10-13-1983 (Planning & Zoning) Minutes PLANNING AND ZONING MINUTES October 13, 1983 The Wylie Planning and Zoning Commission met in a called session at • 7:00 P.M. on October 13, 1983. A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted for the time and in the manner required by the state law. Those in attendance were Vice Chairman John Seeley, Randal Gaston, Ken Mauk, Sarah Connelly, Kent Crane, I.W. Santry, City Secretary Carolyn Jones, Percy Simmons, Harold Spence, Don Kreymer, Tim Hemingway, J.T. Dunkin, Ed Collins, and other Citizens. Joe Fulgham came in late. Bryant Barry was absent. Approve Minutes: There were no correction or additions to the minutes. Motion made by Sarah Connelly to accept minutes as written. Seconded by Ken Mauk. All in favor. Public Hearing - Zoning of Wyndham Estates : Proposed zoning is for 22 acres as Industrial Area is south of Old Highway 78. There is an ease- ment for power lines which comes through. this Industrial Area. Approx- imately 7. 1 acres to be zoned MF (apartments) another Section of Block 1 - 17 to be zoned MF (Duplexes). 12 acres along new Highway 78 to be zoned retail and the remainder to be zoned SF2. The hearing was opened up to the public for discussion. Mrs. Lee McCormick who lives directly across from the area proposed for Industrial . She is in opposition of this due to the noise from industrial areas. Plus industrial will lower their property value. Kathy Humble lives across from this proposed industrial and she is in opposition. Don Kreymer wants to know where the water and sewer service will be coming from. Mr. Beckham said he was paying a portion of the new lift station and this would take care of this subdivision. The water will be coming from an existing main. Sewer lines will come down Old highway 78 and cross the Kreymer property to get to the lift station and then to the treatment plant. Mr. Beckham said the reason for zoning a portion of this as industrial is due to the power lines. Kathy Humble wanted to know who would maintain Eubanks Road. Also there is already a drainage problem with this area what will happen now. County will maintain Eubanks. John Seeley said this should help the drainage problems. Public hearing was closed and zoning request returned to the board for vote. Randal Gaston made a motion that zoning be recommended to City Council as per site plan. Seconded by Ken Mauk. All in favor. Public hearing - Annexation for 124 acres - West of Rustic Oaks : There is approximately 39 acres for residential (SF2 and MF) the remainder Industrial and Commercial . Water supply for this area will come from 12" line in Rustic Oaks. Kent Crane wanted to know if there was a re- son for not doing the annexation. John Seeley answered the only reason would be if the City could not handle it. Jerry Land who is representing the developer said they want this type of zoning. Planning and Zoning's concern is the Eldridge property which with this proposal would be surrounded by Commercial . Percy Simmons stated this piece of property was valuable to the City due to getting the larger water line to Nortex Nursery. Public hearing was closed. Motion was made by Sarah Connelly to recommend to the City Council to annex this property. Seconded by Randal Gaston. All in favor. Plat Review Committee: Motion was made by John Seeley to appoint Kent Crane to the plat review committee. Seconded by Randal Gaston. All in favor. Preliminary Plat Butane Mobile Home Park Addition: This plat will be adding 21 spaces to the existing park. Mr. Collins reported he had talked with the past City Manager and was told this addition would go in under the old mobile home ordinance. Mr. Santry spoke with the City Attorney and he said the City had no legal binding to accept this plat under the old ordinance. Some of the Councilmen have voiced an opinion that if Mr. Collins put a fence up along Highway 78 to shield the exist- ing Park, it would be agreeable to let these lots come in under the old ordinance. Motion was made by Ken Mauk to recommend acceptance of the preliminary plat under the old ordinance. Seconded by Kent Crane. Four in favor. One against (John Seeley). Preliminary Plat Glen Knoll Mobile Home Park: There is a 200 ft. set back off of Alanis Lane. There will also be a lift station to provide for this area. Water will be brought down Martinez Lane. The streets will be maintained by the developer and will not be dedicated to the City. There will not be individual water meters. Most of these lots will be 50 ft x 100 ft. Randal Gaston would like this item tabled until there can be clarification from Council as to old or new ordinance. Sarah Connelly would like this tabled until the new members can look at the old and new ordinances and also to let the plat review committee review this plat. Sarah Connelly made a motion to table this item until the next Planning and Zoning meeting and to request from Council clar- ification as to which ordinance this plat will fall under. Seconded by Randal Gaston. Four in favor. One against (John Seeley) . Zoning Ordinance Work Shop: Mr. J. T. Dunkin prepared the zoning ordinance the City is now using. Mr. Dunkin would like to have a joint meeting with the Council and Planning and Zoning as soon as some review and changes have been voiced. Mr. Santry said the following needed to be reviewed: 1. side yard lines 2. off street paving 3. Parking space requirements 4. Height requirement 5. Greater variety in sq. ft. of homes J. T. Dunkin stated the two strongest tools for operating a City is the zoning and subdivision ordinances. J. T. also stated the Planning and Zoning needed to set goals for Wylie development, to look at standards for developing something not to strict so the land can be developed. Mr. Santry suggested that each Planning and Zoning member to list some goals and changes they think are necessary. Randal Gaston wanted to know the priority of updating the Zoning Ordinance. Joe Fuigham said he would not have any more meetings. Two meetings a month was too many if Planning and Zoning never gets any planning done. Mutual Territorial Boundary with City of Murphy: There is a need for a mutual agreement for the two Cities between Maxwell and Muddy Creeks. Mr. J. T. Dunkin said any land the City can obtain in the ETJ is needed. Mr. Dunkin also stated that Wylie Planning and Zoning Committee meet with Murphy and make some type of agreement. John Seeley would like some guide lines from the City Council before a joint meeting with Murphy. Randal Gaston made a motion to adjourn. All in favor. Joe Fuigham, Chairman