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09-19-1988 (Planning & Zoning) Agenda Packet
DATE POSTED 9116 / 88 TIME POSTED 5 : 00 TA: AGENDA PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING CITY OF WYLIE MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1988 7: 00 P. M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS MUNICIPAL COMPLEX 2000 HIGHWAY 78 NORTH CALL TO ORDER ORDER OF PAGE BUSINESS REFERENCE BUSINESS 1 1-3 Consider approval of minutes for August 15, 1988 meeting 2 4-10 Conduct Public Hearing on the re- zoning of lot 3 Block 35 Railroad addition from Retail to B-1 (property beside Chapmans Restaurant) 3 Consider approval of recommendation to City Council on the re-zoning of Lot 3 Block 35 Railroad addition from Retail to B-1 (property beside Chapmans Restaurant) 4 11-15 Conduct Public Hearing on the re- zoning of Abstract 841 95. 49 acres from Agriculture to Industrial (located at 1201 W. Kirby or FM 544) 5 Consider approval of recommendation to City Council on the re-zoning of Abstract 841 95. 49 acres from Agriculture to Industrial (located at 1201 W. Kirby or FM 544) 6 16-18 Consider recommendation to City Council for approval of Preliminary Plat for Smith Estates this property is within the ETJ of Wylie (located on SH 78 east of CR 384) 7 19-21 Consider Recommendation to City Council for approval of Final plat (approved for construction) for Twin Lakes Phase II (located on S. Ballard behind Southside Fire Station property commonly known as the Thirsk Corp. Property) 8 Discussion of master land use plan 9 Oral General discussion 10 Adjourn PLANNING AND ZONING MEETING MINUTES AUGUST 15, 1988 The Planning and Zoning Commission of the City of Wylie met in regular session on Monday, August 15, 1988 at 7 : 00 P.M. in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex . A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted in the time and manner required by law. Those present were Chairman Brian Chaney, Board Members Bart Peddicord, Cecelia Wood, and Ron Jeffries, City Manager John Pitstick, City Secretary Carolyn Jones , and Roy Faires Code Enforcement Officer . Board Members Tom Pritzkau, Marty Stovall and Bob Skipwith were absent . Chairman Chaney called the meeting to order . APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Chairman Chaney corrected the minutes of July 18th to reflect his statement of questioning the fact of whether or not we had an ordinance requiring the developers to put up a wall to continue with "wall on an alley that abutts the street" . Cecelia Wood corrected the minutes to reflect that the sentence "that and agreement" would have to be made with the hospital for joint use easement to reflect an not and. Also Mrs . Wood wanted to correct the voting to not show a number for and name a person who voted against . There being no other corrections , a motion was made by Mr. Peddicord to approve with above corrections . Seconded by Mrs . Wood, with all in favor . APPROVAL OF FINAL PLAT FOR TUCKER ESTATES: This property is located within the ETJ of Wylie on the Branch Peninsula . Mr . Peddicord said the correct number for the County Road is CR740 instead of CR470 . Chairman Chaney said it was discussed a few years ago about annexing into Branch in order to protect the land from junk yards . Chairman Chaney also stated that we needed to set guide lines as to whether we are totally enforcing our subdivision ordinance or not . We cannot do both, enforce for some and not for others . Mr . Ron Jeffries stated that the last ETJ sub division plat that Planning and Zoning approved, did