04-25-1985 (Planning & Zoning) Minutes MINUTES
The Planning and Zoning Commission for the City of Wylie ,
Texas met in regular session on Thursday , April 25 , 1985 in
the Council Chambers of City Hall . A quorum was present and
notice of the meeting had been posted for the time and in
the manner required by law.
The meeting was called to order at 7 : 05 P.M. by Chairman
Kent Crane with members Ken Mauk , John Hamilton and Sarah
Connelly present . Nancy Conkle and Bryant Barry were
absent . Representing the city staff were Gus Pappas , City
Manager ; Roy Faires , C.E.O. and Barbara LeCocq , secretary .
Before proceeding with the first item, Chairman Crane asked
that anyone speaking from the floor state their name and
their address for the record .
ITEM NO. 1 - APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Chairman Crane asked for
any additions or corrections to the minutes . Sarah Connelly
made a motion to approve the minutes as submitted . Motion
seconded by Ken Mauk. Chairman Crane stated that Bryant
Barry had called the night before and had asked him (Mr .
Crane) "to voice a concern he (Bryant Barry) had about the
minutes . Mr . Barry had clarified the statement by saying he
"sometimes picked on the minutes a little more than others"
but on Item No .6 at the bottom of the page , the very last
sentence Motion carried 4-0-1 with Bryant Barry abstaining .
(Since this is not a conflict of interest , the abstaining
vote counts as an affirmative . ) ' And he had said that
because he was a trustee of the school board and burdened
with that responsibility he was responsible in financial
situations in that it could be construed as a conflict of
interest, possibly, and that was the reason for the
abstentian and that he was concerned about the addition of
this part of the minutes and would like to see if we could
strike that sentence . " Mr . Crane then asked Mr . Pappas for
his opinion on this matter . Mr . Pappas responded by saying
"I don ' t think so . " He then stated that the commission
could continue to pursue the question but since Mr . Barry
was absent it would perhaps be better to table the approval
of the minutes until the next meeting . He also stated that
the law fairly well defines an allowable "conflict of
interest" as being that where a voting party has what the
law calls a pecuniary interest which is defined in the law
as a direct financial benefit of at least a value of 10% of
the operation . Mr . Barry ' s position , which is not
compensated , nor his position as a tax-payer would qualify
him to be in that position. He further stated that our new
city charter clearly states that in the matter of
abstentian , unless a valid conflict of interest has been
claimed and proven, a simple abstentian will be counted as
an affirmative vote. The purpose for that provision was to
discourage any member of any board from abstaining merely to
avoid going on record for any particular item. Mr . Crane
asked if it would be possible to go ahead and take action on
the minutes and then place this as an agenda item to be
discussed at another meeting . Mr . Pappas stated that the
decision to table these minutes would simply mean that they
would return at the next meeting for approval at that time .
That would also give the board the opportunity to discuss
the item specifically and in a general sense . Sarah
Connelly said she would amend her motion and move to table
the minutes until the next meeting . Motion seconded by Ken
Mauk. Motion carried 4-0.
STONE ROAD - This property is described as 3 .0593 acres and
57 . 1017 acres out of the Francisco de la Pina Survey ,
Abstract 688 and is located on E . Stone Road . The
petitioner is asking for SF-1 zoning (single-famly 1 ) .
Chairman Crane asked Roy Faires to identify the property on
the map for the members of the board and those in the
audience . Mr . Faires stated that the staff recommends
approval of this zoning petition. Chairman Crane opened the
public hearing. There being no comments from the floor , the
public hearing was closed and the item returned to the
table . With no comments from the members of the commission
a motion was made by John Hamilton to recommend to the City
Council of Wylie approval of the zoning petition for SF-1
for the above described property . Motion seconded by Ken
Mauk. Motion carried 4-0.
ACRES ON 544 AND VINSON RD. - This property is described as
96 . 218 acres out of the Elisha M. Price Survey, Abstract
1114 and is located at the intersection of S . FM 544 and
Vinson Road . Chairman Crane asked Roy Faires to point the
property out on the map. Mr . Faires stated that the staff
recommends approval . The public hearing was opened by
Chairman Crane . Mr. Don Lowell of 1136 High Ridge Drive,
President of Twin Creek Homeowners Assoc . , asked to be
recognized and stated that the roads in that development are
private and that the homeowners are concerned about traffic
"cutting" through the Twin Creek Estates addition when this
property is developed . Mr . Faires stated that this is an
annexation hearing only and that use questions would be
addressed at the zoning hearing . There being no further
questions or comments from the floor , the public hearing was
closed and the item returned to the table for discussion .
No comments from the commission. A motion was made by Ken
Mauk to recommend approval of this annexation petition to
the City Council . Sarah Connelly seconded the motion.
Motion carried 4-0.
LOCATED ON STONE ROAD - This property is described as 1 .0401
acres out of the Aaron West Survey , Abstract 979 located on
E. Stone Road . This is the site of the Rush Creek I lift
station . Chairman Crane asked Roy Faires to point out the
property on the map. The public hearing was opened by
Chairman Crane . Joyce Pollard of 1530 Stone Road asked to
be recognized . Mrs. Pollard asked about the size of the
lift station, odor control and the ability of property
owners in the area to hook onto the sewer line . Gus Pappas ,
City Manager , described the general details of construction
and the function of a lift station along with City policy
for extending City services . With no further questions or
comments from the floor , the public hearing was closed and
the item returned to the table for discussion. Ken Mauk
asked if the line from the lift station will go into the
central sewage treatment plant . Gus Pappas answered in the
affirmative . In answer to a question from Kent Crane , Roy
Faires stated that the lift station property would carry the
same zoning as the surrounding property. With no further
comments , Chairman Crane asked for a motion. Sarah Connelly
made a motion to recommend approval of this zoning petition
to the City Council . John Hamilton seconded the motion.
Motion carried 4-0 .
PARK - This property is located on SH 78 south of Roddy and
Assoc . Chairman Crane asked for the staff comments . Roy
Faires stated that the plat had been reviewed by the
appropriate staff members and had been approved . Any
corrections are of an engineering nature . The engineer , Mr .
Cummings was present and stated that the engineering
corrections had been made . Roy Faires stated that the plat
makes provision for the participation in Alanis . Percy
Simmons , the developer , noted that the plat also shows a
landscaping easement in order to insure that landscaping
will be done . John Hamilton asked when• they would
anticipate the first occupancy . Percy Simmons answered that
they hope to be ready by mid-July . In answer to a question
by Kent Crane , Percy Simmons said there is a portion in the
flood plain and that they are moving dirt and filling to
eliminate the problem. With no further questions from the
commission a motion was made by Ken Mauk and seconded by
John Hamilton to recommend approval of the final plat for
Century Business Park to the City Council . Motion carried
4-0 .
ITEM NO. 6 - A motion was made for adjournment by Kent Crane
and seconded by Ken Mauk. Meeting adjourned by Chairman
Crane .
Ke t Crane, Chairman