06-23-1983 (Planning & Zoning) Minutes PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION
JUNE 23, 1983
7:00 P.M.
The Wylie Planning & Zoning Commission met in special session at 7:00 p.m.
on June 23, 1983. A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been
posted for the time and in the manner required by state law. Those in
attendance were Vice Chairman John Seeley, Art Harris, Ken Mauk, Sarah
Connelly, Judy Brewster, I.W. Santry, Harold Spence, Don Kreymer, Robert
Gaines, Dwight Scott, and Prudence Kling. Those absent were Dr. Joe Fulgham
and Bryant Barry.
The meeting was called to order by Vice Chairman John Seeley. The minutes
to the previous meeting were not available so they were passed over.
1. Consider approval of final plat for Oaks Retail Addition.
Mr. Santry reported that on Tuesday, June 21 the Plat Committee consisting of
I. W. Santry, Percy Simmons, John Seeley, and Art Harris, recommended that the
final plat be approved and water and sewer as shown for construction be approved.
Also that the plats committee recommended to the Planning & Zoning Commission
that paving plans as such be presented to the commission prior to the final
approval of any construction plans. Plat Committee wants a site plan presented
before any construction or paving if done which is standard procedure. Since
Mr. Spence is doing it building by building; each will have to be presented.
Mr. Spence stated he had been talking to a major supermarket and drug store.
He would like to start on a corner soon which would be the last of July or
the first of August as the projected dates. A question was raised as to Mr.
Spence's intention as to curbing-which he intends to do with landscaping.
Art Harris made a motion to recommend approval of the Oaks Retail Addition
final plat. Ken Mauk seconded. The vote was unanimous in favor.
2. Consider approval of final plat for Oaks III Addition.
Mr. Santry reflected that these plats had been reviewed, stating that approx-
imately one acre of this was zoned retail . Lot 1, Block 1 was zoned SF-2 and
Lot 2 was zoned retail where a day care was to be started in an existing
building. The water and sewer is available so there are no construction plans
required. Ken Mauk made a motion to recommend the approval of the final plat
for Oaks III Addition. Judy Brewster seconded. The vote was unanimous in
3. Consider approval of final plat for Oaks IV Addition.
Mr. Spence spoke up defending his position on the present plat. Mr. Spence
stated that a creek cuts through the development causing the problem on the size
of the 16 lots in question that are below ordinance regulation size. His
original plan was to submit the addition as plan development which only requires
5000 sq. ft. per lot. At the request of two Planning & Zoning members, Mr. Spence
kept the addition single family dwellings. Spence will appear at the City
Council meeting in support of the plat. The plat committee position was that
the addition did not conform to the minimum requirements for the plat that
they could not recommend approval to the Planning and Zoning Commission.
The Planning & Zoning Commission felt that due to the cooperation of Harold Spence
in other matters relating to the developement that the City should give it
consideration. Sarah Connelly made a motion to recommend approval to the Council
with the Council considering the give and take that Mr. Spence has been willing
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to go through with the City before that they approve this with the 16 lots
that are 447 sq. ft. below minimum requirements for SF-2. Ken Mauk seconded.
The vote was unanimous for approval .
4. Consider alternative preliminary plans for paving and drainage improve-
ments to Oak St. from Fifth Street east for 253 feet.
Mr. Santry presented eight different plans and costs for the paving and
drainage. Mr. Santry explained the different plans and the costs for each.
Discussion ensued as to who would pay, would there be curbing, and what plan
would be the best plan for the City to follow. After a lengthy discussion
the Planning & Zoning Commission agreed that Oak St. from Fifth St. should be
concrete with curbing on both sides. Art Harris made a motion to recommend
the approval of Plan 1 for the paving and drainage to Oak St. Sarah Connelly
seconded. The vote was unanimous in favor.
5. Consider petition for annexation and development of Phase II, Rush Creek
Mr. Santry reported that there has not been anything submitted. Passed over.
6. Consider approval of replat of portions of Westwind Meadows II .
The Problem is that the company that owns the pipe line would not allow them
to pave the alley over the line. So they had to change some lot dimensions,
increase the alley width, and shift street alignments slightly. Fences will
still have to be on or inside the property line. There is one lot that is area
shy which is in violation of the zoning ordinance but since the plat had been
previously approved it would not be fair to require a complete readjustment.
The original had been filed and approved by Planning & Zoning and the
Council which recessitates a replat. A discussion followed. Judy Brewster
made a motion to recommend the approval of the replat of Westwind Meadows 2.
