12-26-1985 (Planning & Zoning) Minutes _
|HURSDAY , December 26, 1985
| he Plannjng and Zoning L:ommission for the City of Wylie,
[ex*s met in regular session on December 26 , 1985 in the
Nylje Comm�mity Center . A quorum was present and notice of
the meeting had been posted for the time and in the manner
required by law. ihose present were: Chairman; Kent Crane,
J. rigle, and Ben Scholz .
Re ng the City Staff were Roy Faires; Code
Enforcoment Officer ; and Kimberly Leverett; Secretary.
| he meo o order at 7: 05 P. M. by chairman
ITEM NO. 1 APPROVAL_OFMIYNU-f ES - ChairmaI rane asked if
there were a/,y changes or additions to the minotes. {|earing
no/�e a motioo was made by Ken Mauk to approve tI'c mi r mtes
�s submitted. Brian Chaney seconded thp motion. Motion
ca/ rjed 5-o .
'- II EM NU`-- 2 - PUU0L IC--HEARING-'8N RE--ZONING--QF._0-4496 -ACRES
LUCAlE1> {]N' SH 78 - [his property is described as v. 4496
acres o//t of the S. B. Shelby Survey , Abstract 82�, from
Retail to Business 2 - located on SH 78 site o+ Wylie Huto
Parts. Lhairman Crane opens the public hearing fo, anyone
+o speak for or against the request . No ooe speaks.
i�hairman [�rane returns the discossion to the 8oard. 8en
Scho1z makes a motion to accept the re-zoning as requested.
Brian Chaney seconds the motion Motion carried t)-o.
IfE M NO. - ��' -�_PU£U=I[., HEA.R-I0G.-.'ON,'-.THE_F|�[�L8��T-'
ZiJWING- UN2ACREBL[UCAT1ED -SH -78 - |his property is described
as / acres o'tt of teh Francisco de la Pina Survey , Abstract
688 located on S|| 78 site of Wylie .)unction. | h'� St�ff
�eels +ha+ it would not be a good idea +or +ha/ �ype of
zo/.inq +o be located facing Hwy /8 ~ because of the fact that
/ + ie opened to various types of buildinp whic|. might /mt
l.�ok as desirable facinq Hwy 78. Chairman
pub� jc hearing +or anyone to speak For or aqains°
� eq''est. No one does. Chairman Crane c1oses t|/u pob� ic
hearjno aod returns the discussi oard. ue'�
Scho 1otion tha� they deny +he lndustria1 ioning
a/'d ihat t}ey accept the B-1 Zoninq. Joe Striu] e secoods
t|.e motion. Motion carried 5-o'
llEM NO. ' 4 -PUBLIC_HEARIN6 ON'-,A4Y4EXATION []p ' b1.5.'-f I ACRES
- LOCA|EQ0N H00PER_RD - This property is described as 5i . b31
acres out of t|`e Wm. Sachse Survey, Abstract 835, 1ocated on
|1ooper Hd south o+ FH bIic
hearinq for anyone to speak for or against the request. No
one does. Chairman Crane closes the public hearing and
brings the discussion back to the Board. Brian Chaney makes
a motio/' tha� +hey accep requested. Ken
Mu�k seconds the motion. Motion carried 5-0.
I EM NO. -|5 � 'PUB8=I{: ffEARJYWG' I.O4_{lF_4-- T.EP.
At THE.-SE- CORNER OF EUBANKS LANEAND ��f__�� - lhis property
is described as 4 acres out of the Francisco Ue La �1na
Survey , Abstract� 688 located at the southeast corner of
Eubanks L*ne and E. SH /8. Chairman Crane open the public
|'earing to anyone to speak for or against the request . No
one does. Chairman Crane c1oses the pu�lic hearing and
brir`qs the discussion back to the Board. Brian Chaney makes
a motion that the annexation stay as requested. Joe Strigle
secor'ds the motion. Motion carried 5 0.
J1[EM No" 6 -�-'1�UBLI{�-'HE]A1RIY4G1 {]Ni_ANNEX-ATIO�4I' ACRES.
(|R~65) LO[J41..EQ-'ON,.''SN -�f] This prc�perty is described as
1 . 04 acres (Tr . 65> out of the Francisco De La Pina 6urvey,
Abstract 688 located on78, commonly known as Discount
uait House. Chairman Crane opens the public hearing to
anyone wishing to speak for or against the request. No one
does, Chairman Crane closes the public hearing and brings
+|�e discussion bach to the Board. Ken Mauk makes a motion
~ to accept the annexation as requested. Bri an Chaney seconds
t�/e motion. Motion carried 5-O.
