07-25-1985 (Planning & Zoning) Minutes MINUTES PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION JULY 25 , 1985 The Planning & Zoning Commission for the City of Wylie , Texas met in regular session on Thursday , July 25 , 1985 in the Council Chambers at City Hall . A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted for the time and in the manner required by law. Those present were Chairman , Kent Crane ; Ken Mauk , Bill Chapman , John Hamilton , Brian Chaney , Don Montgomery and Ben Scholz . Representing the City staff were City Manager , Gus Pappas ; Building Official , Roy Faires and Secretary , Barbara LeCocq . The meeting was called to order at 7 : 15 P.M. by Chairman Crane . Before proceeding with the agenda, Chairman Crane briefly explained the procedures of the P & Z with the new members of the commission and called on City Manager Pappas to comment . ITEM NO. 1 - APPROVAL OF MINUTES - There being no additions or corrections to the minutes , Bill Chapman made a motion , seconded by Ken Mauk to approve the minutes as submitted . Motion carried 7-0 . ITEM NO. 2 - CONSIDER APPROVAL OF PRELIMINARY PLAT FOR RUSTIC OAKS 4 - Chairman Crane called on City Manager Pappas to locate this property on the map . Mr . Pappas explained that this tract is located just south of the originally platted three phases of Rustic Oaks . The appropriate members of the staff have reviewed this plat and found it to meet the subdivision regulations of the City of Wylie and therefore recommend it for approval . In answer to a question from Bill Chapman , Gus Pappas stated that Fleming Street will be the only east-west street through this development . In answer to a question from John Hamilton, Mr . Roland Foerster , engineer for the project stated that there will be 440 units at build out which will be over a period of several months . Mr . Foerster stated that this project will be built in three phases . With no further discussion , Chairman Crane asked for a motion . Ken Mauk made a motion to recommend approval of the preliminary plat of the Rustic Oaks 4 Addition to the City Council . Bill Chapman seconded the motion. Motion carried 7-0 . ITEM NO. 3 - CONSIDER APPROVAL OF FINAL PLAT FOR QUAIL HOLLOW - Kent Crane pointed out this development on the map . Gus Pappas stated that it is zoned SF-1 . Mr . Pappas also stated that this plat had been reviewed by the appropriate staff members and the city engineer and was in compliance with the subdivision regulations of the City of Wylie and the staff recommends approval . Mr . Jim Lee of Quail Hollow/Wylie Joint Venture , stated that actually this 1 property was zoned SF-1 under the old ordinance . Mr . Lee also stated that in answer to a request by John Hamilton , a member of the P & Z , that the developers had been working with the members of the First Christian Church and had agreed to provide a living screen in addition to a lateral sewer line in order for the church to be on the City sewer line rather than a septic tank . With no further discussion , a motion was made by Bill Chapman and seconded by Ken Mauk to recommend to the City Council , approval of the final plat for Quail Hollow. Motion carried 7-0 . ITEM NO. 4 - CONSIDER PLAT APPROVAL OF SPRING CREEK PARK - Chairman Crane explained that this is an ETJ review since the property lies outside the city limits of the City of Wylie . Any piece of property to be subdivided which lies within the extraterritorial jurisdiction of the City ( 1 mile radius) requires approval by the appropriate boards and commissions . Gus Pappas located the property on the map and explained that Texana Ltd . , the owners of the property have planned a multi-use development , 7 . 136 acres of which has been designated as Lot 1 for platting purposes with the remainder designated as Lot 2 . Obviously , this will be replatted at some future date . This is to facilitate the installation of utilities to the site . With no further discussion , Chairman Crane asked for a motion . Bill Chapman made a motion to recommend approval to the City Council . Brian Chaney seconded the motion . Motion carried 7-0 . ITEM NO. 5 - CONDUCT PUBLIC HEARING ON THE ZONING OF 56 ACRES ON FM 1378 - Chairman Crane asked City Manager Pappas to locate the property on the map . This property is described as 56 . 287 acres out of the James McUlmurry Survey , Abstract 629 and is located on FM 1378 north of the Birmingham Trust Land . The request is for MF (multi-family) and R (retail) . The public hearing was opened by Chairman Crane . With no comment from the floor , the public hearing was closed and the item returned to the table for discussion . Bill Chapman asked if the city staff feels this would be beneficial to the growth of the city . Gus Pappas stated that it is appropriate for the Planning & Zoning Commission to determine the zoning that is in the highest and best interest of the City . Several questions asked about the future development of the property to the East . Mr . Pappas explained that the Wylie ETJ line runs along the east boundary of this property and therefore , the property east of that line is not a part of our projected land use . After much discussion , a motion was made by Bill Chapman to recommend to the City Council denial of this zoning request . Motion seconded by John Hamilton . Motion carried 5-2 . ITEM NO. 6 - CONDUCT PUBLIC HEARING ON THE ZONING OF 40 ACRES ON FM 1378 - This property is described as 40 . 129 acres out of the James McUlmurry Survey , Abstract 629 , located on the east side of FM 1378 , north of the Birmingham 2 Trust land . Chairman Crane declared the public hearing open . Carl Holder , a member of the audience , asked which specific tract of land was now being discussed . The tract was identified on the map . With no further discussion from the floor , the public hearing was closed and the item returned to the table for discussion and comment . A motion was made by Bill Chapman to table this item until later in the agenda . Motion seconded by Don Montgomery . Motion carried 7-0 . ITEM NO. 7 - CONDUCT PUBLIC HEARING ON THE ZONING OF 71 .38 ACRES ON FM 1378 - This property is described as 71 . 