11-02-1987 (Planning & Zoning) Minutes •
NOVEMBER 2 , 1987
The City of Wylie Planning and Zoning Commission met in
regular session on Monday, November 2 , 1987 , in the Community
Room. A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been
posted in the time and manner required by law. Those present
were Chairman Brian Chaney, Cecilia Wood, R.P. Miller , Bob
Skipwith, Marty Stovall , Code Enforcement Officer Roy Faires,
Secretary Karen Blythe. Vice-Chairman Ben Scholz and Bart
Peddicord were absent .
CONSIDER APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes submitted for
approval were for the October 26, 1987 , meeting . Chairman
Brian Chaney asked if there were any corrections to be made.
There were none. A motion was made by Cecilia Wood to approve
the minutes as they were. This motion was seconded by R.P.
Miller. This motion passed with all in favor.
TO ORDINANCE 84-10A BUILDING CODE: Brian Chaney asked Roy
Faires to comment on this item. Mr . Faires stated that he had
reported to the Council the discussion of this item from their
last meeting. The Council told Mr . Faires they thought he had
not provided the Planning & Zoning Commission with adequate
information and they felt he should inquire of other cities of
their brick requirement. Mr . Faires said as a result he
called five other cities. Three of the cities he called
required 75% brick for the first floor level with an
additional regulation of 50% for each and every elevation.
Mr. Faires noted he had spoke with McKinney and they said they
had repealed their ordinance in 1981 , and left the brick
requirement up to the developer to put in his deed
restrictions thereby relieving the code department of their
obligation to enforce this regulation. Mr . Faires went on to
say that brick does last longer and does reduce fire hazards
but there is a pressurized wood that will not burn but it is
expensive. Mr . Faires added that the argument which was
brought up about this ordinance had nothing to do with the
price of material but with what other cites were doing . Mr .
Faires stated he had found that each city establishes what
they consider the proper amount of protection for their
citizens. Bob Skipwith asked if this 75% was excluding
windows and doors. Mr . Faires said it was . Brian Chaney
stated he felt very strong about this ordinance and that he
was opposed to any changes that would limit it or weaken it .
R.P. Miller made the comment that he would like to see the
ordinance strengthened. He said he felt there should be brick
at the ground level with the exception of wood porches to
prevent possible fire hazards such as grass fires . Mr . Chaney
noted since the city has an ordinance for yard maintenance
that he saw no real problem with grass fires . Marty Stovall
stated that he felt that the 75% brick requirement was fair
but could understand why some builders did not see eye to eye
on this especially on two story homes where sometimes they
like to do special design features . Mr . Faires added that
other major builders of this city seem to have had no problems
complying with this ordinance. Marty Stovall noted that he
felt this ordinance was best for the general protection of the
community. Cecilia Wood added that she was afraid if the the
brick requirement was reduced that we would be adding a real
fire hazard to the homes with zero lot line. Brian Chaney
noted that the ordinance was strict but fair. R.P. Miller
moved that the recommendation to the City Council read that
the present ordinance be maintained as presently written with
no alterations. Bob Skipwith seconded this motion. This
motion passed with all in favor.
ADJOURN: There being no other business, a motion was made by
Bob Skipwith to adjourn. This motion was seconded by Marty
Stovall . This motion passed with all in favor .
Brian Chan y - Chair n
Respectfully submitted
Karen Blythe - Secretary