03-20-1989 (Planning & Zoning) Agenda Packet DATE K 3-16-88 TBIE MIMED 9:00 A. M. AGENDA PLANNING AND ZONING COMNM I SS I ON MEETING CITY OF WYLIE MONDAY, MARCH 20, 1989 7:00 R.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS MUNICIPAL COMPLEX 2000 HIGHWAY 78 NORTH CALL TO ORDER ORDER OF PAGE BUSINESS REFERENCE BUSINESS 1 Oath of Office for Jim Ferguson. 2 1-7 Consider approval of minutes for February 20 & 24, 1989 meetings. 3 Presentation by Carolyn Jones on abstentions and the voting of agendas. 4 8-10 & Consider recommendation to the Insert City Council in regards to the Previously Sanden Addition final plat. Handed Out Oral General Discussion 6 Adjourn TO ALL MEMBERS OF THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION: We had nothing for the agenda, therefore we will not have a meeting Monday, July 2. Respectfully, • Edward Richie Director of Planning and Zoning ER/ss PLANNING AND ZONING MEETING MINUTES FEBRUARY 24, 1989 The Planning and Zoning Commission met in a called session on Friday 24, 1989, in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex. A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted in the time and manner required by law. Members present were Chairman Brian Chaney, Vice-Chairman Bart Peddicord, Cecelia Wood, Bob Skipwith, Steve Wright and Jim Ferguson. Staff members present were City Engineer Ron Homeyer, Code Enforcement Officer Kenny Powell and Secretary Francis Varnell . Marty Stovall was absent. Chairman Brian Chaney called the meeting to order. CONSIDER RECOMMENDATION TO CITY COUNCIL FOR FUTURE MEDIAN CUTS FOR STATE HIGHWAY 78 IN REGARDS TO PROPOSED BROOKSHIRES SITE AND THE WYLIE COMMUNITY HOSPITAL. Ron Homeyer review the three proposals and explained to Jim Ferguson, new board member, about the future median cuts for State Highway 78 in regards to the proposed Brookshire% site and the Wylie Community Hospital . Proposals are as follows: 1 ) a median cut for Brookshire's and a median cut for the main entrance to the Wylie Community Hospital . (State Highway thinks this option is not desirable) . 2) one median cut joint access entrance to be for both Brookshire's and Wylie Community Hospital . (Brookshire's has been unable to acquire easement from hospital ) . 3) Only one median cut, which would be to the main entrance of Wylie Community Hospital . Brian Chaney then asked the Owner' s of the Martinez Tract if they had any views of their own on the three proposed median cuts. Mr. Henry Martinez of 2121 Quail Run Rd, Wylie, Texas stated that his concern was as long as they would have access off Highway 78 on left cut and also if he gets with the city and they have the alley paved, then he felt he should also have service to it . Mr. Martinez stated that he approved of the proposal No. 1 . Martin Martinez of 2707 Troy Rd, Wylie, Texas asked who brought up the question of the alley. Mr. Chaney stated that the Planning and Zoning Commission did because there needs to be an additional access to the property other than Highway 78. Martin asked if this is a residential alley. Mr. Homeyer stated that it was. Martin then stated that proposal No. 1 would also meet his approval . Mr. Chaney then asked if there was anyone for the Wylie Community Hospital to speak on their views of the three proposed median cuts. Mr. Larry Weakhind from the hospital stated that his main concern was Brookshires going up next to the hospital . He also expressed how he felt, that this would cause irresolvable traffic congestion. He said there have already been numerous complaints from staff members and patients about the traffic and with Brookshires also the traffic will continue to get worse. He also stated that the hospital had intended to purchase the land. He also said that with Brookshires there it would create a non-profit status for the hospital . The hospital wants to promote Brookshires into the City of Wylie, just not ❑n that piece of land. Mr. Weakhind also stated that another main concern would be for the image of the hospital ; for a grocery store to be next to the hospital . He felt that it is too close for two big businesses so close to an intersection and what kind of traffic congestion that it will