not pass Council because it did not meet our sub division requirements regarding sewer system. City Manager John Pitstick said the Council did not like the ideal of septic systems and also wanted to look at two lots sharing a drive (or entrance to property) off of Highway 78 . City Manager John Pitstick said this subdivision is a little different, as it would be very hard to get sewer to this area on the peninsula . City Manager John Pitstick said you can require streets but location of water and sewer is not close so you could waive that portion of the sub division ordinance. City Manager John Pitstick said dedication of half of the street . Chairman Chaney wanted to know if the owner could be required to put in the entire street . City Manager John Pitstick said yes , but to help them out you could have them build only half of the street. Ms . Cheryl Smith from Plano is representing Mr. Tucker . The bank is foreclosing on him and we are trying to help him by selling part of this property. It will be totally unacceptable for him to have to put in a road and keep his property. There is a white rock road on CR740 and CR438 . Chairman Chaney said there needed to be a standard . City Manager John Pitstick said if it is in another water supply, we have to accept that , from sewer standpoint it is impossible at this time, but the road is the only thing this board can insist on . Mr. Peddicord said the Board should not deviate from our regulations but there is no way to give sewer service. Chairman Chaney said that if we have made one developer with 14 lots and asphalt streets to upgrade to concrete streets , then we should make everyone do this . Ms . Wood said I have a problem with someone dividing ten acres into five and us making them put in concrete streets . City Manager John Pitstick said the road does not go to lot three, so there would be no access unless he puts the road in . Motion was made by Ron Jeffries to accept final plat with stipulation that the road must be concrete and in accordance with our sub division regulations and to delete the portion of the acceptance statement for dedication and have it read Public Road . Seconded by Mr . Peddicord with all in favor . DISCUSSION OF FIRST PHASE OF THE MASTER THOROUGHFARE PLAN FOR THE CITY OF WYLIE : City Manager John Pitstick said staff has taken the zoning map and done an over lay of thoroughfare streets and water and sewer lines. The Muddy Creek Basin is critical to us as the main force line for the future will be here. Sanden Blvd. will not go all the way to Highway 78 at this time, we are taking it to just pass the bridge. The County is doing this , and the remainder will have to come later . It was to be completed by part of the 1988 County Bond monies, but that failed this past week. City Manager John Pitstick suggested taking the area of Steel Industrial Park and putting easements on and water and • sewer lines on a larger scale and begin working on that section. Mr . Bart Peddicord would like for the Council to have a corrected copy of the minutes from the last Planning and Zoning meeting in order to reflect that he was elected Vice Chairman. The copy given to Council had omitted that paragraph. Mr . Ron Jeffries said he would like to see better location maps . Mr. Jeffries said roads in County Bond Election , since it failed what will that do to us . City Manger John Pitstick said the roads and bridge portion of the bond issue passed within the City of Wylie, but failed throughout the County. This keeps us from taking Sanden Blvd. to Hwy. 78 and also took money that was to be