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02-02-1999 (Planning & Zoning) Agenda Packet
Planning z • ng Commission ciry of wvwz R egular B usiness Meeting February 2 , 1999 AGENDA PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION WYLIE MUNICIPAL COMPLEX 2000 Highway 78 North, Wylie, Texas 75098 February 2, 1999 7:00 p.m. CALL TO ORDER CONSENT AGENDA 1. Consider and Act Upon Approval of the Minutes from the January 19, 1999, Regular Business Meeting. PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS 1. ZC. No. 98-13: Hold a public hearing and consider a recommendation to the City Council regarding a request from Gary Defrain for Campbell Wylie Partners, for approval of a zone change from A (Agricultural) to PD (Planned Development) for single family, multifamily, business, and open space uses, for the property generally located at the northeast corner of McCreary Road and McMillan Road and being all of a certain 327.485 acre tract out of the John W. Mitchell Survey, Abstract No. 589 and the Lewis M. Marshall Survey, Collin County, Texas. 2. ZC. No. 98-10: Hold a public hearing and consider a recommendation to the City Council regarding a request from Robert Heath for approval of a zone change form PD (Planned Development) for Retail, Office, Mini Storage, and B-1 Business or Office/Tech uses to (Planned Development) for Light Assembly and Manufacturing, Retail, Office, Mini Storage, and B-1 Business or Office/Tech uses, for the property generally located at the southeast corner of SH 78 and Eubanks Lane and being all of a certain 6.1598 acre tract out of the Francisco De La Pina Survey, Abstract No. 688, City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas. CITIZEN PARTICIPATION STAFF REPORTS ADJOURNMENT ak1VMSCINANYNCk.d Posted Thursday, January 28, 1999, at 5:00 p.m. THE WYLIE MUNICIPAL COMPLEX IS WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE. SIGN IN OR OTHER SPECIAL ASSISTANCE FOR DISABLED ATTENDEES MUST BE REQUESTED 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE BY CONTACTING THE CITY SECRETARY'S OFFICE AT 442-8100 OR TDD AT 442-8170. .. !Wyhe iv Consent Agenda Item No. 1 Planning and Zoning Commission Regular Business Meeting: February 2, 1999 Consent Item No. 1 RE: Approval of the Minutes from the January 19, 1999, Regular Business Meeting. 1. Consider approval of the Minutes from the January 19, 1999, Regular Business Meeting. Please note any changes or additions which need to be made. MINU'1ES r1AIN 1111�1OLI A1sl 1) LUiN G �l Iv1Iv 1 Y i►l�l WYLIE MUNICIPAL COMPLEX 2000 Highway 78 North, Wylie, Texas 75098 Regular Business Meeting JANUARY 19, 1999 7:00 P.M. A quorum was present and a notice was posted in the time and manner required by law. Members Present: Staff Present: Steve Ahrens, Chairman Tobin E. Maples, Director of Planning Sharon Dowdy Carrie Smith, Secretary Eric Hogue, Vice Chairman Don Hughes Carter Porter Julie Schmader Cecilia Wood CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by Chairman, Steve Ahrens. CONSENT AGENDA 1. Approval of December 15, 1998 and January 5, 1999, Regular Business Meeting Minutes. • Corrections : none 2. Recommendation to the City Council regarding a final plat for the Southplace Estates Phase II subdivision,proposed by Ballpen Venture II, L.P., generally located along the east side of Taos lane between Cloudcroft Drive and Silvercreek Drive and being all of a 1.9423 acre tract out of the Allen Atterberry Survey, Abstract No. 23, City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas. • Comments: none Motion: A motion was made by Don Hughes, Seconded by Cecilia Wood to approve the Consent Agenda. Motion Carried - all in favor (6). Carter Porter arrived after this vote. Minutes-Planning and Zoning Commission January 19, 1999,Regular Business Meeting Page 1 1. ZC. No. 98-13: Public hearing and a recommendation to the City Council regarding a request from Gary Defrain for Campbell Wylie Partners, for approval of a zone change from A (Agricultural) to PD (Planned Development) for single family, multifamily, business, and open space uses, for the property generally located at the northeast corner of McCreary Road and McMillen Road and being all of a certain 327.485 acre tract out of the John W. Mitchell Survey, Abstract No. 589 and the Lewis M. Marshall Survey, Collin County, Texas. Tobin Maples Update: This zoning case was heard at the December 15, 1998 meeting and tabled indefinitely. Subsequent to this case being re-advertised,the applicant requested that the case be tabled to the February 2, 1999, Planning and Zoning meeting in order to allow staff an opportunity to reexamine proposed changes. This case will not be re-advertised for the February 2, 1999 meeting. Public Hearing... No comments. Discussion: No comments. Motion: A motion was made by Sharon Dowdy, Seconded by Eric Hogue to table to February 2, 1999 Planning and Zoning Meeting. Motion Carried - all in favor (7). CITIZEN PARTICIPATION No comments. STAFF REPORTS Tapes are on order from the Ft. Worth Reference Center and will be at the February 2, 1999 meeting. City Council will be changing their February 23 meeting to February 22 at 6:00 pm. Minutes-Planning and Zoning Commission January 19, 1999,Regular Business Meeting Page 2 February 16, 1999 Planning and Zoning meeting will be held at 6:00 pm. Planning and Zoning, City January 21, 1999 will be the next public workshop for the Steering Committee. January 25, 1999 will be a posted Worksession. The city attorney,Richard Abernathy will be present. ADJOURNMENT Motion: A motion was made by Don Hughes, Seconded by Sharon Dowdy to adjourn. Motion Carried - all in favor (7). Steve Ahrens, Chairman Carrie Smith, Secretary Minutes-Planning and Zoning Commission January 19, 1999,Regular Business Meeting Page 3 . .. in r y of Wylie te Public Hearing Item No. 1 98-13 Rezoning Planning and Zoning Commission Public Hearing: February 2, 1999 Owner: Patsy Lewis & Campbell/Wylie Partners Applicant: Campbell/Wylie Partners, Attn: Gary Defrain Location: Generally located at the northeast corner of McCreary Road and McMillan Road Existing Zoning: A (Agricultural) Requested Zoning: PD (Planned Development) for Single Family, Multifamily, Business, and open space uses Summary: The applicant is requesting rezoning on 327.5 acres in order to develop the property with a master planned mixed use community. Specifically, the applicant is proposing a master planned community encompassing single family, multifamily, business, and open space uses. The properties to the north and west are vacant and not within the city proper. The properties to the south are zoned MH (Manufactured Home) and A (Agricultural). The MH property is developed with a manufactured home park. The A property is partially developed with a single family home. The properties to the east are vacant and not within the city proper. Public Comment Forms were mailed to sixty-six (66) property owners within 200 feet of this request. Four (4) Public Comment Forms in opposition and three (3) Public Comment Forms in support have been returned. Department of Planning, 01/28/99 98-13 Issues: • The Comprehensive Plan does not make a recommendation on the majority of this property. However, it does recommend a narrow strip of retail, commercial, business, and single family residential uses along the northern side of McMillan Road. • The applicant is filing this PD in order to ensure a quality development with no variances. Specific elements unique to the project are as follows: 1. The applicant is proposing a mixed use concept encompassing approximately 785 detached single family residential units (125 SF-3 Lots, 555 SF-2 Lots, 105 SF-1 Lots), eighteen acres of multifamily, twelve acres of B-1, 13 acres of HOA maintained open space, 32.5 acres of dedicated City park, and 26 acres of private open space; 2. Thoroughfare network consistent with the City's Master Thoroughfare Plan; 3. Detention lakes constructed by the developer and maintained by the City; 4. Community center encompassing swimming pool/cabana. 5. City parks and hike and bike trails constructed by the developer and dedicated to the City; 6. Private open space; 7. 