11-07-1988 (Planning & Zoning) Agenda Packet AGENDA PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING CITY OF WYLIE MONDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1988 7:00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS MUNICIPAL COMPLEX 2000 HIGHWAY 78 NORTH CALL TO ORDER ORDER OF PAGE BUSINESS REFERENCE BUSINESS 1 1-2 Consider approval of minutes for October 3, 1988 meeting 2 3 Consider recommendation to City Council for new and unlisted use for feed store with outside sales 3 4-6 Consider approval of recommendation to City Council for the Final Plat- Lot 3R Block 35 Trinity Point (located on SH 78 @ Birmingham St. ) 4 7-10 Consider approval of recommendation to City Council for the Final Plat of Lot 58, Pointe North Addition (located West Brown St. @ N. Winding Oaks Dr. ) 5 11-19 Park Board presentation of proposed Landscape Ordinance 6 Oral Discussion of the Master Land Use Plan 7 Oral General Discussion 8 Adjourn PLANNING AND ZONING MEETING MINUTES OCTOBER 3, 1908 The Planning and Zoning Commission of the City of Wylie met in regular session on Monday, October 3, 1988 at 7:00 P.M. in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex. A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted in the time and manner required by law. Those present were Vice- Chairman Bart Peddicord, Board members Cecelia Wood, Tom Pritzkau, Bob Skipwith and Marty Stovall . Staff members present were Code Enforcement Officer Roy Faires, Secretary Robin Belz , City Manager John Pitstick and Engineer Ron Homeyer. Chairman Brian Chaney and Ron Jeffries were absent. Vice-Chairman Bart Peddicord called the meeting to order. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Cecelia Wood corrected the minutes of the September 19, 1988 meeting as follows: first page, second paragraph she changed the last sentence to read "She stated that she wanted consistency and continuity in the recording of the voting when typing the minutes". Since there were no more corrections to be made, Cecelia Wood made a motion to accept the minutes as corrected. Seconded by Mr. Pritzkau. The motion carried with all in favor. CONSIDER RECOMMENDATION TO CITY COUNCIL ON THE REVISED FINAL PLAT FOR TWIN LAKES PHASE I: Staff stated there were two major changes to be made due to the fact of a high pressure gas pipeline. The pipeline was intended to be moved but because of problems it was decided to leave as is. After some discussion Mr. Pritzkau made a motion to recommend that the City Council approve the plat as presented. Seconded by Mr. Stovall . The motion carried with all in favor. DISCUSSION OF MASTER LAND USE PLAN: The staff stated that they were looking for comments and suggestions from the Board as to how they would like to see this particular quadrant (southwest) zoned and used for as far as the City was concerned. Comments for single family and retail were suggested for the the tract of land. Multi-family was also suggested to separate the non residential from single family detached. There was also some discussion of school locations, after Mr. Faires pointed out that the schools had an existing master plan for their desired locations, it was decided to obtain a copy for use of the Planning and Zoning Commission. Mr. Pritzkau suggested that he would like to see those items discussed colored on a map and presented at the next meeting. The presentation closed with Mr. Pitstick stating that at the next meeting we would present the colored maps so the committee would have more of an idea of what the tract of land is presently zoned. GENERAL DISCUSSION: Mr. Peddicord brought up the situation of the re-zoning of the Chapmans property and stated that he was quit upset about the fact that they did not have all the information submitted to them that the Council had when making a decision on re-zoning the property, and asked if there was any way that if there were changes made could it be brought back to the Planning and Zoning Commission to be re-decided. Mr. Pitstick apologized for the situation and stated that unless there are major changes we do not feel it is necessary to take it back to Planning and Zoning Commission. Mr. Peddicord also stated that he and Ron Jeffries wanted to be notified of the meeting for the Zoning Board of Adjustments so they could be present. There