09-11-1989 (Planning & Zoning) Minutes ^
SEPTEMBER 11 , 1989
The Planning and Zoning Commission meL in a called session on
Monday, September 11 , 1989, in the Council Chambers of the
Municipa | Complex . A quorum was present and notice of the
meeting had been posted in the time and manner required by law.
Members present were Chairman Brian Chaney, Vice-Chairman Bart
Peddicord, Cecelia Wood , Bob Skipwith and Bobby Jennings. Staff
member present were Code Enforcement Officer Roy Faires and
Secretary Debbis` Fletcher . Jim Ferguson was absent.
Chairman Chaney called the meetzng to order ,
Chairman Chaney said he would like to suggestions from the Boar�
about items for discussion with the Council . The first item
would be to find out from the Council 1f they would be inLerested
in a simple landscape ordinance.
Mr . Chaney mentiuned that by the first of the year he would like
to have an overall Emergency Preparedness Plan ready for the
-~ Council ` s approval . Therefore, he would like a to have a yenera]
discussion of a wide range Emergency Preparedness Plan and to
inform the Council we are awaiting books regarding this subject.
Ms. Woud asked if the Emergency Plan would involve aidinq
ciLizens during a hostage situation, such as if a neiqhborhoud
has to bc evacuated? Would the plan provide a relocation area
and pr wisions for these families? Mr . Faires stated hosnage
situations are strictly a police matter. What we are talkin4
about is an Emergency Plan for such situations as toxic spil | s,
tornados and fires. Ms. Wood replied the same tvpe of srtup
cuk`ld be used for hostage relocation. Mr . Faires said the same
facilities could be used for relocation during a hostage
siL list im1 or aoy other evacuation of families from their homas.
Ms. Wood said it could a1so be used during floods. Mr . Peddicord
ayreed and added that some people have problems getting out of
Lown during flooding .
M'. Faires said since he is the Emergency PrepareJness
Coordinator sometime in the future he will probably suggest
having a stockpile of cots, blankets, and eLc. in case of *
to"nado or some other natural disaster.
M� . Ch�ney saia he like to have Landscaoe Plan and Fmergency
Plan as agenda items, if the Council hasn` t already setup an
agenda. Any other topics could be setup as General Discussim�
Mr . Chaney asked if there was anvthing else the Board would
to discuss with the Council . No. Wood said she would be
interested in knowing how the Council feels about the 4rowth
pattern for the city because it appears the city is doing away
with a central location for city facilities. Mr . Faires said it
has been approved by the Council and the Board to diversify us� oo
cluster zoniny around various intersections. This has been
reflecLed on our land use map.
Ms. Wood said you get mixed signals because there is alwa�s ta1k
about revitalizing the downtown area. Mr . Chaney said we could
make more the Council is still comfortable with the land use pla/i
and zoning.
10 . Wood asked if the Coupcil had any prob1ems wiLh [ hp Buards
opinion of ETA. Mr. Faires said the Board feels very strong1y
about protecting ETJ , as does this Board.
Mr. Faires said at the nex� meeting' September 18th, we ha`e tmo
specific land use items to discuss. At the meeting after the
joi/d Council meeting, we will discuss subdivision regulations
and retaininy wall ordinance. Mr. Homeyer will be present for
U`at meeting.
Mr. Faires said he had general information for the Board
regarding the amendment of the Mobile Home Park Ordinance license
Top. The fee is set at 110. 00 per occupied lot. Letters ha"e
been sent to Mobile Home Parks not in compliance.
Mr . Skipwith and Mr . Jennings stated they would be out of town
for the meeting on September 18.
Ms. Wood asked what is the status on the Boards' request for a
'�ew member? Mr . Faires said we need to have a real estate,,
development or builder to qualify to make this an an advisory
committee for the capital improvement program.
Mr . Chane� �ai '� at Phe joini Council meetzng, we On discuss:
1 ) Need for simple Landscape Ordinance
2> Need for Emergency Preparedness Plan
3> Genera] Discussion
There being no further business, a motion was made by }1! ,
Peddicord to adjourn. The motion was seconded by Mr. Jennings.
The motion carried with all in favor .
___ _________ __
Brian Chaney, Cha rman
Respectfully Submitted,
Debbie Fletcher, Secretary