06-01-1999 (Planning & Zoning) Agenda Packet planning
City of Wylie
Regular uusiness
June 1 . 1 991
2000 Highway 78 North, Wylie, Texas 75098
June 1, 1999
7:00 p.m.
1. Consider and Act Upon Approval of the Minutes from the March 16, and April 6, 1999, Regular Business
1. Discuss, Consider, and Act Upon a request from Arthur F. Beck, BSM Engineers, Inc., for Sanden
International, for approval of a Site Plan for the property generally located at the southeast corner of FM
544 and Sanden Boulevard.
2. Discuss and Consider a recommendation to the City Council regarding a preliminary plat for Phase I of the
Birmingham Farms Addition,proposed by Birmingham Land, Ltd./Wylie Bilco, Inc., for the property
generally located north of Brown Street and Birmingham Elementary and west of the Pointe North Phase II
subdivision and being all of a 62.251 acre tract situated in the J.McUlmurray Survey,Abstract No. 629,
and the C. Atterbury Survey,Abstract No. 22, City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas.
3. Discuss and Consider a recommendation to the City Council regarding the Update of the Comprehensive
Land Use Plan.
1. Discussion regarding residential zoning districts and development standards
2. Discussion regarding commercial and industrial zoning districts and development standards
Posted Thursday, May 27, 1999, at 5:00 p.m.
2000 Highway 78 North, Wylie, Texas 75098
Regular Business Meeting
March 16, 1999
7:00 P.M.
A quorum was present and a notice was posted in the time and manner required by law.
Members Present: Staff Present:
Steve Ahrens, Chairman Tobin E. Maples, Director of Planning
Sharon Dowdy
Eric Hogue, Vice Chairman
Don Hughes - Tardy
Carter Porter
Julie Schmader
Cecilia Wood
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by Chairman, Steve Ahrens.
1. Approval of February 16, 1999, Regular Business Meeting Minutes.
Motion: A motion was made by Carter Porter, Seconded by Eric Hogue to approve the Consent
Motion Carried - all in favor (6). Don Hughes was tardy.
1. Recommendation to City Council for a request from Joe P. Hill Consulting Structural Engineering, for
approval of a Site Plan for the property generally located along the south side of Hensley Lane and being
all of Lot 2, Block B, of Premier Industrial Park South, City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas.
Tobin Maples Update:
Staff is recommending approval, subject to listed changes. The site is for Hof roan Blast Room Equipment
located within Premier Industrial Park. The applicant is filing this site plan in order to develop the property
with multiple structures. Specifically, Section 29A.2 of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance Number 85-
23A states that site plan review and approval by the Planning and Zoning Commission shall be required
for any development where more than one main building or use is proposed on a single lot or tract.
Minutes-Planning and Zoning Commission
March 16, 1999, Regular Business Meeting
Page 1
The property is developed with multiple structures requiring a site plan.
Staff has reviewed the site plan and found it to be in compliance with the Zoning regulations and other
pertinent ordinance of the City of Wylie except for a few minor revisions. Specifically, the applicant need
to provide one (1) additional handicap parking space, install bollards to protect the existing transformer
pad, increase the width of the entrances to the parking lot adjacent to the proposed 40' x 80'maintenance
building. Staff recommend that the loading area be revised to a 25' x 25' loading area.
The perimeter of the warehouse is to be used for the storage of the businesses equipment.
The 20 foot utility easement is the 8 inch water line and runs between the structure and Hensley Road.
The hash marks on the site plan identifies a 40'x 80' maintenance building, 40'x 210'warehouse and 100'
x 210'manufacturing warehouse proposed for the future.
Due to an oversite by City Staff,they did not require sidewalks at the time of platting and the City cannot
make them install the sidewalks now.
Screening is required to be 8 foot masonry wall or live screening.
Drainage ditch 6 ft wide 1 %2 foot deep graded, covered with grass. It will tie it with the normal contour
that is already existing on the south end of the building.
This item is a final action item for P & Z and will not go to City Council.
Motion: A motion was made by Sharon Dowdy, Seconded by Julie Schmader to approved with noted
corrections by Staff.
Motion Carried - all in favor (6).
2. Recommendation to the City Council regarding a Preliminary Plat/Development Plan for Phase V of Sage
Creek, proposed by Tipton Engineering for Paramount Land Development, for the property generally
located along the east side of McCreary Road, north of FM 544 and the railroad tracks, and between the
Lakeside Estates Phase I Addition and Southfork Mobile Home Park and being all of a certain 63.822 acre
parcel out of the Moses Sparks Survey, Abstract No. 849, City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas.
Tobin Maples Update:
Staff is recommending approval of the preliminary plat/development plan, subject to the following
1. Submittal of the revised preliminary utility and construction plans prior to being scheduled for City
Council action; and
Minutes-Planning and Zoning Commission
March 16, 1999, Regular Business Meeting
Page 2
2. Revising the zoning labels as detailed below:
• Staff recommends said zoning labels be revised accordingly to read as"PD (Planned
Development -North) and PD (Planned Development - South)
• remove the incorrect ordinance numbers
Drainage easement going through the middle of the property will not be an open drainage.
Motion: A motion was made by Eric Hogue, Seconded by Carter Porter to recommend approval with
Stars comments and corrections.
Motion Carried - all in favor (7).
3. Recommendation to the City Council regarding a Final Plat for Phase I of Sage Creek, proposed by Tipton
Engineering for Paramount Land Development, generally located along the east side of McCreary Road
just south of Southfork Mobile Home Park and being all of a certain 18.3166 acre tract out of the Moses
Sparks Survey, Abstract No. 849, City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas.
Tobin Maples Update:
Staff is recommending approval with the following stipulations occurring prior to being scheduled for
Council action:
1. Final engineering approval of the construction plans;
2. Submittal of one copy of the plat bearing original signatures; and
3. Revising the plat to show utility easements for all utility providers.
This is the final plat and all impact fees and development inspection fees are to paid prior to going to City
Motion: A motion was made by Sharon Dowdy, Seconded by Eric Hogue to recommend approval to
the City Council with Stalls noted corrections.
Motion Carried - all in favor (7).
4. Recommendation to the City Council regarding a Final Plat for Springwell Parkway, proposed by Tipton
Engineering for Paramount Land Development, for the property generally located along the east side of
McCreary Road, north of FM 544 and the railroad tracks, and between the Lakeside Estates Phase I
Addition and Southfork Mobile Home Park and being all of a certain 1.5711 acre parcel out of the Moses
Sparks Survey, Abstract No. 849, City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas.
Tobin Maples Update:
Staff is recommending approval with the following stipulations occurring prior to being scheduled for
Council action:
Minutes-Planning and Zoning Commission
March 16, 1999, Regular Business Meeting
Page 3
1. Final engineering approval of the construction plans;
2. Submittal of one copy of the plat bearing original signatures;
3. Delete incorrect zoning label.
4. Pay all applicable fees.
Motion: A motion was made by Eric Hogue, Seconded by Carter Porter to recommend approval to the
City Council with Staffs noted corrections.
Motion Carried - all in favor (7).
1. ZC.No. 98-14:Public hearing and recommendation to the City Council regarding a request from Zlan, Ltd.,
for approval of a Specific Use Permit (SUP) for a Commercial outdoor amusement (proposed driving
range) on the property generally located at the northeast corner of FM 1378 and Brown Street and being
a portion(9 acres) of a 23.4971 acre tract of land conveyed to C.B.A. Enterprises by substitute trustee's
deed recorded in Volume 2612, Page 605, Deed of Trust Records of Collin County, Texas.
Tobin Maples Update:
Staff is recommending denial due to the applicant's failure to respond to staff request for information.
Motion: A motion was made by Julie Schmader, Seconded by Cecilia Wood to recommend denial to
City Council.
Motion Carried - all in favor (7).
2. ZC.No. 99-01: Public hearing and recommendation to the City Council regarding a request from Ronald
Lee Williford, for approval of a zone change from A (Agricultural) to B-2 (Business) for the property
generally located at the southeast corner of FM 544 and Regency Drive between Steel Road and FM 544
and being all of Lot 2, Block B, of the Jacobs Addition, City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas.
Tobin Maples update:
This property is for a landscape company. The applicant is aware that site plan approval by the Planning
and Zoning Commission may be required prior to the issuance of building permits or permanent certificate
of occupancy. Staff is recommending approval.
Public Hearing
Lee Williford, P.O. Box 1243, Plano, Texas 75086-1234 - spoke in favor.
Motion: A motion was made by Eric Hogue, Seconded by Don Hughes to recommend approval to the
City Council.
Motion Carried - all in favor (7).
Minutes-Planning and Zoning Commission
March 16, 1999, Regular Business Meeting
Page 4
Sam Satterwhite, 1515 Anchor Drive, Wylie - Director of Economic Development.
Discussed his opposition of sidewalks within the industrial districts.
Motion: A motion was made by Eric Hogue, Seconded by Carter Porter to adjourn.
Motion Carried - all in favor(7).
Steve Ahrens, Chairman Carrie Smith, Secretary
Minutes-Planning and Zoning Commission
March 16, 1999, Regular Business Meeting
Page 5
2000 Highway 78 North, Wylie, Texas 75098
Regular Business Meeting
April 6, 1999
7:00 P.M.
A quorum was present and a notice was posted in the time and manner required by law.
Members Present: Staff Present:
Steve Ahrens, Chairman Tobin E. Maples, Director of Planning
Sharon Dowdy- ABSENT Carrie Smith, Secretary
Eric Hogue, Vice Chairman- ABSENT Mindy Manson, Assistant to City Manager
Don Hughes - ABSENT Sam Satterwhite, W.E.D.C.
Carter Porter Mike Phillips, Building Official
Julie Schmader
Cecilia Wood
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by Chairman, Steve Ahrens.
1. Development Standards for Sidewalks (Time of Installation).
Mike Phillips, City Building Official presented a survey of 15 surrounding cities. All cities surveyed
with the exception of Mansfield and Parker, allow the construction of sidewalks to coincide with
the construction of the house in residential subdivisions (same as Wylie).
Commission directed Tobin Maples to research different methods to escrow money from the
developer and/or to require sidewalks be built at a certain build out percentage and time frame.
2. Development Standards for Sidewalks within Industrial Parks (Necessity).
Sam Satterwhite, Wylie Economics Development Corporation discussed the results of a survey of
surrounding cities. He did give the commission a corrected survey, the survey showed corrections
on Frisco, Sachse, and Rowlett. Mrs. Schmader pointed out Carrollton needed to be corrected,
they require the builder to install the sidewalks and have an escrow fund. (She spoke with Rod.)
Mr. Satterwhite is of the opinion that pedestrian traffic should not be encouraged within industrial
Mr. Maples assured the Subdivision Regulations will be amended based on the Planning and Zoning
and City Council's direction. The City could not make existing industrial areas put in sidewalks,
the City would be required to install them, should sidewalks become required.
Minutes-Planning and Zoning Commission
April 6, 1999, Regular Business Meeting
Page 1
Commission is concerned with pedestrian traffic in Premier Industrial Park due to the location of
the new Community Park.
Staff is doing a survey on sidewalks in commercial zoning.
Commission directed Mr. Maples to make a recommendation to City Council of Premier Industrial
No participation.
Mindy Manson- May 1999 Bond Election.
Handouts : Bond Advisory Committee, Recommendation to City Council, March 9, 1999.
Taxes on Single Family Residences.
Citizens Bond Advisory Committee.
1999 Bond Election.
Tobin Maples gave an update of Commissioner Dowdy's opinions, she requested to get the Commission's
input of an adoption for thoroughfare screening.
The Commission directed Staff to conduct a survey regarding thoroughfare screening.
Motion: A motion was made by Carter Porter, Seconded by Cecilia Wood to adjourn.
Motion Carried - all in favor (4).
Steve Ahrens, Chairman Carrie Smith, Secretary
Minutes-Planning and Zoning Commission
April 6, 1999, Regular Business Meeting
Page 2
City of Wylie
Action Item No. 1
Site Plan
Sanden International
Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting: May 18, 1999
Planning and Zoning Commission Recommendation: Table to June 1, 1999
Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting: June 1, 1999
Owner: Sanden International
Engineer: Arthur F. Beck, BSM Engineers, Inc.
Location: Generally located at the southeast corner of FM 544 and
Sanden Boulevard
Existing Zoning: I (Industrial)
The site plan under consideration is for the Sanden International property located at the southeast
corner of FM 544 and Sanden Boulevard. The applicant is filing this site plan in order to develop
the property with multiple structures. Specifically, Section 29A.2 of the Comprehensive Zoning
Ordinance Number 85-23A states that site plan review and approval by the Planning and Zoning
Commission shall be required for any development where more than one main building or use is
proposed on a single lot or tract.
Site plans shall contain sufficient information relative to site design considerations and shall
conform to data presented within the building permit application. The purpose of the site plan is
to ensure efficient and safe land development, harmonious use of land, compliance with
appropriate design standards, safe and efficient vehicular and pedestrian circulation, and other
utilities and services.
Department of Planning, 05/27/99
• The site plan is required due to the fact that the applicant plans to develop the
property with multiple structures (existing facility, and a proposed die cast facility).
Specifically, Sanden International intends to replat their entire property into one (1) lot
and expand their operation by building a new die cast facility. A die cast facility is
basically a foundry operation where molten metal is poured and cast into molds with
minor machining of parts. The proposed die cast facility is a permitted use within a
industrial zoning district provided that such facilities are not detrimental to the public
health, safety or general welfare and provided that the following performance
standards and city ordinances are met:
1. Smoke: No operation shall be conducted unless it conforms to the standards
established by state health rules and regulations pertaining to smoke emissions;
2. Particulate matter: No operation shall be conducted unless it conforms to the
standards established by state health rules and regulations pertaining to
emission of particulate matter;
3. Dust, odor, gas,fumes, glare, or vibration: No emission of these matters shall
result in a concentration at or beyond the property line which is detrimental to
the public health, safety, or general welfare or which causes injury or damage
to property; or as said emissions conform to the standards established by state
health rules and regulations pertaining to said emissions;
4. Radiation hazards and electrical disturbances: No operation shall be
conducted unless it conforms to the standards established by state health rules
and regulations pertaining to radiation control;
5. Noise: No operation shall be conducted in a manner so that any noise produced
is objectionable due to intermittence, beat frequency or shrillness. Sound levels
of noise at the property line shall not exceed 75 dB(A) permitted for a
maximum of 15 minutes in any one hour; or as said operation conforms to the
standards established by state health rules and regulations pertaining to noise;
6. Water Pollution: No water pollution shall be emitted by manufacturing or
other processing. In a case in which potential hazards exist, it shall be
necessary to install safeguards acceptable to appropriate state health and
environmental protection agencies.
• Staff has reviewed the site plan and found it to be in compliance with the Zoning
regulations and other pertinent ordinances of the City of Wylie. Should the
Commission approve the site plan, the applicant will process a replat for Planning and
Zoning Commission and City Council consideration and submit applications for
building permits.
Department of Planning, 05/27/99
Financial Considerations:
Site plan application fee in the amount of$125.00 - Paid
Planning and Zoning Commission Update:
At the May 18, 1999, Planning and Zoning Commission meeting, the Commission voted to table
this case to the June 1, 1999, Regular Business Meeting so that the applicant could prepare
additional information regarding public safety and environmental concerns identified by the
Subsequent to the May 18, 1999, meeting, the applicant has requested that the case be tabled to
the June 1S, 1999, Regular Business Meeting so that they could ensure they have enough
information to address identified concerns (see attached letter from Rod Taylor,Vice President).
Staff Recommendation:
Table to June 15, 1999, per the applicant's request.
The Departments of Public Works, Fire, and Community Development concur with this
Letter from Rod Taylor
'. i. ill : d i
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Department of Planning, 05/27/99
TEL.Na (972)4421400
May 25, 1999
Planning& Zoning Commission
City of Wylie
Dear Commissioner:
We respectfully reguest that our case be tabled until the June 15th meeting.
We understand you have some concerns and we are more than happy to provide
additional information to openly address these concerns.
We are preparing information for your review prior to the June 15`1' meeting.
Rod Taylor
Vice President,Administration/Human Resources& Information Services
RT/j v
City of Wylie
Action Item No. 2
Preliminary Plat
Birmingham Farms, Phase I
Planning and Zoning Commission Public Hearing: June 1, 1999
Owner: Birmingham Land, Ltd./Wylie Bilco, Inc.
Surveyor/Engineer: Carter & Burgess, Inc. Attn. Roger McInnis
Location: Generally located north of Brown Street and Birmingham
Elementary and east of the Pointe North Phase II Addition
Existing Zoning: SF-3 (Single Family Residential)
The preliminary plat under consideration is Phase I of the Birmingham Farms Addition. The
applicant is preliminary platting 56.42 acres of land in order to develop the property with 219
single family residential homes. The property is currently vacant, unplatted, and zoned for SF-3
(Single Family Residential) uses.
• Staff has reviewed the proposed preliminary plat and found it to be in compliance with
the Subdivision Regulations and other pertinent ordinances of the City of Wylie.
Department of Planning, 05/27/99
• The Subdivision Regulations state that where subdivisions are platted so that the rear
yards of residential lots are adjacent to a dedicated roadway, the owner shall provide
screening at his or her sole expense. The applicant is proposing a 6' wood fence with
brick columns in order to comply. Staff recommends that the applicant clarify the
location of the proposed screening. Specifically, the applicant should revise the
screening note to indicate all required screening will be located on private property
and maintained by the either the Homeowners Association or individual property
owner. Said revision should appear on the final plat when submitted for approval.
• The applicant is dedicating approximately 7.06 acres of land for park improvements.
The Parks Boards has reviewed the preliminary dedication plans and recommended
approval of the dedication.
• The applicant is aware that all applicable issues and permits concerning
development/access on the T.P. & L. right-of-way must be resolved prior to
scheduling a final plat for hearing by the City Council.
• The applicant has proposed open drainage channels ////hix< l ,:f s .P fe. ,1�ilfhin�he Tex'�s Power •an�Light
Easement. The City's Consulting Engineer has reviewed and approved said
preliminary drainage plans.
• The applicant is aware that final water and sewer 'connections, and drainage
improvements must be approved by the City's Consulting Engineer.
Financial Considerations:
Plat application fee - $563.00
Staff Recommendation:
Approval, subject to engineering approval of the final water, sewer, and drainage improvements,
and the addition of the screening note as detailed above..
The Department's of Public Works, Fire, and Community Development concur with this
Preliminary Plat Application
Preliminary Plat
Screening Concept
Department of Planning, 05/27/99
Page 1 or 3 City of Wylie (1/95)
Date March 17, 1999
Name of Proposed Development Birmingham Farms, Phase 1
Name of Property Owner/Developer Birmingham Land, Ltd./Wylie Bilco, Inc.
Address 6606 Mapleshade, #16E, Dallas, _TX 75252 Phone 072) QRc_477r1
Owner of Record Same as above
Address Phone
Name of Land Planner Carter & Burgess, Inc. Roger McInnis, P.E.
Address 7950 Elmbrook Dr., Dallas, TX 75247 Phone (214) 638-0145
Total Acreage 62.3 Current Zoning SF-3
Number of Lots/Units 219
The Preliminary Plat shall be drawn legibly in ink on a Mylar sheet not exceeding 24" x 36", showing all
data on a scale not to exceed 1" = 100' with a graphic scale provided. Three sets of blueline prints shall
be submitted along with a copy of the boundary traverse calculations of the subdivision. Plats prepared
using AutoCad or other computer aided design techniques shall also provide a copy of all drawings on
diskette to the City.
The following Preliminary Plat Checklist is used to check compliance with the Wylie Subdivision
Regulations. The following checklist is intended only as a reminder and a guide for those requirements.
Provided or Not
Shown on Plat Applicable
1 . The boundary line (accurate in scale and orientation) of the tract
to be subdivided.
_city of Wylie
Action Item No. 3
Planning and Zoning Commission Regular Business Meeting: June 1, 1999
Action Item No. 1 RE: Discuss and Consider a recommendation to the City
Council regarding the Update of the Comprehensive Land
Use Plan.
Discuss and Consider a recommendation to the City Council regarding the Update of the
Comprehensive Land Use Plan. -Presentation by Wallace,Roberts,& Todd
Comprehensive Land Use Plan-Draft (Delivered on May 26, 1999)
=City of Wylie
Discussion Item No. 1
Planning and Zoning Commission Regular Business Meeting: June 1, 1999
Discussion Item No. 1 RE: Discussion regarding residential zoning districts and
development standards
During the past few months the Planning and Zoning Commission requested that staff conduct a
survey of other cities so that the Commission could review the City of Wylie residential zoning
hierarchy and make a recommendation regarding the creation of new residential zoning districts
that may allow more options in future zoning changes.
Attached is the survey conducted by staff which details residential development standards for
various cities similar to Wylie. The survey is provided in order to facilitate a discussion regarding
Wylie's existing residential zoning districts and development standard. Over the next 9-12
months, the City will be updating the Comprehensive Plan. The short term goal of the
Commission should be to evaluate the City's existing residential districts and standards to
determine whether or not changes are warranted. The long term goal should be to amend the
zoning ordinance to modify and improve single family residential development standards, if
warranted, and recommend that they be implemented with the Comprehensive Plan Update.
Minimum Dwelling Minimum
Zoning Lot Area Size Minimum Minimum Minimum Minimum Interior
District (Sq. Ft.) (Sq. Ft.) Lot Width Lot Depth Front Yard _ Rear Yard Side Yard
R-2 a 18,000 2,000 100'@ front BL but 120' 30' 25' 10%of lot width
not less than 100'
R-3 12,000 1,800 80'@ front BL but 120' 30' 20' 10%of lot width
ti not less than 80'
R-4 9,000 1,600 70'@ front BL but 110' 25' 15' 10%of lot width
• not less than 70'
R-5 7,500 1,500 65'@ front BL 110' 25' 15' 10%of lot width
R-6 6,000 1,200 55'@ front BL 100' 20' 10' 5'
R-7 5,000 1,000 45'@ front BL 90' 20' _ 10' 5'
Minimum Dwelling Minimum
Zoning Lot Area Size Minimum Minimum Minimum Minimum Interior
District (Sq. Ft.) (Sq. Ft.) Lot Width Lot Depth Front Yard Rear Yard Side Yard
SF-12/20 12,000 2,000 90'@ front BL 120' 35' 20' 9'
SF-10/18 10,000 1,800 80'@ front BL 120' + 35' 20' 8'
SF-8,4/18 8,400 1,800 70'@ front BL 110' 25' _ 20' 7'
SF-8,4/16 8,400 1,600 70'@ front BL 110' 25' 20' 7'
SF-7/16 7,000 1,600 65'@ front BL 100' 25' 20' 6'
SF-7/14 7,000 1,400 65'@ front BL 100' 25' 20' 6'
SF-6.5/12 6,500 1,200 60'@ front BL 100' 25' 20' 6'
SF-PH 5,000 1,200 50'@ front BL 90' 20' 10' 3'/on Prop Line
Minimum Dwelling Minimum
Zoning Lot Area Size Minimum Minimum Minimum Minimum Interior
District (Sq. Ft.) (Sq. Ft.) Lot Width Lot Depth Front Yard Rear Yard Side Yard
SF-1 10,800 2,200 90' None 30' 20' 10%of lot width
SF-2 9,600 1,900 80' None 30' 20' 10%of lot width
SF-3 8,400 1,700 70' None 25' 20' 10%of lot width
SF-4 7,000 1,500 60' None 20' 20' 10%of lot width
Minimum Dwelling Minimum
Zoning Lot Area Size Minimum Minimum Minimum Minimum interior
District (Sq. Ft.) (Sq. Ft.) Lot Width Lot Depth Front Yard Rear Yard Side Yard
SF-E 1 Acre 2,400 150' None 40' 20' 20'
SF-30 30,000 2,100 100' None 25' 30' 15'
SF-15 15,000 1,800 80' None 25' 30' 12'
SF-10 10,000 1,800 70' None 25' 25' 10'
WR 8,500 1,450 65' None 30' 20' 8'
Minimum Dwelling Minimum
Zoning Lot Area Size Minimum Minimum Minimum Minimum Interior
District (Sq. Ft.) (Sq. Ft.) Lot Width Lot Depth Front Yard Rear Yard Side Yard _
RE . 1 Acre 2,400 150' 200' 40' 25' 15'
SF-1 16,000 2,400 90' 140' 40' 25' 15'
SF-2 . 12,500 2,000 90' 120' 30' 25' 15'
• SF-3 • 10,000 2,000 80' 100' 30' 25' 10'
SF-4 8,500 1,800 70' 100' 25' 20' 7'
SF-5 7,000 1,600 60' 100' 25' 20' 7'
SF-6 5,000 1,000/650 50' 90' 25' 10' 6'
PH 5,000 1,250 50' 90' 25' 12' 8710'
- Minimum
Minimum Dwelling Minimum
Zoning . Lot Area Size Minimum Minimum Minimum Minimum Interior
District (Sq. Ft.) (Sq. Ft.) Lot Width Lot Depth _ Front Yard _ Rear Yard _ Side Yard
R-20 20,000 1,600 100' 100' 40' 25' 15'
R-12.5 12,500 1,400 1 10' 100' 35' 25' 8'
R-7.5 7,500 1,200 65' 100' 30' 25' 6'
R-5.0 5,000 1,200 50' 100' 25' 25' 12'71 1'
Minimum Dwelling Minimum
Zoning Lot Area Size Minimum Minimum Minimum Minimum interior
District (Sq. Ft.) (Sq. Ft.) Lot Width Lot Depth Front Yard Rear Yard Side Yard
ETH 4,000 2,000 20' None 5720' 207None None
TE 7,500 2,500 50' None 25' 5120' 10%of lot width
R-18 18,000 2,400 10%of lot width None 30' 35' 10%of lot width
R-1 2 12,000 2,000 100750' None 30' 35725' 10%of lot width
R-9 9,000 1,850 80' Not less than width 30' 20125' 10%of lot width
R-7.5 7,000 1,700 65' None 30' 20' 6.5'
R-6 6,000 1,500 60' None 25720' 25720' 6.5'
R-5 5,000 1,450 50' None 25720' 25/20' 6.5'
Minimum Dwelling Minimum
Zoning Lot Area Size Minimum Minimum Minimum Minimum interior
District (Sq. Ft.) (Sq. Ft.) Lot Width Lot Depth Front Yard Rear Yard Side Yard
RED-1 1 Acre None 150' 150' 35' 35' 20'
RED-2 2 Acres None 200' 200' 50' 50' 30'
RS 120 12,000 None 80' 120' 30' 25' 10'
RS 84 8,400 _ None 70' 1 10' 25' 25' 10'
RS 60 6,000 None 50' 100' 25' 25' 5'
RS 45 4,500 None 40' 100' 20' 20' 0/10'separation
SF-3.5 3,300 None 50' 50' 0 5' 10'separation
Minimum Dwelling Minimum
Zoning Lot Area Size Minimum Minimum Minimum Minimum Interior
District (Sq. Ft.) (Sq. Ft.) Lot Width Lot Depth Front Yard Rear Yard Side Yard
SF-10AC/24 10 Acres 2,400 200' 200' 45' 35' 20'
SF-5AC/24 5 Acres 2,400 200' 200' 45' 35' 20'
SF-2AC/24 2 Acres 2,400 200' 200' 45' 35' 20'
., SF-40/24 40,000 2,400 150' 200' 35' 30' 20'
SF-20/24 20,000 2,400 120' 150' 35' 30' 15'
SF-12/22 12,000 2,200 90' 120' 25' 25' 10'
SF-9.6/20 9,600 2,000 80' 110' 25' 15' 8'
SF-8.4/18 8,400 1,800 70' 110' 25' 15' 577.5'
SF-8.1/16 8,400 1,600 70' 110' 25' 15' 577.5'
SF-7.5/18 7,500 1,800 65' 110' 25' 15' 5'/7.5'
SF-7.5/16 7,500 1,600 65' 110' 25' 15' 577.5'
SF-7.5/12 7,500 1,200 65' 110' 25' 15' 577.5'
SF-6/12 6,000 1,200 60' 100' 25' 15' 577.5'
Minimum Dwelling Minimum
Zoning Lot Area Size Minimum Minimum Minimum Minimum Interior
District (Sq. Ft.) _ (Sq. Ft.) Lot Width Lot Depth Front Yard Rear Yard Side Yard
ED 40,000 1,800 125' 150' 50' 20%Lot Depth 10%Lot Width
SF-1 20,000 1,800 115' 130' 40' 20%Lot Depth 10%Lot Width
SF-2 1 1,000 1,600 90' 120' 30' 20%Lot Depth 10%Lot Width
Single 10,000 1,400 80' 120' 30' 25' 10%Lot Width
Minimum Dwelling Minimum
Zoning Lot Area Size Minimum Minimum Minimum Minimum Interior
District (Sq. Ft.) (Sq. Ft.) Lot Width Lot Depth Front Yard Rear Yard Side Yard
SF i 2 Acres 1,800 200' I 300' 50' 50' 50'
Minimum Dwelling Minimum
Zoning Lot Area Size Minimum Minimum Minimum Minimum interior
District (Sq. Ft.) (Sq. Ft.) Lot Width Lot Depth Front Yard Rear Yard Side Yard
SF-E 1 Acre 2,400 140' 240' 40' 25' 20'
SF-S1 20,000 2,400 120'@ front BL 150' 35' 35' 10%
SF-S2 15,000 2,100 110'@ front BL 120' 35' 30' 10%
SF-S3 10,000 2,100 80'@ front BL 110' 25' 25' 10%
SF-W 10,000 2,100 80'@ front BL 1 10' 25' 20' 10%
SF-V1 9,000 1,800 65'@ front BL 1 10' 25' 20' 10%
SF-V2 8,000 1,500 65'@ front BL 1 10' 25' 20' 10%
SF-V3 7,000 1,800 65'@ front BL 110' 25' 20' 10%
Minimum Dwelling Minimum
Zoning Lot Area Size Minimum Minimum Minimum Minimum Interior
District; (Sq. Ft.) (Sq. Ft.) Lot Width Lot Depth Front Yard Rear Yard Side Yard
R-39 39,000 2,000 130'@ BL None *25'-30' 25' 10%of width
R-15 , 15,000 2,000 100'@ BL None *25'-30' 25' 10%of width
R-12 • 12,000 2,000 80'@ BL None *25'-30' 25' 10%of width
R-10 10,000 1,800 70'@ BL None *25'-30' 25' 10%of width
R-8.4 8,400 1,800 70'@ BL None *25'-30' 25' 10%of width
R-3 12,000 1,500 80'@ BL None *25'-30' 25' 10%of width
R-2A 10,000 1,750 80'@ BL None *25'-30' 25' 10%of width
R-2 15,000 1,800 80'@ BL None *25'-30' 25' 10%of width
R-1 39,000 1,800 130'@ BL None *25'-30' 25' 10%of width
*As specified on plat
Minimum Dwelling Minimum
Zoning Lot Area Size Minimum Minimum Minimum Minimum Interior
District (Sq. Ft.) (Sq. Ft.) Lot Width Lot Depth Front Yard Rear Yard Side Yard
SF-1 10,000 1,800 60' 100' 25' 25' 8'
SF-2 8,500 1,500 60' 100' 25' 25' 7'
SF-3 7,200 1,100 60' 100' 25' 25' 6'
C;\Excel\Zoning\Restanda rd
-City of Wylie
Discussion Item No. 2
Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting: June 1, 1999
Discussion Item No. 1 RE: Discussion regarding commercial and industrial zoning
districts and development standards
The Planning and Zoning Commission requested that staff conduct a survey of other cities
commercial and industrial zoning districts. The information would be used by the Commission to
compare with the City of Wylie's current commercial and industrial zoning hierarchy and
determine what, if any, changes should be made or new commerical and industrial zoning districts
established. This would allow more options in future zoning change requests to be considered.