38 acres out of the James McUlmurry Survey , Abstract 629 , located on the east side of FM 1378 , north of the Birmingham Trust Land . The public hearing was opened by Chairman Crane . With no discussion or questions from the floor , the public hearing was closed . After brief discussion , a motion was made by Brian Chaney to recommend denial of this petition to the City Council . Motion seconded by Ben Scholz . Motion carried 7-0 . ITEM NO. 8 - CONDUCT PUBLIC HEARING ON THE ZONING OF 30 ACRES ON FM 1378 - This property is described as 30 acres out of the G . W. Gunnell Survey , Abstract 351 , located on the west side of FM 1378 . Gus Pappas , City Manager stated that the petitioner had requested that this item be taken off the agenda until further notice . ITEM NO. 9 - CONDUCT PUBLIC HEARING ON THE ZONING OF 658 ACRES KNOWN AS THE BIRMINGHAM LAND - This property is described as 658.80 acres commonly referred to as the "Birmingham Land" . City Manager Pappas , aided by a concept drawing , provided by the petitioner explained the various zonings requested . He stated that the staff had reviewed the request and recommended approval of the petition . The public hearing was opened by Chairman Crane who called upon Dan Sefco of J. T. Dunkin & Associates , who represented the owners . Mr . Sefco stated they are working with the Soil Conservation Board out of Waco for the development and preservation of the soil conservation lake located on the property . He further stated the developers ' desire is to dedicate the park area to the City and have it maintained as a passive use park with perhaps jogging trails , bike trails and a small fishing pier . Mr . Sefco stated that 37 . 8% of the property is in single family zoning , 12% of total area is multi-family . There will be approximately 1000 single family units on the tract with 84.9 acres in the park area . With no further questions from the floor , the public hearing was closed and the item returned to the table for discussion . In answer to a question from John Hamilton , Dan Sefco stated that the project would take from 2-7 years for completion , depending on the demand , with a single family unit population of 2500 and an additional 2500 population in the multi-family units . Gus Pappas stated that the City 3 had estimated that the total population , at build-out of this tract would be about 9000. Kent Crane expressed a concern about the B-2 zoning surrounding the park. Discussion on this point ensued with the concensus being that a portion of the area (see attached zoning map) be designated retail . With no further discussion, a motion was made by Bill Chapman , seconded by John Hamilton , to recommend approval of the zoning petition for 658.80 acres known as the Birmingham Land as submitted with the following change , that a portion , as marked on the attached zoning map , be designated retail . Motion carried 7-0 . ITEM NO. 10 - CONDUCT PUBLIC HEARING ON THE RE-ZONING OF A TRACT OUT OF RUSTIC OAKS TO B-2 - At the request of Chairman Kent Crane , Gus Pappas , City Manager pointed the property out on the map and stated that the petitioner had asked that the property be zoned B-1 rather than B-2 as stated in his petition because the use he desired is covered under that zoning designation . The public hearing was opened by Chairman Crane . Jim Lemming of Murry Homes asked if this zoning would allow for a carwash . Answer : yes . Mr . Lemming then stated that Murry homes would request that this property retain it ' s retail zoning . Mr . Jerry Smith , an adjacent property owner , also requested that the zoning be retained as retail . With no further questions or comments from the floor , the public hearing was closed and the item returned to the table for discussion . A motion was made by Don Montgomery and seconded by Ben Scholz to recommend to the City Council that this petition for re-zoning be denied . Motion carried 7-0 . ITEM NO. 11 - CONDUCT PUBLIC HEARING ON THE RE-ZONING OF LOT IN RUSTIC OAKS - At the request of Chairman Crane , City Manager Pappas located the property in question on the map . Mr . Pappas further stated that the City staff would recommend that the zoning be denied because the City is working with the State and the property owners to soften the curve on Brown Street at this point and there would not be enough room left for the use desired . He also pointed out that a carwash is a high traffic use and could constitute a potential danger at this particular point . The public hearing was opened by Chairman Crane . Jerry Smith, an adjacent property owner stated that he was in agreement with the staff . With no further discussion from the floor , the public hearing was closed and the item returned to the table for discussion . A motion was made by Ken Mauk, seconded by Bill Chapman to recommend to the City Council denial of this petition for re-zoning . Motion carried 7-0. ITEM NO. - 12 - CONDUCT PUBLIC HEARING ON THE REZONING OF 34 ACRES ON BROWN STREET - This item was pulled from the agenda at the request of the petitioner . 4 ITEM NO. 13 - CONDUCT PUBLIC HEARING ON THE ANNEXATION OF 128 . 12 ACRES IN THE MUDDY CREEK AREA - This property is described as 128 . 12 acres out of the J . Mitchell Survey , Abstract 589 , located in the Muddy Creek Area. The public hearing was opened by Chairman Crane . With no questions or comments from the floor the public hearing was closed and the item returned to the table for discussion . Bill Chapman made a motion to recommend to the City Council approval of the annexation petition for 128 . 12 acres out of the J . Mitchell Survey , Abstract 589 -owner R . V . Thurmond . Motion carried 7-0 . ITEM NO. 6 - CONDUCT PUBLIC HEARING ON THE ZONING OF 40. 129 ACRES ON FM 1378 - This property is described as 40 . 129 acres out of the James McUlmurry Survey , Abstract 629 located on the east side of FM 1378 . The public hearing having been held earlier in the agenda , the item was discussed by the commission . A motion was made by Ben Scholz and seconded by Brian Chaney to recommend to the City Council denial of this zoning petition . Motion carried 7-0 . ITEM NO. 14 - ADJOURNMENT - Meeting was adjourned by Chairman Crane . % , 4- Kent Crane , Chairman 5