being no other business a motion was made to adjourn. Vice-Chairman, Bart Peddicord Respectfully Submitted, Secretary, Robin Belz TO: Planning and Zoning Commission I, Doug Poole, owner of Poole Feed Supply, located at 207 N. Hwy 78 Wylie, Tx. am requesting a new and unlisted catagory for a feed store with outside sales, in a B-1 District, under a Specific Use Permit. Outside sales of hay and bagged wood shavings, along with other seasonal items are restricted at this location, while other feed stores in Wylie, as well as feed stores in many other towns, prosper from additional sales and advertisment of outside sale items. Surely, city officals%, elected councils, and committees, encourage new businesses within Wylie, and are concerned and interested in their success. Your attention to this request will be greatly appreciated. Thank Yo , ' Doug Poole 1_ ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT APPLICATION/ PRELIMINARY PLAT ✓FINAL PLAT REPLAT All rules and regulations established by the Subdivision Ordinance , City of Wylie , Texas and Article 974a Revised Civil Statutes of Texas apply. ENGINEER/SURVEYOR : , Afi'%9 .ea,3 PHONE : ,3,2 ?-?J,3c3 23 3 / Cis i7 , ZIP : 7C$22 8" OWNER: J I//,,,. d c-1":;74 r C;ly PHONE: 20/ s. ;4 2,P Wy/ ZIP : 7�09y" OTHER : ,L/ �, ,/ /fa/46- PHONE: 77/- D,-. ZIP : 7S )Y7 PROPOSED SUBDIVISION NAME: /r/;-/ AL ar- SURVEY NAME: 6,8_ SLi , SURVEY NO. : '2.0 EXISTING ZONING: PENDING ZONING: ea. a Is / this a replat of an existing recorded subdivision? V YES NO ,( `l) If yes , give name and date/ when the original subdivision was filed for record at Collin, Rockwall or Dallas County Deed Records. Subdivision Name: Pr, /Pc,s� Date: Volume: Zy Page: avp v 3549 Number of Lots within the original subdivision : Was this subdivision restricted by zoning or deed restrictions to single family dwelling use? YES I NO I am authorized to make application for a subdivision on behalf of the owner of this property. SIGNED: The above person is my representative , authorized to make application for a subdivision on my behalf, and I am the owner of the property for which this application is made. SIGNED: i15 OWNER DATE FILED: ID - Z&' - Q RECEIPT NO. 4436, AMOUNT $ 2000 Lavon Drive (SH78) North, P.O. Box 428 - Wylie, Texas 75098 (214) 442-2236 CITY OF WYLIE TO : Planning and Zoning Commission and City Council FROM: Department of Public Works DATE: November 1 , 1988 SUBJECT: Preliminary Plat Replat Final Plat Site Plan NAME : Trinity Point LOCATION: SH 78 @ Birmingham St OWNER: William & Jayne Chapman Date of P&Z Commission Meeting : November 7, 1988 Attached is a plat application and plat of the proposed layout which has been reviewed by all concerned departments in terms of their respective requirements. Comments are as follows : RECOMMEND APPROVAL YES YES, WITH STIPULATIONS NO This plat is prepared inorder to consolidate the existing lot with the proposed right of way abondonment of a 10' strip of Calloway St. Included with this plat is the right of way dedication for SH 78 widening. P&Z RECOMMENDATION: I STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF COLD H I M WHEREAS. U I I i am 8. Qmpaen and ,a ffa. Jayne Chapman are the owners of a dercel of I and sl tasted 1 n teta O ty of Wylie. Collin County, Testae, and bei ng all of Lot 3" SI sick 3S. of the on gi nal Rai 1 road Toms.to lneti ow, and being all of that 2e-foot wide alloy abandoned by the O ty of Wylie by Ordinance No. IS-IS-9 S. and being, all of test '0-foot wide strio of Land off the North side of Cal lousy Street abandoned by the Oty of Wylie J • by Or di dance , and bei ng sore pert;cut arty descr,bed as foil oos: BEGINNING at an Iron rod set at the West corner of the above mentioned Lot 3 and at the intersection of the 1 original North Iine of Calloway Street with the Southeast line of State Yghtsy 78, said point being ISO 1 `eet Southeast of, at right angl es, the centerline of the G.C.SS.F. Rai I road; 1 • THENCE: North 51° 95' 00" Eest a distance of 211.34 feet. t50 feet Southeast of and perall el with the center J I i ne.of said rat road and with the Southeast ins of State 14 ghwey 78 to an iron rod set for a corner at the Vort heast corner of the above ttenti oned abandoned 2e-fOat al hey and at the Mast '.vest erly Northwest corner of Lot of ;aid 9 Dick 