Attached is the survey conducted by staff which details commercial and industrial development
standards for various cities similar to Wylie. The survey is provided in order to facilitate a
discussion regarding Wylie's existing commercial and industrial zoning districts and development
standards. Over the next 9-12 months, the City will be updating the Comprehensive Plan and
rewriting the zoning ordinance. The short term goal should be to evaluate the City's existing
commercial and industrial districts and standards to determine whether or not changes are
warranted. The long term goal should be to amend the zoning ordinance to modify and improve
development standards, if warranted, and recommend that they be implemented with the
Comprehensive Plan Update and Zoning Ordinance rewrite.
Commercial and Industrial Standards Survey
Minimum Maximum Minimum Minimum Minimum Minimum Minimum .
Zoning Lot Area Lot Lot Lot Front Yard Side Yard Rear Yard Maximum Masonry Parking
District (Sq.Ft.) Coverage Width Depth Setback Setback Setback Height Requirements Requirements
Corridor Commercial N/A None N/A N/A 100' 25'both sides 25' 2 stories 100% attached
District or 35'*
LI 3 stories See
Light Industrial District N/A None N/A N/A 100'* 25' 25' or 45'* 100% attached
*With Exceptions
Minimum Maximum Minimum Minimum Minimum Minimum Minimum
Zoning Lot Area Lot Lot Lot Front Yard Side Yard Rear Yard Maximum Masonry Parking
District (Sq.Ft.) Coverage Width Depth Setback Setback Setback Height Requirements Requirements
0-1 50'adjacent See
Office- 1 10,000 25% 60' 100' to freeway; 10'-1 story* 25'-1 story 1 story 60% attached
or 25' or 17'
O-2 50'adjacent See
Office-2 10,000 40% 100' 100' to freeway; 10'-1 story* 25'-1 story 2 stories 60% attached
District or 25' 65'-2 stories* 65'-2 stories* or 25'
0-3 50'adjacent 10'-1 story* 25'-1 story See
Office-3 30,000 40% 150' 200' to freeway; 65'-2 stories* 65'-2 stories* 3 stories 60% attached
District or 25' 65'-3 stories* 65'-3 stories* or 37'
O-4 50'adjacent 10'-1 story* 25'-1 story See
Office-4 40,000 40% 150' 200' to freeway; 65'-2 stories* 65'-2 stories* 4 stories 60% attached
District or 25' 65'-3 stories* 65'-3 stories* or 50'
100'-4 stories* 100'-4 stories*
NS 50'adjacent See
Neighborhood Service 6,000 25% 75' 80' to freeway; 15'adjacent to SF 25'adjacent to SF; 1 story 60% attached
District or 25' or 25' 10'adj other zone or 17'
LR-1 See
Local Retail- 1 6,000 60% 75' 80' 50' * 25' * 25' * l story 60% attached
District or 17'
*With Exceptions
ON continued
Minimum Maximum Minimum Minimum Minimum Minimum Minimum
Zoning Lot Area Lot Lot Lot Front Yard Side Yard Rear Yard Maximum Masonry Parking
District (Sq.Ft.) Coverage Width Depth Setback Setback Setback Height Requirements Requirements
LR-2 See
Local Retail-2 6,000 60°,/o 75' 80' 50'* 25'* 25'-1 story 2 stories 60% attached
District 65'-2 stories or 25'
LC See
Light Commercial 10,000 65% 150' 100' 50'* 10'-1 story* 25'-1 story* 17'-1 st , 60% attached
District 65'-2 stories* 65'-2 stories* 25'-2 st
FTC (3)10,000 (3 stories)65'* (3 stories) 65'* (3)37' See
I leavy Commercial (4)10,000 65% 150' 100' 50'* (4 stories)100'* (4 stories)100'* (4)50' 60% attached
District (5)10,000 (5 stories)150'* (5 stories)150'* (5)63'
(6)10,000 (6 stories)150'* (6 stories)150'* (6)75'
C/W See
Commercial/Warehouse 12,500 60% 150'* 125' 50'* 25'* 25'* 3 stories 60% attached
District or 37'
*With Exceptions
Minimum Maximum Minimum Minimum Minimum Minimum Minimum
Zoning Lot Area Lot Lot Lot Front Yard Side Yard Rear Yard Maximum Masonry Parking
District (Sq.Ft.) Coverage Width Depth Setback Setback Setback Height Requirements Requirements
0-1 None; None; See
011ice-1 N/A N/A N/A N/A 25' 10'if adjacent to 10'if adjacent to 2 stories 100% attached
District Residential dist. Residential dist.
0-2 None; None; See
011ice-2 N/A N/A N/A N/A 25' 10'if adjacent to 10'if adjacent to 6 stories 100% attached
District Residential dist. Residential dist.
NS None; None; See
Neighborhood Service N/A N/A N/A N/A 25' 10'if adjacent to 10'if adjacent to 2 stories 100% attached
District Residential dist. Residential dist.
SC None; None; See
Shopping Center N/A N/A N/A N/A 25' 10'if adjacent to 10'if adjacent to 2 stories 100% attached
District Residential dist. Residential dist.
GR None; None; See
General Retail N/A N/A N/A N/A 25' 10'if adjacent to 10'if adjacent to 2 stories 100R/o attached
District Residential dist. Residential dist.
LC None; None; See
Light Commercial N/A N/A N/A N/A 25' 10'if adjacent to 10'if adjacent to 6 stories 100% attached
District Residential dist. Residential dist.
Minimum Maximum Minimum Minimum Minimum Minimum Minimum
Zoning Lot Area Lot Lot Lot Front Yard Side Yard Rear Yard Maximum Masonry Parking
District (Sq.Ft.) Coverage Width Depth Setback Setback Setback Height Requirements Requirements
HC None; None; See
Heavy Commercial N/A N/A N/A N/A 25' 10'if adjacent to 10'if adjacent to 10 stories 100% attached
District Residential dist. Residential dist.
I None; None;
Industrial District N/A N/A N/A N/A 25' 10'if adjacent to 10'if adjacent to 10 stories 100% See
Residential dist. Residential dist. attached
Business Park N/A N/A N/A N/A 25' Case by case Case by case Limited by 100% See
District FAA attached
Minimum Maximum Minimum Minimum Minimum Minimum Minimum
Zoning Lot Area Lot Lot Lot Front Yard Side Yard Rear Yard Maximum Masonry Parking
District (Sq.Ft.) Coverage Width Depth Setback Setback Setback Height Requirements Requirements
I-1 Upto5ac
Industrial District-1 None 55% None N/A None None 15' 3 stories 100% See
5 ac.&up or 35' attached
1-2 Upto5ac
Industrial District-2 None 55% None N/A None None 15' 3 stories 100% See
5 ac.&up or 35' attached
C-1 3 stories See
Commercial District-1 None 50% None N/A None None 15' or 35' 100% attached
C-2 3 stories See
Commercial District-2 None 50% None N/A None None 15' or 35' 100% attached
Minimum Maximum Minimum Minimum Minimum Minimum Minimum
Zoning Lot Area Lot Lot Lot Front Yard Side Yard Rear Yard Maximum Masonry Parking
District (Sq.Ft.) Coverage Width Depth Setback Setback Setback Height Requirements Requirements
O-1 1 story- 1 story-
011ice District-1 7,000 N/A 60' N/A 25' 20'-25' 20',25',30' 2-1/2 stories 100% See
2 story- 2 story- attached
20',25',60' 20',25',60'
O-2 None; To any See
Office District-2 10,000 50% I00' 100' 50' 60',50'* 30'-60' legal 100% attached
N S 5'; See
Neighborhood Service 7,000 25% 60' 80' 25' 25'adj to 30' 1 story 100% attached
District Res.Zoning or 20'
I story- 1 story-
R 1 0,000 40% 60' 140' 30' 20'-25' 20',30' 2 stories 100% See
Retail District 2 story- 2 story- or 40' attached
20',25',60' 20',25',60'
OT 20'adj to None;
Original Town 5,000 None 45' 100' None Res.Zoning 20'abutting 2 stories 100%Clay See
District 10'abutting Residential Zone fired brick attached
street or stone
I story- 1 story-
C-1 8,000 50% 80' 100' 50' 20',25',30' 20',30',30' 2-1/2 stories 100% See
Commercial District-I 2 story- 2 story- attached
20',30',60' 25',60',60'
1 story- 1 story-
C-2 5,000 60% 50' 100' 30' 20',25',30' 20',30',30' 2-1/2 stories 100% See
Commercial District-2 2 story- 2 story- attached
20',30',60' 25',60',60'
I story- I story-
20',25',30' 25',25',30' None;
H 2 story- 2 story- 2 stories See
I lighway District 12,500 50% 100' 125' 50' 20',30',60' 30',30',60' w/in 200' Case by attached
3 story- 3 story- of SF or 2F case
20',30',60' 30',30',85'
IP To any Case by See
Industrial Park 3 Acres 50% 100' N/A 50' 50' 30' legal case attached
District height
I 15'; To any Case by See
Industrial District 7,000 N/A 60' 100' 25' 25'corner 30' legal case attached
lot height
Minimum Maximum Minimum Minimum Minimum Minimum Minimum
Zoning Lot Area Lot Lot Lot Front Yard Side Yard Rear Yard Maximum Masonry Parking
District (Sq.Ft.) Coverage Width Depth Setback Setback Setback Height Requirements Requirements
Limited Business 10,000 60% 80' 100' 15' 10' • 25' 2 stories 70% See
District (3 Ac.Max) or 25'* attached
Grapevine Vintage 20,000 N/A 125' 150' 30' 15' 25' 35'* 70% See
District (1 Ac.Min) attached
Neighborhood 20,000 N/A 125' 150' 25' 10' 25' 25'* 70% See
Commercial District (1 Ac.Min attached
12 Ac.Max)
Community 30,000 60% 120' 120' 25' 20' 25' 50'* 70% See
Commercial District (5 Ac.Min) attached
highway 5,000 N/A 50' 100' 25' None 8B 2 stories 70% See
Commercial District or 35' attached
Professional 10,000 60% 80' 100' 25' 10' 25' 2 stories 70% See
Office District or 30'* attached
Central Business 1,500 100% 20' 75' None None None 30' 70% See
District attached
Historical 7,500 None 20' None ■ 6' None 2 stories Case by See
Township District or 35' Case attached
Hotel&Corporate 2 Acres* 40% 150' 200' 50' 15'or 10%of 40' ♦ 70% See
Office District lot width attached
Minimum Maximum Minimum Minimum Minimum Minimum Minimum
Zoning Lot Area Lot Lot Lot Front Yard Side Yard Rear Yard Maximum Masonry Parking
District (Sq.Ft.) Coverage Width Depth Setback Setback Setback Height Requirements Requirements
Recreational/ 8,000 60% 80' 100' 25' 10' 10' 35' 70% See
Amusement District attached
Light Industrial 20,000 50% 100' 150' 30' 15' 30' 30' 70% See
Business Park 30,000 60% 150' 200' 30' 15' 25' 50' 100% See
District attached
PCD 20,000 Depends Conform to Conform to Conform to
Planned Commerce Average upon 100' N/A applicable applicable applicable 40' 70% See
District lot size of usage zoning zoning zoning attached
1/2 acre district district district
PID 30,000 Depends Conform to Conform to Conform to
Planned Industrial Average upon 150' N/A applicable applicable applicable 40' 70% See
District lot size of usage zoning zoning zoning attached
I acre district district district
*With Exceptions • Determined by existing structure or adjacent dvlmt.
X Equivalent to adjacent district • Not to exceed 1/2 the shortest distance between structures
' Minimum Maximum Minimum Minimum Minimum Minimum Minimum
Zoning Lot Area Lot Lot Lot Front Yard Side Yard Rear Yard Maximum Masonry Parking
District (Sq.Ft.) Coverage Width Depth Setback Setback Setback Height Requirements Requirements
OD None; 4 stories See
Office District N/A 35% N/A N/A 40' 10' 25'abutting or 50' 70% attached
residential dist.
MD None; See
Medical District N/A N/A N/A N/A 40' 10' 25'abutting 50' 70% attached
residential dist.
LC None;
Local Commercial N/A N/A N/A N/A 25' 15' 25'abutting 45' 70% See
District residential dist. attached
GB None; None;
General Business N/A N/A N/A N/A 25' 15'abutting 25'abutting 45' 70% See
District residential dist. residential dist. attached
Minimum Maximum Minimum Minimum Minimum Minimum Minimum
Zoning Lot Area Lot Lot Lot Front Yard Side Yard Rear Yard Maximum Masonry Parking
District (Sq.Ft.) Coverage Width Depth Setback Setback Setback Height Requirements Requirements
LI None; None;
Light Industrial N/A N/A N/A N/A 25' 25'abutting 50'abutting 2 stories 70% See
District residential dist. residential dist. attached
WH None; None;
Warehouse N/A N/A N/A N/A 25' 15'abutting 50'abutting 45' 70% * See
District residential dist. residential dist. attached
HI None; None;
I-Ieavy Industrial N/A N/A N/A N/A 25' 50'abutting 50'abutting 2 stories 70% * See
District residential dist. residential dist. attached
LC or GB dist LC or GB dist
PU 3 stories
Public Use N/A N/A N/A N/A 25' 15' 25' or 45' 70% * See
District attached
*With exceptions
Minimum Maximum Minimum Minimum Minimum Minimum Minimum
Zoning Lot Area Lot Lot Lot Front Yard Side Yard Rear Yard Maximum Masonry Parking
District (Sq.Ft.) Coverage Width Depth Setback Setback Setback Height Requirements Requirements
BN None; 5'when
Neighborhood 7,500 70% 50' N/A 25' adj.to.res dist; 20' 25' Case by See
Business District 25'if corner lot case attached
General N/A 95% N/A N/A None None * 10' 35' Case by See
Business District case attached
Planned Center N/A 50% N/A N/A 25' None * None* 45' Case by See
District case attached
0 N/A 50% N/A N/A Equal to None * None* 50' * Case by See
Office District street ROW case attached
Light Manufacturing 10,000 75% 50' N/A 25' N/A N/A N/A * Case by See
District 20'corner lot case attached
Minimum Maximum Minimum Minimum Minimum Minimum Minimum
Zoning Lot Area Lot Lot Lot Front Yard Side Yard Rear Yard Maximum Masonry Parking
District (Sq.Ft.) Coverage Width Depth Setback Setback Setback Height Requirements , Requirements
I eavy Manufacturing 10,000 50% 50' N/A 20' N/A N/A N/A * Case by See
District 10'corner lot case attached
Governmental Established Established Established Established Established Established Established Established Established See
Complex District by Ord. by Ord. by Ord. by Ord. by Ord. by Ord. by Ord. by Ord. by Ord. attached
* With exceptions
Minimum Maximum Minimum Minimum Minimum Minimum Minimum
Zoning Lot Area Lot Lot Lot Front Yard Side Yard Rear Yard Maximum Masonry Parking
District (Sq.Ft.) Coverage Width Depth Setback Setback Setback Height Requirements Requirements
Office Park None None None None 10' • None X 10' 35' N/A See
District 25' • attached
C-1 80%w/in
Neighborhood None None None None 10' ■ None 8S 25' + 35' 300'of res. See
Business- 1 District 25' • zoning attached
C-2 80%w/in
Community None None None None 10' ■ None 86 25' 4 45' 300'of res. See
Business-2 District 25' • zoning attached
C-3 80%w/in
Commercial None None None None 10' is None X 25' 45' 300'of res. See
Manufacturing 25' • zoning attached
Downtown None None None None None None X 10' + 40' N/A See
Business District attached
Light Industrial None None None None 10' ■ None X 15' None N/A See
District 30' • attached
heavy Industrial None None None None 10' ■ None X 15' + None N/A See
District 30' • attached
■ When adjacent to non-residential district 88 In a non-residential district
• When adjacent to residential district + In a residential district
Minimum Maximum Minimum Minimum Minimum Minimum Minimum
Zoning Lot Area Lot Lot Lot Front Yard Side Yard Rear Yard Maximum Masonry Parking
District (Sq.Ft.) Coverage Width Depth Setback Setback Setback Height Requirements Requirements
R See
Retail District N/A 40% N/A N/A 40' 20' ■ 20' ■ 40' • 75% attached
LC See
Light Commercial N/A 40% N/A N/A 40' 20' ■ 20' • 40' • 75% attached
LI See
Light Industrial N/A 50% N/A N/A 40' 20' r 20' ■ 40' • 75% attached
■ 40'if abutting a street • 25'within 150'of residential zoning
Minimum Maximum Minimum Minimum Minimum Minimum Minimum
Zoning Lot Area Lot Lot Lot Front Yard Side Yard Rear Yard Maximum Masonry Parking
District (Sq.Ft.) Coverage Width Depth Setback Setback Setback Height Requirements Requirements
0-1 None; 10'where no 2 stories No metal See
Office Neighborhood None 30% None None 50' * 50'on a alley abuts rear or 35' exteriors. attached
District side,street property line Case by
O-2 None; 10'where no No metal See
General Office None 50% None None 50' * 50'on a alley abuts rear None exteriors. attached
District side street property line Case by
R None 30% None None 50' * None; 10'where no 2 stories No metal See
Retail District 50'on a alley abuts rear or 35' exteriors. attached
side street property line Case by
LC None; 10'where no 2 stories No metal See
Light Commercial None 40% None None 50' * 50'on a alley abuts rear or 35' exteriors. attached
District side street property line Case by
Minimum Maximum Minimum Minimum Minimum Minimum Minimum
Zoning Lot Area Lot Lot Lot Front Yard Side Yard Rear Yard Maximum Masonry Parking
District (Sq.Ft.) Coverage Width Depth Setback Setback Setback Height Requirements Requirements
Downtown None None * None None Case by Case by None * 4 stories No metal See
Business/Government case case exteriors. attached
District Case by
CE None; 10'where no Case by No metal See
Commercial None 50% None None 50' * 50'on a alley abuts rear case exteriors. attached
Employment District side street property line Case by
CB-1 10'where no No metal See
Central Business-I None None * None None None * None * alley abuts rear None exteriors. attached
District property line Case by
LI-1 None; 10'where no No metal See
Light Industrial-1 None 50% None None 50' * 50'on a alley abuts rear None exteriors. attached
District side street property line Case by
LI-2 None; 10'where no No metal See
Light Industrial-2 None 50% None None 50' * 50'on a alley abuts rear None exteriors. attached
District side street property line Case by
* With exceptions
Minimum Maximum Minimum Minimum Minimum Minimum Minimum
Zoning Lot Area Lot Lot Lot Front Yard Side Yard Rear Yard Maximum Masonry Parking
District (Sq.Ft.) Coverage Width Depth Setback Setback Setback Height Requirements Requirements
C 60'adj to 100'; See
Commercial 10,000 60% street; 25' 15' * 20' * 240' 90% attached
District 200'adj 200'adj
to I-30 to I-30
LI 12,500; 100'; 125'; See
Light Industrial Adj.1'o I-30 60% 200'adj 200'adj 25' 15' * 15' * 120' 90% attached
District 1 acre to 1-30 to I-30
* With exceptions
Minimum Maximum Minimum Minimum Minimum Minimum Minimum
Zoning Lot Area Lot Lot Lot Front Yard Side Yard Rear Yard Maximum Masonry Parking
District (Sq.Ft.) Coverage Width Depth Setback Setback Setback Height Requirements Requirements
Restricted N/A N/A N/A N/A 35' 20'adj.Res.Dist; 15'; 25' 90% See
Professional Office 25'adj to intersect 25'adj to Res. attached
District streets District
TR 6 stories;
Technology 4 acres 2 stories if See
Research minimum 30% N/A N/A 50' 50' 50' 100'w/in 90% attached
District Res dist
C-H 140' See
I lighway N/A N/A N/A N/A 25' 25' 30' 60'if 100' 90% attached
Commercial District w/in
Res dist
C-1 10'adj.Res.Dist; 1 space per
Neighborhood N/A N/A N/A N/A 25' 25'adj to intersect 30' 2 stories 909'0 200 sf of
Retail District streets or 30' bldg area
C-2 See
Regional N/A N/A N/A N/A 25' 25'adj.Res.Dist 30' 90' 80% attached
Retail District
M-1 See
Light Manufacturing N/A 80% N/A N/A 25' 25' 25' 36' 80% attached
M-2 See
General Manufacturing N/A N/A N/A N/A 25' 25' 25' 36' 80% attached
Minimum Maximum Minimum Minimum Minimum Minimum Minimum
Zoning Lot Area Lot Lot Lot Front Yard Side Yard Rear Yard Maximum Masonry Parking
District (Sq.Ft.) Coverage Width Depth Setback Setback Setback Height Requirements Requirements
C-1 15'adj.to res;
Neighborhood N/A N/A N/A N/A 25' 25'@ intersecting 10'; 3 1/2 100% See
Shopping District streets 25'adj.Res.Dist stories attached
or 40'
C-2 15'adj.to res;
General N/A N/A N/A N/A 25' 25'@ intersecting 10'; 90' 100% See
Commercial District streets 25'adj.Res.Dist attached
Restricted N/A N/A N/A N/A 25' 25' None; 90' 100% See
Manufacturing District 25'adj.Res.Dist attached
General N/A N/A N/A N/A None 25'@ intersecting None; 90' 100% See
Industrial District streets 25'adj.Res.Dist attached
Minimum Maximum Minimum Minimum Minimum Minimum Minimum
Zoning Lot Area Lot Lot Lot Front Yard Side Yard Rear Yard Maximum Masonry Parking
District (Sq.Ft.) Coverage Width Depth Setback Setback Setback Height Requirements Requirements
Office None 45% None None 25' 10' 20' 50' 75% See
District attached
R None;
Retail None 45% None None 25' Adj.To street or 20' * 100' 75% See
District different use-10' attached
B-1 None;
Business- I None 50% None None 20' 10'if adjacent 20' * 100' 75% See
District to Res.Dist. attached
Business-2 None 50% None None 20' 10' * 20' * 100' 75% See
District attached
Industrial None 50% None None 20' 20'on corner lot None; 100' 75% See
District 20'adj.to attached
* With exceptions
CC-Corridor Commercial District
This district is characterized by development of high intensity retail offices and light industrial uses in selected
locations along the U.S. 75 and S.H. 121 corridor. Additional uses include entertainment&lodging
LI-Light Industrial District
This district is characterized by development of industrial parks for the purpose of light distribution,processing
and manufacturing.
0-1,0-2,0-3 & 0-4 Office Districts
These office districts are established to create restrictive districts for attractive, low to moderate density office and
professional uses.
NS-Neighborhood Service District
This district is established as a limited retail category intended for use in close proximity to neighborhood areas for
the purpose of supplying the day-to-day retail needs of the residents in the area, such as food,drugs, and personal
LR-1 and LR-2-Local Retail Districts
This district is established to provide limited retail and service uses for one or more neighborhoods,although the
LR-2 District is intended to provide for a higher intensity of retail uses than the LR-1. Uses located within theses
districts should have direct access to arterial or collector size thoroughfares.
LC,HC,C/W-Light Commercial,Heavy Commercial and Commercial Warehouse Districts
These districts are established to provide adequate space and site diversification to accommodate most types of
commercial development. The uses specified in these districts include most types of retail activity and some
wholesale,warehousing and distribution activity, although more intensive uses are permitted within the C/W
and HC Districts than in the LC District.
0-1 and 0-2 - Office Districts
These office districts were created to provide a zoning district which would protect and encourage a high standard
of office development. This district anticipates that office uses will be located in close proximity to apartments and
other residential uses.
NS-Neighborhood Service District
The NS District is a limited retail category,usually two to five acres,intended for use near of adjacent to residential
areas for the purpose of supplying the day to day retail needs of the residents such as convenience type grocery
stores,barber and beauty shops,laundry and dry cleaning pick-up,small offices and similar neighborhood oriented
SC-Shopping Center District
This district provides a uniform set of standards for modern shopping center development. This district occurs in
close proximity to residential development.
GR-General Retail District
This district is applied to the substantial strip retail areas which,because of the nature of the development, are not
appropriate for inclusion in the SC district. The uses included in this district are most types of retail activity except
for certain open-type displays such as used car lots and heavy machinery sales which are not compatible with the
retail shopping functions intended in the GR district.
LC-Light Commercial District
Uses allowed in this district are related to the automobile, including drive-in or curb service eating places,used car
lots, repair garages,amusements,warehouses and repair and service uses such as custom woodworking shops,
upholstery shops,commercial amusements and plumbing shops.
HC-Heavy Commercial District
The sale, service, display and storage of certain commodities is by its nature not compatible with many other sales
and display operations. Building material yards,contractor yards,open storage and repair of heavy machinery and
welding or machine shops are examples of such heavy uses.