25 foot landscape buffers along McMillan Road and McCreary Road to be constructed by the developer and maintained by the Homeowners Association(HOA); 8. Landscaped and divided points of access; • In order to determine the developmental impact on the roadway system, the applicant authorized the firm of Innovative Transportation Solutions, Inc. to complete a traffic impact study(TIS) for the proposed Creekside Estates development including impacts associate with the proposed Lakeside Estates/Sage Creek development to the south. The findings and recommendations of the TIS have been included for your review(p15-18). • In order to verify the findings of the applicant's TIS, staff authorized the City's traffic consultant Stanton Foerster (Foerster Engineering, LLC), to review the Innovative Transportation Solutions TIS. According to the City's traffic consultant, several items or issues should be noted prior to taking action on the conceptual plan under consideration(see attached memorandum from Stanton Foerster). • The Parks board reviewed this case at their October 26, 1998, Park Board meeting. The minutes were approved and are being forwarded to the Planning And Zoning Commission at the Request of the Board (see attached minutes in the back of the packet). As referenced in the minutes, the Board was in general agreement with the concept presented and indicated that the proposal should be brought back before the Board for a formal vote when a preliminary plat is filed. Department of Planning, 01/28/99 Financial Considerations: Application fee in the amount of$550.00 - Paid Planning and Zoning Commission Update: At the December 15, 1998, Planning and Zoning Commission meeting, the Commission voted unanimously to table this case indefinitely and asked the applicant and staff to reexamine the proposal. Subsequent to the December 15, 1998, meeting, the applicant and staff discussed various issues identified by the Commission and agreed to revise certain elements being proposed and advertise the revised plan for Public Hearing. At the January 19, 1999, Planning and Zoning Commission meeting, the Commission voted unanimously to table this case to the February 2, 1999, Commission meeting per the applicant's request. Specifically, the applicant requested that the case be•tabled in order to allow staff and opportunity to review additional items of concern. The Conceptual Plan under consideration tonight incorporates a few deviations from the original plan reviewed at the December 15, 1998, Planning and Zoning Commission meeting. Specific changes being proposed by the applicant are as follows: 1. The applicant has reduced the total number of single family lots from 805 to 785; 2. The applicant has added an additional entrance to McCreary Road; and 3. The applicant has modified the internal traffic circulation. Specifically, the applicant has incorporated additional west and north connections to Tract B across the open space areas, removed an alley, added a cul-du-sac and discontinuous street at the northern end of the development within tract C, and removed the traffic circle previously located at the intersection of the two collector streets and adjacent to the proposed community center. Staff has highlighted said changes on the Conceptual Plan for your convenience. Staff Recommendation: Approval, subject to the following stipulations: 1. The discontinuous street on the north end of the development should end with a cul-du sac until the development in Parker is realized. Wylie should maintain control of how this street is used in the future. Also, this plan does not designate it as a collector, but it may function as a collector if the Parker side is built out. The Commission may want to require a north/south collector system in order to accommodate future trips generated by adjacent development within Parker; Department of Planning, 01/28/99 2. The applicant needs to incorporate the deleted traffic circle; 3. 'An issues identified by the City s traffic consultant (Stanton Foerster) should be noted and identified as issues to be addressed at the time development plans are submitted for consideration; and 4. It should be noted that all issues associated with above ground storm water retention will be addressed at the time development plans are submitted for consideration and that it is the applicant's responsibility to provide detailed engineering studies verifying the integrity of the proposed system. The Departments of Public Works, fire, and Community Development concur with this recommendation. Attachments: • Public Comment Forms Location Map Area Zoning Map Property Owner Notification Map Property Owner Notification Report Public Hearing Notice Zoning Change Application Proposed Land Data Concept Plan TIS Recommendations Memorandum from Stanton Foerster Department of Planning, 01/28/99 PUBLIC COMMENT FORM . ., (Please type or use black ink) ; Department of Planning nr'r+• r Wylie,Texas 75098 a ,,:..)v I am FOR the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case#98-13. VI am AGALNST the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case#98-13. Date,Location&Time of • Planning&Zoning Commission meeting: Tuesday,January 19, 1999,7:00 pm Municipal Complex,2000 Highway 78 North,Wylie,Texas Date,Location&Time of City Council meeting: Tuesday,February 9, 1999,7:00 pm Municipal Complex,2000 Highway 78 North,Wylie,Texas Name: v \— _._..\ S \\ 0 vSCSYI (please print) Address: 1 L t N C' 1 1_ct—Ne, e Wylie Tax Account Number(if shown on enclosed map): M SJ n Q d b © — ©Q ' — 1 Signature: y >_,( � -e- ydg . ___, - Date: \ — 1 g f Q Vp COMMENTS: Cent \n P c.L h L \Fr i , e C PUBLIC COMMENT FORM (Please type or use black ink) Department of Planning Wylie,Texas 75098 tVu JAN 14 1999 I am FOR the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case#98-13. I am AGAINST the requested zoning as explained.on the attached public notice for Zoning Case#98-13. Date,Location&Time of Planning&Zoning Commission meeting: Tuesday,January 19, 1999,7:00 pm Municipal Complex,2000 Highway 78 North,Wylie,Texas Date,Location&Time of City Council meeting: Tuesday,February 9, 1999,7:00 pm Municipal Complex,2000 Highway 78 North, Wylie,Texas Name: I !-Fo>IAA6 L Co?J{tL l !J (please print) Address: G1'1aY L JAY Loy L E D 1S08 Wylie Tax Account Number (if shown on enclosed map): M _503 —OOD ` Z 43—f Signature: Date: t !b COMMENTS: PUBLIC COMMENT FORM (Please type or use black ink) Denartment ofPlannina Wylie,Texas 75098 I am FOR the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case#98-13. ,// I am AGAINST the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case#98-13. Date,Location&Time of 2 ,i1,15 C se_ 7`'` ^/3 Planning&Zoning Commission meeting: Tuesday,December 1, 1998,7:00 pm Municipal Complex,2000 Highway 78 North,Wylie,Texas Date,Location&Time of City Council meeting: Tuesday,January 12, 1998,7:00 pm Municipal Complex,2000 Highway 78 North,Wylie,Texas Name: `3aile+' -Rabin' SOJT (please print) Address: /00 6,947 kJ/9 i pi -6-030 -rbvo - /vabl Wylie Tax Account Number (if shown on enclosed map): Signature: a,?,c,t,?- A,lie,t, Date: l/ - 2S s-5 d COMMENTS: TA(-- WY/.4' ,:.S 7(1 a-/--V--- --7‘4"-c- /1/1 Wt-e49. 6)-4e.), 4r-- UJ ^p 4,,/;/a`- -7i1�iu - fM-ri d'� Gc/oa 7 ta's /bz crail /4-&--/- At.f., _ refe 7(cA'A d- RECi NOV 2 6 1998 PUBLIC COMMENT FORM (Please type or use black ink) 1Jepal iiiieili Ui 1-lauiuug 2000 Highway 78 North Wylie,Texas 75098 I am FOR the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case#98-13. , I am AGAINST the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case#98-13. X Date,Location&Time of Planning&Zoning Commission meeting: Tuesday,December 1, 1998,7:00 pm Municipal Complex,2000 Highway 78 North,Wylie,Texas Date,Location&Time of City Council meeting: Tuesday,January 12, 1998,7:00 pm Municipal Complex,2000 Highway 78 North,Wylie,Texas Name: nr7r-4--G LcE'i C 14a rO(C . (please/print) Address: L 1.1 C V Lc( 11 'Pi W y 1l /e l (Px a5 7 rCoq Wylie Tax Account Number (if shown on enclosed map): � 3 D 3 0 - 0 O 0 0 0 3 A — J Signature: '/ -- Date: , c2 ')1 I q `' V COMMENTS:NT 1)-e- ,/-(1 -e "sil'iLar-- . --,( 1 ,in-e, p-eA-4,0-tr,, 1,0.n I rg .