used for right-of-ways on the improvements for Highway 78 . Mr . Peddicord wanted to know if the property owners would dedicate that right-of-way that is needed . There being no other business for discussion, a motion was made to adjourn by Ms . Wood and seconded by Mr. Peddicord with all in favor . Brian Chaney, Chairman Respectfully Submitted, Carolyn Jones, City Secretary fry HF''r•'L I CAT I ON FOR CHANGE 3F ZONING REOUESF LSE NO. AFF'i_I CANT :3 NHME t C61 AM -- HDDRESE /f 14Qd1 L.4.v_c0 - .61krt-- . I L 1 A5 TELEPHONE `tool- 010 P 1JL E.: „J G_ /8 HHPL �! JWNER S NHME 11L�6. __ • ALLDREE._. 3 / / ooc c1 ' o w. &_ ;cis • EVE o - 3'_7aG 75Cy8 I r M rHE UWNEF .iF l HE HEr':E i r� 1,E'_J:R I EI. t' F i aL i 13 f-U , H'.JFi'i E_ lL FILE iHIE 74(4;-14' 4'4 iitr41.40/ REDUE 7! 5.C. _Ry L 3-1 L. ON1NG,: Iet i ( *-REOUE`!FD _UN1NG: 13 - 1 PRUF'USE *Ali requests shall be advertised -or the requested di str . of and;or any other district wh i cr i c more restrictive by area reeui rmerris . land use and nei ght. ieoa description of the property for which true :onino chanqe is requested must be Completed on the reverse side. The description shall include the distance and bearing of the point of beginning from the nearest intersection of streets or roads. Use a TYPEWRITER and sign where indicated. FOR DEPARTMENTAL USE ONLY : - -- ------ ---- — -- FILING DATE : RECEIPT # PENDING FLAT i IF APPLICABLE , „EXHIBIT A” , ._e.: 1 oe scr i.nt i or of area of -eauest l i 2.-JN I ti !_H._Ei# TRACT I: Being a 0.0458 acre which lies on the West side and is contiguous with a 0. 2549 acre tract being a part of Lot 1 in Block 35, Town Site of Wylie, Collin County, Texas, and being particularly described as follows: 1 BEGINNING at a 1/2 inch iron pin set in the Southeast ROW line of Star No. 78 for the most Westerly Northwest corner of Lot 1 in Block 35 from whichlai►Set R:►ilroad Rail in said ROW line bears South 51 deg. 45 min. West 25. 71 feet; THENCE North 51 deg. 45 min. East 8. 79 feet with said ROW line to a point , the North corner of this tract and the most Westerly Northwest corner of said 0.2549 acre tract; ; 1 ; 1! THENCE South 52 deg. 26 min. East 38.62 feet with a Southwestern line of the said 0. 2549 acre tract to a point, the Northeast corner of this tract; THENCE South 00 deg. 22 min. East 40.00 feet with the West line of the said 0.2549 /I 1 acre tract to a point in the South line of the said Lot 1 , the Southwest corner of the said 0. 2549 acre tract and the Southeast corner of this tract; 1 THENCE North 89 deg. 38 min. West 37.4 feet with the South line of the said Lot 1 to a three quarter inch iron pin, the Southwest corner of Lot 1 and the Southwest i corner of this tract; THENCE North 00 deg. 22 min. West 57.85 feet with the West line of Lot 1 to the PLACE OF BEGINNING and containing 0.0458 acres more or less; oert l t y that to the be.:t _'t i notv.. F_dde,, this , e d; `;c=Lur :1 e d,=ecr, cti on of _r;e ;;ropert\. upon which I have r-eguee a change in Boni r1q. I understand that I am fully r-eap.�oai [ e for tree accuarcv of the legal description giver; above. /./.:/ ' I- 2 -r , d ��_ u-,✓ (?-114?"041 t F i i TO: PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION FROM: ROY_FAIRES_____________________ DATE: 25_AUGUST,_1988________________ SUBJECT: ZONING CASE NO. ________2_______ APPLICANT: BILL_CHAPMAN__________________________________ 201_11_HIGHWAY_78_____________________________ WYLlETEXAS_75098____________________________ ------------------------------------------------- OWNER: SAME _..................._............._........................... ......................... ....