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02-16-1999 (Planning & Zoning) Agenda Packet
Planning z • ng Commission R egular B usiness Meeting February 16 , 1999 AGENDA PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION WYLIE MUNICIPAL COMPLEX 2000 Highway 78 North, Wylie, Texas 75098 February 16, 1999 6:00 p.m. CALL TO ORDER CONSENT AGENDA 1. Consider and Act Upon Approval of the Minutes from the January 25, 1999, Workshop and the February 2, 1999, Regular Business Meeting. PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS 1. ZC. No. 98-10: Hold a public hearing and consider a recommendation to the City Council regarding a request from Robert Heath for approval of a zone change form PD (Planned Development) for Retail, Office, Mini Storage, and B-1 Business or Office/Tech uses to (Planned Development) for Light Assembly, Indoor Auction, Retail, Office, Mini Storage, and B-1 Business or Office/Tech uses, for the property generally located at the southeast corner of SH 78 and Eubanks Lane and being all of a certain 6.1598 acre tract out of the Francisco De La Pina Survey, Abstract No. 688, City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas. CITIZEN PARTICIPATION STAFF REPORTS ADJOURNMENT 6-1/TC•cuLd. 1 ZIYllILl- Posted Friday, February 11, 1999, at 5:00 p.m. THE WYLIE MUNICIPAL COMPLEX IS WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE. SIGN INTERPRETATION OR OTHER SPECIAL ASSISTANCE FOR DISABLED ATTENDEES MUST BE REQUESTED 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE BY CONTACTING THE CITY SECRETARY'S OFFICE AT 442-8100 OR TDD AT 442-8170. jjt1 • 11 •t I ' ems— l rCii Wylie Consent Agenda Item No. 1 Planning and Zoning Commission Regular Business Meeting: February 16, 1999 Consent Item No. 1 RE: Approval of the Minutes from the January 25, 1999, Workshop and the February 2, 1999, Regular Business Meeting. 1. Consider approval of the Minutes from the January 25, 1999, Workshop and the February 2, 1999, Regular Business Meeting. Please note any changes or additions which need to be made. MINU'IlS T�, T *., i� �, .,�� r,r Yam.. ? ; Y ..-`I s-. .-� �_T, r�r " Y i L A �v l Y1°4 k 1 13; 1.k.3J1V li L3r �. lv 1 t►�►J�3L 1V WYLIE MUNICIPAL COMPLEX 2000 Highway 78 North, Wylie, Texas 75098 Workshop January 25, 1999 7:00 P.M. A quorum was present and a notice was posted in the time and manner required by law. Members: Staff Present: Steve Ahrens, Chairman Tobin E. Maples, Director of Planning Sharon Dowdy Carrie Smith, Secretary Eric Hogue, Vice Chairman-Absent Mike Collins, City Manager Don Hughes- Absent Mindy Manson,Assistant to the City Manager Carter Porter Julie Schmader Cecilia Wood CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by Chairman, Steve Ahrens. WORKSESSION City Attorney, Richard Abernathy, was present to discuss and answer questions regarding the role and duties of the Planning and Zoning Commission. Tobin Maples reviewed the Development Process with flow charts. (Attached.) ADJOURNMENT Motion: A motion was made to adjourn. Motion Carried - all in favor (5). Steve Ahrens, Chairman Carrie Smith, Secretary Minutes-Planning and Zoning Commission Date,Regular Business Meeting Page 1 DEVELOPMENT PROPOSAL 1 Process Time Staff/Developer Meeting(s) 30-60 Days P &Z and CC concerns Zoning, Comp. Plan,Surrounding Area Platted/Unpiatted Utilities ALREADY ZONED Zone Change Required 60 Days Straight Zoning Planned Development LConcept Plan Development Plan Zoning Denied Zoning Approved-Site Plan 30 Days with prejudice Site Plan (if required) without prejudice Preliminary Plat Final Plat Appeal to District Court Construction - Install Improvements Building Permits Certificate of Occupancy c:P\DevelProp FINAL PLAT 1. STAFF REVIEW • ZONING • SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS • FINAL PAVING PLANS • FINAL WATER PLANS • FINAL SEVER PLANS • FINAL DRAINAGE PLANS 2. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION REVIEW • OBLIGATION TO APPROVE • VARIANCE REQUEST (septic, drive approach, etc.) • SPECIFIC LAND USE 3. CITY COUNCIL REVIEW • OBLIGATION TO APPROVE • VARIANCE REQUEST (septic, drive approach, etc.) • SPECIFIC LAND USE 4. APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTION • INSTALL IMPROVEMENTS • BLDG. PERMITS ISSUED • C.O. ISSUED PLANNED DEVELOPMENT r > 1. CONCEPTUAL PLAN • GENERAL LAND USE • GENERAL THOROUGHFARES • PREL. LOTTING ARRANGEMENTS • PREL. DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS 2. DEVELOPMENT PLAN • SITE INVENTORY ANALYSIS (watercourse, traffic, etc.) • ANALYSIS OF PLANNED CHANGES • SPECIFIC LAND USE • SPECIFIC THOROUGHFARES • SPECIFIC LOTTING ARRANGEMENTS • SPECIFIC DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS • ORDINANCE 3. PRELIMINARY PLAT 4. FINAL PLAT 1 , PRELIMINARY PLAT 1. STAFF REVIEW • ZONING • SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS • PREL. PAVING PLANS • PREL. WATER PLANS • PREL. SEVER PLANS • PREL. DRAINAGE PLANS 2. