01-16-1989 (Planning & Zoning) Minutes PLANNING AND ZONING MEETING MINUTES JANUARY 16, 1989 jf. x ,tYc.+ a_,."d, 4t:u tlumiiddevi tsse4. s1 regular s': eiqe 47!`: ildt.a..,;C' j' cc., ..-, T♦ i:i the Sc i. Chambers crf the aridii 't c e aT the been posted in the time manner required by 44 SrEr w,r',cat'teya x :_e Dart Y l..'i: is C. _,rt i; y s e ._En,. i v: Y.vl.,Ygd , Marty Stovall , Bub , C.; t.e azi rw Sta4rf ti»»,,t0.,i r., d"rst=n ._ were Code ii L:atrai ' . a. ;e1' i�.i:' , r ,. }yes. ,:°.rid Secretary FY"',-.�i'1twi ._ ^ ;'\..a, i'lE.rs _. , ,,..,i, ..s?. �.. ..:�a� Was _,L sf;;>f. ... APPROVAL OF MINUTES: W.,d Y a.: _-tTM, >• ..A L...L fi-.v s r <a,-. l';i.r v d. a ,.,.. :.'d 1,.t-,cS.'t` '^tt' 4 , . ,.a'. by rpage e 1 t d,ald read _.. of .t.t . v Bart Peddicord made a ,. :.; Lu aoaep .,.:a r:.! ai.. W d., Seconded €i'y i v'u,~, :. .. The fv.otior _,4 .. .:'d .yy4:i. y'_a;; all .. r. s V r» CONDUCT PUBLIC HEARING IN REGARDS TO THE REQUEST FOR MR. DOUG POOLE,., OWNER OF POOLE FEED SUPPLY TO OBTAIN SPECIFIC USE PERMIT FOR FEED STORE WITH OUTSIDE SALES. Chalrolan Bl...i a: ,..,h c;;t:.`-t,, P u t.;a W.o : .;::c;.r < g. i=;Li^ya Faire stated .:he a,: Sac:i- _ - a _ y- advised that she had c�en t_ pat s a a ed.., (.g'a'e w e.... l,dth were _ {t « a Y`°_t r .... ._ :_.� -...„ ..., .. ..C;.a .Lei ,. ,.,..... there ,:.-.t to - either. i. , the a s_ _ - _. F ,:i t .,a :,t.a ..,...2 t... „f i , s } . ::i C .: �.r l_ ,. ._'F. .('};�.6_U a U -..•,_.ed.1 i.is f:- ..-t . Y . 5 _ �._ _ _ .... ..�,.... 1- _:s Fryt _., t-' .t'.a :g and..,tl Z:a.f n a, g ` r ... .. c.., ..' �...-. � -'.; . .;e=':i. a r: . ..W. r.,,, 041 + __, . ,d h . x a c. F. 4 "t'1 y I.,,..: , :i.k . _ ,:_.. . _.d t.i ... 'i w.. .,.._ ,..L .,--/:' k , .». I :. r. e .: r ... _.-- t. a _,e ..S Gy t . d.C."l 4 �.{;' a , Li wJ » ,,e,J .,a :..•.,,1. .1t. . .__.,. _ ..�: .. __f. � _ t._ f;:_:. �.:, .. :: ..„` ,, W.C1 �.:...' ;:y ..,...U. ... ,.:s._:E:::'�t�s .... t : , v _ _ r Yr i : g L l a. :#a. k•i:a , e _.:: .s t .:tt e to be bagged d 3. . ar ,.stria .., peat muss is to de L. <g , e bi.�s~ _,• d I• M 0 '. ,. i { ,tom t" . t i .. � is ,:.x. :.:: 1:'.:, tXt.'..a .. _It..,. - ..i :.-..� ., �_:a ��� � j Sreea 1 :J limited. e _ � • ... . �^ U° V i.a.i'i r.i.'< 1._.;i s area .p.i_S.1 three 4. ft.. .' ,Nt..1 _ ": i" a s ,. '.: w,s? f i t"ru6'J:.3c_1%:.i , c....._6r;. s , =:✓ t..' ...:C?' .y and .: i,.;r, end ..,,t,•r - s,„p..ip1 t:: „. ti , the +.;:ip,_,< atioii of � ; • , .. _, ..t [..6'eod_rG , L. Y s ..IT. '_.. trees ai'C.: .._ ._ .a .