cause. He also stated that it will increase accidents, injury and fatality. He said that the board needs to focus on the safety of the citizens. He stated that he must protect the hospital and the people of the community and that there would have to be an emergency access if Brookshires goes in. Mr. Chaney then asked Mr. Weakhind which of the three proposals would he prefer. Mr. Larry Weakhind stated that proposal No. 3 would be his only choice. Brian Chaney then asked if there was anyone for the Brookshire' s Store to speak their views on the three proposed median cuts. Mr. Pete Forsythe, Real Estate Director for Brookshires stated that proposal No. 1 would be best since they had been unable to obtain joint access from the hospital . Mr. Forsythe also stated that their delivery trucks run mainly at nighttime and not during the busiest hours of the day. Mr. Dwight Scott of Wylie Shopping Village, Lmt. Partnership also stated that proposal No. 1 would be best since there had been no cooperation from the hospital on proposal No. 2. Ron Homeyer said again that proposal No. 1 is not desirable by the State Highway Department. He explained that proposal No. 1 and No. 2 will require special approval from Austin. He also stated that proposal No. 3 was originally planned for the safest and best use. He also said that a lot of the traffic congestion would be diverted when Westgate Blvd. which has been approved and Sanden Blvd. , that he stated will most likely be approved, are opened. Jim Ferguson made the motion to recommend to the City Council for the future median cut to be proposal No. 2. Seconded by Steve Wright. The motion carried with four in favor, one against and one abstention; which counts as in favor, as there was no conflict in interest. CONSIDER RECOMMENDATION TO THE CITY COUNCIL FOR THE APPROVAL OF THE WYLIE SHOPPING VILLAGE PRELIMINARY AND FINAL PLAT. Mr. Homeyer explained the final and preliminary plats. Mr. Chaney expressed that this was a single piece of property, coming before the Planning and Zoning Commission for subdivision. He expressed that again that there should be more access to the property other than State Highway 78. He stated that he would like to see an access easement be put forward in some way to Valentine Lane, in order to solve any future problems. Bob Skipwith stated that he believed there should be a 35 ft. easement which would be an advantage to the developer. Mr. Homeyer advised that there was already a 35 ft. easement in the plot plans. Mr. Forsythe proceeded to tell the Planning and Zoning Commission that they had a Reciprocal Easement Agreement with the developer, that Brookshire Grocery Company will improve a drive back to Valentine. The concern was they did not want to create any streets and create traffic. Cecelia Wood also stated that access and safety are the main concerns, and she believed that in everybody's best interest there should be more than one way in and out. Bart Peddicord said if there was just one entrance with high volume traffic, and what if the entrance was blocked for some reason? He also stated that he would like to see Valentine Lane extended on and dedicated to the City of Wylie. Brian Chaney stated that the Planning and Zoning Commission does have the right to require public streets to be put through when someone subdivides property. Ron Homeyer also stated that if the City Council deems there is a public need, they can require it before subdivision. Dwight Scott stated that it was private property, and with the final approval of the plat, they would provide emergency entrance and exit of Valentine Lane privately among themselves. He continued to say that the final plat already had the 35 ft. easement on it. Cecelia Wood asked would having a private road create problems in the future; or having a public street instead avoid having the problems that the Planning and Zoning Commission is faced with now. Bob Skipwith made the motion to recommend to the City Council the approval of the Preliminary and Final Plat for the Wylie Shopping Village. Seconded by Bart Peddicord. The motion carried with five in favor and one against. There being no further business, a motion was made to