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION REVIEW • OBLIGATION TO APPROVE • VARIANCE REQUEST (septic, drive approach, etc.) • SPECIFIC LAND USE 3. CITY COUNCIL REVIEW • OBLIGATION TO APPROVE • VARIANCE REQUEST (septic, drive approach, etc.) • SPECIFIC LAND USE 4. PREPARE FINAL PLAT MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION WYLIE MUNICIPAL COMPLEX 2000 Highway 78 North, Wylie, Texas 75098 Regular Business Meeting February 2, 1999 7:00 P.M. A quorum was present and a notice was posted in the time and manner required by law. Members: Staff: Steve Ahrens, Chairman Tobin E. Maples, Director of Planning Sharon Dowdy - Absent Carrie Smith, Secretary Eric Hogue, Vice Chairman Don Hughes Carter Porter Julie Schmader Cecilia Wood CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by Chairman, Steve Ahrens. CONSENT AGENDA 1. Approval of January 19, 1999, Regular Business Meeting Minutes. • Corrections : None Motion: A motion was made by Don Hughes, Seconded by Cecilia Wood to approve the Consent Agenda. Motion Carried- all in favor(6). PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS 1. ZC. No. 98-13 -Public Hearing and recommendation to the City council regarding a request from Gary Defrain for Campbell Wylie Partners, for approval of a zone change from A(Agricultural)to PD (Planed Development) for single family,multifamily, business, and open space uses, for the property generally located at the northeast corner of McCreary Road and McMillen road and being all of a certain 327.485 acre tract out of the John W. Mitchell Survey, Abstract No. 589 and the Lewis M. Marshall Survey, Collin County, Texas. Minutes-Planning and Zoning Commission February 2, 1999-Regular Business meeting Page 1 Tobin Maples Update: This case was tabled at the January 19, 1999 meeting. The applicant, Gary Defrain, is requesting rezoning on 327.5 acres to develop with a planned mixed use community. The property is zoned A (Agricultural) and undeveloped. Public comment forms were mailed to sixty-six(66) property owners with four(4) returned in opposition and three(3)returned in support. The Comprehensive Plan does not make a recommendation on the majority of this property. It does recommend a narrow strip of retail, commercial, business, and single family residential along the north side of McMillen Road. This PD is to ensure a quality development. Specific elements unique to the project are mixed use concept consisting of: 1. 125 SF-3 Lots, 555 SF-2 Lots, 105 SF-1 Lots (these are all single family detached homes), eighteen acres of multifamily,twelve acre of B-1 commercial, 13 acres of HOA maintained open space, 32.5 acres of dedicated City Park and 26 acres of private open space; 2. Thoroughfare network consistent with the City's Master Thoroughfare Plan; 3. Detention lakes constructed by the developer and maintained by the City; 4. Community center encompassing swimming pool/cabana. 5. City parks and hike and bike trails constructed by the developer and dedicated to the City; 6. Private open space; 7. Landscape buffers along McMillen and McCreary 8. Landscaped and divided points of access. Specific changes from the last meeting: 1. The applicant has reduced the total number of lots from 805 to 785; 2. Added an additional entrance to McCreary Road; 3. Applicant has modified the internal traffic circulation. Specifically, the applicant has incorporated additional west and north connections to Tract B across the open space areas, removed an alley, added a cul-du-sac, discontinuous street at the northern end of the development within tract C, and removed the traffic circle previously located the intersection of the two collector streets. Staff is recommending approval, subject to discontinuing the street on the north end of the development with a cuPde-sac so Wylie can maintain control the traffic from Parker, require a north/south collector system, incorporate the deleted traffic circle, items identified by Stanton Foerster should be noted and addressed, above ground storm water retention to be addressed at the time development plans are submitted for consideration. Discussion: Approximate build out of this development is 6 to 8 years and will be done in phases. Mr. Gary Defrain wants this development to be a benchmark in Wylie. The 25 foot landscape will be partially maintained by the HOA. The landscape in front of the retail and multifamily will not be HOA maintained. The storm water detention will increase the capacity of Muddy Creek. Minutes-Planning and Zoning Commission February 2, 1999-Regular Business meeting Page 2 Mr.Defrain does not agree with offsite improvements. Will not be responsible for other improvements within other Cities. Density is 3.2 in this development. Mr. Defrain will be adding 25 parking spaces to the main park. The traffic circle will be put back into the plan. Temporary cul-de-sac on the north end of the development is doable. The collectors are for the accessibility to parks. Public Hearing... No comments Commission Discussion: The multifamily will have pedestrian access. Mr. Defrain does not feel the Single Family and Multifamily traffic should merge. The flood plain area with homes will have to be reclaimed. Mr. Defrain will work with FEMA and have a flood study done. The entire Flood Plain area will be dedicated as an easement. No fences, buildings or elevation changes will be allowed in this area. The screening is to be masonry, wrought iron, and live. They do not have any builder's in mind. This is not to be an entry level development. There will not be any $89,900 houses in this development. This is a destination area, it must be a place people want to come. Tract B along the flood plain will be wrought iron fencing along the rear property line. Mr. Defrain is willing to lower the number of SF-3 lots to 100. Single Family lots will be developed first, not all multifamily and commercial. The developer has two years to bring forward the first phase of the development with an approved concept plan. Motion: A motion was made by Carter Porter, Seconded by Don Hughes to recommend approval to the City Council with Staff Recommendations and changes made tonight by developer. Motion - Tied (3-3). Opposition Julie Schmader, Eric Hogue, Cecilia Wood. (The tie results in a recommendation to City Council for denial.) 