£ ;Js P. ��" - - : • tv.i-,i the 1!'..%�..�.{.$.s wti F,,.1 o b-?t a. i r. and garden items as normally _fi e r x ,..: ,d. Area 2 - Tertr , peat os y b3G.:°C:.L{ eh,:; ''wi i 1g s i t e;,vu4:id a i`f:i t6;„"W. t _ : ft. hgh , and seasonal t is 3'm st'` Y ec.,^, 7 - e... _. .a:... a.. r....a. _ , -� e ,«, a., r 3 peat moss end _,.;?.:i. .i .r w - th will h,ive ,.: ._r..' C".a setbaok 4ro Lot . et:,, x , .. s - 1. . a Cif» F..a:.. . 4.tt«. AT, cal,i k...'...A -t n... q _, :..r,: ` d , y s , SJG.is .ai ..( H,s . ,. ,;.4...rap_ ',, a ,. 3 ^'3i g,'* cam.". k tr. , .._. .. >. .. ..._. hay , 1.,1_. ...?t.F .m st. ap.. ,. e`s m 'nb r rachi G ,,.aced _ .-?'"c_ o r,exg :. _ r i ,_ ,_,ty ,'M-': r.. ...::f'#' u d4`:std Wit'":a fC«js CONSIDER RECOMMENDATION TO CITY COUNCIL IN REGARDS TO THE REQUEST FOR MR. DOUG POOLE, OWNER OF POOLE FEED SUPPLY TO OBTAIN SPECIFIC USE PERMIT FOR FEED STORE WITH OUTSIDE SALES, Bob. Skxp,uxta. at,acle the s;s.: t_ . a5i2 to r_.::u."r.st,et:u tb the r+ :.,y C._2>_,3 C,r :. :=: One Year t Sbeci -fio Use Permit for 'i'!r., Doug r.-. Y',... s , .. A,. r ..t 'Y i. d.. - l 6 !' ..t.« c'_:,, �ti.i�'.. ..,,tE.i-r" L�r •.,::. •._ :. L-,'i•..i..: ,—.`_1t r_, w S'.�' F1!�J t_ v}.; _.A1�.�.i�'.L! ir}<i r_.'.. v CONSIDER RECOMMENDATION TO THE CITY COUNCIL IN REGARDS TO THE REQUEST OF SINGLETARY AND BECKHAM TO RELINQUISH EXTRA TERRITORIAL JURISDICTION ON 104.67 ACRES LOCATED OUT OF THE SD TERRY SURVEY ABSTRACT B90 IN COLLIN COUNTY TEXAS (BRANCH PENINSULA) . Mr...'. F :; ram_ c.pdated new broad member Steve Wright that many ?' - , _=; .« 'y o t h z: O I ,y a i t:ti.<c°d many acres 04 .. A. ETJ g�ls..s taa�r•.:% 4�:.w_:. or de provide etc. protection: for tti: F. Ei':-cl,t. r eii,.,,_..,-l>.> .<a. fcir t.;Ci _?rt; a sut rok..l"fdii'ig the ba '.e,. Mr, a . , •:.• L -:: p a t.s ...v,. ,Y i eti;., s4. a'.:, },sr a large tract • . .a.lis s,,,Jithn b ,r ... t c1 in rt.tt .. ..,, : ttit• are by State i._a?v �.�.i.«� .:• � _ :_+ ._.. apply 0.... =.:.t...... ..< ',. s:.o .. ..J n s aoli,z t{ , a �.:.t k..r::.> .i=1 M `�'. stated t that •'Gar'" some A their . , ..i. .°,7c4 raii-es also stated that 1n the meantime, he had spoke attorey and his question to him was if we were to relinquish this particular piece of property when we shoi..AIJ 't, would we be liable in a, law suite filed by a person that had beer offended by that action. The lawyers anwen was i..,;( doubtedly. so. 7he lawyer' said the only way you • get oot of this situation is by legislative action; whioh is to neduce the e;Aent cf the one mile ETJ , which w..