10-16-1989 (Planning & Zoning) Minutes - ~ PLANNING AND ZONING MEETING MINUTES OCTOBER 16, 1989 The Planning and Zoning Commission met in regular session on Monday, October 16, 1989, in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex . A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted in the time and manner required by law. Members present were Vice Chairman Bart Peddicord, Cecelia Wood, Bob Skipwith, Bobby Jennings and Jim Ferguson. Staff members present were Code Enforcement Officer Roy Faires, City Secretary Carolyn Jones and Secretary Sandy Stevens. Vice Chairman Bart Peddjcord called the meeting to order. CITY_SECRETARY_TO-ADMINISTER_OATH_OF OFFICE_TO_NKLY APPOINTED_MEMBER. Carolyn Jones administered Oath of Office to newly appointed member, Richard Eckman. CONSIDER_APPROVAL OF THE_MINUTES_OF_THE_AUGUST_70_1989 MEETING. Mr . Skipwith said that the word "lots" should bc changed on the second page, first paragraph, second sentence, to read "Mr . Skipwith said any time you increase the lotsize, he is for it . " Ms. Wood said that the word "sale" should be changed on the third page, second paragraph, third line, to read "Mr. Gooch said his concerns regarding re zoning the property to Business One (B-1 ) is that it will decrease his property value and make it more difficult in the future to SUIT . " M��. Wood also said the words " is" and "out " on the eighth page, fifth paragraph, should be changed to read "Mr . Peddicord asked if we could show our intent with sumething to the Cuuncil about exactly what we are talking about. " Ms. Wood also stated that the first sentence of the lift!) paragraph on page nine should be corrected to read "At this point , Mr. Chaney pointed out that the preworded motion by Mr. Fazres was due to difficulty with the Western portion being rotail and that the Eastern portion of the noted line remain SF3. " _ Mr , Peddicord said that the first sentence, fifth paragraph , on page two should be changed to read "Mr . Faires stated that the requested re-zoning area is two blocks long and _ ~^ there is a possibility of an unknown portion of the land to be sold off almost immediately. " Mr' Peddicord also said that the last sentence in the fourth paragraph on page three should read " Mr. Faires said he feels that the fear of traffic congestion and light pollution is not something to worry about because the privacy of citizens would be required to be protected. " W. Peddicord made a motion to approve the minutes with the above corrections. Mr. Ferguson seconded the motion . The motion was carried with all in favor . CONDUCT_PUBLIC__HEARING_ON__THE_ZONING__OF_THE_PROPERTIES_ON NORTH_SIDE_OF_F�_544_{ACROSS_FROM_STEELE_INDUSTRIAL_PARK} 32�419_ACRES__OUT_OF__THE_MOSES_SPARK_SURVEY_ZONING_BUSINESS 2. Mr. Peddicord said that twentyfour letters were mailed out, two responded, one for , one against. Mr . Peddicord opened the public hearing by requesting anyone wishing to speak in favor of rezoning to come forward. No one responded. Mr. Peddicord then asked for those against rezoning to come forward. _ Mr. Prnie Schultz stated that he wants property to remain zoned Agricultural . He said he owns one and a half acres along railroad on east end. Mr. Faires advised Mr. Schultz that his property is not included in rezoning. Ms. Mary Jones asked for clarification of what B2 means. Mr . Faires advised it is fairly close to what is there now. He stated that it is the heaviest commercial zoning that permits outside sales. Ms. Jones asked if there are any plans to make it more attractive. She stated she owns two hundred acres and expressed concern over appearance of area. Mr. Faires advised there is no landscape ordinance at this time. The businesses now are pre-existing, non-conforming, however , once legitimate zoning is reached, it will become more conformed with what is permitted in this category. Mr . Skipwith asked Ms. Jones where her ] and is located. Ms. Jones explained her land is across the road (south of 514) and adjacent to Steele Park . Mr. Kenneth McKinney statod his personal home is located on Lot 7 at the McCord 6. He said B2 zoning is no problem but -- expressed concern over what will be allowed. Mr . McKinney advised that two wrecked cars with expired tags moved o/'to Lot 8 that same day. Mr. Faires explained that a wrecking yard is permitted only by Specific Use Permit in an Industrial Zoned area. He added that the