2. ZC.No. 98-10:Public Hearing and recommendation to the City Council regarding a request from Robert Heath for approval of a zone change from PD(Planned Development)for Retail, Office,Mini Storage, and B-1 business or Office/Tech uses to (Planned Development) for Light Assembly and Manufacturing, Retail, Office Mini Storage,and B-1 Business or Office/Tech uses, for the property generally located at the southeast corner of SH 78 and Eubanks Lane and being all of a certain 6.1598 acre tract out of the Francisco De La Pina Survey, Abstract No. 688, City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas. Minutes-Planning and Zoning Commission February 2, 1999-Regular Business meeting Page 3 Tobin Maples Update: The applicant specifically is asking to amend his current PD by adding light assembly and manufacturing as a permitted use. Public comment forms were mailed to nine (9) property owners. No forms were returned. The Comprehensive Plan recommends retail commercial and business uses for the property. The zoning and land use are consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and surrounding development. The applicant does not have to submit a Conceptual Plan due to this property has an approved PD. The development plan under consideration is identical to the zoning approved in 1996, with the exception of the new use and secured access gates located throughout the development. The applicant has stated that the new use will be limited to one (1) building encompassing 7600 square feet for light assembly, fabrication, and manufacturing and 2000 square feet for office uses. The applicant is aware that all access gates, fire lanes, and related public safety concerns must be approved before the issuance of any building permits. Staff is recommending approval with the following notes and stipulations: • To add retail to the permitted uses within lot 1. Said use was approved in 1996 and inadvertently omitted within the lot 1 project data text; • Add a light assembly, fabrication, and manufacturing square footage breakdown within the lot 1 project data; • Correct the applicable label on the structure to be utilized for light assembly, fabrication, and manufacturing. • Add the following note: 1. All structures will comply to the City of Wylie development standards and codes. 2. No building shall exceed 40 feet in height, except cooling towers, roof gables, chimneys, vent stacks or mechanical equipment rooms may project not to exceed twelve (12) feet beyond maximum building height. 3. A twenty(20)foot front yard shall be required on Tract 1 adjacent to SH 78, and a three (3) foot setback for maintenance purposes shall be placed on exterior property lines of Tract 1 and Tract 2. The applicant is aware that applicable off-street parking and landscaping must be installed prior to the issuance of any certificates of occupancy. Discussion with Robert Heath, Applicant This request is for the use of a current company that manufacture's large computers. For manufacturing purposes must have B-2 Business zoning. There will not be any new buildings. Parking spaces are a concern to the Commission. The two existing access approaches do not meet code, but are existing and were approved in 1996. The right of way belongs to the state. Minutes-Planning and Zoning Commission February 2, 1999-Regular Business meeting Page 4 The front property will have to be platted before any building permits will be issued. At the time of platting a variance will have to be requested for the two access. Public Hearing... Katherine Hummel, 4814 Spucewood Lane, Garland TX 75044 In support. Naomi Pair, 1802 Highway 78 North, Wylie TX 75098 In support. Commission Discussion All weather parking and landscaping will be required before the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy. Motion: A motion was made by Julie Schmader, Seconded by Carter Porter to table ZC. No. 98-10 to February 16, 1999 at 6:00 pm, Planning and Zoning Meeting. Motion Carried - all in favor (6). CITIZEN PARTICIPATION No Comments. STAFF REPORTS Reminder that February 16, 1999 meeting will begin at 6:00 pm. Videos are reserved. Batch plant on FM 544 is a permanent SUP. Mr. Ahrens has asked Staffto review the tapes from the meeting regarding of the SUP for the batch plant. ADJOURNMENT Motion': A motion was made by Eric Hogue, Seconded by Julie Schmader to adjourn. Motion Carried - all in favor(6). Steve Ahrens, Chairman Carrie Smith, Secretary Minutes-Planning and Zoning Commission Date,Regular Business Meeting Page 5 ; + rI t is T =City of W Iie Public Hearing Item No. 1 98-10 Rezoning Planning and Zoning Commission Public Hearing: February 2, 1999 Planning and Zoning Commission Recommendation: Tabled to February 16, 1999 Planning and Zoning Commission Public Hearing: February 16, 1999 Owner/Applicant: Robert Heath Location: Generally located at the southeast corner of SH 78 and Eubanks Lane Existing Zoning: PD (Planned Development) for Retail, Office, Mini Storage, and B-1 Business or Office/Tech uses Requested Zoning: PD (Planned Development) for Light Assembly, Indoor Auction House, Retail, Office, Mini