„-imld effect the whole city, Mr . Faires also read a memc, from CiLy Engineer. Ron. Irlomem. : tating that he recommend that. the Cit.), of Wylie rot relinquish it 's ETj requirements or this Lii. fit o+ la:7j at this time. Mn. Faires also stated thst it is sLiso his racomendatio to not relingLish the ET3 either-, rir . Nels ...:,n et-- tad tht t.1.- e rason they were baok beiore the e .,4 ai-4,2 7oit-L,i., Coilifili ...ii(Jiil t,, ith this request v4aa tt.. at. l'i 'fore the Commission had not had ...-.t. i,... wile to study C,ounty .zi- .'''!.t' , Nelsi:::i ase. sif, that they dih ' t belie-ye ih ths± t':- s Cit ..:4.. Wylie will be a...:;le to hrhg this 8r--:- - Hi,,,, siso staLed th;st if the City car- P.....wieg Lit7i1 : tee thia area that they said n tp .,ome in.U.: the :_,.. '. ti lii ,is ..,,o.-c.; that the. e woo..1d. te L: st,Rt. c...ory mit ..,-,:4": v;herl the Cit'i vJould have tc, get ,Ai : , Liaa t.o th . eii-1 ri ., Ro.„, Fairea then made the co,---recti t - it i .f. they petition -[el- annexation, that the ti :,. Fi.: hot ... aquir.ed tfi> pr6vide them with sec-vices of ay and that .,,,ith voilcetr,,,, anreation it is not , eq,. .,.-E,... Da,,,id .11cCaw , Attor.:-..a/ TtDr- mr. Deckham and Mn, Singletary. st.,--.,Jed 'j-;at ?7'In . Dec ham bcpught tr, property, and after bo',,.irg it , the City of Wylie decided to anne certain other ciL7, c,,--?: i.,;.rpLtii-, Hs. 'i-aa, d that Mr. Eeckham did not. reqest annextio , he never had and he pt..-obably ie, ill not • negest ai-j, ..L.4 ,1 , Pit,:,': said whn Mr . Deca6.1 Lcitiht. tf%p lst-..i they ioti:.,2eed te develop the property undec the proi•,,,erty at the time, He • nne,J. to aay that Mr . Beckham was being adversely e“antad .in. an. -. te.T the. fact, s-itus:tc.:.n. bor Liciest i oned I 4 the Ci t interided to c tont rol so 1,sii *row do-otovid Wylie. Delon Caney spoi-„e up ec: hL t he El anrinçJ and Z on i htg Cornird ss.i on di d v‘iant: 73rarooar or der fif,evel opment siLatat tJat he area i e so remote, because o1 ';;:he I. t.atJ tha L the city ' s requi emed; n a r ur a at- ea d: e it not al f or dati I e and ou 1 C. be,--A, t: caso 0F o'sr.oa o Le eLL d 1:1r . s as:Yet:: net the PI annihg and ;tot to impose tha city ordit'',arces on r..S: rrt hi nc t.1,,at is not going to he i n the c i t y„ Roy Fait es ie4 rid aa as is riot the ciii.k.lestiit)h„ 1711er e i .s rot ini: Lind ng In the: state lao that says the i can ' ; 1 r (ii. rh ser vi cas IL sit e ifti Ia o4 1: 1e s oithir it `s ro rss of o Al aver at": y ::;ar s.1 nt t ner r Iies the ",',:Tn ate c.