---........................................ .................. __ ........._______.........___________________________________ REQUESTED ZONING: °B_1° __________________________________________ EXISTING ZONING: ^R°________________________________________ ADJACENT LAND USES: LOCATION OF REQUEST: CALLOWAY�_BIRMINGHAM_&_78_THE TRIANGULAR_SHAPED_PIECE_OF_OPEN_SPACE_NEXT_TO CHAPMANS RESTAURANT. HISTORY: THIS_PROPERTY_WAS_ZONED_RETAIL_IN_1981_WHEN_THE_ClTY_WAS FIRST_ZONED�_lT_IS_SURROUNDED_BY_°R°_ZONING_IN_ALL _____ DlRECTIONS_EXCEPT_THAT_AREA_ACROSS_THE_HIGHWAY_AND__-- --__-_ RAILROAD_TRACTS_WHICH_IS_INDUSTRIAL_AND_°B��2°_________-_--_ ..............____----------------------------------------------- _ DATE FILED: DATE OF ZONING COMMISSION HEARING: 901EMBER_1A_1988______ ZONING CASE STREET & R. O. W. REQUIREMENTS: WE_WILL_NEED_SOME_DEDICAlTON__ FOR_78_WIDENINW_{20FTi____________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ WATER & SEWER REQUIREMENTS: AVAD=ABLE�_____________-__-_-_-_ ____________________________________________________________ ___ ................ ____ ........... ..........__________ _________________________ _______________________________________________________ DRAINAGE & FLOOD PLAIN CONCERNS: NOT_IN_A_FLODD_PLAIN_AREA�_ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ PLANNING COMMENTS: THIS_WOULD_APPEAR_TO_BE_A_REQL8�ST_FOR____ ^SPOT_ZONI�G°_AND_COULD_BE_SUBJECT_TO_CHALLENGE_lF_GRANTED�_ .............___.................... ______....._____.................. ...____________.......... ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ----------------------------------------- -- ----------- P&Z RECOMMENDATION: _________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ amuse a dr w I I OWN 7, A A "W'o, MA z fill 7 14 4 &-Li IN* 13 LOOT tiq 12 J"i i lk 9 L7 A t5 L FLEMIN 20 w rr .71 CW4 4C 12 2 204 Arm# 4 sa 10 OD 34 4p 6 3 4 -E E T c 4 0 W A T R 12 Z 12 0, I'. 4 ,1�j 635 4� ig I- WAV� 5 J 1_� 1 6 10 in 7 25 TWEET C I L L'I G E S iv 9 5. 2 3 2 z n 7 an 11 L; 6 3 3' 2 12 4 MLLIAMS 13 N 1/2 4 2K 1cp ID 14 I A 26 29 S1/2 4 W 2c IE 2C 4A 40 3 OD 2D in 17 4 23A 4 12 22 2i 19 : 18 3 1 is 13 iii , V a PLAT OF BLOCK 35 CITY OF WYLIE • / COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS. ORIGINAL RAILROAD TOWNSITE DONATION 0 / Sury ed on the round in April 1977 .% 61/2,) zs. s� • oA" �� I . N. Gri in Regtiste rveyor '� Box 315 McKinngy/ Texas 75069. it, / . I•d� is ' 6 �, �' Chapmans ed, F.4. ,, i Restaurant ,o . � 3 ck4: N .j � ' s ~�; • I. e o � �, 0 st 'e'C' /c 4t;%' 4ZaCC.co O6'. pe • $ ii I • n :.o.' r,ok-S.t r / 14- Villr 4 3Y.40 /- 'S.. ) (106- 0 V 9 . I X Q Q t), O of 5 a • ,, zL(00.0 X S27s.9� $s. ��� ° ft a a. /s1 a4. cl-tS 4 '' H / �•/est /A.4. 101 2 . 34.00• ` 87.00' ! N3 o c W t5� / I 7 % ' • i4 •.CALLOWA.Y STREET . b° 1__________20b2, i 3 , 4 ' COURT_______,_ ; !I PO / / e, 5 , r__ __ BUTLER STREET 1 W 10 2 3 Z Id Q F// i Z— I i 9 34 4 ' 0 I 5 / i / 3; 2 8 6 7 y/ , i , 1 CALLOWAY STREET i 'te, I 8 .••1 W 12 • i .• • ~�• Z 2 • W 4. . > 3 a • • a I 7 2 II 4 ! ? a. 1. i 6 • i .6 •. .• 3 10 6 i •• i 0 I ! i ' 7 4 Q . 