�1./i-e,t -r_ i, itI • J ,A.oe= 6 j 71ite p,e)f-2_4_,/ , e,i_e_et_. , C-..4 A,i,l'Ar 67,6'--4-, W( 2) Ao--a,1 _- a- ckP PUBLIC COMMENT FORM • • (Please type or use black ink) Department of Planning Wylie,"i exas 7DO98 I am FOR the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case#98-13. I am AGAINST the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case#98-13. Date,Location&Time of Planning&Zoning Commission meeting: Tuesday,January 19, 1999,7:00 pm Municipal Complex,2000 Highway 78 North,Wylie,Texas Date,Location&Time of City Council meeting: Tuesday,February 9, 1999,7:00 pm Municipal Complex,2000 Highway 78 North,Wylie,Texas Name: E.1J LiJ F12- J . fri El L g / Es (please print) Address: / D L V G j L l`-) L,, f LI E . _I X S7) e Wylie Tax Account Number (if shown on enclosed map): "' D 6 — O o — 0/ o — Signature: Allitwag. - — Date: 61— I — J COMMENTS: (---17 &_-0 ( )i 77qt / -S / "/ 1---1/r f ✓3 /elL L PUBLIC COMMENT FORM . (Please type or use black ink) Department of Planning Wylie,Texas 75098 AI am FOR the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case#98-13. I am AGAINST the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case 498-13. Date,Location&Time of • Planning&Zoning Commission meeting: Tuesday,January 19, 1999,7:00 pm Municipal Complex,2000 Highway 78 North,Wylie,Texas Date,Location&Time of City Council meeting: Tuesday,February 9, 1999,7:00 pm Municipal Complex,2000 Highway 78 North,Wylie,Texas Name: 3)60 f t&. Ckszf (please print) ,/� Address: LG- f L Qt? CJ lA3 1 I � e_. 7 X 1 `S-65'S Wylie Tax Account Number (if shown on enclosed map): sS7 — 000—��6J0Zo—I e� �tt�gi-600—aO 1 -/ Signature: J Date: //(6 ' / / COMMENTS: • PUBLIC COMMENT FORM (Please type or use black ink) • Department of Planning 2000 Highway 78 North Wylie,Texas 75098 I am FOR the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case#98-13. I am AGAINST the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case#98-13. Date,Location&Time of Planning&Zoning Commission meeting: Tuesday,January 19, 1999,7:00 pm Municipal Complex,2000 Highway 78 North,Wylie,Texas Date,Location&Time of City Council meeting: Tuesday,February 9, 1999,7:00 pm • -Municipal Complex,-2000 Highway 78 North,Wylie,Texas Name: Pb 1 K(IhON (please print) Address: / 3 Lucy 1 /4 c Wylie Tax Account Number (if shown on enclosed map): . M5.030 00" 013 G l Signature: Date: 1 ^ le ""419 COMMENTS: I PARKER CITY L M /,\ �f111111. 1 11111 \.."--.\---.) Minal 11/111111 t, IIIIIIUI ------...,e., _ . .., . , Will .. . _ �r .:. SUBJECT 0 • PROPERTY u ems ��:01111111uuu-niin Li ,a� r Eritiittlit _ '_�L rIl 4 1n __1_i0 .M i I I en Ro. . ::❑ gluuuu= - _ 11116 MI ,Nt.Ut Fff ili illisiii _g==zr== ;TA IN Ill" 91111111111 ISM co ■ r • a� vi ligittll►/ //�� `l ar•ra�iif4�iliuilt�l� C rAlliIl111111111i < t iii0iffflii111111111Li I aj 0111111 QasMtd U E1■ffffffliiftad. . JOIE MMI liamil 1.11111111E11 IIII 1.111 ill I se■ e ■��� ■ . i • PROJECT LOCATION MAP ZONING CASE #98- 13 . f I ,._L. I I ___ tiff 1 Cl) it _ ___ ___ __________ „7„,,,,, '11 I 700k,a,,,I;i)o,fm R 4 tr,b < 1 :zserrio i, lip ,, M , �i kx v 13001041" I_ --\_ s 'tt.,Tf � ry M� ---r- D el,i:i: i Tar 1.0iiit2...Vilibiffilti < \_,, 2 C:t � '���� a 3�' z R , 5 v '' T r ,33 c .zv 3� a ' F �, { }4�1ZY 'ifs; • �,,,, ;a� � M r �`�P q .� t dap rz q� #•'t'�set � � `r' ?�s,'�� ..� ;iA,k ryes t f 1 W �..L.� ' e- is �yv „'1'� z r51,-,0°-"Q S 401 3-z`P ' r °€ar f=1 w c rq.,,. f f �/ / ,) y: # - $ to ,'{ � , 47C �a ',�Y ,,Sk ,n 3i 'i s $7 �� U-11 V r ' .g s,4xa* Y� 0,1: } . . l 1.,, q ": i4P,a'r p7° riSi i 1rr ,).4.-c.,,�IV: 3 k'w. P ',TV,ps Ce cn �'# {�„ �' ia°" �^ �'ra d�a..Tk3� �gn� ,S ��r �` a R e�`�'��'��f ��b Z s� �-`" i n.r c`.a o� ti t,,,, "h�'`p s 3 , ��' 1:4 �$ s y^a ".fair xs �8s t kt 3> > a . 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I j �1�. mow gm.ip•yams mop. lit1 _ II I ) PROPERTY OWNER NOTIFICATION MAP 7f tIIMMr r`Aci #Oc_ 1 2 NOTIFICATION REPORT APPLICANT: Campbell/Wylie Partners Attn: Gary Defrain APPLICATION FILE # 98-13 8235 Douglas Ave. #650 Dallas, Texas 75225 # BLK/ABST LOT/TRACT TAX I.D. # PROPERTY OWNER NAME ADDRESS 812 Heatherwoc 1 Abstract 589 Tract 7 R-6589-000-0070-1 Debra Cooper Wylie, Texas 750 812 Heatherwoc' 2 Abstract 589 Tract 7-9 R-6589-000-0079-1 Debra Cooper Wylie, Texas 750` 2500 McMillen Rc 3 3 Abstract 589 Tract 8 R-6589-000-0080-1 Robert Thurmond, Jr. Wylie, Texas 750 1 1 Lucy Lane 4 SFMHP M-5030-000-001 D-1 Burtis Hopson Wylie, Texas 750 2 2 Lucy Lane 5 SFMHP M-5030-000-002A-1 Harold Lee Wylie, Texas 750 3 3 Lucy Lane 6 SFMHP M-5030-000=003C-1 Lynn Barney Wylie, Texas 750 4 4 Lucy Lane 7 SFMHP M-5030-000-004C-1 Thomas Mealer Wylie, Texas 750 5 5 Lucy Lane 8 SFMHP M-5030-000-005C-1 Myrtle Syjansky Wylie, Texas 750 6 6 Lucy Lane 9 SFMHP M-5030-000-OO6B-1 Hazel Merz Wylie, Texas 75b 7 7 Lucy Lane 10 SFMHP M-5030-000-007H-1 Barron Douglas Wylie, Texas 750 8 8 Lucy Lane 11 SFMHP M-5030-000-008B-1 Shirley Nolan Wylie, Texas 750 9 9 Lucy Lane • 12 SFMHP M-5030-000-009E-1 Donald Butler: Wylie, Texas 750 10 10 Lucy Lane 13 SFMHP M-5030-000-0100-1 Edward Margies Wylie, Texas 750 11 11 Lucy Lane 14 SFMHP M-5030-000-011 A-1 Wayne Duerksen. : Wylie, Texas 750 12 12 Lucy Lane 15 SFMHP M-5030-000-012E-1 Helen Baker Wylie, Texas 750 13 13 Lucy Lane 16 SFMHP M-5030-000-013G-1 Paul Killion Wylie, Texas 750' 14 2828 N. Hwy. 67 17 SFMHP M-5030-000-014E-1 Nationwide Homes of Mesquite Mesquite, Texas 7515 2711 15 15 Lucy Lane 18 SFMHP M-5030-000-015B-1 Jeanne Laws Wylie, Texas :750' 16 16 Lucy Lane 19 SFMHP M-5030-000-016C-1 Kelley Stone Wylie, Texas 750' 17 17 Lucy Lane 20 SFMHP M-5030-000-017E-1 Eva Bolen Wylie, Texas 750' 18 18 Lucy Lane 21 SFMHP M-5030-000-0188-1 Barbara Orr Wylie, Texas 750' 19 19 Lucy Lane 22 SFMHP M-5030-000-019A-1 Dorthy Jackson Wylie, Texas 750( 66 66 Gary Way 23 SFMHP M-5030-000-066C-1 Johnny Thompson Wylie, Texas 750' 67 67 Dollar Court 24 SFMHP M-5030-000-067C-1 Nelma Nelson Wylie, Texas 750' 80 80 Dollar Court 25 SFMHP M-5030-000-080D-1 Richard,Gr'ubb Wylie, Texas 750 81 81 Oil Court 26 SFMHP M-5030-000-081 C-1 Mike Zerbe. Wylie, Texas 750' 92 92 Gary Way 27 ---- SFMHP M-5030-000-0928-1 Thomas Conklin Wylie, Texas 75C 93 93 Gary Way 28 SFMHP, M-5030-000-093E-1 Cathleen Meek Wylie, Texas 750 94 29 ---- SFMHP No Listing 95 CMH Parks Inc. #552 216 Southfork BIN/ 30 SFMHP M-5030-000-095E-1 DBA Southfork Mobile Home Comte Wylie, Texas 750 96 96 Gary Way 31 SFMHP M-5030-000-0.96F-1 Joseph Johnson, Wylie, Texas 750' 97 97 Gary Way 32 SFMHP M-5030-000-097E-1 Harriet Galaenapp ; Wylie, Texas 750' 99 99 Gary Way 33 SFMHP M-5030-000-099F-1 Todd Lesinski Wylie, Texas 750 100 100 Gary Way 34 SFMHP M-5030-000-100D-1 Janet Robihson Wylie, Texas 750 101 101 Gary Way 35 SFMHP M-5030-000-101 F-1 Karen;Mbrwodd Wylie, Texas 750 102 102 Gary Way 36 L- SFMHP, M-5030-000-102A-1 Stacy liner Wylie, Texas 750c 103 103 Gary Way 37 SFMHP M-5b3b-000-103C-1 Donna Dowdy , Wylie, Texas 750' 104 104 Gary Way 38 , SFMHP 104C554B-1 James Woody Wylie, Texas 750' 105 105 Gary Way 39 SFMHP M-5030-000-105D-1 David Williams Wylie, Texas 750, 106 106 Gary Way 46 SFMHP M-503b-000-106D-1 Linda Ammerman Wylie, Texas 750' 107 216 Southfork Blv 45 SFMHP M-5030-000-107B-1 Southfork Mobile Home Community Wylie, Texas 750' 108 108 Gary Way 44 SFMHP M-5030-000-108B-1 Mills Futer Wylie, Texas 750 109 109 Gary Way 43 SFMHP, M-5030-000-1090-1 Jdmes Gobel Wylie, Texas 750' 110 42 SFMHP, , No Listing 111 111 Gary Way 40 SFMHP NI-5030-000-111 B-1 RUth Manchester Wylie, Texas 750' 112 112 Gary Way 41 SFMHP M-503b-000-112C-1 April Peredo Wylie, Texas 750, 113 113 Gary Way 54 , SFMHP, , Pv-5030-b0b-113E-1 LaWrehce Jones Wylie, Texas 750' 114 216 Southfork Blv 53 SFMHP. M-5030-b0b-114E-1 Southfork Mobile Home Cbrnmunity: Wylie, Texas 750' 115 216 Southfork Blv 52 -- SFMHP, M-5b30-000-1,15D-1 Southfork Mobile Horne Community Wylie, Texas 750' 116 116 Gary Way 51 SFMHP M-5030-000-116A-1 Charles Magill Wylie, Texas 750' 117 117 Gary Way 50 SFMHP, M-503b-000-1,17C-1 Bill Bbyd Wylie, Texas 750 118 118 Gary Way 49 SFMHP M-5030-000-118A-1 Judith SMith Wylie, Texas 750 119 119 Gary Way 48 SFMHP M-5030-000-119E-1 Gary Snoddy Wylie, Texas 750 120 1780 E. 1-30 47 SFMHP M-5030-000-120E-1 Heartland Hornet Rockwall, Texas 7E ,7 121 121 Gary Way 58 ,SFMHP M1-5030-000-121E-1 , , Barbara Auer Wylie, Texas 750' 144 144 J R Avenue 57 SFMHP, M-5030-000-144B-1 Terry Wilhem Wylie, Texas 750`- 145 145 J R Avenue 56 SFMHP M-5030-000-145E-1 Eugene Gray Wylie, Texas 750( 146 146 J R Avenue 55 SFMHP M-5030-000-146B-1 Loretta Copple Wylie, Texas 750( 147 147 J R Avenue 56 SFMHP, M-6849-000-147A-1 Tammy Woodward Wylie, Texas 750( 148 148 J R Avenue 57 SFMHP M-6849-000-1480-1 Pamela Carver Wylie, Texas 750' 171 171 Christopher Cro: �g 58 SFMHP: M-6849-000-171 A-1 Frank Arisola Wylie, Texas 750( 172 172 Lucy Lane 59 SFMHP M-6849-000-172E-1 D.O. Burks Wylie, Texas 750( 173 173 Lucy Lane 60 SFMHP M-5030-000-173E-1 Patsy Grinie Wylie, Texas 750( 174 174 Lucy Lane 61 SFMHP M-5030-000-174F-1 Dina Turney Wylie, Texas 750( 180 • 180 Lucy Lane 62 ---- SFMHP M-5030-000-180E-1 Charlie Cason Wylie, Texas 750( 181 181 Lucy Lane 63 -- SFMHP; M-5030-000-181 C-1 Danny SaUrer Wylie, Texas 750' , , 182 64 SFMHP Not Listed , 210 S. McDonald Sf ?t 65 McCreary Road Collin County Commissioner's Court McKGnney, Texas 7E 59 R-6594'-000-00'60-1 (Applicant) . 