05-23-1985 (Planning & Zoning) Minutes MINUTES PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION THURSDAY , MAY 23 , 1985 The Planning and Zoning Commission for the City of Wylie , Texas met in regular session on Thursday , May 23 , 1985 in the Council Chambers at City Hall . A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted for the time and in the manner required by law. The meeting was called to order at 7 : 03 P . M. by Chairman Kent Crane . Present were commission members John Hamilton , Ken Mauk , Bill Chapman , Bryant Barry and Nancy Conkle . Sarah Connelly was absent . Representing the city staff were Gus Pappas , City Manager , Roy Faires , C . E . G . and Barbara LeCocq , secretary . ITEM NO. 1 - APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Chairman Crane asked for any additions or corrections to the minutes . hearing none , he asked for a motion . Ken Mauk made a motion to approve the minutes as submitted . Motion seconded by Bill Chapman . Motion carried 6-0 . ITEM NO. 2 - APPROVAL OF FINAL PLAT FOR WALLACE INDUSTRIAL PARK - Kent Crane asked Gus Pappas for staff comment . Mr . Pappas stated that this is the subdivision of a piece of property that has an existing use . The owner of the property is selling lot 3 at the back of this long narrow tract of land as well as a small lot fronting on FM 544 . In order to allow access to lot 3 , a private drive has been approved by the reviewing city staff members and the city engineer . The developer was required to increase the width of the private drive in order to accommodate emergency and service vehicles . Staff recommends approval . Kent Crane asked why a private drive is being allowed in this subdivision when they have been denied in other instances . Mr . Pappas stated that our subdivision regulations permit a private drive when it serves only one property owner . With no further discussion , a motion was made by Bryant Barry to recommend approval of this plat to the City Council . Motion seconded by Ken Mauk. Motion carried 6-0 . ITEM NO . 3 - APPROVAL OF PRELIIINARY PLAT FOR QUAIL HOLLOW Chairman Crane asked City Manager Pappas for staff comments . Mr . Pappas pointed out the located of the property on the map and noted that the plat reflects all residential consisting of SF-1 and SF-2 lots . He also stated that the plat conforms to the approved zoning of the tract of land and pointed out that the developer is platting , in the preliminary plat stage , all of phase II but will begin construction with part one of phase II or that part nearest and surrounding the First Christian Church at the corner of Stone Rd . and Akin Lane . There are a total of 307 lots , 243 1 of which are SF-1 and 64 lots zoned SF-2 . The entire phase II consists of 93 . 81 acres on the north side of Stone Road . Mr . Pappas said the City had requested and received approval of an additional easement along Akin Lane in order to widen that street . He also stated the developer was working with the developer of the property directly east of this tract of land on the extension and improvement of Eubanks Lane . They are also working with the City Engineer to incorporate a soft "S" curve on that road to slow down traffic in the area . Mr . Pappas stated that the appropriate staff members had reviewed the plat and recommend approval . John Hamilton asked if there was a provision for a screening wall to protect the Christian Church . The preliminary plat does show screening but the developer has not decided on the type of screening to be used . It was noted by Chairman Crane that the subdivision ordinance does not require screening by a residential developer . Ken Mauk asked if Akin Lane was adequate to handle the increased traffic . Mr . Pappas answered that it is not ; however , the plan is to develop EubaInks Lane to carry the bulk of the traffic generated by this development and the one directly to the east of it . In answer to a question by Kent Crane , Mr . Pappas stated that the developer has agreed to participate in the perimeter street improvements as required by our subdivision ordinance . This does not include Stone Road , which is exempted by virtue of a provision for state roads . With no further questions , a motion was made by Ken Mauk and seconded by Bryant Barry to recommend approval of the preliminary plat for Quail Hollow to the City Council . Motion carried 5- . ITEM NO. 4 - APPROVE PRELIMINARY PLAT FOR WESTSIDE INDUSTRIAL PARK - Chairman Crane asked Mr . Pappas for staff comment . Mr . Pappas responded by saying the proper staff members had reviewed the plat and recommend approval . Mr . Pappas stated that the only problems were engineering problems and that they had been worked out . With no further discussion or comment from the commission , the chairman asked for a motion . A motion was made by Lill Chapman and seconded by Nancy Conkle to recommend approval to the City Council . Motion carried 6-0 . ITEM NO . 