Ordinance defines a � wrecking yard as containing five or more wrecked cars or We parts of such vehicles whereas a Junk car yard is more lenient and is allowed in a B2 Zone. Mr . Faires said he was unaware of a wrecking yard at this location but wouid investigate it. Mr. McKinney states that he will agree to B2 zoning as long as wrecking yards are not allowed. Mr. Jennings asked for a description of B2 zoning. Mr . Faires advises it permits anything except ma/'ufacturing. Accumulative zoning , through Com/oercial districts, specifically states we have a Retail lisving. A B1 listiny sLarts out with anything in a Retail district plus the following and the B2 says anything in B1 district plus the following no it permits almost anything except manufacturing and those things that are specifically listed as used in the Industrial district . Mr. raires also added that junk or salvage yards are listed as a Specific Use Permit in ao Industrial district . Even in an Industrial districL they do not have vested right to have such yards. They still have to appIy for Specific Use Permit for Lhat location i/ ' industrial district. Mr . Jennings asked if the railroad being no close miyht _~ present a problem. Mr . Faires said no, because in most cases a buffer zone of about fifty feet is left on each siae of the railroad track. Mr. Skipwith asked if the property is presently zoned Agricultural . Mr . Faires confirued. Mr . askeg if businesses that fall under B2 use wuulJ be ac�eptable other than ones requiring Specific Use. Mr . replied yes, unless required to have Specific Use Permit they are permitted to use any B2 zone business in district . Mr. Ferguson questioned how much the widening of FM544 will affect the property. Mr . Faires stated it should not affect it because OF a five foot utility easement across front of most property. CONSTDER_ApPROVAL__OF_ZONING__RECOMMENDATION_TO_CITY_COUNCIL TO.....ZONE.... OSES....._SPARK_.....SURVEY__� GU3INESS.....2. W. Skipwith made a motion to recommend to City Council the approval of rezoning of 32. 419 acres out o �: the Moses Spark survey f' om Agricultural to Business 2. Mr . Jennings seconded the motior. The motion carried with all io favor . � GENERA! _DISCUSSION. W. Jennings said the joint meeting last week dragged due to the fact the P&Z not dircctly - ~~ involved. However he did enjoy it and found it to be beneficial . Mr. Ferguson welcomed Mr. Eckman. Also repeated Mr. Jennings comments about prior meeting and expressed desire to take personal campaign of landscaping to Chamber of Commerce and Mr. Faires closer to holidays. Ms. Wood questioned Mr. Faires about need for a permit by person selling firewood at corner of Ballard and Stone Road. She stated that there is a truck with sign, phone number , camper trailer and firewood at this location. Mr. Faires said he understands it is being used as storage. Mr. Skipwith asked what can be done about cars left jacked up in yards, Mr. Faires answered they most be kept covered, out of sight, if inspection and tags are invalid . Vice Chairman Bart Peddicord congradulated Mr . Eckman stating he will give him a map of annexation of city and will also supply him with updated maps. Mr . Faires offered Mr. Eckman help from his office in City .- Hal l anyway possible at anytime. Mr . Jerry Houser staLes he owns a personal home on Lot 3 of land to be rezoned B2. He questions the utility easement line located down center of property. He advised that in past there was a large butane tank with lines to individual meters for other people. He said the company is located in McKinney. Mr. Peddicord advises the deeds should list company name who has easement. W. Houser replies deed does not list name. Mr. Faires assured Mr. Houser that he would locate company, if still in existence, and notify each property owner of who to talk to and ask for release since no longer in use. Mr. Houser expressed appreciation for efforts made to keep area clean. Vice Chairman Bart Peddicord thanked citizens for their- presence. There being no further business to discuss, Vice Chairman Peddicord called for a motion to adjourn. Ms. Wood made motion to adjourn. Mr . Ferguson seconded the motion. Motion to adjourn carried with all in favor . ~- _ ._....................... _...................... ..... ---- ..........__.........._ Bart Peddicord Vice Chairman ::i.a....!:::),:•:•3!.:: "'E 1.1E":4 A,:Fir.II.8 A.ID