07-22-1982 (Planning & Zoning) Minutes PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION JULY 22, 1982 7:00 P.M. The Wylie Planning & Zoning Commission met in regular session at 7:00 p.m. on July 22, 1982 in the Council Chambers at City Hall. A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted at the time and in accordance with state law. Planning & Zoning Commission members present were: Chairman Joe Fulgham, Albert Harrison, Bryant Barry, Judy Brewster, Mike McAnally and Ken Mauk. Also present were Brian Cowan, Director of Public Works, Mayor Robert Squires, Council members Geline Dodd, Reta Allen, Percy Simmons and William Martin, developers Joe George and Harry Tibbals, and Tom Daniel, Engineer, Reporter David Engleman. Chairman Fulgham called the meeting to order. First topic of discussion was to reconsider temporary classroom permit for Wylie Middle School. Wylie Independent School District was not represented on this issue. Motion was made by Albert Harrison to extend the permit for one year. Motion was seconded by Ken Mauk, all in favor. Review preliminary plat for subdivision of Joe George located on East Stone Road. Two specific points were brought up. Mr. George had a question concerning the side lot requirement of eight feet for duplexes and land zoned Multiple Family. Also preliminary plat needed to include locations of fire hydrants. After further discussion, motion to approve preliminary plat was made by John Seeley, seconded by Mike McAnally, all in favor. Review preliminary plat for Westwind Meadows II: Mr. Tom Daniel presented the preliminary plat. Concern of the Commission was the problem of only one street outlet and two alley outlets for the subdivision. Mayor Squires was concerned about traffic in alleys. The Commission agreed to approve the plat on three conditions. 1) To close the alley between Lots 43, 44 and 45 on Westwind Street, 2) To extend the East/West portion of Westwind Street through Lot 31 for further development, and 3) To acquire a thirty foot right-of-way for county road for an overall easement of sixty feet. Albert Harrison made motion to accept preliminary plat providing these changes were made. Motion was seconded by Mike McAnally, all in favor. Review preliminary plat for Tibbals Addition: Mr. Tom Daniel presented the preliminary plat. A question was raised concerning only one exit and entrance to the first phase of the subdivision. There are provisions for two other outlets for further developments. There was also a question concerning the waterway on the eastern edge of the property and settlement design for 100 year flood. Motion to approve preliminary plat was made by John Seeley, seconded by Mike McAnally, all in favor. There being no further business the meeting was adjourned. J Fulgham, Chai, i n gw