adjourn with all in favor. Brian Chaney, Chairman Respectfully submitted, Francis Varnell , Secretary PLANNING AND ZONING MEETING MINUTES FEBRUARY 20, 1989 The Planning and Zoning Commission met in regular session on Monday, February 20, 1989, in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex. A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted in the time and manner required by law. Members present were Chairman Brian Chaney, Vice- Chairman Bart Peddicord, Cecelia Wood, Bob Skipwith and Steve Wright. Staff members present were Code Enforcement Officer Kenny Powell and Secretary Francis Varnell and City Engineer Ron Homeyer. Jim Ferguson and Marty Stovall were absent. Chairman Brian Chaney called the meeting to order. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Cecelia Wood corrected the Minutes of January 16, 1989 by stating that in the second paragraph of page (3) and the fourth paragraph of page (4) should read Mr. McCall in lieu of as written. Bob Skipwith made a motion to accept the Minutes as corrected. Seconded by Part Peddicord. The motion carried with all in favor. CONSIDER RECOMMENDATION TO THE CITY COUNCIL FOR THE ADOPTION OF THE REVISED THOROUGHFARE AND COLLECTOR STREET PLAN. Ron Homeyer explained there had been a change which was to remove the two, one-way streets from downtown as requested by the Planning and Zoning Commission and also there was a thoroughfare moved in the lower Rush Creek Area to avoid a major creek crossing. Cecelia Wood made the motion to recommend to the City Council to accept the revised Thoroughfare and Collector Street Plan. Seconded by Steve Wright. The motion carried with all in favor. DISCUSSION OF FUTURE MEDIAN CUTS FOR STATE HIGHWAY 78 IN REGARDS TO PROPOSED BROOKSHIRES SITE AND THE WYLIE COMMUNITY HOSPITAL. Brian Chaney pointed out that this had been brought to the commission before, and the discussion and major concern was about the highway intersection of fm 544 and S.H. 78. Mr. Homeyer stated there were two alternatives prepared by the SDH and PT, one which uses minimum design lengths for left turn individual median cuts for both Brookshires and the hospital , but it would require the city to request the State Department of Highways Public Transportation of Austin and the Federal Highway Administration in Washington D.C. to allow the plans be approved using the minimum design lengths for left turn lanes, without any guarantee of approval . The second alternative provided a single median cut at the common property line between the proposed. Brookshire' s site and the Wylie Community Hospital . This alternative provided design lengths for left turns which were desirable for the FM 544/ S.H.78 intersection, but it eliminated the ability to provide a left turn median cut for the main entrance to the hospital . The advantage of the second alternative is there would be just one median cut and it would make people more alert to that location; therefore, it would make traffic movement safer. Mr. Chaney questioned whether Brookshires had an agreement from the hospital on the one median. Ron stated that he believed that if they were going to have a single median cut that Brookshires would have to acquire a joint access easement from the hospital so they could have a one-way, two lane entrance on both sides whether it had raised or painted medians. Mr. Homeyer also stated that he believed that the negotiations for the joint access easement had degenerated from the hospital 's standpoint, and that the two separate median cuts did not meet Brookshire' s desires with the site plan because they would have to direct their truck traffic through the middle of their parking lot. The board also discussed that hopefully with the Highway Departments approval there will be a left turn lane from S.H.78 to Highway 544 constructed this spring, according to the latest information which Mr. Homeyer has. Bart Peddicord asked Ron Homeyer when the anticipated date for widening State Highway 78 was, and Mr. Homeyer stated 1992. Until the time when the widening was finished the location of the entrances did not matter. After the divided highway is complete, the location of the median cut at the common