11-19-1981 (Planning & Zoning) Minutes JOINT MEETING MINUTES PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION AND CITY COUNCIL NOVEMBER 19, 1981 7:00 P.M. The Wylie Planning & Zoning Commission met in joint session with the City Council beginning at 7:10 p.m. on November 19, 1981. All members of both the Planning & Zoning Commission and the City Council were present. Two items were on the agenda, 1. to receive the final report of the Comprehensive Community Plan from the consultants and 2. to consider a request for a building set back variance by the Wylie Church of Christ. Chairman Joe Fulgham presided and asked for a report on the request for a variance by the Church of Christ. City Manager Lee S. Vickers explained that the Church proper was built approximately eighteen '1," feet from the front property line and that they wanted to extend a classroom parallel to the property line but closer than twenty-five feet as required by the ordinance. The Manager recommended that the variance be allowed since it would be no closer than the original building and because there is a sixty foot right-of-way for South Ballard at this point. Mr. Carl Foster of the Church of Christ also pointed out the need for the classroom and explained that it was part of a Church expansion, with the new building addition to enhance the overall Church property. On motion by Bryant Barry, seconded by Albert Harrison, it was voted unanimously to allow the variance. Mr. J.T. Dunkin presented the final portion of the Comprehensive Community Plan which included the central business district, the public facilities, the Park Improvements program, and the capital improvements program. Mr. Dunkin indicated that Mr. Dennis Masters, Hogan & Rasor Engineers, would present the capital improvements program. The presentation and following discussion continued for more than an hour. Finally, on motion by Don Kreymer, seconded by John Seely, it was voted unanimously to approve and accept the Comprehensive Community Plan. There being no further business, the Planning & Zoning Commission adjourned. The City Council went immediately into a work session, with many items discussed, but no action taken. The following items were dis- cussed: 1. The need for remodeling the fire station doors. 2. The need to purchase Police Department winter uniforms. 3. The need to extend the lease or to purchase the Burroughs billing machine. 4. The Park Board plan concerning acquisition in relocation of the old First United Methodist Church annex. Others visitors present at the joint meeting were: Mrs. Rhea Downing and Ms. Phyllis Johnson on behalf of the Wylie Heritage Committee, Mr. James F. Gruben and his son, and Mr. Dell Wilson. The Council meeting was adjourned at 9:55 p.m. LSV/sbh Joe ulgham, Chai