11-10-1983 (Planning & Zoning) Minutes PLANNING AND ZONING Nov. 10, 1983 7:00 P.M. The Wylie Planning and Zoning Commission met in regular session at 7:00 P.M. on Thursday, November 10, 1983 in the Council Chambers at City Hall . A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted for the time and in the manner required by state law. Those in attendence were Chairman Joe Fulgham, John Seeley, Kent Crane, Randal Gaston, Sarah Con- nelly, I . W. Santry, City Secretary, Carolyn Jones, Percy Simmons, Bryan Cook and interested citizens. Bryant Barry and Ken Mauk were absent. Approval of Minutes : Correction to minutes of October 27, 1983 for Glen Knoll Mobile Home Park, should read, maximum lot coverage of 35%. Motion was made by Randal Gaston to approve minutes as corrected. Seconded by John Seeley. Passed unanimously. Special Use Permits: Sarah Connelly' s Day Care Center. This is considered an up-grading for this area. We are to check to see if letters should be sent out prior to meeting. Mrs. Connelly said she could not operate without a special use permit from the City. Motion was made by Randal Gaston to approve the special use permit. Motion seconded by John Seeley. Motion carried with four voting in favor and one abstention (Sarah Connelly) . Special Building Permit for James Potter and the Nelsons to go ahead and build prior to Wyndham Estates streets and water lines being put in. Their present location is being sold and they must vacate. Percy Simmons stated that James Potter had talked with John Akin and informed him that his build- ing has been sold and he has to move immediately. He was not sure of the City ordinances and since it takes awhile to annex and zone property, he would appreciate a special building permit enabling him to build now. (See zoning ordinance page 5 for ruling) Motion was made by John Seeley to allow city to issue Building Permit with understanding water and sewer is not avail- able but if by July 1st, no city water is available, the property must (2) be vacated. Motion seconded by Kent Crane. Motion carried with four in favor and one abstention (Randal Gaston) . Approval of Glen Knoll Mobile Home Park preliminary plat: Pulled from the agenda at the request of the petitioner (Melvin St. John) . Approval of Final Plat for Rustic Oaks: It was determined there was one lot that was too small . Plat calls for 230 lots. Motion made by Randal Gaston to recommend to the City Council to approve final plats without construction plans. Motion seconded by Sarah Connelly. Motion carried unanimously. Public Hearing for annexation of 1.949 acres east of Wylie - on Highway 78 next to Alpha Omega Floors. Public hearing opened for questions. There being no questions or opposition, the public hearing was closed. Motion was made by Sarah Connelly to recommend annexation of this tract of land. Motion seconded by John Seeley. Motion carried unanimously. Zoning Ordinance update: Need to consider having set back for buildings on drainage easements. In the past the easements could be used as part of the set back requirements. Planning and Zoning requested Mr. Santry submit a list to J. T. Dunkin for him to begin to update the zoning ordinance. Planning and Zoning requested that no items be on the agenda the night Mr. Dunkin comes back out. Requested this meeting be held on the second Thursday night in February. Motion was made by Randal Gaston to adjourn, seconded by John Seeley, all in favor. Joe Fulgham, Chairman