07-16-1987 (Planning & Zoning) Minutes _
The Planning and Zoning Commission for the City of Wylie,
Texas met in a Regular Meeting on July 16, 1987 in the
Community Room at 800 Thomas Street. A quorum was present
and notice of the meeting had been posted for the time and
in the manner required by law. Those present were: Chairman
Brian Chaney, Vice-Chairman Ben Scholz, Bobby Skipwith and
R. P. Miller. Representing the city staff was Roy Faires,
Code Enforcement Officer and Amanda Maples, Secretary.
made a motion to approve the minutes. Ben Scholz seconded
the motion. Motion carried 4-0.
PLA��NED_UNIT _DEVELOPMENT - Mr. Faires stated that this item
had been withdrawn from the agenda at the request of the
_- developer.
action was taken on this item due to the fact that item 2
has been withdrawn from the agenda.
Mr. Faires addressed the Planning and Zoning Commission
informing them of the action that the City Council had taken
on Tract 17, Birmingham Farms. He said that the Planning
and Zoning Commission had recommended approval of the SF3
tract. However, the City Council had tabled any motion on
the tract. The City Council is presently displeased with
the amount of SF3 developing in Wylie and is looking toward
more SF2 zoning. Council considered granting SF2 zoning but
there was a discrepancy as to whether granting the SF2
zoning would be considered "Down Zoning" which is illegal
and the item was tabled for further consideration.
Brian Chaney opened the public hearing to anyone who wished
to speak for or against this item.
-- Mr. Roy Wilshire of PAWA Winkelman came forward representing
the Pendry family. Mr. Wilshire said that this is the
balance of about 1800 acres of which most was purchased by
the Corp of Engineers. On the property their is a north
south road which is the realignment of Eubanks Road and an
east west road which is the proposed Spring Creek Parkway.
The property is bounded on the west by the lake, on the east
by the Corp of Engineers and Eubanks Road, on the south by
the Railroad and North Texas Municipal Water District and on
the west is a tract of undeveloped land. This tract was
annexed into the City of Wylie in December of 1986 and is
presently zoned "A. "
We are asking for a combination of uses. We are providing
for Spring Creek Parkway, the realignment of Eubanks Road, a
single family buffer to protect Glad Acres, on the east and
west commercial uses and at thoroughfare crossings and
residential uses to cover over 2/3 of the property. The
Industrial tract is bounded on the south by the railroad and
on the north by Spring Creek Parkway. The red area is B1
zoning adjacent to the Industrial use. Tract 7 and 8 by
Spring Creek Parkway, we are asking for B2 zoning. The
orange area is SF3 and the yellow area is SF2. The Pendry
family owns the peninsula next to the SF2 which is presently
zoned "A" and is unplated at this time. The remaining 12
_. acres we anticipate as a MF use. We are prepared to
dedicate right of ways quickly to allow the roads to be
constructed by the County.
The SF areas are a first draft of the subdivision layout-
backing the houses up to Spring Creek Parkway with 2 primary
entrances from Spring Creek Parkway and a main collector,
serving the tract.
We are excited and anxious to move forward with this
Mr. Faires stated that the tract speaks for itself. Mr.
Wilshire has made a good presentation. This proposal meets
the theory of our cluster zoning although, it does not
comply with the land use plan, which is changeable. Keep in
mind the action of the Council on the last plat sent forth
with SF3 zoning. There is a great deal of SF3 in that
particular area and I don' t know how the Council would feel
about this much SF3.
Mr. Faires asked Mr. Wilshire if they had decided to put the
deed restrictions on the SF3 as they had discussed and if
so, what house size.
_ Mr. Wilshire said yes they would be willing to commit to
that at 1350 sq. feet.
- Mr. Drummin of 1700 Skyview came forward saying that most of
the zoning is based on the proposed right of way of Spring
Creek Parkway. Has that location been finalized?
Mr. Faires said that Spring Creek Parkway can be located
anywhere if the City and the County so decides.
Mr. Drummin said that the SF3 houses interface his property
which is 1. 2 acres with a 1500 ft. house. That is the point
I wanted to make, that these houses are interfacing much
larger lots and I wonder if SF3 is enough buffer.
There being no further discussion Chairman Brian Chaney
closed the public hearing.
SURVEY�_ABSTRACT_NO�_688 - Bobby Skipwith asked if they were
proposing to change the house size of all of the SF3 zoning.
Mr. Faires said, "yes. "
Bobby Skipwith said that Spring Creek Parkway seemed to be a
small buffer between the SF3 and the Industrial zoning.
� Mr. Faires replied that Spring Creek Parkway has a 100 ft.
right of way.
