11-30-1987 (Planning & Zoning) Minutes PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING - MINUTES NOVEMBER 30, 1987 The City of Wylie Planning and Zoning Commission met in called a session on Monday, November 30, 1987, in the Community Room. A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted in the time and mariner required by law. Those present were Chairman Brian Chaney, Bob Skipwith, Marty Stovall, Cecilia Wood, Bart Peddicord, Code Enforcement Officer Roy Faires and Secretary Karen Blythe. R. P. Miller and Vice-Chairman Ben Scholz were absent. CONSIDER APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes submitted for approval were for the November 16, 1987, meeting. Chairman Brian Chaney noted the misspelling of his name in the second sentence of the first item. A motion was made by Bart Peddicord to approve the minutes with the noted correction to be made. This motion was seconded by Cecilia Wood. This motion passed with all in favor. CONDUCT A PUBLIC HEARING ON THE AMENDMENT TO ORDINANCE 8'f&.r-6O WHICH CREATED THE BENEQICT ESTATES PLANKD UNIT DEVELOPMENT& ADDING a TEMPORARY BUILDING FQR A SALES OFFICE AS AN AQDITIONAL PERMITTED USE: Chairman Brian Chaney asked Mr. Faires to comment an this item. Mr. Faires noted that the Planned Unit Development was designed to be a deviation of the normal zoning categories. Mr. Faires added that Benedict Estates which has now been changed to Stone Grove is in the PUD zoning and the ordinance which created the PUD permitted certain uses that were not allowed in the regular zoning ordinances. Mr. Faires told the commission that construction had begun on seven model homes by seven different builders who were not affiliated with each other except through the Stone Grove Builders Association. He also said that since our present zoning ordinance requires that a real estate office be in a model home these seven builders were requesting an amendment to this ordinance for a temporary sales office. Mr. Faires added that since this was a Planned Unit Development this request could be listed as one of the permitted uses. He also went on the say that since these homes were of the $125, 000 plus range and built by seven different builders to have a sales office in any one particular unit would give that builder an advantage over the others. Mr. Faires told the commission that he saw no harm in this request and that we should probably grant this amendment. Bart Peddicord asked Mr. Faires if he knew where they were going to put this sales office. Mr. Faires said it would be placed on lot 1009 W. Foxwood Lane. Chairman Brian Chaney asked what type of time restraint would be placed on these offices. Mr. Faires noted that the usual time restraint was two years. Cecilia Wood asked what type of structure was going to be placed there as a sales office. Mr. Faires said it was the same type they had for lot sales on Stone Road. Bob Skipwith asked if they were going to put an individual sales person in each model home. Mr. Faires said they were not and that they have an agreement to not sell these models for around eighteen months. Bob Skipwith asked if Mr. Faires felt that they would be setting some type of presidence if they accepted this amendment. Mr. Faires noted that the only person who could request this would be one building in a Planned Unit Development. Chairman Brian Chaney closed the public hearing. CONSIDER APPROVAL OF RECOMMENDATION TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE AMENDMENT TO ORDINANCE 85-60 ADDING A TEMPORARY BUILDING FOR A SALES OFFICE AS AN ADDITIONAL PERMITTED USE: Bob Skipwith stated that in this type of subdivision that a sales office like this one would hurt the builders if left up to long and that for this reason he felt like they would try to have it out of there as soon as possible. Mr. Chaney noted that he did want to see a time limit put on this amendment and that with the size of the homes and cost of lots that he did not feel they would be setting a presidence. Marty Stovall asked if this sales office was already set up in this development. Mr. Faires noted that it used to be but that it had been moved and stated that they wanted the sales office to be close to the models so people could access them easily. Marty Stovall asked if they wanted this sales office until their models were built. Mr. Faires said no. Brian Chaney added that since there were seven builders he felt they didn' t want to go to the cost of staffing seven different homes with one sales office but would rather hire one sales person to show these models. Bart Peddicord asked what time limit they were recommending. Brian Chaney noted that two years was standard. Bob Skipwith moved that they recommend to the City Council that a sales office could be set up in this PUD for a period not to exceed two years. Bart Peddicord seconded this motion. This motion passed with all in favor. CONSIDER APPROVAL OF PRELIMINARY PLAT FOR WESTGATE TERRACE: Chairman Brian Chaney noted that this was the item that had been brought to them at the previous meeting and asked Mr. Faires to tell the commission of the changes. Mr. Faires showed the commission the plat which he noted they had seen before except with one minor change which was the relocation of Fleming Street where they had requested it to be placed. Brian Chaney asked if the R. O. W. was all on their property. Mr. Faires said it was and that everything had been checked with engineering and everything is correct and that he strongly recommends this item for approval. Cecilia Wood made the motion to recommend the Preliminary Plat for Westgate Terrace for approval to the City Council. This motion was seconded by Marty Stovall. This motion passed with all in favor. ADJOURN: There There being no other business, a motion was made by Bart Peddicord to adjourn. This motion was seconded by Bob - Gkipwith. This motion passed with all in favor. --Brian Chaney^- - Chax man Respectfully submitted Karen Blythe - Secretary ~^ � _