Storage, and B-1 Business or Office/Tech uses Summary: The applicant is requesting rezoning on 6.1598 acres in order to add two (2) permitted uses to the existing Planned Development zoning classification previously approved by City Council on March 26, 1996. Specifically, the applicant is requesting that light assembly and indoor auction be approved as permitted uses on Lot 1. Light assembly and indoor auction uses are permitted by right within a B-2 (Business) district or as approved within a PD (Planned Development). Currently the property is partially developed with business and mini warehouse uses and zoned PD (Planned Development) for Retail, Office, Mini Storage, and B-1 Business or Office/Tech uses. The properties to the east, and south are vacant and zoned for A (Agricultural) uses. The property to the west is zoned B-1 (Business) and partially developed with business uses. The property to the north is vacant and zoned for B-2 (Business) uses. Public Comment Forms were mailed to nine (9) property owners within 200 feet of this request. One (1) Public Comment Form in support has been returned. Department of Planning, 02/11/99 98-10 Issues: • The Comprehensive Plan recommends retail, commercial, and business uses for the property. The proposed zoning and land use are consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and surrounding development. • The applicant is not required to submit a Conceptual Plan due to the fact this property already has an approved PD (Planned Development) classification. • The development plan under consideration is identical to the zoning approved in 1996, with the exception of the new uses and secured access gates located throughout the development. The applicant has stated that the new uses will be limited to one (1)building encompassing 7400 square feet for light assembly or indoor auction, 1200 square feet for warehouse, and 1000 square feet for office uses. • The applicant is aware that all access gates, fire lanes, and related public safety concerns must be approved by the fire department at the time of platting or issuance of building permits and certificates of occupancy. • The applicant is aware that the following notes or revisions need to be added to the development plan prior to placing this case on the City Council agenda: • Add retail to the permitted uses within lot 1. Said use was approved in 1996 and inadvertently omitted within the lot 1 project data text; • Correct the applicable label on the structure to be utilized for light assembly or indoor auction. Currently, the building incorporates a showroom label which is incorrect; and • Add the following notes to the development plan 1. All structures will comply to the City of Wylie development standards and codes. 2. No building shall exceed 40 feet in height, except cooling towers, roof gables chimneys, vent stacks or mechanical equipment rooms may project not to exceed twelve (12) feet beyond maximum building height. 3. A twenty(20) foot front yard shall be required on Tract 1 adjacent to SH 78, and a three (3) foot setback for maintenance purposes shall be placed on exterior property lines of Tract 1 and Tract 2. • The applicant is aware that applicable access, off-street parking and landscaping must be installed per City of Wylie standards and ordinances prior to the issuance of any certificates of occupancy. • The applicant is aware that the property will have to be platted prior to the issuance of any new building permits. Department of Planning, 02/11/99 Planning and Zoning Commission Update: At the February 2, 1999, Planning and Zoning Commission meeting, the Commission voted unanimously to table this case to the February 16, 1999, Commission meeting in order to allow the applicant to reexamine the proposal. Specifically, the Commission requested that the applicant reexamine the parking configuration within Lot 1. The Conceptual Plan under consideration tonight incorporates a few deviations from the original plan reviewed at the February 2, 1999, Planning and Zoning Commission meeting. Specific changes being proposed by the applicant are as follows: 1. The applicant is requesting two (2) new uses. Specifically, the applicant is requesting that light assembly and indoor auction uses be approved as permitted uses within lot 1. The proposal presented at the February 2, 1999, Commission meeting did not include the indoor auction element; 2. The applicant has reconfigured the parking within lot 1. Specifically, the applicant has relocated all required parking between the western property line and the westerly most structure (see attached 8 1/2 X 11 copy of previous configuration); 3. The applicant has added a note to the development plan requesting that all required parking be constructed of crushed concrete on a temporary basis. Specifically, the applicant has stated that he would like to utilize the proposed temporary parking standards until future development occurs. The paving standards (attached for your review) state that all required parking shall be paved with concrete or asphalt material and designed according to City standards and specifications. Staff does not support the request for temporary crushed concrete parking; 4. The applicant has removed the future retail structure previously located in the area where the temporary parking is being proposed. Staff recommends that the applicant revise the development plan by showing the approximate location and