01-04-1989 (Planning & Zoning) Minutes _ PLANNING AND ZONING MEETING MINUTES JANUARY 4, 1989 The Planning and Zoning Commission met in regular -�iession or Wednesday, January 41 198919 in the Council Chambers o+ the Mamicipal CompIex ' A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been pot�.ted in the time and manner required by I aw. Members present were Chairman Brian Chaney, Vice- Chairman Bart Peddicord, Cecilia Wood, Marty Stovall and Steve Wr^ght . Staff members present were Code Enforcement Officer Roy Faires and Secretary Francis Varnell . Ron Jeffries and Bob SKipwith were absent. Chairman Brian Chaney called tne meeting to order' APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Brian Chaney corrected the Minutes of November 21 , 1988 by - �t�t� n� that Mr . Faire� had made some very important points concerning undersized waterlines and t�Ae I ack of fire i'^yd,.ante ^n other subdivision� in the E'IJ that. were constructed under county regulations. Mr. Chaney aIsu correcte� the name of Bob Skipwith in lie._i of Bob Skip-worth lm the Minute� of December 5, 1988. 8art Peddicord made a mc,ticin to accept the Mlnutes aS corrected. Seconded by Mi-rty Stovall . The motion carried wj.th all in iavor. CONDUCT PUBL�C HEARING_ ON AN _AMENDMENT TO THE _ZON%MG ORDINANCE_NO. _85-23-A, SECTION 17 - BY ADDING UNDER SPECIFIC USE SECTION ITEM 9 - OUTSIDE BALES OF FEED AND SEED___IN CONJUNCTION_WITH__A FEED _AND SEED STORE. Chairman Brian Chaney opened the Public Hearing and being that there were nu com^,ents or opposltion the Public Hearing was closed. CONSIDER RECOMMENDATION_TO CITY COUNCIL ON AMENDMENT TO THE ZONING ORDINANCE - BY ADDING UNDER SPECIFIC USE SECTION - ITEM_9 - OUTSIDE SALES OF FEED AND SEED IN CONJUNCTION_WITH A FEED AND SEED STORE. Planning and Zoming recommended approval. to City Council for the adoption of this ordinance. A motion was made by Chairman Brian Chauey to recommend approval to City Counci } of this amendment to the Zoning Ordinance and seconded by Bart Peddicord. The motiom carried with all in favor. _ DISCUSSION OF THE MASTER LAND USE PLAN. Code Enforcement Officer Roy Faires provided an exhibit of the existing Master Land Use Plan by showing the Planning and Zoning Members how certain colors indicates the different type of zoning for that area. Mr. Feires then answered questions by varuouS members of the Planning and Zoning Commission concerning possible Iocations for race tracks and also attempted to answer questions concerning Mayor Trimbles project as described in the various papers' Mr. Faires also suggested that for future planning we should possibly consider a covered mall concept for Ballard from the ra­,ilruad track 'Lo Brown Street. GENERAL DISCUSSION. Vice-Chairman Bart Peddicord displayed a map of Wylie showing what had already been annexed according to CAty Secretary Carolyn Jones, and that he womlC like, to keep it up to date. He also stated that he would obta� n a/ore o��ps �or the members for t-aI king about zoning. Cece% ia Woo(" stated whoever is responsible for the sign that reads "Capital Impro*ements, C1ty of Wyl � e" on a street thaL - ii; under construction is a compliment to the city. She contir,ueo to say that �everaI cit�zens have commented on the *i gn and that i t lets them know what is gc/ing on. Steve �`r,� ght �_tated that the sign informs the Public the streets are under, improvement not repairs. Vice-Chairman Bart Peddicord stated that they �ihould do a better job of con,veying to the downtown merchants of what the plot plans are. Cecel �a Wood also talked aboot the railroad crossings, in how the knmw1edge o4' closed and opened railroad crossings �ould 4elp �m the �} �nning of �omes. There being 0,0 further business,, a motion was made to adjourn w�th all in favor. Brian Chaney, Chairman RespeLtfally swbmit,ted , �rancls Varnel l , Secret"A,-'Y