4,3 _4924-, /9/9,/ liff /982/ APPLICATION Ma - MAWS Of SOr i NG MOSS! CASs s0. APPLICANT'S RAM Saden Corporation ADDRESS 1201 W. Kirby TELEPHONE SIP CODE: APPLICANT OWNER' S NAME Saden Corporation ADDRESS 1201 W. Kirby TELEPHONE ZIP CODE: • I AM THE OWNER OF THE HEREIN DESdIBED PROPERTY AND ISOAUTHORIZED TO FILE THIS APPLICATION ON MY BEHALF. APPLIC T ADDRESS OF REQUEST 1201 W. Kirby EXISTING ZONING: Agriculture *REQUESTED ZONING: Industrial PROPOSED USAGE: Manufacturing Plant 'All requests shall be advertised for the requested district and/or any other district which is more restrictive by area requirments, land use and height . A legal description of the property for which the zoning change is requested must be completed on the reverse side. The description shall include the distance and bearing of the point of beginning from the nearest intersection of streets or roads. Use a TYPEWRITER and sign where indicated. FOR DEPARTMENTAL USE ONLY: FILING DATE: RECEIPT # $ PENDING PLAT ( IF APPLICABLE) 62IHI>I! A. Legal description of area of request in SMOG Cult 95.49 Acres Abstract 841 t I certify that to the best of knowledge, this is an accurate description of the property upon which I have requested a change in zoning . I understand that I am fully resposible for the accuarcy of the legal description given . �tCL/ DATE: ,19 v ' I ? — . TO: PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION FROM: ROY_FAIRES_____________________ DATE: SUBJECT: ZONING CASE NO. 1 _............. APPLICANT: SANDEN_CORPORATION____________________________ 10710_SANDEN_DRK______________________________ D8060_TEXAS_75238_______________________-___ ______________________________________________ OWNER: ........ _..... ____________ ...............______........ ..............._............ ....._______.......... ______ REQUESTED ZONING: ..............____........ ___________............................_..... ..._ ........_............. EXISTING ZONING: AGRICULTURAL_{ORIGINAL_AT_ANNEXA|ION} --____ ADJACENT LAND USES: INDUSTRIAL_AND_AGRICULTURAL_{PLANNED____ RETAIL) LOCATION OF REQUEST: ACROSS_FROM_CENTURY_REDIMIX_ON_544____-__-_______ HISTORY: THIS_IS_THE_PROPERTY_FORMERLY_KNOWN_AS__THE__-_-_'_ MERCANTlLE_BANK_PROPERTY�__lT_WAS_LAND_PLANNED_TO_BE-- ______ INDUSTRIAL. __WE_THOUGHT_IT_HAD_BEEN_PREVIOUSLY_ZONED_BUT-_- _ FOUND_WE_WERE_IN_ERROR-____________________________-_______ _________________________________________________ ___ _ ____________________________________________________________ DATE FILED: DATE OF ZONING COMMISSION HEARING: SEPTEMBER_19�_1988_______ ZONING CASE STREET & R. O. W. REQUIREMENTS: HAVE_BEEN_SATISFIEILTHROUGH-_ - DEDICATION_FOR_544_WIDENlN8_AND_SANDEN_BOULEVARD__ INSTALLATION...................................... ........... _................................. ..... ... .................._____________________________________ WATER & SEWER REQUIREMENTS: HAVE_BEEN_SATISFIED_|HROUGH_lHE_ SUBMITTED_PLANS_AND_SPECIFICATIONS ............____________.......... _____________________________ ___ _____ _ .........._.........._... DRAINAGE & FLOOD PLAIN CONCERNS: PROVIDED_FDR_IN-PLANS, THEY_WILL__RECLAIM_A_SMALL_AMOUNT_OF_FLOOD_PLAIN_THE_RES} WILL_BE_PARK_LAND _........ ______ ............PLANNING COMMENTS: THlS_WAS_PLANNED_TO_BE_AN_INDUSTRIAL TRACT_AND_IT_HAS_BEEN,_PURCHASED_WITH_THAT_USE_lN-MlND_AND BUILDING MORE .................. P&Z RECOMMENDATION: ............______ ............._________............. ___________________....... --------------------------------.........----------- ---- ' ------- - - -- - r • 1 , i - ----_ — -.Am_ -- ' • } N • 5•1 S< .. N..• DC. wE, ' rM�r K_ �_ I • '-r \ •,... 4. . 7- c C •00C *FK•A1. EIEC iNO E.iFKT1Oy �E rs7fp..e.. +MC i , i (° i + d + I i / / I ,4 , a C .000 i n. : ••0K •�i ,� 1. - .� ' ` M • i • TEM G4L04. t j `'1 ' C.7 AC MAIM•RO TAYit /, / • 00815 SC.o• •cMORN _ rot r - 40 • tSEC •O•r ._ _ _ _- — --. _. ,‹O .. II ., • i e • '- • • HI5 • r Z __ i /'r r \ st. '` • CITY LIMITS " c • ■oo4rsor • + f -'/ "' ix / •. / ce ,Ct 'i' ,I r f 'p a 8 I_/, / sue �.cA. •MIT.r �w•- ," .,,Z .... • r i r 11 \roll., MOG*.