12-12-1985 (Planning & Zoning) Minutes - ~ MINU[ES PLANNING & ZUNING COMMISSlUN | HURSDAY ° Uecember 12, 1985 lhe Planning and Ioning Commission for the Lity or Wylie, Texas met in regular session on December 12, l985 in the Wylie Community Center . A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted for the time and in the manner required by law. Those present were: Chairman; Kent Crane, Brian Chaney, Ken Mauk , Bill Chapman and Don Montgomery. Representing the City Staff were Gus Pappas; City Manager , Roy Faires; Code Enforcement Officer; and Kimberly Leverett; Secretary. The meeting was called to order at 7: 05 P. M' by Chairman Crane. Chairman Crane asked if IlE�M_N@�-� .�_'�- - there were any changes or additions to the minutes. Mearzng none a motion was made by Brian Chaney to approve the minutes as submitted. 8i11 Chapman seconded the motion. Motion carried 5-0. ITEM NO. 2 PUBLIC HEARING ON ZONING OF 0.79 ACRE�S­_­QN1.1-­.F.M. - ���+e ' ''^ = p' `'In' ^/ , ~^~c' ---- -- -c r C. Davidson Survey , Abstract 266, is located on FM 3412 or W. Brown Street. lhey are asking for agricultural zoning , which is compatible with current use and surrounding use. lhe staff recommends approval . Chairman Crane opens Public Hearing for discussion by the public . No one speaks for or against. Chairman Crane brings it back for discussion to the board. Does someone have a request or motion? Motion was made by 8i1l Chapman to except zoning as requested. Brian Chaney seconded the motion. Motion carried 5-�. Public seconds the motion. Motion carried 5-0. 1-1'EM NO, 4 - PUBLIC HEARING ON ZONING OF I ACRE ON SH 78 - Wylie and is compatible with the projected land use p1an +or the City. Chairman Crane opens Public Hearing for discussion. No one is there to speak so it is turned back - to the board for discussion or for a motion to be made. Brian Chaney makes a motion to except the zoning as requested. Ken Mauk seconded the motion. Motion carried 5 0. - ADJOURN Motion was made by Brian Chaney to adjourn. Don Montgomery seconded the motion. Kent Urane, Chairman Planning and Zoning Respectfully Submitted: � ---- - --------------------- Kimberly Leverett , Secretary _