15: THENCE. South 0° 20' 54" East a distance of '39.63 feet with the East line of said abandoned 20 loot,alley and then wi I h the East I ne of the above went;oned 10 foot in de strip of !and to an iron rod set at the South- • Z. east corner of said strt p and on the North I,ne of Call oway Street. .'HENCE. South 89° 35' 06" West a di stance of '38.79 feet with the South 1 ne of said 10.foot Male sir,p 1 / and the Merth ii 1ne5 of Cal I onay Street to an 1,-on rod set for a corner on the proposed right-of ximy cutback N for State Highw 76. I `s'0. THENCE: Worth ° 35' 29" East a di stance of 70.38 feet with said cutback to an iron rod set for a corner on the South I:ne of said Lot 3 and the original North ;I ne of Cal l ovey Street; I s BU7ZE. THENCE: South 69° 35' 06" West a distance of 30.90 feet with .ai d or,pi nal North I ne to the Point'of Bei'n f t o_ ni nq and Containing 12,193 Square Feet or 0.2799 Acres of Land. STREE T NOW THEREFORE KNOW ALL '.£N 8Y THESE PRESENTS: THAT WIIIrant 8. Cho peon and wife, Jayne Chapman do hereby adopt phi plat dose gnat;ng the he re,nabove descrtlxd • �C _a property as Trinity Point, an Addition to the City of Wylie, and do hereby dedicate to the public use forever 5 0 '1'''' I. the streets shown thereon and do hereby reserve the easement strips on this pl at for the mutual use and ac- asi, ILO: 1 coinetodet i on of all public uti l I ties desiring to use or using same. Any pubs is utility shall have the right to 3�.' �, / ` remove and keep removed all or pert of any buildings, fences, trees, shrubs, or other inprovettentz or rrowtM ' � ,//v which toy endanger or interfere with the construction, nei nt enance, or efficiency of its respective systems on any of the easement strips, and any public utility shall at all times have the right of inoress and egress ��V ��� to and from and upon the said easement strips for the purpose of construction, reconstructing, inspecting, / �� patroil inn. wrotat the necessity of, at any trio, procuring the pernsssi on of anyone. This plat approved subi ect to all Platting Ordinances, Ruf es, Regulations, and Resolutions of the City of Wylie, Texas. ' 5�� WI TNESS MY HAND at , Texas, this day of , 1988. P / Goy / I. ,', 5/i es 35 °! Is r By --- - ��/_/ tiller T,9i• -,^ .� o v - 1 Il i am 8. Cho porn Jayne Cho Men J '1, Char :men 4 (m `V v p STATE OF TEXAS -- \�" ,a,qq a}�ti'(;yh / COUNTY CF /' rt'J �c l 1 T This i nstruttent was acknowledged before tie on the__ day of _ ,1988,by Wi 1I Tam B.Clapnan and Jayne Ckapsen. i Ott' E Da..� �. Lj 00�. tih {.'� V r NotaryPublic otC) $`k, �h,+J6 o vw I •O Comm sh on Expires--- _ i Pot FL ! 18t" Lott 3R N Loft 2 70, StRVEYOR'.S CE PTI FI CATE 1 — o KNOW ALL 3£N BY THESE PRESENTS -- -- -- - -- ---"---- 3 j I. Hlxk35 h THAT I. Harold L. Evans. do hereby terse(y that I prepared this pl ai from an actual and accurate survey of the ' /51_F / - land and :hat the corner monuments shown thereon were properly placed under my personal supervision in accord- 100,ii/drna.:inr..7- ill ance wItn the Platting Rules and Regulations of the City of Wylie, Texas. i 58T'35''0CW-3O.90• 5/c Al I N/SOSYTTE -.4 3-81'35'06.4V /3g.77''—.' Sig :. /0.38' Parofd-L-"Evans. P. , Registered Public Surveyor Nu. 2146 A � ' CALLOWAY STREET STATE OF TEXAS 1: w• COUNTY OF DALLAS thrV This i nst runOot was acknowl edged before me on the day of 1988, by Harold L. Evans. kri r 40 ' `Iota ry'Publ i c Comm ssi on exp,res a18 r N od RECOMMENDED FOR APPROVAL APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTION: 3lock6 e/eaa v O\, ' CFi.-.',en, PLan i-ng t; Zorn no Commission Date Mayor, Cl ty of �'yli e, Texas bate _--- ) I max. �— a City •if Wyl i e, Texas _ 'C V ACCEPTED: 1 k D 44 _of 7' Lc,'2 / !E'yor, Ci ty or-7,l,e, Texas Date The undersi oned, the City Secretary of the City of Wyl i e, Texas, hereby certifies that the foregoing final RI at of the Tri nl;y Point Addi li on to the City of 'Nye i e was sub,n t ted to the City Council on the day of 1988, and the Council, by formal action, then and there accepted the dedication of streets_ alreys. parks easements, public places and water and sewer I i nes as shown and set forth In and upon 4 said plat and sal d Counci t further author;Jed the Hay to note the acceptance thereof by si gpi ng his name as here)nabove subscri bed. WITNESS