* 1 .[:t1'� �.,. ' Irl j/. "/ �r in it .,w1 n w .. ! • 7 \ cs� 1 METCAA_:. 11 1 t t • l/ T Karr �r v. r •/ . f / / M \� \• .� + ktiTER•+C, .NEE, t:• .I !. _ r w. • - .fff _. _ ..._ - / /. ...kVO ]. t �/ 1 C ( •C n OS. 'SS a 'w a ssv..a.r a s.• • s % • iO a' � ' ! y - _ / 1i4UE a. a AS m at v Salt vsici-f ' y AC • L11 c_ r . .. ter..,... f. .. _a E�41 E r ,-• s'4p - J „ -Cl "]yam• K+ _ ' T-YI 1T6. r' `� � ' . •� T . •) ` M y,Y , . y >A' G' '.- y_4 • �i .- ` it.- �' ,.r} { .y r i � �� , 7y ..4.. £t i f ` • '1 Y --• . ,Nr, �� 1 � * ' ;. DATE:September 14, 1988 TO: Planning and Zoning Commission FROM: Department of Public Works SUBJECT: ❑x Preliminary Plat ❑ Replat ❑ Site Plan ❑Final Plat SAME: Smith Estates LOCATION: SH 78 East of CR 434 ZONING: Not Applicable; ETJ property ENGINEER/SUPERVISOR B.L.S. & Associates, Inc. PHONE771-3036 OWNER:Robert & Mary Smith Attached is a plat of the proposed layout which has been reviewed by all concerned departments in terms of their respective requirements. Comments are as follows : RECOMMEND APPROVAL OYES OYES, WITH STIPULATIONS ❑ NO The owner of this land has requested that we submit this plat again inorder to get another chance to plead his case to the City Council, since he was not able to attend the Council Meeting at which the plat was denied approval. We have directed this plat back through the Planning & Zoning Commission inorder to allow them to re-examine the recommendation for approval which was given this plat the first time it was presented. DATE: September 14, 1988 TO: Planning and Zoning Commission FROM: Department of Public Works SUBJECT: ['Preliminary Plat ❑ Replat [' Site Plan ®Final Plat NAME: Twin Lakes Subdivision, Phase II LOCATION: South Ballard Avenue @ Alanis ZONING: SF-1, SF-2, SF-3 & R ENGINEER/SUPERVISOR Corwin Engineering PHONE 727-1032 OWNER: Thirsk Corporation Attached is a plat of the proposed layout which has been reviewed by all concerned departments in terms of their respective requirements. Comments are as follows: RECOMMEND APPROVAL ® YES OYES, WITH STIPULATIONS ❑ NO This plat and construction plans for Twin Lakes Subdivision Phase II have been reviewed and approved by the Engineering Department for their compliance with the City of Wylie Subdivision Ordinance. Therefore, I recommend that this plat and plans be recommeded for approval to the City Council for Approval for Construction. TO: PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION FROM: DATE: SUBJEwT: ZONING CASE NO. _____ i_______ APPLICANT: DALLAS�-TEXAS_7523G____________________-______ '- -------------------------------------------- UWNER: __ ___________________________________________ '-------------------------------------- - ---- - REQUESTED ZONING: EXISTING ZONING: AGRlCULTURAL_{ORIGlNAL_AT_ANNEXATiUN}__--__ ADJACENT LAND USES: INDUSTRIAL_AND_AGRICULTURHL_{PLANNED____ RETAIL) LOCATION OF REQUEST: ACROSS_FROM_CENTURY_REDInIX_ON_544_____-____� ____ HISTORY : THISTHE_PR�PERTY_FORMERLY_KNOWN_AS--�HE-__-_-_ MERCANTILE_BA��(_PROPERTY�__IT_WAS_LAND_�L�NNED_TO_8E__- _____ lNDUSTRlAL,__WE_TdOUGHT_IT_HAD_BEEN_PRE;IOUSL�_�ONED_�U|____ FOUND_WE_WERE_IN_ERROR-___________________-___-_____________ ____________________________________________________________ DATE FILED: AUGUST-19,_1988____________ DATE Ov ZONING COMMISSION HEARING; � ZONING CASE WU, ___i______ STREET & R. O. W. REQUIREMENTS: HAVE_BEEN_3ATl5FIED_lHROUGH___ DEDICATION_FOR_544_WIDENING_AND_5ANDEN_BOLLEVARD INSTALLATION ____WATER & SEWER REQUIREMENTS: HAVE_BEEN_SATIEFlED_THRUUGH_}HE_ --- ---- --------------------------------------------'DRAINAGE & FLOOD PLAIN CONCERNS: PROVIDED-PIA_IN-PLANS, - THEv_WILL__RECLAIM_A_BMALL_AMOUNT_OF_FLOOE_�LAIN_THE_RES| WILL_BE_PARK_LAND PLANNING COMMENTS: THIS_WAS_PLANNED_TO_BE_4N_INDUS|RIAL TRACT_AND_IT_HAS_BEEN_PURCHASED_WITH_THAT_' JE-lN_MIND_AND L.UILDING_PERMIT_HAS_BEEN ISSUED,__THIS_APPLICATION_IS_MORE OF_A_HOUSE_KEEPING_MATTER_THAN_ANYTHING_ELSE^ P&Z RECOMMENDATION: _________________________________________ ____________ --.N -N9^ 1N4 er LJC..029C2zff302 NI,-..12.M�.