08-28-2012 (WEDC) Minutes Minutes Special Meeting August 28, 2012—6:30 P.M. (Following the Regular Meeting of the Wylie City Council) Wylie Municipal Complex—City Council Chambers 300 Country Club Road—Wylie, Texas CALL TO ORDER Announce the presence of a Quorum President Marvin Fuller called the WEDC Board of Directors to order at 7:50 p.m. Board Members present were: Todd Wintters, John Yeager, and Mitch Herzog. WEDC staff present was Executive Director Sam Satterwhite and Senior Assistant Gerry Harris. Sanden representatives in attendance included Mark Ulfig, Jimmye Phaup, and Kumar Coimbatore. JOINT WORK SESSION WITH WYLIE CITY COUNCIL Hold a joint work session between the Wylie City Council, Sanden International (U.S.A.), Inc., and the Wylie Economic Development Corporation Board of Directors to receive an update from Sanden officials on matter pertaining to strategic partnerships and future investment in the Wylie community in addition to an update on commercial activity in the Wylie community provided by the Wylie City Council and WEDC. Mayor Hogue welcomed Sanden and WEDC officials to the special called work session. Mayor Hogue continued by complimenting Sanden for its significant impact throughout the Wylie community and expressed optimism toward the ability of Sanden, the City Council, and WEDC to partner together for the benefit of the Wylie community and its local economy. Sanden officials presented an overview of Sanden's global operations with an emphasis on their Wylie plant which employs 572 full-time and approximately 300 part-time personnel. Sanden Chairman/CEO Mark Ulfig briefed the Council on Sanden's intention of developing a new manufacturing line which will produce pistons for their PX Compressor. Mr. Ulfig commented that the new line will be operational by the first quarter of 2013 at a cost of$24.215 mm. The two locations being considered by Sanden's leadership are existing plants in Wylie and Mexico. Mr. Ulfig also stated that while local representatives are pressing for the new investment to be made in Wylie,many factors are involved in this decision making process. Sanden's General Manager of Plant Operations Kumar Coimbator commented that it will cost Sanden $1 mm more each year to operate the new piston line in Wylie. Council member Goss commented that all the decision makers were present who could address any financial assistance necessary to offset the $1 mm gap. WEDC Director Satterwhite commented that the WEDC had presented Sanden with an incentive package which is a combination of grants and a tax abatement but the estimated value of the package can in no way offset the gap in operating costs. Mr. Ulfig suggested that Mr. Satterwhite, Mr. Coimbator, and Mr. Jimmye Phaup, Sanden WEDC—Minutes August 28, 2012 Page 2 of 2 Sr. Vice Present, meet in the near future to discuss what additional assistance may be available to secure the location of the piston line in Wylie. ADJOURNMENT With no further business, President Fuller adjourned the WEDC Board meeting at 8:06 p.m. 1/14 aAr141 Marvin Fuller,President ATTEST: Samuel Satterwhite, Di ector