04-24-1980 (Planning & Zoning) Minutes Planning & Zoning Commis.sion 7;00 p,m, 4-24-80. ATTENDING: Joe Fulgham, John Yeager, Frank McMillan, John Seeley, Randy Straham, Frank Rason, Dennis Masters , J, T. Dunkin, Sarah. Connelly. ABSENT; Ken Mauk, Sue Webster, Don Kreymer Dr. Fulgham called meeting to order at 7:15 p.m. Mr. Strahan of Arapaho East, asked for complete variance from sub-divisi'on due to fact that they are not going to develop land for subdivision, Company !: will not guarantee any home sites, They are not developing any streets , water/ sewer lines, On T.J, Bozman property that is edge of ETJ wants to develop into 1 acre tracts for modular homes, Chairman Joe advised that Commission would need to get the advise of engineers before they could make decision, Conmiission will notify Mr. Straham of meeting time or decision, Hogan & Rasor presented land-use and population projection study to the Commission. Meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m.