VY HAND this day of , A.D., 1988. i CTt y-Secretary, Criy—or"yfie Texas -- HAROLD L.EVANS , TRW/TY PO/NT i o tom 7oae so roo zoo CONSULTING ENGINEER I Ma 1111111141m 2331 GUS TASB, A R7. SlxiEg2 LOT3/MLOCK35-CITY OFWYL/E,COLL/NCOWAITY,TEXAS g GRAPHIC SCALE:('=50� DALLAS, TEXAS 75228 PHONE (214) 328-8133 SCALE DATE J08 ND i I"w30' (o-z�aa 88/27 R3LL61M CMWPMA'V OWNER ja�Sf!Wb0O11•2LOW CotlR7'--WYL/EE 7EXg375054 7 2C.442-2720 a CITY OF WYLIE TO : Planning and Zoning Commission and City Council FROM: Department of Public Works DATE: November 1 , 1988 SUBJECT : Preliminary Plat Replat Final Plat Site Plan NAME: Replat of Lot 58, Pointe North Addition LOCATION: West Brown St. @ N. Winding Oaks Dr . OWNER : Don Kreymer, Inc. Date of P&Z Commission Meeting : November 7, 1988 Attached is a plat application and plat of the proposed layout which has been reviewed by all concerned departments in terms of their respective requirements. Comments are as follows : RECOMMEND APPROVAL YES YES, WITH STIPULATIONS NO This replat is necessary inorder to create a smaller lot out of the existing lot inorder to accomodate the requirements of a prospective buyer. The perimeter street fee has not been paid at this point because staff wishes to recieve a direction in regards to the enforcement of the ordinance: Apply the fee to all of the replat' s frontage or only to the portion which is to be developed. P&Z RECOMMENDATION: ,--'--- v 88042 AP 'A ha ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT APPLICATION PRELIMINARY PLAT FINAL PLAT fREPCATJ All rules and regulations established by the Subdivision Ordinance, City of Wylie, Texas and Article 974a Revised Civil Statutes of Texas apply. ENGINEER/SURVEYOR: Lawrence A. Cates & AssociatespHONE: (214) 385-2272 14200 Midway Road, Suite 122 Dallas, Texas ZIP : 75244 OWNER : D. Kreymer, Inc. PHONE: (214) 442-2242 P.O. Box 430 / 405 Birmingham Street Wylie, Texas ZIP : 75098 OTHER : PHONE: ZIP : PROPOSED SUBDIVISION NAME: Replat of Lot 58, Pointe North Addition SURVEY NAME: D.W. Williams Survey SURVEY NO. : 1021 EXISTING ZONING: B-2 PENDING ZONING: R Is this a replat of an existing recorded subdivision? X YES NO If yes , give name and date when the original subdivision was filed for record at Collin, Rockwall or Dallas County Deed Records. Subdivision Name: Pointe North Addition - Phase I Date: October 1984 Volume: F Page: 221 Number of Lots within the original subdivision : 155 Was ' this subdivision restricted by zoning or deed restrictions to single family dwelling use? YES X NO I am authorized to make application for a subdivision on behalf of the owner of this property. SIGNED. .4Gy AG T Lawrence A. Cates, Owner The above person is my representative, authorized to e m ke ssoc. application for a subdivision on my be alf, and I am the owner of the property for which this -applicatio , is made. i SIGNED: 4 �'. 7Z1,1 ..,,,,,,__,/ ER Jim McKnight, Vice President DATE FILED: D. Kreymer, Inc. RECEIPT NO. AMOUNT $ 2988 Lavon Drive (SH78) North, P.O. Box 428 - Wylie, Texas 75098 (214) 442-2236 CITY OF WYLIE COMMERCIAL LANDSCAPE ORDINANCE DESIGN STANDARDS : A landscaping buffer strip 10 feet wide between the property line and parking area is mandatory along the entire area adjacent to public street frontage , exclusive of oints of ingress and egress to the lot. There must be at least one large tree or one large canopy tree for every 100 feet of public road frontage . In addition each plan must have 15 additional points (20 for those adjacent to residentially zoned properties) . POINTS Points can be accumulated by: 1. 5 to 10 feet extra landscaped frontage 3 points 2. 11 feet or more additional landscaping frontage 5 points 3. Planting groups (minimum one every 50 linear feet of buffer strip. 15 points Group will consist of : One large canopy tree and : a. one large non-canopy tree b. three small trees . c. tree large evergreen shrubs d. three small trees and one large evergreen e. one small tree and two large evergreen shrubs . 4. Surface parking screening 10 points Screening from all adjacent public streets must extend along the entire street frontage exclusive of points of ingress and egress , and visability triangles . Screening must be at least 3 feet high (a list of possible screening shrubs and the distance apart they must be planted is in appendix A) 5 . Landscaping adjacent to required screening walls 5 points Consisting of a minimum average of : a. one large evergreen shrub or one small tree every 10 linear feet . b. one large tree each 30 linear feet 6 . Retaining existing healthy trees . 