Council for a Special Use Permit for use of a portable sales office to sell fire wood and landscape materials and plants on 1 .34 acres out of the E . C. Davidson Survey, (located on FM 544 east of Hardcast) 4 6 - 7 Conduct PUBLIC HEARING on the request for a Special Use Permit from IRM Properties for installing a golf driving range and temporary office building, on Lots 1 , 2, 3, 4 , and 5 of Wylie Ranch East Commercial Park (located on Highway so 78 North, of Municipal Complex) 5 Consider approval of recommendation to City Council for a Special Use Permit for installing a golf driving range and temporary office building on Lots 1 , 2, 3, 4 , and 5 of Wylie Ranch East Commercial Park (located on Highway 78 North, is rtti of the Municipal Complex) �°` `u 6 General Discussion 7 Adjourn PLANNING AND ZONING WORKSHOP MINUTES SEPTEMBER 11 , 1989 The Planning and Zoning Commission met in a called session on Monday, September 11 , 1989, in the Council Chambers of the Munic_ipa]. Complex . A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted in the time and manner required by law. Members present were Chairman Brian Chaney, Vice—Chairman Bart F'eddicord, Cecelia Wood, Bob Skipwith and Bobby Jennings.. Staff member present were Code Enforcement Officer Roy Fairee and Secretary r':_cbie Fletcher . Jim Ferguson was absent. Chairman Cheee - celled the meeting to order . DISCUSSION TO PREPARE FOR JOINT MEETING WITH CITY COUNCIL.. Chairman Crane`;` said he would like to suggestions i ons from B{__oar l�lj the Board about item_ for di __r_{=._:i On with the Council . The first item woul ci be to find out from the Council if they would be interested in a simple landscape ordinance. Mr. Chaney mentioned byioned that1 theyear liee - the fir'_ of he would l to have ee ever al l Emergency Preparedness Nan ready for the Council ' s approval . Therefore, he would like a to have a general di =cueai OP of e wide range Emergency Preparedness Plan and to inform the Council we ere awelting books: r e:_ar ding this s b- _- . Ms. Wood askedthe Emergency Plan would involve aiding cit eons duri.- _ a hostage situation, such es if a neiohborhood hen to be e iecua.ted Would the plan provide a relocation aree and provi sien= for these families? Mr. Faires stated host ee situations are strictly a police matter. What we are tall.:ine about is an Emergency Plan for such situations as toxic spills, tornados and fires. Ms. Wood replied the same type of setup could be used for hostage relocation. Mr. Faires said the same facilities could be used for relocation during a hostage situation or any other evacuation of families from their homes, M=_.. Wood seed it could also be used during floods. Mr . F'r_ddicord agreed and added that some people have problems getting out of town during -Flooding . Mr. Fairee -=.ib since he is the Emer_enc.v Preparedness Coordinate,- sometime in the future he will probably suggest having a tc.ci:pile of cots, blankets, and etc. in case of a tornado or some _thee natural disaster . ��.Fif Mr. Chaney said he like to have Landscape Plan and Emergency Plan as agenda items, if the Council hasn' t already setup an agenda. Any other topics could be setup as General Discussion items. Mr. Chaney asked if there was anything else the Board would like to discuss with the Council . Ms. Wood said she would be interested in knowing how the Council feels about the growth pattern for the city because it appears the city is doing away with a central locst : on for city facilities. Mr . Faires said it has been approved by the Council and the Board to diversify using cluster zoning around various intersections. This has been re- l ected on our land use map. M Wood d :ou _-- t 11i -i e'd +! - - �nct l ` because there i = always talk about . v tal i z i nc the downtown area. Mr . Chaney said we cci_+ i d me' e sure the Council is still comfortable with the land use plc' . and :oninq . Ms- Wood asked if _- _ Cci-i-;._y _ had any probl ems with the Boards opinion of ET_ . M . _ ire_ said the Beard feels et -c_ ly about protecting ETJ, as does this Board. Mr . Faires said at. tns - ._ . t. meeting, September 13th, we have two specific _ and _._E _ .=T_ to discuss. At the meeting after the joint Council in_eti ng. we will di ec:use subdivision regulation- _.nd retaining wall ordinance. Mr., Homeyer will be nr-s._ `_nl. f+.Je thet mei=tine. Mr . Fai -eC said he ned neneral 1.n f or-mat i :n for the B.`--.ar' r-ee ..r dl ee the amendment of the Motile Home Park Ordinance license e The fee . s -+=t = $1'_ . 0 per occupied lot . Letters _av`.= sent toHome beE'-! Motile Perks not in compliance. Mr. Skipviith and Mr . Jennings stated they would be out of .own for the meeting on September 18. Ms. Wood asked what is the status on the Boarde' request_ fee a new member Mr . said we need to have a eeal estate, development or builder __ qualify to make this an en advieory committee for the ca=:i tal improvement program. Chaney said at the joint Council meeting, we will discuss: 1 ) Need for simple Landscape Ordinance 2) Need for Emergency Preparedness Plan 3) General Discussion There being no further business_, a motion was made by Mr. F'eddicord to adjourn . The motion was seconded by Mr . Jennings. The motion carried with all in favcr- . _rian Chaney, Chairman F:espectful 1 , Submi tte . Deh_ _ e l�R•�t'` APPLICATION TO (::] Board of Adjustment and Appeals (Building) ORDINANCE 83-15 0 Board of Adjustment and Appeals (Zoning) ORDINANCE 81-5 11) Planning and Zoning Commission ORDINANCE 81-5 ' ' NAME /; v,Py ,t/ C ,g,ti ADDRESS2/ LOT / 3 7 etni ; BLOCK A . C__ o c,.,.c ',4,,0_,,,, „ex,,A,„„ c SUBDIVISION CC ,72)r, 2A. BASIS OF APPLICATION: II Interpretation 1e 1 Special exception for use or development IVariance I I Rezoning 1 1 Exception to Building Code EXPLA3ATION: A2A,,--,E.,(---j..3__4_,e--.-_->' , ?/mac' n- �U/f 7-A ilo, �,5,_ , S off' - v/0 7-4- , f /e v A o/2 7--_nK 7o sc<,.11 f e z- c/ 4 Lit"-)g/ S '�A 1/74t r ,42-L- • /- SIGNITURE of APPLICANT DATE — al -- /Y/27 Must be accompanied by filing fee of $ V• o J J2 11 ,,_ -4/X442-jj--/ 2 /,-it/7 .lam 6, -, t7) ✓ 7", -c - ;it Received: . a...2., Date: *-,„D/ - 2'9 CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER il 1 f'�MINI to _co in in N CO ��T. L. S• W. �t. or •'• 'ii � ....xi; ... .410 • ! 1 1 1 I --\----I i ` + + 4 ' 1 4 I • f• ' 18876 • I00'- � 3Si. : •4*. ; , V• ! 0 • • r d•r R.. • A 266 ,se. o ' 6° • i i ' d Al1811k 0 r' T!1. .r •►- ,1. mil , . ' % # a, , :' ' 'M�. 3� 38 3C +9 v.- ~ ►• *.1 V CI) - • : • ''' -. , l ti • „ITS 4 ._r � r N ao rOA N offa 0 a�. .. ; g''' - i •.' 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