12-02-1980 (Planning & Zoning) Minutes WORK SESSION
DECEMBER 2, 1980
7:00 P.M.
The Wylie Planning and Zoning Commission met in work session to dis-
cuss the new proposed zoning ordinance at 7:00 p.m. on December 2, 1980.
The following members were present Mrs. Sue Webster, presiding, Don
Kreymer, Frank McMillian, John Seeley and John Yeager. Also present
were City Manager Lee S. Vickers and Zoning Consultant Jay T. Dunkin.
Absent were Dr. Joe Fulgam and Ken Mauk.
Mrs Webster called on Jay T. Dunkin to review the previous discussions
and to bring the Commission up to date as to the work done to this time.
Mr. Dunkin advised the Commission that decisions need to be made with
regard to minimum lot width, minimum residential unit area in square
feet, the maximum length of a multi-unit structure and several other
items yet to be decided.
The Commission examined requirements of nearby cities with regard to these
and other guidelines and a consensus was reached to recommend a maximum
of seven residential units in a townhouse type structure not longer than
168 feet with a requirement that each residential unit be a minimum of
24 feet. The percentage of masonry required tor new residences was
also discussed at length and it was finally decided to recommend that
75% of the total exterior walls be masonry in "M" zones.
Commission members expressed a desire to provide safeguards against
damage to adjacent property values by a new construction through controls
which are too lax, but they did not wish to make the control so rigid as
to prevent future development in Wylie.
Among the many things that were discussed by the Commission was the need
for housing which could be purchased by young people getting started in
their careers. With this in mind, the Commission considered zones in
which modular housing could be located so that such housing would not
create problems for existing masonry-type structures were located.
It was decided to provide for modular homes in planned development zones.
After much discussion, Mr. Dunkin agreed to provide addendums to the
Commission on the items which were discussed which might have the effect
of amending the draft of the zoning ordinance. This would allow the
Commission to consider the addendums prior to actually re-drafting the
ordinance itself.
The Commission agreed not to conduct its regular meeting during December,
unless there was a demand for a re-zoning decision. The next meeting
will be held in January, 1981 .
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.