05-31-1983 (Planning & Zoning) Minutes CALLED MEETING PLANNING AND ZONING/ MAY 31, 1983 6:00 P.M. The Wylie Planning and Zoning Commission met in a special called session at 6:00 p.m. on May 31, 1983 in the Council Chambers of City Hall . A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted for the time and in the manner required by law. Those in attendance were Chairman Joe Fulgham, Vice Chairman John Seeley, Commission members, Art Harris, Sarah Connelly, Judy Brewster, City Manager Lee Vickers, City Secretary Carolyn Jones, I. W. Santry, Percy Simmons, Don Kreymer, Harold Spence, and George Brown, Public Works Director. FINAL PLAT FOR SECOND STREET ADDITION: I.W. Santry recommended the street width be 37 feet instead of the 27 feet. The reason for the 37 ft. width is due to the ajoining part of Second Street is 37 ft. and therefore at 27 feet would cause a bottle neck. Due to heavy traffic coming from the school and the rapid growth of the school , Mr. Santry feels it is necessary for the 37 ft. street. Don Kreymer said he was willing to go with the 37 ft. width provided the City pick up the bill for the 10 ft. over his 27 foot plat. The Developers have a 50 ft. easement in this area for his street, the City would have to acquire 10.5 ft. from three residences between Don Kreymer's property and Stone Road. The school has been in contact with I.W. Santry and told him that they are expecting a 50% increase in High School within the next few years. If the street is approved at 27 ft. Joe George, and Don Kreymer will pay for the entire street, but if approved for 37 ft. , the City Council will be asked to pay for the remaining 10 ft. The bridge joining Second Street across the drainage ditch will be 37 ft in width, plus walking area to provide crossing. Developers will request the cost to be split 1/3 to Kreymer, George, and City of Wylie. Judy Brewster recommended the street be 37 ft. wide and the City pick up the remaining 10 ft. of pavement. If for some reason the City can not pick up the remaining cost of the street, the curb should be put in on the west side of Second and leave the east side open. This would give leeway for the street to be widened at a later date. John Seeley made a motion to recommend approval of the final plat with provision for 37ft. street from Park St. to Stone Road. Seconded by Judy Brewster, all in favor. Page 2 Planning & Zoning Meeting May 31, 1983 PUBLIC HEARING FOR OAKS RETAIL, OAKS III - IV: Chairman Joe Fulgham opened up the meeting to the public for hearings on the Retail and III & IV of Oaks Addition. There being no one in opposition at the hearing, the public hearing was closed. ZONING OF OAKS RETAIL: Motion was made by Sarah Connelly to zone the property east of Impression Center on Highway 78, 4.689 acres from agricultural to Retail . Seconded by Art Harris, all in favor. ZONING OF OAKS III : Zoning of 1 acre located at the entrance to Oaks I on Old Hwy 78 from agricultural to SF 2 and Retail . Lot 1 being zoned SF 2 and Lot 2 being zoned Retail . Motion made by John Seeley to zone Lot 1 SF 2 and Lot 2 Retail and seconded by Art Harris, all in favor. ZONING OF OAKS IV: Zoning of 18. 149 acres from agricultural to SF 2, the property located east of Oaks I on Old Hwy 78. Motion made by Sarah Connelly to zone Oaks IV as SF2, seconded by John Seeley, all in favor. Harold Spence had a question concerning the above additions. He wanted to know if they were ready for the final plat and if so could he get on the June 23rd agenda. Chairman Fulgham said they were ready for the final plat when Harold was ready. Harold Spence would like to be on the agenda for June 23rd. Motion made to adjourn by Judy Brewster, seconded by Art Harris, all in favor. CALLED MEETING PLANNING AND ZONING May 31 , 1983 6;00 P.M. Corrected Minutes The Wylie Planning and Zoning Commission met in a special called session at 6:00 p.m. on May 31 , 1983 in the Council Chambers of City Hall . A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted for the time and in the manner required by law. Those in attendance were Chairman Joe, Fulgham, Vice Chairman John Seeley, Commission members, Art Harris, Sarah Connelly, Judy Brewster, City Manager Lee Vickers, City Secretary Carolyn Jones, I . W. Santry, Percy Simmons, Don Kreymer, Harold Spence, and George Brown, Public Works Director. FINAL PLAT FOR SECOND STREET ADDITION: I . W. Santry recommended the street width be 36 feet instead of the 27 feet. The reason for the 36 ft. width is due to the adjoining part of Second Street is 36 ft. and therefore at 27 feet would cause a bottle neck. Due to heavy traffic coming from the school and the rapid growth of the school , Mr. Santry feels it is necessary for the 36 ft. street. Don Kreymer said he was willing to go with the 36 ft. width provided the City pick up the bill for the 10 ft. over his 27 foot plat. The Developers have a 50 ft. easement in this area for his street, the City would have to acquire 10.5 ft. from three property owners with four places of residences between Don Kreymer' s property and Stone Road. The school has been in contact with I . W. Santry and told him that they are expecting a 50% increase in High School within the next few years. If the street is approved at 27 st. Joe George and Don Kreymer will pay for the entire street, but if approved for 36 ft. , the City Council will be asked to pay for the remaining 10 ft. The bridge joining Second Street across the drainage ditch will by 36 ft. in width, plus walking area to provide crossing. Developers will request the cost to be split 1/3 to Kreymer, George, and the City of Wylie. Judy Brewster recommended the street be 36 ft. wide and the City pick up the remaining cost of the street, the curb should be put in on the west side of Second and leave the east side open. This would give leeway for the street to be widened at a later date. John Seeley made a motion to recommend approval of the final plat with provision for 36 ft. street from Park St. to Stone Road. Seconded by Judy Brewster, all in favor. Page 2 Planning & Zoning Meeting Corrected Minutes May 31 , 1983 PUBLIC HEARING FOR OAKS RETAIL, OAKS III-IV: Chairman Joe Fulgham opened up the meeting to the public hearings on the Retail and III & IV of Oaks Addition. Letters were sent out. There being no one in opposition at the hearing, the public hearing was closed. ZONING OF OAKS RETAIL: Motion was made by Sarah Connelly to zone the property east of Impression Center on Highway 78, 4.689 acres from agricultural to Retail . Seconded by Art Harris, all in favor. ZONING OF OAKS III : Zoning of 1 acre located at the entrance to Oaks I on Old Hwy 78 from agricultural to SF 2 and Retail . Lot 1 being zoned SF 2 and Lot 2 being zoned Retail . Motion made by John Seeley to zone Lot 1 SF and Lot 2 Retail and seconded by Art Harris, all in favor. ZONING OF OAKS IV: Zoning of 18.149 acres from agricultural to SF 2, the property located east of Oaks I on Old Hwy 78. Motion made by Sarah Connelly to zone Oaks. IV as SF 2, seconded by John Seeley, all in favor. Harold Spence had a question concerning the above additions. He wanted to know if they were ready for the final plat and if so could he get on the June 23rd agenda. Chairman Fulgham said they were ready for the final plat when Harold was ready. Harold Spence would like to be on the agenda for June 23rd. Motion was made to adjourn by Judy Brewster, seconded by Art Harris, all in favor. Chairman Joe Fulgham