07-02-1987 (Planning & Zoning) Minutes _
The Planning and Zoning Commission for the City of Wylie,
Texas met in a Regular Meeting on July 2, 1987 in the
Community Room at 800 Thomas Street. A quorum was present
and notice of the meeting had been posted for the time and
in the manner required by law. Those present were: Chairman
Brian Chaney, Vice-Chairman Ben Scholz, Bobby Skipwith and
Ken Mauk with R. P. Miller and Jay Davis arriving late.
Representing the city staff was Roy Faires, Code Enforcement
Officer and Amanda Maples, Secretary.
made a motion to approve the minutes. Ken Mauk seconded the
motion. Motion carried 4-0.
BIRMINGHAM_PARQ__TRACT 17 - Roy Faires, Code Enforcement
Officer, addressed the Planning and Zoning Commission
_ stating that this plat was previously approved but it had
died because of the time limit ; therefore, it must be moved
through the motions again. Its zoning is SF-3. It has been
approved by the Engineering Department and there are no
changes from the original plat. Therefore, the staff
recommends approval.
Mike Kindred, representing Mortgage Investment Company,
owner of about 580 acres of the Birmingham Farms, came
forward saying that his company had met all of the
requirements for a Preliminary Plat with SF-3 zoning and
that he was available to answer any questions that the
Planning and Zoning Commission may have concerning the plat.
He stated further, that Tract 17 had about 42 acres of SF-3
Bobby Skipwith asked Mr. Faires if this was the tract that
Mortgage Investment Co. was asking for a zoning change on.
Mr. Faires replied "no" their are no changes in this tract.
Tract 16 is the one that they are requesting a zoning change
Vice-Chairman asked Mr. Kindred if they were only going to
build one half on Alanis Road.
- Mr. Kindred replied that they would be building all of
Alanis at least up to the retail tracts. It will be built
in the form of a boulevard.
Chairman Brian Chaney stated that he remembered this plat
from the first time that it was submitted and that he did
not see any problem with it before.
Vice-Chairman Ben Scholz said that the length of the back
alley seemed to be extremely long and asked if speed bumps
would be installed.
Bart Treece said that they had not anticipated installing
any speed bumps but to keep in mind what this will look like
when tract 16 is put next to it. We always try to keep
alleys in the range of 1200 to 1500 feet and I believe that
this alley does not exceed that.
Ken Mauk made a motion to accept the Preliminary Plat as
presented. Bobby Skipwith seconded the motion. Motion
carried 6-0.
ITEM_N9,_3_- ADJOURN - Ken Mauk made a motion to adjourn the
July 2, 1987 Regular Meeting of the Planning and Zoning
Commission. Bobby Skipwith seconded the Motion. Motion
carried 6-0.
-v'-------=------- -----------
Brian Chaney, Ch Sman
Respectfully Submitted :
Amanda Maples, Secretary