8235 Douglas Ave. ': 50 66 14-6589-000-0020-1 Campbell/Wylie Perthers Dallas, Texas 752 R-6589-00d-0010-1 Attn:, Gary befraih NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION AND CITY COUNCIL An application has been received by the City of Wylie for a: PROYOSED LOiviivG CliAM L Zoning Case Number: 98-13 Applicant: Campbell/Wylie Partners,Attn: Gary Defrain Location: Generally located at the northeast corner of McCreary Road and McMillan Road Property Description: (See the attached Exhibit"A"for full legal description) Present Zoning: A(Agricultural) Requested Zoning: PD(Planned Development)for Single Family,Multifamily,Business,and Open Space uses Proposed master planned community. This public hearing is held to consider the application as an amendment to the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City of Wylie,Texas and the Official Zoning Map. The request will be considered as follows: Planning and Zoning Commission: Tuesday,January 19, 1999,7:00 PM City Council: Tuesday,February 9, 1999,7:00 PM Each public hearing will be held at the following location: City Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex 2000 Highway 78 North,Wylie,Texas All interested persons are encouraged to attend the public hearing and express their opinions on the zoning change request. ZONING PARCEL RFING a tract of land situated in Collin County, Texas and heina out of the John W, 1YIILL.111:11 .:1U1VL', t11JJLIciGI LIL). ±10J iU llli: LVYY13 1st. .JL 1,e), ullU ULUL j 1111-)1 _: particularly described by metes and bounds as follows; BEGINNING at a 5/8" iron rod found in the approximate center of County Road No. 298 (McMillan Road, 40 foot wide by prescription), same being at the Southeast corner of a called 5.00 acre tract of land conveyed to Gene Lewis by deed as recorded in Volume 600 at Page 546 of the Deed Records of Collin County, Texas; and being at the most southerly Southwest corner of a 113.407 acre tract of land conveyed to William E. Campbell, Jr. McCreary Road Limited Partnership by deed recorded in Volume 881, Page 802 of the Deed Records of Collin County, Texas; THENCE North 00° 40' 50" East (North 00° 36' East, deed), along the East line of said 5.00 acre Lewis tract, passing at 20.0 feet a steel rod found in the North line of said road, at 25.3 feet passing a pipe found by post, and continuing along the east edge of a fence, in all a total distance of 837.60 feet to a 1/2" steel rod found for corner; THENCE South 89° 47' 50" West (South 89° 43' West, deed), along the north edge of the fence, on the North line as occupied, of said Lewis tract, a distance of 264.00 feet to a 1/2" steel rod found for corner at the westerly Southwest corner of said Campbell 113.407 acre tract; same being in the East line of 110 acres of land conveyed to Patsy Sue Donihoo by J. O. McWhirter and wife, Pearl A. McWhirter, by deed as recorded in Volume 942 at Page 488 of the Deed Records of Collin County, Texas; THENCE South 00° 40' 50" West along the common line of the called 110 acre tract and the said Lewis 5.00 acre tract and following the general line of old fence line for a distance of 834.61 feet to a 5/8" iron rod set for corner for the Southeast corner of Tract 2 of said Donihoo property, said point being at the Southwest corner of said Lewis 5.00 acre tract, and being in the old center of McMillan Road (County Road No. 298), (70 foot right-of-way, the North 20 feet by prescriptive easement and the South 50 feet by dedication); THENCE North 89° 33' 04" West along the South line of said Donihoo tract and following the North line of a called 120.642 acre tract described in Deed of Trust as recorded in Volume 1915 at Page 654 of the Deed Records of Collin County, Texas, and following the old center of McMillan Road at 50.0 feet North of and parallel to the North line of a called 115.155 acre tract conveyed to ClaytonfCambridge Joint Venture as recorded in County Clerk File No. 920045237 of the Deed Records of Collin County, Texas, and the South line of McMillan Road for a distance of .1818.08 feet (1815 feet deed) to a railroad spike set for the Southwest corner of said Donihoo property; • • • THENCE North 00° 36' 44" East along the West line of said Donihoo property and the called West line of the J. W. Mitchell Survey and the called East line of the C. A. fin rnffnr n{ Mrrrr ri' L7nn94 ((`n,>>,f,r Koad No. 245), (bU toot undedicated right-ot-way) for a distance of 2bby.b'I feet (2b4U. feet deed) to a railroad spike set in asphalt for corner, said point being the Northwest corner of the Donihoo 110 acre tract and the called Northwest corner of said J. W. Mitchell Survey and also being the Southwest corner of called 80 acre tract conveyed to E. Donihoo by deed, as recorded in Volume 549 at Page 461 of the Deed Records of Collin County, Texas; THENCE North 89° 33' 22" East along the common line of said called 110 acre tract and the 80 acre tract and following the called North line of the J. W. Mitchell Survey for a distance of 1821.64 feet (1815 feet deed) to a 1" iron pipe found for corner, said point being the Northeast corner of said called 110 acre tract and also being in the West line of aforesaid called 113.407 acre tract of land conveyed to William E. Campbell, Jr. - McCreary Road Limited Partnership by deed as recorded'in Volume 881 at Page 802 of the Deed Records of Collin County,Texas; THENCE North 89° 30' 07" East (North 89° 28' East, deed),along the South line of said - Donihoo 80 acre tract, a distance of 849.74 feet (848.60 feet, deed) to a 1/2" iron rod found for corner at the Southwest corner of a called 207.452 acre tract of land conveyed to William E. Campbell, Jr., by deed recorded in Volume 818, Page 530 of said Deed Records; THENCE North 01° 18' 59" West (North 01° 49' 34" West, deed), along the West line of said Campbell 207.452 acre tract, 1335.57 feet (1330.96 feet, record), to a 5/8" iron rod set for corner at the city limit line of Wylie and Parker, Texas, same being at the Southeast corner of Moss Ridge Estates, an addition of record in Cabinet D, Slide 196 of the Map Records of Collin County, Texas; THENCE along said Wylie-Parker city limit line the following courses and distances . numbered (9) through (11): . • (9) North 88° 41' 01" East (North 88° 10' 26" East, record), a distance of 450.00 feet to a 5/8" iron rod set for corner; (10) North 01° 18' 59" West (North 01° 49' 34" West, record), a distance of 304.83 feet to a 5/8" iron rod set for corner; (11) North 88° 41' 01" East (North 88° 10' 26" East, record), a distance of 2210.34 feet to a 5/8" iron rod set for corner under fence on the East line of said Campbell 207.452 acre tract; THENCE along said fence and said East line the following courses and distances numbered (12) through (14); (12) South 00° 20' 48" East (South 00° 24' 25" East, deed), a distance of 783.61 feet to a to a 5/8" iron rod set for corner at a corner fence post on the South side of Muddy Creek; • • (13) South 00° 19' 37" West (South 00° 16' West, deed), a distance of 602.10 feet with an established fence to a 5/8" iron rod set for corner; (14) South 01° 05' 37" West (South 01° 02' West, deed), a distance of 379.39 feet with an established fence to a 1/2" iron