01-24-1985 (Planning & Zoning) Minutes MINUTES PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS THURSDAY, JANUARY 24, 1985 The Planning and Zoning Commission for the City of Wylie, Texas met in regular session on Thursday, January 24, 1985 in the council chambers at city hall . A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted for the time and in the manner required by law. The meeting was called to order at 7: 00 P. M. by Chairman, Randy Gaston. Members present were Harold Spence, Ken Mauk, Nancy Conkle and Sarah Connelly. Bryant Barry and Kent Crane were absent. Representing the city staff were Gus Pappas, City Manager; Roy Faires, C. E. O. and Maureen Dunlop , clerk. ITEM N. 1 - APPROVAL OF MINUTES-Randy Gaston asked for approval of the minutes as they read. Harold Spence motioned to approve the minutes, Ken Mauk seconded the motion to approve the minutes as read. Motion carried 5-0. Randy Gaston informed the Board that the discussion on the amendments to the Moble Home Park Ordinance went before the City Council last Monday night, January 21 , 1985. The Council would like to pass these on to the city attorney prior to making any action on them. That is curently being done. Randy Gaston said that the only thing that was added was a suggestion for a fencing requirment on the perimeter of the park. ITEM NO. 2 -CONDUCT PUBLIC HEARING ON ANNEXATION OF 21 . 0541 ACRES ON FM 544 AT THE INTERSECTION OF HOOPER RD. - Chairman Gaston asked Mr. Pappas to fill the Board in on this annexation. Mr. Pappas showed the Board exactly where the land was located. Chairman Gaston declared the public meeting open and asked if there were any comments for or against this item, there being none, the public hearing was closed. After some discussion, Chairman Gaston asked for a motion, Ken Mauk motioned to approve the annexation. Harold Spence seconded the motion. Motion carried 5-0. ITEM NO. 3 - CONDUCT PUBLIC HEARING ON ANNEXATION OF 33. 8858 ACRES OF WM. SACHSE SURVEY, ADJACENT TO STEEL INDUSTRIAL PARK - Mr. Pappas explained that this plat would be a mirror image of Steel. Industrial Park, it is different in that through the plat runs a strip of land that belongs to T. F . °< L. . It would be up to Mr. Ken Swayze to take care of this strip with T. P. & L. . Sarah Connelly made a motion to recommend to city council that they annex this piece of property. Nancy Conkle seconded the motion. Motion carried 5-(), ITEM NO. 4- CONDUCT WORKSHOP ON PROPOSED ZONING ORDINANCE 15. 1 Under Use Regulations: #1 . Change to read: A mobile home. ( Mobile home park regulations covered under separate ordinance. ) A park is defined as a unit of land under sole ownership where lots are rented or leased as space to be occupied by the described housing. Height Regulations: Change twelve ( 12) feet to thirty (30) feet maximum. Under size of lot: (a) Lot Area: Change five thousand (5000) to five thousand five hundred (5500) square feet per unit (c) Lot Depth: Change one hundred ( 100) to one hundred and ten ( 110) feet minimum Under Minimum Dwelling Size: Change: four hundred eighty (480) to nine hundred (900) square feet Under Lot Coverage: Change: thirty-five (35) to twenty- five (25) percent 15. 5 Change to read: Additional Restrictions Applicable to Mobile Home District: 16. 1 Under Use Regulations: scratch Pawn Shop Under #52. (c) Change to read: That all merchandise be sold at retail on the premises. Wherever it reads masonry wall - change to read: masonry or wood wall . 17. 3 Area Regulations: #3. Lot coverage: change forty (40) to fifty (50) percent 18. 1 Use Regulations: #1 . Change to read: Uses permitted in the B-1 , Business District and R Retail 18. 3 #3. Lot Coverage: Change forty (40) to read fifty (50) percent Delete #4. 19. 1 Use Regulations: #1 . Change to read: Any use permitted in the B-2 Business District, 8-1 Business District, and R Retail except, child care facilities, hospitals, nursing homes and schools other than trade. 19. 2 Height Regulations: Change to read: Maximum height one hundred ( 100) feet. 19. 3 Area Regulations: #4. Delete Mr. Pappas proposed that at sometime soon they should bring forth a proposal to change the entire three (3) blocks that are zoned Industrial and two (2) lots out of the other one to B-1 . Mr. Gaston asked if that could be none for their next meeting, Mr. Pappas said he would see that it was taken care of . 21 . 3 Change to read: Any dump, excavation, storage, filling, or mining operation within that portion of a district having a Flood Plain, FP Prefix shall be approved in writing by the City Manager or his Designated Representative. 23. 1 Special Off-street Parking Provisions--Residential Districts #1 . Delete first sentence Should read: All required parking spaces shall be located behind the required front setback line in the MF district. Parking Requirements Based on use: Under #3. change three (3) to four (4) seats in the main auditorium. Under #7. Change to read: One and a half ( 1 . 5) space per teacher. #9. Change to read: Dwelling, single family: Two (2) spaces per dwelling-refer back to specific zoning for details. #10. Change to read: Dwelling, two family: Two (2) spaces per dwelling-refer back to specific zoning for details. #11 . Change to read: Dwellings, Multi -family: Two and one-half (2. 5) spaces per unit-refer back to specific zoning for details. #13. Should read: Mobile Home Subdivision: #22. Under Mobile Home Park: Change two (2) to three (3) spaces 29. 1 Add #4. Any and all plots, tracts or lots must be provided access via a public street or drive. 31 . 2 Add #5. The concurring vote of four (4) members of the Board shall be necessary to revise any order, requirement, decision or determination of any such administrative official , or to decide in favor of the application on any matter upon which it is required to pass under this ordinance or to affect any variance in said ordinance. Chairman Gaston said he thought that the rest of the ordinance was pretty technical and that it should be left for City Hall . Harold Spence moved to adjourn. Motion was seconded by Ken Mauk. Motion carried 5-C>. Randy aeon, Chairman