configuration of the retail structure with a faded or dashed line. If the structure is not shown, the applicant will be ° required to go through the zoning process at a later date should he desire to build the structure; 5. The applicant has removed the screening fence and modified the parking configuration between the two eastern most structures within lot 1. Said parking and screening was required when this case was originally approved in 1996 in order to screen the mini warehouse units located within these two structures. Staff recommends that the original configuration be incorporated in order to maintain the integrity of the previously approved development plan (see attached 8 1/2 X 11 copy of previous configuration); and 6. The applicant has added a temporary parking note at the bottom of the project data column. Staff recommends that said note be removed as it conflicts with the note stating that all required parking will comply to the City of Wylie parking standards and ordinances. Department of Planning, 02/11/99 Financial Considerations: Application fee in the amount of$250.00 - Paid Staff Recommendation: Approval, subject to the development plan being revised as follows: • Add retail to the permitted uses within lot 1. Said use was approved in 1996 and inadvertently omitted within the lot 1 project data text; • Correct the applicable label on the structure to be utilized for light assembly or indoor auction. Currently, the building incorporates a showroom label which is incorrect; • Remove all notes referencing temporary parking from the development plan; • Reconfigure the parking and screening located between the two eastern structures within lot 1. Staff recommends that the original configuration be incorporated in order to maintain the integrity of the previously approved development plan(see attached 8 1/2 X 11 copy of previous configuration); and • Add the following notes to the development plan 1. All structures will comply to the City of Wylie development standards and codes. 2. No building shall exceed 40 feet in height, except cooling towers, roof gables chimneys, vent stacks or mechanical equipment rooms may project not to exceed twelve (12) feet beyond maximum building height. 3. A twenty(20) foot front yard shall be required on Tract 1 adjacent to SH 78, and a three (3) foot setback for maintenance purposes shall be placed on exterior property lines of Tract 1 and Tract 2. The Departments of Public Works, fire, and Community Development concur with this recommendation. Attachments: Public Comment Form Location Map Area Zoning Map Property Owner Notification Map Property Owner Notification Report Public Hearing Notice Zoning Change Application Department of Planning, 02/11/99 PUBLIC COMMENT FORM (Please type or use black ink) FEB© O 5 1999 REC'D D 2000 Highway 78 North Wylie,Texas 75098 II am FOR the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case#98-10. I am AGAINST the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case#98-10. Date,Location&Time of Planning&Zoning Commission meeting: Tuesday,February 2, 1999, 7:00 pm Municipal Complex,2000 Highway 78 North,Wylie,Texas Date,Location&Time of City Council meeting: Tuesday,February 22, 1999,6:00.pm Municipal Complex,2000 Highway 78 North,Wylie,Texas '(b ?MlLk( TK.UsI" Name: CIo nwAN aE 1300 (please print) Address: 312.. ME/'cDOU M0Q AiI ()Rule" lO Pcco9 TX 7 -I(oL Wylie Tax Account Number 1 tt (if shown on enclosed map): —b W 1Sn — O `r Y 7/0— ( Signature: l/J� e Id Date: COMMENTS: \ \ .• / , , ----". , _----- \ \ . „------ - _-_-_---------_---- ,- ,- SU ECT .-- .--9- \ „A It PARTY ,. \ \ //37 'rva e I. wo 10. z \---,N, \ \ 5‘.‘ to- -113 0 KII 1 i 1 • I 1 1 ,-, \ V I X -05 111111 z i w, -- r 411M1fiM-_1=_O11_1 1N11S10 IAiI1 ., _ Z ›\) — 1111. . m ni , , 6 v IIIIHMUOMP or / ,Lie ' viredrill.1 illiZUMMil ax41‘ \ 11041111010111111IiiiiiIMOISIE P \,...2 •-• , 11111 =iiitt....111111111111111111111 .. ,. Wile M A a I 1----1-----..i i i i n n i i 1 i i 1 i I I I I I 1214:11111111 i 1 V-Iriiiiii' i IIII Bro n St l'i mum= ILIMINIMMC•Inii /E11111■Emmaggonm I 1 1_3.. I I J_____1 , I i 1 1 t 1 : i dm my ma.% E I 1 1 / 1 ill IMMEOB T.,7-imr,+- gi nut-- , Iiii •MEM• I M.:IIIIIM --\i--------i MI 1110114 1 MN I \ Emu& as maw viniumt 1 ,,. .,,.., .. - imuur 1 \\-- —-Hinz / i J rin=-r-lin ,161111.1. 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Eubanks ,' `jr 20601 R-6688-002- „` 0670-1 ` „, S �` ��:.E' �i tdPROPE::n .onot ,� :• Ty, t , : i r,yt, r F.� ; ,,,,,„.„,„,.„.,,,,:,,,,,,,,„,, T it o ,.. k�� t( ,r �tt ,„ ,s3 t ,. . i.l.t t..,i,¢ 3 I f 7 i�7�l..Z.. }2 I .. .:,,,,q,:•,:,::,,,,,,„..„„.:::::::,, . . _ . . _ .. _ . . _ . ._ . . _ . . _ .. _ . . _ . ._ .. _ . . _ . . K. Hunmel c N.Eubanks R-6688-001 - :I C R-6688-002-0589-1 0530-1 / -3 PROPERTY OWNER NOTIFICATION O MAP ZONING CASE #98- 10 • k • BUILDING CONSTRUCTION TYPES: ' •...fi. ' ••• '>R HOe9 MG _r, �rr�)/ } .%IFr�� c��� ALL SINGLE STORY MASONRY AND STEEL(METAL SIDING)BUILDINGS.ROOFS TO BE • 1�1 p . •::. ip,-- 1 // ; r/ COMBINATION METALROOF SYSTEMS AND COI+POSTiTON SlID1OLB5. ,,,,,)r, ,�� . • .� :. . � � � Gj0DOORS STOREFRONT SYSTEM ilTILtTED FOR ENTRANCS • '►� �e: � ��'.11�mais �^ A �� 11 ®, N ��a�� 1� r11 !®aat11� ',•— A 8 • , °• —. - EI .:, � IIIL -;t"�ellr'w :'....4.