1 point- tree with caliper 4 - 6 inches 2 points- 61/8 - 12 inches 3 points 12 1/8 inches and above maximum 5 points behind the front line of the building, maximum 5 points between road and building . If trees are used in this section, the size , location , and type of tree must be specified on the original landscape plan. . 2 7 . Enhanced pavement material . When at least 25% of all outdoor vehicular pavement area consists of enhanced pavement 5 points when at least 25% of all outdoor vehicular pavement area consists of permeable enhanced pavement additional 5 points when at least 50% of all outdoor pedestrian pavement area consists of enhanced pavement. 3 points . NOTE : All vehicular pavement must comply with the construction and maintenance provisions for off-street parking. 8. Pedestrian facilities . One point is awarded for each one percent increment of lot covered by publicly accessible special facilities such as plazas , covered walkways, fountains, laket, ponds, seating areas, and attractive outdoor recreation facilities . maximum 10 points 9 . Large trees . 5 points extend along the total street frontage exclusive of driveways, accessways, and viability triangles . are spaced according to the guidelines in appendix A. are planted no more than 30 feet from the projected street curb. Projected curb to be determined from the master plan by the director of public works . Screening is required between any public road and loading areas . 10 . Earthen berms planted with turf grass or suitable ground cover . the berm may not have a slope that exceeds one foot of height for each two feet of width. The berm will extend alone the entire street frontage exclusive of points of ingress and egress and/or viability triangles. Berths will be at least 4 feet high. 5 points 11 . 200 square feet of landscaping with 2 large canope trees is required in parking areas when more than 20 parking places are planned with 100 additional square feet landscaping with one canopy tree for each additional 10 parking spaces. required , no points. Additional points are available : 1 point for each additional 25 square feet of landscaping within a parking area of any size . maximum 5 points. 12. Color plantings , seasonal flowers and/or decorative perannual plants . 1 point for each 20 square feet . PROPERTIES ADJACENT TO RESIDENTIALLY ZONED PROPERTIES Commercially zoned properties adjacent to residentially zoned properties must have a 10 foot green buffer strip or a 6 foot tall screening wall extending the entire length of the residential adjacency exclusive of public street frontage , points of ingress and egress, and visibility triangles . Additional points are available to these properties for any of the above enhancements used on the area adjacent to the residential properties however at least 10 points must be uses along are buffer strip adjacent to the public road . 11 3 WHEN LANDSCAPING MUST BE COMPLETED. I. Except as otherwise provided in Subsection (2), all landscaping must be completed in accordance with the approved landscape plan before a certificate of occupancy may be issued for any building on the lot. 2. If the property owner provides the building official with documented assurance that the landscaping will be completed within six months, the building official may issue one six-month temporary certificate of occupancy and permit the property owner to complete his landscaping during the six-month period. For purposes of this subsection, "documented assurance" means: a. a copy of a valid contract to install the landscaping in accordance with the landscape plan within the six-month period; or b. a set of deed restrictions containing a covenant to install the landscaping in accordance with the landscape plan within the six-month period. The deed restrictions must: (1 ) expressly provide that they may be enforced by the city of Wylie; (2) be approved as to form by the city attorney; and (3) be filed in the deed records of the county in which the land is located. 