07-14-1983 (Planning & Zoning) Minutes PLANNING & ZONING MINUTES
July 14, 1983
7:00 P.M.
The Planning and Zoning Commission for the City of Wylie met in a
called meeting on July 14, 1983 in the Council Chambers at City Hall .
Those present were Chairman Joe Fulgham, John Seeley, Sarah Connelly,
Ken Mauk, Bryant Barry, Art Harris, I.W. Santry, City Secretary Carolyn
Jones, Percy Simmons, Mayor Squires. Judy Brewster was absent.
Chairman Fulgham opened the meeting for a public hearing for the zoning
of Rush Creek II from agriculture to SF-1 (single family 1) . There being
no comments or opposition, the pubic closed. Bryant Barry made a motion
to zone Rush Creek II as SF-1 (single family 1) . Seconded by Sarah Connelly-
all in favor.
There being no other business at hand, a notion was made to adjourn. All
in favor.
Joe Fulgham, Chairman