I-Industrial District
Industrial development particularly of the distribution and light processing types represent a desirable economic
goal for the economic base of The Colony. The rapidly changing variety of industry and the development of modern
technology make it appropriate and desirable to provide for standards industrial performance rather than to attempt
to categorize industrial uses by name.
BP-Business Park District
The business park development of the type including high-rise office buildings,clean manufacturing and processing,
and reihted support facilities such as retail establishments within a building,parking garages and restaurants. This
district will allow modern business park development and the necessary support establishments to exist in close
proximity to each other,usually along major highways and thoroughfares.
I-1,I-2 - Industrial Districts
Both the I-1 and I-2 districts are designed primarily to accommodate a wide variety of repair/service and light
industrial uses.
C-1,C-2 - Commercial Districts
Both the C-1 and C-2 districts are designed primarily to accommodate a wide variety of office and retail uses,as well
as some repair/service and light industrial uses, including highway-oriented businesses.
0-1 - Office District
This district is designed to create a flexible district for low intensity office and professional uses of less than 10,000
square feet of floor area. This district can be used as a transition district between more intense uses and residential
0-2 -Office District
This district is designed to accommodate a variety of mid and high-rise office developments providing for
professional,financial, medical and similar services for local residents; corporate offices for regional and national
operations;and major employment centers for city,county and state governmental entities. Limited retail establish-
ments,incidental to the main uses, may be appropriate in association with large office complexes.
NS-Neighborhood Service District
This district is established as a limited retail category intended for use by residents of nearby neighborhood areas
for the purpose of supplying day to day needs and personal services. Establishments should include small,free-
standing retail structures, such as convenience stores and neighborhood oriented personal service establishments.
R-Retail District
This district is established to provide locations for various types of general retail trade,business and service uses
for services to one or more neighborhoods.
OT-Original Town District
This district is designed to maintain and encourage development with the commercial section of the original town
site commonly referred to as the Old Donation, a recognized subdivision of land.
C-1 -Commercial District- 1
This district is intended predominately for heavy retail,and light intensity wholesale and commercial uses of a
service but excluding any type of warehousing or the open storage of building,construction or other materials.
C-2 - Commercial District-2
This district is intended to provide a centrally located and convenient location for small scale service and
commercial related establishments, such as wholesale products,welding shops,flea markets, major automotive
repair,upholstery shops, and other heavy commercial uses.
H-Highway District
This district is intended to provide for a variety of office, retail, and service uses for the purpose of creating a high
quality mixture of land uses along State Highway 121.
IP-Industrial Park District
This district is intended to provide a low intensity campus or open setting for uses such as research and
development laboratories, science and high technology firms and related office and support uses.
I-Industrial District
This district is intended primarily for uses in the conduct of light manufacturing.assembling and fabrication, and for
warehousing and service operations that do not depend upon frequent customer's or client visits.
LB-Limited Business District
This district is established to accommodate individual retail stores,personal service establishments and professional
or business offices which primarily meet the local neighborhood shopping and personal service needs of a limited
surrounding residential area. Retail stores permitted therein are intended to include convenience goods which are
normally a daily necessity for a residential neighborhood.
GV-Grapevine Vintage District
This district is established to provide locations to accommodate wineries,vineyards and the associated low
intensity retail/commercial uses,to be designed and arranged to buffer single family and other residential zoning
districts from high intensity commercial zoning. This district is primarily established as a transitional district
that selves as a low intensity commercial land use to buffer low density residential land uses from commercial
land uses.
CN-Neighborhood Commercial District
This district is to provide locations for the development of planned retail shopping and service facilities which are
located and designed expressly to serve the needs of adjacent residential neighborhoods,requiring frequent
purchases with a minimum of consumer travel.
CC-Community Commercial District
This district is established to provide locations for general commercial uses representing various types of retail trade,
businesses, services and planned commercial centers that serve a community or regional area. This district is
intended for community and regional shopping centers and clusters of commercial development that attract a
substantial amount of their trade from beyond the immediate neighborhoods.
HC-Highway Commercial District
This district is intended to provide adequate space and site diversification for commercial uses which depend upon
high visibility,uses with outside storage unless specifically prohibited,convenience to arterial highways and will
involve development that may be more intensive than other commercial districts and objectionable to adjacent
residential uses.
PO-Professional Office District
This district is established to create a restrictive district for low intensity office or professional uses which may be
located close to all types of residential uses,with appropriate buffer and landscaping so as not to create a blighting
effect on adjacent residential area.
CBD-Central Business District
This district is designed to accommodate the types of business and commercial uses that have historically been
located in the Grapevine Central Business area.
HGT-Historical Township District
This district is established to accommodate limited commercial and residential uses in the historically significant
original town of Grapevine area which is bounded by Northwest Highway, Ball Street, Cotton Belt Rail Road,
Austin and Wood Street.
HCO-Hotel and Corporate Office District
This district is established to provide areas to accommodate hotel-motel development. These districts are also
intended to encourage the location of planned office complexes and corporate office parks.
RA-Recreation/Amusement District
This district is established to provide locations"for recreation and amusement uses representing various types of
recreational activities,to facilitate family entertainment and related uses while protecting adjacent residential areas.
LI-Light Industrial District
This district is designed to accommodate light manufacturing, assembly, research and wholesale activities with
limitations on outdoor storage.
BP-Business Park District
This district is intended to provide a unique zone incorporating commercial and industrial uses into one district with
quality architectural and landscape design development standards.
PCD-Planned Commerce Development District
This district is designed to accommodate commercial. noise-proof industrial and commercial and low intensity
office-commercial development.
PID-Planned Industrial Development District
This district is designed to accommodate industrial, noise-proof industrial and commercial and low intensity office-
commercial development.
OD-Office District
This district is intended to provide professional and administrative offices where only services are provided,no
chattels or goods are offered for sale,and no outside storage is provided on the premises. This includes doctors,
dentists, attorneys,architects,engineers, insurance, real estate,banks and similar offices.
MD-Medical District
This district is intended to provide for day nursery or day care centers,nursing or convalescent homes, institutions
for care of alcoholic,narcotic,or psychiatric patients,clinics,laboratories,and retail sales and services for medical
appliances, and uses similar to the above mentioned uses.
LC-Local Commercial District
This district is intended to provide for only indoor uses, neighborhood office, retail, and services which are
primarily retail in nature.
GB-General Business District
This district is intended to provide for office,retail and service uses which are primarily retail in nature.
LI-Light Industrial District
This district is intended for retail,wholesale,office and service uses and campus style light manufacturing and
industrial uses.
WH-Warehouse District
This district is intended for wholesale establishments, storage warehouses and yards, manufacturing uses,auto
repair including body shops and buildings and uses owned or operated by public governmental agencies.
HI-Heavy Industrial District
This district is intended for retail,office and service uses as well as manufacturing and industrial uses.
PU-Public Use District
This district is intended for public uses such as school,parks and playgrounds, community and civic centers,
public golf courses,municipal offices and city service facilities.
BN-Neighborhood Business District
This zone is designed to provide for limited commercial uses serving the common and frequent needs of the
residents of the immediate vicinity.
BG-General Business District
This zone is designed to provide for a wide range of retail and service establishments.
C-Planned Center District
This district is intended to provide for medium-intensity concentrations of shopping and related commercial
O-Office District
This district provides for office buildings with attendant retail and service uses intended primarily for occupants
of such office buildings.
ML-Light Manufacturing District
This zone provides for a wide range of commercial and industrial uses,all of which shall be comparatively
MH-Heavy Manufacturing District
This zone provides for the widest range of industrial operations permitted in the City.
GC-Governmental Complex District
This zone is designed to provide standards which are conducive to the creation of a high quality environment for
central governmental facilities and to contribute to the efficiency of governmental services.
OP-Office Park District
This district is designed to provide for limited kinds of business and other uses which are compatible with nearby
residential uses.
C-1 - Neighborhood Business District
This district provides and preserves a business district serving patrons who arrive on foot or arrive by car and
park once to carry out several errands, including travelers,tourists and vacationers as well as residents of the city
and surrounding area.
C-2 - Community Business District
This district establishes and preserves general commercial areas consisting of shopping facilities where customers
reach individual business establishments primarily by automobile, and to provide for other kinds of compatible uses.
C-3 - Commercial Manufacturing District
This district establishes and preserves commercial manufacturing areas consisting of sales and display operations
which by their nature are not compatible with many other general commercial uses.
C-4 - Downtown Business District
This zone establishes and preserves the downtown business area which is substantially developed in a dense
pattern with high building coverage and vehicle parking provided on the street,which requires a different approach
than is.appropriate in newer retail and commercial areas.
I-1 - Light Industrial District
This district is to establish and preserve industrial areas consisting of manufacturing, assembling and fabrication
activities that are predominantly light and non offensive in character.
I-2 - Heavy Industrial District
This zone establishes and preserves industrial areas for heavy manufacturing uses which by their nature may not
be compatible with commercial or other manufacturing uses.
R-Retail District
The Retail District is designed for an extensive variety of retail,personal and business services.
LC-Light Commercial District
The Light Commercial District is designed to meet the storage, repair,assembly,certain light fabrication,
distribution,and wholesale service needs of the area.
LI-Light Industrial District
The Light Industrial District is designed to permit industrial and manufacturing uses.
0-1- Neighborhood Office District
This district is intended to provide for low-rise, garden type office development providing professional, medical and
office services to residents in adjacent neighborhoods. 0-1 Districts shall have principle access to major thorough-
fares and may serve as an area of transition between residential and high-intensity non-residential uses.
0-2-General Office District
This district is intended to allow for a variety of low, mid,and high-rise office developments providing for
professional,financial,medical and similar services to local residents;corporate offices for regional and national
operations, and major centers of employment for Plano and surrounding communities.
R-Retail District
This district is intended to provide areas for neighborhood, local and regional shopping facilities for the retail sales
of goods and services including convenience stores, shopping centers,and regional malls,but not including
wholesaling or warehousing.
BG-Downtown Business/Government District
This district is intended to serve as a center for retail,office, governmental, cultural and entertainment activities. It is
designed to ensure that development, redevelopment, and renovation within the district are consistent with the
historic character of Plano's original business district and the surrounding area. The standards of this district apply
to specific characteristics of Plano's downtown area and are not appropriate for other locations and districts.
LC-Light Commercial District
This district is intended to provide for regional and community retail, office,commercial uses and limited assembly,
research and development and should be generally located along expressways,tollways and other designated
high-volume thoroughfares. In addition,uses include most automobile related sales and service uses,other
contracting services and storage and warehousing services.
CE-Commercial Employment
This district is intended to provide the flexibility for an integrated development that may include retail, office,
commercial, light manufacturing and multiple family residences. The major focus of the CD District is to be corporate
headquarters and research facilities arranged in a campus-like setting.
CB 1 -Central Business-1 District
This district is intended for use in conjunction with the CE District to permit a highly concentrated business center
similar to traditional downtown areas of major cities.
LI-1 - Light Industrial-1 District
This district is intended to provide areas for light manufacturing firms engaged in processing,assembling,warehousing,
research and development,and incidental services that are developed in accordance with the same performance
standards applicable to all other zoning districts.
LI-2 - Light Industrial-2 District
This district is intended to provide areas for manufacturing firms engaged in processing,assembling,warehousing,
research and development,and incidental services that are developed in accordance with the same performance
standards applicable to all other zoning districts.
' C-Commercial District
This district is established to provide adequate space and site diversification for most types of commercial
development. Larger shopping centers and most of the existing commercial strips along major arterial wold be
included in this district. The uses specified include most types of retail activity and some wholesale.
LI-Light Industrial District
This zone is intended for industrial parks and larger,cleaner types of industries. The manufacturing uses should be
conducted within a totally enclosed building. The purpose of this district is to create a limited industrial zone
that provides for the modern type of industrial uses or industrial park.
RPO &TR-Restricted Professional Office and Technology/Research Districts
This district is intended to encourage office development of a high character in a non-commercial environment
and to provide a low intensity campus or open setting for research and development laboratories, science and
high technology firms,and related office and support uses.
C-H - Commercial/Retail &Highway Commercial District
This district is intended to provide for a variety of office,retail and service uses for the purpose of creating a high
quality mixture of land use along Lakeview Parkway/SH 66,Interstate Highway 30,or other thoroughfares.
C-1 - Neighborhood Retail District
This district is intended for the conduct of retail trade and personal service enterprises to meet the regular needs
and for the convenience of the people of adjacent residential areas.
C-2 - Regional Retail District
This area is intended for the conduct of personal and business services and the general retail business of the
community. Persons living in the community and in the surrounding trade territory require direct and frequent
M-1 - Light Manufacturing District
This district is intended for manufacturing and assembly plants and warehousing. These uses may require direct
access to rail, air or street transportation facilities.
M-2 - General Manufacturing District
This district is intended primarily for the conduct of heavier manufacturing, assembling and fabrication.
These uses usually require direct access to rail,air or street transportation facilities.
C-1 - Neighborhood Shopping District
This commercial district is for the conduct of retail trade and personal service enterprises to meet the regular needs
and for the convenience of the people of adjacent residential areas.
C-2 - General Commercial District
This commercial district is intended for the conduct of personal and business services and the general retail business
of the community.
I-1 - Restricted Manufacturing District
This industrial district is intended primarily for manufacturing and assembly plants and warehousing.
These uses may require direct access to rail,air or street transportation facilities.
I-2 - General Industrial District
This industrial district is intended primarily for the conduct of manufacturing. assembling and fabrication.
These uses usually require direct access to rail, air or street transportation facilities.
O-Office District
This district is intended for professional offices creating a low impact on the surrounding area.
R-Retail District
This district is intended for neighborhood shopping facilities which provide limited business service and office
facilities predominantly for the convenience of residents of the community.
B-1 - Business-1 District
This district is intended predominantly for commercial activities of a service nature which typically have operating
characteristics(limited outside or open storage)or traffic service requirements of greater intensity than retail
shopping and residential environments.
B-2 - Business-2 District
This district is intended to provide a zoning category similar to the B-1 district with additional uses permitted which
are not generally carried on completely within a building or structure and an expanded range of service and repair uses.
I-Industrial District
This district is intended to provide for commercial and manufacturing uses.
e5'11/9a 1q:55 CITY OF OLLEN 972 727 0165 - 972 442 0154 Nu. 145 FLU1/U9,
Parking Requirements
ORDINANCE NO. 1425-5-96
3.03 VEHICLE PARKING - In all districts there shall be provided at the time any building or
structure is erected or structurally altered (except as provided in Sub-section 3.03b),
off-street parking spaces in accordance with the following requirements:
A. Parking Requirements:
1. Bowling alley-Six (6)parking spaces for each alley.
2. Business or professionaLoffice, studio. bank. medical or dental clinic-
A. Business or professional office. studio_ or bank - One (1) parking
space for each three hundred (300)square feet of floor area.
B. Medical or dental clinic - One (1) parking space for each two
hundred fifty(250)square feet of floor area up to 75,000 square feet.
One (1)parking space for each three hundred (300) square feet of
floor area over 75,000 square feet.
3. Church or other place of worship-One(1 parking space for each three (3)
seats in the main auditorium.
4. Community center,library,museum,or art gallery-Ten(10)parking spaces
plus one (1) additional space for each three hundred (300) square feet of
floor area in excess of two thousand (2,000) square feet. If an auditorium
is included as a part of the building, its floor area shall be deducted from the
total and additional parking provided on the basis of one (1)space for each
four(4)seats that it contains.
5. Dance hall,assembly or exhibition hall without fixed seats-One(1) parking
space for each one hundred (100)square feet of floor area used thereof.
6. Dwellings,single-famb attached or detaches(-Two (2) parking spaces for
each dwelling unit. No supporting member of any garage, carport or other
automobile storage structure shall be located within the required front yard,
or within the required yard on a side street.
7. Dwellings. multi-family-Two and one-half(2-1/2) parking spaces for each
dwelling unit. No supporting member of any garage, carport or other
automobile storage structure shall be located within the required front yard
or within the required yard on a side street.
8. Fraternity. sorority, or dormitory -One (1) parking space for each two (2)
9. Furniture or appliance more. hardware store. wholesale establishments,
machinery or equipment sales and service,clothing or shoe repair or service
- Two (2) parking spaces plus one (1) additional parking space for each
three hundred (300)square feet of floor area over one thousand (1.000).
10. Hospital - One (1) space per employee on the largest shift, plus one (1)
space for each bed.
C11Y U- HLLLN t1(2 "�J7 Olbb '> `_{(L 44z Lt1J4 MJ. 147
Parking Requirements
ORDINANCE NO. 1425-5-96
11. Hotel-One(1)parking space for each two(2)sleeping rooms or suites plus
one (1 space for each two hundred (200) square feet of commercial floor
area contained therein.
12. Manufacturing or industrial establishment research or testing laboratory,
creamery. bottling plant, warehouse and distribution center printing or
plumbing shop, or similar establishment- One (1) parking space for each
employee on the maximum working shift plus space to accommodate all
trucks and other vehicles used in connection therewith,but not less than one
(1)parking space for each two thousand(2,000)square feet of floor area.
13. Mobile Home Park- One (1) space for each mobile home plus additional
spaces as required herein for accessory uses.
14. Mortuary or funeral home-One (1)parking space for each'fifty (50) square
feet of floor space in slumber rooms, parlors or individual funeral service
15. Motel-One(1)parking space for each sleeping room or suite plus one (1)
space for each two hundred (200) square feet of commercial floor area
contained therein.
16. Motor-vehicle salesrooms and used car'lots - One (1) parking space for
each five hundred(500)square feet of sales floor for indoor uses, or one(1)
parking space for each one thousand (1,000) square feet of lot area for
outdoor uses.
17. Private club. lodge, country club or golf club - One (1) parking space for
each one hundred-fifty (150) square feet of floor area or for every (5)
members, whichever is greater.
18. Retail Store or Personal Service Establishment. except as otherwise
specified herein-One(1)space for every two hundred(200)square feet of
gross area.
19. Restaurant. night club. cafe or similar recreation or amusement
establishment-One (1) parking space for each one hundred (100)square
feet of floor area. 1- r
20. Rooming or boarding house - One (1) parking space for each two (2)
sleeping rooms.
21. Sanitarium. convalescent home. home for the aged or similar institution -
One (1) parking space for each six (6) beds.
22. Service Station-One (1) parking space for every two hundred(200) square
feet of gross area, with a minimum of six(6) spaces, as well as the required
service lanes for the gasoline pumps.
Liz/11/`_+_+ 14:_?1-- LI I'i Ur H'-Lt14 t:+(2 '(2( i11b� y ,(G 442 ti15U!PW/ f'u. 147 I 7 lJUb
Parking Requirements
ORDINANCE NO. 1425-5-96 .
23. School.elementary-One(1)parking space for each five(5)seats or bench
el seating spaces in the auditorium or main assembly room, or one (1) space
for each classroom plus six(6)spaces,whichever is greater. .
24. School. secondary, and college -One (1) parking space for each four(4)
seats in the main auditorium or eight (8) spaces for each classroom,
whichever is greater. •
25. Shopping Center - One (1) parking space for every two hundred (200)
square feet of gross area.
26. Theater,auditorium (except schoo(L sports arena, stadium_or gymnasium
-One (1) parking space for each four(4)seats or bench seating spaces.
27. Golf Course-Three (3)parking spaces per hole.
B. Rules for Computing Number of Parking Spaces - In computing the number of
parking spaces required for each of the above uses the following rules shall govern:
1. "Floor Area"shall mean the gross floor area of the specific use.
2. Where fractional spaces result, the parking spaces required shall be
constructed to be the nearest whole number.
:r; 3. The parking space requirement for a use not specifically mentioned herein
shall be the same as required for a use of similar nature.
4. Whenever a building or use constructed or established after the effective
date of this Ordinance is changed or enlarged in floor area, number of
employees, number of dwelling units, seating capacity or otherwise, to
create a need for an increase in the number of existing parking spaces,such
spaces shall be provided on the basis of the enlargement or change.
Whenever a building or use existing prior to the effective date of this
Ordinance is enlarged in floor area or in the area used, said building or use
i shall then and thereafter comply with the parking requirements set forth
• herein.
5. In the case of mixed uses,the parking spaces required shall equal thgsum
of the requirements of the various uses computed separately.
C. Location of Parking Spaces-All parking spaces required herein shall be located on
the same lot with the building or use served, except as follows:
1. Where an increase in the number of spaces is required by a change or
enlargement of use or where such spaces are provided collectively or used
jointly by two (2) or more buildings or establishments, fhe required spaces
may be located not to exceed three hundred (300) feet from an institutional
r building served and not to exceed five hundred (500) feet from any other
non-residential building served.
U_;D;11;`+1 i 4 Lily Ur HLLLN (! (,( tjlbn y `_+(L Z+ti' 0174 IVJ. 147 relel4Z JJo
Parking Requirements
ORDINANCE NO. 1425-5-96
�, � 2. A maximum of fifty(50)percent of the parking spaces required for theaters,
bowling alleys, dance halls, night clubs, cafes, or similar uses, and a
maximum of eighty(80)percent of the parking spaces required for a church
or school auditorium or similar uses(known as Use A).may be provided and .
used jointly by similar uses not normally open, used or operated during the
same hours as those listed under Use A; provided, however, that written
agreement thereto is properly executed and filed as specified below.
3. In any case where the required parking spaces are not located on the same
lot with the building or use served, or where such spaces are collectively or
jointly provided and used, a written agreement thereby assuring their
retention for such purposes, shall be properly drawn and executed by the
parties concerned, approved as to form by the City and executed by the
parties concerned, approved as to form by the City Attorney and shall be
filed with the application for a building permit.
D. Stacking and Queuing Reguirements - City staff may require a traffic study to
determine the stacking and queuing requirements for such uses that include, but
are not limited to, service stations,drive-through restaurants, drive-in banking, etc.
E. Minimum Dimensions for Off-Street Parking:
1. Ninety(90) DegreeAngle Parking- Eadh parking space shall be not less
than nine(9)feet wide nor less than eighteen(18) feet in length, except in
a single-family residential district where each parking space shall be not less
than eight (8) feet wide nor less than eighteen (18) feet in length.
Maneuvering space shall be in addition to parking space and shall be not
less than twenty-four(24)feet perpendicular to the building or parking line.
2. Sixty(60)Degree Angle Parking-Each parking space shall be not less than
nine (9) feet wide perpendicular to the parking angle nor less than
seventeen(17)feet in length when measured at right angles to the building
or parking line, except in a single-family residential district where each
parking space shall be not less than eight (8) feet wide nor less than
seventeen (17) feet in length. Maneuvering space shall be in addition to
parking space and shall be not less than twenty (20)feet perpendicular to
the building or parking line.
3. Forty-five(45)Degree Angle Parking-Each parking space shall be not less
than nine (9) feet wide perpendicular to the parking angle nor less than
sixteen(16)feet in length when measured at right angles to the building or
parking line, except in a single-family residential district where each parking '
space shall be not less than eight (8) feet wide nor less than sixteen (16)
feet in length. Maneuvering space shall be in addition to parking space and
shall be not less than eighteen (18) feet perpendicular to the building or
parking line.
�^ 4. When off-street parking facilities are located adjacent to a public alley the
width of said alley may be assumed to be a portion of the maneuvering
space requirement.
U17i11/ I 14: b Lill OF HLLLN yrG (Zr UlbD y ='(G 4'G U174 ivu. lti_J ruuJzuuo
Parking Requirements
ORDINANCE NO. 1425-5-96
5. Where off-street parking facilities are provided in excess of the minimum
amounts herein specified, or when off-street parking facilities are provided
but not required by this Ordinance, said off-street parking facilities shall ,
comply with the minimum requirements for parking and maneuvering.
f. Parking Lot Construction Standards - All parking lots shall be constructed of 5"
reinforced Portland cement concrete over compacted soil subgrade. All required
fire lanes shall be constructed of concrete in accordance with the City of Allen
Design Standards. Alternative materials such as brick, pavestone, or similar
materials may be allowed upon approval by the Director of Community
F15/11/99 14:`1b CITY OF HLLtN tie,-) 727 L1bh ti'r2 442 ulna NU. l�i� r�����,��_��._:o
Parking Requirements
ORDINANCE NO. 1425-5-96
r-,, 3.04 OFF-STREET LOADING - Every building or part thereof erected or occupied for retail
business, service, manufacturing, storage,warehousing, hotel, mortuary, or any other use
similarly involving the receipt or distribution by vehicles of materials or merchandise, shall
provide and maintain on the same premises loading space in accordance with the following
1. For retail,commercial,sales,service,or industrial use buildings and establishments,
off-street loading facilities shall be provided in accordance with the following
Square Feet of Minimum Required
Gross Floor Area Spaces or Berths
0 to 10,000 None
10,001 to 50,000 1
50,001 to 100,000 2
100,001 -to 200,000 3
Each Additional 100,000 1 Additional
2. For hotels, office buildings, restaurants, and similar establishments, off-street
loading facilities shall be provided in accordance with the following schedule
Square Feet of Minimum Required "
CGross Floor Area Spaces or Berths
0 to 50,000 None
50,001 - 150,000 1
150,001 to 300,000 2
300,001 to 500,000 3
500,001 to 1,000,000 4
Each additional 500,000 1 Additional
3. Each required loading space shall have a minimum size as described for loading
spaces under Section 2.10, Definitions.
4. No loading facilities may be located facing any street, unless screened as provided
in Section 3.07.
5. Loading facilities located on the side of a building but not facing a street shall be set
back from the front property line a minimum distance of sixty (60) feet.
.. _
li 3.71
Parking Requirements
Material recycling center 1 per each 1,000 square feet of processing space,excluding
(Ord No.1705, 05/07/91) outside storage areas; or plus 1 per each 2 employees
(maximum on-duty at day or night),whichever is greater;
plus the applicable standard for each non-processing use
with a minimum of 4.
Warehousing and wholesaling services 0 to 25,000 square feet of warehousing space- 1 space per
(Ord No.1866,11/11/91) each 1,000 square feet of warehousing space, with a
minimum of 4 spaces,plus the applicable standard for each
non-warehousing use.
More than 25,000 square feet of warehousing space-20
spaces, plus 1 space per each 5,000 square feet of
warehousing space,plus the applicable standard for each
non-warehousing use.
Off-street vehicle stacking'spaces shall be provided, at a minimum, in accordance with the
following schedule. Vehicle stacking space shall mean a paved area of not less than eight (8) feet
in width nor less than twenty-two (22) feet in length, constructed in accordance with the
applicable standards of the city of Carrollton.
No off-street vehicle stacking shall be permitted within a designated fire lane. Areas designated
to satisfy the requirements for off-street stacking spaces shall not be permitted to encroach upon
or occupy a fire lane or maneuvering aisle.
(Ord.No. 1557, 07/1189)
a. Automobile Quick Lube Facility:
One (1) space in the service bay, plus three (3) additional stacking spaces for each service
b. Car Wash:
Full Service: One (1) space at each vacuum or pump station, plus seven (7) additional
stacking spaces for each vacuum or gas pump lane;
Self-Service (Drive-Thru/Automated): One (1) space in the wash bay, plus three (3)
additional stacking spaces for each wash bay:
Self-Service (Open Bay): One(1) space per bay, plus two (2) additional stacking spaces
for each vacuum or wash bay;
Vehicle Drying Area:
Parking Requirements
Restaurant with drive through 1 per each 75 square feet of floor area
Drive-in* 1.2 per each drive-in slot,plus 1 space per each 100
square feet of seating area
Kiosk or walk-up restaurant* 4 spaces
Snow cone stand in a portable building* 4 spaces,plus 1 space for every two(2)employees
(Ord.No.1714,06/18/91) (maximum on duty at day or night)
Reverse vending machine 1 space
Unmanned Equipment Buildings 0 space
Veterinarian Clinic 1 per each 250 square feet of floor area
Bowling alley 3 per each lane or alley
Commercial swimming pool,tennis court,or swim and/or 1 per each 50 square feet of water and deck for swimming
tennis club pool,and 1 per each 1.5 tennis courts
Golf driving range 1 per each driving station or tee box
(Ord No.1557,07/11/89)
Health club,teen club,and other indoor recreation or 1 per each 100 square feet of floor area
amusement uses or activities not listed herein
Other outdoor recreation or amusement uses or activities 1 per each 2,000 square feet of site area
not listed herein
(Ord No. 1557, 07/11/89)
Public riding stables 1 per each 2 stalls
Stadiums 1 per 4 seats(bench seats, 1 per 8 feet)
Travel trailer or RV park 1 per RV space or stall
Manufacturing, assembly,and fabrication 1 per each 1,000 square feet of manufacturing, assembly,or
fabrication space,or 1 per each 2 employees(maximum on-
duty day or night),whichever is greater,plus the applicable
standard for each non-assembly, non-manufacturing, or
non-fabrication use with a minimum of 4.