3. If a temporary certificate of occupancy is issued under Subsection (2) and, at the end of the six-month period, no permanent certificate of occupancy has been issued because the landscaping has not been installed in accordance with the landscape plan, the owner of the property is liable to the city for a civil penalty in the amount of $2OO a day for each calendar day thereafter until the landscaping is properly installed. The building official shall give written notice to the property owner of the amount owed to the city in civil penalties, and shall notify the city attorney of any unpaid civil penalty. The city attorney shall collect unpaid civil penalties in a suit on the city's behalf. 4. The civil penalty provided for in Subsection (3) is in addition to any other enforcement remedies the city may have under city ordinances and state law. I. GENERALMAINTENANCE 1 . Required landscaping must be maintained in a healthy, growing condition at all times. The property owner is responsible for regular weeding, mowing of grass, irrigating, fertilizing, pruning, and other maintenance of all plantings as needed. Any plant that dies must be replaced with another living plant that complies with the approved landscape plan within 90 days. Mowing and general maintenance shall include the entire property and any road right of way adjacent to said property . The entire right of way up to the hard surface of the road is to be maintained and kept clean . No trees or shrubs will be planted on the road right of way . A fine of $50 . 00 / day will be levied if these regulations are not followed . A- -_ - LANDSCAPING REGULA11un5 A. FUNCTIONS: Landscaping accomplishes the following functions: 1 . Maintains visual character of the community; 2. Screens objectional views within and between uses; 3. Defines functional exterior spaces; 4. Reduces glare into and from the site; 5. Reduces dust and other pollutants suspended in the air; 6. Controls noise and provides acoustical modification into and from the site; 7. Influences wind patterns and their effects upon proposed uses; 8. Contains odors and minimizes their passage into and from the site; 9. Controls the direction and velocity of surface water runoff;. 10. Minimizes soil erosion; 11 . Moderates interior and exterior temperatures by controlling solar radiation on buildings and paved surfaces. 12. Maintains the esthetic quality of property and enhances its value; B. DEFINITIONS: In this article: 1 . CALIPER means the diameter of the trunk measured six inches above ground level up to and including four inch caliper size, and measured 12 inches above ground level if the measurement taken at six inches above ground level exceeds four inches. If a tree is of a multi-trunk variety, the caliper of the tree is the average caliper of all of its trunks. 2. CANOPY TREE means a species of tree which normally bears crown foliage no lower than six feet above ground level upon maturity. 3. ENHANCED PAVEMENT means any permeable or nonpermeable decorative pavement material intended for pedestrian or vehicular use. Example of enhanced pavement include brick or stone pavers, grass paver, exposed aggregate concrete, and stamped and stained concrete. 4. EVERGREEN TREE OR SHRUB means a tree or shrub of a species which • normally retains its leaves throughout the year. 5. GROUND COVER means natural mulch or plants of species which normally reach a height of less than three feet upon maturity, installed in such a manner so as to form a continuous cover over the ground. 6. LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT means a person licensed to practice or teach landscape architecture in the State of Texas pursuant to state law. - 7. LANDSCAPE AREA means an area at least 80 percent of which is covered by natural grass, ground cover, or other natural plant materials (excluding screening) . 8. LANDSCAPE BUFFER STRIP means a landscape area that serves a buffer • function on the perimeter of the building site or artificial lot, whichever is applicable. 9. LARGE SHRUB means a shrub which normally reaches a height of six _ feet or more upon maturity. 10. LARGE TREE means a tree of a species which normally reaches a height .. of 30 feet or more upon maturity. 11 . NONPERMEABLE COVERAGE means coverage with nonpermeable pavement. "Nonpermeable pavement" means any pavement that is not "permeable pavement" as defined in this section. 