11-13-1980 (Planning & Zoning) Minutes WORK SESSION PLANNING AND ZONING MINUTES NOVEMBER 13, 1980 7:00 P.M. The Wylie Planning And Zoning Commission met in work session to discuss the new proposed zoning ordinance at 7:00 p.m. on November 13, 1980. The following members were present Chairman Joe Fulgham, Don Kreymer, Ken Mauk , Frank Mc Millian and John Seeley. Mrs. Sue Webster and Mr. John Yeager were absent. Also present were City Manager Lee S. Vickers and zoning consultant J. T. Dunkin. Chairman Fulgham declared that this was a work session and asked Mr. Dunkin to take up where he left off at the previous meeting. Mr. Dunkin reviewed briefly the work that has previously been done on the zoning ordinance and then the following items were discussed; 1. Definition of terms and explain- ations of items listed in the zoning ordinance 2. Planned developments, which provide the City with better controls and continuing control of developments within such developments 3. Section 9-400, new and unlisted uses 4. Mobile homes and Modular homes 5. Minimum house sizes by area in square feet 6. Per Cent of masonry requirements 7. Mobile homes in special use districts where occupied only by the owner 8. Further discussion of residential unit area in town house formations, including the maximum number of dwelling units to be included in one complex. Several other items were discussed, but no decissions were reached. Mr. Dunkin advised members that additional consideration should be given to those items in the ordinance which, if not properly adopted, could create controversy or problems for the City during it' s future growth.He specific- ally requested that members give consideration to requirements for minimum lot area, minimum dwelling area, and maximum length of Town house units, as well as the precentage of masonry exterior to be required in the various zones. It was agreed that Mr. Dunkin should present the zoning ordinance as drafted to the City Council in a work session with one member of the planing and zon- ing commission in attendance at that work session. It was also agreed to have the next meeting at 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday December 2, 1980. There being no further business the meeting was ajourned after two and a half hours.