10-23-1980 (Planning & Zoning) Minutes PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES THURSDAY OCTOBER 23, 1980 7:00 P.M. The Wylie Planning and Zoning Commission met in regular session at 7:00 p.m. on October 23, 1980 with the following people pre- sent: Chairman Joe Fulgam, Ken Mauk, Frank McMillan, Don Krey- mer, John Seeley, and John Yeager. Mrs. Sue Webster was absent due to illness. Also present were Lee S. Vickers, J.T. Dunkin, Harry Tibbals, C.L. Moon, Larry Hampton, F.W. Lynch, and George Newman. Chairman Fulgam called the meeting to order and Mr. George Newman explained the preliminary platt on lake ranch de- velopment. He explained that the land would be used primarily for recreation, not for permanent residences for the next 10 to 15 years. He explained the common use area and other items to which the City's consultant had taken exception. After much discussion concerning the flood plain, the use of the common area, building elevations, water supply and septic facilities, Mr. Ken Mauk moved with a second by Mr. McMillan to approve the preliminary platt subject to the addition of the nine conditions stipulated by Mr. Rasor. The vote in favor was unanimous. Mr. Newman agreed to correct the preliminary platt and submit it to the City Council for approval at its meeting of November 11. • Mr. F.W. Lynch and Mr. Larry Hampton requested permission to sub- divide lot number 6 in block number 5 Keller addition into two lots each would be 64 by 622 feet in size which is far less than the minimum area for a lot (6,500 square feet) . The chairman advised that this would not be legal for the Planning and Zoning Commission to permit such action. Mr. Lynch then requested a special use permit to allow him to move a 24 by 24 small resi- dence onto the east half of lot number 6 to provide a place for his mother-in-law, Mrs. Ruby Hennen to live. Mrs. Hennen does not drive and needs to walk from her home to downtown to do shop- ping etc. After a long discussion of the various alternatives which might be available, Mr. McMillan moved with a second by Mr. Mauk to recommend to the Council a one year special use per- mit. Four members voted for this motion with Mr. Kreymer abstain- ing. It was agreed that the temporary permit would be reviewed each year and either renewed or denied based on then current cer- cumstances. { Mr. Harry Tibbals and Mr. C.L. Moon discussed the feasibility of an estate type subdivision to be located on 55 acres, currently outside the City, which is approximately east of the Wylie ceme- tery. The land is rolling to a steep hillside intersected by dry gulley' s. It was agreed that the land is not feasibile for city type lot subdivisions, but might possibly by developed in a state size tracts. No formal action was taken by the Commission, because the item was not an official agenda item, but the City Manager agreed to walk over the land with Mr. Tibbals to try and determine the best method of development. Pag Mr. J.T. Dunkin briefly discussed the new Zoning Ordinance with the Commission, the hour was late and it was generally agreed that it would be best to discuss the new Zoning Ordinance at a special meeting. It was agreed to meet again on Thursday November 13, 1980. There being no further business the meeting was adjourned.