• W . • • CONCEPT',ELEVATION LANDSCAPE • • ALL LANDSCAPE TO CONFORM TO THE CITY OF WYLIE ORDINANCES AND CODES • MATERIALS USED: ,e;., ,• ,'• TREES L OAKS OR RED OAKS 4 INCH iN CALiPHER SPACED PER CITY •A 0.4,-h5 moo SHRUBS BUFORD HOLLY;5 GALLON CONTAINERS @ 4 Ff.ON CENTER ' 2. HIGHWAY Y'.N O. 18 GROUND COVER ASIAN JASMINE GRASS BERMUDA LEGAL; __ _-. - W • .) Being a tract ofland situated in die Francisco De La Pina Survey,Abstract.,68E,City of Wylie,Collin �� • �� SXi�fftNd W M t ••. County,Texas and being same tract of land conveyed toR W.Heath.by deed recorded in Coady ":.� �Ma WM nee'woo. Clerk's File Na 93.00988132,Collin Chanty,Texas;and being more pardeularty described ss follows: 'Ff F EMS- N-081-45-32-E 21'1.1 v.,/LANDsu+Pa '. O CJ rr f r1' ® U A'"ca9uP • Beginning at a 54 inch Iran rod set is the south right of way lino of State HwyNa ZS and being the 1�7, f>At{09CAPING l. G�TYP northeast coma of a 4 acre tract of land conveyed to Sherwood E.Blamt k by deed recorded in Volume • J • -TERSE 3(RA,I,y 135-Avow*Gal 2359,cagea23,Dad lteoords,colon County,Texas A k z.t Fl- t WINDMILL VILLAGE-DEVELOPMENT PLAN Thence,N89 4$'36"E,ado said OFFICE Deppas g right of way line,adisanceof297.70.ttoa2iadu .. —I ( _ SCE Iron pipe farad for the northwest coma of a 1.0 acre trail of land conveyed to Archie Et6eoics by dad I gafr�CataC. Go' PROJECT DATA recorded in Volume 951,Page 741,Deed Records,Collin County,TOM lkbtte gs NL Otc.T' @ ((� t�iwiMO o�Rr$ ' r. OWNER: R.W.HEATH Thence,S00degroa,14`24"E.,along thew.Roe of said 1,0 acre,a ceof209.12fedtoa14in. icoosr , iron rod act for comer in the north line of a 13.9254 wetted of tend conveyed to Aedde Eubanks by deed L}G—----—— ( t 4506 E.PARKER RD. recorded ra Volume 1083,Page 270,Deed Records,Collin County,Texas: AW NtMb • t ;• PARKE 2,TEXAS 75002 � 'I' �I ( • (972)578-7807 Thelma S 89 degrees 54'SR'W,slog the north line of said 13.9254 acts tract of land,a distance of b i w � (OFFICE, 297A0 fed to a 1 inch iron pipe fend for the southeast coma of aforementioned 4 acre tract of land P. 4--g F,-r M J LOT 1: INDOO D USE&MINI WAREHOUSE,LIGHT ASSEMBLY,AUCTION HOUSE) �r � � � ���/1 r�Thence,N 00 degrees 19'29"W,slog the east line of said 4 sae tract of land a distance of 208.31 fbd Ii LAND AREA 1.425 ACRES SHOWROOM 7,400 SF tothe Point of Beginning andconaining62,102 square feet or1.426 acres ofArad I , MPD2ARY GKU51 i!'i� 7�= /'�'"{' a OFFICE SPACE 1,700 SF AREA. G(UcRW r% Pet eK i n& M2 i!Jcl t , i i f' L LOT i n 1•4 G WAREHOUSE 1200 SF • Being a tract of land situated in the Francisco De La Pine Survey,Abstract Na 688E City of Wylie,Collin % MINI WAREHOUSE 12,100 SF County,Texas and being a part of 13.9254 acre tract of land conveyed to Archie Eubanks by deed recorded E 4,0W n 02 I 1 I ( PARKING REQUIRED Volume 1063,page 270,Dad Records,Collin County,Texas,end being more partiadarty described as rap Vac.s� I 7!APot2AI2Y bttia SHOWROOM 19 follows: p �{ GRuytCp LGI.f,UtGTE OFFICE 6 Begbming at a 1 inch iron pipe found Rr the southwest coma of a 1.426 acre tract of land conveyed MR X . WAREHOUSE 2 MINiWAREHOUSE • W.Heath mr:oorded by Coamty Cietk's Fita Nor 43-0098882E Collin Canty,Texas,and being the cad I6n .. � E)ngTi►,IG 34 SP PARKING PROVIDED IDF..D 38 SP ofa4ed tract s,landnCou tytoWalterSandNaom{PairbyDadRecordedfirYoluan3559EPage ___-- 1TBOD0S r Y/prrEFlbJSi LOT2: USE PD(OFFICE,MINiWAREHOUSE W/ON S[TE SEC[7RI fY OFFICE AND Pt • Thence,N89 degrees 55'02"E,along the south Rteof said Heatlshss5 Asanceof265.11fedtoa54 • .• �usT / / / APARTMENT) • 12005E Cyost FRONT.P�t,��DES \ r-euaa... / CS II"REMODEt•EDFJ indh iron rod set for comer; ••,MASONRY PENCE,',.., F>`.' --� LAND AREA 2.57 ACRES ,, ,�; _1k - '. N ti9"55 is E c • OFFICE SPACE/APARTMENT 1,500 SF • Thence,S 01 degrees 54'02"W.,a distance of 438.60 fat to a Ya inch iron rod set for coma; .'I,V.1sY•' :e„ --='•F -.._.---.' / 32.2T MINI WAREHOUSE 43,380 SF ' ' • PARKING RED:iSSP BO ruKg Full, REQUIRED:Itasca N 89 degrees 45'OS",a disfende of 663.i5 fat to a PK Neil set in asphalt for comer in Eubanks N, ,E,X,,p U ---, _. PARKING PROVIDED:16 SP SURPLUS PARKING 1 SP • Lamm and being the southeast coma of said Porn trail ON SIGHT SECURITY 4'�* t?4S w '---:--7-INTC(s-ANID.+A6eARTi e..." -4: A 1 i5 G-iME� 1 •-3:. - F'vTv ♦u,',t niE .;•.-•r-�,• • .; .yr y (fNCLUDES TIUO GAR G,h�5 ........., M LOT 3: USE-E-I'(OFFICE-TECH) Thence,N 01 degrees Or BM.,a distance of 272.20 fed to a PK Nail sd M asphalt for comer In CAR:p9RT) ;_.. 7 ,,a I , 1 30' i�XlZnmil OrJ u�Lrj(Z ' LAND AREA 2.15$ACRES .baoka Lane and being the southwest comer of said P.Trott 9 - 3>'.. i 1 us \ '''''"I' ''''"I�t , ` - 1 1"`•,•, 5P � ( I E1UILDING:25,000 SF ' Y 1: ( , r 12,000 SF OFFICE Thence;se 89 degrees t25'he st cor slog the Pak Tina of said Pair trail,a distance of 417.42 fed to a 54 inch r i -,a" I 50. I i 't0' I ( '• 1 • , 13,000 SF TECHNICAL irvmrmrodadsatnaaatl,easedamaofsaidPairTro�• i• ) 1 I t I Ixarp 1'itll'{•INi3 Thence,N00degaeesl0'02"W.,alongtheeastlineofsaidPaiSE22Gsdisanceof20E76fedtothePoint Tr� lit PARKING REQUIRED.2255 SP of Beginning and Containing 4.7338 saes. i �a! I I I i, j r. PARKING PROVIDED:b0 SP SURPLUS S SP ti* 5 • n : 1 1 1 r- I I iZZMAO0 SY.."t JiG't • PARKING REQUIREMENTS COMPUTED AS FOLLOWS: ' I. 1 l I •I .,14S 5 41E...el ItMIk. Oy u,a,� NOTE:TEMPORFUTURE PARKIN ING TO REVIEWED FUTURE DEVELOPMENT STAFF '7�) y�•d hr t FUTURE PARKING TO BE REVIEWED BY CITY STAFF AT TIME OF Vote: A1 � •Z3 I ! I '(. IIOL 69E3,'pi.ill PLAN REVIEW .�* OFFICE:i/300 SF �,r'y� �++ I I I !• Q4AJ,CrO• /�S MINIWAREHOUSE:1/5000SF+4/COMPLEX �. fib• I •( I I' I I e'a WAREHOUSE:1/1000 SF • A SHOWROOM:.00 SF :r" '' TECH: i 5PACE/1000 SF '• .,,.