07-23-1987 (Planning & Zoning) Minutes -
The Planning and Zoning Commission for the City of Wylie,
Texas met in a Called Meeting on July 23, 1987 in the
Conference Room at 108 S. Jackson. A quorum was present and
notice of the meeting had been posted for the time and in
the manner required by law. Those present were: Chairman
Brian Chaney, Vice-Chairman Ben Scholz, Bob Skipwith, Bart
Peddicord, Cecilia Woods, R. P. Miller and Marty Stovall.
Representing the City Staff was Roy Faires, Code Enforcement
Officer and Amanda Maples, Secretary.
informed the board that the duties of the Planning and
Zoning Commission were strictly advisory. We conduct Public
Hearings and make recommendations to the City Council.
Mr. Faires pointed out that the proper way to make a motion
should be to say that "we recommend that the City Council
- approve or disapprove" of an item. In order for the Council
to override a recommendation of disapproval from the P&Z it
takes a super majority vote of the Council (75%) .
Mr. Faires explained that in the past the City Staff
consisted of Mr. Pappas, City Manager; Mr. Santry, City
Engineer and myself. Until such time as we came along the
City Council had not felt comfortable with the City Staff
reviewing plans so a Plat Review Committee was formed to
review plats and send their recommendation forward to the
Council. Since the Council has felt comfortable with a
competent staff to help guide them the Plat Review Committee
was dissolved at the Council level. The Staff' s directions
from the Council are that no plat is to come forward with a
red line on it unless the developer demands that it be done.
When we receive a Preliminary Plat the Engineering Staff
will review it and make any comments. It is then sent back
to their Engineers to have any corrections made. At that
point it will come back to the Engineering Staff for another
review until the plans are done correctly.
When the Planning and Zoning Commission receives a
Preliminary Plat you can rest assured that it complies with
all aspects of the Subdivision Regulations unless the
developer and his engineer insist that it be sent forward
and in that instance those exceptions will be pointed out to
you both in your packet and at the meeting.
-- Your primary function as a board is zoning the planning part
is usually inherited especially in small cities. In larger
cities the planning and zoning are usually two separate
Chairman Brian Chaney touched on the ETJ explaining that the
Extra Territorial Jurisdiction of our City is one mile from
our City Limit line in any direction unless it reaches
another cities City Limits or their ETJ line. In some cases
where two cities ETJ lines cross a common boundary is
Mr. Faires said that State Law permits a City to enforce
their subdivision ordinance in the ETJ. A courtesy review
may be held in the area of two to five miles.
Chairman Brian Chaney explained that if someone owned 50
acres in our ETJ and he built a house, barn and a storage
building on it then he is ok. However, if he subdivides the
property without meeting our subdivision regulations then he
is breaking the law.
Mr. Faires explained further that subdivision is dividing
any piece of real property that has a legal description into
two or more tracts. It is a violation of law for the County
_- Clerk to file a plat of subdivision in our ETJ unless that
plat has been approved by our City Council.
Our City operates as a Home Rule City and we are governed by
a Home Rule Charter which was adopted by the Citizens of
Wylie. The difference between a Home Rule City and a
General Law City is that when a city reaches a population of
5000 or more and adopts a Home Rule Charter it is allowed to
do anything that the State Law does not specifically
prohibit. A General Law city has a population of less than
5000 and can only do what State Law permits them to do.
Being a Home Rule City allows us to make involuntary
annexations. This is usually done because their is a tract
of land that we are concerned about someone putting and
abusive use on. The City Council and the Staff start
proceedings for involuntary annexations. A tract that is
involuntarily annexed usually is zoned as an agricultural
use unless the owner specifies another zoning. The
annexation of the property and the zoning of the property
are separate hearings. A voluntary annexation is when
someone requests annexation and if they meet the
requirements annexation is usually granted by both the
Planning and Zoning Commission and the City Council.
— Chairman Brian Chaney said that zonings should be blended as
much as possible. There are two zoning maps, one in Mr.
Faires' s office and one in the Council Chambers, they show
what our city will look like at build out. It will change
some because the map is not iron clad there is some
Mr. Faires explained that he and Mr. Pappas were
commissioned by the Planning and Zoning Commission and the
City Council over two years ago to provide them with a
projected land use plan for the land inside the City Limits
as well as the ETJ. It is in our ordinance that a zoning
request can be initiated by either the property owner or by
the Planning and Zoning Commission.
Chairman Brian Chaney said that the staff puts a lot of
hours into reviewing the plats that come before us.
Platting is done in two steps first the Preliminary Plant
and then the Final Plat. It is not our responsibility to
decide the marketability of a piece of land, rather to make
sure that the subdivision regulations are met.
Also, where zoning is concerned we are not in the lets make
a deal business. If this board feels that a particular
zoning is what is best for this City then we need to stick
— with that and send that recommendation forth to the Council.
Never trade a developer a little SF-3 here for more SF-2
over there.
Mr. Faires said that any time something comes before the
board that the staff is strongly opposed to, you will be
supplied with information as to why we are opposed to it and
I am always available to answer any questions day or night.