Mr. Wilshire said that Spring Creek Parkway actually has a
120 ft. right of way and it is important for the houses to
back up to that thoroughfare and that there will be
landscaping on the Industrial tract.
The current ordinance only calls for a 20 ft. setback for
Industrial property which, through the plating process we
plan to increase that and I believe there has to be a wall.
Chairman Brian Chaney said that the Planning and Zoning
Commission has always gone with cluster zoning as opposed to
strip zoning. Roy mentioned the density of the SF3, a
developer came before us wanting large homes on small lots
and it was granted. He deed restricted and the large lots
sold first and the small lots did not sell. We are not here
to evaluate the sell ability of these lots. Deed
restrictions are his economic decision.
Mr. Faires said that the City would not enforce deed
restrictions, that is the Civil Courts duty. He went on to
say that for some years we have felt as you do about buffer
zoning. In the past we have used duplex zoning but in the
__ last year all of the duplex zoning has come back before us
wanting to change the zoning because the duplex lots are not
marketable. It makes no sense to buffer with duplex zoning
when it will only be changed, for now the SF3 zoning is the
best buffer zoning that we have available.
Chairman Brian Chaney suggested that the Commission take one
tract at a time and deal with the zoning in that fashion.
Tract 1 - No problem.
Tract 2 - Change to all SF2.
Tracts 6, 7, 8 & 9 - Change to all SF3 on tracts 6 and 9.
Tracts 7 and 8 leave as requested.
Tracts 3, 4 & 5 - Change tract 5 bringing B1 down all the way
to the railroad tracts and put Industrial on tracts 3 and 4.
Vice-Chairman Ben Scholz made a motion to grant the zoning
as follows:
Tracts 1 and 2 - SF2
Tract 3 - Industrial
Tract 4 - amend the lower corner to B1 and the rest
_ Tract 5 - B1
Tract 6 SF3
Tract 7 - B2
Tract 8 - B2
Tract 9 - SF3
R. P. Miller seconded the motion. Motion carried 4-0.
HOME_TOWN_ FURNITURE,_INC.} - Mr. Faires said that this is a
proposal for a pawn shop in and Industrial zone. These
people have applied to the state for license and I have
informed them that they need a Specific Use Permit to
operate a pawn shop in this zoning.
Chairman Brian Chaney opened the public hearing for anyone
who wished to speak concerning this item.
Mr. N. C. Jefferies with Home Town Furniture, Inc. said that
at this time they had 3 stores. One store is leased and
there are two buildings on this 1 acre tract that are not
leased. We have checked with the state about getting
licensed to operate a pawn shop. There is no problem in
_ getting the license but due to the time involved and the
expense we wanted to see if you would allow us to get the
Specific Use Permit before we embarked further on this
There being no further questions or opposition Chairman
Brian Chaney closed the public hearing.
FURNITURE,_INC0} - Mr. Faires said that a Specific Use
Permit could be and annual permit, restricted to the present
owner and reviewed annually.
Ben Scholz asked if large items such as boats and trailers
could be stored outside.
Mr. Faires said that outside storage was permitted in this
Chairman Brian Chaney said that they could not use the
parking spaces for that but he could store it on the side or
in the back.
Ben Scholz made a motion to grant the Specific Use Permit to
be restricted to the present owner and that it should be an
annual permit and reviewed each year. Bob Skipwith seconded
_ the motion. Motion carried 4-0.
ADDITIOA_090__1"_LOT__A - Mr. Faires stated that this is
the property contiguous with the Police Station, it adjoins
Jackson Street and is the proposed site of McDonald ,.,
The plans have been reviewed by the City Staff. This plat
has met all of the requirements of the City of Wylie
standards and the staff recommends approval.
Chairman Brian Chaney asked Mr. Faires how this property is
Mr. Faires said that it is railroad property. The streets
across the railroad property are not dedicated they are just
prescriptive easements and we can' t get the dedication until
the property is plated.
Chairman Brian Chaney asked if the utilities shown on the
plat were already existing.
Mr. Faires said "yes and they have granted easements so that
the City can maintain the utilities. "
Chairman Brian Chaney asked what the current zoning of the
property is.
- Mr. Faires said that it is zoned B1.
R. P. Mi1ler made a motion to approve the Final Plat as
presented. Bob Skipwith seconded the motion. Motion
carried 4-0.
ITBM_NO�__9_��_ADJOURN - R. P. Miller made a motion to adjourn
the July 16, 1987, Regular Meeting of the Planning and
Zoning Commission. Bob Skipwith seconded the motion.
Motion carried 4-0.
-��------I��---- -- --- -
Brian Chanlx, Cha rman
Respectfully Submitted :
Amanda Maples, Secretary