}{ .r.rTra I0O ttO y La; trzr'I and the City of 'Wylie 'hos., : I' e on '; t.het tto: 2o,rrin6 Comm:i -ssin'on does have tile opportunity to ere osdrrri utb proper g.e an o r e Jr riZ 1/4/ r•=! r ed rouple of I tis r •- rro -'rj a re Is I orc ' d t hc, Eorh rig out there in the Has;t: t I....hi:A, n,int e Off end that T5 EAT;l: i a a he Eli ::aaclo the T they anon;-: O the Lh peIo rnrnCI • cpi's rqj thr thatStony stated deh the ght t a -Li i to hays Lhe. ,Lhe rile Stj in 0Hs: I. dE?-1- yd aIr rest ,D4 Lbs crtiae, Z.; ty HAr If a '7.. 1:: r s that He ;t dos Lin L,61 : 1 La orderly ae.A.! t6 e its is and,-iir / de in 87. „ Beoil.:hati, c;...o-iie Coro„.„ , ii I: Lief s. Coihriti he a:;", 23;' .i pEM tk . also stated that {,Et.Of,w i'' £-::. s ...... as.Jdr E;s s t .l ., t e t h:.:+:-. -0 E^' .3 dv4.:a t +.:_o l l€.. I": ,t`c,.. 4 i?r City 0.1. Wylie i?`,r'h„r. ., t c .... .,g the tf.t.i e 1. ke. He said tat i:'__ L.i:dtc;r--., .at't3 both .t:: r.+ .._,, . „. n_; x .' h _ r�.,__�x., e, t �•_„ e � _.... ..�_, �'x i�t' �S„'!<,* 6'�x _.a-•. yvt i� .. r<<1 a'•�i 't' . :7C.. r t1 - :ytc that the Plang a,'C Z_ nT�ag Commission s7aJa % _.e ; . _. 7- ... i, B F ..,. � . . tw;. _,r,. _ � ._.. _� ..,,.f", F.i;�t. _' .. .._ r`1`�, ��.�i<�-:aE�l. ��tW.➢� ra..cf:_`a } -. tF. ,tEc!z., out that. ,,Fy;.'. +' ic4;(:t�1it '• ;� and Zoning i..r`yrif7i(1� �:_..:L.ii C:�."( 4.1 :.. 1,ncie , per ' ._...,, t '':.t.,,<L ._s.F t_. 3,t ,,,LI f_ 4.!-'e t'f..,1 t1 f,;,:7f`1 ti_: .. e;:.1, t:aF1 en k,/ 4.o :_7;E• Cit.)- a:;. , _he i" < . t.M-'tiii x. ems.t.ltr te,...i° .... .4. a ,.r '::: L :.A.:.(.a .,r 1, ., ".- ,- ..._. >;•_.:. .s S..t .r: _. .a> mA¢: a, : -t. ,: A J b._ < _ ,,,_ _.fir. arr. :h _'-Li 4 Kit _, i.n { a .Lt+' w,And i r_,i::r , . ... v -r E_1 {::' y" C :: ";. -. L�-' ,`.,3 {, t .. :i „.7 the ...E ....F +,�=. -. The tr .. f..Fi . a r.: .;:. 1. ..r 1.: .b H.4 '.,'... :..c q'-ik L- .',: ..a F, .- ...:J :5 t x i.... ,,. , il_..;, ...r.rB CONSIDER RECOMMENDATION TO THE CITY COUNCIL IN REGARDS TO —.. THE CITY COUNCIL IN REGARDS TO THE FINAL PLAT OF PHENNEL ADDITION LOCATED ON THE BRANCH PENINSULA. City Er.'t a t ear'- Ron H tit-`. 29 r, _ .,z .p b > « - b_ 4. Li . _:,._t.,!r,;fi k E?,�•,�_.(<s E. _ ��.:; cs�:t't� -C 4^., .. ... �.i. ,s< �tA'. 