rod found for corner at a corner fence post at the Southeast corner of aforesaid Campbell 207.452 acre tract, same being at the Northeast corner of a called 112.18 acre tract of land conveyed to J. B. Prince, Trustee by deed as recorded in Volume 3223, Page 956 of said Deed Records; THENCE Westerly with an old established fence and the North line of said Prince 112.18 acre tract, the following courses and distances numbered (15) through (19); (15) South 89° 48' 37" West (South 89° 45' West, deed), a distance of 134.04 feet to a fence post for corner; (16) South 88° 59' 37" West (South 88° 56' West, deed), a distance of 202.00 feet to a fence post for corner; (17) South 86° 29' 37" West (South 86° 26' West, deed), a distance of 375.46 feet to a fence post for corner; (18) North 89° 48' 23" West ((North 89° 52' West, deed), a distance of 248.38 feet to a fence post for corner; (19) North 85° 34' 23" West (North 85° 38' West, deed), a distance of 347.00 feet to a fence post for corner near the west end of said old established fence; THENCE North 87° 20' 27" West (North 87° 16' West, deed), a distance of 251.13 feet to a 5/8" iron rod set for corner at the Northwest corner of said Prince 112.18 acre tract, same being at the Northeast corner of aforesaid Campbell 113.407 acre tract; • THENCE South 00° 01' 10' East (South 00° 06' East, deed), along a fence line and the West line of said Prince 112.18 acre tract, a distance of 2668.50 feet to a 5/8" iron rod set for corner the center of aforesaid McMillan Road, County Road No. 298, same being on the North line of a 78.037 acre tract of land conveyed to Robert V. Thurmond, Jr. by deed recorded in Volume 1814, Page 758 of said Deed Records and from which point a corner fence post bears North 21.0 feet; THENCE North 89° 25' 50" West, a distance of 801.10 feet along the center of said McMillan Road and the North line of said Thurmond 78.037 acre tract of land to a 1/2" iron rod found for corner at the Northwest corner of said Thurmond 78.037 acre tract and the Northeast corner of a 51.096 acre tract of land conveyed to Debra S. Thurmond, by deed recorded under CC 95-0090832 and correction deed under CC 0017370 County Clerk's Records, Collin County, Texas; THENCE North 89° 41' 40" West, continuing along said centerline and the North line of said Debra Thurmond 51.096 acre tract, a distance of 877.70 to the PLACE OF BEGINNING and Containing 327.485 Acres of Land, more or less. • ,, 1 Of 2 REC D S E P 0 21998 (5/93) CITY OF WYLIE WYLIE, TEXAS 75098 APPLICATION FOR ZONING CHANGE 400 4, SSo Case Nog. 8 - 13 _ Filing Fee *'S 'O �• Date 61-2-5`b Applicant GAi-1 P.1.-l— lA-9911 Phone No.(2 I4) &a? I -2 SSC,o Mailing Address: Work No. (216.r to I `2. 5 1 2 LAB tt��• * (oho LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY SOUGHT TO BE REZONED: (If additional space is needed for description, the description may be put on a separate sheet and attached hereto).1 • 1411317 A-1 1 if Dk_D I hereby request that the above described property be changed from its present zoning which is /A District Classification to 7j7 District Classification for the following reasons: (attach separate sheet if necessary) 170 rn.CFO - 1a vGuyrn T G� G✓� 46. There (are) (are not) deed restrictionspertainingto the intended use of theproperty. ) 2 Status of Applicant Owner ✓ Tenant Prospective Purchaser t'1� 1, k Ue I have attached hereto as Exhibit "A" a plat showing the property which is the subject of this requested zoning change and have read the following concerning th ortance of my submitting to the City a sufficient legal description. T Frr Et: 1)zil .m)min G' t71--e- Signed z f0 /en,/ Creekside Estates Development- Wylie, Texas Page 15 December 7, 1998 of land uses which includes the placement of commercial developments near the major roadways, single-family residential within the interior of the area and a multi-family residential development serving as a buffer between the single-family development and both the business/retail use and McMillen Road. In comparison to the Lakeside Estates development, the Creekside Estates development offers a more advantageous phasing opportunity. For example,the retail portion produces nearly 50%of the total trips, however, it is planned as a final phase with no definite time line. Therefore, the development of the residential portion will allow a lower and slower overall impact on the surrounding roadways and ultimately,when the retail is developed, all nearby roadways could be built to the thoroughfare plan standards. Moreover, upon construction of Betsy Road/Park Boulevard from McMillen Road to the west, Creekside Estates will have an alternate east-west routes that is more convenient and will reduce the projected traffic on McCreary Road near and at the FM 544/McCreary Road intersection. E-2 RECOMMENDATIONS Based upon the traffic impact analyses,ITS has no significant recommendations associated with the proposed development. Internal and adjacent external roadways,as planned,will adequately provide the capacities necessary for the projected traffic volumes. The overall recommendations are as follows: I ► Geometric Improvements. McCreary Road, at McMillen Road,was analyzed with a northbound right-turn lane which improved operations. It is recommended that a northbound right-turn lane be Iconstructed,by the developer,upon ultimate build out of the Creekside Development unless McCreary Road is widened to the ultimate four-lane divided cross section first. - McCreary Road, at McMillen Road, was analyzed with a two-lane southbound approach (a left-turn bay was added). This improved operations at the intersection and is recommended to'be constructed by the developer, upon ultimate build out of the Creekside Development unless McCreary Road is widened to the ultimate four- lane divided cross section first. — McMillen Road, at McCreary Road, was analyzed with a two-lane westbound approach (right-turn lane was added). This improved operations at the intersection. Although it is not recommended that McMillen Road be widened, by the developer, upon the onset of development, it is recommended that a temporary right-turn lane 1 is added to remove the traffic from the path of the left-turning vehicles. McCreary Road, at FM 544,was analyzed to have a two-lane southbound approach i (a left turn bay was added). This improvement is recommended to be constructed by the City of Wylie. The improvement will aid not only the traffic generated by the Lakeside Estates and Creekside Estates developments but also the regional traffic. • Creekside Estates Development- Wylie, Texas Page 16 December 7, 1998 V right turn-lane was added). This improvement is recommended to be constructed by the City of Wylie. The improvement will aid both developments as well as regional traffic. ► Signalization Improvements. ' — fvlcCreary Road at McMillen Road It is recommended that the developer of Creekside Estates pay for a portion of the signal at the McCreary/McMillen intersection. With respect to the traffic impact the proposed development is expected to generate, and the fact that the site is located adjacent to the intersection,it is recommended that the Creekside Estate development should be responsible for 30% of the cost of the future signal. Upon further development to the west and north, additional portions of the signal cost should be collected in order to offset the cost to the City/County. Developments adjacent to the intersection should be required to pay a larger portion than those further away. The funds should be collected in proportion to the development of the property(with 1 respect to traffic generation). Therefore, upon the completion of the residential components, one-half of the funds should be collected. If the retail component is constructed in phases, a portion of funds should be collected in proportion to the projected traffic to reflect the greater amount of traffic the retail component is projected to generate. Upon the warranting and installation of the signal,fiends should be collected in full from the Creekside Estates development. — McCreary cC Road at FM 544 It is recommended that the developer of Creekside Estates pay for a portion of the signal at the McCreary/FM 544 