12. PERMEABLE PAVEMENT paeans a paving material that permits water penetration to a soil depth of 18 inches or more. Permeable pavement may consist of nonporous surface materials poured or laid in sections not exceeding one square foot in area and collectively comprising less than two-thirds of the total surface area. 13. SCREENING means screening that complies with the construction and maintenance regulations except as those regulations may be expressly modified in this article. 14. SMALL TREE means a tree of a species which normally reaches a height of less than 30 feet upon maturity. 15. SOIL means a medium that plants will grow in. 16. VISIBILITY TRIANGLE is determined to be the area 30 feet along a thoroughfare and 15 feet from the road right-of-way up the drive. • C. APPLICATION OF ARTICLE 1 . This article applies to all ,:onmunally zoned areas, offices, institu- tions, schools. 2. This article becomes applicable to a lot when an application is made for a building permit for construction work that: a: is for new construction b. for increases as specified in the following. All increases are cumulative for the life of the property. (1 ) increase the number of stories in a building on a lot (2) increases by more than 10 percent or 800 square feet, whichever is less, in the combined floor areas of all the buildings on the lot, or (3) increase of the nonpermeable coverage on the lot by more than 500 square feet. (4) When this article becomes applicable to a lot, its requirements are binding on all current and subsequent owners of the lot. (5) The City Council shall , as a minimum, impose landscaping requirements that are consistent with the standards and purposes of this article as a part of any ordinance established or amending a planned development district, or granting or amending a specific use permit. (6) Street-side landscaping within the right of way will be required when there are no imnediae plans to develop or otherwise disturb the portion of the right of way between trip rri?d and ne property ' •line • D. LANDSCAPE PLAN SUBMISSION` . 4 . A landscaping plan must be submitted to the building official with the application for a building permit for work on the lot. A landscape plan submission must consist of two blueline or blackline prints. The plan must have a scale of one inch equals 50 feet or larger (e.g. one inch equals 40 feet, one inch equals 30 feet, etc. ) and be on a standard drawing sheet of a size not to exceed 36 inches by 48 inches. A plan which cannot be drawn in its entirety on a 36 inch by 48 inch sheet must be drawn with appropriate match lines on two or more sheets. 2. Any person may prepare the landscape plan required under this section. There is no requirement that the plan be prepared by a landscape architect or by a person engaged in the landscape business. 3. A landscape plan required under this article must contain the following • information: a. Date, scale, north point, and the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of both the property owner and the person preparing the plan. b. Location of existing boundary lines and dimensions of the lot, the zoning classification of the lot, and the zoning classification of adjacent properties. A vicinity map should also be attached to or made a part of the plan. c. Approximate centerlines of existing water courses and the location of the 100-year flood plain. The approximate location of significant drainage features; and the location and size of existing and proposed streets and alleys, utility easements, driveways, and sidewalks or or adjacent to the lot. d. Project name, street address, and lot and block description. e. Location, height, and material of proposed screening and fencing (with berms to be delineated by one-foot contours) . f. Locations and dimensions of proposed landscape buffer strips. g. Complete description of plant materials shown on the plan, including names (common and botanical name), locations, quantities, container or caliper sizes at installation, heights, spread, and spacing. The location and type of all existing trees on the lot over six inches in caliper must be specifically indicated. (1 ) If any of these trees are to be cleared from the site, reasons for doing so shall be clearly stated on the landscape • plan. Suitable reasons for clearing one or more of these trees include such factors as trees cover more of the site area than is required to be landscaped and the parcel will . • be fully used, or that it is impossible .to position buildings on the parcel and meet setback requirements without tree • removal . Unsuitable reasons include such factors as more parking than "the minimum specified is desired, or that non-selective clearing by bulldozer is less expensive • than selective clearing by chainsaw. 