Parking Requirements
Flea market;Public market 1 per each 500 square feet of floor area,plus 1 per each
1,000 square feet of site area exclusive of buildings
Furniture or appliance store 1 per each 500 square feet of floor area
Gasoline filling station(No repair work performed on 1 per each 200 square feet of retail floor area,with a
premises) minimum of 4 spaces
Kiosk,no food sales or service* 4 spaces
Lumber yard,building materials,and hardware sales 1 per each 200 square feet of retail floor area,plus 1 per
each 1,000 square feet of wholesale or storage area
Medical or dental clinic 1 per each 175 square feet of floor area
Mini-storage warehouse 1 per each 20 storage lockers or stalls,with a minimum of
4 spaces
Mobile redemption center 2 spaces
(Ord No.1705,05/07/91)
Motion picture theater 1 per each 4 seats
Office,bank,savings&loan,or other financial 1 per each 300 square feet of floor area,with a minimum
institution* of 4 spaces
Other commercial services not otherwise listed 1 per each 500 square feet of floor area
Plant nursery,garden shop,or greenhouse 1 per each 200 square feet of retail floor area,plus 1
space for each 2,000 square feet of site area used for
storage,display and green houses.
Quick lube facility* 1 per each 500 square feet of floor area,with a minimum
of 4 spaces
Retail,personal,business,or professional service or use, 1 per each 200 square feet of floor area
Restaurant with seating* 1 per each 100 square feet of floor area
(Ord No. 1557,07/11/89; Ord No. 2275,
Parking Requirements
Mobile collection center for secondhand goods 2 spaces
(Ord No. 1705, 05/07/91)
Nursing home 1 per each 3 beds
(Ord No.1911, 0 7/15/93)
Passenger terminal;Landing or take-off field or facility 1 per each 200 square feet of terminal floor area,plus 1
per each on-site employee
Respite-care facility 1 per each 500 square feet of floor area
(Ord.No.1573, 09/05/89)
Place of assembly 1 per each 40 square feet of assembly area
Retirement home or personal care 1.2 per dwelling unit or suite
Senior citizen center 1 per 200 square feet of floor area
(Ord No. 2056,03/07/95)
School,Elementary 1 per each 400 square feet of classroom area
School,Middle 1 per each 400 square feet of classroom area
School,High 1 per each 45 square feet of classroom area
Water or sewer treatment facility,telephone exchange or 4 spaces,plus 1 per each 2 full-time employees on-site
relay station,electrical generating plant,or other similar (maximum on-duty day or night),plus the applicable
utility uses standard for each noninstitutional use
Electrical substation and communications,transmission, 1 space,plus 1 per each 2 full-time employees on-site
or relay tower,excluding amateur radio communications (maximum on-duty day or night),plus the applicable
(OrcL No. 1844,11/03/92) standard for each noninstitutional use
1 per each 4,000 square feet of site area,with a minimum
Automobile,farm implement,heavy machinery,marine of 5 spaces
and air craft,motorcycle,and truck sales and leasing
Auto repair shop and other repair services,general 1 per each 500 square feet of floor area,plus the
applicable standard for any office and/or retail use
Broadcasting and communication service,including 1 per each 300 square feet of floor area
radio,television,and telegraph
Commercial or trade school 1 per each 70 square feet of floor area of classrooms
Equipment sales and leasing service I per each 200 square feet of floor area,plus I per each
1,000 square feet of site area exclusive of buildings
Parking Requirements
accordance with Article XXXI of this ordinance.
Any appeal of the Building Official's interpretation as to the nature or type of use, for the purpose
ofdetermining the classification and applicability of the parking regulations prescribed hereunder
for such use, shall be submitted to the Board of Adjustment for consideration in accordance with
the provisions of Article XXXII of this ordinance.
At a minimum, off-street parking space shall be provided for such uses as follows. Some uses
may require the provision of off-street vehicle stacking spaces. For uses denoted by (*), reference
Section C(2) of this Article.
Land Use Minimum Spaces Required
Apartment,tri-plex,four-plex 2 per dwelling unit
Hotels,motels,and membership lodgings 1 per each guest suite
Mobile home 2 per lot or space
Residence hall,dormitory,rooming or boarding house 1 per each guest suite
Single-family detached dwelling 2 per dwelling unit
Single-family attached dwelling,duplex,townhouse 2 per dwelling unit
Adult day care center
(Ord.No. 1573, 09/05/89) 1 per each 500 square feet of floor area
Assisted Living 0.9 per dwelling unit or suite
Church,synagogue,temple,or funeral home 1 per each 40 square feet in sanctuary
College or university 1 per each 45 square feet of classroom area
Cultural centers 1 per each 400 square feet of floor area
Fraternal Organization 1 per 200 square feet of floor area
(Ord.No. 2281, 09/09/97)
Hospital 1 per each bed
Kindergarten or day care center* 1 per 5 students
Library 1 per each 200 square feet of floor area
(Ord.No. 19.17, 10/19/93)
1.1i, �..ii 1 NJ' t+lil\.l�v ✓u^ " '
Parking Requirements
1. It is the purpose of this Article to establish specific standards for the provision of off-street
parking and loading space for every type of land use within the city of Carrollton.
2. It is the purpose of this Article to lessen congestion on public thoroughfares and reduce public
safety hazards caused by a failure to provide adequate parking and loading spaces.
3. It is the purpose of this Article to facilitate the adequate and safe provision of transportation and
expedite the movement of traffic on public thoroughfares through recognition that the provision
of off-street parking and loading must be responsive to the diverse requirements of individual land
In all districts, for every use, there shall be provided at the time any building or structure is erected,
enlarged or increased in capacity, or at the time any other use is established, off-street parking and
loading spaces in accordance with the provisions specified herein.
Compliance with the requirements of this Article shall be considered a condition precedent to the
receipt of a Certificate of Occupancy from the city of Carrollton for any use.
(Section completely amended,Ord.No.2275,08/19/97)
In all zoning districts there shall be provided off-street parking space in accordance with the following
The classification of uses referred to herein shall be deemed to include and apply to all uses.
However, if for any reason the use, for the purpose of determining the amount of off-street
parking space to be provided for such use, is not classified hereunder nor in Article V of this
ordinance, the Building Official shall determine if such proposed use is similar in nature to any
other use listed hereunder or in Article V. If a similar use is identified, then the proposed use shall
meet the minimum off-street parking requirements of such similar use. However, if no similar use
is identified by the Building Official, an amendment to this Article may be requested to establish
off-street parking requirements of such proposed use. Such amendment shall be processed in
(12.102) Special height restrictions. In the districts where the height of the buildings is
restricted to two (2). two and one•half(2‘,2) or three (3) stories, cooling towers, roof
gables,chimneys and vent stacks may extend for an additional height not to exceed
fcrty•five (45) feet above the average grade line of the building. Water stand pipes
and tanks,church steeples, domes and spires and school buildings and institutional
buildings may be erected to exceed two (2) stories in height, provided that one (1)
additional foot shall be added to the width and depth of side and rear yards for each
foot that such structures exceed two(2)stories in height.
(Ord. No. 376, § 14, 10.25.85)
13-100. Except as hereinafter provided, no building or structure or part thereof shall be erect-
ed.altered or converted for any use permitted in the district in which it is located unless there
shall be provided on the lot or tract or on an immediately contiguous lot or tract,or on a lot or
tract within one hundred fdty (150)feet of such building or structure,vehicle parking in the
following ratio of vehicle spaces for the uses specified in the designated districts,except that
an established use lawfully existing at the effective date of this ordinance need not provide
vehicle parking as hereinafter set forth provided such use is not expanded and that no
existing vehicle parking in connection with said uses at the effective date of this ordinance
may be reduced below the minimum number of spaces as hereinafter required.
All parking areas shall be paved in accordance with applicable city standards for
paved parking lots except for property used by the city.
(Ord.No. 311, § 7, 11-26-84)
(13.101) In the following inning districts the minimum ofl'-street perkirtg spaces for residen-
tial uses shall be
(1) A,Agricultural district Two(2) spaces for each dwelling unit
(2) SF-1, SF-2, SF•3 ar.d SF-4 Two (2) spaces for each dwelling unit (Ord.
Dwelling districts No. 448, §2,9.29.86)
(3) D,Duplex Two-Family Dwelling
district -- Two(2)spaces for each dwelling unit
(4) •TH, Single-Farnily-.Attached Two (2)spaces for each dwelling unit(see pro.
Dwelling district vision 17-105) •
(5) MF•1, MF•2, MF-3 and MF•4 Two and one•half(21)spaces for each dwelling
Dwelling districts unit
(6) MH,Mobile Home district Two(2)spaces for eacnmobiie ureic
(7) P,Parking district Two(2)spaces for each dwelling unit
(8) Commercial district Two(2) spaces for each multiple-family dwell. •
ing unit
(9) I,Industrial district Two (2) spaces for each multiple-family dwell-
ing unit
(10) PD, Planned Developmerrt dis- Two(2) spaces for each dwelling unit plus such
trict additional requirements as may be specified by
the amending ordinance
(Ord. No. 376, § 15, 10.29.85)
(13-102) Parking space schedule nonresidential uses applicable to all districts permitting
such use.
(1) Bank,savings and loam, or similar financial establishment—One (1) space for each
three hundred (300)square feet of total floor area.
(2) Bowling alley—Six(6)spaces for each lane.
(3) Clinics or doctor's office: One (1) space for each three hundred (300) square feet
of total floor area.
(4) Churches—One(1)space for each four(4)seats in the main sanctuary.
(5) Commercial amusement—Ten (10) spaces plus one (1) space for each one hundred •
(100)square feet of total floor area over one thousand (1,000)square feet. - •
Supp.N .6
rN r �.r .�_+ �r•_' -> r �., i L. y u, •11-I E-CI I"Y`OJ I11E COLONY---�-_ _ . - _ .
(6) Convalescent home,hospital (chronic care) or home for the aged--Oise(1)space for
each six (6) rooms or beds.
(7) Gasoline service station—Minimum of six (6)spaces.
(8) Golf course—Minimum of thirty(30)spaces.
(9) High school, college or university—One (1) space for each classroom. laboratory or
instruction area plus one(1)space for each three (3)students accommodated in the
(10) Hospital(acute care)—One(1)space for each two(2)beds.
(II) Hotel or motel—One (1) space for each room. unit or guest accommodation plus
specified requirements for restaurants and related facilities.
(12) Institutions of a philanthropic nature—Ten (10) spaces plus one (1) space for each
(13) Library or museum—Ten (10) spaces plus one (1) space for each three hundred
(300)square feet of total floor area.
• (14) Manufacturing, processing or repairing—One (11 space for each two(2) employees
or one (1) space for each one thousand (1.000) square feet of total floor area.
whichever is greater.
(15) Offices. general—One-(1) space for each three hundred (300) square feet of total
floor area.
(16) Recreational, private or commercial area or building (other than listed)—One (I)
space for each four (4)persons to be normally accommodated in the establishment.
(17) Restaurant or cafeteria—One (1) space for every fifty (50) square feet of dining
(1S) Retail or personal service—One (1)space for each two hundred (200)square feet of
total floor area. Furniture stores and appliance stores—One(I)space for each five
hundred (500)square feet of total floor area.
(19) Schools. elementary or junior high—One (1) space for each classroom plus one (1)
space for each four (4) seats in any auditorium. gymnasium or other place of
(20) Storage or warehousing—One (1)space for each one thousand(1,000)square feet
floor area.Mini warehouses will have one(1)space for each ten thousand(10.000)
square feet of total floor area.
(211 Theaters. meeting rooms and places of public assembly—One (1) space for each
three (3)seats.
(13-103) Special off-street parking regulations.
(1) In computing the parking requirements for any building or development. the total
parking requirements shall be the sum of the specific parking space requirements
for each class of use included in the building for development. •
(2) Jr. the SF-1. SF-2, SF-3, SF-4, D, TH, MF-1, MF•2, MF-3. MF-4, MH, 0.1, 0-2 or
NS districts. no parking space, garage or carport or other automobile storage
space or structure shall be used for the storage of any truck or trailer except a
panel or pickup truck not exceeding one(1) ton gross registered carrying capacity.
Sup:, No 14
05- 12-99 08 : 35 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ID=9728741404 P . 02
Parking Requirements
(Chapter l 2: Land Development Code $ S-02 Parking Loading and Access
study that provides justification for the requirement proposed. The Town
Engineer will review this study, along with any traffic engineering and planning
data that are appropriate to the establishment of a parking requirement for the
use proposed. A parking study, when required by this section, shall include,
but not be limited to, estimates of parking requirements based on
recommendations in studies such as those from the Urban Land Institute, the
Institute of Traffic Engineers, or the Traffic Institute, and based on data
collected from uses or combinations of uses that are the same or comparable to
the proposed use. Comparability shall be determined by density, scale, bulk.
area, type of activity, and location. The study shall document the source of data
used to develop recommendations.
(d) Off-Street parking and loading space requirements. Off-street parking and loading
spaces shall be provided in accordance with the following minimum requirements.
Use Type Parking Loading
Residential uses
Dwelling, single-family detached 2 spaces per dwelling unit None
Dwelling, single-family attached 2 spaces per dwelling unit None
Dwelling, duplex 2 spaces per dwelling unit None
Dwelling, multi-family 2 spaces per dwelling unit None
Dwelling. mobile home 2 spaces per dwelling unit None
Mobile home park 2 spaces per dwelling unit None
Accessory and temporary uses
Accessory retail/service use 1 space per 250 sq. ft. Based on
primary use
Accessory use, general Specified parking ratio for primary use Based on
primary use
Asphalt/concrete batch plant, temporary As specified on temporary use permit As specified on
temp. use permit
Building material yard and construction office As specified on temporary use permit As specified on
temp. use permit
Caretaker or guard residence aces per dwellina unit __None
Caretaker or guard residence (mobile home) 2 spaces per dwelling unit None
Carnival or circus, temporary As specified on temporary use permit As specified on
temp. use permit
Dav care Home None None
Field office, temporary As specified on temporary use permit As specified on
temp. use permit
Garage sale None None
Gu., Quarters 2 spaces per dwelling unit None
(Home occupation None ( none
Page 192
05- 12-99 08 : 36 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ID=9728741404 P . 03
Parking Requirements
Chapter 1 2: Land Development Code : 5 02 Parkrne Loading and Access
Use Type Parking 1 Loading
Model homes 12 spaces oer unit ) None
IOff-street parking, accessory None None
laecvcling drop-off center ,None None
Refreshment stand AS specified on temporary use permit As specified on
temp. use Permit
Sales, temporary or seasonal As specified on temporary use permit As specified on
temp. use permit
Sales trailer, temporary IAs specified on temporary use permit As specified on
t temp. use permit
Swimmincpool, private (None None
Educational,institutional and special uses
Animal control facility To be determined by Town Engineer None
Cemetery or mausoleum To be determined by Town Engineer None
Church or rectory 1 space oer 3 seats in main sanctuary None
College or university 1 space per classroom/instruction area plus Schedule B
1 space per 3 students accommodated
Convent or monastery 1 space oer 4 persons accommodated Schedule B
Community center. public 1 space per 4 persons accommodated Schedule B
Day care center 1 space per 4 persons accommodated None
Exhibition area or fairgrounds 1 space per 4 persons accommodated Schedule B
Fire station To be determined by Town Engineer None
Fraternal club or lodge 1 space per 4_persons accommodated Schedule 8
Hospital 2 spaces per 3 beds Schedule B
Institution. drug or psychiatric treatment 2 spaces per 3 beds Schedule B
Museum. library or art gallery loublicl {10 plus 1 space oer 500 so. ft. Schedule B
Nursin or congregate care facility 2 spaces oer 3 beds Schedule B
Public building, shop or yard To be determined by Town Engineer To be determined
_ by Town Engineer
School. elementary or secondary Elem or Jr. High-1 space per classroom plus Schedule B
1 space per 3 seats in gym or assembly;
High school (see college)
Utility and public service uses
Communication tower. commercial None None
Dump or sanitary land fill area To be determined by Town Engineer To be determined
by Town Engineer
Electrical energy generating plant To be determined by Town Engineer To be determined
by Town Engineer
Electrical line or substation, high voltage None None
Local utility line None j None
Pnvate franchise utility (not listed) To be determined by Town Enain.eer To be determined
by Town Engineer
I— -
Iprivate utility shop, yard or building To be determined by Town Engineer To be determined
by Town Engineer
Sewage treatment plant ITo be cetermmea by Town Cnc:veer 7o be determined !
Page 193
Parking Requirements
Chrprer l2:Land Development Code $ 5.02 Parking, Luadarg and Access
Use Type Parking Loading
by Town Engineer
Sewage pump station None None
Telephone equipment station None None
Transmission pipeline None None
Water well, storage or pump station None None
Thrnsportation-related uses . ,
Airport or landing field To be determined by Town Engineer To be determined
by Town Engineer
Bus station or terminal To be determined by Town Engineer To be determined
by Town Engineer
Heliport To be determined by Town Engineer • To be determined
by Town Engineer
iHehstoo None None
Parking lot, trucks or trailers (transport) None None
Park'r�Cn lot or structure, commercial None None
Railroad track None None
Railroad team track None None
Railroad freight or passenger station To be determined by Town Engineer To be determined
by Town Engineer
Retail uses 'F^,.
• Antique shop 1 space per 250 sq. ft. Schedule A
Art gallery or handicraft sales 1 space per 250 sq. ft. Schedule A
Art supply store 1 space per 250 sq. ft. Schedule A
Bait and sporting goods sales 1 space per 250 sq. ft. Schedule A
Bakery or confectionery shop, retail 1 space per 250 sq. ft. Schedule A
Book or stationary store or newsstand 1 space per 250 sq. ft. Schedule A
Convenience store 1 space per 250 sq. ft. Schedule A
Convenience store with beer/wine sales 1 space per 250 sq. ft. Schedule A
Convenience store with gasoline sales 1 space per 250 sq. ft. Schedule A
Drug store or pharmacy 1 space per 250 sq. ft. Schedule A
Farmers' market 1 space per 250 sq. ft. Schedule A
Fruit and vegetable stand 1 space per 250 sq. ft. Schedule A
Florist 1 space per 250 sq. ft. Schedule A
Hardware store 1 pace per 250 sq. ft. Schedule A
Optical sales 1 space per 250 sq. ft. Schedule A
Pet store 1 space per 25012. ft. Schedule A
Plant nursery or garden shop 1 space per 250 sq. ft. Schedule A
Private club 1 space per 250 sq. ft. Schedule A
Restaurant. drive-in I space per 75 sq. ft. Schedule A
Restaurant, fast food 1 space per 75 sic. ft. Schedule A
Re;.taurant. general 1 space per 75 sg. ft. Schedule A
Page 194
Parking Requirements
C apter 12:Land Development Code 5.02 Parkine. Loading and Access
Use Type Parkin, Loading
Retail�eneral (indoors) 1 space per 25122. ft. Schedule A
Retail, general (outdoors) 1 space per 250 so. ft. Schedule A
Second hand store 1 space per 250 sq. ft. Schedule A
Supermarket 1 space per 250 sq. ft. Schedule A
Supermarket with beer/wine sales 1 space per 250 so. ft. Schedule A
Personal service uses •
Bank or savings and loan 1 space per 250 sq. ft. Schedule 8
Boarding or rooming house 1 space per guest suite plus specified Schedule B
requirements for restaurant and other
associated uses
Cleaning shop or laundry pick-up station 1 space per 250 sq. ft. Schedule 8
Custom personal service 1 space per 250 sg. ft. Schedule B
`Dance hall 1 space per 25Q, ft. Schedule B
Hotel or motel 1 space per guest suite plus specified Schedule B
requirements for restaurant and other
associated uses
Laboratory, medical and dental 1 space per 300 so. ft. Schedule B
Laundry, self-service 1 space per 250 sq. ft. None
Mortuary or funeral home ,1 space per 250 sq. ft. Schedule 8
Office, general business and professional 1 space per 300 so. ft. ' Schedule B
Office, medical or dental 1 space per 250 sq. ft. Schedule B
pair services, limited 1 space per 250 sq. ft. Schedule B
Personal improvement services 1 space per 250 sq. ft. Schedule B
School, business 1 space per 250 sq. ft. I Schedule B
School, commercial trade 1 space per 250 sq. ft. • Schedule B
Sexually oriented business Specified parking requirements for type of Baseo on type of
business business
Studio, television or radio 1 space per 300 so. ft. Schedule B
Tool rental (domestic equipment) 1 space per 250 so. ft. _ Schedule 8
Travel bureau or consultant 1 space per 250 sq. ft. Schedule 8
Veterinary hospital (inside pens) 1 space per 250 sq. It. Schedule B
Veterinary hospital (outside pens) 1 space per 250 sq. ft. Schedule B
Recreational and entertainment uses
Amusement and recreation (indoors) 10 space plus 1 space per 200 sq. ft. over Schedule B
2,000 sq. ft.; bowling alleys: 6 per bowling
Amusement and recreation (outdoors) 1 space per 4 persons accommodated or as I Schedule B
determined by Town Engineer IL
Boat storage and service To be determined by Town Engineer To be determined
_ by Town Engineer
Country club, private Specified requirements for uses such as Schedule B
golf course, restaurant and swimming pool
Day camp for children 1 space per 4 persons accommodated or as I Schedule B
determined by Town Enoineer
Page l45
Parking Requirements
Chapter /2:Land Development('ode t$5.02 Parking, Loading and Access
Use Type I Parking I Loading
Drag strip or commercial racing 1 space per 4 persons accommodated or as Schedule B
_ determined by Town Engineer
Dude ranch Specified requirements for stable plus 1 Schedule B
space per guest suite plus specified
_ requirements for restaurant and other uses
Golf course, private 6 spaces per hole Schedule B
tiolf course, public
8 spaces per hole Schedule B
Marina 1 space per 2 wet or dry slips, plus Schedule B
specified requirements for other associated
i uses.
Park or playground, public 1 space per 4 persons accommodated or as Schedule B
determined y Town Engineer
Playfield or stadium, public 1 space per 4 persons accommodated or as Schedule B
determined by Town Engineer
Recreation canter, public 1 space per 200 sq. ft. Schedule B
Rodeo grounds 1 space per 4 persons accommodated or as Schedule B
determined by Town Engineer
Shooting range, commercial 1 space per firing station Schedule B
Stable, commercial boarding or rental 1 space per 2 stalls Schedule B
Swimming pool, commercial 1 space per 200 sq. ft. plus 1 space per 25 Schedule B
._ sq. ft. of outdoor pool surface area
Swimming pool, public 1 space per 200 sq. ft. plus 1 space per 25 Schedule B
_ sq. ft. of outdooryool surface area
Theater 1 space_p_er 3 seats Schedule B
Theater, drive-in 1 space per 250 sq. ft. Schedule B
Automobile and related service uses
Auto leasing or rental 1 space per 250 sq. ft. Schedule A
Auto parts and accessory sales (indoors) 1 space per 250 sq. ft. Schedule A
Auto parts and sales (outdoor display) 1 space per 250 sq. it. Schedule A
Auto painting or body shop 1 space per 250 sq. ft. Schedule A
Auto repair garage 1 space per 250 sq. ft. Schedule A
`Auto storage or auction To be determined by Town Engineer Schedule A
Car sales, new or used 1 space per 250 sq. ft. Schedule A
Car wash, automatic None None
Car wash, full-service 1 space per 250 sq. ft. None
Car wash, sett-service 2 spaces plus 1 space per bay for drying None
Motor vehicle fuel service station 6 minimum Schedule A
Tire retreading or capping 1 space per 250 sq. ft. Schedule A
Wiecking or auto salvage yard 1 space per 2502Cs . ft. Schedule A
Heavy commercial uses
Building material sales or storage (indoors) 1 space per 250 so. ft. Schedule A
Building material sales or storage )outdoors) ,I space per 250 so. tt. Schedule A
Page 196
Parking Requirements
Chapter 12.-Land Development Code R 5.02 Parking, Loading;and Access
Use Type Parking Loading
Cabinet and upholstery shop 1 space per 750 so. ft. Schedule A
Cleaning, dyeing or laundry plant 1 space per 750 sq. ft. Schedule A
I.,aboratory. manufacturing 1 space per 750 sq. ft. Schedule A
Laboratory, scientific and research 1 space per 750 sq. ft. Schedule A
Lithographic or print shop 1 space per 250 sq. ft. Schedule A
Maintenance 1intenance service 1 space per 750 sq. ft. Schedule A
Mini-warehouse 1 space per 75 storage bays with minimum None
of 3 spaces
Repair services, general 1 space per 250 sq. ft. Sc:hedule A
Warehousing and wholesale, general 1 space per 2.000 sq. ft. Schedule A
Vehicle and equipment sales or rental 1 spaceper 250 sq. ft. Schedule A
Welding or machine shop 1 space per 250 sq. ft. Schedule A
Industrial uses
Asphalt/concrete batching plant, permanent To be determined by Town Engineer Schedule A
Bakery or confectionery, wholesale 1 space per 750 sq. ft. Schedule A
Bottling works 1 space per 750 sq. ft. Schedule A
Food processing 1 space per 750 sq. ft. Schedule A
Manufacturing, general 1 space per 750 sq. ft. Schedule A
Manufacturing, hazardous or objectionable 1 space per 750 sq. ft. Schedule A
Manufacturing, light 1 space per 750 sq. It. Schedule A
Agriculture and extractive uses _
Animal exhibition To be determined by Town Engineer None
Aviary To be determined by Town Engineer None
Crop agriculture None None
Feed store 1 space per 250 sq. ft. Schedule A
Greenhouse, wholesale 1 space per 500 sq. ft. Schedule A
Keeping of livestock or poultry None None
Kennel To be determined by Town Engineer Schedule B
Livestock auction or feed lot To be determined by Town Engineer Schedule A
Mining and quarrying To be determined by Town Engineer Schedule A
Petroleum or gas well None None
(e) Off-site parking. Required off-street parking spaces shall be on the same lot as the
principal use, provided that all or a portion of the required parking spaces may be located
on a separate lot from the lot on which the principal use is located, based on the following
(l) Contiguous. The off-site parking shall be located on a lot that is immediately
adjacent to and contiguous with the lot containing the principal use.
Page 197
Parking Requirements
To secure safety from fire,panic,and other dangers;to lessen congestion on public streets;to facilitate the
adequate provisions of transportation; to conserve the value of buildings; and to encourage the most
appropriate use of land. Minimum off-street parking and loading shall be provided as set forth in the following
schedules and provisions.
A. Required off-street parking shall be provided on the same site as the use it is to serve.
B. No required parking shall be allowed except on a paved concrete,or other similar impervious surface
if approved by City Council,parking space in the RE,SF-1,SF-2,SF-3,SF-4,SF-5,SF-6,PH,TH,
2F,MF-1,MF-2,and MH Districts.
C. In the A District,the required parking shall be on,at a minimum,washed gravel or similar all-weather
D. No parking space,garage,carport,or other automobile storage space shall be used for the storage of
any heavy load vehicle.
E. In the SF-I,SF-2,SF-3,SF-4,SF-5,SF-6,PH,TH and 2F Zoning Districts,there shall be a minimum
of two (2) additional paved parking spaces provided behind the front property line only for the
purpose of allowing on-site stacking or maneuvering to the required spaces.
F. All required off-street parking spaces in the RE,SF-I,SF-2,SF-3,SF-4,SF-S,SF-6,PH,TH and 2F
Districts shall be located behind the front building line and shall be enclosed in the main or accessory
G. Circular driveways shall be designed to accommodate any required parking behind the front building
H. In the MF-I and MF-2 Districts parking shall be located behind the front building line.
A. To prevent nuisance situations,all parking area lighting shall be designed and operated so as not to
reflect or shine on adjacent properties and in accordance with the standards established in Section 39.
B. For safety and fire-fighting purposes,free access through to adjacent parking areas shall be provided
between adjoining parcels or building sites.