intersection. With respect to the traffic impact the proposed development is expected to generate,and the fact that the site is not located adjacent to the intersection,it is recommended that the Creekside Estate development should be responsible for 20% of the cost of the future signal. It is determined that the site will have a similar impact to the intersection as the Lakeside Estates development. However, the Creekside Estates development will have a significantly less impact to the intersection upon the construction of Betsy Road/Park Boulevard. Upon further development to the east and north,additional portions of the signal cost should be collected from the future developments in order to offset the cost to the City/County. Developments adjacent should be required to pay a larger portion than those further away. The funds should be collected at the same rate as those recommended for the McCreary/McMillen intersection. Upon the warranting and installation of the signal,funds should be collected in full from the Creekside Estates development. I I Creekside Estates Development- Wylie, Texas Page 17 December 7, 1998 residential components is postponed to compromise for the difference in projected generated traffic. It is projected that the roadways will be able to accommodate the projected traffic generated by the entire development,however, the McCreary/FM 544 intersection would reach failure ' quicker. The retail should not be denied because it offers a desirable mixed use of development,however, it should be emphasized that the residential components alone will have a minimal impact on the nearby roadways. ► Monitor the City of Murphy's plans and time lines associated with improvements to McCreary Road. • ' Existing McCreary Road will accommodate the projected traffic associated with any new developments. However, as regional traffic increases and adjacent property develops, McCreary Road will soon need widening to its ultimate four-lane cross section which will ' be the sole responsibility of the City of Murphy to enforce. ► Improve McMillen Road, east of McCreary Road, as soon as possible. The proposed development will not significantly impact this road. However, McMillen Road, as a future thoroughfare, will serve as a reliever route to FM 544 and FM 2514 and will benefit regional traffic. • I ► Ensure adequate right of way at major intersections is acquired for additional turning lane needs. As traffic increases, there may be future needs to provide dual-turning lanes which could require additional right of way at intersections. ► It is recommended that signalization warrants are pursued for FM 544 at McCreary as development and traffic continue to increase. The projected operations at this intersection could warrant a signal during the initial phases of development. FM 544 currently exceeds capacity and this restricts the turning movements ' at the intersection as a stop-controlled intersection. Any signalization at the intersection will be the responsibility of the Texas Department of Transportation to warrant and to approve since FM 544 is a State facility. City staff suggested that a temporary signal could be purchased initially,whereby the signal would be upgraded when FM 544 is improved. With respect to local participation, this Iopportunity should be pursued immediately from a safety and cost-effectiveness standpoint. I Creekside Estates Development- Wylie, Texas Page 18 December 7, 1998 rr The result of the traffic impact analyses was based upon full build-out(all phases) of both proposed ' developments. It was determined that a two-lane roadway along McCreary Road and McMillen Road(east of McCreary Road)will be sufficient for the projected demands. However, it should be noted that McCreary Road,just north of FM 544,will be at capacity, highly congested, and in need ' of immediate widening at the time all phases of both developments are completed, in particular, the retail component of the McCreary/McMillen Development. The reed to widen McCreary Road will be dependent upon the rate of development within the area. However, due to dual jurisdiction over McCreary Road, the ability to widen McCreary Road will not only be dependent upon the City of Wylie,but also the City of Murphy. If Betsy Road/Park Boulevard is extended to McMillen Road, McCreary Road, south of McMillen Road will have an extended life as a two-lane roadway. A signal warrant should also be pursued with the Texas Department of Transportation for the intersection of FM 544 and McCreary Road. • 1 1 l I 1 111 MEMORANDUM iUdk. L)C8f f IU�1 :1, I J:1U To: Tobin Maples, Director of Planning, City of Wylie From: Stanton Foerster, PE, Foerster Engineering, LLC Subject: Creekside Estates Traffic Impact Study Review On December 7, Innovative Transportation Solutions, Inc. submitted a Traffic Impact Study (TIS) on behalf of the Lafayette Properties, Inc. of Creekside Estates Development. I have reviewed the TIS and for the most part, agree with their recommendations on the attached pages 15 through 18. I also offer the following comments: A. The developer should dedicate right of way for a westbound 4-lane approach. B. Access to McCreary and McMillen should be limited for the first 200 feet along each street. • C. The discontinuous street on the north end should end with a cul-du-sac until the development in Parker is realized. Wylie should maintain control of how this street is used in the future. This plan does not designate it as a collector, but it may function as a collector if the Parker side is built out. D. The developer should pay for half of McCreary and McMillen adjacent to his property. E. In phases to match development trip generation, the developer should escrow the following: 1. 25% of the cost of the northbound to eastbound free right at McCreary/McMillen; 2. 50% of the cost of the southbound to eastbound left turn lane at McCreary/McMillen; 3. 100% of the cost of the westbound to northbound free right at McCreary/McMillen; 4. 20% of the cost of the southbound to eastbound left turn lane at FM544/McCreary; and 5. 30% of the cost of the McCreary/McMillen traffic signal. F. The development should be limited to 66% of the total build out trip generation until one of the following is completed: 1. The FM544/McCreary intersection in constructed by Murphy and TxDOT, or 2. McMillen is improved to at least a two-lane asphalt between McCreary and FM1378, or 3. McCreary is widened to its ultimate width between FM544 and FM2514 in Murphy and Wylie. The proposed layout has three points of access to major roadways, but only the McCreary north and south points will presently carry any substantial amounts of traffic. Therefore, with only two real points of access, the liberal 66% requirement should be used. Camp6elT/Wylie Tanners R?3 c(Dn wira 'r'r'r?urn U✓V, i`iJ V_J Dal as, ‘Teas 75225 (214)691-2556 rFax(214)691-0682 December 11, 1998 Mr. Tobin Maples Director of Planning City of Wylie 2000 Highway 78 North Wylie,Texas 75098 Re: Creekside Estates (ZC No. 98-13) 12/09/98—Stanton Foerster Comments Dear Tobin, I have reviewed Stanton's comments and respond as follows: A. The developer should dedicate right of way for a westbound 4-lane approach @ McCreary/McMillian. Adjacent to the proposed retail (Tract D), McMillian Road is a dedicated 50' Row. In order to accommodate your comments, an additional 50' row will be dedicated, upon the development of the adjacent retail. In addition, per the 12/98 ITS study, a temporary right turn lane shall be constructed upon initiation of the development. B. Access to McCreary and McMillian should be limited for the first 200 feet along each street. I read this comment to say limited, not denied. This issue is typically handled at site plan review, upon submittal of a plat/site plan. C. The discontinuous street on the north end should end with a cul-du-sac until the development in Parker is realized. Wylie should maintain control of how this street is used in the future. This plan does not designate is as a collector, but it may function as a collector if the Parker side is built out. An offsite temporary turn around shall be provided until the Parker property is developed. The Parker Development shall not allow direct extension of the street thereby avoiding a "collector" status. D. The developer should pay for half ofMcCreaiy and McMillian adjacent to his property. The developer shall participate in adjacent roadways per City of Wylie subdivision regulations, which is 2 adjacent lanes. w:Agd\Campbell Wylie\Foerster Comments E. In phases to match development trip generation, the developer should escrow the following: The developer shall participate if existing and adequate right of way exists. 