7 h. Complete description of landscaping and screening to be provided in or near off-street parking and loading areas, including informa- tion as to the amount (in square feet) of landscape area to be provided internal to parking areas and the number and location of required off-street parking and loading spaces. i . An indication of how: existing healthy trees proposed to be retained will be protected from damage during construction. (1 ) Existing trees specified on the required landscape plan to remain on the site as a function fulfilling of this Section, shall be protected from tractors, bulldozers, all vehicular movement and material storage during construction and in the final landscape design. An undisturbed area with a porous surface shall be reserved around each tree as determined by the tree's drip ring of its natural canopy. (a) Specific information on how the trees are to be wrapped and protected from the above must be included. j. Size, height, location, and material of proposed seating, lighting, planters, sculptures, and water features. k. A description of proposed watering methods. 1 . Location of visibility triangles on the lot (if applicable). m. Tabulation of Ypoints6 earned by the plan (See Section on "points") E. LANDSCAPE PLAN REVIEW 1. The building official and Park and Recreation l o and shall review each landscape plan submitted to determine whether or not it complies with the reouirements of this article. • • Soil requirements Landscape planting areas- in. general —must -have .the. following soil_ depths and dimensions: (1) For each large of shrub soi l or depthl landree 16 installations, of 24 inchessquare feet of surface . area (total of 32 cubic feet) . (2) For each largedth and 25 square feet of surface area (total ee1nt� m� o f 36 inches • of soil p of 75 cubic feet) . b. Landscape planting areas located above underground buildings or structures must have the following soil depths and dimensions: (1 ) For each large shrub or small tree installation, a minimum of 30 inches of soil depth and 25 square feet of surface • area (total of 62.5 cubic feet) . (2) For each large tree installation, a 'minimum of 40 inches of soil depth and 36 square feet of surface area (total of 120 cubic feet) . c. The building official may waive the minimum soil requirements if a landscape architect certifies that the proposed alternative soil depths and dimensions are sufficient to support the healthy and vigorous growth of the plant materials affected. 5. Protection of landscape areas. Required landscape areas must be protected from vehicular traffic through the use of concrete curbs, wheel stops, or other permanent barriers. 6. Irrigation requirements. All plant materials and required screening must be irrigated by an automatic , irrigation system installed to comply with industry standards. a. indicated on the landscape plan; and b. adequate to maintain the plant materials in a healthy, growing condition at all times. • 7. Required use of trees. In achieving the points required for following approval , all landscape plans must comply with at least one of the design standards and requires the use of one or more trees. APPENDIX A NO TREE PLANTED CLOSER THAN 2 1/2 FEET FREON PARKING, WALKS, OR DRIVEWAYS. ALL TREES MEASURED FROM TOP OF SOIL BALL NO ARTIFICIAL PLANT MATERIALS MAY BE USES TO SATISFY THE REQUIREMENTS OF THIS ARTICLE. PLANT MATERIALS MUST BE OF HEALTHY, HIGH QUALITY, HARDY, AND DROUGHT TOLERANT PLANT MATERIALS LARGE TREES MUST HAVE A MINIMUM CALIPER OF THREE INCHES OR A MINIMUM HEIGHT OF SIX FEET, DEPENDING ON THE STANDARD MEASURING TECHNIQUE. SMALL TREES MUST HAVE A MIMIMUM HEIGHT OF SIX FEET LARGE EVERGREEN SHRUBS MUST HAVE A MINIMUM HEIGHT OF THREE FEET RECOMENTED TREES AND SHRUBS: no me.. GIB LLgfion d is- nee_ eof'Teen be t-waen