• II.1rr10..vs...iv r'IW 1E6tiAt, • •"\ _ of I rtetbenr. w ...lb. • Gw�r •`▪ a,N`w;ceO1 eS^a 23. .1INNl1 Ur t;S•Cv111Y Cs va, rv)OctMw Owe bore.tM9a•M• Y a`;In\••te t la a to peep..0 _ 0 ' Y9ee.eM�et tY /)tietetacreu�.v6.i tract`arss�W'l.aS...boa wttmweatt arryale.Tt11aT hW ^r OSOrIe»a 2.0 1.212a,u hwe pHtfe it /Weimer..aM ▪ epffewa eH/•ct to ..sewn Ysaw Ming ere put lrola .crib/.fellow• W rushell be �tut te by hmoe et the Y r 144.in Y31CO2.;rOWntrmot-t0'nem ^,lr j Ns.1/ require...of the City of y1..I Tem.. ueeru»e rtt\a Allies ttbtbSurvey, IM the rutewet rot Y,CI)1,O Ode t ref oe • ▪�t.Meth...of] South all/3 fleek ire.MI holed. er rel W,INC. boi e1rhet corner ut2EM ur t described le Y t t st.al/OrfNlHwr No. N,eat/helot b1M J of •a.ifeet f t a tb COM.OF 2.1 OF▪ 2221.21116.Min.•1/2 inch rt anndd rase _mot 1l0 e.o t.1 s e9-sr•rw WWI/ ...eat yl -- r ef`yeelr Y un0....... one for ul/ ef y. C ze,w' { Ioam IIR ' 0 ,.....S4 µ_ Of.14 T.tnbWea T.satlel o�fbuf loses•1/ih01.00 Not with emi t.n lr northesirN terrcormt, name is me. `ro to me act o[ officer.b a 0O� name t feub<t10.dNr M ferepinS,e to binairPont tlyie preen NMchronl.Orae • Get of aala TRIPS,/MC. A M cat M M 15/22.with po▪rno...and ration for t. = { "+t+�; _ fbar I tY[o11w,N taller Ts!Tres 4toa tubl Llu trre,e east.. IM I19 Ire. _ Mwe »al of .this*� 1. 3s ft t 1/I anek vNey�/N() 2/2 iron red; 999T w 2912E a rtw W y ®4. 3 .,....1...;%.1 e f yC 3 •e9• ,yet)n,olze a Etu . 1` 44 foot to I �` �e / r u.e t uu ew. a.ii for tr © . 1r 3 in imrhh lrmow!I6 I ` . : s T<wncs nnertlessaa corner •/,/tnl:e 215.31[.iron r.Ew/a.t: Fhn;.Ieel...slog oltb .l mobn> rrrw.N.a f e I I4 1��r\. � .�': .>� •� iir..42.e<i. e°e/' wt - .r t9F....1• IX rTNt iq' �• ;i; s I $ oil 0, - '.b,� •tp0 r•n•u•9 \ 3`b ire.rod for t~`ear ^`� bate a. r I �'•. �'' C�. bd ro mcorner of sold Twin Lakes N ».a Ci47:n•yilan.�a isainf�laai» I . s, 4 • /,si•u• 0efoott. la1 ca r w 1. .. cart _ " eyy m.11mli::\:/-`ee\liwe:sai: rapreerorOeW raM C yaiaw s` "�Y"`Qa� ` T ` as*crce▪ncrotib.f.rot W .9a et t tract. mtrvct e I N ',WOO'E M91OO' 0.31.1)•9 east limo Of 12. said/,7/3 acre 1/2 lack iron rod. I ALANIS 1MIY2 Miseethe.. th•i // M eet• tb Y»r.City of Wylie,roue Date `r-9 I Ito EJw1 .ethel.corm.of 1100//feet t. tract.••t mot w 0 _ a_� __ -�+ a I/l Wa lus rod,e.am, Accepted N'- I TON I -i TNEQ S S.00 00 W i0.33 Mot N a 1/2 lm,tree w, 23• = I I I I I I TONICS• ,•,o pee[ na lei loch iron w.said poin91W LtFa I9/IX 1E� I I .. I I I i fin...^;� o.:M. :`n`;^ 'r: •;:.rr;b:.;::; Main, ,or.(Lt,et W,il..Tom. f r, t r.m. "` ` out,tract. fence,i.,to•:t1/.e .`e�,of t..J0 mitts,b tY City, The undersigned,M.Co an addl..to r totH 1/l\ \;SNe ate Council. ;•a °1•2262n. E 00 00S lett loam` W [ua to fem l t•cwt.0MKSa 1/I 1 , 1 fur• • tr.tr.elf yOaM ra n.mo u br.immow.wb0. s$ psaet Ya 9 In�1/i.we f.fl tomoa teas/nene»hrtme rea,ua/ a rue Y • nIpoi▪ nt0 N nf')/ str limo f et/1300 r 1 etNp/rTaWn�e0•si•x/•. .alew.e1 nroum,. • me ^')O[D ore.O.r t 11m o[tn r / �•M nel/, , t n inOvelumo-iu a0.0.ea w•u act,m .at eetur o ei•f.oli»mo erme an a..a.ab9 to veinrn..are nl.p./.c.c.v, •tX 11ei).