2. 50%of the cost of the southbound to eastbound left turn lane at McCreary/McMillian; The developer cannot control and thereby be responsible and participate in areas outside of Wylie's/developer jurisdiction. 3. 100%of the cost of the westbound to northbound free right at McCreary/McMillian; The developer shall participate in this right run lane. (see item A) 4. 20%of the cost of the southbound to eastbound left turn lane at FM544/McCreary; and Again, the developer cannot control and thereby be responsible and participate in areas outside of Wylie's/developer jurisdiction. 5. 30%of the cost of the McCreary/McMillian traffic signal. The developer agrees, as indicated in the December, 1998 I.T.S. traffic study. F. The development should be limited to 66% of the total build out trip generation until one of the following is completed. 1. The FM544/McCreary intersection in constructed by Murphy and TA-DOT, or 2. McMillian is improved to at least a two-lane asphalt between McCreary and FM1378, or 3. McCreary is widened to its ultimate width between FM544 and FM2514 in Murphy and Wylie 4. McMillian road constructed, west of McCreary, to a two lane county road. The developer is in agreement with this condition. The developer reserves the right to determine the 66% land-use allocation. Campbell/Wylie Partners appreciates staff's efforts and with the above-mentioned conditions, we are confident that the Cre ksi Estates Development and Wylie will benefit from the cooperative efforts. a.e'' -• oeFrain GD/j lw Enclosure w:\gd\Campbell Wylie\FoersterComments IA City of Wylie Public Hearing Item No. 2 98-10 Rezoning Planning and Zoning Commission Public Hearing: February 2, 1999 • Owner/Applicant: Robert Heath Location: Generally located at the southeast corner of SH 78 and Eubanks Lane Existing Zoning: PD (Planned Development) for Retail, Office, Mini Storage, and B-1 Business or Office/Tech uses Requested Zoning: PD (Planned Development) for Light Assembly and Manufacturing, Retail, Office, Mini Storage, and B-1 Business or Office/Tech uses Summary: The applicant is requesting rezoning on 6.1598 acres in order to add a permitted use to the existing Planned Development zoning classification previously approved by City Council on March 26, 1996. Specifically, the applicant is requesting that light assembly and manufacturing be approved as a permitted use on Lot 1. Light assembly and manufacturing uses are peinutted by right within a B-2 (Business) district or as approved within a PD (Planned Development). Currently the property is partially developed with business uses and zoned PD (Planned Development) for Retail, Office, Mini Storage, and B-1 Business or Office/Tech uses. The properties to the east, and south are vacant and zoned for A (Agricultural) uses. The property to the west is zoned B-1 (Business) and partially developed with business uses. The property to the north is vacant and zoned for B-2 (Business) uses. Public Comment Forms were mailed to nine (9) property owners within 200 feet of this request. No Public Comment Forms have been returned. Department of Planning, 01/28/99 98-10 issues: • The Comprehensive Plan recommends retail, commercial, and business uses for the property. The proposed zoning and land use are consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and surrounding development. • The applicant is not required to submit a Conceptual Plan due to the fact this property already has an approved PD (Planned Development) classification. • The development plan under consideration is identical to the zoning approved in 1996, with the exception of the new use and secured access gates located throughout the development. The applicant has stated that the new use will be limited to one (1) building encompassing 7600 square feet for light assembly, fabrication, and manufacturing and 2000 square feet for office uses. • The applicant is aware that all access gates, fire lanes, and related public safety concerns must be approved by the fire department at the time of platting or issuance of building permits. • The applicant is aware that the following notes or revisions need to be added to the development plan prior to placing this case on the City Council agenda: • Add retail to the permitted uses within lot 1. Said use was approved in 1996 and inadvertently omitted within the lot 1 project data text; • Add a light assembly, fabrication, and manufacturing square footage breakdown within the lot 1 project data; • Correct the applicable label on the structure to be utilized for light assembly, fabrication, and manufacturing. Currently, the building incorporates a warehouse label which is incorrect; and • Add the following notes to the development plan 1. All structures will comply to the City of Wylie development standards and codes. 2. No building shall exceed 40 feet in height, except cooling towers, roof gables chimneys, vent stacks or mechanical equipment rooms may project not to exceed twelve (12) feet beyond maximum building height. 3. A twenty(20) foot front yard shall be required on Tract 1 adjacent to SH 78, and a three (3) foot setback for maintenance purposes shall be placed on exterior property lines of Tract 1 and Tract 2. • The applicant is aware that applicable off-street parking and landscaping must be installed prior to the issuance of any certificates of occupancy. Department of Planning, 01/28/99 • The apnlicant is aware that the property will have to he platted prior to the issuance of any Ilew punning pernills. Financial Considerations: Application fee in the amount of$250.00 - Paid Staff Recommendation: Approval, subject to the development plan being revised as follows: • Add retail to the permitted uses within lot 1. Said use was approved in 1996 and inadvertently omitted within the lot 1 project data text; • Add a light assembly, fabrication, and manufacturing square footage breakdown within the lot 1 project data; • Correct the applicable label on the structure to be utilized for light assembly, fabrication, and manufacturing. Currently, the building incorporates a warehouse label which is incorrect; and • Add the following notes to the development plan 1. All structures will comply to the City of Wylie development standards and codes. 2. No building shall exceed 40 feet in height, except cooling towers, roof gables chimneys, vent stacks or mechanical equipment rooms may project not to exceed twelve (12) feet beyond maximum building height. 3. A twenty (20) foot front yard shall be required on Tract 1 adjacent to SH 78, and a three (3) foot setback for maintenance purposes shall be placed on exterior property lines of Tract 1 and Tract 2. The Departments of Public Works, fire, and Community Development concur with this recommendation. Attachments: Location Map Area Zoning Map Property Owner Notification Map Property Owner Notification Report Public Hearing Notice Zoning Change Application Development Plan Department of Planning, 01/28/99 .._d>„:>________------ . t I v I i - : -w_, , ,` f �,, :I u C;I1 It PROFERTY I L_________ SH N° �a y mii . ""a e 'I. wa 1 a, I W I 1 i 1 ...IIhi11111/,: a� `12 E r---1 _ r11_YIN/Is .11r�irli int,!g nIPPl! �.„„ 111=pa I' iH llluhiiiølllr i ',,,//lll - .1•Inl mm 1111/=/111111 Ilir 3 .. 1111111 r i Bro n St 1 Fil �.��IIi11.-. 1111 ___ ; 1111111111111111 --___—� IiiifiJ ir- ill iIllI ------ - n /i1e1111 ' \ 11IJiiLi ,11!!!, IIIIAUF IIIi111111 I _ /CNN - ----� I////%i: Ii__)/�%/� '_ - , __H -__ __--_ Ili r. \N 1 — ------_ffir* _ma ::E:b, I r-,--'i --T i • 1 VI'iiiia%ti �I�r11i T- � tti _ i ---i P i i i i ' I I t PROJECT i 1 ' ' �l ri LOCATION MAP ZONING CASE #98- 10 .-•••• _,,..:...- , ...- .---•....• .•••••• . -.'. - • ..... ceron . .... .... ..„. ._. ... ... ... 0... .. .... ,... ....... . B-2 c.) - .