05-09-1985 (Planning & Zoning) Minutes MINUTES PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION THURSDAY, MAY 9 , 1985 The Planning and Zoning Commission for the City of Wylie , Texas met in regular session on Thursday , May 9 , 1985 in the Council Chambers at City Hall . A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted for the time and in the manner required by law . The meeting was called to order by Chairman Kent Crane at 7 :05 P .M. Members present were John Hamilton, Ken Mauk, Bill Chapmen, Sarah Connelly and Nancy Conkle . One member , Bryant Barry , absent . Representing the city staff were Gus Pappas , City Manager ; Roy Faires , C .E.O. , and Barbara LeCocq , secretary. Chairman Crane welcomed the newest member of the commission , Bill Chapman and introduced the members of the commmission . ITEM NO. 1 - APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Chairman Crane stated that action on minutes from the meeting of April 11 , 1985 had been tabled due to a question about the abstaining vote on Item no . 6. He then asked Mr . Pappas for clarification on the point . Gus Pappas , City Manager , then noted that the City Charter , adopted in January of 1985 stated that abstaining votes , unless declared as a conflict of interest , would be recorded in the minutes as an affirmative vote . However , this was specifically required of the City Council and had not been specifically required of the other boards and commissions of the City . He also noted that this requirement was implied for all boards and commissions for the City. City Manager Pappas suggested that the members of the P & Z might want to place an item on the next agenda to discuss procedural matters . Kent Crane asked for a concensus . Members indicated unanimously that they would like for such an item to be placed on the next agenda . Chairman Crane asked for any additions or corrections to the minutes of April 11 , 1985. There being none , Ken Mauk made a motion to approve the minutes as submitted . Seconded by Sarah Connelly . Motion carried 5-0. Chairman Crane then asked for any addtions or corrections to the minutes of April 25 , 1985 . There being none a motion was made by Sarah Connelly to approve the minutes as submitted . Ken Mauk seconded . Motion carried 5-0. ITEM NO. 2 - PUBLIC HEARING ON RE-ZONING OF 1 .208 ACRES IN RUSTIC OAKS - This property is described as being 1 . 208 acres out of the S . B. Shelby Survey , Abstract 820. The petitioner is requesting a change from PUD to Retail . Chairman Crane asked Roy Faires to point out the property on 1 the map. Mr . Faires also noted that a portion of the tract would be lost to the developer if and when the "S" curve on Brown St. is straightened out . Staff recommended approval of the petition. The public hearing was opened by Chairman Crane at which time he requested anyone speaking from floor to give their name and address . Ellen Smith , 309 Cottonbelt , asked to be recognized . Mrs . Smith wanted to know exactly what portion of the tract would be retail . She noted that a retail use directly adjacent to her property was not desireable and she was also concerned about the increased traffic that a retail use would encourageso near to the new elementary school . She was also interested in the relocating of the curve on Brown St . Roy Faires showed a plat of the realigning of the "S" curve . He also noted that the PUD zoning was not in compliance because in order to receive PUD zoning a detailed concept plan, showing building plans , landscaping and accurate plot plans are required at the time of zoning . With no further comments or questions from the floor . the public hearing was closed and the item returned to the table for discussion. Mr . Faires and Mr. Crane explained that the PUD zoning allows the developer more leeway with regard to density , set-backs etc . but the Retail zoning would allow him to develop the property with less paper work. The retail zoning would actually afford more protection for the surrounding property owners . The retail zoning is more restrictive than the PUD zoning with regard to building . With no further discussion , Sarah Connelly made a motion to recommend to the City Council , aproval of the re-zoning of the above described property from PUD to retail . Motion seconded by Ken Mauk. Motion carried 6-0. ITEM NO. 3 - PUBLIC HEARING ON THE ZONING OF 5.539 ACRES IN STEEL INDUSTRIAL PARK - This property is described as 5 . 539 acres out of the Wm. Sachse Survey , Abstract 835 . The petitioner has requested Industrial zoning for the property . Chairman Crane asked Mr . Faires to point the property out on the map and to give staff recommendation. Mr . Faires noted that the industrial zoning was compatible with surrounding uses and that the staff recommended approval . The public hearing was opened and closed with no comments or questions from the floor . Commission members indicated they had no questions or comments . Chairman Crane asked for a motion . Motion made by Sarah Connelly to recommend approval of the industrial zoning for the above described property . Motion seconded by John Hamilton. Motion carried 6-0 . ITEM NO. 3a APPROVAL OF PRELIMINARY PLAT FOR WALLACE INDUSTRIAL PARK - Roy Faires stated that this plat had been through staff review and had been approved by all appropriate staff members , including the City Engineer . Kent Crane questioned the advisability of the private drive . Mr . Faires noted that the City Engineer had required the widening of the drive from fifteen ( 15) feet to twenty-five 2 (25) feet in order to accomodate emergency equipment . He also noted that the final plat would show easements for utilities. Kent Crane asked about the possibility of making the private drive along the side of the Wallace property and leading to the Oklahoma By-Products into a joint venture street . Mr . Wallace said that the owners had been approached and they were not receptive to the idea . With no further discussion, a motion was made by Bill Chapman to recommend approval of the preliminary plat for Wallace Industrial Park to the City Council . Motion seconded by Nancy Conkle. Motion carried 6-0 . ITEM NO. 4 ADJOURNMENT - With no further discussion Chairman Crane said he would entertain a motion for adjournment . John Hamilton made the motion for adjournment , Ken Mauk seconded . Meeting adjourned by Chairman , Kent Crane . Kent Crane, Chairman 3