5 - APPROVAL OF PRELIMINARY PLAT FOR WILLIAMS BUSINESS PARK - Chairman , Kent Crane asked Gus Pappas for staff comment . Mr . Pappas pointed out the location of the property on the city map and noted that the tract has been zoned Industrial . Kent Crane also noted that the name of this business park had been changed from ;Williams Business Park (a working name) to Hooper Business Park and would be referred to as such from now on . Kent Crane asked if Hooper Road would be a curb and gutter road . Mr . Pappas answered in the affirmative . Fe also stated that the existing road 2 is concrete , installed by NTMWD , for access to their landfill and was most likely a road with a very good base that could be tied into easily . fir . Pappas stated the plat had been reviewed by appropriate members of the staff and was recommended for approval . With no further questions or comments , Chairman Crane asked for a motion . Bryant Barry CityCouncil of made a motion to recommend approval to the the preliminary plat for Williams (Hooper) Business Park . Bill Chapman seconded . Notion carried 6-0 . ITEM HC . 6 - PLANNING DESIGNATION OF THOROUGHFARE FARE ROUTE FOR THE EXTENSION OF SOUTH FM544 - Chairman Crane asked Mr . Pappas for clarification and comment on this item. Mr . Pappas stated that FM 544 , as a state road , ends at the Collin County line , and that the City has the opportunity to designate the route for the extension of 544 into Dallas and Rockwall counties . He also commented that developers in the area are desirous of having this route designated in order for them to plan for required rights-of-way from their development projects . Mr . Pappas pointed out on the maps provided to each member , the two possible routes and explained that the staff favored the easterly route . His reasons included the fact that it was less populated , was a more direct route and that it would not require a bridge . Kent Crane stated that he would favor the westerly route because it would serve a broader area . In answer to Mr . Crane ' s question , Mr . Pappas stated that this road would be • a route of great importance in the near lltur F Bryant= Barry stated that he felt that since this is a matter of great importance to the community , he would favor giving the matter greater study with an opportunity to drive the two routes and make detailed studies of the two proposed routes . Other members of the commission concurred . A motion was made by Bryant Barry and seconded by Ken Maul:. , to table this item. Motion carried 6-0 . ITEM NC. 7 - RULES OF PROCEDURE FOR P & Z - Chairman Crane stated that this item was on the agenda at his request in order to establish uniform procedures for the commission . He directed their attention to the sheets in their packet CYet outlining procedures that were compiled some years ago . Mir . Pappas stated that though this document was in the files of the city , we have no record that it was ever adopted . Mr . Pappas also stated that the P - Z members were within their authority to adopt rules of procedure for themselves , so long as they were not in violation of the City Charter . Mr . Pappas also read from the charter , the rule on abstention as it applies to the members of the City Council , but noted that the Charter did not specify this rule for any other board or commission . Discussion ensued concerning the definition of "conflict of interest" . Mr . Pappas stated that the law states that the board or commission member must have a "pecuniary" interest in the item to be discussed and/or acted upon in order to claim "conflict of interest" . He also noted that public information is not protected by the conflict of interest clause . Bryant Barry stated that he was in favor of "declaring the conflict of interest" before the item in question was discussed . A number of items were discussed , including the "gag" rule setting a limit on the amount of time a speaker from the audience can have the floor) , name and address of each person requesting to speak before the commission ; declaring the conflict of interest . The consensus from the commission was to ask the staff to compile a set of procedures and rules , in accordance with the City Charter and the rules of procedure set forth for the City Council , to be presented to the P & Z for consideration . With no further business , Chairman Crane said he would entertain a motion for adjournment . Bryant Barry so moved with the second by Nancy Conkle . Meeting adjourned by Chairman Kent Crane . xid/t/Ct-<„ Kent Crane , Chairman 4