-..,. ........--os....... . ,-...cp. . • • c _ .,. .,. •L._ _C(1) ....••ss..... ...' 0.. : _ _,. — ignway \ o . 7-8‘ f-----, cn ilitrA,,, lit B1 i i . . . ,..,4, , B c ..„.. I 40 voatoiiii A i i -..e4.;.44.' ii&l.rii-11Fait' AO .• i" 1r%`'t 'itiltilitby t,,7T4 c / 'N / A /f Nit Devons ire Lane )---- i Ell A is,_ r ...., 111 i i ... W y n am Grive i i IIII I : , IIIII . I i IN s2 • I a) T.) c _J e'Par MI 0 tn tone ) ._ a) __...------ . b . . o 1E1 IIIIIIIII 11111111 r-i:9 ! HMI- .----.7::,.. S,'........"....; I A ZONING AREA MAP 7rINIINvz, ( AP itOR- 1 n ANI I i _oo Wylie Woodlake Partners• 1°=200' i I 1 w R-2381 -00A-0010-1• O o / i. ) wo \ o0 4,,` ,._ ,� 6s ' ' „fit . f �s,� _ A, Eubanks W. Pair 'l`, k R-6688-002- 0630-1 . . R-6688-002- lt t D. Boyd S . aaadeaa , As 4 't 1 '7 I, Yam! 4W1..krilititigtg5 P;V'4VA1.N.01ci5t",.IRV,,,,,,,,!,,A,,„:,'l...,4t,.,.r",,..„leA,*,,ki-:..A4,,t t4-I'4',P; ..;4,,I,, R-6688-001 -0 7 70-1 M ` . A..Eubanks ,; R-6688-002- , L r •K ti111. , , i t � y�q3, � , � �e ii. ttw t F A « � �i t 1 K. Hummel C N,Eubanks• - - R-6688-001 - :i R-6688-002-0589-1 • 0530-1 PROPERTY OWNER NOTIFICATION MAP ZONING CASE #98- 10 NOTIFICATION REPORT APPLICANT: Robert Heath APPLICATION FILE # 98-10 1903 "A" Hwy 78 North Wylie, Texas 75098 # BLK/ABST LOT/TRACT TAX I.D. # J PROPERTY OWNER NAME ADDRESS Boyd Family Trust 312 Meadow Mounta Drive 1 Abst. 688-1 Tract 77 R-6688-001-0770-1 c/o Dwayne Boyd Waco, Texas 767 4814 Sprucewood 2 Abst. 688-1 Tract 53 R-6688-001-0530-1 Katherine Hummel Garland, Texas 75 4 1802 Hwy. 78 No- 3 Abst. 688-2 Tract 60 R-6688-002-0600-1 Walter Pair Wylie, Texas 750`. Eubanks Living TrUst 1900 Hwy. 78 No 4 Abst. 688-2 Tract 63 R-6688-002-0630-1 Archie Eubanks Wylie, Texas 750' Eubanks Living Trust 1900 Hwy. 78 No. 5 Abst. 688-2 Tract 67 R-6688-002-0670-1 Archie Eubanks Wylie, Texas 750' 4814 Sprucewood 1. le 6 Abst. 688-2 Tract 58-9 R-6688-002-0589-1 Nolan Eubanks Garland, Texas 75 4 Woodlake Village 7557 Rambler Road > 023 7 A Lot 1 R-2381-00A-0010-1 Wylie Woodlake Partners, LC Dallas, Texas 752 Texas Department of Transportation P.O. box 90 8 State Hwy. No. 78 Bill Lovil McKinney, Texas 7: 59 R-6688-002-0650-1 1903 "A" Hwy. 78 N h 9 Abst. 688-2 Tracts 65 & 206 R-6688-002-2060-1 Robert Heath (applicant) Wylie, Texas 750' • NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION • AND CITY COUNCIL An application has been received by the City of Wylie for a: PROPOSED ZONINU CiiANCiL Zoning Case Number: 98-10 Applicant: Robert Heath Location: Generally located at the southeast corner of SH 78 and Eubanks Lane Property Description: (See the attached Exhibit"A"for full legal description) Present Zoning: PD(Planned Development)for Retail, Office,Mini Storage,and B-1 Business or Office/Tech uses Requested Zoning: PD(Planned Development)for Light Assembly,Manufacturing,Retail,Office,Mini Storage,and B-1 Business or Office/Tech uses This public hearing is held to consider the application as an amendment to the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City of Wylie,Texas and the Official Zoning Map. The request will be considered as follows: Planning and Zoning Commission: Tuesday,February 2, 1999,7:00 PM City Council: Tuesday,February 22, 1999,6:00 PM Each public hearing will be held at the following location: City Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex 2000 Highway 78 North,Wylie,Texas All interested persons are encouraged to attend the public hearing and express their opinions on the zoning change request. • It dt. LEGAL: AREA 1: Being a tract of land situated in the Francisco De La Pina Survey,Abstract No.688,City of Wylie,Collin County,Texas and being the same tract of land conveyed to R. W. Heath by deed recorded in County Clerk's File No. 93-0098882,Collin County,Texas,and being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a'''A inch iron rod set in the south right of way line of State Hwy No. 78 and being the northeast corner of a 4 acre tract of land conveyed to Sherwood E. Blount Jr.by deed recorded in Volume 2359,Page 423,Deed Records,Collin County,Texas: Thence,N 89 Degrees 45'36"E.,along said south right of way line,a distance of 297.70 feet to a 2 inch iron pipe found for the northwest corner of a 1.0 acre tract of land conveyed to Archie Eubanks by deed recorded in Volume 951,Page 741, Deed Records,Collin County,Texas: Thence,S 00 degrees, 14'24"E.,along the west line of said 1.0 acre,a distance of 209.12 feet to a%:inch iron rod set for corner in the north line of a I3.9254 acre tract of land conveyed to Archie Eubanks by deed recorded in Volume 1083,Page 270,Deed Records,Collin County,Texas: Thence,S 89 degrees 54 ' 56"W.,along the north line of said 13.9254 acre tract of land,a distance of 297.40 feet to a 1 inch iron pipe found for the southeast corner of aforementioned 4 acre tract of land: Thence,N 00 degrees 19'29"W.,along the east line of said 4 acre tract of land,a distance of 208.31 feet to the Point of Beginning and containing 62,102 square feet or 1.426 acres of land. AREA 2,3: Being a tract of land situated in the Francisco De La Pina Survey,Abstract No.688,City of Wylie,Collin County,Texas and being a part of 13.9254 acre tract of land conveyed to Archie Eubanks by deed recorded Volume 1083,page 270,Deed Records,Collin County,Texas,and being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a 1 inch iron pipe found for the southwest corner of a 1.426 acre tract of land conveyed to R. W. Heath recorded by County Clerk's File No. 93-0098882, Collin County,Texas,and being the east line of a 4 acre tract of land conveyed to Walter B. and Naomi Pair by Deed Recorded in Volume 3559,Page 77,Deed Records,Collin County,Texas; Thence,N 89 degrees 55'02"E,along the south line of said Heath tract,a distance of 265.11 feet to a'h inch iron rod set for corner; Thence,S 01 degrees 54'02"W.,a distance of 438.60 feet to a 'A inch iron rod set for corner; Thence,N 89 degrees 45' 05",a distance of 663.15 feet to a PK Nail set in asphalt for corner in Eubanks Lane and being the southeast corner of said Pair tract; Thence,N 01 degrees 08' 50"W.,a distance of 222.20 feet to a PK Nail set in asphalt for corner in Eubanks Lane and being the southwest corner of said Pair Tract; Thence;N 89 degrees 25' 10"E.,along the south line of said Pair tract, a distance of 417.42 feet to a ''V,inch iron rod set for the southeast corner of said Pair Tract; Thence,N 00 degrees 10'02"W.,along the east line of said Pair tract,a distance of 208.76 feet to the Point of Beginning and Containing 4.7338 acres. Page 1 of 2 • (5/ RED JUN241998 CITY OF WYLIE P.O. BOX 428 WYLIE, TEXAS 75098 9 8 - 3 n APPLICATION FOR ZONING CHANGE f Case No. �� 10 Filing Fee f orDQ. • Date • Applicant g„ ),„,/ //,4 Phone No. Gj . ` ��—Ui---rW Mailing Address: Work No. . - !4 " /ivy7 ' ,x/7 // -• �y� LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY SOUGHT TO BE REZONED: (If additional space is needed for description, the description may be put on a separate sheet and attached hereto).1 I hereby request that the above described property be changed from its present zoning which is P% District Classification to f� � i�'`�T 6 5- District Classification for the o� reasons: (attach separate sheet if necessary) �/�.��rZ /7.-e'A/01 A Z.#-/- .4W/'rfr/Py Pi7,/%,W /,,f, /71/(67-7 There (are) (are not) deed restrictions pertaining to the intended use of the property. 2 Status of Applicant Owner .. Tenant Prospective Purchaser I have attached hereto as Exhibit "A" a plat showing the property which is the subject of this requested zoning change and have read the following concerning the importance of my submitting to the City a sufficient legal description. Signed Summary of Council Actions at the January 26, 1999 Meeting ZC. No. 98-16: Zoning change form from A (Agricultural); B-1 (Business); SF-A (Single Family Attached); SF-2 & SF-3 (Single Family Residential) to B-1 (Business) and I (Industrial) by The Kansas City Southern Railway Company and Tolmak, Inc. Approved ZC. No. 98-15: Zoning change form A(Agricultural) to B-2 (Business) proposed by J.C. Worley. Approved Final Plat: Wyndham Estates Phase III, 1st Revision subdivision, proposed by Jackson and Associates Land Surveyors. Approved