property line would be the better of the two alternatives. He also stated that the main entrance which is also the emergency entrance to the hospital , would not be provided a median cut, and the hospital may have reservations about closing it. Cecelia Wood stated that she thought that there was poor planning to have only one entrance to these places and that it should be imperative that there be another way to get in and out. The board then discussed other possible accesses in and out of these places. The two accesses discussed were Valentine Lane and the alley between Mardi Gras and the proposed Brookshire's site. Ron Homeyer then stated that it was his understanding that Mr. Martinez is asking quite a large sum of money for his property as well . They further discussed the possibilities of the alley behind Mardi Gras between Dwight Scott's land and Mr. Martinez land. Mr. Scott stated that it could be done with the cooperation of Mr. Martinez, but there is no guarantee if he would go along with the idea. CONSIDER RECOMMENDATION TO CITY COUNCIL FOR FUTURE MEDIAN CUTS FOR STATE HIGHWAY 78 IN REGARDS TO PROPOSED BROOKSHIRES SITE AND THE WYLIE COMMUNITY HOSPITAL. Ron Homeyer stated that there was also a third alternative which would be no median cut at all for the Brookshire's site, which would make the main entrance to the hospital the Only median cut. Mr. Chaney said that he would like to see new business' join in Wylie, but he would also like to support Wylie' s current business' and to not hamper the good of the hospital or the community. Bart Peddicord stated that Brookshires was something Wylie needed and was disappointed that the Wylie Community _Hospital would not work with them. The whole board discussed that this was the best and worst place for a Brookshires. Brian Chaney stated that the board had basically three (3) different recommendations, or to table the item to get the input of the Hospital 's Board of Trustees. Bart Peddicord made the motion to table the item until the next Planning anti Zoning Meeting. Seconded by Cecelia Wood. The motion passed with four in favor and one against. Mr. Scott spoke up with the point that the request for change must be sent to Austin and Washington D.C. for approval by early March and the board would need a decision before then. Also, for the best interest of the community, to talk to the hospital about condemning a section and then divide into different entrances. Brian Chaney made the motion to have a called meeting on February 24, 1989 to consider future Highway 78 median cuts effecting Brookshires and Wylie Community Hospital , the three existing median cut plans, and also an opinion from the City Attorney on the possibility of condemning a section of property, and that the Wylie Hospital and Mr. Martinez be notified of the meeting. Seconded by Bart Peddicord. The motion carried with all in favor. CONSIDER RECOMMENDATION TO THE CITY COUNCIL FOR THE APPROVAL OF THE WYLIE SHOPPING VILLAGE PRELIMINARY AND FINAL PLAT. Bob Skipwith made the motion to table this item for the called meeting on February 24, 1989. Seconded by Bart Peddicord. The motion carried with all in favor. CONSIDER RECOMMENDATION TO THE CITY COUNCIL FOR THE ABANDONMENT AND CLOSURE OF THE SECOND STREET RAILROAD GRADE CROSSING OF THE AT&SF RAILWAY. Ron Homeyer stated that the railroad has indicated that Wylie is requesting a large number of additional grade crossings, Sanden, Springcreek Parkway, Westgate Way Crossing within a years time. The highway department recommends the closure of Second St. on their preliminary alignment Sckematic; therefore, it would be a good railroad grade crossing to close in return for the new railroad grade crossings, and staff recommends the closure be contingent upon the approval of the Sanden Boulevard grade crossing. The Planning and Zoning Commission then discussed other possible railroad crossing closings, including Oak St. and First St. Bart Peddicord made the motion to recommend to the City Council for the abandonment and closure of the Second Street Railroad Grade crossing of the AT&SF Railway. Seconded by Brian Chaney. The motion carried with two in favor, two against, one abstention; which