•- r`r ,Z•"; • I 7�C .I1. ( • NOTE:ALL REQUIRED PARKING WILL COMPLY TO THE CITY OF WYLIE PARKING `• "t dj • 1 S STANDARDS AND ORDINANCES • L'k1S"tluEt ;. O '"'�"'�"•,I;' (- i o• """""'�" .I p..""."..i s. to..BUILDING SETBACK:...•.," L l / "o, "'i h. x • ' . . . •� N'VP2590"'E,'df*4o�+b1A0Pi, '.2i864Z'!.. ••••.... •_s➢ . w. I•ru. I ( • STOCK . • 7 '� • -�+ T 4 "-""�.,r`•*e'10 �;�.•�` of � •a' 1 ��I� � .} .. 39 l''''. .'� • I . :r.,.4•„. t,. n'•.' i •ct I •cw•t 'I �t • • I .,.1 20'BtmDiNG. Y sal I I ( . • •'. ,SETBACK ..,,.17:7•i4'.;DRNEMtAi'AND'PtRELANRt�-e—�^^,1 ,•' •r,• I'., I. �/N .i 1 „ .. ) is 7 �"' '.... +. 1 •H00000'L " •• • 1 . (L"....*--"al. -•SBEfNN4g5EB.� F,t.• • ,C. t/yr''r J Q7 a. PROPOSED Oi *STORY'. t{', 1 AND' • AND 80 '> • .. �:� r" ( �• BOAT i �BOA T f I t>�NA� � �..., :. ts'y• o OFFICE /:TE'G"1-1.s;.BLD'G ! I r•;' a v, f ;,.;,•.,,,," 1; . I PARKING I • 1 PARKING I 3 11� ,. f0 t vo-7. <. ``•'•:,9; �• ado _��) •L_ s • COURT. �.SI. 19p/. / - .. .Y.p �:_.: ' :_.. FEB 101999 :r , '•' , ,:. # [,,,,,,,,, `• EMERGEN Y.' �j / s E { t .. .I.OTr 3: c lot # • p RmErER WALLS • . , .h. Y 'i.'.1.;'''-',...- : .;Y' s, -i-'t,Wr5. dad - TO,BE MASONRY • ., 'r.;:• ;.;;. ,. �� , � .r GATE'•.,; .. / WALLS WITd4 NO '•GASH D LiN :`h.:.. ( :�. ,.r. 'i,h;:o .c5,.r:.� �.... ......;.- .�._.,. p RE RESE TS R...a. �'�' ••,, «. ",R ••';• :'tz ':r���•:'^. �• PENETRATIONS � ::::1 �( .r�����+�' .,t.,��"i.' '':€r:.x,. • GERALD E.MONK»P.E. PROJE ..'„LIKDATtON .;' • x.,:: .I ••h 't. •�, lea � :3 ,,. . 0 r YJ ,Y: • WBVDMII.L'VHLAGE CONSUI TIIiG ENGINEER cy— ...'r"": • • • : .r .:.:•t. .'t r. ,•, .. 1f190 HIGHWAY 18 N!11 0 ill . i 3S.IN��f y"• i9i ;.J; 7 ,A u. r r, '•{'i.,y,;J• .:1 .fV's k:,��; �,,�� �-e��rs�as W:; '�.:. �i�ts:cr. �}, .K- ":: rt :.., :o�.,ai let',1„Y..A•ie j. • `k;, ., , . . WYLE,TEXAS �` hur•:'.� d r 'DIN•.^$E. K': =(:. R . ,• ..,:,` ;... •• . ,,�s'a ...s^v. •14t�ff._.C+. 'Ifi>li�c.,, .M19QN 1';:`:•.... • ,,• �y+,;ye PERIMETER 9CAP r.,,...•,•,,.••,•.••s S+<:i.' • •• , 2426BROOKCRESTPLACE. DATE: 114199 S ii �f `''.;;>` � ;t•• ;•a,-i�i"y?ii,.va:• G TEXAS7SO40 R °f9 .•. tl p>'so - 2A•G-{" 'IT°L� FLAN !ii=A U'-D►t t t974 7�xs r,'x�•t� h SHEET VOLUME 353,P 315 ... •• . GI „ —_.t, NOTIFICATION REPORT C., PLICANT: Robert Heath APPLICATION FILE # 98-10 1903 "A' Hwy 78 North Wylie, Texas 75098 # DLK/ABST LOT/TRACT TAX I.D. # PROPERTY OWNER NAME ADDRESS Boyd Family Trust 312 Meadow Mountain Drive 1 .,.ost. 688-1 Tract 77 R-6688-001-0770-1 c/o Dwayne Boyd Waco, Texas 76712 4814 Sprucewood Lane 2 Aost. 688-1 Tract 53 R-6688-001-0530-1 Katherine Hummel Garland, Texas 75044 1802 Hwy. 78 North 3 ;ost. 688-2 Tract 60 R-6688-002-0600-1 Walter Pair Wylie, Texas 75098 Eubanks Living Trust 1900 Hwy. 78 North 4 Abst. 688-2 Tract 63 R-6688-002-0630-1 Archie Eubanks Wylie, Texas 75098 Eubanks Living Trust 1900 Hwy. 78 North 5 )st. 688-2 Tract 67 R-6688-002-0670-1 Archie Eubanks Wylie, Texas 75098 4814 Sprucewood Lane 6 Aost. 688-2 Tract 58-9 R-6688-002-0589-1 Nolan Eubanks Garland, Texas 75044 Woodlake Village 7557 Rambler Road #1023 7 A Lot 1 R-2381-00A-0010-1 Wylie Woodlake Partners, LC Dallas, Texas 75231 Texas Department of Transportation P.O. box 90 8 _ State Hwy. No. 78 Bill Lovil McKinney, Texas 75069 R-6688-002-0650-1 1903 "A" Hwy. 78 North 9 ,,Dst. 688-2 Tracts 65 &206 R-6688-002-2060-1 Robert Heath (applicant) Wylie, Texas 75098 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION AND CITY COUNCIL An application has been received by the City of Wylie for a: PROPOSED ZONING CHANGE Zoning Case Number: 98-10 Applicant: Robert Heath Location: Generally located at the southeast corner of SH 78 and Eubanks Lane Property Description: (See the attached Exhibit"A"for full legal description) Present Zoning: PD(Planned Development)for Retail,Office,Mini Storage,and B-1 Business or Office/Tech uses Requested Zoning: PD(Planned Development)for Light Assembly, Manufacturing,Retail,Office, Mini Storage,and B-1 Business or Office/Tech uses This public hearing is held to consider the application as an amendment to the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City of Wylie,Texas and the Official Zoning Map. The request will be considered as follows: Planning and Zoning Commission: Tuesday,February 2, 1999,7:00 PM City Council: Tuesday,February 22, 1999,6:00 PM Each public hearing will be held at the following location: City Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex 2000 Highway 78 North,Wylie,Texas All interested persons are encouraged to attend the public hearing and express their opinions on the zoning change request. • tt tx4; , fi LEGAL: AREA I: Being a tract of land situated in the Francisco De La Pina Survey,Abstract No.688,City of Wylie,Collin County,Texas and being the same tract of land conveyed to R. W. Heath by deed recorded in County Clerk's File No. 93-0098882,Collin County,Texas,and being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a'/z inch iron rod set in the south right of way line of State Hwy No. 78 and being the northeast corner of a 4 acre tract of land conveyed to Sherwood E. Blount Jr.by deed recorded in Volume 2359,Page 423,Deed Records,Collin County,Texas: Thence,N 89 Degrees 45' 36"E.,along said south right of way line,a distance of 297.70 feet to a 2 inch iron pipe found for the northwest corner of a 1.0 acre tract of land conveyed to Archie Eubanks by deed recorded in Volume 951,Page 741, Deed Records,Collin County,Texas: Thence,S 