Ken Mauk seconded. The vote was unanimous in favor.
7. Consider approval of construction plans for S. Second Street Addition.
The Second Street Addition plat has been approved. The problem of the paving
of South Second Street crossing of property where row has not been secured.
The City should request the owners of these properties to dedicate the re-
quired row to the City. No work should begin until the row is secured. Mr.
Santry finds nothing wrong with the construction plans. The Planning and
Zoning wishes to call to emphasize to the Council that all of the right-
of-way has not been secured. Art Harris made a motion to recommend approval
of construction plans for S. Second St. Addition. Ken Mauk seconded. The
vote was unanimous in favor.
8. Consider approval of paving plans for Pirate Drive.
For information, Mr. Santry explained that portion of the Wylie Independent
School District property will be dedicated to the Church of Christ and the
school district will dedicate full right-of-way as agreed to by Mr. Don
Whitt, Superintendent. John Seeley made a motion to recommend to the Council
that they expedite the paving of Pirate Drive prior to this Autumn. The
motion passed.
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9. Consider approval of revised proposed Subdivision Regulation.
The subdivision ordinance is basically the same one previously considered
with a few minor changes in the section 7 on fees which has been rewritten.
An ordinance concerning fees will be written for approval at the same time
the subdivision ordinance goes to the Council which is being planned for the
July 12 meeting. There is to be a developer's and builder's meeting on June
30 to go over the regulations once again. A discussion followed on Section
507 and page 39 of the regulations and several other items. The Committee
also wishes to include a statement on standard plans in the subdivision
regulations relating to when the plans are available and have been approved.
This standard drawing statement could be done by adding to the paragraph on
page 19. The following sentence could be added. Reproducable standard
construction drawings may be obtained (when they become available) from the
City by payment of a fee to the City in the amount stated in the proposed
Wylie Fee Ordinance. Mr. Santry was asked to recommend this to the Council
meeting on June 27. Ken Mauk made a motion to recommend approval of the
subdivision regulations. Art Harris seconded. The vote was unanimous in
10. Consider adoption of filing code for engineering drawing and plats.
A discussion followed as to the great need for a better filing system for
the drawings and plats due to the fact they are not filed in any organized
way. It was noted that there are numerous drawings for houses-2 drawings
are required for each building permit (one to the City and one to the inspector) .
They are not sure why this is required. It was felt that flat map cases
would be the answer and the cost for 2 sections of 5 drawers each, a cap,
and a rolling cabinet would be about $1265. Judy Brewster made a motion to
recommend the purchase as soon as possible the necessary filing equipment
to institute a uniform filing system for engineering drawings and plats.
Ken Mauk seconded. The vote was unanimous in favor.
11. Discussion of proposed construction standards.
Mr. Santry explained the basic concept for standard construction drawings in
that every set of plans that are submitted have certain standard of drawings
relative to such items as street paving, water and sewer. Each have to
be reviewed to be sure that they meet the requirements. Preparation of standard
construction plans to meet current standards would simplify review and reduce
City costs in the long run. A discussion followed as to how this should
eliminate some of the problems. The plans would be developed over a period of
time making the plans reproducible and available to the developers on request
charging them enough to recoup the City's expenditured. It was agreed by
the Committee that there is a need.
12. Consider petition for annexation of 107. 11 acres in the De La Pina Survey.
Mr. Santry has not received anything on this. Passed over.
Mr. Santry mentioned several items that the committee should be considering.
1. Water plans for the Northwest section of Wylie.
2. Several residents on Woodhollow off Akin Lane would like a back entrance.
A discussion followed.
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3. Additional residential classification in the zoning ordinance was
discussed with the possibility of providing for additional class-
ification. This subject will be put on the agenda for the next
regular monthly meeting.
4. The need to have control over the parking lots was discussed. It was
pointed out that a need to have a certain type of specification for
the parking lots exists to be controlled through building permits.
Mr. Santry can have something available for the next monthly meeting.
5. A Capital Bond Program was discussed with such items as a fire station,
sewer, City Hall etc, being mentioned and that Planning and Zoning
should be considering future need planning.
The Planning & Zoning Commission requested that the City Council get an up-
dated City map especially while Mr. W.A. Allen is still with the City.
A lengthy discussion ensued of the parking and certificate of occupancy in
relationship to the private club license being applied for by the Cantina
Judy Brewster made a motion to adjourn. Sarah Connelly seconded. All were
in favor.
ohn Seeley, Vice-Chaff an