01-10-1985 (Planning & Zoning) Minutes MINUTES PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS THURSDAY, JANUARY 10, 1985 The Planning and Zoning Commission for the city of Wylie , Texas met in regular session on Thursday , January 10 , 1985 in the council chambers at city hall . A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted for the time and in the manner required by law. The meeting was called to order at 7 : 00 P .M. by Chairman , Randy Gaston . Members present were Bryant Barry , Kent Crane , Harold Spence , Ken Mauk and Nancy Conkle . Sarah Connelly was absent . Representing the city staff were Gus Pappas , City Manager ; Roy Faires , C . E . O. and Barbara LeCocq , secretary . ITEM NO. 1 - APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Randy Gaston reported that there was an error in the vote on Item No . 8 - approval of plat for Canterbury Hill . The vote was 5-0-1 rather than 4-0-2 as reported . There being no further corrections or additions , a motion was made by Bryant Barry and seconded by Ken Mauk to approved the minutes as amended . Motion carried 6-0. ITEM NO. 2 - CONSIDER APPROVAL OF FINAL PLAT FOR ROCKY TOP ADDITION - Chairman Gaston asked for the recommendation of the staff . Mr . Pappas reported that the plat meets all specifications and regulations of the subdivision ordinance and that the developer has committed to participate in the improvement of Steel Road . The staff recommends approval . Chairman Gaston asked for a report of the Plat Review Committee . Kent Crane reported that the plat meets all specifications and that the Plat Review Committee recommends approval . There being no further discussion by the commission , a motion was made by Ken Mauk to recommend approval of the final plat for Rocky Top Addition to the city council of Wylie . Motion seconded by Bryant Barry . Motion carried 6-0 . ITEM NO. 3 - CONDUCT PUBLIC HEARING ON ANNEXATION OF ONE ACRE IN STEEL INDUSTRIAL PARK - Gus Pappas explained that this is one of the two remaining tracts in the Steel Industrial Park . The public hearing was opened by Chairman Gaston . There being no questions or comments from the floor , the public hearing was closed and returned to the table for discussion . With no further discussion , a motion was made by Kent Crane to recommend approval of the annexation of one acre out of Wm. Sachse Survey , Abstract 835 , owner Alex Anderson , to the city council of Wylie . Motion seconded by Nancy Conkle . Motion carried 6-0 . f 1 ITEM NO. 4 - CONDUCT PUBLIC HEARING ON ANNEXATION OF THREE ACRES ON FM 544 IN FRONT OF STEEL INDUSTRIAL PARK - This property is known as Texas Fence and Spa and is legally described as three (3) acres out of the Wm. Sachse Survey , Abstract 835 . The public hearing was opened by Chairman Gaston. With no comments or questions from the floor , the public hearing was closed and the item returned to the table for discussion. There being no discussion , a motion was made by Ken Mauk and seconded by Harold Spence to recommend to the city council approval of the annexation petition for three ( 3) acres known as Texas Fence and Spa . Motion carried 6-0. ITEM NO. 5 - CONDUCT PUBLIC HEARING ON ANNEXATION OF 5 . 539 ACRES IN STEEL INDUSTRIAL PARK - This property is described as being 5. 539 acres out of the Wm. Sachse Survey , Abstract 835 . Mr . Pappas explained that this is the last remaining piece of the Steel Industrial Park . The annexation of this tract of land will complete Steel Industrial Park . The public hearing was opened by Chairman Gaston . No questions or comments from the floor . The public hearing was closed and the item returned to the table for discussion . With no discussion , a motion was made by Bryant Barry to recommend to the city council , approval of the annexation petition for 5 . 539 acres out of Wm . Sachse Survey , owners Bill Davidson and Cecil Grattofiori . Seconded by Harold Spence . Motion carried 6-0 . ITEM NO. 6 - CONDUCT PUBLIC HEARING ON ZONING OF 35 . 7 ACRES LOCATED ON SH 78. - This property is described as 35 . 