00 degrees, 14'24"E.,along the west line of said 1.0 acre,a distance of 209.12 feet to a'/s inch iron rod set for corner in the north line of a 13.9254 acre tract of land conveyed to Archie Eubanks by deed recorded in Volume 1083,Page 270,Deed Records,Collin County,Texas: Thence,S 89 degrees 54 ' 56"W.,along the north line of said 13.9254 acre tract of land,a distance of 297.40 feet to a 1 inch iron pipe found for the southeast corner of aforementioned 4 acre tract of land: Thence,N 00 degrees 19'29"W.,along the east line of said 4 acre tract of land,a distance of 208.31 feet to the Point of Beginning and containing 62,102 square feet or 1.426 acres of land AREA 2,3: Being a tract of land situated in the Francisco De La Pina Survey,Abstract No.688,City of Wylie,Collin County,Texas and being a part of 13.9254 acre tract of land conveyed to Archie Eubanks by deed recorded Volume 1083,page 270,Deed Records ,Collin County,Texas,and being mere particularly described as follows: Beginning at a 1 inch iron pipe found for the southwest corner of a 1.426 acre tract of land conveyed to R. W.Heath recorded by County Clerk's File No. 93-0098882,Collin County,Texas,and being the east line of a 4 acre tract of land conveyed to Walter B. and Naomi Pair by Deed Recorded in Volume 3559,Page 77,Deed Records,Collin County,Texas; Thence.,N 89 degrees 55'02"E,along the south line of said Heath tract,a distance of 265.11 feet to a'/2 inch iron rod set for corner; Thence,S 01 degrees 54'02"W.,a distance of 438.60 feet to a% inch iron rod set for corner; Thence,N 89 degrees 45'05",a distance of 663.15 feet to a PK Nail set in asphalt for corner in Eubanks Lane and being the southeast corner of said Pair tract; Thence,N 01 degrees 08' 50"W.,a distance of 222.20 feet to a PK Nail set in asphalt for corner in Eubanks Lane and being the southwest corner of said Pair Tract; Thence;N 89 degrees 25' 10"E.,along the south line of said Pair tract, a distance of 417.42 feet to a'/ inch iron rod set for the southeast corner of said Pair Tract; Thence,N 00 degrees 10' 02"W.,along the east line of said Pair tract,a distance of 208.76 feet to die Point of Beginning and Containing 4.7338 acres. Page 1 of 2 (5/S REC'D JUN 2 41998 CITY OF WYLIE P.O. BOX 428 WYLIE, TEXAS 75098 9 8 — s a e APPLICATION FOR ZONING CHANGE Case No. �� ID 0-6 Filing Fee ,; SC • Date Applicant 'k3A74 / =� � Phone No. Z-f. )' Mailing Address: Work No. 4 %� 1/ /11.,/ 7 5 �,,�'�- 7 ,./:11 i 7y(:)7 • LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY SOUGHT TO BE REZONED: (If additional space is needed for description, the description may be put on a separate sheet and attached hereto).1 I hereby request that the above described property be changed from its present zoning which is i' ' ioQ District Classification to fjA;,�,zi:r District Classification for the -ollow6 reasons: (attach separate sheet if necessary) 7A 44rG /er_,yi A U#•/- .�yf., q/// ,G ,e,. 5 /,�� it-'/fc.:,T G" • There (are) (are not) deed restrictions pertaining to the intended use of the property. 2 Status of Applicant Owner Tenant Prospective Purchaser I have attached hereto as Exhibit "A" a plat showing the property which is the subject of this requested zoning change and have read the following concerning the importance of my submitting to the City a sufficient legal description. J/77/ / _.:! • H(C.IH .!AY ..NO le D:1hr mPoVc•{oce • --- , _ _ w ______44- • ------ct3.neastaitg : \.. B wKt.nA Za TINti WM `av; t � le. Y am. .; i Aortal W M "? G W NW O ' • N-084-�(6-3t--E 29'1.'i' \\.. ••• • 0 0 0 Ck_i_ © CD i ° 4"cmu P t+ T= l,AµJgsU gir NEW LANDSCAPING ) Civ OAK=TYY'' • t: Tp ��,r ,y 117-4)05 f 6v ouoo Covat •• . 3 &woof)• .- 3 SCREEN OFFICE FENCE OFFICE ?::) -.)4-----4).• — — .6 vas v V 0-rfi 4 O zrp iv M.C. OFFICE n 4:5 20oot�F . I TY iT 3 . E . A 3 M a+ea-+iU .eu BANKS o w von 4 , r 7�1 n )-. � Ctzu�. Co/ TX,a9 sr >() . WAREAOUSE 3 o th 1 c to LOT u1 • o n - — / 0 0 7 1yQI . o . E _ _ z . J' M NIExigIUAREMOUSI_=TING •` 16 /1 M\Ft/ice I / �� I BUILDINGS I • ;) 9 TO BE REMODF FRONT •FACADE 3ED J �IQ 89.5562' E • T—.- -. 32.29' • • 30'•• . - P/ --- : ! S5602-orn SEGO a- 17 / portion of the maneuvering space requirement, provided the alley is paved. used as small car parking with eighty percent (80%) of that total being grouped and designated for that use. (g) When off-street parking facilities are provided in excess of minimum amounts herein specified, or when off-street parking facilities are provided, but not required by this chapter, said off-street parking facilities shall comply with the minimum requirements for parking and maneuvering space herein specified. 4. Paving. Standards: Unless otherwise approved by the City Council, all parking lots shall be paved with concrete or asphalt material and designed according to City standards and specifications. The parking lanes must be clearly marked by approved paint, buttons or other material. 5. No parking area shall be designed or constructed which ends in a dead end, if more than three (3) parking, spaced in depth, unless adequate turnaround space is provided. 6. All entrances or exits in a parking lot shall be a minimum of thirty (30) feet from the beginning point of any corner radius. Summary of Council Actions at the February 9, 1999 Meeting ZC.No. 98-13: Zoning change form from A(Agricultural)to PD (Planned Development) for single family, multifamily, business, park, and open space uses proposed by Gary Defrain. Approved