08-22-1985 (Planning & Zoning) Minutes MINUTES PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION THURSDAY, AUGUST 22 , 1985 The Planning & Zoning Commission for the City of Wylie , Texas met in regular session on Thursday , August 22 , 1985 , in the workroom of the Rita & Truett Smith Library . A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted for the time and in the manner required by law. Those present were Chairman Kent Crane and members Brian Chaney , Ken Mauk and Ben Scholz. Representing the City staff were Gus Pappas, City Manager ; Roy Faires , Code Enforcement Officer ; and Barbara LeCocq , secretary . The meeting was called to order by Chairman Crane at 7 : 12 P.M. ITEM NO. 1 - APPROVAL OF MINUTES - With no additions or corrections to the minutes , Ben Scholz made a motion to approve the minutes as submitted . Brian Chaney seconded. Motion carried 4-0. ITEM NO. 2 - PUBLIC HEARING ON ZONING OF 2 ACRES AT CORNER OF FM544 AND STEEL ROAD - This property is described as 2 acres out of the Wm. Sachse Survey , Abstract 835 . Located at the corner of Steel Road and FM 544 , currently occupied by DC Automotive . The petitioner is asking for B-2 zoning . Chairman Crane asked Gus Pappas for staff comment . Mr . Pappas stated that the B-2 zoning is compatable with the existing use and that the staff would recommend approval . The public hearing was opened by Chairman Crane . With no comments or questions from the floor , the public hearing was closed and the item returned to the table for discussion . Gus Pappas noted that the owner of DC Automotive is initiating the annexation of this 2 acre tract out of the Jacobs addition. Although Mr . Cokely is not the developer , he has already agreed to pay his portion of the water and sewer line and to participate in the improvement of Steel Road . With no further discussion a motion was made by Brian Chaney to recommend approval of the B-2 zoning to the City Council . Motion seconded by Ken Mauk. Motion carried 4-0. ITEM NO. 3 - PUBLIC HEARING ON ZONING OF 40 ACRES ON FM 1378 This property is described as 40. 129 acres out of the James McUlmurry Survey, Abstract 629 , located east of FM 1378 and north of the Birmingham Farms . The petition is for SF-3 and B-1 zoning . Chairman Crane asked Gus Pappas , City Manager for staff comment . Mr . Pappas explained that the property described in items 3-5 were actually being developed as one addition and a presentation would be made by one of the partners in the joint venture . He also recalled that the P&Z had seen these properties at an earlier meeting and had denied the zoning for lack of information. The City Council had then seen the presentation at a subsequent meeting but had elected to return it to the P&Z for review and recommendation. The public hearing was opened by Chairman Crane . Mark Moussa, a partner in the joint venture made a presentation showing the zoning concept for the three tracts involved . Mr . Moussa pointed out that the B-1 area had been placed in order to have the retail businesses service the single family areas . He also pointed out that the lot design in a "street grid" pattern. With no further comments from the floor , the public hearing was closed and the item returned to the table for discussion. In answer to a question from the Commission, it was noted that Chestnut Drive and Pecan Drive would both have 65 ft . ROW and be designated as collector streets . In the 40 acre tract there will be 5. 97 acres of B-1 and 34 . 159 acres of SF-3 . In answer to a question by Ben Scholz , Mr . Pappas stated that access to the water tower area would be gained through a wide alley. Kent Crane asked that Chestnut Drive be aligned with an unnamed road from Murphy which intersects the opposite side of FM 1378 . Mr . Moussa said that was the plan at this time . With no further discussion , a motion was made by Ken Mauk to recommend approval of the B-1 and SF-3 zoning to the City Council with the notation that Chestnut Drive be aligned with the unnamed road from the west side of FM 1378 . Motion seconded by Ben Scholz . Motion carried 4- 0. ITEM NO. 4 - PUBLIC HEARING ON ZONING OF 71 .38 ACRES ON FM 1378 - This property is described as 71 . 380 acres out of the James McUlmurry Survey , Abstract 629 located adjacent to and directly north of the property described in Item No . 3 . This tract is a part of the joint venture presented by Mark Moussa in Item No. 3 . Chairman Crane opened the public hearing. Hearing no questions or comments , the public hearing was closed and the item returned to the table for comments . No discussion from the commission. A motion was made by Brian Chaney to recommend approval of the multi- family ( 1 . 23 acres) ; 2F (8. 