7 acres out of the Duke Strickland Survey , Abstract 841 . It is located on SH 78 adjacent to Roddy and Associates . Gus Pappas reported that Industrial zoning has been requested by the petitioner . Since this is compatible with zoning in the area the staff recommends approval . The public hearing was declared open by Chairman Gaston . Mr . Henry Martinez asked if Alanis will be continued through to SH 78 . Gus Pappas explained that Alanis is designated as a major thoroughfare and will go through to SH 78 and eventually through to Beaver Creek Road . Percy Simmons , the petitioner , said that plans call for Alanis to be installed as a 22 foot concrete street at this time . The developers are not going to put money into escrow but intend to install the street to SH 78 at the time of development . With no further questions or comments the public hearing was closed and the item returned to the table for discussion . A question from the board asked if the developer had considered retail on the frontage along SH 78. Mr . Pappas explained that the developer had asked about the allowable uses in industrial zoning and was informed that retail , B-1 and B-2 uses were also allowable in industrial zoning . There being no further discussion a motion was made by Bryant 2 Barry to recommend to the city council , industrial zoning for 35 . 7 acres described above . Motion seconded by Nancy Conkle . Motion carried 6-0 . ITEM NO. 7 - CONDUCT PUBLIC HEARING ON ZONING OF 16 ACRES LOCATED NORTH OF RR ON FM 544 WEST OF COOPER DR. - This property is described as 16 . 6883 acres out of E. C . Davidson Survey , Abstract 266 . It is located north of the railroad tracks east of the Dwight Scott property . The public hearing was opened by Randy Gaston . There being no comments or questions from the floor , the public hearing was closed and the item returned to the table for discussion . Mr . Jim McKnight , petitioner was present and available for questions . There was discussion concerning the request for industrial zoning north of the railroad tracks . Members of the commission felt some reluctance to allow industrial zoning to cross north of the railroad tracks . After much discussion , the concensus of opinion was that the commission would like to see single family 2 north of Fleming Street and multi-family (apartments or duplex) south of Fleming to the railroad . Mr . McKnight requested to withdraw the item and go back to his partners with the feelings of the commission and resubmit at a later date . Mr . Gaston reminded him that any action by the commission was only a recommendation and if he desired they ( the commission) could make that recommendation and if it was acceptable to the partners they would not have to come back to P & Z . After lengthy discussion, Mr . McKnight elected to withdraw the item and resubmit . No action taken. Randy Gaston recessed the meeting for ten minutes . Meeting re-convened by Chairman Gaston . ITEM NO. 8 - DISCUSSION ON AMENDMENTS TO MOBILE HOME PARK ORDINANCE - Recommendations from the commission to the city council are as follows : 1 . 2. 05 ( pg 2) Annual Permit Fee - change to $20. 00. 2 . 3 . 04 ( pg 3) Delete the words "the deposit of" . 3 . 7 . 01 "g" (pg 5 ) Density Requirements . Seven ( 7) units per acre with a minimum lot size of 50 x 110 ft . Maximum lot coverage 25% . 4. Pg 6 Add before 7 . 01 "i" "Sidewalks" . Must be two (2) feet from curb . 5 . 7. 01 "i" Fencing requirements . Change "brick" to "opaque" kept in good repair . 6 . 7 . 01 "j" Minimum Size . Change to 900 square feet inside area . 3 7 . 7 . 02 "b" Internal streets ( pg 6) . Twenty-seven (27) foot , concrete streets with curb and gutter with no on-street parking . Require off street parking for three vehicles . Include common guest parking . 25 per unit . 8 . 7 .02 ( pg 6) Mobile Home Spaces . Delete last part of paragraph "Concrete slab with permanent tie down embedded in the slab for securing . Slab will be 6 inches in thickness and have a 28-day compressure strength of 3 , 000 psi . The size of the concrete slab upon which a mobile home is placed shall extend at least one ( 1 ) foot outside the walls of that mobile home in all directions . " 9 . 7 . 04 "d . 4" ( pg 7 ) . Change pressure from 20 pounds to 35 pounds . ITEM NO. 9 - CONDUCT WORKSHOP ON PROPOSED ZONING ORDINANCE Chairman Gaston said that due to the late hour and the enormity of the task this item would be postponed to a later date . It was determined that if there is a light agenda for January 24 , this item would be included on that agenda . If not a meeting would be called for January 31 , 1985 at 7 : 00 P. M. for the sole purpose of conducting a workshop on the proposed zoning ordinance . Bryant Barry made a motion to adjourn . Motion carried . Randy Gaston , Chairman 4