C. In Office,Retail,Commercial,and Industrial Districts,all required parking shall be provided on paved
concrete or other similar impervious surface if approved by the City Council. Parking spaces shall
be permanently and clearly identified by stripes, buttons, tiles, curbs,barriers,or other approved
methods. Non-permanent type marking,such as paint,shall be regularly maintained to ensure con-
tinuous clear identification of the space.
D. Each standard off-street parking space size shall be a minimum of nine feet(9')in width and twenty
feet(20')in depth,exclusive of access drives and aisles,and shall be of usable shape and condition.
Where it is possible for a vehicle to overhang the front of a parking space above a paved,stoned,
mulched,or grassed area other than a sidewalk,street right-of-way or adjacent property,the depth of
the standard space may be reduced to eighteen feet(18').
E. All parking and loading spaces, and vehicle sates areas on private property shall have a vehicle
stopping device installed so as to prevent parking of motor vehicles in any required landscaped areas,
and to prevent any parked vehicle from overhanging a public right-of-way line,or public sidewalk.
Parking shall not be permitted to encroach upon the public right-of-way in any case. All vehicle
Parking Requirements
maneuvering shall take place on-site. No public right-of-way shall be used for backing or maneuver-
ing into a parking space. (See illustration 2)
F. Refuse storage facilities placed in a parking lot shall not be located in a designated parking or loading
space. Each refuse facility shall be located so as to facilitate pickup by refuse collection agencies and
shall be screened according to Section 40.
t G. Handicap parking space(s)shall be provided according to State of Texas Program for the Elimination
of Architectural Barriers and shall conform to the Americans Disability Act(ADA)of 1991,as may
be amended,accessibility guidelines or the Uniform Federal Accessibility Standards.
A. All non-residential uses having five thousand(5,000)square feet or more of gross floor area shall
provide and maintain an off-street area for the loading and unloading of merchandise and goods,in
accordance with the following requirements:
1. All retail,commercial and industrial uses shall have at least one(1)space per fifty thousand
(50,000)square feet of gross floor area,up to one hundred thousand(100,000)square feet and
one(1)space for each additional one hundred thousand(100,000)square feet of gross floor area
or fraction thereof.
2. All hotels,office buildings,restaurants and similar establishments shall have at least one(I)
space per one hundred fifty thousand (150,000) square feet of gross floor area up to three
hundred thousand(300,000)square feet of gross floor area or fraction thereof.
3. A loading space shall consist of an area of a minimum of twelve(12)by thirty(30)feet.
4. All drives and approaches shall provide adequate space and clearances to allow for the
maneuvering of trucks off-street. Each site shall provide a designated maneuvering area for
A. In the approval of a Development Plan,consideration shall be given to providing entrance/exit drives
which extend into the site to provide adequate queuing of vehicles on the site.
B. In all Districts(except all Single-Family and Duplex Zoning Districts)building plans shall provide
for entrance/exit drive(s)appropriately designed and located to minimize traffic congestion or conflict
within the site and with adjoining public streets as approved by the City Building Official or desig-
nated representative.
1. Where based upon analysis by the City,projected volumes of traffic entering or leaving the
Planned Developments are likely to interfere with the projected peak traffic flow volumes
on adjoining streets,additional right-of-way and paving in the form of a deceleration lane
or turn lane may be required to be furnished by the developer in order to reduce such
2. The determination of additional right-of-way or paving requirements shall be made at the
time the preliminary plat is submitted for approval.
C. Vehicular access to non-residential uses shall not be permitted from alleys serving residential.
D. See Sections 36 and 37 for setback requirements for garages and carports in residential districts
adjacent to a public street.
In all Districts,there shall be provided at the time any building or structure is erected or structurally altered,
off-street parking spaces in accordance with the following requirements:
VJ/ ++/ +JJJ 1J. -+ JlGJ.JJJ J`.J r r.+,J�V I t_rlr,i•ar ry r r-,..� VY
Parking Requirements
1. Auto Iaundry or car wash(self serve): One(1)space per five hundred(500)square feet of gross floor area
2. Bank,Savings and Loan,or similar institution: One(1)space per three hundred(300)square feet of gross
floor area
3. Bed and breakfast facility: One(1)space per guest room in addition to the requirements for a normal
residential use
4. Bowling alley: Four(4)parking spaces for each alley or lane
5. Bus or truck repair,parking,or storage area,or garage: One(1)space for each five hundred(500)square
feet of floor area or repair garage with a minimum of five(5)spaces
6. Business or professional office(general): One(1)space per three hundred(300)square feet of gross floor
area except as otherwise specified herein
7. Church,rectory,or other place of worship: One(1)parking space for each three(3)seats in the main
8. College or University: One(1)space per each day student
9. Community Center,Library,Museum,or Art Gallery: Ten(10)parking spaces plus one(1)additional
space for each three hundred(300)square feet of floor area in excess of two thousand(2,000)square feet.
If an auditorium is included as a part of the building,its floor area shall be deducted from the total and
additional parking provided on the basis of one(1)space for each four(4)seats that it contains
10. Commercial Amusement: One(1)space per three(3) guests or one (1) space per one-hundred (100)
square feet of gross floor area,whichever is greater
11. Country Club or Golf Club: One(1)parking space for each one hundred fifty(150)square feet of floor
area or for every five(5)members,whichever is greater
12. Dance Hall, Assembly or Exhibition Hall Without Fixed Seats: One (1) parking space for each one
hundred(100)square feet of floor area thereof
13. Day Nursery: One(1)space per ten(10)pupils plus one(1)space per teacher
14. Dwellings, Single Family and Duplex - Two covered spaces for each unit, located behind the front
building line
15. Dwellings,Multi-Family:One and one-half(1.5)spaces per one bedroom unit,Two(2)spaces per two
bedroom unit,Two and one-half(2.5)spaces per three bedroom unit,and One-half(.5)space per each
additional bedroom. The required number of total spaces shall be no less than 1.8 spaces per dwelling unit
Thirty percent(30%)of the required parking spaces must be within enclosed garages. These garages may
be a part of the dwelling structure of as an accessory building. All garages constructed as accessory
building must consist of eight percent (80%) masonry and be built of similar materials as the main
16. Flea Market: One(1)space for each five hundred(500)square feet of site area, Dirt or gravel parking
lots are not permitted.
17. Fraternity,Sorority,or Dormitory: One(1)parking space for each two(2)beds on campus,and one and
one-half(1''4)spaces for each two beds in off campus projects.
18. Furniture or Appliance Store,Hardware Store,Wholesale Establishments,Machinery or Equipment Sales
Parking Requirements
and Service.Clothing or Shoe Repair or Service: Two(2)parking spaces plus one(1)additional parking
space for each three hundred(300)square feet of floor area over one thousand(1,000)
19. Gasoline Station: Minimum of three(3)spaces for employees. Adequate space shall be provided for
waiting,stacking,and maneuvering automobiles for refueling.
20. Golf Course: Five(5)parking spaces per hole
21. Health Studio or Club: One(1)parking space per two hundred(200)square feet of exercise area.
22. Hospital: One(1)space per employee on the largest shift,plus one and one-half(1'r4)spaces per each bed
or examination room whichever is applicable
23. Hotel: One(I)parking space for each sleeping room or suite plus one(1)space for each two hundred
(200)square feet of commercial floor area contained therein
24. Kindergartens,day schools,and similar child training and care establishments shall provide one(1)paved
off-street loading and unloading space for an automobile on a through"circular"drive for each ten(10)
25. Library or Museum: Ten(10)spaces plus one(1)space for every three hundred(300)square feet
26. Lodge or Fraternal Organization: One(1)space per two hundred(200)square feet
27. Manufacturing or Industrial Establishment,Research or Testing Laboratory,Creamery,Bottling Plant,
Warehouse, Printing or Plumbing Shop, or Similar Establishment: One (1) parking space for each
employee on the maximum working shift plus space to accommodate all trucks and other vehicles used
in connection therewith,but not less than one(1)parking space for each one thousand(1,000)square feet
of floor area
28. Medical or Dental Office: One(1)space per two hundred(200)square feet of floor area. Facilities over
20,000 square feet shall use the parking standards set forth for hospitals.
29. Mini-Warehouse: Four(4)spaces per complex plus(1)one additional space per five thousand(5000)
square feet of storage area
30. Mobile Home Park: Two(2)spaces for each mobile home plus additional spaces as required herein for
accessory uses
31. Mortuary or Funeral Home: One(1)parking space for each fifty(50)square feet of floor space in slumber
rooms,parlors or individual funeral service rooms
32. Motel: One(1)parking space for each sleeping room or suite plus one(1)additional space for each two
hundred(200)square feet of commercial floor area contained therein
33. Motor-Vehicle Salesroom and Used Car Lots: One(1)parking space for each five hundred(500)square
feet of sales floor for indoor uses,or one(1)parking space for each one thousand(1,000)square feet of
lot area for outdoor uses
34. Nursing Home: One(1)space per five(5)beds and one(1)parking space for each one thousand(1,000)
square feet of lot area for outdoor uses.
35. Retail Store or Personal Service Establishment,Except as Otherwise Specified Herein: One(1)space per
two hundred(200)square feet of gross floor area
Parking Requirements
36. Restaurant,Private Club,Night Club,Cafe or Similar Recreation or Amusement Establishment: One(1)
parking space for each one hundred(100)square feet of floor area •
37. Rooming or Boarding House: One(1)parking space for each sleeping room
38. Sanitarium,Convalescent Home,Home for the Aged or Similar Institution: One(I)parking space for
each five(5)beds
39. School,Elementary: One(1)parking space for each fifteen(15)students(design capacity)
40. School,Secondary,or Middle: One(1)parking space for each fourteen(14)students(design capacity)
41. School,High School: One space for each employee and one space for each three students based on design
42. Theater,Sports Arena,Stadium,Gymnasium or Auditorium(except school): One(1)parking space for
each three(3)seats or bench seating spaces.
43. Truck stops: One(1)truck parking space for each ten thousand(10,000)square feet of site area plus one
(1)vehicle parking space per two hundred(200)square feet of building area
44. Warehouse, Wholesale,Mini, Manufacturing and Other Industrial Type Uses: One(1) space for one
thousand(1,000)square feet of gross floor area.
In computing the number of parking spaces required for each of the above uses,the following rules shall
A. "Floor Area"shall mean the gross floor area of the specific use.
B. Where fractional spaces result, the parking spaces required shall be constructed to be the nearest
whole number.
C. The parking space requirements for a use not specifically mentioned herein shall be the same as
required for a use of similar nature.
D. Whenever a building or use constructed or established after the effective date of this Ordinance is
changed or enlarged in floor area,number of employees,number of dwelling units,seating capacity
or otherwise,to create a need for an increase of ten percent(10%)or more in the number of existing
parking spaces,such spaces shall be provided on the basis of the enlargement or change. Whenever
a building or use existing prior to the effective date of this Ordinance is enlarged to the extent of fifty
percent(50%)or more in floor area or in the area used,said building or use shall then and thereafter
comply with the parking requirements set forth herein.
E. In the case of mixed uses,the parking spaces required shall equal the sum of the requirements of the
various uses computed separately. Up to fifty percent(50%)of the parking spaces required for a
theater or other place of evening entertainment(after 6:00 P.M.),or for a church,may be provided
and used jointly by banks, offices, and similar uses not normally open, used, or operated during
evening hours if specifically approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission. Shared parking
must be on the same lot. Such approval may be rescinded by the City Council and additional parking
shall be obtained by the owners in the event that the City Council determines that such joint use is
resulting in a public nuisance by providing an inadequate number of parking spaces or otherwise
adversely affecting the public health,safety,or welfare.
All parking spaces required herein shall be located on the same lot with the building or use served,except as
Parking Requirements
A. Where an increase in the number of spaces is required by a change or enlargement of use or where
such spaces are provided collectively or used jointly by two(2)or more buildings or establishments,
the required spaces may be located not to exceed three hundred (300) feet from an institutional
building served and not to exceed six hundred(600) feet from any other non-residential building
w B. In any case where the required parking spaces are not located on the same lot with the building or use
served, or where such spaces are collectively or jointly provided and used, a written agreement
thereby assuring their retention for such purposes,shall be properly drawn and executed by the parties
concerned, approved as to form by the City Attorney and shall be filed with the application for a
building permit.
C. Required parking in the Original Town District may be reduced by the Planning and Zoning Commis-
sion and City Council,by separate resolution,if it is determined that due to existing space constraints,
the requirements of this Ordinance cannot be met. This alternative shall apply only to new uses in
existing structures and previously platted lots. No variance may be granted for lots which are
replatted or for new construction on replatted lots unless approved by the Board of Adjustment. On-
site reduction may be approved by the City staff after submittal of a site plan showing the proposed
parking plan.
Required off-street parking and loading spaces shall be used only for these respective purposes and shall not
be used for storage or permanent display of boats,trailers,campers,motor vehicles or other goods,materials,
products for sale.
35.10 All parking areas shall conform to the Landscape Requirements established by Section 39,and the Screening
Fence and Wall Regulation established by Section 40.
A. Fire lane easements shall be provided in accordance with applicable City Fire Code.
1 11L' VA 1 7 V1' \_1.A 1.flk 1 L♦iii -
Section 56. Off-Street Parking Requirements
In all zoning districts there shall be provided in connection with appropriate allowable uses, off-street
parking space in accordance with the following requirements:
off-street parking spaces herein required shall be computed and provided in accordance with
the following specifications:
• 1. The number of spaces required shall serve residents, customers, patrons, visitors
and employees.
• 2. Each parking space shall have adequate drives and room for ingress and egress to
each parking space with a minimum size of eight (8) feet by twenty-two (22) feet for
each parallel parking space and nine (9) feet by eighteen (18)feet for each angular
head-in parking space, and shall be designed in accordance with minimum City
• 3. All maneuvering for off-street parking shall be accomplished on private property.
B. UNCLASSIFIED USE:.,Where the proposed land use cannot be classified within the uses
herein specified, the City Council shall determine the specified use most clearly related to the
'proposed use and the minimum requirements for the specified use so determined shall apply to
the proposed use.
C. NUMBER OF PARKING SPACES REQUIRED: Multi-use projects shall have aggregate
parking requirements. The minimum number of off-street parking spaces required shall be as
Single-family dwellings: attached, detached, 2 Dwelling Unit
'townhouse, duplex
'Mobile----- -------------- -----.-- -- ------------------------------------------- --------------------
home subdivision 2 ;Dewlling Unit
Apartment, Condominiums, triplex, fourplex 2.5 :Dwelling Unit
;Motels or Hotels with restaurants or clubs 1 Guestroom plus, requirements for
eating or drinking establishment
Motels or Hotels with conference facilities with 1 5 Guest room, plus requirements for
less than 25,000 sq. ft. of conference area. eating or drinking establishment.
Hotels or Motels with restaurants, clubs, or Guest room, plus 1 parking space
conference facilities with more than 25,000 sq. ft. 1.5 per 100 sq.ft. of conference area.
of conference area.
I of 04'28'1999 4:32 PM
l r1 is a 1 T kfir t/rCH rr.,V iIN 11,
Church '1 '3 seats in main sanctuary
!Public Health Center !1 200 sq.ft. of gross floor area '
;Community, Civic Center ----------------� 1 __—__-- �3 Seats ---------------
Institution; religious, charitable, or philanthropic i
1 200 sq. ft. of floor area
Place of.public assembly — -- 1 3 Seats
Hospital '2 :Bed
!Nursing; convalescent home, or institutional 1 ;Each bed (Design Cap.)
'home for elderly ------ — -- ' — -- — - — ------ ----
;Residence home for elderly 1.1 Dewlling unit
;Day Care Center l 300 sq. ft. of day care activity
'Personal Care Facility '5 plus 1 12 beds
;Governmental Office Buildings 1 200 sq. ft. gross floor area —
Libraries & Museums & Galaxies 11 200 sq. ft. of gross floor area
!School, Kindergarten, Elementary it 120 students (Design Cap.)
!School, Junior High, Middle School 3 112 students (Design Cap.)
School, Senior High '1 13 students (Design Cap.)
'Lodge or Fraternal Organization 11 1200 sq. ft. gross floor area
;Eating or drinking establishment service to auto 112 plus 1 150 sq. ft. of floor area
Eating or drinking establishment no service to 1 ir3 persons (maximum occupant load
auto ;for a building.)
[Food service establishment carry-out service only'1 1100 sq. ft. gross floor area
Winery iS plus 1 -11000 sq. ft. of production floor area!
[50 sq. ft. of area designated for
1 public assembly
12 visitors, to be determined by the
number of visitors per hour (visitors
1 ;per hour determined by tour
'frequency and tasting room
!plus 100% of
;any required 'For each additional use
Wine tasting Facility 1 3 persons (maximum occupant load
for a building)
Bank or savings and loan office 1 300 sq. ft. of gross floor area
Medical or dental 5 plus 1 150 sq. ft. of gross floor area
Office, professional 5 plus 1 300 sq. ft. of gross floor area
2 of 4 04'28'1999 4:32 PM
i ttt (;1 I Y V1' l71.Mr,V J1VL
Dance, drama, or music studio 11 12 students (design Cap.)
Personal service establishment, excluding barber 15
plus 1 1200 sq. ft. of gross floor area
!& beauty shops _ _ _ _ _____
Barber& beauty shops --- 1 _--i 100 sq. ft. of gross floor-area
-- -
Automotive retail sales and service (except 1 i 125 sq. ft. of gross floor area
automotive parts or accesspry sales) --- _ — — — — — --— ---- --
:Marine Retail Sales (except recreational marinas,
!commercial moorage & sale of boat parts and ;1 ,2000 sq. ft. of site area
'accessories) ____ __ _ _
'Retail establishments in buildings 15 plus 1 I200 sq. ft. of gross floor area
----- 1600 sq. ft. of site area exclusive of
1Outdoor retail sales 1 buildings
!REQUIREMENTS __-- ------___-- -------_---!
1 Shopping centers, malls, & multi-occupancy with
'the GLA over 25,000 sq. ft. to 400,000 sq. ft. of i4 1 1,000 GLA
GLA • i
Shopping Centers, malls, & multi-occupancy
'centers with the GLA between 400,000 to 4.5 ,. 11,000 GLA
600,000 sq. ft. _ i
;Shopping centers, malls, & multi-occupancy with 5
i 1,000 GLA
the GLAs over 600,000 sq. ft. _ i
!Office areas exceeding 20% of GLA of shopping !2.5 additional 1000 GLA of office space
'centers, malls, multi-occupancy spaces _ _- - - __ _
Cinemas occupying up to 10% of shopping
'centers, malls, & multi-occupancy containg less 13 additional for each 100 cinema seats.
'than 100,000 sq. ft. of GLA —— _
,Cinemas providing more than 450 seats in
shopping centers, malls, & multi-occupancy 3 additional for each 100 seats above the initial
having between 100,000 to 200,000 sq. ft. of !spaces 450 seats
GLA _ - --- -----
1Cinemas providing more than 750 seats in for each 100 seats above the initial
•shopping centers, malls, & multi-occupancy 3 additional 750 seats
having over 200,000 sq. ft. of GLA
Eating or drinking establishments in shopping
centers, malls, and multi-occupancy having more each 1,000 sq. ft. of food or
than 25,000 sq. ft. and less than 100,000 sq. ft. 10 additional drinking establishment
of GLA
3 of 4 04'23: S199 4:32 P\'.
Eating or dirnking establishments in shopping
center, malls, & multi-occupancy, having more ,6 additional leach 1,000 sq. ft. of food or
than 100,000 sq. ft., but less than 200,000 sq. ft. drinking establishment
of GLA _ _
,Eating or drinking establishments in shopping
.centers, malls, & multi-occupancy having 4 additional 'each 1,000 sq. ft..of food or
200,000,sq. ft., but less than 600,000 sq. ft. of drinking establishment
total GLA
!Indoor commercial amusements ;1 100 sq. ft. enclosed floor area
!Outdoor commercial amusements 20 plus 1 6 seats
'Bowling alley 120 plus 3 ;Lane'Theaters/cinemas i 1 14 seats —
[Outdoor theater 1 12 seats
[Golf course (public & private) 15 ;hole _—
'1 !10 linear ft. of a driving area
!plus 50% of any 1
for each additional use
;required parking
'Warehousing and enclosed storage areas 1 '2000 sq. ft. of area
1000 s
Manufacturing t 1 ' q• ft:of floor area
(Brick or lumber yard or similar use '1 3000 sq. ft. lot area
`—• `1 3000 sq. ft. of floor area
D. EXCEPTIONS: Groups of uses requiring vehicle parking space may join in
establishing group parking areas with capacity aggregating that required for each
particular use. Where it can be established before the building official that parking for
two (2) specific uses occurs at alternating periods, the parking space requirements of
the use requiring the greater number of spaces may be applied to both uses in a
combined parking area.
Example: Church and professional office building.
*ail 14660
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=4 of 04'28;1999 4:32 PN`
4° Parking Requirements 4
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Ordinance Table of Contents
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City of Lewisville, Texas
General Development Ordinance
In all districts there shall be provided at the time any building or structure is erected or structurally
altered, off-street parking spaces. All parking and loading or unloading facilities, approaches, access
driveways and standing or storage parking spaces for vehicles shall be paved with concrete or asphalt.
This provision shall also apply to any use located on the property with no building or structure, i.e. public
or private parking lots, vehicle sales and service centers and mobile home sales lots. Trailers are defined
as vehicles.
All required off-street parking shall be in accordance with the following requirements.
1. Auto Repair, Paint and Body Shops and Tire Shops: One (1) parking space for each 200 square
feet of shop area. Work bays will be considered in the calculation, a work bay will be counted as
one (1) parking space.
2. Bowling Alley: Six (6) parking spaces for each alley.
3. Business or Professional Office, Studio, Bank, Medical or Dental Clinic:
1 of 7 5/11/99 3:52 PM
Parking Requirements
10 - 9,999 Sq. Ft. 1 per 200 Sq. Ft.
4 [10,000 - 74,999 Sq. Ft. 1 per 250 Sq. Ft.
75,000 Sq. Ft. & Over 1 per 300 Sq. Ft.
M +
4. Church or Other Place of Worship: One (1) parking space for each three (3) seats in the main
5. Community Center, Library, Museum, Art Gallery or Skating Rink: Ten (10) parking spaces plus one
(1) additional space for each three hundred (300) square feet of floor area in excess of two thousand
(2,000) square feet. If an auditorium is included as part of the building, its floor area shall be deducted
from the total and additional parking provided on the basis of one (1) space for each four(4) seats that it
6. Dance Hall, Assembly or Exhibition Hall without Fixed Seats: Two (2) parking spaces for each one
hundred (100) square feet of floor area used thereof. With fixed seating, one (1) parking space for each
four (4) seats or bench seating spaces.
7. Day Care: One (1) parking space for each two hundred-fifty (250) square feet of floor area plus a
minimum three (3) car off-street drive through for pick-up and delivery of children.
8. Dwellings, Single-Family Attached or Detached: A minimum of(1) car garage plus (2) additional
concrete spaces shall be provided.
9. Dwellings, Multi-Family: One (1) parking space for each dwelling unit plus one-half(1/2) space for
each individual bedroom in all dwelling units.
10. Fraternity, Sorority or Dormitory: One (1) parking space for each two (2) beds.
11. Furniture or Appliance Store, Hardware Store, Wholesale Establishments, Machinery or Equipment
Sales and Service, Clothing or Shoe Repair or Service: Two (2) parking spaces plus one (1) additional
parking space for each three hundred (300) square feet of floor area over one thousand (1,000) square
12. Golf Course and Driving Ranges: Seventy-five (75) parking spaces for each nine (9) holes plus
requirements for other listed uses and one (1) parking space per tee for driving range.
13. Hospital: One (1) space per bed, plus additional parking as required for other listed categories.
14. Hotel: One (1) parking space for each two (2) sleeping rooms or suites plus one (1) space for each
two hundred (200) square feet of commercial floor area contained therein.
15. Manufacturing or Industrial Establishment, Research or Testing Laboratory, Creamery, Bottling
2 of 7 5/11'99 3:52 PM
Plant, Printing or Plumbing Shop or Simill a i iR giiteffle (4) parking space for each three hundred
(300) square feet of floor area.
16. Mobile Home Park: One (1) space for each mobile home plus additional spaces as required herein for
accessory uses.
17. Mortuary or Funeral Home: One (1) parking space for each fifty (50) square feet of floor space in
slumber rooms, parlors or individual funeral service rooms.
18. Motel: One (1) parking space for each sleeping room or suite plus one (1) space for each two
hundred (200) square feet of commercial floor area contained therein. Offices, lobby areas, bars,
conference rooms, etc. shall be considered commercial floor area.
19. Motor-Vehicle Salesrooms and Car Lots: One (1) parking space for each five hundred (500) square
feet of sales floor for indoor uses, or one (1) parking space for each one thousand (1,000) square feet of
outdoor display area. See also, Rules for Computing Number of Parking Spaces, this section, for mixed
used parking requirements.
20. Retail Store or Personal Service Establishment,Except as Otherwise Specified Herein:
0 - 2,499 Sq. Ft. 10 per 1,000 Sq. Ft.
2,500 - 9,999 Sq. Ft. 7.5 per 1,000 Sq. Ft.
10,000 - 599,999 Sq. Ft. 5.5 per 1,000 Sq. Ft. or any part
thereof if not 10,000 Sq. Ft. multiples.
600,000 Sq. Ft. & Over 5.0 per 1,000 Sq. Ft.
21. Restaurant, Night Club, Cafe or Similar Recreation or Amusement Establishment: One and one-half
(1.5) parking spaces for each one hundred (100) square feet of floor area.
22. Rooming or Boarding Houses: One (1) parking space for each two (2) sleeping rooms.
23. Sanitarium, Convalescent Home, Home for the Aged for Similar Institution: One (1) parking space
for each six (6)beds.
24. School, Elementary: One (1) parking space for each five (5) seats in the auditorium or main assembly
room, or one (1) space for each classroom plus six (6) spaces, whichever is greater.
25. School, Secondary and College:
High Schools - One (1) parking space for each three (3) seats in the auditorium plus requirements for
other listed categories.
3 of 7 5'11/99 3:52 PM
Parking Requirements
College or Adult Education - One (1) parking space for each thirty (30) square feet of classroom area
plus requirements for other listed categories.
26. Theater, Auditorium (except school), Sports Arena, Stadium or Gymnasium: One (1) parking space
for each four(4) seats or bench seating spaces.
27. Self-Storage Buildings and Facilities: Ten (10) foot parallel loading or unloading lanes shall be
provided_around all buildings. The loading or unloading lanes shall be in addition to any required fire
• lanes. •
28. Storage Rooms: One (1) parking space for each three hundred (300) square feet of storage room
29. Warehouse:
0 - 24,999 Sq. Ft. 1 per 1,000 Sq. Ft.
25,000 Sq. Ft. & Over 1 per 2,000 Sq. Ft.
"Floor area" shall mean the gross floor area of the specific use. Where fractional spaces result, the
parking spaces required shall be constructed to the nearest whole number.
The parking space requirement for a use not specifically mentioned herein shall be the same as required
for a use of similar nature.
Whenever a building or use constructed or established after the effective date of this ordinance is changed
or enlarged in floor area, number of employees, number of dwellings units, seating capacity or otherwise,
to create a need for an increase of ten(10) percent or more in the number of existing parking spaces, such
spaces shall be provided on the basis of the enlargement or change. Whenever a building or use existing
prior to the effective date of this ordinance is enlarged to the extent of fifty(50) percent or more in floor
area or in the area used, said building or use shall then and thereafter comply with the parking
requirements set forth herein.
In the case of mixed uses,the parking spaces required shall equal the sum of the requirements of the
various uses computed separately.
All parking spaces required herein shall be located on the same lot with the building or use served, except
as follows:
4 of 7 5/11/99 3:52 PM
Parking Requirements
(3) Side yards.
(a) Every part of the required side yard shall be open and unobstructed except for
accessory buildings as permitted herein, and the ordinary projections of window
sills, belt courses, and other architectural features projecting not to exceed 12
inches into the required side yard, and roof eaves projecting not to exceed 24
inches into the required side yard.
(b) Multiple-family dwellings not exceeding two stories in height shall provide a
minimum side yard of seven feet between all building walls and any side lot line
(see appendix, illustration 9).