5 acres) ; and SF-3 (61 .65 acres) zoning as requested in the petition to the City Council . Motion seconded by Ken Mauk. Motion carried 4-0. ITEM NO. 5 - PUBLIC HEARING ON ZONING OF 56 .287 ACRES ON FM1378 - This property is described as 56 . 287 acres out of the James McUlmurry Survey , Abstract 629. Located adjacent to and directly north of the property described in Item No .4 . The public hearing was opened by Chairman Crane . Hearing no questions or comments from the floor , Chairman Crane closed the public hearing and returned the item to the table for discussion. Hearing none , Chairman Crane said he would entertain a motion. A motion was made by Ben Scholz to recommend approval to the City Council of the B-1 (4. 66 acres) and MF (50.6 acres) ( 1 acre in Public Use for water tower) as requested by the petitioner . Motion seconded by Brian Chaney . Motion carried 4-0. had then seen the presentation at a subsequent meeting but had elected to return it to the P&Z for review and recommendation. The public hearing was opened by Chairman Crane . Mark Moussa, a partner in the joint venture made a presentation showing the zoning concept for the three tracts involved . Mr . Moussa pointed out that the B-1 area had been placed in order to have the retail businesses service the single family areas . He also pointed out that the lot design in a "street grid" pattern. With no further comments from the floor , the public hearing was closed and the item returned to the table for discussion. In answer to a question from the Commission , it was noted that Chestnut Drive and Pecan Drive would both have 65 ft . ROW and be designated as collector streets . In the 40 acre tract there will be 5 .97 acres of B-1 and 34 . 159 acres of SF-3 . In answer to a question by Ben Scholz , Mr . Pappas stated that access to the water tower area would be gained through a wide alley . Kent Crane asked that Chestnut Drive be aligned with an unnamed road from Murphy which intersects the opposite side of FM 1378 . Mr . Moussa said that was the plan at this time . With no further discussion, a motion was made by Ken Mauk to recommend approval of the B-1 and SF-3 zoning to the City Council with the notation that Chestnut Drive be aligned with the unnamed road from the west side of FM 1378. Motion seconded by Ben Scholz . Motion carried 4- 0. ITEM NO. 4 - PUBLIC HEARING ON ZONING OF 71 .38 ACRES ON FM 1378 - This property is described as 71 . 380 acres out of the James McUlmurry Survey , Abstract 629 located adjacent to and directly north of the property described in Item No . 3 . This tract is a part of the joint venture presented by Mark Moussa in Item No. 3 . Chairman Crane opened the public hearing. Hearing no questions or comments , the public hearing was closed and the item returned to the table for comments . No discussion from the commission . A motion was made by Brian Chaney to recommend approval of the multi- family ( 1 . 23 acres) ; 2F (8 . 5 acres) ; and SF-3 (61 .65 acres) zoning as requested in the petition to the City Council . Motion seconded by Ken Mauk. Motion carried 4-0 . ITEM NO. 5 - PUBLIC HEARING ON ZONING OF 56. 287 ACRES ON FM1378 - This property is described as 56 . 287 acres out of the James McUlmurry Survey, Abstract 629 . Located adjacent to and directly north of the property described in Item No .4 . The public hearing was opened by Chairman Crane . Hearing no questions or comments from the floor , Chairman Crane closed the public hearing and returned the item to the table for discussion . Hearing none , Chairman Crane said he would entertain a motion. A motion was made by Ben Scholz to recommend approval to the City Council of the B-1 (4. 66 acres) and MF (50.6 acres) ( 1 acre in Public Use for water tower) as requested by the petitioner . Motion seconded by Brian Chaney . Motion carried 4-0. calls for it . Mr . Pappas stated that the appropriate staff members had reviewed the plat and found it to be in compliance with the City ' s Subdivision Regulations and therefore , recommend the final plat for Wyndham Estates Phase II for approval . After reviewing the plat and brief discussion, a motion was made by Ken Mauk to recommend approval to the City Council . Motion seconded by Brian Chaney . Motion carried 4-0 . Chairman Crane noted that before adjourning the meeting he would like to ask that the Commission consider some rules of procedure for the Planning & Zoning Commission at a meeting in the not too distant future . ITEM NO. 9 - ADJOURNMENT - With no further business Chairman Crane said he would entertain a motion for adjournment . Brian Chaney moved for adjournment , seconded by Ken Mauk. Meeting adjourned by Chairman Crane . /41"- L, Kent Crane , Chairman Pia'nning & Zoning Resp fully submitted : Barbara o q Secre ary