Chairman Brian Chaney warned the new members that when four
or more members are together discussing Planning and Zoning
Business it is considered a quorum and that would be an
illegal meeting unless notice of the meeting was posted 72
hours in advance.
He went on to say that all of the specifications in the
Zoning Ordinance are minimum requirements. Our Zoning
Ordinance is completely separate from Deed Restrictions.
Deed Restrictions are listed on the plat but are not
enforced at the City level. Any enforcement of a Deed
Restriction would be handled in Civil Court.
In our Zoning Ordinance the Agricultural Zoning is an
exclusive zoning. The zonings are accumulative in SF-1
through SF-3, exclusive in SFA, 2F, MF and MH.
~- SF-1 is the largest single family classification with large
lot and house sizes. SF-2 is in the middle. SF-1 is the
smallest single family zoning. 2F is a duplex zoning lately
is has been very unpopular with the developers and we are
finding that all of the 2F zoning which we previously
granted is coming before us again with requests for zoning
changes. SF-A is our zoning for Townhomes. Townhomes are
defined as 3 or more attached units, no more than 7 units
and are for individual ownership. MF is our Multi-family
zoning which is apartments. MH is a Manufactured Housing
zoning there is a moratorium on this particular zoning. Any
MH zoning that is currently zoned can be developed but no
new MH zoning will be granted.
Vice-Chairman Ben Scholz said that when we review a Mobile
Home Park it is different because the streets are not
dedicated to the City. They are privately owned and
Mr. Faires added that we do require them to grant the City a
public safety access so our police can patrol the area.
Chairman Brian Chaney went on to explain the zonings saying
that R, retail is our highest business zoning it is for non-
abusive uses such as shopping centers. B-1 allows some
— outside storage but very limited, B-2 allows outside sales
such as cars and boats, I, industrial is our heaviest use.
Mr. Faires added that in most cities our industrial zoning
would be considered very light.
Mr. Faires explained that in a P. U. D. or Planned Unit
Development the first qualification is that they must have 5
acres or more in order to apply. If, in our ordinances, we
don' t have a zoning classification to meet a developers
needs then they can apply for a P. U. D. and present a
comprehensive plan of what they want to do. In a P. U. D. we
can specify almost any kind of restriction on them. The
most common area that we have used this classification in is
the Zero Lot Line Homes. You approve a certain area for a
particular use and they are restricted to what they have
submitted. Their are two routs to take in presenting a
P. U. D. First they submit a concept plan which is like a
preliminary plat. It is approved by the P&Z and the City
Council. Then they present a development plan which is like
a final plat and that is approved by the P&Z and the City
Council. However, if they submit a development plan only,
you will only have one shot to put all of the stipulations
that you want on the development.
_ Specific Use Permits are used when someone wants to do
something that is not allowed in an existing zoning. If
they apply for a Specific Use Permit and it is approved then
they would be allowed to operate that type of business.
Vice-Chairman Ben Scholz informed the new members that on
occasion the Planning and Zoning Commission would review
ordinances and make recommendations to the Council or
recommend that an ordinance be written to cover a particular
Chairman Brian Chaney addressed "Grandfathering" explaining
that if the City annexes a Junk Yard that is already in
existence, he will have a time limit in which he must come
into compliance with the Junk Yard Ordinance. We can not
tell him that he has to cease operation of his business
because he is "grandfathered. " However, if he ceases
operation for 6 months or more then he will no longer be
considered "grandfathered" and he can not reopen that
Vice-Chairman Ben Scholz said that when considering zoning,
look at how the plan fits into the concept of our zoning
map. Cluster shopping centers around major intersections
instead of having something like "Money Making Mile" in
Mr. Faires said that Cluster Zoning diversifies uses and
concentrates less than desirable uses away from residential
— property. By clustering business zonings at intersections
we feel that they serve a larger section of people.
Chairman Brian Chaney addressed the new members saying that
your time spent on this board will be a continuous learning
process. A lot of this is common sense and some of it is
theory. When something new to you comes up at a meeting I
will always try to give you some background as to what has
been done in the past for you to use as a reference.
Mr. Faires said that he has been involved with planning and
zoning in some capacity for ten and a half years. Five
years ago I started collecting case histories and zoning
laws and I am still learning. Every time you think you know
everything a developer will come along with something new
and you have to rethink your ideas.
Cecilia Woods stated that everyone on this board is here
because they care about Wylie and though we may not always
agree we can work together and have the greatest City in
Chairman Brian Chaney said that the volunteer time that we
do for the City is important and I would like to encourage
everyone to make as many meetings as possible.
Mr. Faires said " I came to Wylie about four years ago and
it is a wonderful thing to be in on the birth of a City. I
am proud of my contribution to Wylie and I want you to know
that even if you make a decision that I do not agree with I
will support you 100%. "
ITEM NO. 2 - ADJOURN - Cecilia Woods made a motion to
adjourn the July 23, 1987, Called Meeting of the Planning
and Zoning Commission. Bart Peddicord seconded the motion.
Motion carried 7-0.
- - -------=r Chairman Brian Brzan Chan
Respectfully Submitted :
Amanda Maples, Secretary