(c) Where apartment buildings or structures are constructed to exceed two stories in
height,a side yard equal to one foot for each two feet of building height for all
1 building faces or walls having openings for light, air or access shall be provided,
except that such side yard need not exceed 50 feet. In all districts permitting the
construction of apartment buildings exceeding two stories in height, a minimum
side yard of ten feet shall be required for any building face or wall which contains
no openings for windows, light or air(see appendix, illustration 11).
(d) A one-family attached dwelling shall provide a minimum required side yard
adjacent to a side street of 25 feet and no complex of attached one-family
dwellings shall exceed 200 feet in length.A minimum required side yard of seven
1 feet shall be provided at the end of each one-family attached dwelling complex so
that the end of any two adjacent building complexes shall be at least 14 feet apart
(see appendix, illustration 12).
(4) Rear yards.
(a) No main building may be constructed nearer than 15 feet to the rear property line
or rear easement line, if such easement exists by plat or ordinance.
(b) No accessory building or structure, except fences, may be erected within three
feet of any rear or side property line, or be located within any easement, if such
easement exists by plat or ordinance.
(Ord. No. 1270, § 4.01, 12-15-81)
Sec. 41-102. Vehicle parking.
In all districts there shall be provided at the time any building or structure is erected or
structurally altered, except as provided in subsection 41-102(2)(d), off-street parking spaces in
iaccordance with the following requirements:
(1) Parking requirements.
1 (a) Bowling alley: Six parking spaces for each alley.
1 (b) Medical or dental clinic:Three parking spaces plus one additional parking space
for each 200 square feet of floor area over 500 square feet.
(c) Church or other place of worship: One parking space for each three seats in the
main auditorium.
Parking Requirements
§ 41-102 McKINNEY CODE
Ten parking spaces plus one
(d) Community center library, museum, or art gallery: square
additional space for each 300 square feet of the building,f floor area in its floor axcess of rea0shall be
feet. If an auditorium is included asap on the basis of one space
deducted from the total and additional parking provided
for each four seats that it contains.
(e) Dance hall, assembly or exhibition hall withoutfixed seats:One parking space for
each 100 square feet of floor area used thereof.
(f) Dwellings, single-family attached or detached: Two parking spaces for each
dwelling unit.
(g) Dwellings, multifamily: One parking space for each dwelling unit, plus one-half
space for each bedroom in all dwelling units,
except Chur hW Hunt,or delling units located in
and McDonald
the central business district (bounded by Davis,
Streets). For the central business district, there shall be provided one parking
space for each dwelling unit.
(h) Fraternity, sorority, or dormitory:
One parking space for each two beds.
(i) Furniture or appliance store, hardware store, wholesale establishments, machin-
ery or equipment sales and service, square feet of sale floor area over
plus one additional parking space for each 800
1,000 square feet.
(j) Hospital:One space per employee on the largest shift,plus one space for each bed.
(k) Hotel:One parking space for each two sleeping rooms or suites plus one space for
each 200 square feet of commercial floor area contained therein.
(1) Manufacturing or industrial establishment g plumbing shopsearch or jng orlscbmelao est cream-
ment:bottling plant warehouse, p the maximum One parking space for each employee �vehicles used in connectilongtherew therewith,
space to accommodate all trucks and other
but not less than one parking space for each 1,000 square feet of floor area.
(in) Mobile home park: One space for each mobile home plus additional spaces as
required herein for accessory uses.
(n) Mortuary or funeral home: One parking space for each 50 square feet of floor
space in slumber rooms, parlors or individual funeral service rooms.
(o) Motel: One parking space for each sleeping room or suite plus one space for each
200 square feet of commercial floor area contained therein.(p) Motor vehicle salesroom and
used car indoor usesots:or o0neeparkingg space for each 500
space for each 1,000
square feet of sales floor
square feet of lot area for outdoor uses. parking space for each 150
(q) Private club, lodge, country club or golf club: One p g P
square feet of floor area.
(r) Retail store or personal service establishment, except of flooras areaeor fracrwise �on thereof.ecified herein:
One parking space for every 200 square f
Parking Requirements
(s) Restaurant, nightclub, cafe or similar recreational or amusement establishment:
One parking space for each 100 square feet of floor area.
1 (t) Rooming or boarding house: One parking space for each two sleeping rooms.
(u) Sanitarium, convalescent home, home for the aged or similar institution: One
parking space for each six beds.
(v) School, elementary and middle (includes grades K through eight): 1V/2 parking
spaces for each five seats in the auditorium or main assembly room,or 1%'2 spaces
for each classroom plus nine spaces, whichever is greater.
(w) School, high and college: One parking space for each four seats in the main
auditorium or eight spaces for each classroom, whichever is greater.
(x) Theater, auditorium (except school), sports arena stadium, or gymnasium: One
parking space for each four seats or bench seating spaces.
(y) Golf course:.Three parking spaces per hole.
(z) Business or professional office, studio or bank: One parking space for each 300
square feet of floor area or fraction thereof.
(2) Rules for computing number of parking spaces. In computing the number of parking
spaces required for each of the above uses the following rules shall govern:
(a) "Floor area" shall mean the gross floor area of the specific use.
(b) Where fractional spaces result, the parking spaces required shall be constructed
to be the nearest whole number.
1 (c) The parking space requirement for a use not specifically mentioned herein shall
be the same as required for a use of similar nature.
(d) Whenever a building or use constructed or established after the effective date of
the ordinance from which this section is derived is changed or enlarged in floor
area, number of employees, number of dwelling units, seating capacity or
otherwise, to create a need for an increase of ten percent or more in the number
of existing parking spaces, such spaces shall be provided on the basis of the
enlargement or change. Whenever a building or use existing prior to the effective
date of the ordinance from which this section is derives is enlarged to the extent
of 50 percent or more in floor area or in the area used, said building or use shall
then and thereafter comply with the parking requirements set forth herein.
(e) In the case of mixed uses, the parking spaces required shall equal the sum of the
requirements of the various uses computed separately.
(3) Location of parking spaces. All parking spaces required herein shall be located on the
same lot with the building or use served, except as follows:
(a) Where an increase in the number of spaces is required by a change or enlarge-
ment of use or where such spaces are provided collectively or used jointly by two
or more buildings or establishments, the required spaces may be located not to
exceed 300 feet from an institutional building served and not to exceed 500 feet
from any other nonresidential building served.
Parking Requirements
§ 41-102 McKINNEY CODE
(b) Not more than 50 percent of the parking spaces required for(1)theaters, bowling
alleys, dance halls, nightclubs, cafes, or similar uses, and not more than 80
percent of the parking spaces required for a church or school auditorium or
similar uses may be provided and used jointly by (2) similar uses not normally I
open, used or operated during the same hours as those listed in (1); provided,
however that written agreement thereto is properly executed and filed as
specified below. I
(c) In any case where the required parking spaces are not located on the same lot •
with the building or use served, or where such spaces are collectively or jointly
provided and used,a written agreement thereby ensuring their retention for such
purposes, shall be properly drawn and executed by the parties concerned,
approved as to form by the city and executed by the parties concerned, approved
as to form by the city attorney and shall be filed with the application for a
building permit.
(d) .Where pre-existing uses in the central business district(defined as fire zone 1)do
not provide off-street parking as specified herein, such uses shall provide one
off-street parking space for each full-time employee (working 30 hours or more
per week).Off-street parking spaces shall be provided on the zoning lot of the use
or as specified in subsection (c) above.All subsequent uses shall also be required
to provide one off-street parking space for each full-time employee (working 30
hours or more per week).
(4) Minimum dimensions for off-street parking.
(a) Ninety-degree angle parking: See appendix, illustration 13. 1
(b) Sixty-degree angle parking: See appendix, illustration 13.
(c) Forty-five-degree angle parking: See appendix, illustration 13. 1
(d) When off-street parking facilities are located adjacent to a public alley, the width
of said alley may be assumed to be a portion of the maneuvering space
(e) Where off-street parking facilities are provided in excess of the minimum
amounts herein specified, or when off-street parking facilities are provided but I
not required by this chapter, said off-street parking facilities shall comply with
the minimum requirements for parking and maneuvering space herein specified.
(5) Parking prohibitions. I
(a) No parking space, garage or carport or other vehicle storage space or structure
located on private property in a residential zone shall be used for the storage of
any truck, truck trailer, or van with a manufacturer's rated capacity exceeding
P12 tons, or any tractor, tractor trailer, farm trailer, or other agricultural
equipment. I
(b) It shall be unlawful for any person to park or permit to remain parked on a public
street within the city any truck, truck trailer,or van with a manufacturer's rated
Parking Requirements
Icapacity exceeding 11/2 tons, or any tractor, tractor trailer, farm trailer, or other
agricultural equipment, between the hours of 6:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m., except
when said motor vehicles, trailers, or equipment are engaged in loading or
I unloading.
(c) No boat, trailer, "camper trailer," motor home, or other such recreational vehicle
Iallowed as an accessory use shall be parked or stored within the required front
yard, except as may be permitted in the ML or MH districts.
(Ord. No. 1270, § 4.02, 12-15-81; Ord. No. 1346, §§ 1, 2, 4-19-83; Ord. No. 1510, §§ 1-4,
I1-15-85; Ord. No. 94-09-36, § 1, 9-20-94)
Cross reference—Historic preservation, ch. 35.
Sec. 41-103. Off-street loading.
IEvery building or part thereof erected or occupied for retail business, service, manufac-
turing, storage,warehousing, hotel, mortuary, or any other use similarly involving the receipt
I or distribution by vehicles of materials or merchandise, shall provide and maintain on the
same premises loading space in accordance with the following requirements:
(1) For retail, commercial, sales, service,or industrial use buildings and establishments,
Ioff-street loading facilities shall be provided. in accordance with the following
ISquare Feet of Minimum Required
Gross Floor Area Spaces or Berths
I 0 to 5,000 None
5,000 to 15,000 1
15,000 to 40,000 2
1 40,000 to 65,000 3
65,000 to 100,000 4
Each additional 50,000 1 additional
1 (2) For hotels, office buildings, restaurants, and similar establishments, off-street
loading facilities shall be provided in accordance with the following schedule:
1 Square Feet of Minimum Required
Gross Floor Area Spaces or Berths
0 to 10,000 None
10,000 to 50,000 1
50,000 to 100,000 2
100,000 to 200,000 3
Each additional 200,000 1 additional
(3) Each required loading space shall have a minimum size as described for loading
spaces under section 41-40, Definitions.
(4) No loading dock or structure may be located facing any street which is less than 200
feet from the property line unless screened as provided in section 41-105.
Parking Requirements
of Parking Required Additional
Use Spaces For each • Requirements
a. Single Family Dwelling 2 Dwelling unit
b. Two Family Dwelling 2 Dwelling unit
c. Townhouse 2 Dwelling unit.
d. Garage Apartment 1 Dwelling unit
e. Apartment or Multi-family 2 Dwelling unit for first 50 •
Dwelling units; thereafter 1.75 parking
spaces for each unit
f. Boarding or Rooming'House, 1 Rooming unit
g. Hotel, Motel or Tourist Court i Guest room or residential unit
up to 100 units then 0.75 per
unit over 100; 50% of these
spaces may be counted to ` -
satisfy the parking
requirements of accessory
• uses
h. Manufactured Home or 2 Lot, plot,tract or stand
Mobile Home
i. Private Dormitory 1 Two occupants for designed
j. Zero-lot-line Dwelling 2 Dwelling unit
k. Servant's or Caretaker's . 1 Two residing employees
a. Community or Welfare 1 200 sq. ft. of floor area
b. School
i) Elementary 1 20 students
ii) Junior High 1 18 students
iii) Senior High 1 1.75 students
• Parking Requirements §7200
of Parking Required Additional
, Use Spaces For each Requirements
iv) TradeNocational 1 Student
c. College or University 1 4 day students
d. Public Assembly Hall with 1 4 seats
fixed seating
e. Public Assembly Hall 1 100 sq. ft. of floor area
without fixed seating
f. Church 1 4 seats in sanctuary or
auditorium •
g. Kindergarten, Day Nursery or 1 8 pupils
Child Care Center s <
h. Hospital—acute or chronic 1 II/2 beds
i. Hospital—alcoholic,narcotic, ' 1 2 employees or attendant,
psychiatric patients plus
10 residents
j. Home for the Aged 1% Dwelling unit
k. Library or Museum 1 300 sq. ft. of public area
1. Fraternity or Sorority 1 200 sq. ft. of floor area
m. Student Religious Center 1 250 sq. ft. of floor area
n. Nursing and Personal Care 1 \ 6 beds
o. Mortuary or Funeral Chapel 1 4 seats in chapel
p. Labor Union 1 300 sq. ft. of floor area
a. Theater 1 4 seats
b. Bowling Alley 4 Lane
c. Pool halls, Coin-machine 1 100 sq. ft. of floor area
Parking Requirements §7200
of Parking Required Additional
, Use Spaces For each Requirements
Arcades, Other Commercial
d. Commercial Amusements 1 600 sq. ft. of site area
(outdoors) exclusive of building
e. Ballpark, Stadium 1 8 seats
f. Lodge, Fraternal 1 200 sq. ft. of floor area
g. Golf Course Minimum of 30 spaces
h. Driving Range or Miniature 1 Space for each driving tee
a. Personal Service Shop • 1 200 sq.ft. of floor area
b. Retail Store or Shops(Inside) 1 250 sq.ft. of floor area for
the first 3,000 sq. ft.;
• thereafter one(1)space for
each additional 300 sq. ft.
c. Furniture Sales, Appliance 1 400 sq.ft. of floor area
Sales and Repair
d. Open Retail Sales 1 600 sq. ft. of site area
exclusive of buildings
e. Coin-operated or 1 3 washing machines •
Self-service Laundry or Dry
a. Eating or Drinking 1 100 sq. ft. of floor area Minimum of 12
Place (inside), eating only; no spaces
drive-in windows
b. Eating or Drinking Place with 1 75 sq. ft. of floor area Minimum of 4
drive-in windows, Bar,Night spaces; for
club, and Private Club drive-in window
Parking Requirements §7200
a. Bank 1 300 sq. ft.of floor area
b. Savings & Loan or Similar 1 400 sq. ft.of floor area
c. Medical, Dental Clinic 1 150 sq. ft.of floor area Minimum of 5
or Office spaces
d. Other Office, 1 300 sq. ft. of floor area Minimum of 5
Business or Professional spaces
a. Service Station, including z 1 - 200 sq. ft.of floor area - Minimum of 4
incidental car wash spaces
b. Motor Vehicle Repair, 1 500 sq. ft.of floor area Minimum of 5
Garage or Shop(indoors) spaces
c. Motor Vehicle Parts& 1 200 sq. ft.of floor area
Accessory Sales(indoors)
d. Motor Vehicle Parts& 1 1,000 sq. ft. of floor area
Accessory Sales(outdoors)
e. Vehicle or Machinery Sales 1 500 sq. ft. of floor area
f. Vehicle or Machinery Sales 1 5000 sq. ft. of floor area
g. Self Service Car Wash 2 tandem Wash Bay
Machine Car Wash 1 150 sq. ft. of floor area 2/3 of the
minimum spaces
shall be tandem
spaces for cars
awaiting wash or
Parking Requirements
a. Brick or Lumber Yard or 1 1,000 sq. ft.of site area
Similar Area
b. Open Storage of Sand, 1 2,000 sq. ft. of site area
Gravel, or Petroleum
c. Warehouse&Enclosed 1 3,000 sq. ft. of floor area plus
Storage 1 300 sq. ft. of office area, if
d. Outside Storage 1 5,000 sq. ft.of site area used
for outside storage •
e. Commercial or Wholesale. 1 :1,000 sq. ft.of floor area or
Operations _ 4 for each 5 employees on
largest shift,whichever is
f. Manufacturing Operations • 1 1,000 tq. ft.of floor area or
4 for each 5 employees on.
largest shift,whichever is
g. Mini-Warehouse 1 300 sq. ft. for manager's •
office or quarters
Zoning Code 33
THE CITY OF MURPHY- Parking Requirements
(B) In the Agricultural and Residential Districts,the minimum re
quired.cil=Etreet parking spaces shall
be: .,
(1) Single-Family Residences, 2 spaces per dwelling
(2) Multiple-Family Residence, 2.2 spaces per dwelling unit
(Ord. 112, Parsed 3-1-78; Am. Ord. 203, passed 5-2-83) Penalty, see § 157.999
(A) Bank, savings and loan or similar financial establishment. One space for each 600 square feet
of floor space.
(B) Bowling alley. Six spaces for each lane.
(C) Doctors' clinics or offices. Four spaces plus one space for each 300 square feet of floor area.
(D) Churches. One space for each three seats in the main sanctuary.
(E) Convalescent home orYhome for the aged. One space for each three rooms or beds.
(F) Gasoline service station. Minimum of six spaces. :
(G) Commercial amusement. Thirty spaces plus one space for each 100 square feet of floor area
over 2,000.
(H) Golf course. Minimum of 30 spaces.
(I) Hospitals. One space for every two beds.
Q) Hotel or motel. One space for each room, unit or guest accommodation plus specified
requirements for restaurants and related facilities.
(K) Institutions of a philanthropic nature. Ten spaces plus one for each 300 square feet of floor
(L) Manufacturing, processing or repairing. One space for each two employees or space for each
600 square feet of floor area, whichever is greater.
(M) Museum or library. Ten spaces plus one space for each 300 square feet of floor area.
(N) Mortuary. One space for each two persons normally accornmo ' in services, plus one
space for each employee.
(0) Offices, general. One space for each 300 square feet of floor area.
(P) Recreational, private or commercial area or building. One space for every four persons to be
• normally accommodated in the establishment.
J'Y 1TLL11}Ai y - L1JIl1IlQ 1.E)
• THE CITY OF MURPHY- Parking Requirements
(Q) Restaurant or cafeteria. One space for every three seats under maximum seating arrangements.or;
Retail or personal service. One space for each 200 square feet of floor area.
Pa cN
(S) Furniture stores or large appliance store. One space for each 400 square feet of floor space.
(T) Storage or warehousing. One space for each two employees or one Pa Y space for each 1,000
square feet of floor area, whichever is greater.
(U) Theaters, meeting rooms and places of public assembly. One space for every three seats.
(Ord. 112, passed 3-1-78; Am. Ord. 203, parsed 5-2-83)
(A) In a residential district, no parking area shall be located between the street and the front of the
main building except for the access drives.
(B) In the Light Industrial District, no parking area shall be located in front of the main building
except access drives and limited.parking facilities normally provided for business guests.
(C) In the Light Industrial District, access drives shall be located so as to be directly opposite of
those of the lot on the other side of the street whenever possible.
(D) In all parldng areas allowing space for five or more vehicles, light shall be provided and shall
be so arranged so as to reflect the lights away from adjoining properties.
(E) In the ED, SF I, SF2 and GR Single-Family and Two-Family residential districts,the vehicle entry
way to garages and carports shall not face a public street or right-of-way adjacent to the front or side
lot lines; however, corner lots are permitted to have garages opening to the side.Carports shall not have
an open side facing a street. No portion of an attached garage or carport may be forward of the front
line of the living area of the residence. Detached garages shall be within the buildable area of the lot
behind the rear line of the residence. Newly constructed single-family and two family residences shall
include a private, attached and enclosed garage for all required off-street parking.
(Ord. 112, passed 3-1-78; Am. Ord. 213, passed 3-19-84) Penalty, see § 157.999
(A) In any residential district, an accessory building is a subordinate building detached from the
main building, not used for commercial purposes, not rented, and not used for human habitation (except
accessory dwellings).In other districts,an accessory building is a subordinate building, the use of which
is incidental to and used only in conjunction with the main building.
(B) Accessory Dwellings shall be allowed in the A and ED districts as an incidental residential use(
of a building on the same lot as the main dwelling.
_. .,.
Lliy 01 riaw)
Parking Requirements
3-1101 General
In all districts, in connection with every business, institution,
recreational , residential , manufacturing, research laboratory, public
building or any other use, there shall be provided, at the time any
building or structure is erected or is enlarged or increased in
• capacity, off-street parking spaces, in accordance with the
requirements set forth in Section 3-1109.
In all districts except CB, there shall be provided at the time any
use is changed, off-street parking spaces in accordance with the
requirements set forth in Section 3-1109.
3-1102 Off-Site Parking
Off-site, off-street parking space may be permitted with site plan
approval in any district subject to all of the following
1. That a permanent and irrevocable easement of the parking
facilities in favor of the premises to be benefited thereby shall
be dedicated and recorded as a condition of such use.
2. That the nearest point of the premises utilized for such parking
spaces shall be not more than 300 feet in a straight line from the
nearest point of the premises to be benefited thereby.
3. No such parking space may be located on the same lot as a
residence dwelling.
3-1103 Minimum Number of Spaces
Minimum requirement for off-street parking spaces shall be as set
forth in Section 3-1109.
3-1104 Size of Space
Each standard off-street surface parking space shall measure not less
than 9 feet by 20 feet, exclusive of access drives and aisles, and
shall be of usable shape and condition. Where it is possible for a
vehicle to overhang the front of a parking space above a paved,
stoned, mulched, or grassed area other than a sidewalk, street right-
of-way or adjacent property, the length of the standard space may be
reduced to 18 feet.
Each standard off-street surface parking space located on a single
lot platted for single-family or duplex use shall measure not less
than 8 feet by 20 feet, exclusive of access drives, aisles, and
alleys. The driveway shall , in no instance, be of a lesser width
than the width of the garage door.
N:RPT\ZO-ART-3 06/01/94
City of Piano
Parking Requirements
Each small car off-street parking space shall measure not less than
8.5 feet by 16 feet, exclusive of access drives and aisles, and shall
be of usable shape and condition. Where it is possible for a vehicle
to overhang the front of a parking space above a paved, stoned,
mulched, or grassed area other than a sidewalk, street right-of-way
or adjacent property, the length of the small car space may be
reduced to 15 feet. All small car parking spaces shall be grouped
and-,located in specific areas so as not to be scattered throughout a
parking lot.
A maximum of 50% of the required parking for a general office or
light manufacturing plant may be permitted as small car spaces upon
approval of a site plan but only when both of the following
conditions are met:
1. Signage will identify the small car spaces.
2. The entire grounds and building served by the small car spaces are
occupied and controlled by one tenant who shall be responsible for
policing the use of the small car spaces.
Each parking space (on-street or off-street) designed for parallel
parking shall have a minimum dimension of 8 feet by 22 feet.
Each standard parking space located in a parking garage shall measure
not less than 9 feet by 18 feet, exclusive of access drives or
• aisles, and shall be of usable shape and condition. -
For minimum dimensions of angle parking, see Appendix Illustration
3-1105 Access
1 . Adequate provision for ingress and egress to all parking spaces
shall be provided by driveways or maneuvering areas with direct
access to a public street or to a private right-of-way easement.
A private right-of-way easement shall be legally binding in form
and substance and shall be recorded in the office of the register
of deeds of the county, and a certified copy of the same, with
evidence of recording thereon, shall be filed with the Development
Services Department.
2. Two-way access driveways shall be designed as shown in Appendix
Illustration 13. One-way driveways shall be at least 12 feet wide
when the angle of parking is 45 degrees and 17 feet, 6 inches when
the angle of parking is 60 degrees.
3. Pad sites within retail centers shall be required to obtain mutual
access and parking agreements with the adjacent retail center in
order to enhance safe, on-site circulation and provide access to
the nearest available median break.
N:RPT\ZO-ART-3 05/01/94
City of Piano
Parking Requirements
3-1106 Parking Area Standards
Parking areas shall be provided with an all-weather surface, and
shall be paved and drained in accordance with City standards.
To prevent nuisance situations, all parking area lighting shall be
designed and operated so as not to reflect or shine on adjacent
properties. For safety and fire fighting purposes, free access
through to adjacent parking areas shall be provided where practical .
Except for single-family and duplex uses, parking spaces shall be
permanently and clearly identified by stripes, buttons, tiles, curbs,
barriers, or other approved methods. Nonpermanent type marking, such
as paint, shall be regularly maintained to ensure continuous clear
identification of the space.
3-1107 Off-Street Loading
1 . All retail , commercial , and industrial structures shall provide
and maintain off-street facilities for the loading and unloading
of merchandise and goods within the building or on the lot
adjacent to a private service drive.
At least one-half of such loading spaces shall have a minimum
dimension of 10 feet by 40 feet, and the remaining spaces have a
minimum dimension of 10 feet by 20 feet.
Where such loading spaces is located adjacent to a residential
district, the space shall be enclosed on three sides.
Loading spaces shall be provided in accordance with the following
Square Feet of Gross Minimum Required
Floor Area in Structure Spaces or Berths
0 to 10,000 None
10,000 to 50,000 1
50,000 to 100,000 2
100,000 to 200,000 3
Each additional 100,000 1 additional
N.RPT\ZO-ART-3 06/01/94
city ui ruin)
Parking Requirements
Square Feet of Gross Minimum Required
Floor Area in Structure Spaces or Berths
0 to 50,000 None
50,000 to 150,000 1
150,000 to 300,000 2
300,000 to 500,000 3
500,000 to 1,000,000 4
Each Additional 500,000 1 additional
2. Kindergartens, day schools, and similar child training and care
establishments shall provide loading and unloading space on a
private drive, off-street to accommodate one motor vehicle for
each ten students or children cared for by the establishment.
Loading and unloading spaces shall not be required when:
' a. Located within an office structure as an accessory use to its
employees; or
b. Located within a single-user structure as an accessory use as
a service to its employees or customers; or
c. In a shopping mall (as described in Section 3-102 of the
Zoning Ordinance) .
3. Loading docks for any establishment which customarily receives
goods between the hours of 9:00 p.m. and 8:00 a.m. and is adjacent
to a residential use or district shall be designed and constructed
so as to fully enclose the loading operation, in order to reduce
the effects of the noise of the operation on adjacent residences.
4. Where adjacent to residential uses or districts, off-street
loading areas shall be screened from view of the residential use
or district.
3-1108 Off-Street Parking Incidental to Main Use
Off-street parking shall be provided in accordance with the
requirements specified by this ordinance and located on the lot or
tract occupied by the main use or in accordance with Section 3-1102,
and located within the same zoning district as the main use.
3-1109 Schedule of Off-Street Parking
Off-street parking shall be provided in sufficient quantities to
provide the following ratio of vehicle spaces for the uses specified
in the districts designated. Where calculation in accordance with
the following results in requiring a fractional space, any fraction
less than 0.5 shall be disregarded, and any fraction of 0.5 or more
shall require one space.
N:RPT\ZO-ART-3 OG/01/94
l.Aty OI rianO
Parking Requirements
a. A, Agricultural 2 spaces for each
District dwelling unit.
b. ED, Estate 2 spaces for each
Development dwelling unit.
c. One-Family or Two- 2 spaces for each
Family Dwellings dwelling unit.
d. Single-Family 2.25 spaces for each
Attached dwelling unit.
e. Multiple-Family 2 spaces for each
Dwelling dwelling unit with
(Ordinance No. 1, 2 or more bed-
93-8-13) rooms
1.5 spaces for
each efficiency
Multiple-Family One bedroom or
Dwelling in BG less - One parking
Districts space per unit
(Ordinance No. 93-8-13)
Two bedrooms - 1 .5
parking spaces per
Three bedrooms or
more - Two parking
spaces per unit.
f. Mobile Homes in 2 space for each
MH District stand, lot or
g. RH, Retirement Rental dwelling
Housing District units - 0.6 spaces
per dwelling unit;
dwelling units - 1 .1
spaces per dwelling
N:RRT\ZO-ART-3 06/O1/94
City of Plano
Parking Requirements
2. Parking Space Schedule, Non-Residential Uses in All Districts
Animal Exhibition - One space per 600 square feet of exhibit and
pasture area.
'Artisan's Workshop - One space for each 200 square feet of retail
sales and display plus one space for each 400 square feet of
workshop and storage area. (Ordinance No. 93-8-13)
Bank, Savings & Loan or similar financial establishment - One
space for each 300 square feet of floor area.
Bed and Breakfast Inn - One space for owner/operator and one for
each guest bedroom. (Ordinance No. 93-8-13)
Churches - One space for each five seats in the main sanctuary.