counts in favor, as there was no conflict in interest. CONSIDER PUBLIC HEARING IN REGARDS TO THE REQUEST OF EPISCOPAL CHURCH AT 211 S. SECOND STREET TO OBTAIN AN EXTENSION OF SPECIFIC USE PERMIT FOR A PORTABLE CLASSROOM. Chairman Brian Chaney opened the Public Hearing. Mr. Holly and Mr. Weber appeared before the Planning and Zoning Commission and asked that the board grant an extension on the Special Use Permit for the portable classroom. Carolyn Jones, City Secretary furnished information that nineteen ( 19) letters had been mailed out with only one returned in favor with no comments. So being that there were no other comments or opposition the Public Hearing was closed. CONSIDER RECOMMENDATION TO CITY COUNCIL IN REGARDS TO THE REQUEST OF EPISCOPAL CHURCH AT 211 S. SECOND STREET TO OBTAIN SPECIFIC USE PERMIT FOR PORTABLE CLASSROOM. Vice- Chairman Bart Peddicord made the motion to recommend to the City Council a Three Year Specific Use Permit for the Episcopal Church. Seconded by Bob Skipwith. The motion carried with all in favor. DISCUSSION OF REQUEST BY SINGLETARY AND BECKHAM FOR VARIANCES OF THE SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE FOR 104 ACRES OUT OF THE SD TERRY SURVEY& ABSTRACT 890 IN COLLIN COUNTY TEXAS (BRANCH PENINSULA) . By the request of Mr. Beckham this item was pulled from the agenda. CONSIDER RECOMMENDATION TO THE CITY COUNCIL IN REGARDS TO THE REQUEST OF SINGLETARY AND BECKHAM FOR VARIANCES OF THE SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE FOR 104 ACRES OUT OF THE SD TERRY SURVEY ABSTRACT 890 IN COLLIN COUNTY TEXAS (BRANCH PENINSULA) . By the request of Mr. Beckham this item was pulled from the agenda. GENERAL DISCUSSION. Chairman Brian Chaney congratulated the board by stating that they done an excellent job on discussing items, without letting any pressure effect their decisions. The Planning and Zoning Commission then proceeded to discuss ETJ's and various Subdivision Regulations and Code Enforcement Regulations. They also talked about street lights being out at certain locations and discussed possible hazardous signs. They also discussed that Mr. Beckham for Singletary and Beckham wanted to have a workshop in which the Culleoka Water Supply Board Members could discuss the Branch area with the Planning and Zoning Commission, but the Planning and Zoning Commission decided against it. There being no further business, a motion was made to adjourn with all in favor. Brian Chaney, Chairman Respectfully submitted, Francis Varnell , Secretary CITY OF WYLIE TO : Planning and Zoning Commission and City Council FROM: Department of Public Works DATE: March 2, 1989 SUBJECT: Preliminary Plat Replat ** Final Plat Site Plan NAME: Sanden Addition LOCATION: F. M. Highway 544 @ Henseley Lane (Sanden Blvd. ) OWNER: Sanden International (U. S. A. ) , Inc. Date of P&Z Commission Meeting : March 6, 1989 Attached is a plat application and plat of the proposed layout which has been reviewed by all concerned departments in terms of their respective requirements. Comments are as follows : RECOMMEND APPROVAL * YES YES, WITH STIPULATIONS NO This plat has been prepared inorder to provide the right-of- way dedication for Sanden Blvd. and to provide the necessary utility easements inorder to dedicate the water lines and sewer lines along with the fire hydrants to the City of Wylie. The water lines are being dedicated to the City in- order to allow Sanden International to meter their operation at several locations. P&Z RECOMMENDATION: ,........, ............. Lgriol, Imo. ....„........., .ra.•.r• r '� I NY•e'n.• L?1L7f1' _ _w.yri.� . �,�i NNW Aftil or1 LW t4'/I.r _ 120' R.O.W) — _--__— =u.4.y_rr+iwu.wr....=.i•. w*• )MATT VA(• NYO°Ml mM/LOA0 WT.. P•I n.Y• w .N POINT OF — ---- —.. . .W ."`_•=.r, N a` BEGINNING ry vim. lY•Y•fY/ / I .....0 wr:__, •.•,.r it rr r.r 7PPP Yr r r•W.P SW Lir ' '7 J -... .w. +_.. ..is Y• ...-...__...-..ru'..�.... .r.r.,. rr.�.. L•IO..M' rr�./yw J •.sr�...�� O1°Y•N...N'Y %I / I I .0..r. .•..«r w.-r ww..u. r r•.r `."`iem ' I a ' a•:vr'a.ri� .wry .i !II . o �Y r. r� r r.r.• • ... .r...�Z" r""' ONQ \ $ � _ -..wad: r.r—i.rr.rr+Nrp•e pi ..... 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