IllEM NO. 7'' �. PUPLI.C--ffEIAR.ING ''ON--�NNE X A J.-ION 69211ACFlES
LOCA|EI/ E. ' OF -SN- 78 - Thi s proper ty is described as 143. 692
acres out of the R. D. Newman Survey, Abstract 660 and
acres o.It of the H. J ' Hardin Survey, Abstract 438, located
east of S. SH J .
south of Century Business Park. Total
150. 989 acres. Chairman Crane opens the public hearing for
anyone wishing Lo speak for or against the request . Mr . Joe
Geiss of the Louis G. Reese Company speaks in favor o+ the
annexation request. We are having a sttAdy on utilities done
right now. We are ready to get it under way. We are
planning for two .1. lhis will firm up our �ity Limit ' s
Bo.n daries. Chairman Crane asks if this is the old Al Pitner
property. Chairman Crane returns the discusssion back to
t|.e board. Ben Scholz makes a motion to keep the annexation
as requested. Joe Strigle seconds the motion. Motion
curried 5-o.
lT.EM-'NQ.- '81 HEIARJN{�_0N- AN.M.EXOT 2.....5115E�-ACRES,
AND �5. 7014 'ACRES OUT- OF- R..0.-'1��WM���-'�LlFM/E��'�/4���_5�-{4�RE�S-� QUl
OF l. CLIF.T[UNSUFVEY' This property is described as 12. 5158
acres ar�d 3. 7014 acres out of the }�. D. Newman Survey,
*bstractacres out of the H. .) . Hardin Survey,
abstract 4J8 and 5 acres ou� of the I . Clifton Survey ,
^ nbstract 193 for a total of 23. 2182 acres. Chairman Crane
operts the public hearing to anyone wishing to speak in
CIF or against . No one speaks. Chairman Crane returns the
discussion back to the Board. Brian Chaney makes a motion
that the annexation be passed through as requested. Ken
Mauk seconds the motion. Motion carried 5-0.
LOCATED -WEST- OFS.-_SH7B - [his property zs oescrzo u *�
149. 654� acres out of the H. J . Hardin Survey, Abstract 438
and the R. D. Newman Survey, Abstra ct 660. Located west of
S. SH 78. Mr. Faires states that it is directly across the
street from the last annexation we were talking about.
Chairman Crane opens the public hearing to anyone wishing to
speak in favor or against this request. John Seely speaks
ir' favor of this request . It is a great benefit to the City
of Wylie to have this area within the City. Chairman Crane
cluses the public hearing. He asks for any comme/`ts or
discussion from the board. Ben Scho1z makes a motion to
accept Lhe �nnexation as requested. uoe Strigle seconded
the motion. Motion carreid 5 -0.
Thi t i d cribed as
UU! OF ]X��� D. F^���������--SUR\/EY - s proper y s es
/54. 34 `cres out of thc bstract �o3. Lake
An/�ex�tior, 8.- Chairman Crane opens the public hearing for
a�/yone wishing to speak in favor or against the annexation.
Nu ono does. Chairman retur�ns the discussion back to the
- Uoard. |he 8oard discusses the fact that there is not a map
present representing the part of the Lake being annexed. Joe
Strigl to accept the annexation. Brian
[�haney secor�ds the motion. Motion carried 5-0.
ITEM NO. -'11--��- PUBLI{�-'�8�����I�{�--���-'�����2(ATI0��--[�F'-2�2�3��_�/4[��EB.
OLJl[' OF-'|HE. ' '\�"I.� -]�[�Ll=_EUJR\/E�Y' - [his property is described as
�62. 34 acres out of the W. Bell Survey, Abstract J4. Lake
Annexation 9. Chairman Crane opens the public hearing for
anyone wishing to speak in favor or against this request.
No ono speaks. Chairman Crane closes public hearing and
retur /�s the discussion back to the Board for a motion or
discussion. Brian Chaney makes a motion that they accept
the the annexation as requested. Ken Mauk seconded the
motion. Motion carried 5.....0.
I-[EM- NO.-'-1.2'- -�f�L�9L�I{:''��^�K��������-'[B�_,�������>C��][I���-���R�-'��621������-'�K�R���
QUI OF-' 'INE -B~M---CARR- SURVEY - This property is described as
26�8. 4J acres out of the 8. M. Carr Survey, Abstract 1 /5;
John Kirby Survey, Abstract 515; T. Roberts Survey, Abstract
/8l . Lake Annexation 1�. Chairman Crane opens the public
�'oar zng for anyone wishing to speak in favor or against this
r eq�/est . No wishing to at Crane return the
disc''ssion back to the Board. �en Mauk asks how 1ong the
City has until they have to have water and sewer . Roy
res states 3 years. 8en Sc��olz makes a motion to accept
annexation as requested. Brian Chaney seconds the
motion. Motion carried 5-0.
�[[Et1 'NO. 1��_��-'f�J0L�K�-'tu�f����,�� '�o�� �������±1�!-�����-�u��-'^�!',��_���^RES' OUT
QF_S,Mr- RoANI1ER 'SURVEY '' This property is described as
acres out of the S. M. Ranier Survey , Abstract 750. Lake
Annexation 11 . Chairman Crane opens the public hearing for
anyone wishing to speak for or against the request. No one
speaks. Chairman Crane returns the discussion back to the
8oard. Joe Strigle makes a motion to accept the request as
presented' ben Scholz seconds the motion. Motion carried
A@D}DURN - Brian Chaney makes a motion to
adjourn. Ken Mauk seconds the motion. Motion carried 5-0.
_- - wErane,
Kent Chairman
Planning and Zoning
Respectfully Submitted:
'Umbevly Leverett ,Leverett , Secretary