College or University - One space for each two students, plus one
space for each classroom, laboratory, or instruction area.
Commercial Amusement (Indoor) :
a. Bowling Alley - 6 spaces for each lane;
b. Racquetball or handball courts - .4 spaces for each court;
c. Indoor tennis courts - 6 spaces for each court;
d. Gymnasium, skating rinks, and martial arts schools or areas -
1 space for each 3 seats at a maximum seating capacity, plus
1 space for each 200 square feet;
e. Swimming Pool - 1 space for each 100 square feet of gross
water surface and deck area;
f. Weight lifting or exercise areas - 1 space for each 100
square feet;
g. Bingo Parlors - 1 space for 3 seats (design capacity) or 1
per 100 square feet of total floor area, whichever is
h. Indoor jogging or running tracks - 1 space for each 100
linear feet;
i . All areas for subsidiary uses not listed above or in other
parts of Section 3-1109 (those noted uses such as
restaurants, offices, etc. , shall be calculated in with the -
minimum specified for those individual uses) - 1 space for
each 1000 square feet.
j . Other - 1 space for each 3 persons accommodated (design
capacity) .
N:R?T\ZO-ART-3 06/01/94
City of Plano
Parking Requirements
Convalescent Home or Nursing Home - One space for each four rooms
or beds, whichever is greater.
Day Care, Day Nursery, or Kindergarten School - One space/10
pupils (design capacity) , or one space/5 pupils when loading
spaces (see Off-Street Loading requirements) are not provided.
Parking for this use will not be required when:
a. Such facilities are located within an office structure as an
accessory use to its employees; or
b. Within a single-user structure as an accessory use as a
service to its employees; or
c. Within an accessory structure that is within 300 feet of the
main building; or
d. With a shopping mall (as described in Section 3-102 of the
Zoning Ordinance) .
Farmer's Market - One space per vendor plus 1.5 spaces for each
200 square feet of covered market area. Vendor parking and
customer parking shall be separate.
Flea Market (indoor and outdoor) - 1.5 spaces for each 200 square
feet of floor area or market area.
Furniture Stories or Large Appliance Store - One space for each
400 square feet of floor space.
Garden Center - One space for each 200 square feet of floor area
plus one space for each 2,000 square feet of exterior sales area.
(ZC 92-55; Ordinance #92-9-1)
Gasoline Service Station - Minimum of six spaces.
Golf Course - Five spaces for each green.
Government/Private Post Offices:
a. One space per employee plus one space per stored vehicle
shall be provided and located on the site so that no vehicle
is parked for more than 24 hours within the front yard or
within the side yard of a corner lot abutting a street or
public right-of-way.
b. Plus one space per 200 square feet of floor area of customer
service area and one space per 1000 square feet of storage
and distribution area.
Homebuilder Marketing Center - One parking space per 300 squaree
feet of floor area. (ZC 92-99; Ordinance #93-5-25)
N:RPT\ZO-ART-3 06/01/91
City of Piano
Parking Requirements
Hospitals - One space for every two beds.
Hotel or Motel - One space for each room, unit, or guest
;accommodation plus specified requirement for restaurants, 'meeting
rooms and related facilities.
.Household Care Facility - Two spaces for each dwelling unit.
Household Care Institution - One space for every three rooms or
beds, whichever is greater.
Library or Museum - 10 spaces plus one space for each 300 square
feet of floor area.
Manufacturing, Processing, or Repairing - One space for each two
employees or one space for each 1000 square feet of floor area,
whichever is greater.
Massage Establishments - One space for each 200 square feet of
floor area.
Mini-Warehouses - One space for each 20 storage cubicles, plus
required parking for the office and caretaker's quarters. Parking
spaces to be rented shall not be included in this requirement.
Mortuary - One space for each two persons normally accommodated in
services or one space per 200 square feet, whichever is greater. •
Nursery - One space for each 300 square feet of floor area plus
one space for each 5,000 square feet of exterior sales area. (ZC
92-55; Ordinance #92-9-1)
Office, General - One space for each 300 square feet of floor area
or 1:400 parking ratio with the following requirements:
a. Single tenant office building of a minimum of 200,000 gross
square feet;
b. F.A.R. does not exceed 0.30:1; and
c. Approval of a site plan showing where additional parking can
be added if necessary.
Office, Medical - One space for each 175 square feet of floor
Office - Showroom or office - warehouse - 1 space for each 1000
square feet or floor area for storage and warehousing, plus one
space for each 100 square feet of office, sales, or display areas.
Private Club - Unless a private club utilizes shopping center
parking requirements, the following parking shall be required:
N:RPT\20-ART-3 05/01/94
City of Pi no
Parking Requirements
a. If free standing or located in a shopping center of 150,000
square feet or less, one space for each 10.5 square feet of
bar, lounge, and waiting areas, plus one space for each 100
square feet of remaining floor area.
b. If located in a shopping center of 150,000 - 250,000 square
feet, one space for each 100 square feet of gross floor area.
c. If located in a shopping center of 250,000 - 500,000 square
feet, one space for each 150 square feet of gross floor area.
d. If located in a shopping center of 500,000 square feet or
greater, one space for each 200 square feet or gross floor
Recreational Area or Building, Private or Commercial (other than
listed) - One space for every two persons to be normally
• accommodated in the establishment.
Rehabilitation Care Facility - Two spaces for each dwelling unit.
Rehabilitation Care Institution - One space for every three rooms
or beds, whichever is greater.
Residence Hotels - 1.2 spaces per unit.
Restaurant or Cafeteria - One space for every 100 square feet of
floor area.
Retail or Personal Services - One space for each 200 square feet
of floor area.
Elementary - One space for each 15 students (design capacity)
Middle - One space for each 14 students (design capacity)
9-10 Grades - One space for each 6 students (design capacity)
11-12 Grades - One space for each 1.5 students, faculty, and
staff (design capacity)
Service Retail - One space for each 200 square feet of retail
sales area plus one space for each 400 square feet of service
Shopping Centers - One space for each 200 square feet of floor
N:RPT\ZO-ART-3 06/O1/94
City of Piano
Parking Requirements
Restaurants, cafeterias and private clubs with no bar or
waiting area that are in-line lease spaces and do not exceed
10% of the shopping center floor area (excluding single
occupant free standing buildings) may utilize a 1:200 ratio.
'.Stable - One space for each 2 stalls.
;Storage or Warehousing - One space for each two employees or one
.space for each 1000 square feet of floor area, whichever is
Theaters, Meeting Rooms and Places of Public Assembly - One space
for every three seats.
Vehicle Repair Garage - Three spaces per service bay, plus one
space per employee (maximum shift), plus one space per tow truck
or other service vehicle.
3. , For those uses listed in Schedule I, Permitted Uses, which are not
matched with a parking requirement in 3-1109 above, the following
standards shall apply:
General Parking
Use Category Space Requirements
a. Educational , Institutional One space per
& Special Uses per employee
b. Transportation, Utility & One space per
Communications Uses per employee plus
one space per stored
c. Accessory & Incidental One space per
Uses employee
d. Office & Professional Uses One space per 300
square feet of gross
floor area
e. Automobile & Related Uses One space per
employee plus one
space per stored
f. Retail Uses One space per 200
square feet of gross
floor area
g. Service Uses One space per 200
square feet of gross
floor area
N:RPT\ZO-ART-3 06/01/94
City 01 nano
Parking Requirements
h. Wholesale Uses Same as for "Storage
or Warehousing"
i . Contract Construction Uses One space per
employee plus one
space per company
j. Commercial , Manufacturing Same as for
& Industrial Uses "Manufacturing,
Processing, or
4. The number of required handicap parking spaces is based on the
total number of parking spaces provided as follows:
Total Parking Minimum Number of
in Lot Accessible Spaces
1 to 25 1
26 to 50 2
51 to 75 3
76 to 100 4
101 to 150 5
151 to 200 6
201 to 300 7
301 to 400 8
401 to 500 9
501 to 1,000 2% of total
1,001 and over 20 plus one for
each 100 over
(ZC 92-36; Ordinance #92-8-13)
3-1110 Special Off-Street Parking Regulations
1. In computing the parking requirements for any development, the
total parking requirements shall be the sum of the specific
parking space requirements for each use included in the
development except as provided in Section 3-1111. Where multiple
uses are proposed for a building, the parking requirements shall
be calculated on the basis of the most restrictive requirements
unless specific areas of different uses are delineated by floor or
building segment.
2. Wherever a parking lot is located across the street from or
adjacent to residentially zoned property, and is designed so that
headlight beams will shine into residences (whether or not such
residences have been built at the time parking lot is
constructed) , an irrigated earthen berm or a solid masonry wall or
N:RPT\ZO-ART-3 05/O1/94
City of Plano
Parking Requirements
reinforced concrete fence of not less than three nor more than
four feet in height above the finished grade of the off-street
parking area shall be erected and maintained so as to provide a
headlight screen for the residential district.
3. 'The off-street parking spaces designated for each apartment
(multiple-family) dwelling unit shall be located within 100 feet
;of the dwelling unit served by such spaces.
4. Special Vehicle Storage:
a. Definition - A special vehicle is any trailer (including
boats or any other item stored thereon) designed to be towed
on public streets or any self-propelled vehicle which exceeds
twenty-two feet in length.
b. Length - Vehicle length shall be measured to include trailer
connections and any overhang of the vehicle or trailer,
including the item being carried on the trailer:
c. Storage - Storage is defined as the continuous parking of the
vehicle for 48 hours or longer.
All vehicles must meet the following requirements:
a. No special vehicle may be stored on required off-street
b. No part of a special vehicle may extend over a public
easement or right-of-way.
c. No special vehicle stored on a residential lot may be used
for housekeeping, living or sleeping quarters.
d. If required, federal and state licensing and registration
must be current.
e. All special vehicles must be maintained in an operable
f. Stored vehicles must be secured with wheel stops or
maintained so as not to present a safety problem to the
neighborhoods in which they are located.
g. All special vehicles must be stored on an improved driveway
or improved parking surface such as concrete, asphalt, paving
stones, or brick. Gravel or crushed rock may be used in the
side and rear yards, but not in the front yard. The parking
surface must be continuous from a driveway.
N:RPT\ZO-ART-3 06/01/94
City of Piano
Parking Requirements
h. Special vehicles must be stored behind the front building
line in the side or rear yard unless the lot is served by a
driveway from a public street and which is its only point of
vehicular access, or the lot does not have access to a
standard alley (10 foot wide paved alley) .
i . Only one special vehicle may be stored in the front yard.
j. A special vehicle stored in the front p yard must be parked
perpendicular to the front property line.
k. The storage of a special vehicle exceeding 22 feet in length
in the front yard shall require a permit issued by the city,
certifying that the vehicle will be stored in compliance with
this ordinance. To obtain a permit, the applicant must
submit a plan of the lot illustrating how the vehicle will be
• stored. The permit shall specify the vehicle to be stored
and the owner of the lot. The permit is only valid for the
vehicle and owner specified. Permits may be revoked if the
vehicle is not stored in accordance with this ordinance.
1 . Special vehicles stored in the side yard or rear yard behind
the front building line must be screened from view from
adjacent lots and side streets. In addition, these special
vehicles must be screened in the front if brought onto the
lot from the rear. (See Section 3-1000)
5. In all districts developed for single-family or two-family uses,
pavement in the front yard may not exceed 55% of the area between
the property line and the building face.
6. On a residential lot all self-propelled vehicles not defined as
special vehicles must be parked on an improved surface.
3-1111 Joint Parking Facilities
With approval of a site plan, off-street parking facilities for
different buildings, structures, or uses, or for mixed uses, may be
provided and used collectively or jointly in any zoning district in
which separate off-street parking facilities for each constituent use
would be permitted; subject to the following provisions:
1 . A legally sufficient written agreement assuring the perpetual
joint usage of said common parking for the combination of uses or
buildings in properly drawn and executed by the parties concerned,
approved as to form and execution by the City Attorney, and filed
with and made part of the application for a Building Permit.
2. Up to 60 percent of the parking spaces required for a theater or
other place of evening entertainment, or for a church, may be
provided and used jointly by banks, offices, and similar uses not
normally open, used, or operated during evening hours is
specifically approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission. Such
N:RPT\ZO-ART-3 06/O1/94
tAty ui riauu
Parking Requirements
approval may be rescinded by the City Council and additional
parking shall be obtained by the owners in the event that the City
Council determines that such joint use is resulting in a public
nuisance by providing an inadequate number of parking spaces or
.otherwise adversely affecting the public health, safety, or
3-,1112 Design Standards for Parking Structures
1. 'In all districts, above grade parking structures shall conform to
height restrictions for zoning districts in which they are
2. The distance from parking structure entry and exit points to a
corner of a street intersection shall conform to standards
contained in the Subdivision Ordinance.
3. Ramps shall not be constructed with slopes exceeding 15% and
single lane entrances shall not be less than 12 feet wide at the
4. A minimum of one car length shall be provided between an exit
control gate and the inside edge of a sidewalk to minimize
conflicts between exiting cars and pedestrians..
5. Parking structure facades shall be left 50% open and interior
light levels shall be maintained at 10 foot candles to enhance
security and safety. All parking structure lighting shall be
designed so as not to reflect or shine on adjacent properties.
Full enclosure of any level of a parking structure may be
permitted only if such structure is fully sprinklered and
mechanically ventilated.
3-1113 Stacking Requirements for Drive-Through Facilities
1 . A stacking space shall be an area on a site measuring 8 feet by 20
feet with direct forward access to a service window or station of
a drive-through facility which does not constitute space for any
other circulation driveway, parking space, or maneuvering area.
An escape lane shall be an 'area measuring a minimum of 8 feet wide
that provides access around the drive-through facility. An escape
lane may be part of a circulation aisle.
2. For financial institutions with drive-through facilities, five
stacking spaces shall be required if one or two teller stations
are provided. For three or more teller stations, four stacking
spaces shall be required. An escape lane shall be provided in all
N:RPT\ZO-ART-3 06/01/94
Parking Requirements
A. Single family detached dwellings, excluding zero lot line houses, shall provide
two(2)paved off-street parking spaces on the same lot as the main building. An
enclosed garage shall not be considered toward meeting the off-street
B. Duplex, triplex,fourplex, and townhouse dwellings must provide two(2)paved
off-street parking spaces plus a one-car garage for each dwelling unit on the
same lot as the main building.
C. Single family detached zero lot line dwellings shall provide two(2)paved off-
street parking spaces plus a two-car garage on the same lot as the main dwelling.
D. The minimum number of paved, striped off-street parking spaces per dwelling
unit required for multi-family dwelling units or condominiums:
1. 0 bedroom or efficiency dwelling unit- 1.5 spaces per unit
2. 1 bedroom dwelling units- 1.5 spaces per unit
3. 2 bedroom dwelling units-2.0 spaces per unit
• 4. 3 or more bedroom dwelling units-2.5 spaces per unit
5. The average number of parking spaces for the total development shall
not be less
than 2 spaces per unit.
E. One(1)parking space for each 75 square feet of sleeping area shall be provided
for the following establishments.
1. Dormitory
2. Lodging House
3. Rooming House
4. Other similar group quarters
A. Commercial and retail uses outside of the CBD, unless otherwise mentioned
in this Section - one (1) parking space for each 200 square feet of floor area,
with a minimum of 3 spaces.
B. Office and professional buildings outside of the CBD, unless otherwise
mentioned in this Section - one (1) parking space for each 300 square feet of
floor area,with a minimum of 3 spaces.
VV 11 Ou iV.Jl Ill.1 O1LI III 'YU VY
Parking Requirements
C. Restaurants, night club, cafe or similar recreation or amusement
• establishment-one(1)parking space for each 100 square feet of floor area,or
one(1)space for each 4 seats,whichever is greater.
D. Theaters, auditoriums, churches, temples, assembly balls, sports arenas.
stadiums-one space for each 3 seats in the main auditorium or seating arca.
E. Video game parlors and other similar indoor amusement establishments -
one(1)parking space for each 100 square feet of floor area.
F. Dance, assembly and exhibition halls without fixed seats- one (1) space for
each 100 square feet used for assembly or dancing.
G. Hotel or motel-first 250 rooms -one (1) parking space for each sleeping
room or suite, For over 250 rooms - 3/4 space per sleeping room over 250,
plus one space for each 100 square feet of commercial floor area contained
H. Hospital - one (1) parking space for each bed, or for each 300 square feet,
whichever is greater.
1. Sanitarium, convalescent home, home for the aged or similar institution - one
(1) parking space for each six (6) beds plus one space for each employee
J. Medical or dental clinics-one(1)space for each 150 square feet.
K. Bowling Alley-one(1)space for each 100 square feet.
L. Mortuary or funeral home- one(1)parking space for each 300 square feet of
floor space plus one(1)space for each 100 square feet of floor area in chapel.
M. Day nurseries, day care centers, and kindergartens with over six (6)
children -one(I)parking space for each 300 square feet of floor area, plus an
off-drive and loading space for a minimum of four(4)cars for the transferring of
N. Accessory recreation or community buildings within multifamily residential
projects-one(1)space for each 100 square feet of area.
O. Schools (except high school or college) - one and one-half(1-1/2) spaces for
each classroom.
P. High schools-one(1)parking space for each three(3)students.
Q. Technical or junior college - .3 of a space per each 7 square feet of seating
R. College- .4 of a space per each 7 square feet of seating area.
. S. Manufacturing plants, research laboratories - one (1) space for each 500
square feet of floor area.
T. Warehouses-one(1)space for each 1,000 square feet of floor area.
Parking Requirements
U. Terminal facilities, truck terminals, and other similar personal and/or
material facilities-one(1)space for each 1,000 square feet of floor area.
V. Bus depots-one(I)parking space for each 100 square feet of floor area.
W. Lumber yards and wholesale establishments - one (1) for each 150 square
feet of sales floor area,plus one(1)for each warehouse employee.
X. Exceptions - Groups of uses requiring vehicle parking space may join in
establishing group parking areas with capacity aggregating that required for each
particular use. Where it can be established before the Building Inspector that
parking for two specific uses occurs at alternating periods, the parking space
requirements of the use requiring the greater number of spaces may be applied
to both uses in a combined parking area. Such parking shall be within 100 feet
of all uses to be served by such parking. Example: Church and professional
office building.
Parking - Alphabetical Listing
Assembly Hall l space for each 3 seats in main auditorium or main seating
Assembly Hall 1 space per 100'of floor area without fixed seats
Auditoriums 1 space for each 3 seats in main auditorium or main seating
Bowling Alley 1 space per each 100'
Bus Depot 1 space for each 100'floor area
Cafe I space per each 100' of floor area or 1 per each 4 seats
whichever is greater
Church 1 space for each 3 scats in main auditorium or main seating
Commercial I space per each 200'of floor area 3 minimum
Community Bldg.. 1 space per each 100'
Condominiums average number shall be 2 per unit
Condominiums 1 bdrm 1.5 spaces per unit
Condominiums 2 bdrm 2 spaces per unit
Condominiums 3+bdrm 2.5 spaces per unit
Convalescent Homes 1 space per each 6 beds plus 1 space for each employee
Dance I space per 100'of floor area without fixed seats
V V 1 1 U U ,V. 1:1.1 O I r l r 1 r r+v �.. • V. \V\.111r,•11.i. .rJ V
Parking Requirements
Day Care 6+Kids I space per each 300'plus I drive loading space minimum 4
Dental Office 1 space per each 150'
Dormitory 1 space per 75'of sleeping area
Duplex 2 spaces plus a Lear garage
h +
Exhibit Hall I space per each 100'of floor area without fixed seats
Fourplex 2 spaces plus a I car garage
Funeral Home 1 space per each 300'plus 1 space for each 100'in the chapel
Group Quarters 1 space per each 75'of sleeping area
High School 1 space for each 3 students
Hospital 1 space per each bed or I per each 300'whichever is greater
Hotel I space per each sleeping room for the first 200 rooms
Indoor Amusement 1 space per 100'of floor area
Lodging House I space per each 75'of sleeping area
Lumber Yards 1 space per each 150' of sales floor area plus 1 space for each
Manufacturing Plant 1 space for each 500'of floor area
Medical Office 1 space per each 150'
Mortuary I space per each 300'plus 1 space for each 100'of chapel
Motel I space per each sleeping room for first 250 rooms
Night Clubs 1 space per 100'of floor area or 1 'per each 4 seats whichever
is greater
Nursing Home 1 space per each 6 beds plus 1 space for each employee
Office 1 space per each 300'of floor area-3 minimum
Professional 1 space per each 300'of floor area-3 minimum
Research Lab 1 space for each 500'of floor area
Restaurant I space per each 100' of floor area or 1 per each 4 seats
whichever is greater
Retail I space per 200'of floor area-3 minimum
10, il. UD 1o. 01 r.'f.l D111 111 140 L.11 t `eJ.,
Parking Requirements
Sanitorium 1 space per each 6 beds plus 1 space for each employee
School 1.5 spaces for each classroom except High School or College
Single Family 2 spaces,paved on the same lot as main building
Sports Arenas 1 space for each 3 scats in main auditorium or main seating
Stadium 1 space for each 3 scats in main auditorium or main seating
Technical School 3 spaces for each 7'of seating area
Temples 1 space for each 3 seats in main auditorium or main seating
Theater 1 space for each 3 seats in main auditorium or main seating
Townhouses 2 spaces plus a 1 car garage for each unit
Triplex 2 spaces plus a 1 car garage for each unit
Truck Terminals 1 space for each 1,000'of floor area
Video Game Parlor 1 space per each 100'of floor area
Warehouse 1 space for each 1,000'of floor area
Zero Lot Line 2 spaces plus a 2 car garage paved on the same lot as main
Section 5.6 OFF-PREMISES
A. Off-Premises Location; For any new use, building or structure where the
required off-stzeet parking cannot be provided on the premises because of the
size or the location of the lot, such parking may be provided on other property
under the same ownership not more than 200 feet distant from the building lot
and provided the proposed parking area is located in a district where parking lots
are permitted.
Parking Requirements
Tre Rowint Zoning Ordinance
Ordinance No.3-447
R!�lpE'!!'r1�4 Ud�B
040 ,ardtapMtt dw rile 2 spaces per dwelling unit.
410111410 • 2 $paces per each 1 bedroom and 2 bedroom dwelling units.
Parking shall -in the required front yard;within
4 feet of any Wlding or closer than 2 feet to the side yard lines;
and not be permitted for stows of any truck.trsil.r,or van. (Panel
: : and pickup trucks not exceeding 1-ton capacity and boat and travel
trailers may be parked in a required perking space when the
operataor or owner of such vehicle resides upon the praises.)All
patting spaces shall be so arranged as to permit vehicles to be
parked and removed without moving any other vehicles. All parking
areas shalt be paved according to the Citys standard paving
Travel trailers-See City of Rowtett'RV Ordinance'.
Boats and travel trailers shall not be parked in car spaces. These
• must be specifically designated area for these vehicles within the
-t �'� �.+ w�\ required parking ares(s).
111401100 2 spaces per dwelling unit plus 1 specs par 3 mobile home lots for
NO* 4 ' 1 space per guest room orresiidence unit,plus 1 specs per 3 seats
"- for restaurant area,meeting rooms,etc.
Roost lif or boa14114 haste 2 spaces per structure plus 1 for each rental rooming unit.
1 space per 3 seats in the sanctuary;auditorium,or main meeting
CAtir+oft area, whichever is greater, plus 1 space per 300 square feet of
non-sanctuary uses,or 3 spaces per 5 seats,whichever is greater.
Day care uses and other uses associated with church functions will
follow the appropriate perking requirements within the Ordinance.
(Ordinance 1-19.99E)
Cdisgs,tetivaeikp,trade Sheol 1 space per day student.
Community center, theater, 1 space per 3 seats in the auditorium or assembly wee,or 1 space
asacilSoritam,club(place of aasehltbiy) per each 50 square feet of assembly area,whichever is greater.
privateno ineltilling clubs
caw aantor (chid .awe and 1 space per 10 pupils plus a circular drive or similar driveway
;eiANcj providing separate points of ingress end egress to the premises.
Hoapililla.. 1 space for every 1 patient bed.
Libraries,iinuena s,art pilules 1 space per each 250 square feet of gross floor area.
Lodge or fraternal onparttcation 1 space per each 200 square feet of gross floor area.
Sanitarium, convalescent or nursing 1 space per 4 patient beds plus 1 space for each day staff member
htiorttee (including all doctors and nurses).
Schools Elementary School- spaces per each classroom.
Middle School 4 spaces per each classroom.
High School-10 spaces per each classroom.
Crty of Rowielt,Texas Section 5-General Provisions
Adopted 4 March 1997 Page 5-11
Parking Requirements
TM Row4ett Zanlna Ondinancs
Orainenoe No.34-97
TABLED NO. 8-1 (continued)
Plea asaebst(Indoot') 1 space per 150 square feet of gross building area(Including
wee used for storage, utilities and building service).
PIN mediae(mildew) 1 space per 1,000 square feet of site area.
Gins*coashernial I space per 200 feet of gross floor area(for other commercial
uses not described In this category).
lbataaaraipit ore Maria Dining and patio areas without drive-through facility - 1 space
. ;, per 3 seats.
Bar area-1 space per 2 seats.
Waiting ar►e-1 specs per each 12*quote feet.
Employees(maximum shift)-1 space per 2 employees.
Drive-ins- 1 space per 3 seats,plus 10 spaces per site.
Dining end patio areas with drive-through facility-1 space per
3 seats, plus 10 spaces per site. "Also see queuing
(Ordinance No. 1-19-99E)
Bank 01'41 if i and knit otilloil' 1 space per 300 square feet of gross floor area,plus 10 spaces
per site. (Ordinance No. 1-19-99E)
C$lnk cr doctor's office 1 space per 175 square feet of gross floor area.
Dance,drama or musk studio 1 space per 200 square feet of gross floor area.
General office 1 space per 200 square feet of gross Moor area(for other office
uses riot described in this category). (Ordinance No.1-19-99E)
Moe warehouse or showroom 1 space per each 500 square feet of floor area for storage and
warehousing, plus 1 space for each 100 square feet of office.
sales,or display area.
Recycling center 1 space for each 500 square feet of floor area-a minimum of
5 spaces required.
Rscrang plant 1 space per 1,000 square feet of gross floor area, or 1 space
per each 2 employees on the maximum shift, whichever is
greeter. If recycling center operations are to included, then
those requirements must be added.
Warehouse and enclosed storage 1 space per 500 square feet of gross floor area. (Ordinance
No. 1-19-99E)
Wholesale or manufacturing operation 1 space per 500 square feet of gross floor area,or 1 space per
each 2 employees on the maximum shift,whichever amount is
greater. (Ordinance No. 1-19-99E)
City of Rowlett,Texas Section 6-General Provisions
Adopted 4 March 1997 Page 5-12a
Parking Requirements
TN Rowlett Zoning Ordinance
Onitnanc a No.34-7
TABLED NO. 5-1 (continued)
lifilltatairtila •
s,+vo penes 1 space per 3 seats(design capacity)or I apace per 100 square
feet of gross floor area,whichever is greater.
�trwMn�IOW 5 spaces for each lane.
. b spacer Per green.
O��t'/�Ig1 ps1"ip11 1i111. 1 space per each 3 persons accommodated(design capacity).tlMt 1
Ai*mot mp*,.,.l qr 3 spaces per service bay,plus 1 space per employee(maximum
•'• shift), pits 1 space per tow truck Or other service vehicle.
cv . 1 space per each 500 square feet of gross floor area.
w r 1 space per employee plus 1 space per stored vehicle.
Moat.spoil.�t�>kki��it�llw111rTer' General-Unless otherwise speed below, each service point
dlwrtltitpsel+1 7 shall be provided with a stacking lane (queuing space) for a
minimum of 6 vehicles..(Ordinance No. 1-19-99E)
Financial - Each teller station at a drive-through financial
institution shall be provided with a stacking lane(queuing space)
fora minimum of 6 vehicles. (Ordinance No. 1-19-99E)
Restaurant - Each remote ordering station and each service
window at a restaurant with drive-through service shell be
provided with a stacking lane(queui space)for a minimum of
6 vehicles. (Ordinance No. 1-19-99
City of Rowlett.Texas section 5-General Provisions
Adopted 4 March 1997 Page 5.12o
Parking Requirements
(c) A mobile home shall be parked or stored only in a trailer
court which is in conformity with the ordinances of the
• 5 . 1 General Intent and Application
It is the intent of these requirements that adequate parking
and loading facilities be provided off the street easement for
each use of land within the city. Requirements are intended
to be based on the demand created by each use . These
requirements shall apply to all uses in all districts .
