07-28-1983 (Planning & Zoning) Minutes PLANNING & ZONING COMMIS )N
JULY 28, 1983
7 :00 P. M.
The Wylie Planning & Zoning Commission met in wpecial session at 7 :00 P. M.
on July 28, 1983. A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been
posted for the time and in the manner required by state law. Those in
attendance were Chairman Dr. Joe Fulgham, John Seeley, Art Harris, Ken Mauk,
Sarah Connelly, Judy Brewster, Bryant Barry, I . W. Santry, Percy Simmons,
Prudence Kling, and other citizens.
The meeting was called to order by Chairman Dr. Joe Fulgham. The minutes
for May and June were approved except for May 31 , 1983 which will be
ammended as follows : 1 . To add that letters were sent. 2. The width on
S. Second is 36 ft. not 37 ft. 3. There are 3 property owners with 4 places
of residences. Ken Mauk made a motion to approve the May and June minutes
with the ammendments. Judy Brewster seconded. The motion carried.
1 . Conduct public hearing for zoning change request for 68.95 acres-F. M. 3412
& Cottonbelt Avenue-from Industrial & SF 1 to Retail and SF 2.
The land in question is bordered by FM 3412 on the North side and Cottonbelt
Avenue on the East side. There are two tracts of land,cone of which is
zoned Industrial and the other SF 1 . The top section near FM 3412 (Lot 1 , 2, 3)
is requested to be zoned retail with the back section SF 1 . Harold Spence
presented the plat. He acknowledged that water meeds to be brought to the
development and that this would be done at the developer' s expense. More
than likely the homes will be 1500 sq. ft. to 1600 sq. ft. Mrs. Smith then
brought forth her conern of the very bad curve and the traffic that would be
generated if a convenience type store put there opposed to another type
of retail establishment. Mr. Santry stated that the City must have a 50' right
of way on Cottonbelt - at the present time Marble is 30' width & a park might be
provided. There will be 6 inlets and 6 outlets to the development providing
Marble with a 60' width right of way. John Seeley brought out drawback- which
is you lose Industrial zoning you are losing a larger tax base portion. The
City is starting to shrink our Industrial zoning. Also when you go from SF 1
and go to SF 2, you lose a potential of a larger tax base. It appears the
City is getting more and more SF 1 . Seeley also brought out for further
consideration how the City wants to maintain its commercial section - strung
out or kept in a more central location. The development would be developed in
phases and SF 1 was chosen over SF 2 because houses in the high $70 and the
low $80 are the houses selling. Garrie Schneller brought up the question of
why, would pay for the repavement. A discussion followed. The public hearing
closed. Several liked the idea of having or providing a park. A discussion
followed concerning Lot 3 as to whether it should be retail , the future plans
for the road, and the bad curve. The question was presented to Mr. Spence,
if he would change Lot 3 from Retail to Planned Development. He agreed. 34
letters were sent out 10 days prior to the meeting - one came back in opposition.
John Seeley made motion to recommend a zoning change for 68.95 acres - FM 3412
and Cottonbelt Ave.- from Industrial and SF 1 to SF 2 except for Lot 1 & 2 to
go from Industrial & SF 1 to Retail and Lot 2 to go from SF 1 to Planned
Development. Ken Mauk seconded. The vote was unanamious in favor.
2. Conduct public hearing for zoning change request for 6.37 acres - (S. H.
78 & Dairy Queen & Sonic) from retail to Planned Development. Tract
5,6,7,8,9, & 10 of S. B. Shelby Survey.
Page 2 P&Z min..-`9s of July 28, 1983
With this section Planned Development, they will have to come back every time
with details. The entrance to the 6.37 acres is still not quite finished
but there are several potential arrangements that might be done. The
State Highway Dept. will not allow them unlimited entry from Hwy. 78. It
was also mentioned that the City would limit access from Kirby. The plat
committee recommended approval . 26 letters were sent out - 2 were turned
back. One in favor and one in opposition if the 6.37 acres were to be used
for apartments. The development is planned at this time to be used for a
Swifty Convenience Store, a Western Auto Store, and the rest is undecided.
• Sewer and water is to be brought in at the developer' s expense. A discussion
followed. The public hearing was closed. Bryant Barry made a motion to
recommend that a zoning change of the 6.37 acres - S.H. 78 & Dairy Queen
& Sonic - be changed from Retail to Planned Development. Art Harris
seconded. The vote was unanimous in favor.
3. Conduct public hearing for annexing 107.11 acres in De La Pina Survey
(on S.H. 78 - Westside of Kreymer Lane) Wyndham Estates.
Mr. Santry said that there is a problem to the developer as well as the City.
That problem being the sewer. The Rush Creek developer is putting a lift
station in the adjoining development but there would need to be one put in
big enough to accommodate these 2 developments plus other areas. There
should be some committment from the developer. The development will be
annexed agricultural which it is already and then go through a zoning
change. There is an electrical easement through the property so light
industrial is planned in that area; the residential will be on the other
end; the lots on Hwy. 78 will probably be retail ; a portion duplex; and
one 7 acre tract reserved for apartments. Also a portion of the develop-
- ment belongs to other property owners who would have to agree to be annexed.
Discussion followed concerning the above and the road to the development.
There were no letters sent because no one lived within 200' . A concern
was stated over how well the developer will keep the development up and
type quality of construction. Public hearing was closed. John Seeley
expressed that the developer should give a firm committment on the pro-
viding of all ulitities to serve the annexed area including water, sewer,
gas and power, and all of the streets. In addition John Seeley expressed
the opinion that the developer should participate in the proposed new
lift station with the other developers, and furnish the City with deeds
or authorized statement to the property already sold stating that they
do wish to be annexed. A discussion ensued in which Mr. Beckham (the
developer) stated he would be willing to do the above. Art Harris made a
motion to recommend approval of this annexation with the stipulations that
Mr. Beckham participate in the cost of the lift station plus the other terms,
and will furnish the City with notarized statements that they will participate
in the costs and wish to be annexed. Judy Brewster seconded. The vote
was 6 in favor and one abstained-John Seeley.
4. Preliminary plat review for Rush Creek 11 .
Preliminary plat withdrawn because of misunderstanding and will be presented
again with a different zoning classification (SF 2) .
5. Discussion and setting of second monthly Planning & Zoning meeting as
requested by City Council .
The P & Z Commission voiced that they do not want a setting of a second monthly
meeting but are willing to call a meeting when necessary. Percy Simmons
brought out several problems that need to be addressed including sewer and
water and the fact that the whole town is being zoned SF 1 . Also they would
like to have just a planning session with some priorities set. Asked for
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Plat Committee to meet and set a preliminary list of priorities. The Planning
and Zoning set August 11, 1983 at 6:30 p.m. as their next meeting. A discussion
6. Discussion of changes to zoning ordinance.
The Planning and Zoning would like for J. T. Duncan to be notified and asked to
come and discuss the changes to zoning ordinance. A discussion followed.
Art Harris made a motion that on August 11, the Planning and Zoning meet for a
planning session with the zoning of Rush Creek II and planning for future
expansion with a list of priorities and discussion of the zoning ordinance.
Bryant Barry seconded. The motion carried.
Bryant Barry made a motion to adjourn. The motion carried.
Joe Fulgham, Chairman