9ra. t:. _ E . x ..,a , v _. . . ,c. s a _ .,,, a t e v e v f f T W c :m ir r J s that E' .._ . s;:•. .. r `,' _,; t' �w�! .,r r,..ri, ... ...:yf~. ,L LAp0.11 the t... _ti a ., f' _„L.. ._..l:J`. f,. a.. , ., avtete, s - t . o tp. , ? w.e . th . e City of d y- ke _ea.�, ., . ..,_.s�_..xd a . , ,1 E3(- pw7. t h made the ffw i _. �Ja: 4 1 _ C . r ' a. ,,,: .... ;C�? z: .... ._ t ..><,s M.i ..1 t f ,,.,.. this y..i< k't::.e .,. r,,' ._r e n._,.. ,,,:�A; . 9 r� ,.-.. ..k t. .,: r.� .,, .r ;... " i...< . �y:._ ' t,`; i .:� ,::.7 L.; sa-, v._ _,.» o ._.-.... h ,. l...t'::.a„ 73Citi a' . sii ? f- t >..r. .... a . Th t. _ . , carried, wi ..it al :: in DISCUSSION OF THOROUGHFARE PLAN AND COLLECTOR STREET PLAN. i Th }'".'-_:;�� 7":�z "�: ".'r 7.-...s a.t:.:.v..• ...1.,,::�c.. this cti:�t-Y:s the �samefoi`"'t..)i_d gi;4:�P"t.'-_�. rc Dt Csa..-ty,r_. t :he t' a., -:z . Cz a, d Go.'1g .wcllfEr,z _wsiS.rrt`w tco'. of'-Ct"^.x t.. ,.._o the , >'tiS. ..at_ :''. ; 5..f the t.;r:-..^` Nay' streets downtown. He ,_, f:: . .. . :e :i tr ,. t::. the .E ; y majbn variation etv:+cte "s this • k,4et w ' ' r f. a .j:;_... of ()Fie -,t.lorr>ection poir:t; which t. . ...,,.. .« zw. i ;,.i7;,;� ,. �. rtz�.lG,ti ti.""�':'e*_ ..2' 73taa Cy and !`Elas:e a iYti:'.e`.1:t_. ..'reek ..,t r..� r n,„; Y ar d the inset—t .. _tr a{tC1e tl a) 1 et..: for streets. .. the rr cd: di L S u:s 'that have been i ,:Added, it «: , _, be t _. ,WA r ..i i Lc; g;..b i.R i, t 1-d The.f»? board a) v+,.:. ; ; - - ,G*: ^'7=..,: e �s c.. ..7.:: �' �.: _r .;:_A..� :.. t,l:�_ t.!�:g:�; .., _sir=-' one Y c.A�3� r i q : )' i'-'t'. .'S. .. t,.'.`. h, ..: C.� t, .' .,. Fw, < -,_+7t WI' ,.�it 3 f,.f.'::.'2".. a< iVay ..< : 7.i-�.'a+..�t-;s..:: �{.._... <:, ,. Me/ al, .. _., t.::,a s_. ti.i.: th . ol..laa?F3» ni3 i:.:r .F GENERAL DISCUSSION. .70-man ,'-.L4n Chacity recisted 1..he city sta“ to W.ace 1.11, approval of the rt Thorough-fare te e;. t acia t.:. adopt :it . c .ir, ma. that he had recived frcm the .t, ef. ,ied th4.; anr,e;.atins maje by the woLld .ty tr., eep them -,.Jp Lo date vart homes being sered -:io. .i..-;.e c.i.uld flotstated t:n,at Efc)i-cemint. :1-rti)i.F . handle t:Ling cr).4.' this matter . ' r. i ,.....: i a.liao brougLt ,..4) '1-.be suLject o-F tires slashed in vet- the weeerd . Curews were also discussed. Mn . ved rev.i. sed flud I .,:.in ra.2 .;:. -t'7J-cja, f747:MA Federal f:7 —L.mergency Management .(.,Jf-iLrat. , and tht wot.A...d --ee. that all the Plannng and 'Zong Commis,sion reLeived ore. 7TheY.0 beng ni.., further LL.,sin9ss , a moton was made to Brian Can .y , Chaii- an Resify ,,ilbt.t.ed , ' 1 14011 VM1-,&t ' „...