5 . 2 Reauired Open Space
Off-street parking or loading space shall be a part of the
required open space associated with the permitted use and
. shall. not be reduced..or encroached upon in any manner.
(a) The area required for off-street parking shall be in
addition to the yard areas herein required; except that
the front yard required in a C-1 Neighborhood Shopping
District or an I-i Restricted Manufacturing and
Warehousing District may be used for uncovered parking
area; and further provided that the front yard required
in a residential district may be used for the uncovered
parking area for six (6) or less vehicles associated with
a residential use when the area is surfaced with a sealed
surface pavement adequate to prevent the occurrence of
mud and dust with continued use, and may be used for
uncovered parking area for more than six (6) vehicles in
accordance with the provisions of Article 4 , Subsection
5 . 8 infra.
5 . 3 Location
The off-street parking lot shall be located within two hundred
(200) feet, exclusive of street and alley widths , of the
principal use and shall have direct access to a street or
5 . 4 Joint Parking Facilities
Whenever two (2 ) or more uses are located together in a common
building, shopping center or other integrated building
complex, the parking requirements may be complied with by
providing a permanent common parking facility, cooperatively
established and operated, which contains the requisite number
of spaces for each use. The total number of spaces provided
shall not be less than the sum of the individual requirements.
Parking Requirements
5 . 5 Site of Off-Street Parking Space
The size of a parking space for one (1) vehicle shall consist
of a rectangular area having dimensions of not less than nine
(9) feet by eighteen (18) feet plus adequate area for ingress
and egress.
5. 6 Amount of Off-Street Parking and Loading Reauired
Off-street parking and loading facilities shall be provided
in all districts in accordance with the following schedule:
(a) Bank, savings and loan or similar financial establish-
ment: One (1) space for each three hundred square feet
of floor area .
(b) Bowling alley: Five (5) spaces for each lane.
(c) Churches : One (1) space for each four (4) seats in the
main ,sanctuary.
• (d) Commerciar'establishments not otherwise classified.: One
(1) space for each two hundred (200) square feet of floor
space used for retail trade in the building and including
all areas used by the public.
(e) Community center, theater, auditorium: One (1) parking
space for each three (3) seats , based on maximum seating
(f) Convalescent or nursing homes : One (1) .space for each
six (6) patient beds, plus one (1) space for each staff
or visiting doctor, plus one (1) space for each two (2)
employees, including nurses_
(g) Day Nursery, day care or kindergarten school : One (1)
space for each employee, plus one (1) space for every ten
(10) students or children cared for by the establishment.
(h) Dwelling, Single-family: Two (2) parking spaces shall
be provided upon the lot. No parking space shall be used
for storage of any truck, truck-trailer, or van, except
panel and pickup trucks not exceeding one (1) ton
capacity and boat and travel trailers may be parked in
a required parking space when the operator or owner of
such vehicle resides upon the premises . All parking
spaces shall be so arranged as to permit vehicles to be
parked and removed without moving one (1) car to
facilitate the movement of the other. All parking areas
shall be paved according to the other. All parking areas
shall be paved according to the city ' s standard paving
specifications . Parking on unpaved surfaces is
Parking Requirements
prohibited. All boats , travel trailer and motor home
parking shall be limited to a designated area (s) within
the required parking area (s) . Boats , travel trailers
and motor homes, when stored on a lot or tract of land
must be located a minimum distance of fifteen (15) feet
from the front property line .
(i) Furniture or large appliance store: One (1) space for
each seven hundred-fifty (750) square feet of floor
(j ) Gasoline service station: Minimum of six (6) spaces.
(k) Golf course: Minimum of thirty (30) spaces .
(1) High school, college or university: One (1) space for
each classroom, laboratory or instruction area, plus one
(1) space for each three (3) students accommodated in the
(m) Hospital's : -„One (1) space for each two (2) patient beds,
exclusive of bassinets, plus one (1) space for each staff
or visiting doctor, plus one (1) space for each three (3)
employees, including nurses, plus adequate area for the
parking of emergency vehicles .
(n) Hotel or motel : One (1) parking space for each room,
unit or guest accommodation, plus specified requirements
for restaurants and related facilities.
(o) Industrial establishments (other than listed) : One (1)
space for each one thousand (1, 000) square feet or park
thereof of warehouse and one (1) space for each three
hundred (300),. square feet or part thereof of office.
(p) Library, museum, lodge or club: Ten (10) spaces , plus
one (1) space for each employee or .for each three hundred
square feet of floor area, whichever is greater.
(q) Manufacturing, processing or repairing: One (1) space
for each one thousand (1 , 000) square feet or part thereof
of warehouse and one (1) space for each three hundred
(300) square feet or part thereof of office .
(r) Medical or dental clinics or offices : One (1) space for
each hundred seventy-five (175) square feet of floor
area .
(s) Mortuary: One (1) space for each two (2 ) persons
normally accommodated in services.
Parking Requirements
(t) Office building: One (1) space for each three hundred
(300) square feet of gross floor area in the building,
exclusive of the area used for storage, utilities and
building services .
(u) Private club: One (1) space for every three (3) seats
under maximum seating arrangement in the dining areas,
• with the primary use for the serving and consumption of
meals, and two (2) spaces for each three (3) capacity for
all bar, lounge and waiting areas . (To calculate this
requirement, "capacity" is defined as one (1) person per
seven (7) square feet, including areas of bars where
alcoholic beverages are prepared for serving. )
(v) Recreational, private or commercial area or building
(other than listed) : One (1) space for every three (3)
persons normally accommodated in the establishment.
• (w) Restaurant, or cafeteria: One (1) space for .every
seventy (70) .square feet of.. floor area .
(x) Retail or ptesonal service: One (1) -space for- each two
hundred (200) square feet of floor area .
(y) Schools , elementary or junior high: One (1) space for
each classroom, plus one (1) space for each four (4)
seats in any auditorium, gymnasium or other place of
(z) Storage or warehousing: One (1) space for each two (2)
employees or one (1) space for each one thousand (1 , 000)
square feet of floor area, whichever is greater_
For all the uses not . covered above, . the planning and zoning
commission shall make a determination of the parking demand
to be created by the proposed use, and the.:amount of parking
thus determined shall be . the off-street parking requirement
for the permitted use.
5 . 7 Paved Surface Recruired
All parking spaces shall be paved with a sealed surface
pavement and maintained in a manner that no dust will result
from continued use.
5 . 8 Off-Street Parking Lots in Residential Districts
Whenever off-street parking lots for more than four (4 )
vehicles are to be located within or adjacent to a residential
district, the following provisions shall apply:
Parking Requirements
such specific use permit; and such condi- fled in paragraph (6) above. Any desired
tions [shall be] precedent to the-granting of specific use in excess of 18 months must be
they certificate of occupancy. processed as an amendment to this ordi-
(3) No specific use permit shall be granted nance.
unless the applicant, owner, and grantee of
the specific use permit shall be willing to Section 24. Off-street parking and loading
accept and agree to be bound by and com- requirements.
ply'with the written requirements of the Purpose. To secure safety from fire, panic and
specific use permit, as attached to the site other dangers; to lessen congestion in the streets;
plan:drawing (or drawings) and approved to facilitate the adequate provisions of transpor-
by the planning and zoning commission tation; to conserve the value of buildings; and to
and city council. No public hearing is nec- encourage the most appropriate use of land, min-
essary for site plan approval. imum off-street parking and loading shall be
(4) The board of adjustment shall not have provided as set forth in the following schedules
jurisdiction to hear,review,reverse or mod- and provisions. -
ify any decision, determination, or ruling 24.1. Special off-street parking provisions—
with respect to the granting, extension, Residential district.
revocation, modification or any other ac-
tion taken relating to such specific use (1) All required parking spaces shall be lo-
permit. cated behind the required front setback
(5) Whenever regulations or restrictions im- line in the MF district.
posed by this ordinance are either more or (2) Required off-street parking shall be pro-
less restrictive than regulations imposed vided on the same site as the use it is to
by any governmental authority through serve.
legislation, rule or regulation, the regula- (3) No parking shall be allowed except on a
tions, rules or restrictions which are more paved concrete or asphalt parking space or
restrictive or impose higher standards or other impervious surface.
requirements shall govern. Regardless of
any other provision of this ordinance, no 24.2. Off-street loading space All districts.
land shall be used and no structure erected (1) All retail, commercial and industrial struc-
or maintained in violation of any state or tures having 3,000 square feet or more of
federal pollution control or environmental gross floor area, either in the building or
protection law or regulation. lot, shall provide and maintain off-street
(6) When the city council authorizes granting parking facilities for the loading and un-
of a specific use permit, the zoning map loading of merchandise and goods at a ratio
shall be amended according to its legend to of at least one space for each 20,000 square
indicate that the affected area has condi- feet of gross floor area. A loading space
tional and limited uses, and said amend- shall consist of an area of a minimum of ten
ment is to indicate the appropriate zoning by 25 feet.All drives and approaches shall
district for the approved use and suffixed provide adequate space and clearances to
by an "S" designation. allow for the maneuvering of trucks off
(7) In some cases, a temporary specific use street.
permit may be issued with the approval of (2) Kindergartens,day schools and similar child
the planning and zoning commission and training and care establishments shall pro-
the city council for a period not to exceed 18 vide paved off-street loading and unloading
months. Such temporary permit is not re- space on a private drive to accommodate
ne viable and it may be issued without the one motor vehicle for each ten students or
amendment to the zoning ordinance speci- children cared for by the establishment.
Parking Requirements
(3) Uses not listed in section 24.4 [24.3] shall (14) Furniture or appliance store,hardware store,
provide required off-street parking accord- wholesale establishments, machinery or
1 ing to the most similar use listed in the equipment sales and service, clothing or
section, as determined by the city council. shoe repair or service: One parking space
:(4) Loading docks and areas shall be located for each 400 square feet of floor area.
, within the building or on the lot adjacent to (15) Gasoline station: Minimum of four spaces.
a public alley or private service drive. (16) Hospital: P12 spaces per each bed.
1 24.3. Parking requirements based on use. In all (17) Hotel: One parking space for each one
districts there shall be provided, at the time any sleeping room or suite plus one space for
building or structure is erected or structurally each 200 square feet of commercial floor
I altered, off-street parking spaces in accordance area contained therein.
with the following requirements:
(1) Bowling alley: Six parking spaces for each (18) Lodge,or fraternal organization: Ph spaces
per 200 square feet.
alley or lane, or that required for commer-
cial amusement, whichever is greater. (19) Manufacturing or industrial establishment,•
processing or repairing: One parking space
(2) Business or professional office (general): for each two employees or one space for
IOne space per 300 square feet of gross floor each 1,000 square feet of floor area,which
area. ever is greater.
(3) Church or other place of worship: One (20) Medical or dental office: One space per 300
11 parking space for each four seats in the 'square feet of floor area.
main auditorium. (21) Miniwarehouse:Four per complex plus one
(4) High school,college or university:One space per 5,000 square feet of storage area.
IIper each three students accommodated in (22) Mobile home park: Three spaces for each
the institution. mobile home plus additional spaces as re-
(5) Library, museum or art gallery: One park- quired herein for accessory uses.
Iing space for each 300 square feet of floor (23) Mortuary or funeral home: One parking
area. space for each two seats in the service
(6) Commercial amusement, indoor or out- areas.
Idoor: 30 spaces plus one space for each 100 (24) Motel: One parking space for each sleeping
square feet of floor area over 2,000 square room or suite plus one space for each 200
feet. square feet of commercial floor area con-
I (7) Day nursery: 1112 spaces per teacher. tained therein.
(8) Bank, savings and loan: One space for each (25) Motor vehicle salesrooms and used car lots:
300 square feet of floor area. One parking space for each 500 square feet
(9) Dwelling, single-family: Two spaces per
of sales floor for indoor uses,or one parking
dwelling. space for each 1,000 square feet of lot area
for outdoor uses.
(10) Dwelling, two-family: One space per dwell-
ing. (26) Nursing home: One space per four beds.
(11) Dwellings,multifamily:21/2 spaces per unit. (27) Private club, country club or golf club: One
parking space for each 150 square feet of
II (12) Dwelling,single-family attached:Two spaces floor area or for every five members,which-
ever dwelling and an additional one-half ever is greater.
space per unit for guest parking within the (28) Retail store or personal service establish-
development. ment, except as otherwise specified herein:
(13) Mobile home subdivision: Two spaces per One space per 200 square feet of gross floor
stand or lot. area.
Parking Requirements
(29) Restaurant, cafe or similar recreation or use or where such spaces are provided
amusement establishment: One parking collectively or used jointly by two or more
space for every three seats under maxi- buildings or establishments, the required
mum seating arrangement. spaces may be located not to exceed 300
(30) Rooming or boarding house: One parking feet from an institutional building served
Apace for each sleeping room. and not to exceed 300 feet from any other
nonresidential building served.
(31) Sanitarium, convalescent home, home for (2) Not more than 50 percent of the parking
the aged or similar institution: One park-
ing space for each six beds. spaces required for theaters, bowling al-
leys, cafes, or similar uses and not more
(32) School, elementary or junior: One parking than 80 percent of the parking spaces re-
space for each four seats in the auditorium quired for a church or school auditorium or
or main assembly room and one space for similar uses may be provided and used
each classroom. jointly by similar uses not normally open,
(33) Theater, auditorium(except school), sports used or operated during the same hours as
arena, stadium or gymnasium: One park those listed; provided, however, that writ-
ing space for each three seats or bench ten agreement thereto is properly executed
seating spaces. and filed as specified below.
(34) Warehouse, wholesale, manufacturing and In any case where the required parking
other industrial type uses: One space for spaces are not located on the same lot with
1,000 square feet of gross floor area or one the building or use served, or where such
space per two employees. spaces are collectively or jointly provided
(35) Golf course:Minimum of 30 parking spaces. and used, a ritten agreement thereby
assuring their retention for such purposes,
24.4. Rules for computing number of parking shall be properly drawn and executed by
spaces. In computing the number of parking spaces the parties concerned, approved as to form
required for each of the above uses the following by the city attorney and shall be filed with
rules shall govern: the application for a building permit.
(1) "Floor area"shall mean the gross floor area 24.6. Use of parking spaces—All districts. Re-
of the specific use. quired off-street parking and loading spaces shall
(2) Where fractional spaces result,the parking be used only for these respective purposes and
spaces required shall be constructed to be shall not be used for storage or display of boats,
the nearest whole number. trailers, campers, motor vehicles or other goods,
(3) The parking space requirement for a use materials, [or] products for sale.
not specifically mentioned herein shall be (Ord. No. 93-50, § II, 10 26 93)
the same as required for a use of similar
nature. Section 25. Special and additional regula-
(4) In the case of mixed uses, the parking tions.
spaces required shall equal the sum of the 25.1. Lot area.
requirements of the various uses computed
separately. (1) (Generally.] The minimum residential lot
area for the various districts shall be in
24.5. Location of parking spaces. All parking
accordance with the individual use sched-
spaces required herein shall be located on the
ule except that a lot having less area than
same lot with the building or use served,except as herein required which was an official "lot of
follows: record" prior to the adoption of this ordi-
(1) Where an increase in the number of spaces nance may be used for a one-family dwell-
is required by a change or enlargement of ing and no lot existing at the time of
Summary of Council Actions at the May 25, 1999 Meeting
Annexation: Held the second of Two Public Hearings regarding a request for annexation on 136
acres of land along the west side of FM 1378 directly across from the Newport Harbor
development and proposed by DR Horton.
06/01/99 V. 15�5;� $'S12 239 1300 TNRCC _ I®o0Z'oc7 ..�
Robert J.Huston, Chairman e, •
R.B."Ralph"Marquez,Commissioner z tt s, i
John M.Baker,Commissioner r
Jeffrey A.Saitas,Executive Director
Protecting Texas by Reducing and Preventing Pollution
June 1, 1999
Mr. Scott Raqsdill - -
Facility Manager
Sanden International (USA), Inc.
601 South Sanden Boulevard
Wylie, Texas 75098-4999
Re: Permit Application
Permit No. 40519
Aluminum Foundry
Wylie, Collin County
Account ID No. CP-0214-J
Dear Mr. Raqsdill:
This is in response to your permit application, Form PI-1, concerning the above-referenced
facility. This will acknowledge that your application for the above-referenced permit is
technically complete as of May 25, 1999. We appreciate your cooperation in sending us the
information necessary to evaluate your proposal.
A permit for your new facility is enclosed. The permit contains several general and special
conditions that define the level of operation and allowable emissions. In addition,the construction
and operation of the facilities must be as represented in the application. This permit will be in •
effect for ten years from the date of approval.
Thank you for your cooperation and interest in air pollution control. If you have any questions,
please call Mr. Dois Webb of our Office of Air Quality, New Source Review Permits Division
at (512) 239-1575 or write the assigned engineer at Texas Natural Resource Conservation
Commission, Office of Air Quality, New Source Review Permits Division(MC-162), P.O. Box
13087, Austin, Texas 78711-3087.
Atxffrey A. Salta , .E.
ecutive Director
cc: Mr. Jesse Macias, Air Program Manager, Arlington
P.O.Box 13087 • Austin,Tens 78711-3087 • 512/239-1000 • Internet address:WWW.tnrccstate.tx.us
�.� /I /9q
vUh h-V1 -SS VG . 1'11.r r v�
06/01/99 15:54 '&512 239 1300 TNRCC 4003/007
c+_. "'its 1 Sanden International (USA), Inc.
y iS ti
Aluminum Foundry
Wylie, Collin County, Texas
LATnvOE 33° 00'06" LONGITUDE 096° 33' 26"
1.The facilities covered by this permit shall be constructed and operated as specified in the application for the permit. AN representations regarding construction piers
and operation procedures contained In the permit application shall be conditions upon which the permit is issued. Variations from these representations shed be
unlaw4ul unless the permit holder first makes application to the Executive Director of the Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission(TNRCC or Commission,
to amend this permit In that regard and such amendment is approved.(Tide 30 Texas Administrative Code Section 116.116(30 TAC 116.116))
2.Voiding of Permit A permit or permit amendment is automaticedy void if the fielder fells b begin construction within 18 months of date of Issuance,discontinues .
construction for more than 18 consecutive months prior to completion,or fails to complete construction within a reasonable time. upon request,the Executive()teeter
may grant a onetime 18-month extension of the data to begin construction.(30 TAC 116.115(DX2XA))
3.Construction Progress. Start of construction,construction interruptions exceeding 45 days.and completion of construction shell be reported to the appropriate
Regional Office of the TNRCC not later then 15 working days after occurrence of the event.(30 TAC 118.115(bX2)( ))
.4.Starter Notification. The appropriate Air Program Regional Office of the Commission shelf be notified prior to the commencement of operations of the facilities
auurorized by the permit In such a manner that a representative of the TNRCC may be present Primed construction.which may involve a series of units commen it g
operations at different times.shad provide separate notification for the commencement of operations for each unit.(30 TAC 116.115(bX2Xc))
5.Sampling Requintments. If semplIng of stacks or process vents is required.the permit holder shall contact the TNRCC Office of Air Quality prior to sampling t
obtain the proper data forms and procedures. All sampling and testing procedures must be approved by the Executive Director and coordinated with the regions:
representatives of the Commission. The permit holder is also responsible for providing sampling facilities and conducting the sampling operations or contracting vie -.
an independent sampling oonsuttant(30 TAC 116.115(bX2XD))
8.Egedvatenvy of Methods. it shalt be the resportstbiley of the permit holder to demonstrate or otherwise justify the equivalency of emission control methods,samprrC
or other emission testing methods.end monitoring methods proposed as alternatives to methods indicated in the condldoris of the permit Alternative methods shed
be applied for in writing and must be reviewed and approved by the Executive Director prior le their use in fulfilling any requirements of the permit
(30 TAC 116.115(bX2)(E))
7.Recordkeeping. A copy of the permit eking with information and data sufficient to demonstrate compliance with the permit shall be maintained In a file at the pliers
site end made evadable at the raquesl of personnel from the TNRCC or any air pollution control program having jurisdiction. For facilities that normally operates
unattended.this information shell be maintained at the nearest staffed location within Texas specified by the permit holder in the Penni!application. This irtformsbat
shall include.but is not limited to.production records and operating hours. Additional recordkeeping requirements may be specified in special conditions attached
to the permit Information in the Me shell be retained for at bast two years following the date that the information or data Is obtained.(30 TAC 116.113(bX2XF)) '
8.Maximum allowable emission rites. The total emissions or air contaminants from arty of the sources of emissions fisted in the table entitled'Emission Sources•
Maximum Allowable Emission Rates'Shall riot exceed the values stated on the table attached to the permit(30 TAC 116.115(b)(2XD))
9.Maintenance of Emission Control. Tiro facilities covered by the permit shall not be operated unless sit air pollution emission capture and abatement equtpmer s
is maintained in good working order and operating property during normal facility operations. Notification for upsets and maintenance shell be made in accordance
with §101.6 and§101.7 of this title(relating to Notification Requirements(or Major Upset and Notification Requirements for Maintenance). (30 TAC 116.115(bX2XH))
10.Compttsnce with Rules. Acceptance of a permit by at permit applicant constitutes an acknowledgement and agreement that the holder will comity with ell rites..
regulations.and orders of the Commission issued in conformity with the Texas Clean Air Act and the conditions precedent to the granting of the permit If more than
one state or federal rule or regulation or permit condition are applicable.then the most stringent limiter condition shall govern and be the standard by which compliance
shall be demonstrated. Acceptance includes consent to the entrance of Commission employees and agents Into the permitted premises at reasonable times tt
investigate Condition erelating to the emission or cementation of sir contaminants.Including compliance with the permit.(30 TAC 116.115(bX2)(l)).
11. This permit may be appealed pertuutt to 30 TAC 50.39.
12.This permit may not be transferred.assigned,or conveyed by the holder except as provided by rule.(30 TAC 116.110(d)).
13.This permit expires 10 years from date of issuance unless renewed as provided in Section 352.055 of the TCAA unless a shorter time period is specified In Pie
special conditions of this permit
14.There may be additional speclsl conditions attached b e permit upon issuance or modification of the permit Such conditions in a permit may be more restrictive
than the requirements of Title 30 of the Texas Administrative Code.(30 TAC 116.115(c)) .
15.Emissions from Ibis facility must not cause or contribute to a condition of'air pollution as defined in Section 3.32.003(3)of the Texas Clean Air Act(TCAA)cr
violate Section 382.085 of the TCAA. If the Executive Director determines that such a condition or violation occurs.the holder shalt Implement additional ebetemerz
measures as necessary to control or prevent the condition or violation.
PERMrr 405I9 / , 4
DATE June 1, 1999 !so, 'p. ! ,.
Texas Natural Resource Conaervetian Commission
v�11 -V1-JJ VL 1'T r- I . VT
06/01/99 15:55 '7512 239 1300 TNRCC 004�007
Permit No. 40519
1. This permit covers only those sources of emissions listed in the attached table entitled
"Emission Sources -Maximum Allowable Emission Rates," and those sources are limited to
the emission limits and other conditions specified in that attached table. Compliance with
these permitted emission limits is based on the throughput and or material usage rates shown
on the maximum allowable emissions rates table(MAERT).
2. Fuel for the melting furnace burner and the one natural gas-fired holding furnace burners
shall be sweet natural gas as defined in the general rules adopted by the Texas Natural
Resource Conservation Commission(TNRCC). The use of any other fuel will require prior
_approval of the Executive Director of the TNRCC.
3. Opacity of emissions from the Furnace Stack, Emission Point No. B1, must not exceed
5 percent averaged over a six-minute period, except for those periods described in 30 Texas
Administrative Code Sections 101.6 and 101.7.
4. As determined by a trained opacity observer, there shall be no visible emissions from the
building, and no visible emissions shall leave the plant property boundary except for water
vapor. If this condition is violated, further controls shall be installed and/or implemented as
required to limit visible emissions
5. As represented in the permit application, the following shall occur to maintain compliance
with all TNRCC rules and regulations:
A. Emissions from the melting furnace, the melting/holding furnace, and the burners for
the two furnaces shall exhaust from a common stack.
B. Only clean aluminum alloy ingots and clean aluminum alloy scrap generated at this
facility shall be melted and cast. The aluminum alloys melted shall be R-14 or 383 as
represented in the permit application or their chemical equivalent.
C. Rrnissions from the melting furnace and the melting/holding furnace shall be exhausted
through a vertical stack without a rain cap. •
VUI I-V1-77 VG : J. Y Y VD
06/01/99 15:55 T2512 239 1300 TNRCC ®005/007
Permit No. 40519 •
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D. The release agent used in the die cast machines shall be KEM-OIL No. MPA-4510 or
a chemical equivalent compound with a volatile organic compound content of not more
than 40 percent.
E. The die cast machines shall be vented to the atmosphere through vertical stacks.
F. The shot blast machine shall be exhausted to a fabric filter with a maximum filtering
velocity of 4.0 feet per minute.
G. The four additional holding furnaces shall be electrically heated.
6. Permitted emission points shall be identified/marked with the emission point numbers used
on the MAERT.
7. Upon request by the Executive Director of the TNRCC, the holder of this permit shall
perform stack sampling, ambient air monitoring, or other testing as required to establish the
actual pattern and quantities of air contaminants being emitted into the atmosphere.
8. The following records shall be kept and maintained and made available for inspection by the
TNRCC and local air pollution control programs having jurisdiction:
A. On a daily basis, record the number of raw ingots added to the furnace and determine
the average hourly melt rate.
B. Records that reflect on a rolling basis the quantity of aluminum (raw ingots converted
to tons) melted during the past 12 months.
C. Quantity of die cast machine release agent used during the past 12 months.
Dated Junt 1, 1999
..06/01/99 15:56 $512 239 1300 TNRCC faj006i007
Permit No. 40519
This table lists the maximum allowable emission rates and all sources of air contaminants on the applicant's
property covered by this permit. The emission rates shown are those derived from information submitted as part
of the application for permit and are the maximum rates allowed for these facilities. Any proposed increase in
emission rates may require an application for a modification of the facilities covered by this permit.
Emission Source Air Contaminant Emission Rates
Point No, (1)
DC1 Die Cast Machine No. 1 VOC 0.24 1.04
DC2 Die Cast Machine No. 2 VOC 0.24 1.0 4
DC3 Die Cast Machine No. 3 VOC 0.24 1.04
DC4 Die Cast Machine No. 4 VOC 0.24 1.04
DC5 Die Cast Machine No. 5 VOC 0.24 1.04
B1 Melting Furnace and PM0 0.13 3.0
Holding Furnace Stack(6) CO1
0.13 0.60
NOx 0.63 2.80
SO2 0.004 0.02
VOC 0.05 0.23
FUG Building Fugitives (4 and 5) PM 0.09 0.38
(1) Emission point identification- either specific equipment designation or emission point number from plot
(2) Specific point source name. For fugitive sources use area name or fugitive source name.
(3) VOC - volatile organic compounds as defined in 30 Texas Administrative Code Section 101.1.
NOx - total oxides of nitrogen
SO2 - sulfur dioxide
PM - particulate matter, suspended in the atmosphere, including PM10.
PM1° - particulate matter equal to or less than 10 microns in diameter. Where PM is not listed, it shall
be assumed that no particulate matter greater than 10 microns is emitted.
CO - carbon monoxide
06/01/99 15:56 T2512 239 1300 TNRCC ®007/007
Permit No. 40519 ,.
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(4) Fugitive emissions are an estimate only.
(5) Includes emissions from shot blast machine -
(6) Includes emissions from the primary Melting Furnace, the natural gas-fired/netting/holding furnace, and
the products of combustion from the furnace burners.
* Emission rates are based on and the facilities are limited by the following maximum operating schedule and
production usage rates:
24 Hrs/day 7 Days/week 5.2 Weeks/year or Hrs/year
MaximunIThrougliputlUsage Rates:
A. Combined primary furnace and melting /holding furnace throughput: 1.1 tons per hour and 9,660 tons
B. Die Cast Machine Mold Release Agent Usage: 3,000 gallons annually
Dated June 1, 1999