(::: F1N4 PLAT E01rv/r0s t C/hrl>[CATO. Z Tore/)t. C.r.r ')acre trret u Yserib0,n Volume 1021, CO1n[N m TWIN LAKES SUBDIVISION W inch 0 tree r_.to Ow east ilea 1.) hereby vacn.uity that 1 pro:u:.s:a:atifra�::ctual and °: t e.m»t.,b i b.ewe Y thete late n east sld 1.2 acre tract, »_n ...way t/.•bin.th.1 feet with h one.the et south 1.o matsaid trmotrOld at.. regular..a the ,a`1.1.,r :.. . PHASE II 31 feet.,is the earth elm of l.i ' 11/01 tta[E IXrt 01 M OPIIPICX F//c32 004 w root a,n M frso w ru east to the POI. /r No.LtttOrtw 1 .211sc said of land.�n• Ciro OFm,[ 21 ALLEN ATTERBERRY SURVEY- ABSTRACT NO 23 MISS • w TIE /l.a a p.rp.Nlrol.r t.ate..Weer 1.u1 lea line.are r. ml...otYrrle.mot./ar e..rtN• artn w TOMS 1 • • CITY OF WYLIE, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS .t at all Boundary corm..-moor. Cwm OF=CLIO I sow/.a fHlu 1. one tn91e)sine.imntPralltel right-of�ralj�•unru sarrl.e rotes, before m..the .this day reemllyTa L. 0 sam IIt'i I ncrurm n. sL e.r.w,N• te o;m`:r�:<pers. .a w...whsiNr•�e t:a�ar`a1hY.:enmtY for the Vows.w mmar.ata...Yore.Nr..w. Illell :f����///-/ THIRSK INC. CORWIN ENGINEERING INC iF" of Given water w head w...3.f.fear.,ur tr_0i y r (�/�/ r e a/9. _'/ .• 10900 9WZN1r WLLtl.TOu9 Oro.W.VMS ML[x.)Pis R=� • la 3Sua. tr uar r OWilr to ad[m • • LOCATION MAP er rn s OO'C OO-w 7.71..... i rr. 0, L �X R9.39'3••M 13439T •89•.r'33•M �15233.wv 1x it'-x z na rx x1 rg ug r3 • 5 w1 ..8 rg •rg .•.; rA ap �g x��a�r n�x� e. . . . r� 1 .. ro •w'abe x aa. a wee a ism,. LAKE TRAVIS DRIVE •ran a e•ear wm reoe w•e a a. nee • •P a R 6 g 1 . • . a . •. a r. • . • . a. O . 1 . . . N. r. X:I:ag"IT' • x • a . • . 3 • . r. • . s - 10 . 11 . 12. o. I �n'f/,ee° y•wee wr see �° r w see aJ i wee OK wm ®i I a pR Iwee .w wa IS•F 3 r - • - • .xe '1'" I wm n x. . • . •I a• a• :, S.F.-3 r .. a:14 ? a sr x. v x. v. k. v 00. xs. x•. it . 31. LI. 8 : 8•,sae 71 m -- �, mod es. nm D ^ nwa -,^• LAKE LAVON DRIVE D ,4q ,.�I &4 x -. 9• 1 a 'a• -2 r I• E r •A a.Ig 1I .1 12•I a•II ill i q_l a,1� a-� . f • r . • , an• 10• 11 - 13- 13�� ray, A ` •N &d. x dA•ed Is. • .� sane waft' 8 '1,.bie ,. t y "rq see wee!"g e .< 1 r�r I. .• .d_.•s '3 .n V ;. aw w . . ar- g 1 ..b � x.e• • zue .i .9 r asif. a Ir • a• r• a• a• a. . 1 • • _: ME ,, `\•Fw • '..\ •8`1 x '=a =2W.=xa• i a 21 g m•i 1a a nIf n k-�_.�_• �_�31��_�_ na! x5 a A'Lstb4,. •, EQ b0. aM. r $8 •i .. -- o•ato r o 4z. l• -.4 -pn \\\ • LANE TEXOXA YDRIVE bs'� 1- `\ r•. -6'i \q 'Pl.�/w' •' •' and .'a Yb �• _ • '•rNSy — N•.. • ....33524. aas -.� f� fM l p r ... .,�: wm -___ �� Y r . . 0 8 � NIFiliiili�� p :J M . we ,1' �: ,k`a •_`• • • iwe Y s9„...o•a 3or.32 c. ro Mel 8 ''.• ••a°e ALANIS DRIVE >wa w•r .R _ +nw—I B.yo a 'g a ! R '• aK1 •b 'w� S$ `box1 C a 4 --7$'_-1 4_ ©w 5F-2 411. Mr Y .) SF1 �- 48 g iv \ wm I a t 9a�.34.b r8 x dJ /- C au.8 445., %\kk 557'...\ . . , ..' '' ..i. t. 1 t/1..:-23 1 ' , I \ '''..'%, \ ,.:. .C5.3 .' • Ar . is I .•.r 1w.w... I \•,./, ....•%;. , *'•',. I % o- O ›... <• I �� d3.•4 �- `�, F 7 ... are It' r rw err.• • x I \\\} I. 'V.- O fix,. ". 11 .• . , J I-.,. •�'2 7 i !1 a g • .2.0 \mac/ 4.ry • .. /�r . 1 .,O i ai•f 2 II e.y:• s 4 41,13.44,a•,a w ..•.a 1rr.n ��'� °4. � 1 „a 'a_ x a SF-.1: _ aea \\�1.* 1 bPo. ' a• a me, rra•>• .yw8_24,›1 . �'`u •�.� •�4i•..�q /n O'�� eI�"E r 3 1 11 i 1 N 99.3312•E y `o-(i, ry ''?C2, N 99.11,2 E. �S.1S.SY 101.9' 71 •+m . v 1 ' Z hehe9.t 4; 7{ i . R 1 q ••rave COWIN I cm o Nnrt L yd C r ! x YIS• N1.1 s e•I.e x•••••xr..e ` +� ••s••• ••ss•s.I.. r a of I $ '.e.r 1• A. x.1/1 x r:.•i•• wr0 Kea'•'' ..e a•ra.�x;ws;e<„• rr- , .1...or e.m..•Dane. N 89•al•i.-E 720 Da